Torque (Torsi)

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Physics 211: Lecture 20

Today’s Agenda
 Torque due to gravity
 Rotation Recap

 Statics
 Car on a Hill
 Static Equilibrium Equations
 Examples:
 Suspended beam
 Hanging lamp
 Ladder

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 1

Lecture 20, Act 1
 A ball and box have the same mass and are moving with the same velocity across a horizontal floor. The ball rolls without slipping and the box slides without friction.
They encounter an upward slope in the floor. Which one makes it farther “up the hill” before stopping?

(a) ball (b) box (c) same

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 2

Lecture 20, Act 1
 The ball and box will stop when their initial kinetic energies have been converted to gravitational potential energy (mgH).

 The initial kinetic energy of the box is K  mv 2
1 1
 The initial kinetic energy of the ball is K  mv 2  I  2 bigger
2 2

 v

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 3

Lecture 20, Act 1
 Since the ball has more initial kinetic energy, it will go higher!

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 4

Recap of Rotation so far:
 About a fix ed rotation axis, you can always write  = I where  is the torque, I is the moment of inertia, and  is the angular acceleration.
 For discrete point particles, I = miri2
 The parallel axis theorem lets you calculate the moment of inertia about an axis parallel to an axis through the CM if you knowIC M :

 Rotation through the CM has lowest moment of inertia compared to other parallel axes

 If the object is accelerating, we can still use  = I provided that we are considering rotations about an axis through the CM.


Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 5

hang odd objects
Torque due to Gravity
 As we now know   i  I where i = ri X Fi gravity points down (-y-dir)
 Take the rotation axis to be along the z direction
(as usual) and recall that
i = Z,i = rX,i FY,i - FX,i rY,i (also obtain via “closest
= xi (-mi g) - 0 approach” method)
m4 x
  i  g  mi x i  gMxcm F4
i i z-axis r4 m1
So:   Mgxcm x4 r1 F1

Where: M   mi r3 r2 m2
F3 F2

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 6

Torque due to Gravity...
 But this is the same expression we would get if we were to find the CM...

 NET  Mgxcm

M   mi

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 7

Torque due to Gravity...
 ...and assume that all of the mass was located there!

 So for the purpose of figuring out the torque due to gravity, you can treat an object as though all of its mass were
located at the center of mass.

M y
 NET  Mgxcm
M   mi Mg

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 8

 Put together free body diagrams plus…

 Fact that nothing should be moving

 Equations describe static situations

 These include force plus torque

 Things don’t move or rotate

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 9

New Section - Statics:
 As the name implies, “statics” is the study of systems that
don’t move.
 Ladders, sign-posts, balanced beams, buildings,
bridges, etc...

y x
 Example: What are all of
the forces acting on a car
parked on a hill? N


Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 10

Car on Hill: Truck on hill

Use Newton’s 2nd Law: FNET = MA ACM = 0

F  0

 Resolve this into x and y components:

x: f - mg sin  = 0

f = mg sin  y x

y: N - mg cos  = 0 N
N = mg cos 


Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 11

Using Torque:

 Now consider a plank of mass M suspended by two strings

as shown. We want to find the tension in each string:

 First use  F  0 T1 T2

T1 + T2 = Mg x cm M
 This is no longer enough to L/2
solve the problem! L/4
1 equation, 2 unknowns.
 We need more information!! x

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 12

Using Torque...

 We do have more information:

 We know the plank is not rotating!
 NET = I = 0

T1 T2
  0
x cm M

 The sum of all torques is zero!
 This is true about any axis Mg
we choose! x

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 13

Using Torque...

 Choose the rotation axis to

be along the z direction (out
of the page) through the CM:

 The torque due to the stringT1 T2

on the right about this axis is:
L x cm M
 2  T2
 The torque due to the string on
the left about this axis is: y
L Mg
1  T1 Gravity exerts no
2 x
torque about the CM
Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 14
Using Torque...
Suspended beam

 Since the sum of all

torques must be 0:
T 2  T1  0
4 2
T1 T2
T 2  2T1
x cm M
We already found that
T1 + T2 = Mg L/4
T1  Mg y
3 Mg
2 x
T2  Mg
Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 15
Approach to Statics:
 In general, we can use the two equations equilibrium

F  0   0

to solve any statics problem.

 When choosing axes about which to calculate torque, we

can be clever and make the problem easy....

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 16

Lecture 20, Act 2
 A 1 kg ball is hung at the end of a rod 1 m long. The system balances at a point on the rod 0.25 m from the end holding the mass.
 What is the mass of the rod?

(a) 0.5 kg (b) 1 kg (c) 2 kg


1 kg

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 17

Lecture 20, Act 2
Solution A
 The total torque about the pivot must be zero.

 The center of mass of the rod is at its center, 0.25 m to the

right of the pivot.
 Since this must balance the ball, which is the same distance
to the left of the pivot, the masses must be the same!

same distance
mROD = 1 kg
CM of rod
1 kg

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 18

Lecture 20, Act 2
Solution B
 Since the system is not rotating, the x-coordinate of the CM of the system must be the same as the pivot.

