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Semester _________ Session__________



This evaluation contributes 40% of the total marks for practicum. Kindly submit this form
directly to UUM lecturer

Matric No. :

Student Name :

Organization :

* Reported by the following officer

Signature Date:
Official Stamp

* Officer with at least Bachelor degree qualification

Updated April 2018


Please give marks for the following items.


0 1 2 3 4
Sub-attributes Marks
Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Knowledge (3%)
Poor Limited Fair understanding Good Excellent
Understanding understanding of understanding of of the organization understanding of understanding of
of the organization the organization governance the organization the organization
organization governance governance governance governance and
governance can explain off
Do not understand Poor Often need Good Excellent
the important understanding guidance in understanding of understanding of
information from a what is Important understanding the important the important
Knowledge of
business point of from a business what is important information from a information; able
key business
view point of view from a business business point of to use it to solve
principles and
point of view view and able to relevant problems
use it to solve and identify new
relevant problems business
Do not Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Ability to demonstrate skills minimal skills in moderate skills in reasonable skills in excellent skills in
apply in applying applying applying knowledge applying knowledge applying
knowledge into knowledge to knowledge to to practical problems to practical knowledge to
practices practical problems practical problems problems practical problems


Total A % (sub-total/12*3)

Verbal communication (4%)

Not able to deliver
Able to deliver ideas Able to deliver some Able to deliver
Clear delivery of ideas clearly and Able to deliver ideas
and require further ideas and require various ideas with
ideas require major fairly clearly
improvements minor improvements great clarity
Able to deliver ideas Able to deliver ideas
with limited with some
Confident delivery Not able to deliver Able to deliver ideas Able to deliver ideas
confidence and confidence but still
of ideas ideas confidently fairly confidently confidently
require further require minor
improvements. improvements
Able to deliver ideas
Able to deliver ideas
Effective & with limited effect Able to deliver ideas
Not able to deliver fairly effectively and
articulate delivery of Able to deliver ideas and require further effectively and
ideas require minor
ideas improvements articulately


Total B (Sub-total/12*4)

Written communication (3%)

Able to write ideas
Able to write ideas regardless of
Able to write ideas Able to write ideas
Clearly written Not able to write with limited clarity substance but
with substance but with good substance,
academic discourse ideas and require major require minor
limited in structure clear and structured
improvements improvements
(still unstructured)

Total C (Sub-total/4*3)


0 1 2 3 4
Sub-attributes Marks
Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Social Skill & Responsibility (3%)
Not confident in Limited self- Sometimes Frequently Always display self-
doing a task confidence in doing demonstrate self- demonstrate self- confidence
a task confidence confidence

Too self centred Self centred Sometimes accept Frequently accept Always accept other
other people's other people’s people’s perception
Self-expression perception of self perception of self of self with an open
with an open heart heart

Not aware of self Able to realize the Sometimes accept Frequently accept Always accept and
ability and potential self ability and and give praise and and give praise and give praise and
potential when feedback feedback constructive, rational
raised by others feedback
No interest to Less interest to Take part in Take the initiative Start, maintain
participate in participate in conversations to start a and end a
conversations conversations when initiated by conversation conversation in a
Interaction with others friendly manner
No eye contact Less eye contact Limited eye Appropriate eye Maintain good
contact contact eye contact

Ethical when Always ethical and

Need guidance to be
Lack of ethics when carrying out Frequently ethical promote being
ethical when
carrying out responsibilities to when carrying out ethical when
Etiquette carrying out
responsibilities to the society, but responsibilities to carrying out
responsibilities to
the society sometimes put self the society responsibilities to
the society
interest first the society


Total D (Sub-total/24*3)

Values, Attitudes & Professionalism (4%)

Always show
Show appearance, Show appearance, Show appearance, Show appearance,
not appropriate to less appropriate to appropriate to appropriate to
appropriate to
Appearance situations or wear situations or wear situations and wear situations and most
situations and wear
improper attire at all improper attire most proper attire in of the time wear
proper attire at all
times of the time general proper attire
Demonstrate no Demonstrate less Agree to offer Offer him/herself
Offer him / herself
interest to offer interest to offer him/herself when voluntarily to
Proactive & voluntarily to
him/herself when him/herself when offered to perform a perform certain task
Volunteerism perform a certain
offered to perform a offered to perform a certain task and demonstrate
certain task certain task (reactive) ability to lead a task
Practice Sometime shows
Practice good
inappropriate appropriate working Practice good Always practice
working culture such
working culture such culture such as working culture such excellent working
as good moral,
as bad behaviour, inconsistent as good moral, culture such as good
timeliness as well as
not punctual as well behaviour, less timeliness as well as moral, timeliness as
Work Ethics being efficient,
as not being punctual as well as being efficient, well as being
productive and
efficient, not being less efficient, productive and efficient, productive
ethical at work in
productive and productive and ethical at work in and ethical at work
unethical at work in ethical at work in most situations in all situations
almost all situations many situations


Total E (Sub-total/12*4)


