EMcoq Mod 3

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To be completed after studying the module.
If the module has more than one assessment paper then to be
completed after studying the appropriate part of the module.

After completion mark the paper using the marking guide attached.

It is recommended that you sit this assessment as

if you are doing an actual CAA examination. After-all,
it is more a learning tool than an examination. In this
way it gets you used to the examination environment
and helps in the learning process.

The CAA allow 1.3 minutes per question so you can gauge the
approximate time in which to complete this paper.
Licence By Post EASA 66 3/1



1. The atomic number of an atom is determined by the number of:

(a) Protons
(b) Electrons
(c) Neutrons

2. The electron is:

(a) Heavier than a proton

(b) Lighter than a proton
(c) Same weight as a proton

3. The magnetic dip of the Earths magnetic field is least at the:

(a) Poles
(b) Equator
(c) Isoclinals

4. In a Leclanche cell the plates are made of:

(a) Mercury and lithium

(b) Nickel and cadmium
(c) Zinc and carbon

5. In a simple voltaic cell polarisation reduces output voltage because:

(a) Transfer of materials between the anode and the cathode

(b) Build up of hydrogen on the anode
(c) Build up of hydrogen on the cathode

6. When the temperature of the electrolyte in a battery increases, the SG:

(a) Goes up
(b) Goes down
(c) Remains the same

7. In a simple voltaic cell the collection of ions on the cathode causes:

(a) Hydration
(b) Sulphation
(c) Polarisation

8. The electrolyte in a NICAD battery would rise if the battery was:

(a) Discharging
(b) Charging
(c) Remaining at a constant voltage

9. When a conductor is cut by magnetic lines of force an EMF is induced.

This is:

(a) Lenzs Law

(b) Faradays Law
(c) Kirchoffs Law

10. Conventional current flow during discharge in a battery cell is:

(a) Anode to cathode

(b) Cathode to anode
(c) Anode to gate

11. Two 2-volt 10AH cells are connected in series, the output voltage and
capacity would be:

(a) 2 volt 20AH

(b) 4 volt 10AH
(c) 4 volt 20AH

12. The electrolyte in a NICAD battery is:

(a) Cadmium Hydroxide

(b) Nickel Hydroxide
(c) Potassium Hydroxide

13. Referring to the drawing below, if the volts dropped across the 20
resistor is 10 volts, the resistance of R1 is:

20 16
(a) 20
(b) 16
(c) 2
R1? 28 volts

14. A 47K resistor has the following colour code:

(a) Yellow, Violet, Orange

(b) Orange, Violet, Red
(c) Red, Orange, Yellow

15. If the temperature of a pure metal is reduced to absolute zero its
resistance will be:

(a) Infinity
(b) Practically zero
(c) No change

16. The bridge will be in balance when the value of the unknown resistor R

(a) 18 ohms 72 24
(b) 14 ohms
(c) 2 ohms
6 ?

17. 200v

10k 30k

The current in the circuit is:

(a) 5A
(b) 0.2A
(c) 5mA

18. In the previous question, the power developed across the 10k resistor

(a) 250mW
(b) 250W
(c) 50mW


What is represented by the diagram above?

(a) Potentiometer
(b) Rheostat
(c) Thermistor

20. In the following circuit, the input at P is 4 amps and at Q is 5 amps.
What is the voltage across the 6 ohm resistor?

P R1 R
6 ohms
Q R2

(a) 54V
(b) 1.5V
(c) 6V

21. ?


25A 12A

The unknown current is:

(a) 22A
(b) 3A
(c) 47A

22. The Watt can be expressed as:

(a) Joules per second

(b) Joules x seconds
(c) Seconds per Joules

23. A single-phase circuit has an input voltage of 100V. The current is 10A
and the circuit has a power factor of 0.5. The true power is:

(a) 1000W
(b) 50W
(c) 500W

24. Power in a dc circuit is found by:

(a) Multiplying current by resistance

(b) Multiplying the voltage by itself and dividing by the current
(c) Multiplying the resistance by the current squared

25. 12f 12f 12f

The total capacitance of the circuit shown is:

(a) 4f
(b) 36f
(c) 3f
26. When a capacitor is charged from a dc supply, the voltage/time curve is:

(a) Logarithmic
(b) Exponential
(c) Linear

27. An electrolytic capacitor is used because:

(a) Large physical size for large capacity

(b) Small physical size for large capacity
(c) Small physical size for low leakage current

