Pre-Observation Reflection Matter

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Pre- Observation Reflection: Designing Lessons to Meet Student Learning Needs

Please answer one question in each category (ie: Learning objectives and goals) below for a
total of 5 questions. Use complete sentences and attend to writing mechanics. Include this
sheet as the cover page for your formal lesson plan.

Learning Objectives and Goals

How do you plan to communicate the learning objectives to students?
The students will be presented with the learning objective in the very beginning
of the lesson. I will say the learning objective/ or have the students read it and
then explain it to them. The learning target will also be written on the bored, so
that I can refer to it as necessary throughout the lesson.
Learning Target: How can you understand and describe matter by defining the
vocabulary words in this unit through a foldable and small class demonstrations.

Using Data (choose one)

What sources of student data did you use to determine student performance levels?
What did you learn from this data?
In the beginning of the year students took a pre-assessment which predicted
their level of success this year in science. I have also seen how this group works
together as a whole and on an individual level. The students in this block
perform well in science and seem to grasp concepts and skills a lot easier than
the first block. I also look at the tests taken so far in science and can have
determined the students that seem to be struggling. From conferences and
student engagement during previous lessons, I have also seen the importance
and benefit of going over unit vocabulary with the students.

Assessment (choose one)

How will you ensure you call on all students?
All students will participate in this lesson. They are doing individual work, but are
also completing and participating in the whole class activities/ demonstrations.
In each activity, all students are expected to contribute in a certain manner. For
example in the texture activity, each group will feel the object, describe the
texture, and try to predict what the object is.

Instruction (choose one)

How will you know when it is time to move from one activity to the next?
As I have learned in previous observations, planning certain times for activities is
great. Yet, one must always keep in mind that this might change depending on
the needs of the students during that specific part of the lesson. This is
something that I have been working on. In order to move on in the lesson,
students must be actively engaged and participating. They must also each be
demonstrating a fair amount of understanding. If most students are having
trouble in a specific area or are asking some of the same questions, then I must
regroup the students.

Observation Focus
What specific areas would you like me to focus on for my observation (ie: questioning,
teacher movement). It may help to think about a FEAP or instructional goal

For my observation, I would like you to continue to focus on how I deal with
undesired behaviors in the class. I would also like to see how I am able to
balance between positive/negative reinforcement. I would also like you to focus
on student engagement in the lesson. It is so important for students to like what
they are learning about because it will increase their level of success. As always,
if there is something that I am struggling with during the lesson please advise
me. I like receiving as much feedback as possible so that I continually grow and
show improvement.

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