 The center of mass of the rod is at its center, 0.25 m to the

right of the pivot.
 Since the CM of the ball is 0.25 m to the left of the pivot, the
mass of the rod must be 1 kg to make xCM = 0.

-.25 m .25 m mROD = 1 kg

CM of rod
1 kg

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 19
Example: Hanging Lamp
the prototypical statics problem!!
 A lamp of mass M hangs from the end of plank of mass m
and length L. One end of the plank is held to a wall by a
hinge, and the other end is supported by a massless string
that makes an angle  with the plank. (The hinge supplies
a force to hold the end of the plank in place.)
 What is the tension, T, in the string?
 What are the forces supplied by the
hinge on the plank?
 What do you think??
 If is smaller what happens to T? 
 How does “m” determine T? m

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 20

Hanging Lamp...
Draw FBD, everything is happening to the plank

F  0
 First use the fact that in both x and y directions for the plank:
(calculate equations of motion for plank, Fi=mai)

x: T cos  + Fx = 0
y: T sin  + Fy - Mg - mg = 0 x
 Now use    0 in the z direction.
If we choose the rotation axis to T
be through the hinge then the
 Fy
hinge forces Fx and Fy will not
enter into the torque equation: m
L L/2 L/2
LMg  mg - LTsin   0 M
2 mg
Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 21
Hanging Lamp...

 So we have three equations and three unknowns:

T cos  + Fx = 0
T sin  + Fy - Mg - mg = 0
LMg  mg - LTsin   0
2 x

which we can solve to find:

(M + m 2) g
T =  Fy
sin 

Fx 

 M m
g m
tan  L/2 L/2
1 M mg
F y  mg
2 Mg
Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 22
Hanging Lamp...
 What do these equations have to say to us??

(M + m 2 ) g
T =
sin  y

Fx 

 Mm
tan 
Fy  mg
2 T
 What if is small?  Fy
 What if M is big? m
 If Fx is too big the wall will collapse Fx
L/2 L/2
 If T is too big, will the string will snapM
 You know the answer….
Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 23
Lecture 20, Act 3
 A box is placed on a ramp in the configurations shown below. Friction prevents it from sliding. The center of mass of the box is indicated by a blue dot in each case.
 In which cases does the box tip over?

(a) all (b) 2 & 3 (c) 3 only

1 2 3

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 24

Lecture 20, Act 3
 We have seen that the torque due to gravity acts as though all the mass of an object is concentrated at the center of mass.

 Consider the bottom right corner of the box to be a pivot point.

 If the box can rotate in such a way that the center of mass is
lowered, it will!

1 2 3

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 25

Lecture 20, Act 3
 We have seen that the torque due to gravity acts as though all the mass of an object is concentrated at the center of mass.

 Consider the bottom right corner of the box to be a pivot point.

 If the box can rotate in such a way that the center of mass is
lowered, it will!

1 2

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 26

Example: Ladder against smooth wall

 Bill (mass M) is climbing a ladder

(length L, mass m) that leans against
a smooth wall (no friction between
wall and ladder). A frictional force F
between the ladder and the floor
keeps it from slipping. The angle 
between the ladder and the wall is .
 What is the magnitude of F as a L m
function of Bill’s distance up the
 Is this static or kinetic friction?
 Static if the ladder doesn’t move Bill

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 27

Example: Ladder against smooth wall...
 Consider all of the forces acting. In addition
to gravity and friction, there will be normal x
forces Nf and Nw by the floor and wall
respectively on the ladder.
 Again use the fact that FNET = 0 L/2 
in both x and y directions:

x: Nw = F
y: Nf = Mg + mg
You know everything but F, force of friction
F Nf
Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 28
Example: Ladder against smooth wall... y

 Since we are not interested in Nw, calculate torques about an axis x

through the top end of the ladder, in the z direction. axis

L L/2 
sin mg   L  d  sin  Mg  Lsin F - Lsin  Nf  0
cos m

 Substituting in Nf = Mg + mg and
solving for F: mg
d Mg 
d m 
F  Mg tan    
 L 2M  F Nf

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 29
Ladder vs. wall
Example: Ladder against smooth wall...
d m 
 We have just calculated that F  Mg tan    
 L 2M 
 For a given coefficient of static
friction s,  m
the maximum force of friction F  S 1  
 
that can be M
provided is sNf = s g(M + m). tan MAX 
d m

 The ladder will slip if F exceeds L 2M
this value, e.g. if angle gets too
big, or d gets too big, or… m

 Morals:
 Brace the bottom of ladders!
 Don’t make  too big!
 Newton plus analysis give
Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 30
Recap of today’s lecture

 Torque due to gravity (Text: 9-4)

 Rotation Recap (Text: 9-1 to 9-6)

 Statics (Text: 12-1, 12-3)

 Car on a Hill
 Static Equilibrium Equations
 Examples: (See examples 12-3, 12-5)

 Look at textbook problems Chapter 9: # 75

Chapter 12: # 16, 23, 25, 42

Physics 211: Lecture 20, Pg 31

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