28. An electrolytic capacitor would be used in circuits supplying:

(a) Heavy loads

(b) Light loads
(c) Heavy/light loads

29. The symbol(s) for flux density is:

(a) H
(b) B
(c) MMF

30. A permanent magnet has:

(a) High residual, low coercivity

(b) High coercivity, low residual magnetism
(c) High coercivity, high residual magnetism

31. The hysteresis loop for a magnetic material is on a graph with:

(a) Total flux against flux density

(b) Current against flux density
(c) Flux density against magnetising force

32. To determine the direction of the magnetic field around a conductor you
would use:

(a) The Corkscrew rule

(b) Flemings left hand rule
(c) Flemings right hand rule

33. A material with a narrow hysteresis loop will have:

(a) High retentivity

(b) Low retentivity
(c) Cannot be magnetised

34. If a bar magnet is cut in half, the effect is:

(a) The magnet is destroyed

(b) Two bar magnets are formed
(c) One bar magnet and one non-magnet is formed


The diagram shows a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field, the

conductor will move:

(a) Upwards
(b) Downwards
(c) Sideways

36. The electro magnetic force between two charged bodies is:

(a) Proportional to the distance apart

(b) Inversely proportional to the distance apart
(c) Inversely proportional to the square of the distance apart

37. Copper is a:

(a) Paramagnetic material

(b) Ferromagnetic material
(c) Diamagnetic material

38. Switching on or off the current in one coil produces an emf in another
coil adjacent to it. The two coils are said to have:

(a) Self inductance

(b) Mutual inductance
(c) Auto inductance

39. Time constant in an inductive circuit is the time required for the current
to reach:

(a) 63.2% of maximum value

(b) 63.7% of maximum value
(c) 70.7% of maximum value

40. Self-induced emf in a coil supplied with a current varying at a uniform
rate can be found by:

(a) -Ndi

(b) -Ld

(c) -Ldi

41. The mmf of a coil fed with 2 amps and having 10 turns is:

(a) 5 ampere turns

(b) 20 ampere turns
(c) 20 ampere/turns

42. An ac inductive circuit has an inductance of 10mH and a frequency

input of 1000Hz, the opposition to current flow is approximately:

(a) 63 000 ohms

(b) 630 ohms
(c) 63 ohms

43. A sine wave of RMS value 7.07 volts has a peak to peak value of:

(a) 10.0 volts

(b) 0.707 volts
(c) 20.0 volts

44. The true power in an ac circuit is given as:

(a) Voltmeter readings x pf

(b) Volts x amps
(c) V x A x pf

45. The average value of 100 volts peak ac is:

(a) 70.7 volts

(b) 141.4 volts
(c) 63.7 volts

46. The RMS value of 200 volts peak to peak ac is:

(a) 141.4 volts

(b) 70.7 volts
(c) 127.4 volts

47. In a 3 phase delta connected system:

(a) Line volts equals phase volts

(b) Line volts equals 1.731 phase volts
(c) Phase volts equals 1.731 line volts

48. In a pure capacitive circuit fed with ac, if the frequency is increased:

(a) XC will rise

(b) Current will fall
(c) Current will rise

49. The impedance of a series tuned circuit at resonance is:

(a) Zero
(b) At maximum
(c) At minimum

50. A transformer with 1000 turns of primary and 50 turns of secondary

winding if connected to a 240V supply, the output is:

(a) 6 volts
(b) 12 volts
(c) 48 volts

51. The copper loss on a single phase transformer is 25 watts on full load.
What will it be on half load?

(a) 5 watts
(b) 12.5 watts
(c) 6.25 watts


Rotating coil B through 90 will:

(a) Increase the emf induced into B

(b) Decrease the emf induced into B
(c) Increase the emf induced into A

53. A transformer is designed to operate at 60Hz. It is connected across a 50
Hz supply. The primary windings would:

(a) Draw more current

(b) Draw less current
(c) Draw the same current


With the current flow in the coil as shown, the polarity of the coil is:

(a) Left hand end N by right hand grasp rule

(b) Left hand end N by Flemings left hand rule
(c) Right hand end N by right hand grasp rule


What is the reflected impedance in the primary?

