Soil Conservation Worksheet

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Duration: 45 minutes WORKSHEET 2

Soil Conservation

AIM: How can we conserve soil and reduce major world food problems?

Describe methods for reducing world food problems

Solving the Worlds Food Problems

There are many ways of protecting and managing topsoil and reducing erosion. Soil
usually erodes downhill, therefore many soil conservation methods are designed to prevent
downhill erosion.


-Use online resources to find out the various Soil conservation measures that can be used to
reduce or prevent erosion of top soil. Support your findings with suitable images.

a) Soil conditioners
b) Wind reduction techniques
c) Cultivation techniques
-Use online resources which provide reliable information.

-You need to have a reference section at the end with details of resources you used

Around 795 million people that is, one in each nine individuals of the world population do not
have enough food to consume. This situation has mainly occurred due to soil degradation, lack of
food storage facilities and over population. Over the above mentioned issues soil degradation is
the primary concern of the entire world nations.

Soil degradation refers to decline in soils qualitative and quantitative factors. It is said that, soil
was considered to be a renewable resource as it can be replenished at the same rate at which it is
lost. But, over the last 150 years more than 50% of the topsoil is lost. And, the quality or the
fertility of the soil is also affected by erosion and human intervention.

soil erosion is wearing away of the topsoil in the agriculture field by the natural physical force of
water and wind. Because of the waters force when it runs off the fields, water takes some
amount of topsoil and the nutrients present in it. This leads to the degradation of nutrients. Not
only water but wind also is a reason for soil erosion. if there is strong wind coming this disturbs
the topsoil and shifts its position.

So, to prevent soil erosion there various conservation methods that we can follow and produce
terrestrial food efficiently.

Soil Conditioner: Substance used to change the properties of soil

Plant and animal remains are also used as soil conditioners. They are used as compost which
decomposes and feeds microorganisms that in turn add to the organic composition of the soil
after dying. This leads to the creation of the product known as humus. Humus increases the water
holding capacity of the soil making it harder for the soil to be affected by erosion if flooding
were to happen.

Fertilizers: Widely used substances that serve to enhance plant growth by providing nutrients.
Areas with large amounts of plants have a lower risk of erosion. Thus, fertilizers ultimately help
conserve the soil by helping plants grow, which in turn prevent erosion.
Wind reduction technique: Methods that are used to prevent erosion that is caused by wind.
Tilling: Tilling removes the crop residue on the topsoil. A lot of tilling over a period of time
leads to the soil becoming weak and therefore easily affected by wind erosion. Leaving some
crop residue on the top soil by reducing tilling helps prevent the erosion. The residue helps the
soil resist the wind.

Wind Breaks: Trees or shrubs are planted to prevent wind erosion from affecting other crops.
These plants are planted in such a position that the wind which would blow over an open area
has its force reduced. This will make it so that the wind will not be strong enough to cause
erosion and harm the crops.

Grazing Control: control the amount of grazing animals are allowed to do in a single pasture to
maintain some plant cover. If the pastures were to be completely grazed then the wind would
simply blow through everything and cause erosion. Leaving plants makes the soil stronger as the
plant roots help the soil resist the wind erosion.
Cultivation Techniques: Methods to raise crops and plants, and in this case, types of farming
that prevent or reduce soil erosion from taking place.

Contour Plowing: planting crops based on the landscape and the contour of it instead of straight
vertical rows. This results in the crops being oriented in such a way that during rainstorms the
water run off is reduced and soil it eroded less.

Terrace Farming: Similar to contour farming, straight vertical rows are not used. Instead, a
series of steps are made in closely leveled areas. These terraces prevent water run off and as a
result erosion.

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