Voltage Control and Reactive Power Support Service
Voltage Control and Reactive Power Support Service
Voltage Control and Reactive Power Support Service
System operators use reactive power resources to maintain the voltage at all the
buses around the nominal value. Keeping transmission level voltages at nominal
value or within a tight range ensures proper voltages at the distribution levels.
Another important factor is that the transmission network security is closely
associated with the voltage profile. Since the voltage on a bus is strongly coupled
with the supply of reactive power, the voltage control service is also called reactive
power support service.It is prudent to control the bus voltages by providing for
reactive power locally, rather than making it to flow through the grid. There are
three major reasons for this. First, the power system equipment is designed to
operate within a range of voltages, usually within 5% of the nominal voltage. At
low voltages, the performance of most of the electrical equipments is poor. For
example, induction motors can overheat and get damaged. High voltages not only
damage the equipment but lalso shorten their life.Second, the power transmission
capability available from a transmission line design is limited by technological as
well as economical constraints. The reactive power consumes transmission and
generation capacity. To maximize the amount of real power that can be transferred
across a congested transmission interface, reactive power flows must be
minimized. Similarly, reactive power production can limit a generators real power
capability.Third, moving reactive power on the transmission system incurs real
power losses. Thus, additional energy must be supplied to replace these
losses. Different Sources of Reactive Power Reactive power support can be
provided by active sources like generators and synchronous condensers, as well as
by locally installed passive elements like capacitors or inductors. Power electronics
based family of devices called Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) can
also act as reactive power support devices. Various sources of reactive power
support have different characteristics in terms of dynamics and speed of response,
ability of voltage changes, capital costs, operating costs and opportunity costs.
Their technical as well as economical considerations are discussed
next. Generators The synchronous generators are very fast reactive support
devices. The ability of a generator to provide reactive support depends on its real-
power production. Figure 6.6 shows the limits on real and reactive production for a
typical generator. This is also called as a capability curve of a generator. Like most
electric equipment, generators are limited by their current-carrying capability. Near
rated voltage, this capability becomes an MVA limit for the armature of the
generator rather than a MW limitation, shown as the armature heating limit in the
figure. Production of reactive power involves increasing the magnetic field to raise
the generators terminal voltage. Increasing the magnetic field requires increasing
the current in the rotating field winding. This too is current limited, resulting in the
field-heating limit shown in the figure. Absorption of reactive power is limited by
the magnetic-flux pattern in the stator, which results in excessive heating of the
stator-end iron, the core-end heating limit. The synchronizing torque is also
reduced when absorbing large amounts of reactive power, which can also limit
generator capability to reduce the chance of losing synchronism with the
system.Usually, a synchronous generator is mandated to absorb or produce reactive
power in a band bounded by limits R1and R2, shown by dotted lines in Figure 6.6.
However, outside this band, it is entitled for opportunity costs if real power output
is required to be reduced in order to produce more reactive power. For example, as
shown in the figure, if a generator is asked to supply reactive power equal to B2,
rather than B1, the operating point of generator changes from current point X to
new point Y, forcing reduction in real power output from D1 to D2. More on
calculation of loss of opportunity cost is provided in further