A Simple Fuzzy Excitation Control System (Avr)

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University of Uberlndia Electrical Engineering Faculty [email protected]

Ana Claudia Marques do Valle Federal University of Gois Electrical Engineering Faculty [email protected] Adlio Jos de Moraes Federal University of Uberlndia Electrical Engineering Faculty [email protected] Haroldo R. de Azevedo Federal University of Uberlndia Electrical Engineering Faculty [email protected] Abstract: This work aims to develop a controller based on fuzzy logic to simulate an automatic voltage regulator in transient stability power system analysis. It was simulated a one machine control to check if the fuzzy controller implementation was possible. After that the controller developed was applied to an 18 bus bar system in order to show its behavior, which results were compared to the results obtained with the AVR itself. 1. INTRODUCTION generated voltage and reactive power change in the desired way In most modern systems the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) is a controller that senses the generator output voltage (and sometimes the current) then initiates corrective action by changing the exciter control in the desired direction. The speed of the AVR is of great interest in studying stability. Because of the high inductance in the generator field winding, it is difficult to make rapid changes in field current. This introduces a considerable lag in the control function and is one of the major obstacles to be overcome in designing a regulating system. The purpose of this work is the development of a fuzzy controller (software) to simulate the automatic voltage regulator behavior.

From the power system point of view, the excitation system must contribute for the effective voltage control and enhancement of the system stability [1]. It must be able to respond quickly to a disturbance enhancing the transient stability and the small signal stability. Three principal control systems directly affect a synchronous generator: the boiler, governor, and exciter controls. Assuming that the generating unit has no losses. It is a reasonable assumption when total losses of turbine and generator are compared to total output. Under this assumption all power received, as steam must leave the generator terminals as electric power. The governor controls the steam power amount admitted to the turbine. The excitation system controls the generated EMF of the generator and therefore controls not only the output voltage but the power factor and current magnitude as well. In many present-day systems the exciter is a dc generator driven by either the steam turbine (on the same shaft as the generator) or an induction motor. An increasing number are solid-state systems consisting of some form of rectifier or thyristor system supplied from the ac bus from an alternator exciter. The voltage regulator is the intelligence of the system and controls the output of the exciter so that the

2. TRANSIENT STABILITY ANALYSIS The first demand of electrical system reliability is to keep the synchronous generators working in parallel and with adequate capacity to satisfy the load demand. If at any time, a generator looses synchronism with the rest of the system, significant voltage and current fluctuation can occur and transmission lines can be automatically removed from the system by their relays deeply affecting the system configuration.

The second demand is maintaining power system integrity. The high voltage transmission system connects the generation sources to the load centers. Interruption of these nets can obstruct the power flow to the load. This usually requires the power system topology study, once almost all electrical systems are connected to each other. When a power system under normal load condition suffers a disturbance there is synchronous machine voltage angles rearrangement. If at each disturbance occurrence an unbalance is created between the system generation and load, a new operation point will be established and consequently there will be voltage angles adjustments. The system adjustment to its new operation condition is called "transient period" and the system behavior during this period is called " dynamic performance".[1] As a primitive definition, it can be said that the system oscillatory response during the transient period, short after a disturbance, is damped and the system goes in a definite time to a new operating condition, so the system is stable. This means that the oscillations are damped, that the system has inherent forces which tend to reduce the oscillations. The instability in a power system can be shown in different ways, according to its configuration and its mode of operation, but it can also be observed without synchronism loss. 3. AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR

Automatic devices control generators voltages output and frequency, in order to keep them constant according to pre-established values. These automatic devices are: Automatic Regulator Governor Voltage

However any governor due to its action loop, is slower than the AVR. This is associated mainly to its final action in the turbine. The main objective of the automatic voltage regulator AVR- is to control the terminal voltage by adjusting the generators exciter voltage. The AVR must keep track of the generator terminal voltage all the time and under any load condition, working in order to keep the voltage within pre-established limits. Based on this, it can be said that the AVR also controls the reactive power generated and the power factor of the machine once these variables are related to the generator excitation level. The AVR quality influences the voltage level during steady state operation, and also reduce the voltage oscillations during transient periods, affecting the overall system stability. Figure 3.1 illustrates the AVR model used in the program developed [1].

Exciter Saturation
S e + Ke

1 1 + Tr s Ka 1 + Ta s Vmax

1 Vmin Ke + T es Emax Emin


Input Filter Damper

Kf s

(1 + Tf1 s) (1+ T f 2 s)

Figure 3.1- Avr Model Type II of IEEE [4]: RT -IEEE2

4.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER Controlling complex systems highly non-linear has shown to be very difficult using conventional control theory. The artificial intelligence with its natural language has proven to be useful in these cases as it deals with uncertainties, what brings it closer to human being logic thought. In artificial intelligence fuzzy logic was the chosen one. 4.1. Fuzzy Logic Controller Data

fuzzy computers shows an efficient way for using the fuzzy control in complex process which can be controlled by a skilful human being without knowing its dynamic. The fuzzy logic controller consists of a linguistic propositions and rules set, which defines individual control actions. 4.2.1 Fuzzy Controller Project The development of the control system based on fuzzy logic involves the following steps: [4]:

