Quiz 6 (Ch. 9) : Fluid Flow and Viscosity Surface Tension Transport Phenomena

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Quiz 6 (Ch.

„ Tensile deformation: „ Density:

∆L ρ=
m Chapter 9
A L0 V
„ Shear deformation: „ Floating object:

F ∆x
Solids and Fluids
=S Fg = B = ρ fluidV fluid g
A h Part 2
„ Bulk deformation:

∆P = − B
V 1 2

Part 2 Fluids in Motion:

Outline Streamline Flow
„ Streamline flow
Every particle that passes a particular point
„ Fluid flow and viscosity „
moves exactly along the smooth path
followed by particles that passed the point
„ Surface Tension „
Also called laminar flow
Streamline is the path
„ Transport phenomena „
„ Different streamlines cannot cross each
„ The streamline at any point coincides with
the direction of fluid velocity at that point

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Fluids in Motion:
Streamline Flow, Example Turbulent Flow
„ The flow becomes irregular
Streamline „ exceeds a certain velocity
flow shown
around an „ any condition that causes abrupt
auto in a wind changes in velocity
„ Eddy currents are a characteristic
of turbulent flow

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Turbulent Flow, Example Fluid Flow: Viscosity
„ The rotating blade „ Viscosity is the degree of internal
(dark area) forms a friction in the fluid
vortex in heated air
„ Example: water has a lower viscosity
The wick of the
than oil

burner is at the
bottom „ The internal friction is associated
„ Turbulent air flow with the resistance between two
occurs on both adjacent layers of the fluid moving
sides of the blade relative to each other
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Characteristics of an Ideal
Fluid Equation of Continuity
„ The fluid is nonviscous „ Mass is conserved: M1=M2
„ There is no internal friction between adjacent „ The product of the cross-
layers sectional area of a pipe
„ The fluid is incompressible and the fluid speed is a
„ Its density is constant
„ The fluid motion is steady A1 v1 = A2 v 2
„ Its velocity, density, and pressure do not „ Speed is high where the pipe
change in time is narrow and speed is low
„ The fluid moves without turbulence where the pipe has a large M 1 = ρ1 A1∆x1
„ No eddy currents are present ∆x1 = v1t1
„ The elements have zero angular velocity about „ Av is called the flow rate
its center
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Equation of Continuity,
cont Bernoulli’s Equation
„ The equation is a consequence of „ Relates pressure to fluid speed and
conservation of mass and a steady flow elevation
„ Av = const „ Bernoulli’s equation is a consequence of
„ This is equivalent to the fact that the Conservation of Energy applied to an
volume of fluid that enters one end of the ideal fluid
tube in a given time interval equals the „ Ideal fluid: incompressible and
volume of fluid leaving the tube in the same
nonviscous, and flows in a nonturbulent,
„ Assumes the fluid is incompressible and there are
steady-state manner
no leaks

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Applications of Bernoulli’s
Bernoulli’s Equation, cont. Principle: Venturi Tube
Can be used to measure

P + ρv 2 + ρgy = const the speed of the fluid flow

2 flowing through a
horizontal constricted pipe
pressure kinetic potential „ Speed changes as
energy energy diameter changes

The sum of the pressure, kinetic energy „ Swiftly moving fluids exert
per unit volume, and the potential less pressure than do P1 > P2
slowly moving fluids
energy per unit volume has the same v1 < v 2
value at all points along a streamline
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An Object Moving Through

Example: Problem #46 a Fluid
„ h = 16 m „ Many common phenomena can be
„ Av = 2.5x10-3 m3/min 1 explained by Bernoulli’s equation
„ At least partially
„ In general, an object moving through a
„ a) v - ? fluid is acted upon by a net upward
„ b) dhole - ? force as the result of any effect that
causes the fluid to change its direction
1 2 as it flows past the object
P + ρv + ρgy = const
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Application - Constricted Application – Airplane

Artery Wing
„ Artery is constricted as a „ The air speed above
result of accumulated the wing is greater than
plaque on its inner walls the speed below
„ Blood travels faster then „ The air pressure above
normal trough constricted the wing is less than
area the air pressure below
„ Pressure decreases - artery „ There is a net upward
may collapse; then it re- force
opens „ Called lift
„ Change in flow can be „ Other factors are also
detected with a involved
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Surface Tension Surface Tension, cont
„ Net force on „ The net effect of this pull on all the
molecule A is zero surface molecules is to make the
„ Pulled equally in surface of the liquid contract
all directions
„ Net force on B is „ Makes the surface area of the
not zero liquid as small as possible
„ No molecules „ Example: Water droplets take on a
above to act on it spherical shape since a sphere has
„ Pulled toward the the smallest surface area for a given
center of the fluid volume

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Example: Surface Tension

on a Needle Surface Tension, Equation
„ Surface tension allows „ The surface tension is defined as the ratio of
the needle to float, even the magnitude of the surface tension force to
though the density of the length along which the force acts:
the steel in the needle is
much higher than the F
density of the water γ=
„ The needle actually L
rests in a small „ SI units are N/m
depression in the liquid
surface „ Can express as J/m2 - in terms of energy, any
„ The vertical components equilibrium configuration of an object is one in
of the force balance the which the energy is a minimum
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Final Notes About Surface

