GR11 Q1W06D00 e C16 00 SLM LR

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October 2022

NAME: __________________________________ Grade 11-STEM SET:____

Introduction and Objectives

 Module Introduction and Focus Questions

Our soil is very important when it comes to our quality of life. It

not only plays a role in how things grow but also in the air that we
breathe. There are methods that can protect and conserve our soil at
the same time. The goal here is to reduce erosion and to ensure the
soil’s fertility. These can be performed by the average citizen or by
entire business industries.
Applying good operating procedures is one idea in this
process. Practicing overall, environmentally friendly habits is another
idea and a successful method. Conservation approaches are a
benefit to individual communities and the entire Earth.
In this module, you will learn the ways of conserving and
protecting the soil and how people generate different types of waste
(solid, liquid, and gaseous) as they make use of various materials and
resources in everyday life.

 Module Lesson and Coverage

Lesson 6: Conserving and Protecting Soil

Types of Waste

This module is designed for you to:

1. Give ways of conserving and protecting the soil for future

2. Describe how people generate different types of waste (solid,
liquid, and gaseous) as they make use of various materials and
resources in everyday life.


Let’s find out how much you already know about

different activities affect the availability and
quantity of water and soil. Answer the exercise

Exercise: Identify the word being described in each item. Choose the
letter of your answer inside the box and write it on the blanks
provided. Take note of the questions that you were not able to
answer correctly and look for the right responses as you go through
this module.

a. Control Strom Water d. Soil pH

b. Crop Rotation e. Terrace Planting
c. No Soil Compacting f. Dams

________ 1. This type of planting is done by maximizing the

topography of the land.
________ 2. It is accomplished by planting and growing a serious of
different crops in the same soil.
________ 3. It is an indication of the acidity or alkalinity of soil and is
measured in pH units.
________ 4. These structures work to prevent soil erosion .
________ 5. You can do this by creating dedicated paths in your

Lesson Proper

Lesson 6: Conserving and Protecting Soil

Types of Waste

Soil quality is adversely affected by improper waste disposal.

Soil pollution happens when hazardous chemicals from human and
industrial sewage are carelessly disposed of, altering soil’s natural
health and quality.
At this point, you have learned about the effects of human
activities on quality of soil. It is therefore imperative that we protect
and preserve soil. There are methods of soil conservation and
protection that can be observed in order to protect and conserve
our soil at the same time. The goal here is to reduce erosion and to
ensure the soil’s fertility.

Ways to Protect and Conserve the Soil

 Forest Protection

Trees as well as other

plants and vegetation in
the forest are important in
the creation of new soil as
leaves and other
vegetation rot and
decompose. Hence, soil
qualities are ensured when
forest are protected and

 Buffer Strips

Buffers are strips or

corridors of permanent
vegetation used to
reduce water and wind
erosion. They provide
protection where stream
banks exist. They can be
created with grass, trees
and shrubs.

 No-Till Farming

No-till farming is an
approach that allows crops
to remain in place for a
season. This keeps the soil
from being left bare and

 Fewer Concrete Surfaces

Soil requires an adequate
amount of water in order to function
properly. Lots of concrete surfaces,
especially in residential areas make it
difficult for water to get to the soil.
Using paving stones for patios and
gardens work to protect the soil. They
are also a tool to prevent soil erosion
in specific areas.

 Plant Windbreak Areas

Windbreaks are
composed of shrubs,
plants and trees. They
work in combination and
serve a conservation
purpose. These will work
together to slow the force
of wind over ground
areas. This is a method
that can also work to
prevent erosion of the

 Terrace Planting

This type of planting

is done by maximizing the
topography of the land. It
benefits from the way the
rain water flows naturally.
This is a way to protect the
soil from erosion. It is also a
proven method to
encourage growth from
moist soil areas.

 Plant Trees

Simply planting trees is a good conservation method. As

the tree grows, its roots become even more secure in the soil.

This soil is protected in
numerous ways
because of the trees’
existence. Erosion is
prevented from this
planting process.

 Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is a process that works to conserve soil. It is

accomplished by planting and growing a serious of different
crops in the same soil. This process prevents overgrowth of
pathogens and a lack of fertility in the soil, overall.

 Water the Soil

This is a simple process

that provides a lot of
benefits to the soil. Watering
your soil along with plants
and vegetables is
important. This helps to not
only nourish the soil but to
protect it. Moist soil is not in
danger of erosion due to
wind activity.
 Maintain pH

Soil pH or soil reaction is

an indication of the acidity or
alkalinity of soil and is
measured in pH units. A pH
range of approximately 6 to 7
promotes the readiest
availability of plant nutrients.
The pH levels in the soil can be
affected by a number of
pollutants and acid.