I. Fuzzification Strategy,
The fuzzy logic use has received a lot of attention in the recent years because of its usefulness in reducing the model's complexity in the problem solution, it employs linguistic terms that deals with the causal relationship between input and output constraints. This logic was developed based on Lofti Zadeh's 1960s fuzzy set theory [5], which was motivated mainly by the conviction that the traditional analysis methods were inadequate to describe phenomena whose constraints were not related by differential equations. This theory provides a way of representing the vague notions through the element and its membership in this set. 4.1.1. Fuzzy Set The fuzzy set is a distinct element collection with a relevancy or inclusion variable degree, which characteristic function known as membership function, determines its relevancy degree. The fuzzy set F in a U universe is characterized by a membership function F from [0,1], denoted by F -U [0,1]. The fuzzy set can be seen [2] as a generalization of a regular set in which the membership has only two values {0,1}. A fuzzy set F in U can be represented as an ordinate pair set of a generic element u and its membership degree F. 4.2 The Fuzzy Controller Controllers based on the fuzzy logic give the linguistic strategies control conversion from expert knowledge in automatic control strategies. The first fuzzy logic based controllers application was done by Assilian and Mandani [2]. The recent fuzzy logic controller application [3] in water quality control, train operation automatic system, elevators control, nuclear reactor control and

II. Data Base Building, III. Rule Base Elaboration, IV. Inference Machine Elaboration, V. Defuzzification Strategy.
Figure 4.1 shows a fuzzy logic system controller configuration that emphasizes its main components. The input constraints were terminal voltage error and its variation; the output constraint was the increment of the voltage exciter. A triangular membership function was used which could be compressed or expanded, but not when rule re -insertion was used. 5. RESULTS The graphs shown in the subsection below will provide the comparative performance results between the conventional control and the fuzzy one. Two different situations were analyzed; the first analysis is a one synchronous machine excitation control done with the Matlab Software, the second one was done using a transient stability program called "Transufu" applied to a 18 bus bar IEEE system. 5.1 Fuzzy Logic Controller Results applied to a One Synchronous Machine System The block diagram shown in figure 5.2 shows a synchronous machine for which output the voltage is controlled by an AVR applied to its excitation system, in the Matlab simulation. All data were taken from reference [1].

Figure 4.1 - Fuzzy Controller basic configuration

Figure 5.2 - Block diagram of one synchronous machine with AVR simulated in Matlab. Next step is to replace the AVR device by a fuzzy logic controller in order to check its efficiency in the synchronous machine excitation voltage control. The rule-base used by fuzzy controller to simulate an AVR in the Matlab program is shown in figure 5.3. The fuzzy controller ran with the input and output normalized universe [-1, 1], [6]. The seven linguistic variables used were generator voltage error and generator voltage error variation, which are: LN - large negative MN - medium negative SN - small negative Z zero SP - small positive MP - medium positive LP - large positive

Figure 5.3- The output rule base used by fuzzy logic controller in Matlab program simulation.

Figure 5.4 - Block diagram of one synchronous machine with fuzzy controller simulated in Matlab. Figure 5.5 shows the terminal voltage of a synchronous machine connected to an infinite bus bar by a transmission line.

Next figure shows the synchronous machine electric torque controlled by the AVR and by the fuzzy controller.
2.5 AVR Fuzzy 2


terminal voltage (pu)

electrical torque (pu)








0 0 1 2 3 4 time (s) 5 6 7

-0.5 0 1 2 3 4 time (s) 5 6 7 8

Figure 5.5- One machine analysis (terminal voltage Vt .)

1.5 1 0.5 load angle (grade) 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 AVR Fuzzy

Figure 5.7 - One machine analysis (electrical torque) 5.2 - Fuzzy Logic Controller in an 18 bus bar system The 18 bus IEEE system was simulated in an stability analysis program developed by Federal University of Uberlndia called Transufu, for two different disturbance types: short circuit and generation loss. Four load modeling kinds were studied: constant impedance, constant current, 50% constant current and 50% constant power (mist 1) and finally 21% constant current and 79% constant power (mist 2). The fuzzy controller applied here has seven predicates.

4 time (s)

Figure 5.6 - One machine analysis (load angle)

Figure 5.8 shows the terminal voltage at bus bar 7 of the IEEE system for a short circuit simulation at bus bar 12 lasting 300 ms. The load was modeled as 50% I constant and 50% P constant.

oscillation, while the AVR response presented a ripple in both studies and some oscillations before reaching the steady state operation point. It is shown that an excellent performance of the fuzzy control over the conventional one for the excitation control of synchronous machines could be achieved. 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Anderson, P.M. and Fouad, A. A. - "Power System Control and Stability"- The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA, 1977. E. H. Mamdani and S. Assilian, "An experiment in linguistic synthesis with a fuzzy logic controller ", Int. J. Man Mach. Studies, vol. 7, no 1, pp 1-13, 1975. C.C. Lee, Fuzzy Logic in Control Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 20, no. 2, MARCH / APRIL 1990. IEEE Committee Report"Computer Representation of Excitation Systems "- IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems - Vol. PAS-87, pp. 1460-1464, Jun/1968. L. A. Zadeh, "Fuzzy Sets", Informat Control , vol. 8, pp. 338-353, 1965 Kosko, Bart; Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1992


[3] Figure 5.8 - 18 bus bar system analysis (terminal voltage Vt in bus bar 07) [4]

[5] [6]

Figure 5.9 - 18 bus bar system analysis (terminal voltage Vt in bus bar 12) Figure 5.10 shows the terminal voltage at the IEEE system bus bar 7 for a generator loss simulation at bus bar 04 at 2 seconds. The load was modeled as 50% constant current and 50% constant power. Figure 5.12 shows the comparative analysis for the four different load modeling applied to the system. The graph shows the terminal voltage at bus bar 07. In figure 5.12 it could be observed that for both mist1 and mist 2 simulations the overall performance was better than the other two modeling types. 6. CONCLUSION

It could be observed for both studies (Matlab simulation and stability program simulation) an excellent response of the fuzzy controller and with no

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