Lesson Plan Flay Footy - W2 L1

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Lesson Plan Pro forma (Health & Physical Education)

NAME: Hugh Trussell TIME: 1:55pm – 3:15pm DATE: 02/08/2022

ACTIVITY: Flag football CLASS / YEAR Year 9 boys


Learning Intentions: Health & Physical Education Band: 7-8

Strand: Physical Activity and Participation Strand: Personal & Social Development
Content Descriptor Key Idea (.1) (.5) Students will apply feedback and participate in a variety of games & challenges to improve personal competence
in aspects skilful play, build self confidence and develop teamwork. Students will adopt various roles, take responsibility for safe, fair participation and
collaborate with others in an enjoyable active setting.
Capabilities: Cross Curriculum Priorities
 Literacy Critical & Creative thinking
& Torres Strait Islander perspectives, culture
 ICT Personal & Social capability  Asia & Australia’s relationship
Ethical Behaviour Intercultural Understanding  Sustainability

Student learning Outcomes: Teacher Outcomes:

The students will ….. (Evidence of learning) I will …….
Cognitive & Physical: (linked to aspects of ‘skilful’ play) Management: (positive learning framework & interactions)
 Apply throw, catch, snap and punt/kick technical abilities through Gaining attention:
partner and group challenges and apply these in a shaped game  Call students by their first name or nickname

 Develop their ability to snatch other individual’s tags  Countdown 5,4,3,2,1

 Demonstrate game sense by formulating offensive plays and by Routines & positive expectations -guidelines:
participating in a simplified end-zone game which applies the  Make sure students put their bags and laptops to the side before the
primary rules of flag football start of lesson

 Demonstrate communication by calling for the ball and using each  State the outline of the lesson
other’s names in the partner challenges and the group activities
Strategies to manage minor disruptions (low level responses)
 Demonstrate agility by dodging & evading other defenders who are  Wait silently and don’t continue until students are ready
trying to take their tags
 Tactically ignore students’ unnecessary questions/comments
Personal Responsibility: (Linked to Fair Play) Presence:
 Display responsibility and fair play by engaging in safe practices and Verbal communication
applying the rules of flag football throughout partner challenges and  Display positive communication with intent and enthusiasm
simplified games
 Speak slow and vary my tone
Social: (Linked to cooperation & social skills)
 Work with their peers in small groups or pairs in a range of partner Non-verbal communication
activities and group activities.  Demonstrate an open and confident posture when giving instructions

Affective: (feelings & attitudes – Resilience) P’s of Pedagogy:

 Demonstrate resilience by attempting to learn a variety of new
 Demonstrate in context and follow the demonstration with questions
techniques throughout partner challenges and shaped games
to ensure the students understand
 Participate in a fun & challenging lesson by engaging in a number of
flag football activities
 Step back and utilise the peripheral of the field when observing the
students to identify common strengths and weaknesses

Acknowledgement + Feedback
 Provide specific and supportive feedback to students to assist with
their engagement and motivation during game play

Post lesson: Reflective Evaluation Post lesson: Reflective Evaluation

Consider student learning outcomes & transform for future Consider teacher outcomes & transform for future

Complete on a separate page. Complete on a separate page.

Consider ‘what happened’ (with supportive evidence) & Consider ‘what happened’ (with supportive evidence) &
the implications (‘so what’) & what this means for future the implications (‘so what’) & what this means for future
directions (‘what now’). = Transforming learning opportunities. directions (‘what now’) = TRANSFORMING your practice
OUTCOMES (Shape, enhance & variations) (Specific teaching cues or (Diagram) (mins)
(The students will…) questions)