Measuring Surface Tension Tension
„ The force is „ The surface tension of liquids
measured just as the
ring breaks free from decreases with increasing
the film temperature
F „ Surface tension can be decreased
γ =
2L by adding ingredients called
„ The 2L is due to the surfactants to a liquid
force being exerted on
the inside and outside
„ Detergent is an example
of the ring

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A Closer Look at the Liquids in Contact with a
Surface of Liquids Solid Surface – Case 1
„ Cohesive forces are forces „ The adhesive forces
between like molecules (liquid-glass) are
greater than the
„ Adhesive forces are forces cohesive forces (liquid-
between unlike molecules liquid)
„ The shape of the surface depends „ The liquid clings to the
upon the relative size of the walls of the container
cohesive and adhesive forces „ The liquid “wets” the
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Liquids in Contact with a

Solid Surface – Case 2 Contact Angle
„ Cohesive forces (liquid
-glass) are greater than
the adhesive forces
„ The liquid curves
„ The liquid does not „ In a, Φ > 90° and cohesive forces are
“wet” the surface greater than adhesive forces
„ In b, Φ < 90° and adhesive forces are
greater than cohesive forces

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Capillary Action Capillary Action, cont.

„ Capillary action is the „ Here, the cohesive
result of surface tension
and adhesive forces forces are greater
„ The liquid rises in the than the adhesive
tube when adhesive forces
forces are greater than
cohesive forces
„ The level of the fluid
„ At the point of contact in the tube will be
between the liquid and below the surface of
the solid, the upward the surrounding fluid
forces are as shown in the
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Capillary Action, final Viscous Fluid Flow
„ The height at which the fluid is drawn above „ Viscosity refers to
or depressed below the surface of the friction between the
surrounding liquid (density ρ) is given by: layers
„ Layers in a viscous fluid
2γ have different velocities
h= cos φ The velocity is greatest
at the center
„ Cohesive forces
„ γ - surface tension between the fluid and
the walls slow down the
„ φ - contact angle fluid on the outside
„ r - tube radius
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Coefficient of Viscosity Poiseuille’s Law

„ Assume a fluid „ Gives the rate of
between two solid
surfaces flow of a fluid in a
„ A force is required to tube with pressure
move the upper differences
F=η Rate of flow =
η is the coefficient ∆V π R4 (P1 − P2 )
„ SI units are N . s/m2 ∆t 8η L
„ cgs units are Poise
„ 1 Poise = 0.1 N.s/m2
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Reynold’s Number Example: Problem #65

„ At sufficiently high velocity, a fluid flow „ d = 2.0 cm
can change from streamline to
turbulent flow „ v = 55 cm/s
„ The onset of turbulence can be found by a „ ρ = 1050 kg/m3
factor called the Reynold’s Number, RN
ρvd „ η = 2.7x10-3 Ns/m2
RN =
„ If RN = 2000 or below, flow is streamline
„ If 2000 <RN<3000, the flow is unstable „ Is the blood flow turbulent ?
„ If RN = 3000 or above, the flow is ρvd
turbulent Reynold’s Number RN =
35 36

Transport Phenomena Diffusion
„ Movement of a fluid may be due to
differences in concentration
„ As opposed to movement due to a pressure
„ Concentration is the number of molecules
per unit volume
„ Concentration on the left is higher than on the
„ The fluid will flow from an area of high right of the imaginary barrier
concentration to an area of low „ Many of the molecules on the left can pass to
concentration the right, but few can pass from right to left
„ The processes are called diffusion and „ There is a net movement from the higher
osmosis concentration to the lower concentration
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Diffusion and Fick’s Law Osmosis

„ Molecules move from a region of
„ Osmosis is the movement of water from
high concentration to a region of
a region where its concentration is high,
low concentration across a selectively permeable
„ Basic equation for diffusion is membrane, into a region where its
given by Fick’s Law concentration is lower
Mass  C − C1  A selectively permeable membrane is one
Diffusion rate = = DA  2 

that allows passage of some molecules, but

time  L  not others
„ D is the diffusion coefficient

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Motion Through a Viscous Motion in a Viscous

Medium Medium
„ When an object falls through a fluid, a „ As the object falls, three
viscous drag acts on it forces act on the object
„ The resistive force on a small, spherical „ As its speed increases, so
object of radius r falling through a does the resistive force
viscous fluid is given by Stoke’s Law: „ At a particular speed,
called the terminal speed,
Fr = 6 π η r v the net force is zero

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Example: Problem#69 Sedimentation Rate
„ F = 3.0x10-13 N „ The speed at which materials fall
„ v = 4.5x10-4 m/s Fr through a fluid is called the
„ r = 2.5x10-6 m sedimentation rate
„ It is important in clinical analysis
„ The rate can be increased by
„ ηair - ?
increasing the effective value of g
Fr = 6 π η r v „ This can be done in a centrifuge

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