Renewal of Vibration Analyst Certification Application Form
Renewal of Vibration Analyst Certification Application Form
Renewal of Vibration Analyst Certification Application Form
Application Form
Make sure you are using the latest version of the Renewal Application. Applications
received on obsolete versions will be returned. The latest version can be downloaded on
the Vibration Institute website at
Responsibility: It is the applicants responsibility to read, understand, and follow all instructions
given in this application. It is also your responsibility to submit this form on time in order to be
considered for renewal by points. If you have any questions, contact the Vibration Institute at
630.654.2254 or email [email protected].
Application Fee: Effective January 1, 2015, there is a $250 fee ($300 International) for
processing this renewal application, payable upon submittal of the application. This fee also
covers the issue of a new 5-year certificate if approved. If your application is denied, you may
apply 50% of the application fee toward an exam fee, if the exam is taken within one calendar
year of the expiration of your current certification. Your application fee may be reduced if you
participated in the Vibration Institutes optional Proactive Surveillance Program (PSP) over the
past five years. Contact the Vibration Institute for details. Note: Due to changes in ISO/IEC
17024:2012, the Vibration Institutes optional PSP program has been discontinued.
Qualification: In order to qualify for renewal of your certification by points rather than by re-
examination, you must have continued, uninterrupted, vibration-related work experience and
show evidence of ongoing vibration-related professional development. Note: Qualifying
experience and professional development in alternative technologies is limited as described later
in this application.
1. Your certification expires on the expiration date shown on your certificate. If this
form is not received and approved prior to that date, you are no longer certified.
You have a 6-month grace period that extends beyond the expiration date to allow late
submittal of this application form but during that timeframe, you are not certified. It is
recommended that this form be submitted 3 to 6months, but no more than 6 months, prior
to your certificate expiration date so there is no lapse in your certification. Be sure to
check the Vibration Institute website to make sure you have the latest version of
this form; only the latest version of this form will be accepted.
2. If you submit this application form after the 6-month grace period has expired, it will not
be considered and you will be required to retake the certification exam to get recertified.
4. This application must be filled out completely and legibly in order to be considered.
All blanks must be filled in or the form will be returned to you for completion.
5. Please avoid using abbreviations that the reviewer may not be familiar with. This will only
delay the review. Example: Dont say you took IMV from VI; instead state you took
Introduction to Machinery Vibrations from the Vibration Institute. This will aid in processing
the application and avoid requests for clarifications.
6. Use the correct name of the classes, organizations, conferences, etc. so they can be easily
verified. Example: If you took Introduction to Machinery Vibrations, dont say you took
Basic Vibrations as this makes it difficult to verify and delays processing of the
8. If available, please provide a web address (URL) for the class, conference, etc. that is
claimed. This will help the reviewer verify the point credits for the item and facilitate
processing of the application.
9. Training, papers, presentations, etc. that are claimed for renewal points must have
occurred within the 5-year period in which you were certified. These dates are shown on
your Certificate. Items falling outside of these dates cannot be considered.
10. Training, presentations, published papers, conferences and meetings must not only be
from recognized industry publications and training organizations but also must be
verifiable. Other formal and verifiable supervised training with a defined syllabus, training
materials, and competent instructor may be considered if supplied with supporting
documentation as defined in this document. Up to 25% of Documented Technical Training
points may be earned by self-study.
11. Professional development points cannot be claimed for work done or reports written on
the job. Additionally, points cannot be claimed for presentations given at staff meetings,
internal company reviews, and other meetings that are part of your normal job
requirements. Credit for this work is included in your experience points.
12. Do not ask the application reviewer to contact a person or organization to verify
your claim via email or phone. It is your responsibility to provide acceptable
evidence for your claims. If you submit an application without proper evidence, it
will not be processed pending the submission of the required evidence.
Vibration-Related - The term Vibration-Related is used throughout this document and means
professional development activities that are related to the subjects and topics contained within
the Body of Knowledge of the Vibration Institutes certification scheme in accordance with ISO
18436-2:2014 and other pertinent Standards. Points are awarded for experience, training,
conference attendance, presentations, published papers and other approved activities as
determined by the Vibration Institute.
