Web Design Checklist

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Ultimate Web Design Checklist

Project Start

Start a new project to be able to maintain this checklist with your team
Setup first meetings(s) with client
Define and collect briefing document from client
Define and send project questionnaire to client and wait for the clients response.
Research clients company to understand their brand, the way they communicate, their
demographics, target audience
Research clients industry to find ways of communicating specific to the industry,
strengths and weaknesses, trends and other industry specifics
Get quotation(s) for development effort for project
Get quotations(s) for design or estimate design work with your own designers
Get quotation(s) for copy / content or estimate work with your copywriters
Get quotation(s) for photography / video production or estimate effort involved
Get quotation(s) for Hosting / Domain
Prepare and send proposal to client use the web design quotation tool to send an
itemized quotation
Get approval from client of proposal and features to be implemented
Create the Project Acceptance Form , and propose timeline with milestones
Send Project Acceptance Form, with timelines to client and wait for client signoff

Stage 1 Project Kick off

Kick off email to developers, designers and other stakeholders

Create sitemap of website with proposed sections, pages
Research and buy template used as a basis for design
Create wireframe of specific pages which require custom designs
Allocate time and effort for designer to create the wireframes based on the estimates
sent to client and brief designers on wireframe designs.
Allocate time and effort for content creation / copy
Research, buy and tweak stock images or find free images you can use
Allocate time and effort for photography (based on estimates sent to client)
Allocate time and effort for video productions (based on estimates sent to client)
Define privacy policy and other legal text required for website
Send design(s) to client for approval and wait for approval from client
Get designers to perform any required design changes
Send designs to web developers including template, together with designs, for start of
research and development
28. Send specifications and updates to client and wait for client signoff

Ultimate Web Design Checklist

Stage 2 Website Development Checklist

Send finalized designs to developers

Allocate development checklists to the various developers
Agree with all developers + client on a date for Alpha
Reach out to content creators and ensure they are on target
Ensure youve bought hosting or created a hosting space for your website
Create new database(s), and database users as necessary if you are using a CMS, or a
website which requires a database
Upload the website source files
Install / configure the CMS to use the database you have created
If your website has been created already and you need to migrate it, export the database
from the testing/staging server and import it to the production server
Change the nameservers of the domain you will be using to the nameservers of the
hosting server you will be using
Create the website site map and structure you had defined with the client via your
favourite CMS or the framework / technology you have chosen to develop your website
Collect all content from the various content creators you have outsourced
Quality assure each piece of content you have outsourced or bought and ask for
changes where necessary
Populate the website content with the various content items you have agreed with the
client 43. Define a Contact Us page with correct client details and a map
Populate links / icongraphy with links to relevant social media details
Create a link to your website in the footer (if agreed with client to do this)
Send current iteration to client and request feedback 47. Fix and change any requests by
Send updates to client and wait for client sign-off

Stage 3 Quality Assurance

Validate HTML using and HTML Validator , or your preferred Browser extension
Validate CSS using a CSS Validator
Lint your CSS to make it better
Use JSLint and JSHint to make your JavaScript better
Check whether your website is internationalization ready
Ask for changes from developers based on the results of the above tests
Make sure web copywriting has been proofread, and ran through a spelling and
grammar checker to check for correctness.