Introduction  Demonstrate cooperation by Roll & partner challenge Teacher cues: Equipment 11:55am –
following instructions and I will call out the roll and ask students to get - Give students feedback  12 x balls 12:05pm
warming up with a partner into pairs and practice their spiral throws. - Students will learn through play (10 mins)
- Practice throwing spirals back and forth - Good chaos
- Group of 3 if numbers are odd - Join in with students who are off
 Display technical ability & - Spread out in the open space task
resilience by continuously
throwing spirals Variations & extensions Questions
 See how many spirals they can get in a What does our grip look like?
 Start short and increase distance after How do we catch the ball?
every spiral & catch
 Organised set up (standing on a line)
 Triangle grip
 Pointer finger towards nose of the
 Flick wrist (finish at hip)
Learning  Demonstrate technical ability Group activity / challenge Teacher cues: Equipment 12:05pm
episode 1 of tagging by pulling other A big square will be created with 4 markers. - Ensure there is no blocking  4 x markers –
individuals tags Students will have their belts and tags on. - Join in 12:15pm
 46 x tags
Each student will try to take other people’s - Ensure safety – limited contact
 23 x belts (10 mins)
tags whilst evading other people. Students will - Put tags on correctly
 Show agility by evading hold the tags they collect in their hands. If
others they get both their tags taken from their belt, Questions
they replace them with 2 tags that they are Was it easier to tag with one or two
holding. hands?
 Display fair play and - Evade others (most tags win)
responsibility by not blocking - Collect tags and hold onto them
their tags - Do not block other people from getting How did you evade other people?
your tags
Variations & extensions  Scoring
 Work in teams  Sin bin if miss behaving
 Change the size of the square
Learning Partner challenge Teacher cues: Equipment 12:15pm
episode 2 The class will be split into two groups – - Motivate students  46 x tags –
 Demonstrate technical ability
numbered off (e.g., 1’s & 2’s). The students - Loud and energetic 12:25pm
of tagging by pulling other  23 x belts
will line up on same line. I will call out a colour - Random pairs
individuals tags (10 mins)
and the aim of the students that are on the - Anyone can grab anyone’s tags
coloured team that I call out is to run to a line
 Show agility by evading marked out with cones. The other students Reminders
will try to catch them and tag them.
others  Loud and clear
- Students will run as fast as they can
 Project voice
- Ensure there is space between each
 Give the groups different names
 Display fair play and student
responsibility by not blocking
their tags Variations & extensions
 Progress the movement – walk, jog,
sprint, skip
 Change the teams
 Pairs / partners
 Extend the distance

Learning  Demonstrate technical ability Group challenge – tagging drill Teacher cues: Equipment 12:25pm
episode 3 of tagging by pulling other Students will get into groups of 4. There will - Use inside hand  46 x tags –
individuals tags be 3 defenders who stand behind one another - Ensure safety of the students 12:35pm
 23 x belts
with 10m in between each person. They must - Encourage evasion without
 5 x balls (10 mins)
move laterally (sideways only) in attempt to blocking
 Show agility by evading tag the attacker. The attacker will run towards - Students in a line and number off
others the defenders and try to evade them. They
will receive a point for each defender they get Questions
past. Defenders receive a point for getting a How do we evade our opponents?
 Display fair play and tag.
responsibility by not blocking - Rotate the runner each time
their tags - Use inside arm when tagging As a defender, what are we watching
- two hands when tagging when we go to tag?
- Runner must have two hands on the ball
Variations & extensions  Ensure each group rotates
 One hand only when tagging position
 Scoring system (3 points for a successful  Runner to the back
run and 1 point for a successful tag)  Front to runner
 Make the gap between defenders bigger  Move down the line
or smaller
 1 tagger and the rest runners (1 at a
 Both tags need to be taken
 Demonstrate and apply fair 2 x Simplified games – 4 x teams Teacher cues: Equipment 12:35pm
play by abiding by the primary The fields will have two end zones. Rock paper  Create teams prior to class  23 x belts – 3:05pm
rules of flag football scissors and the winner gets to choose  Ensure engagement of all students (10 mins)
 46 x tags
whether they want to kick or receive. Kick off  Safety of each student
occurs and game play commences. When a
 2 x balls
 Get excited when a student does
 Put in effort and have fun (be team scores the team that scores will punt the something well  8 x orange tall markers
engaged) ball to the opposing team (kick off).
- Punt is from the defensive half
 Display verbal communication - Quarterback can only move sideways What are the main rules we need to  8 x markers
by using names when calling and backwards remember?
for the ball - QB can only hold the ball for 7 seconds
- Defenders aim is to tag the ball carrier Is a short or long pass more effective
- Onside and offside rule (line of and why?
 Display non-verbal scrimmage – 5m back)
communication by putting - One forward pass from behind the LOS
their hand up in the air when - No passing backwards Reminders:
- Allowed 5 downs  Eyes up!
they want the ball
- Any rule breach counts as 2 downs  Spread out and use the space
(backwards pass, forward pass, out of
bounds, unnecessary contact)
 Develop an understanding of - Blocking the tags is a turnover
the structures involved in flag - 2 x 10 min games
 Rotate groups
 Demonstrate technical
 Instant turnover for rule breach
abilities such as throw, catch,  Backwards passing is allowed
snap and punt in a simplified  4 downs reset rule
game  Rotate positions – QB, WR, RB, C

Closure  Evaluate the game play of flag Closure – review/discussion Questions: 3:05pm –
football  Discuss expectations for next week  What rules are still confusing? 3:15pm
 Discuss rules & game play (10 mins)
 Remember the rules of flag  Students will pack up Thanks for being engaged today!
Next lesson we will focus on
tagging & defence!

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