Questioned Document Examination
Questioned Document Examination
Questioned Document Examination
6th Century - the Roman Emperor Justinian dictated guidelines for the
Methods of Alteration
1. Mechanical
2. Chemical
melting metal and then pouring the molten liquid into a mold having
important to QDE.
specific writer.
7. I Dot
8. t Crossing
for profit.
Color Shifting Ink - ink that changes color when viewed in different
Connections - links which connect a letter with the one following it.
1. Authenticity
2. Identity
3. Origin
1. Handwriting Comparisons
2. Ink Examinations
3. Indented Writing
4. Alterations
5. Paper Analysis
6. Photocopy Analysis
7. Typewriting
objective lens.
which can:
then addressed.
b. Visualise and record any other transmitted impression, such
digital image.
personality traits.
7. Connecting strokes
8. Pen lifts
10.Unusual flourishes
11.Pen pressure
Character of handwriting
1. No single handwriting characteristic can in itself be taken
writing samples.
Henry Mill - was an English inventor who patented the first typewriter
in 1714.
called "hieroglyphs".
or duplicating.
the center piece of the investigation and the reason for the arrest
of the perpetrator.
usually too small to read with the naked eye, onto the note or item.
printing press. A worker composes and locks movable type into the
the ink from the type which creates an impression on the paper.
machine, one of the first typewriters in 1801 for his blind lover
Pen Lift - is the practice of lifting the tip of a pen from a writing
letter combinations.
Pen Pressure - the proportions of strokes to each other in width as
were used as the earliest known form of writing, examples having been
1. Letters
2. Checks
3. Drivers License
4. Contracts
5. Wills
6. Voters Registration
7. Passports
8. Petitions
9. Threatening Letters
10.Suicide Notes
11.Lottery Tickets
Rules in Collecting Questioned Documents
modern printing.
Retracing - any writing stroke which goes back over another writing
in 1869.
are non-reproducible.
a letter. From the latin word "signare" which means "to sign".
Kinds of Signature
1. Formal Signature - signature used on official documents such
recognizable as a signature.
1. Shaky handwriting
2. Pen lifts
3. Signs of retouching
4. Letter proportions
of a signature.
Indicators of Forgery
3. Tremor
5. Patching
conceal something.
Kinds of Tremors
2. Tremor of Fraud
Typebar - one of the bars on a typewriter that bears type for printing.
It was used after typing a line of text and caused the assembly
Types of Typewriters
or molds of iron shaped like bars, for their types. Type bars
users first input what key they would like, and then perform
type wheels, type shuttles, type plates and even more novel
types. Examples of the index typewriter are the American
of 1914.
the maker.
2. Deliberate
3. Average
4. Rapid