Ultimate Web Design Checklist

Check that generic content, such as lorem ipsum, has been properly removed and
See that all images are in the correct places, smushed, formatted, width and height
specified and working on all devices.
Confirm that videos and audio files are in the correct places, formatted and working on
all devices.
Test all linked content, such as case studies, ebooks, and whitepapers, and verify that
they are correctly linked.
Test to see that all internal links across web pages are working properly
Ensure that Contact Us and other forms are submitting data properly.
Verify the Thank-you message or page displayed after form is submitted
Check that Auto-responders are working properly and text in emails has been proofed
External links across web pages are working properly, and open in a new tab
Ensure that Social media share icons are working properly that there is a good image
for sharing and that the description for sharing is appropriate.
Correct your metadata as necessary to ensure social media sharing is working ok.
Use the Facebook linter to ensure your Facebook sharing will work well
Implement Twitter Cards and confirm it works well on the Preview tool
Ensure that company logo is linked to the homepage.
Check that load time for site pages is optimized (confirm with multiple sources)
Try a non-existing address on your page to check the 404 page and 404 redirect pages
are in place
Integrations with third-party tools, such as your CRM, e-commerce software, and/or
marketing platform should be tested to ensure they are running smoothly
Choose www vs no-www and make sure that ONLY one of them is working to ensure
you dont get penalized for duplicate content.
Check website on multiple browsers
Make sure you are using the viewport meta tag: <meta name=viewport
Check that your website is mobile-friendly with at least a MobileOk score of 75 and
Google sees your page as Mobile Friendly .
Use correct input types for email, phone and URL input form fields to ensure these are
rendered correctly on mobile phones
Check how the site looks on phone and device emulators
Test the site using real devices you have accessible to you
Send the finished site to your client and get feedback
Fix and change any requests by client
Send updates to client and wait for client sign-off

Website Design Checklist Stage 4 Launch

Ultimate Web Design Checklist

Register and verify site with Google WebMasters

Create a new property and implement Google Analytics code.
Make sure you link Google WebMasters and Google Analytics to be able to get better
insights from within Google Analytics
Exclude relevant IP addresses (such as office IP) from analytics tracking to ensure your
own companys and the clients company do not inflate their website hits
Set up any funnels, goals or tracking events which have been properly created in your
analytics software
Implement visitor tracking software
Implement any site uptime monitor
Implement a website backup service as necessary
Sign-off the deliverables and invoice your client

4.1 Search Engine Optimization

Check that all pages have unique page titles (with a recommended length of fewer than
70 characters, including any keywords).
Check that all pages have unique meta descriptions (with a recommended length of
fewer than 156 characters, including keywords)
Verify that pages have your chosen keywords included without any keyword stuffing
(do not over emphasize particular keywords)
See that all pages have metadata which is properly in place (with correct spelling and
grammar) for any content which you want to be shared via Social
Ensure that relevant Alt tags have been added to every image.
Make sure that a dynamic XML sitemap (which gets updated with every post you
make) has been created and verify that the XML sitemap has been submitted to search
engines via Google WebMasters.
Ensure that Google is able to read it correctly.
Submit to Bing and possibly Yandex WebMasters too.
See that all page URLs consistently reflect site information architecture.
If you have had another older website, make sure you have 301 redirects in place for all
old URLs (redirecting old pages to new ones).
Where necessary ensure that rel=nofollow tags are in place on applicable links and
Use schema creator to insert Microdata into your pages (or tag your content in google
WebMasters Data Highlighter)
Check the semantics of your site

4.2 Performance

Try to get a PageSpeed score of 90+

Minify your javascript

Ultimate Web Design Checklist

Minify your CSS

Add Expires Header Leverage browser caching to ensure that files which dont
change often are fetched from the browser cache rather than downloaded again
Ensure a Yslow score of 85+
Optimize the size of images using Smush.It and replace the existing images with the
optimized images
Specify image dimensions for each image
Enable gzip compression on your hosting server
Ensure there are no bad requests, such as missing images or files
Combine images using CSS Sprites (use SpriteMe.org to help you generate the sprite
Reduce the number of HTTP requests by combining the CSS and JS files into as few
files as possible


Check for HTML5 compatibility

Create a Favicon generator for each platform here
Enable user and search engine friendly URLs
Set up a print stylesheet

4.4 Social Media

Add Facebook Domain Insights to your page to see how people are interacting with
your website on Facebook
Link your website to your Google+ Brand page
Add humans.txt
Create new cover images for other Social Media you use such as Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn company page, Pinterest, Instagram or others as necessary
Send the finished site to your client and get feedback
Fix and change any requests by client
Give access to client to all accounts created on their behalf
Send updates to client and wait for client sign-off
Close project


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