Clasa A Viiia

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AN COLAR 2017-2018
Clasa a-VIII a L1

Numele i prenumele elevului_____________________________

Data susinerii testului __________________________________

PARTEA I____________________________________________________ _____60 de puncte

1.Fill in the gaps using the following words:

sorry, lady, right, wrong, job, curtains, you, complain, boring, oclock,

Gabriel: Weve finished the cleaning job.

Mick: Good. Youve got time to do another _____________.
Spike: But its already three ___________________ and its so hot!
Mick: Its for an old _____________. She wants you to put some _____________.
Spike: Curtains! Very interesting!
Mick: If you go now, youll have lots of time. Youll do it easily in half an hour.
Spike: Why do Gabriel and I always get the _______________ jobs?
Mick: Spike, if you _________________ any more, Ill give you a really difficult job.
Spike: Thank ____________ very much.
Mick: Whats got into her?
Mrs. Grant: Oh, no.... The dry cleaner has sent me the ______________ curtains!
Spike: I dont believe it!
Mrs. Grant: Im __________________ I didnt check them before you put them up.
Gabriel: Thats all ___________________ Mrs. Grant. Dont worry about it.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Past Simple:

Dear Suzy,

Thanks for your letter. It ______________ 1 (be) great to hear from you. Well, Im here in Newquay
at last! I ___________________2 (arrive) this morning at 11.30. Believe it or not, the journey
______________3 (take) twelve hours altogether from London. It _______________ 4(not be) much fun.
In fact it ___________________5 (be) a nightmare!
First of all, the other girl in the sleeping compartment ____________________ 6 (complain)
because she ____________________7 (not have) the bottom bunk and then, when she _______________ 8
(climb) up to go to bed, she almost ___________________ 9(step) on my face! Later, when I
______________10(go) to the toilet in the night, I _______________ 11 (trip) over my shoes (you know
how clumsy I am!) and the noise ____________________12 (wake) her up.
After that there _____________13 (be) a signal failure near Plymouth and the train
__________________14 (stop) for ages. Luckily, there _______________ 15 (be) a phone on the train so I
_________________16 (phone) my aunt and ___________________17 (tell) her about the delay. In the end
I ___________________18 (be) over three hours late when I __________________19 (get)
to Newquay. But guess what? I _____________________20(meet) a really nice South African guy at the
bus stop near the station. Hes a surfer. Hes called Jake and hes cool.
Im starting my holiday job tomorrow so Im going to relax and take things easy this afternoon.
Write soon!
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect Simple.

1. Since Michael visited me, he _________________________ (be) to many places.

2. Dan __________________________ (wait) since 8 p.m.
3. Its now 8.30 and Henry ________________________ (not arrive) yet.
4. Where _______________________ (you/be)all this morning? Its nearly noon now.
5. I ____________________ (never read) such a good book as this.
6. __________________________ (you/ ever see) any camels?
7. As soon as I ________________________ (do) my homework, Ill watch TV and then go to bed.
8. I____________________________ (know) Peter for years.
9. We ________________________ (not receive) any letter from him yet.
10. My friends ____________________________ (already get) the expected phone.
4. Give pieces of advice using should or shouldnt in the following situations:
a)Jake: I have a terrible headache!
You: ______________________________________ (go to see the physician).
b) Sarah: My dress has a stain on it and I dont know what to do.
You: ______________________________________ (take it to the cleaners)
c)Mick: My best friend is very upset with me.
You: ______________________________________ (not call her).
d) Jessica: I want to learn to drive.
You: ______________________________________ (have driving classes).
e) Mrs. Grant: My hair looks awful!
You: ______________________________________ (talk to the hairdresser).
5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form to make conditionals:
a) If you ______________________ (call) them, they will accept your invitation.
b) They ________________________ (not remember) the phone number if they dont write it down.
c) If my friends ___________________(come) with me to England, well visit a lot of interesting places.
d) The soup _____________________ (taste) better if you put some salt in it.
e) If my mother ___________________ (not return) from the shop soon, Ill starve.

PARTEA a II-a _______________________________________________________(30 de puncte)

Write a letter to a friend from UK telling him/her about you. Include the following
information: the best places you have ever visited, the best film you have ever seen, and the best
thing that ever happened to you.
Do not use more than 100 words.
Start and end your letter in an appropriate way.
Anul scolar 2017-2018
Limba englez
Clasa a VIII- a L1


Se puncteaz oricare alte formulri/ modaliti de rezolvare corect a cerinelor.
Nu se acord punctaje intermediare, altele dect cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota final se calculeaz prin mprirea punctajului total acordat
pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

1. 10 x 1p=10 points
1) job; 2) oclock; 3) lady; 4) curtains; 5) boring; 6) complaint; 7) you; 8) wrong; 9) sorry; 10) right.

2. 20 x 1p= 20 points
10 was; 2) arrived; 3) took; 4) was not; 5) was; 6) complained; 7) did not have; 8) climbed; 9) stepped; 10)
went; 11) tripped; 12) woke; 13) was; 14) stopped; 15) was; 16) phoned; 17) told; 18) was; 19) got; 20)

3. 10 x 1p= 10 points
1) play; 2) is working; 3) is crying; 4) are reading; 5) are not reading; 6) do not go; 7) drink;
8) are swimming; 9) visit; 10) are cooking.

4. 5 x 2p= 10 points
a) You should go to see the physician; b) You should take it to the cleaners. c) You shouldnt call her; d)
You should have driving classes; e) You should talk to the hairdresser.

5.5 x 2p=10 points

a) call; b) will not remember; c) come; d) will taste; e) does not return.

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

4 points for appropriately beginning and ending the letter:

- 2 points the beginning: Dear + the friends name/ Hello
- 2 points the ending: Best wishes / Love / Lots of love/ Yours + the senders name
6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content)
2 points for the general impression

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