(a) 20
(b) 500
(c) 50

56. A current transformer when disconnected from a circuit must be:

(a) Left open circuit

(b) Short circuited
(c) Have a resistor connected across the terminals


The dots are called and indicate:

(a) Quadrature dots, points are 90 out of phase

(b) Phasing dots, points have the same polarity at the same moment
in time
(c) Phasing dots, points have the opposite polarity at the same
moment in time

58. A transformer secondary step-up winding has:

(a) More turns than the primary

(b) Thicker turns that the primary
(c) Less turns than the primary

59. The power factor of an ac circuit is the:

(a) Sine of the phase angle

(b) Cosine of the phase angle
(c) Tangent of the phase angle

60. The Form Factor of an ac waveform can be found by:

(a) RMS value divided by the average value

(b) Average value divided by the rms value
(c) Average value times the rms value

61. A differentiator has a time constant which is:

(a) Long
(b) Short
(c) Equal to input pulse

62. If the frequency is increased to an ac circuit of pure resistance, the effect


(a) Increased resistance

(b) Decreased reactance
(c) Nothing

63. A wire is rotated through a magnetic field, to give dc it must be

connected to a:

(a) Commutator
(b) Slip rings
(c) Rectifier

64. In an inductive resistive circuit 1 amp flows from a supply of 100V

dissipating 50 watts of power. The phase angle is:

(a) 60
(b) 90
(c) 45

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65. A transformer is built with a material having a:

(a) Narrow hysteresis loop

(b) Wide hysteresis loop
(c) High coercive force

66. An alternator delivers 500v rms at 1 ampere. The power factor is 0.8.
The true power is:

(a) 100VA
(b) 400W
(c) 500W

67. In a circuit which possesses mutual inductance, current is increased to

the primary:

(a) The induced emf in the secondary produces a current in the

secondary circuit which opposes the increase in flux due to the
increase of current in the primary.
(b) The induced emf in the secondary produces a current in the
secondary circuit which assists the increase in flux due to the
increase of current in the primary
(c) The induced emf in the secondary produces a current in the
secondary circuit whose flux has no effect on the flux in the
primary circuit

68. In a 3 phase ac brushless generator the output windings are:

(a) 90 apart
(b) 120 apart
(c) 60 apart

69. A component that produces an output voltage due to incident light is

called a:

(a) Liquid crystal

(b) Light emitting diode
(c) Solar cell

70. If the supply to a dc shunt motor was reversed:

(a) It would rotate in the opposite direction

(b) It would fail to run
(c) It would rotate in the same direction

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71. Slip on a synchronous motor on start is:

(a) 5%
(b) 50%
(c) 100%

72. A shaded pole motor has shaded poles to:

(a) Increase efficiency

(b) To create a rotating field
(c) Reduce interference

73. A series motor takes a high current on start and then reduces, this is
due to:

(a) Resistance of field and armature in series

(b) BEMF
(c) Resistance of field and armature in parallel

74. On a brushless ac generator the main rotating field is fed with:

(a) ac
(b) dc via diodes on the rotor
(c) ac from rotating field exciter

75. Permanent magnets in an aircraft brushless generator are used for:

(a) Assisting in taking load

(b) Initial excitation
(c) Supply excitation throughout generator under varying load

76. Single phase components in a three phase system may be connected


(a) Phase A and B only

(b) Between phase and neutral only
(c) Between any phase and neutral OR between any two phases

77. Interpoles in a dc generator are connected:

(a) In parallel with the armature

(b) In series with the armature
(c) In series with the field

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78. Excessive sparking on a dc motor is caused by:

(a) Incorrect brush spring tension

(b) Brushes on the MNA
(c) Fitting interpoles

79. In a dc generator the effect of armature reaction may be reduced by

moving the brush gear:

(a) From the MNA to the GNA

(b) In the direction of armature rotation towards the MNA
(c) Against the direction of armature rotation towards the MNA

80. The winding embedded in the pole faces of a dc generator are:

(a) Interpoles
(b) Commutating coils
(c) Compensating windings

81. Auxiliary windings on a dc generator are:

(a) Wound on top of the compensating windings

(b) Connected in series with the armature
(c) Wound on top of the interpole windings