Evidence Evidence is documentation that clearly shows that you participated in a claimed
activity. It must include the date(s) of the qualifying activity, topic, organization providing the
activity, and qualifying hours or CEUs. Acceptable documentation includes: certificate of
attendance, letter from the supplier stating your participation, log in sheet signed by the attendee
and provider, an agenda or program signed by the provider verifying participation.
A copy of a presentation or paper by itself does not constitute valid evidence. You must include
proof of where it was presented or published, the date, and a way to verify that information, e.g.,
conference program, proceedings listing, or publication table of contents.
Participation in local meetings cannot be lumped together. Each meeting attended must be listed
with the required information and supporting evidence must be supplied. In the case of Vibration
Institute, CMVA, or similar regular meetings, a letter from an officer of the local chapter confirming
the claims is acceptable.
Appeals and Complaints - Individuals denied renewal may make written appeal to the
Certification Committee or Technical Director of Certification. The appeal form can be obtained at You may also send a complaint to the Executive Director
who will forward it on to the appropriate person. Unsuccessful appeals to the Certification
Committee or Technical Director of Certification can be appealed to the Vibration Institute Board
of Directors in written form. The Board of Directors will provide a decision to grant or deny an
appeal based on the facts. A decision by the Board of Directors is final.
Please provide all of the information requested in this application. Either type the information or
print legibly. If the information is not legible, the Application will be returned to you for clarification.
For Certificate Name, include your name exactly as you would like it to appear on your
Certificate. If you are outside the United States, fill in address information as is appropriate for
your country. Include your certification number not your membership number. If you are not sure
what your certification number is, contact the Vibration Institute prior to submitting this application.
Note: Cert is used as an abbreviation for Certification.
Name ______________________________________________________________________
Cert Category ______ Cert Number _______________ Cert Expiration Date: __________
Company ___________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________
Recertification points are earned for both work experience and professional development. The list
below designates, by certification category, the number of total points required for renewal of
certification by Category. You cannot receive enough points for renewal by simply working full
time in vibration analysis; you must also have ongoing professional development. Please note
that no more than 1-point per year in work experience (Section 2) and no more than 50%
of your professional development points or 6 points whichever is lower (Section 3) can be
earned in alternative technologies (i.e., thermography, oil analysis, etc.). The rest of the
points must come from verifiable professional development in qualifying vibration-related
activities. Up to 25% of points in Documented Technical Training may be earned by self-study.
* If you are filling this form out as a fillable PDF, the above points will be automatically generated
dependent upon the information you provide on the following pages.
Points are earned by performing vibration-related work on an ongoing basis. The rates per year
at which points are earned are shown below. The percentage of time engaged in vibration-related
work is based on a standard 2,080 hour work year. Note: No more than 1-point per year can
be claimed for work experience in alternative technologies. Alternative technology points
claimed under work experience are counted in addition to the points that can be claimed in
alternative technologies for professional development in Section 3.
Renewal of certification by points requires that the certificant has been engaged in vibration-
related work without any significant interruption. Significant interruption is defined in Section
3.6 of ISO 18436-1:2012 as follows: absence or change of activity which prevents the certified
individual from practicing the duties corresponding to the category in the method and the sector(s)
within the certified scope, for either a continuous period in excess of one year or two or more
periods for a total time exceeding two years. Thus, the minimum number of vibration-related work
experience points required for renewal for each year is one (1). If you had a year where you did
not engage in any vibration-related work, you do not qualify for renewal by points and you will be
required to retake the certification exam to get recertified.
The maximum number of work experience points in any given year is 4 and the maximum for 5-
years is 20. Please note that in Section 4 you are personally attesting to the validity of this
information and that falsifying information could result in the loss of your certification. For more
details, please contact the Vibration Institute.
