Essay Marking Guide

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Marking Criteria for Essay HEALT1113: Communication for Health Professionals

3.5 marks 4-5 marks
Introduction Topic and scenario is Somewhat clear Reasonable introduction to Good introduction to the Excellent introduction to
and introduced poorly or not introduction to the topic the topic and scenario topic and scenario the topic and scenario
Conclusion at all, very limited and scenario, attempted
discussion of organisation discussion at organisation of Organisation of the essay is Organisation of the essay is Organisation of the essay is
and major points of essay the essay is, major points of reasonably discussed and clearly discussed and major very clearly discussed and
/5 marks
the essay are somewhat major points of discussion points of discussion are all major points of
Conclusion does not discussed are outlined outlined discussion are
summarise information comprehensively outlined
presented Conclusion somewhat Conclusion summarises Conclusion does a good job
summarises information information presented of summarising information Excellent summation of
presented presented information presented

FAIL 0-7 marks PASS 7.5-8.5 marks CREDIT 9-10.5 marks DISTINCTION HIGH DISTINCTION
10.5-11.5 marks 12-15 marks
Content Information is not clear, Information is clear but Information is presented in Information is presented in Information is presented in
limited logical ordering limited logical ordering a reasonable logical a logical sequence a logical sequence which is
/15 marks sequence engaging
Discussion of the Discussion of the following Good discussion of the
following is absent or is attempted but limited: Reasonable discussion of following: Excellent and
limited:  Strategies to build the following:  Strategies to build comprehensive discussion
 Strategies to rapport  Strategies to build rapport of the following:
build rapport  Communication rapport  Communication  Strategies to build
 Communication strategies and  Communication strategies and rapport
strategies and implementation strategies and implementation  Communication
implementation  Communication implementation  Communication strategies and
 Communication barriers and  Communication barriers and implementation
barriers and strategies barriers and strategies  Communication
strategies  Ethical strategies  Ethical barriers and
 Ethical considerations  Ethical considerations strategies
considerations  Inter-professional considerations  Inter-professional  Ethical
 Inter- communication  Inter-professional communication considerations
professional communication  Inter-professional
communication communication
FAIL 0-4.5 marks PASS 5-5.5 marks CREDIT 6-6.5 marks DISTINCTION HIGH DISTINCTION
7-7.5 marks 8-10 marks
Evidence Extremely limited Reasonable but limited Good attempt at Good analysis and synthesis Excellent analysis and
evidence of analysis and evidence of analysis and analysis and synthesis of of research, with evidence synthesis of research,
/10 marks synthesis of academic synthesis of academic academic research, more of consulting minimum evidence of consulting
research research resources required number of academic minimum number of
sources (5) academic sources (5)
Poor or no attempt at Reasonable attempt at Good attempt at inclusion
APA style referencing inclusion of some of research throughout Good attempt at inclusion Excellent inclusion of
references throughout essay to support material, of research throughout research seamlessly
essay to support material more research required essay to support material throughout essay to
support material
Referencing contains Referencing contains Consistent APA style
major errors or omissions major errors or omissions referencing with only minor Accurate and consistent
errors APA style referencing

3.5 marks 4-5 marks
Writing Essay is difficult to read, Essay contains numerous Essay contains some Essay contains minor Essay contains no spelling
with many spelling or spelling or grammatical spelling or grammatical spelling or grammatical or grammatical errors;
/5 marks grammatical errors; errors; attempts made to errors; terminology is errors; terminology is terminology is clearly and
poorly defined define terminology defined clearly defined concisely defined
Writing is reasonably clear Writing is reasonably Writing is well organised, Writing is fluent, clear and
Writing is disjointed and but limited organisation organised, and clear clear and concise concise – a pleasure to
lacks clarity read!
Somewhat appropriate but Somewhat appropriate Appropriate length of
Inappropriate length of still errors with length of length of introduction/conclusion Excellent length of
introduction/conclusion introduction/conclusion and introduction/conclusion and body introduction/conclusion and
and body body and body body

Penalties WORD LENGTH: Minus 10% for every 100 words over/under +/- 10%
LATE PENALTIES: See Course Description

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