 Indigenous Crops

Indigenous crops
are native crop options
that enhance the soil.
Planting these is a way to
ensure conservation
efforts. They should be
planted even when
diverse crops are being
planted, as well.

 Afforestation

Planting trees is a
method of conserving
the soil. Afforestation is
another of tree planting
method wherein the
areas under trees are
protected. This is usually
done by planting
foliage in forest undergrowth areas. It encourages healthy soil
and water absorption.

 Monitor Grazing

Animal grazing plays a critical role in conserving soil.

Monitoring the areas where cows and other animals graze is
important. This helps to prevent depletion of the soil. It also
addresses the issue of hoof damage, which can occur to the

 Dams
Dams are important resources when it comes to soil
conservation. These
structures work to prevent
soil erosion. This is especially
important in areas where
rivers exist. Flooding of
rivers has been the cause
for many instances of soil
erosion. Dams offer
additional protection.

 Fertilizers

Not all fertilizer products are effective for conservation

efforts. The composition of
these fertilizers can be the
problem. The use of organic
fertilizer improves the quality
of soil because it is
composed of readily
biodegradable materials
make better nutrient sources.

 No Soil Compacting
A simple
conservation method that
some gardeners and
farmers apply is not to
compact the soil. This is a
protection method that is
helpful. You can do this by
creating dedicated paths
in your garden. This helps
you to not walk on wet soil
causing it to be

 Control Storm Water

Instead of allowing water

to puddle in yards or gardens, it
is important to control it. Storm
water can easily cause flooding
or problems in these areas.
Setting up large container to hold excess water in problem
locations is helpful. This water can be re-used for watering
gardens and yards.

 Monitor Growth

When crops or
plants grow normally,
they have a healthy
appearance. If there is a
problem with the
growth, often the soil is
the issue. Checking the
salient composition and
fertility is important. This is
done through regular
monitoring of the soil
and overall plant growth.

Answer the questions below. Write your answer on the lines


What are the different ways in conserving and protecting



Waste is any substance which is discarded after primary

use, or is worthless,
defective and of no use.
Examples include
municipal solid waste
(household trash/refuse),
hazardous waste,
wastewater (such as
sewage, which contains
bodily wastes (feces and
urine) and surface
runoff), radioactive
waste, and others.

Types of Waste

The waste may be defined as material for which no use or

reuse is intended. The wastes generated from the natural processes
and anthropogenic activities which pollute the environment and
make the earth an unhealthy planet, is termed as environmental
wastes, depending upon the physical states of wastes, these are of
three types:

 Solid Waste

Solid waste means any garbage, refuse, sludge from a

wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air
pollution control facility and other discarded materials including
solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material, resulting
from industrial, commercial, mining and agricultural operations.
Solid wastes include solid portions of the discarded
material such as glass bottles, crockeries, plastic containers,

metals and radioactive wastes. The solid wastes may be
biodegradable or non-
biodegradable. The
biodegradable solid wastes
are agricultural wastes, food
wastes, paper, food
processing by products,
manure, yard wastes etc. The
non-biodegradable wastes
include plastics, metals,
synthetic materials,
polythene, radioactive wastes etc.

What is a solid waste generation?

Solid waste generation rates estimate the amount of

waste created by residences or businesses over a certain
amount of time (day, year, etc.). Waste generation includes all
materials discarded, whether or not they are later recycled or
disposed in a landfill.

Where is solid waste generated?

Solid waste is generated from industrial, residential, and

commercial activities in a given area, and may be handled in
a variety of ways. As such, landfills are typically classified as
sanitary, municipal, construction and demolition, or industrial
waste sites.

How people generate solid waste?

Used packaging, food scraps, old computers

and newspapers generated by business and household
activities are all examples of municipal solid waste. Waste
diversion can reduce the demand for energy and new

resources by re-using materials that have already been
produced (for example, aluminum, glass, plastics and paper).

 Liquid Waste

Liquid waste can be

defined as such liquids
as wastewater, fats, oils or grease
(FOG), used oil, liquids, solids,
gases, or sludges and hazardous
household liquids. These liquids
that are hazardous or potentially
harmful to human health or the
Common examples of liquid waste are human and animal
excreta, household wastewater, cooking oil, fats, and grease. All
other types of liquid waste, as a requirement by law, must be
properly disposed of – most times by a licensed waste haulier.

Where does liquid waste come from?

