2009 Engleză Etapa Judeteana Subiecte Clasa A VIII-A 3

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Varianta 3
Subiectul 1:
Choose the variant which best completes each sentence:

1. The rabbit may ______ an ordinary creature, but in fact it is an amazing animal.
A. present
B. seem
C. represent D. consider
2. My next door neighbour is evil: he is ______ of many cruel actions against pets.
A. able
B. possible
C. probable D. capable
3. Bears are animals ______ hibernate during the long winter months.
A. which
B. who
C. whose
D. they
4. My brother was very bad ______ maths.
A. to
B. in
C. at
D. on
5. The film is based _______ a famous novel.
A. over
B. in
C. on
D. by
6. There is a big difference ______ Italian and Greek food.
A. from
B. between
C. among
D. in
7. Last night I dreamt ______ my late grandmother.
A. at
B. in
C. of
D. about
8. I was offered the job because I was ______ candidate.
A. better
B. the best
C. good
D. best
9. My teacher advised me ______ school more seriously.
A. take
B. taking
C. to take
D. took
10. My little sister saw a burglar ______ out of our neighbours bedroom window.
A. to jump
B. jumped
C. jumping
D. was jumped
(1x10 puncte)
Subiectul 2:
Complete each sentence with ONE suitable word:

Hannah had been waiting 1) a colleague of 2). fathers to collect her from the bus station
for more than an hour, and she was tired 3) waiting. There was 4). else there, and it
had 5). raining. A friend of 6) had lent her umbrella to take on her trip, but she 7)
. to be getting wet. Perhaps her father was angry 8).. her, she thought, or had simply 9)
.. to collect her. Her mobile phone wasnt working and there werent 10). phone boxes
in the bus stop. Why did 11) always go wrong when she travelled by bus? 12)
.. the bus was crowded and she felt very uncomfortable, or it13) stopping and
the journey lasted for hours. Suddenly she 14).. a car stopping outside. 15).. was
waving at her. It was her father.
(1x15 puncte)

Subiectul 3:
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

a) A: _____ _________(you/ know) that man over there?

B: Actually I do. Hes Marys husband.
b) A: What are you doing?
B: I ______________ (write) a letter.
c) I went to the gym and I __________________ (just /arrived) home when Michael called me.
d) A: What were the children doing when you ______________ (arrive) home?
B: They ________________ (dust) the furniture.

e) A: Linda is very good at her job, isnt she?

B: Yes. She _______________ (do) the same job for thirty years.
f) A: Did Alan arrive on time?
B: No, I __________________ (wait) for an hour before he arrived.
g) A: Where is Jack?
B: He ______________ (talk) on the phone when I saw him.
h) A: ______________ (you/ever/go) to Australia?
B: No, I havent.
i) ________________ (you/study) for an exam at the moment?
(1x10 puncte)

Subiectul 4:
Look carefully at each line. Some lines are correct but some have a word which should not be there. Tick ( )
each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.

Last week my brother and I decided to paint our

bedrooms if while our parents were out for the
day. Our parents usually they have the painting done
by a local firm, but we thought we could to save some
money if we did paint it ourselves. We had watched the
painters the last time the house had to been painted,
so we thought we would be able to do the job.
First all the surfaces must have to be washed my
brother said. That cant have be very difficult, I
replied. Wed better if put some newspapers on
the carpet. If we can make a mess, well get into
trouble. After that had been have done, we looked
for some paint in the garden shed. We could use
this red paint, I suggested. My brother said that
he preferred green paint. Just as if we were going to
start, our parents arrived home. You should have been
asked us first, my mother said us. You can paint the
rest of the house too!

0. _______
1. _________
2. _________
3. _________
4. _________
5. _________
6. _________
7. _________
8. _________
9. _________
10. _________
11. _________
12. _________
13. _________
14. _________
15. _________
(1x15 puncte)

Subiectul 5:
Turn the following sentences into reported speech:
1. I found this note under the sofa said Sue.

2. Dad said Its time for bed.

3. Have you met many other famous people? asked the reporter.
4. Colin said to Dave: Please hold this book for me.
5. The teacher said to the student: Come and see me after the lesson.
6. They suggested: How about going to the cinema!

7. What did you make for dinner yesterday? Bob asked me.

8. Can you ride a motorcycle? John asked Mary.

9. Where is your jacket Susan? Jane asked.
10. When did you go on holiday in the USA? they asked me.
(1x10 puncte)
Subiectul 6:
Put the words in brackets into the correct tense:
1. Unless you work hard, you . (fail) your exams.
2. Can I have some chocolate cake please? Well, as long as you .. (eat) all your dinner you
can have some chocolate cake.
3. Dont shout or you (wake) the baby up.
4. But for her help, I . (be) in trouble now.
5. Provided it (stop) raining, we wont be going to the park.
(1x5 puncte)
Subiectul 7:
Complete each sentence with a word formed from the one at the end of it:


They didnt give Gary the job as he was . (experience)

Not being chosen for the team was a great .. (appoint)
The police managed . to find the missing people. (success)
Tom sent in his for the job the next day. (apply)
No one knows the exact of the water here. (deep)
(1x5 puncte)

Subiectul 8:
A newspaper is running a short-story competition. The rules say that the story must begin with these words:

She opened the door and saw a policeman standing there.

Write the story, giving it a title, for the competition, in 150 words.
(30 puncte)

NOTA : Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 2 ore.

Punctajul maxim este de 100 de puncte.
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

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