82. A 6-pole wavewound generator has:

(a) 2 brushes
(b) 6 brushes
(c) 3 brushes

83. In a two phase induction motor the control winding is fed with:

(a) Variable phase ac supply

(b) Fixed ac supply
(c) Variable amplitude supply only

84. A 3 phase induction motor can be reversed by:

(a) Isolating one phase

(b) By reversing the rotor connections
(c) Changing any two phases over

85. The speed of an ac motor can be affected by:

(a) Field current

(b) Pairs of poles
(c) Armature current

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86. A generator rated at 30kVA power factor 0.8 has a maximum continuous
power output of:

(a) 30kW
(b) 24 kW
(c) 37.5kW

87. This circuit is a:

(a) Integrator
(b) Low pass filter
(c) Differentiator

88. An ac motor which rotates at the same speed as supply frequency is


(a) A Universal machine

(b) An Induction motor
(c) A Synchronous motor

89. A single-phase induction motor obtains its magnetic field by:

(a) Phase splitting with a capacitor

(b) Permanent magnet rotor
(c) Rotating electro magnetic field

90. The starting torque of a squirrel cage induction motor is poor because:

(a) The induced emf is at minimum

(b) The induced emf is at maximum
(c) Maximum XL in rotor field

91. In an ac machine, the difference between the rotating field speed and
speed of the rotor is called:

(a) Synchronous speed

(b) Slip speed
(c) Difference speed

92. Flemings left hand rule can be used to determine:

(a) The polarity of a solenoid

(b) The direction of rotation of a generator
(c) The direction of rotation of a motor

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93. What is the effect of reversing the supply to the field and armature of a
dc shunt motor?

(a) Reverse direction of rotation

(b) Continues to rotate in the same direction
(c) Fails to start

94. If the correct supply were connected to a dc shunt motor which had lost
its residual magnetism it would:

(a) Fail to run

(b) Run in the reverse direction
(c) Run normally

95. The field strength of a shunt motor on constant load is reduced, what is
the effect on speed and torque?

(a) Increased speed, increased torque

(b) Increased speed, torque remains the same
(c) Decreased speed, decreased torque


XL = 3 R = 4

In the circuit shown impedance will be:

(a) 9 ohms
(b) 5 ohms
(c) 6 ohms


In the circuit shown, if the frequency is increased from zero to resonant

frequency, the circuit current would:

(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Stay the same

98. At resonance in a parallel circuit:

(a) Z is high
(b) Z is low
(c) Current is high

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The true power developed in this circuit is:

(a) 12W
(b) 16W
(c) 20W

100. The filter shown is a:

(a) Band stop filter

(b) Low pass filter
(c) High pass filter

101. What charge does the nucleus of an atom possess?

(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Neutral

102. What is the maximum number of electrons in the N shell of an atom?

(a) 8
(b) 32
(c) 16

103. A 5v battery supplies a resistive load of 5 ohms for 1 minute. The power
supplied is:

(a) 500w
(b) 300w
(c) 5w

104. In question 103 what is the work done?

(a) 300J
(b) 30J
(c) 10J

105. Three capacitors of 5f are connected in parallel. The total capacitance


(a) 1.66f
(b) 0.6f
(c) 15f

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106. If a 1f capacitor has a potential difference across it of 20v, the energy
stored is:

(a) 20J
(b) 10J
(c) 200J

107. A capacitor is charged to a voltage of 10v, a short is placed across the

capacitor, what will be its voltage after one time constant?

(a) 6.32v
(b) 3.68v
(c) 0v

108. The working voltage of a capacitor is:

(a) The maximum ac voltage that can be applied

(b) The maximum dc voltage that can be applied
(c) The maximum dc or peak ac voltage that can be applied

109. An example of a paramagnetic material is:

(a) Iron
(b) Aluminium
(c) Glass

110. the symbol for permeability of free space is:

(a) r
(b) 0

111. A solenoid of 20 turns per metre carries a current of 10A. If the current
is reduced to 2A, how many turns would be required to maintain the
same magnetic field strength?