Liquid waste may come in a few different forms: Sanitary

sewage: Sanitary sewage typically comes from a home or
community and contains human waste and wash water. It
includes toilet, bath, laundry, lavatory and kitchen sink wastes.

How people generate liquid waste?

In industrial areas liquid wastes are generated

by processing or manufacturing industries and service
industries, such as car repair shops. Industrial wastewaters
which contain hazardous substances must be treated, and the
substances removed before the wastewater is discharged to
the environment.

 Gaseous Waste

Gaseous waste is a
waste product in gas form
resulting from various
human activities, such as
manufacturing, processing,
material consumption or
biological. Gaseous wastes
are oxides of carbon,
sulphur dioxide, oxides of
nitrogen, hydrocarbons, aerosols, carbon monoxide, methane,
Greenhouse gases like chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) etc. Due to the
increase of factories, industrial areas and the number of vehicles,
a large amount of gaseous wastes are coming to the

How is gaseous waste generated?

Gaseous wastes, of course, consist of gases. They are

primarily generated by combustion (e.g., internal combustion
engines, incinerators, coal-fired electrical generating plants)
and industrial processes. Gaseous wastes may be released to
the atmosphere or captured/treated with pollution control
equipment. These gaseous wastes can cause serious
environmental hazards.

Answer the questions below. Write your answer on the lines

What are the types of waste?


How solid, liquid and gaseous waste generated?


On your own idea, give ways of conserving and protecting the
soil for future generations. Use the graphic organizer below for your

Ways on
Conserving and
Protecting Soil

Make an artwork about conserving and protecting soil using any of
these forms:

a. A collage c. A poster
b. A slogan d. Other modes of expression

You can use the space provided or another sheet of paper for your


CONTENT – 5 points
(Showcases the topic in-depth with details and examples; subject
knowledge is excellent; focuses on an important concept.)


(Product shows conserving and protecting soil.)


(Makes excellent use of color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance
the presentation.)







Prepare a plan that the community may implement to minimize
waste when people utilize materials and resources. Use the space
below for your answer.

A plan is typically any diagram or list of steps with details of timing and
resources, used to achieve an objective to do something.



In this module, you have learned the

different ways on conserving and protecting
soil. These are forest protection, buffer strips,
no-till farming, fewer concrete surfaces, plant
windbreak areas, terrace planting, plant
trees, crop rotation, water the soil, maintain
pH, indigenous crops, afforestation, monitor
grazing, dams, fertilizers, no soil compacting,
control storm water and monitor growth.
You have also learned how people
generate different types of waste (solid, liquid,
and gaseous) as they make use of various
materials and resources in everyday life.

Post- Test

A. Multiple Choice. Read and analyze each question. Encircle

the letter of the correct answer.

1. What will happen if soil is exposed to any human activity?

a. Soil loss may occur.
b. Soil amount will decrease.
c. Soil will become fertile.
d. Soil amount will increase.

2. Which of the following ways protect and prevent depletion of

the soil?
a. Monitor Growth c. Afforestation
b. Fertilization d. Control Storm Water

3. This are remarkable ways to protect and conserve the soil?

a. Indigenous crop c. Maintaining pH
b. Crop rotation d. All of the above

4. Which of the following ways that can also work to prevent

erosion of the soil.
a. No-Till Farming c. Terrace Planting
b. Plant Windbreak Areas d. Crop Rotation

5. Which of the following ways provide protection where stream

banks exist?
a. Buffer Strips c. Fertilizers
b. Plant Trees d. Terrace Planting

B. Modified True or False. Write T if the statement is correct. If not,
change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct.
Write your answer on the space provided.

___________ 1. The pH levels in the soil can be affected by a number

of pollutants and acid.
___________ 2. Afforestation is another of tree planting method
wherein the areas under trees are protected.
___________ 3. Monitoring the areas where cows and other animals
graze is important.
___________ 4. Soil are unwanted or unusable materials.
___________ 5. Liquid waste include solid portions of the discarded
material such as glass bottles, crockeries, plastic
containers, metals and radioactive wastes.
___________ 6. Buffers are strips or corridors of permanent vegetation
used to reduce water and wind erosion.
___________ 7. Common examples of gaseous waste are human and
animal excreta, household wastewater, cooking oil,
fats, and grease.
___________ 8. Gaseous waste is a waste product in gas form resulting
from various human activities, such as manufacturing,
processing, material consumption or biological.
___________ 9. Terrace planting is an approach that allows crops to
remain in place for a season.
___________ 10. Soil requires an adequate amount of fertilizer in order
to function properly.

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