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1. The Numerical value of black color in carbon resistor is:
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
2. On increasing the length of wire the specific resistance of wire:
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remain same (d) First increases then decreases
3. A thermistor with positive temperature coefficient of resistance is heated then its resistance will:
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remain same (d) First increases then decreases
4. A rheostat can be used as:
(a) Potential divider (b) variable resistance (c) Amplifier (d) Both (a) & (b)
5. When the internal resistance of source is equal to the load the maximum power dissipated is:
𝐸 𝐸 𝐸2
(a) 4𝑟 (b) 4𝑟 2 (c) 4𝑟 (d) 4Er
6. Three resistances of 2Ω, 3Ω and 6Ω are connected in series. Their equivalent resistance is:
(a) 10Ω (b) 11Ω (c) 12Ω (d) 15Ω
7. 5A current flows through a conductor in 2 minutes. The charge in the conductor is:
(a) 600C (b) 10C (c) 2.5C (d) 5μC
8. The SI unit of conductance is:
(a) Ohm (b) mho (c) seimen (d) ohm-meter
9. If the resistance of 500Ω has fourth band of silver then its upper maximum value is:
(a) 450Ω (b) 600Ω (c) 550Ω (d) 650Ω
10. The internal resistance of a cell can be determined by:’
(a) Voltmeter (b) Ammeter (c) Potentiometer (d) Wheatstone bridge
11. The velocity of an oscillating charge as it moves to and fro along wire is:
(a) Variable (b) Decreases (c) Increases (d) Constant
12. Specific resistance of a wire depends on:
(a) Length (b) Area (c) Surface (d) Temperature
13. Heat generated by a 40W bulb in one hour is:
(a) 4800J (b) 144000J (c) 44000J (d) 1440J
14. With rise in temperature, resistivity of semi-conductor:
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remain same (d) First increases then decreases
15. One ohm is equal to:
(a) amper/volt (b) amper x volt (c) volt/ampere (d) volt
16. The potential difference between head and tail of an electric eel is:
(a) 600V (b) 700V (c) 800V (d) 900V
17. When a wire of resistance R is cut into two equal parts if its resistance becomes R/2. What happens to
its resistivity?
(a) Double (b) Half (c) One forth (d) Same
18. In carbon resistor, the code for Blue color is:
(a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 9
19. When a charge of 5μC passes through a conductor in 2s. the current in conductor is:
(a) 2.5A (b) 4A (c) 2.5μA (d) 25μA
20. The flow of charge through a uniform cross section of wire in unit time is called:
(a) Current (b) Voltage (c) Resistance (d) Resistivity
21. If a resistor is traversed in the opposite direction of current, then the change in potential is:
(a) Negative (b) Positive (c) Constant (d) Variable
22. The resistances of 1ohm are connected so that they form a triangle. Then the resistance between any
two points is:
3 2 1
(a) 2 Ω (b) 3 Ω (c) 1Ω (d) 3 Ω
23. For Ohmic devices the graph between V and I is:
(a) Curved (b) Straight line (c) Parabolic (d) Hyperbola
24. If 1x10 electrons passes through a conductor in 1.0μs, then current is:

(a) 2A (b) 1.6A (c) 2.6x10 – 7A (d) 1.6x10 – 6A

25. If four band of carbon is silver then, the tolerance of resistor is:
(a) ±5% (b) ±10% (c) ±15% (d) ±20%
26. A battery moves a charge of 40C around a circuit at constant rate in 20s. The current will be:
(a) 2A (b) 0.5A (c) 80A (d) 800A
27. A certain wire has resistance R, the resistivity equal to an identical wire except for twice of its diameter.
Then, the resistance of other wire is:
1 1
(a) 4 𝑅 (b) 2 𝑅 (c) 2𝑅 (d) Same
28. Kirchhoff’s first rule is manifestation of law of conservation of:
(a) Energy (b) Charge (c) Momentum (d) Mass
29. For an open circuit the current flowing through the circuit will be:
(a) Maximum (b) Infinite (c) Zero (d) Positive
30. For an open circuit, its resistance will be:
(a) Zero (b) Negative (c) Finite (d) Infinite
31. The thermistors convert the changes in temperature into:
(a) Pressure (b) Sound (c) Voltage (d) Heat
32. A wire of uniform cross sectional area A and length L is cut into two equal parts. The resistivity of
each part will be:
(a) Double (b) Half (c) One forth (d) Same
33. The relation of emf of two cells 𝐸 =
𝑙2 𝑙1 1
(a) 𝑙 (b) 𝑙 (c) 𝑙1 𝑙2 (d) 𝑙
1 2 1 𝑙2
34. The heat sensitive resistors are known as:
(a) Inductors (b) Capacitors (c) Thermistors (d) Transformers
35. The charge carriers in electrolytes are:
(a) Electrons (b) +ve & –ve ions (c) Protons (d) Photons
36. A rheostat can operate as:
(a) Amplifier (b) Transformer (c) Oscillator (d) Potential divider
37. The terminal potential difference of a battery of emf ε and internal resistance r is:
(a) V = ε + Ir (b) V = ε – Ir (c) ε = V + Ir (d) V = Ir – ε
38. The smallest resistance obtained by connecting 50 resistances of ¼ Ω is:
1 4
(a) 200Ω (b) 50Ω (c) 200 Ω (d) 50 Ω
39. The color strips on a carbon resistor from extreme left are yellow, black and red respectively. Its
resistance is:
(a) 4KΩ (b) 400Ω (c) 40Ω (d) 40KΩ
40. The resistance tolerance of silver band is:
(a) ±5% (b) ±10% (c) ±15% (d) ±20%
41. The current flowing from point of higher potential to point of lower potential is called:
(a) Electronic current (b) Photonic current (c) Just current (d) Conventional current
42. The drift velocity of an electron in a conductor in the presence of electric field is:
(a) 10 –2m/s (b) 10 – 3m/s (c) 10mm/s (d) 100m/s
43. The temperature coefficient of resistance is measured in:
(a) Kelvin (b) K2 (c) Per kelvin (d) Per K2
44. In color code of carbon resistor the code for orange color is:
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
45. If a resistor of resistance R is connected across battery of internal resistance r. Then, the power output
will be maximum when:
(a) R< r (b) R>r (c) R = r (d) R = 4r
46. The reciprocal of resistance is called:
(a) Conductance (b) Conductivity (c) Fluidity (d) Resistivity
47. The equivalent resistance when two resistors are connected in parallel combination is:
𝑅 𝑅 1 1
(a) 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 (b) 𝑅 1+𝑅2 (c) 𝑅 (d) 𝑅
1 2 1 +𝑅2 1 𝑅2
48. In gases charge carriers are:
(a) Electrons only (b) Ions only (c) Photons only (d) Electrons and ions
49. If fourth band is missing then the tolerance will be:
(a) ±5% (b) ±10% (c) ±15% (d) ±20%
50. Mho m – 1 is unit of:
(a) Conductance (b) Resistivity (c) Resistance (d) Conductivity
51. For gold color the resistance tolerance is:
(a) ±5% (b) ±10% (c) ±15% (d) ±20%
52. The current flowing through each resistor of resistance R is:
(a) Different (b) Zero (c) Same (d) Infinite
53. The color code for 52MΩ ± 5% resistance is:
(a) Red, green, yellow, Gold (b) Green, Red, Blue, Gold
(c) Yellow, orange, blue, gold (d) Green, black, blue, gold
54. The resistance of carbon resistance of 100Ω when connected across a source of 220V is:
(a) 22000A (b) 22A (c) 2.2A (d) 0.22A
55. What is resistance of a carbon resistor which has bands brown, black and brown:
(a) 100Ω (b) 10Ω (c) 50Ω (d) 1000Ω
56. 1.0 x 10 electrons flows in 1μs. The value of current is:

(a) 1.6 x 10 – 6A (b) 1.6A (c) 16000A (d) 9.6A

57. A 100W bulb is switched on for half hour. The heat energy dissipated is:
(a) 0.36MJ (b) 18MJ (c) 0.18MJ (d) 18MJ
58. Kirchhoff’s second rule is based on law of conservation of :
(a) Mass (b) Energy (c) Speed (d) Momentum
59. An ideal current source has:
(a) Infinite resistance (b) Zero resistance (c) Finite resistance (d) Cannot say anything
60. When a wire of resistance R is cut into two equal parts then resistance of each wire is:
(a) Double (b) Triple (c) Half (d) One fourth
61. The value of charge on 1.0 x 107electrons is:
(a) 1.6 x 10 –12C (b) 1.6 x 107C (c) 1.6 x 10 – 11C (d) 2C
62. In carbon resistor which color band indicates the resistance of ±10%:
(a) White (b) Gold (c) Silver (d) Blue
63. For an open circuit the relation between tteriminal potential difference and emf is:
(a) Vt < ε (b) Vt = ε (c) Vt > ε (d) Vt = Infinite
64. Siemen is unit of:
(a) Resistance (b) Resistivity (c) Conductance (d) Conductivity

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