(a) 100
(b) 5
(c) 40

112. An inductor has 10 turns of wire and a cross sectional area of 0.1m2. If
the core has a permeability of 0.1 and the length of the magnetic circuit
is 1m. The value of the inductor is:

(a) 1H
(b) 10H
(c) 1mH

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113. Three inductors of 20mH, 30mH and 60mH are connected in series, the
total inductance is:

(a) 0.1mH
(b) 110mH
(c) 10mH

114. Three inductors of 20mH, 30mH and 60mH are connected in parallel, the
total inductance is:

(a) 0.1mH
(b) 110mH
(c) 10mH

115. What is the smallest?

(a) A compound
(b) An atom
(c) A molecule

116. In a balanced Wheatstone bridge, across the centre of the bridge there is:

(a) No current flow

(b) No voltage is present at either end
(c) Current and voltage are at a new maximum

117. A 24v battery has an internal resistance of 1. When connected to a

load, 12 amps flows, the value of the load is:

(a) 12 ohms
(b) 1 ohm
(c) ohm

118. The atomic number of an atom is affected by the:

(a) Protons
(b) Electrons
(c) Neutrons

119. A starter generator has a:

(a) Low resistance winding in parallel and a high resistance winding in

(b) Low resistance winding in parallel and a low resistance winding in
(c) High resistance winding in parallel and a low resistance winding in

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120. Magnetising force is measured in:

(a) Ampere turns

(b) Ampere turns/metre
(c) Metre/Ampere turns

121. In a pure inductive circuit fed with ac, if the frequency is increased:

(a) XL increases
(b) Current rises
(c) Current stays the same

122. What is this symbol?


(a) Voltage differential resistor

(b) Voltage dependent resistor
(c) Variable differential resistor

123. The property of a material to accept lines of flux is called:

(a) Permeability
(b) Reluctance
(c) Retentivity

124. What happens when you remove one phase on a 3-phase motor while it
is running?

(a) Stops running

(b) Slows down
(c) Speed is unchanged

125. A two-phase induction motor windings are:

(a) 90 apart
(b) 180 apart
(c) 60 apart

126. Armature reaction in a dc generator causes:

(a) MNA to move in the direction of rotation

(b) MNA to move in the opposite direction of rotation
(c) GNA to move in the direction of rotation

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127. In a dc motor BEMF rises if the motor speed:

(a) Rises
(b) Falls
(c) More load is put on the motor

128. Vibration of a magnet causes:

(a) Flux to increase

(b) Flux to decrease
(c) Flux to stay the same

129. A high pass filter has:

(a) High impedance to low frequency, low impedance to high frequency

(b) High impedance to high frequency, low impedance to low frequency
(c) High impedance to both high and low frequencies

130. On a 3-phase star/delta transformer gives:

(a) 90 phase shift

(b) No phase shift
(c) 30 phase shift

131. Magnetic dip at the equator is:

(a) 0
(b) 90
(c) 30

132. A 3-phase star connected ac generator, the output line current is:

(a) Greater than the phase current

(b) Less than the phase current
(c) The same as the phase current

133. In a permanent magnet generator the magnet provides:

(a) Flux in the ac output windings

(b) Flux in the rotor windings
(c) dc in the field windings

134. 1 Kilowatt is:

(a) 1 Joule/sec
(b) 100 Joules/sec
(c) 1000 Joules/sec

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135. If there was a mainly inductive load on an ac generator the voltage with
respect to the current would be:

(a) Leading
(b) Lagging
(c) In phase

136. On a brushless ac generator the permanent magnet generator output is:

(a) dc
(b) ac
(c) Pulsed

137. The output from a rotating armature ac generator would be taken from:

(a) The rotor

(b) The stator
(c) Either rotor or stator

138. A frequency wild ac generator system has:

(a) Variable voltage and frequency

(b) Variable frequency only
(c) Variable voltage only

139. In a series LCR circuit at resonance R = 100 , L and C are each 10 .

The total impedance is:

(a) 100 ohms

(b) 30 ohms
(c) Zero ohms

140. An ac generator has four poles. To produce a frequency of 400Hz it must

achieve a speed of:

(a) 6000 rpm

(b) 8000 rpm
(c) 12000 rpm

141. A parallel ac circuit at resonant frequency is:

(a) Inductive
(b) Resistive
(c) Capacitive

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142. If an ac sinewave has an rms value of 5v, its peak value is:

(a) 14.14v
(b) 6.37v
(c) 7.07v

143. A transformer with a 115v primary coil and a ratio of 5 to 1 is used to

power a landing lamp of 24v 45A. What is the current taken from the

(a) 4.5A
(b) 9A
(c) 45A

144. What waveform is stepped positive and negative with unequal length

(a) Square wave

(b) Rectangle wave
(c) Saw tooth wave

145. A pure capacitor, inductor and resistor are connected in series, the
voltage drop across each is 10v, the current flowing is 1 amp and the
power in the circuit is:

(a) 30vA
(b) 30W
(c) 10W

146. The unit of electrical charge is the:

(a) Joule
(b) Coulomb
(c) Watt

147. Coulombs law states that the force between two electric charges is:

(a) Proportional to the distance between them

(b) Inversely proportional to the distance between them
(c) Inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

148. The Daniel Cell electrodes are:

(a) Copper and zinc

(b) Carbon and zinc
(c) Zinc and manganese dioxide

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149. The unit of flux is the:

(a) Weber
(b) Ampere turns
(c) Ampere turns/metre

150. An inductor of resistance 5k and inductance 2mH is connected to a dc

circuit. The time constant is:

(a) 4 secs
(b) 40ms
(c) 400ns

151. The Flux Density of a Magnetic Field is 1.5T. The length of a conductor
in this field is 2m and the speed of the conductor rotate din this field is
10ms. The emf induces is:

(a) 0.3 volts

(b) 30 volts
(c) 7.5 volts


The polarity of the magnetic field is:

(a) NS
(b) SN
(c) Cannot be found with information given

153. To create dc the winding rotating in a magnetic field must be connected

to a:

(a) Slip ring

(b) Permanent magnet
(c) Commutator

154. A dc generator armature has 6 poles and is lap wound, the number of
brushes required are:

(a) 6
(b) 2
(c) 3

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155. A dc generator with no voltage regulator is put on increased load, the
output voltage:

(a) Drops
(b) Increases
(c) Stays the same

156. Reactive sparking is reduced by:

(a) Interpoles
(b) Compensating windings
(c) Auxiliary

157. In a self-excited shunt wound generator initial excitation is provided by:

(a) Permanent magnets

(b) A supply from the busbar
(c) Residual magnetism

158. The Flux density of a magnetic field is 2T, the length of conductor in the
field is 1.5m and the current flowing through the conductor is 5 amps.
The force on the conductor is:

(a) 15 Newtons
(b) 0.6 Newtons
(c) 3.75 Newtons

159. The back emf in a dc motor is:

(a) Equal to the applied emf

(b) Less than the applied emf
(c) Greater than the applied emf

160. A dc shunt motor has 28 volts applied, the current taken by the
armature of 2 ohm resistance is 1 amp. The bemf is:

(a) 30v
(b) 27v
(c) 26v

161. In a motor, armature reaction causes the MNA to move:

(a) In the direction of rotation

(b) Against the direction of rotation
(c) Moves to the GNA

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162. To reverse the direction of rotation of a compound motor you would:

(a) Reverse the supply to both fields and armature

(b) Reverse the current through the series field and armature
(c) Reverse the current through both fields only

163. In a star connected 3-phase ac generator line, current equals:

(a) Phase current

(b) 3 x phase current
(c) 2 x phase current

164. In a 3-phase star connected system true power can be found by:

(a) 3 Vph Iph cos watts

(b) 3 VL IL cos watts
(c) 3 VL IL cos watts

165. A hysteresis motor has a rotor of:

(a) Copper bars

(b) Aluminium bars
(c) Cobalt steel

166. The value of an ac sinewave that will give an equivalent heating effect in
a dc resistor is:

(a) Average value

(b) RMS value
(c) Peak value

167. In a pure capacitive circuit voltage:

(a) Leads current

(b) Lags current
(c) Is in phase with the current

168. In a series circuit at resonance:

(a) XL is greater than XC

(b) Power factor is 0.5
(c) The impedance is at a minimum

169. A circuit with good selectivity will have:

(a) Large bandwidth

(b) Narrow bandwidth
(c) Low L/C ratio

- 25 -
170. To find the resonant frequency of a circuit the following formula is used:

(a) 1 / 2LC
(b) 1 / 2LC
(c) 1 / 2C/L

171. Apparent Power in an ac circuit is found by:

(a) VxI
(b) V x I x cos
(c) V x I x sin

172. A transformer has 500 turns on the primary and 100 turns on the
secondary. When connected to a 100v supply the output is:

(a) 500v
(b) 20v
(c) 25v

173. In question 172 the secondary is connected to a 10 ohm load, the

primary circuit is:

(a) 40 amps
(b) 0.4 amps
(c) 2 amps

174. A 300 ohm resistor would have a colour code of:

(a) Orange, orange, brown

(b) Orange, brown, black
(c) Orange, black, brown


The circuit is a:

(a) High pass filter

(b) Low pass filter
(c) Integrator

176. In a synchronous motor, when the motor is running slip is:

(a) 100%
(b) 5%
(c) 0%

- 26 -
177. In a two-phase induction motor there are:

(a) 2 poles
(b) 3 poles
(c) 4 poles


The diagram shown is a:

(a) Short shunt compound wound machine

(b) Long shunt compound wound machine
(c) Shunt wound machine

179. Magneto-motive force can be found by:

(a) N/
(b) IxN
(c) Blv

180. Inductive reactance is equal to:

(a) 2fL
(b) 1 / 2fL
(c) R2+22

181. When disconnecting a battery the lead to be disconnected first is:

(a) Positive lead

(b) Negative lead
(c) Unearthed lead

182. A 2v battery supplies a load of 2 for 1 minute. The energy expended is:

(a) 60 Joules
(b) 120 Joules
(c) 120 Coulombs

183. A current transformer has:

(a) Laminated core

(b) Solid core
(c) Many turns of fine wire as the primary

- 27 -
184. A transformer has 200V applied to its 50 turn primary and has 25 turns
on the secondary. What is the line voltage if the transformer is delta/star

(a) 100V
(b) 17.32V
(c) 173.2V

185. A starter/generator has the following characteristics

(a) High resistance series and shunt windings

(b) Low resistance shunt winding, high resistance series winding.
(c) Low resistance series winding, high resistance shunt winding.

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Licence By Post EASA 66 3/1


Name Student number Date .

Subject Electrical Fundamentals EASA Module 3

Assessment number 1 of 1 sheet 1 of 2

1 21 41 61 81

2 22 42 62 82

3 23 43 63 83

4 24 44 64 84

5 25 45 65 85

6 26 46 66 86

7 27 47 67 87

8 28 48 68 88

9 29 49 69 89

10 30 50 70 90

11 31 51 71 91

12 32 52 72 92

13 33 53 73 93

14 34 54 74 94

15 35 55 75 95

16 36 56 76 96

17 37 57 77 97

18 38 58 78 98

19 39 59 79 99

20 40 60 80 100

Licence By Post EASA 66 3/1


Name Student number Date .

Subject Electrical Fundamentals EASA Module 3

Assessment number 1 of 1 sheet 2 of 2

101 121 141 161 181

102 122 142 162 182

103 123 143 163 183

104 124 144 164 184

105 125 145 165 185

106 126 146 166 186

107 127 147 167 187

108 128 148 168 188

109 129 149 169 189

110 130 150 170 190

111 131 151 171 191

112 132 152 172 192

113 133 153 173 193

114 134 154 174 194

115 135 155 175 195

116 136 156 176 196

117 137 157 177 197

118 138 158 178 198

119 139 159 179 199

120 140 160 180 200

LBP Multiple choice answers (answers should be checked)

EASA Part 66 B1/B2 licence module 3 Electrics Assessment 3/1

1a 51c 101a 151b

2b 52b 102b 152a
3b 53a 103c 153c
4c 54a 104a 154a
5b 55b 105c 155a
6b 56b 106c 156a
7b 57b 107b 157c
8b 58a 108c 158a
9b 59b 109b 159b
10a 60a 110b 160c
11b 61b 111a 161b
12c 62c 112a 162c
13a 63a 113b 163a
14a 64a 114c 164b
15b 65a 115b 165c
16c 66b 116a 166b
17c 67a 117b 167b
18a 68b 118a 168c
19a 69c 119c 169b
20a 70c 120b 170b
21b 71c 121a 171a
22a 72b 122b 172b
23c 73b 123a 173b
24c 74b 124c 174c
25a 75b 125a 175b
26b 76b 126a 176c
27b 77b 127a 177c
28c 78a 128b 178b
29b 79b 129a 179b
30c 80c 130c 180a
31c 81c 131a 181b
32a 82a 132c 182b
33b 83a 133a 183b
34b 84c 134c 184c
35b 85b 135a 185c
36c 86b 136b
37c 87c 137a
38b 88c 138b
39a 89a 139a
40c 90c 140c
41b 91b 141b
42c 92c 142c
43c 93b 143b
44c 94c 144c
45c 95a 145c
46b 96b 146b
47a 97a 147c
48c 98a 148a
49c 99a 149a
50b 100b 150c

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