Acct2119 Assessment 1 Rubric1

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ACCT2119 Accounting, Behaviour and Organisations: Assessment 1 Case Study Analysis Report Rubric

Case Study Analysis Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good
High Distinction
Content (0-24.5 marks) Pass (25-29.5 marks) Credit (30-34.5) Distinction (35-39.5)
(40 and above)
Clear and concise Clear and concise
Unclear or no Identification but limited Identification and
Identification and identification and identification and
discussion/explanation analysis/explanation of analysis/explanation of
Discussion of Main Issues analysis/explanation of analysis/explanation of
of the issues or most of the issues or most of the issues or
(as outlined below) most of the issues or all the issues or
problems involved. problems involved. problems involved.
problems involved. problems involved
Discussion too general Discussion sometimes too Discussion is often
NOTE: Marks awarded are Discussion is usually Discussion is always
and not related to the general and not related to related to the specific
out of 20. Result will be related to the specific related to the specific
specific case. Case the specific case. Case case. Case facts are
scaled down to a final mark case. Case facts usually case. Case facts
facts not used in facts sometimes not used often used to support
out of 10. used to support always used to support
support of discussion. to support discussion. discussion.
discussion. discussion.
Business Strategy
Business Mission
Competitive Advantage
4 marks

Key Success Factors

6 marks
3 MAS procedures/routines
6 marks
Explanation of the House-
Brand problem
4 marks

The skills/capabilities listed below are not awarded marks. However, depending on the standard attained, marks may be deducted up to a
maximum of 2 marks (out of 10).

Case Study Analysis

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent
Most required elements of All required elements of All required elements of
the business report are the business report are the business report are
Key elements of the Most required elements of
present and completed to present and all are present and completed to
business report are not the business report are
a good standard. Most, completed to a very good an excellent standard.
provided and/or present and completed to
but not the entire Report, standard. The entire The entire Report is
Business Report presented with errors a satisfactory standard.
is presented using a Report is presented using presented using a
Presentation evident. Overall Attention to Report
professional structure, a professional structure, professional structure,
presentation of the presentation is given, but
with informative with reasonably with informative
document is not to a is not always well-
headings/sub headings informative headings/sub headings/sub headings
professional standard. executed.
and good paragraph headings and very good and excellent paragraph
structure. paragraph structure. structure.
Report has some
Report has a few Report has very few Report has NO
Report has numerous grammatical, spelling
grammatical, spelling, grammatical, spelling, grammatical, spelling,
grammatical, spelling and/or typographical
typographical and/or other typographical and/or other typographical or other
and/ or typographical errors that detract from
Clarity of Communication communication errors. It communication errors. It communication errors.
errors that make it the quality of the
is almost at a standard is at a very good standard It is at an excellent
unsuitable for communication but does
that could be presented to that could be presented to standard that could be
presentation to client not prevent the ideas
a superior in the a superior in the presented to a superior in
or superior. being effectively
workforce or a client. workforce or a client the workforce or a client.
Most sources
Very few/all sources Sources acknowledged
Referencing acknowledged with N/A
not acknowledged. N/A with full reference details
reference details.
No indication of Some evidence of Evidence of relevant Evidence of relevant
research undertaken. research undertaken. research undertaken and research undertaken and
Research Discussion sourced Limited use of research to used to inform discussion used to inform discussion
from course materials inform discussion where in most instances where in all instances where
only. required. required. required.

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