0 1 2 3 4
Sub-attributes Marks
Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Lifelong Learning (3%)
Self Limited ability to self Sufficient ability to In general, able to Good ability to self
Not able to self learn
Learning learn self learn self learn learn
Show limited Demonstrate some Demonstrate
Show no interest in Readily interested in
interest in exploring interest in exploring sufficient interest for
Interest exploring issues for a exploring issues for a
issues for a given issues for a given exploring issues for a
given task given task
task task given task
Demonstrate limited Demonstrate Demonstrate good Demonstrate
No initiative to
Initiative initiative in moderate initiative initiative in excellent initiative in
complete a task
completing a task in completing a task completing a task completing a task
Good effort to
No effort to Minimal effort to Sufficient effort to Excellent effort to
Effort complete task
complete task complete task complete task complete task


Total F (Sub-total/16*3)



0 1 2 3 4
Sub-attributes Marks
Poor Weak Fair Good excellent
Practical – Project Presentation (10%)
Purpose of
Incomprehensible Vague Moderately clear Clear Very clear
Lack of
No grasp of subject Understand some of Understand most of Fully understand
Content understanding of
matter the subject matter the subject matter the subject matter
subject matter
Able to deliver ideas
with limited Able to deliver some
Not able to deliver Able to deliver ideas
Adapt delivery to appropriateness to ideas appropriately Able to fully deliver
appropriately to the appropriately to the
audience level the target audience to the target ideas appropriately
audience level target audience
and require further audience well
Voice is sometimes
Voice is clear,
Mumbles at certain low, pronounce Voice is very clear.
pronounced words
places, most of the some words Pronounced words
Voice & correctly. Most of
Mumbles, reading audience has correctly. Some of correctly. Audience
pronunciation the audience can
difficulty in hearing the audience can can hear the
hear the
the presentation hear the presentation
Maintain eye
Occasional use of Maintains eye contact with
Moderate use of eye
No eye contact. eye contact. contact most of the audience, do not
Eye contact contact. Still reads
Reading notes. Frequently reading time. Occasionally refer to notes nor
notes refers to notes having notes at
Able to fully
understand and
Partly understand
Not able to respond to
Understand and the questions but Able to understand able to respond to
understand and questions
respond to not able to and briefly answer questions
respond to a satisfactorily with
questions accurately answer questions reasonably well
question explanations and
the question
Half of the project is
functional but not project is functional
project is not Most of the features project is perfectly
Project demo effective (to the but some parts can
functional are not functional functional
objectives of the be improved
Parts of the project Project is beneficial
project is beneficiall
Beneficial to project is not Only a few functions are beneficial – only to organization and
but some parts can
organization beneficial are beneficial to certain categories all categories of
be improved
of users specified users
project is ready to
Less than half of the More than half of project is fully
Ready for project is not ready be implemented but
project is ready to the project is ready ready to be
implementation to be implemented some modules can
be implemented to be implemented implemented
be improved


Total G (Sub-total/36*10)


0 1 2 3 4
Sub-attributes Marks
Poor Weak Fair Good Excellent
Problem Solving (10%)
Able to partially Able to explain a Able to provide
Not able to explain a Independently able
Problem explain a problem problem with explanation of
problem, even with to explain a problem
Identification with maximum minimum problem clearly and
assistance. without assistance.
assistance. assistance. accurately.
Finds difficulty in
Not able to organize Able to organize and Able to organize and
organizing and
and analyze analyze gathered analyze gathered Able to organize and
analyzing gathered
gathered requirements, but requirements, analyze gathered
requirements and
requirements and does not clearly describe some requirements, clearly
finds difficulty in
fails to define the describe the factors factors that describe the factors
Analysis explaining the
factors that that contribute to contribute to the that contribute to the
factors that neither
contribute to the the problem/issue problem/issue or problem/issue or
contribute to the
problem/issue or or clearly explain explain the possible explain the root of the
problem/issue nor
explain the root of the root of the roots of the problem.
explains the root of
the problem. problem. problem
the problem.
Not able to apply Barely able to apply Limited ability to Able to apply new Able to apply new
any new idea or new idea apply new idea or idea or knowledge idea or knowledge to
Application knowledge to a knowledge. to a given problem a given problem
given problem. with assistance from independently.
lecturer or student.
Able to make some Able to make Able to make
Not able to make Able to make
decisions based on decisions based on effective and
decisions based on decisions based on
comparison and comparison and excellent decisions
comparison and comparison and
contrast between contrast between based on comparison
Decision Making contrast between contrast between
information, ideas information, ideas and contrast between
information, ideas information, ideas
and available and available information, identify
and solutions even and available
solution with solutions with some problems and
with assistance. solutions
maximum assistance help available solutions.


Total H (Sub-total/16*10)

A: Knowledge (CLO4 CLUSTER1 LOC1)
B: Verbal communication (CLO4 CLUSTER3 LOC3c)
C: Written communication (CLO2 CLUSTER3 LOC3c)
Section A
Individual Assessment (20%) D: Social Skill & Responsibility (CLO4 CLUSTER3 LOC3b)

E: Values, Attitudes & Professionalism (CLO4 CLUSTER4 LOC4a)
F: Lifelong Learning (CLO4 CLUSTER3 LOC3d)
G: Practical – Project Presentation (CLO3 CLUSTER3 LOC3a)
Section B
Project Assessment (20%) H: Problem Solving (CLO1 CLUSTER2 LOC2)

Grand total /40%

(A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H)



1. Please state your overall opinion with regards to the performance of our student.

2. Based on your experience with the current students, what are the skills lacking?

3. Please indicate expected skills required from future practicum students.


4. Student has been offered to be recruited in this organization.


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