In the Experience Table below, fill in the percentage of time you worked in vibration-related and
the percentage of time you worked in alternative technologies for each year. No more than 1-point
can be claimed for alternative technologies for any year regardless of the percentage of time
spent in those activities. Thus, you must have spent at least 40% of your time in vibration-related
work in order to qualify for 4-points for the year. Stated another way, in order to claim 4-points in
any year, you must either spend at least 60% of your time in vibration-related work or spend 40%
in vibration-related plus an additional 20% in alternative technologies work.
Your current supervisor must sign and attest to the work experience claims made below. If they
have not been your supervisor for the full 5-year period, they can attest to the best of their
knowledge. If you are self-employed, such as an independent consultant, you can either have a
colleague sign or sign yourself. Please note that falsifying information could lead to loss of your
Certification. An electronic signature may be used or, you may have your supervisor send an
email to [email protected] attesting to the information. If an email is sent, you must
have them clearly state who the attestation is for.
% Vibration- % Alternative
Year Points Supervisor/Manager Name
Related Technologies
___ Check here if you are self-employed and signing for yourself.
If you simply type in your initials and/or name, they will be interpreted as your signed initials and
Training Points for training are awarded for attending formal classes from recognized
training organizations. Other verifiable supervised training with a defined syllabus, training
materials, and competent instructor may be considered, however, evidence of such must be
provided with this application for consideration. Points are not awarded for working with a
Certified Vibration Analyst that is providing ongoing mentoring to you. Time spent taking
certification exams does not qualify for points, however, time spent on training exams and
structured reviews that are part of a formal class does qualify. If you claim points for a non-
recognized class, you must present evidence of the class, including, a syllabus, samples of class
materials, number of hours of instruction time, the timeframe over which it was provided (e.g., 24
hours of instruction over 3-days), the dates and location of the training, and proof of attendance
and completion for consideration. Up to 25% of points in Documented Technical Training
points may be earned by self-study.
Teaching Classes Points for teaching classes are awarded for teaching formal classes
for recognized training organizations. Points may be awarded for teaching verifiable formal
training classes with a defined syllabus and appropriate training material. Points are not
awarded for informal training sessions, informal classes, or ongoing mentoring. If you claim
teaching points and it is not for a recognized training organization and a published course, you
must present evidence of the class, including, a syllabus, samples of class materials, number of
hours of instruction time, the timeframe over which it was provided (e.g., 24 hours of instruction
over 3-days), the dates and location of the training, and the number of class attendees for
Repeating a Class - Points for attendance or teaching the same class or training are only granted
once per year (i.e., at least 1-year between occurrences). Points awarded for attending or
teaching the same class in additional years are earned at 50% of the stated rates. Example: A 3-
day, 8-hour per day class earns 2.4 points. If it is repeated a year later, it earns 1.2 points.
Technical Meetings and Conferences Points are awarded for attendance at recognized
industry technical meetings and conferences. If you attend an intra-company or other non-
recognized meeting or conference, you must submit an agenda of topics and presentations for
the event, indicate what you attended or participated in, and provide proof of attendance.
Teleconferences and Online Meetings - Teleconferences do not qualify for points credit,
however, if the conference was held via WebEx, GoToMeeting or other similar online meeting
environment where technical presentations may be viewed interactively (two-way communication
with the presenter, question, answers, etc.) it may be considered. To apply for points for an online
meeting, you must submit an agenda of topics and presentations for the event, indicate what you
attended or participated in, and provide proof of attendance for consideration.
Fill out the information below for every technical meeting and conference attended.
Fill out the information below for every Technical Presentations & Publications
Section 4: Attestation
In order to qualify for renewal of certification by points, you must meet and attest to each the
following statements. Read the statements carefully and initial, then sign at the bottom. You may
use an electronic signature. If you simply type in your initials and/or signature, it will be interpreted
as your signed initials and signature.
__________ I have actively worked in the field of vibration analysis without significant interruption
since receiving my vibration analyst certification. See the definition of significant interruption in
Section 2.
__________ I have and continue to follow the Vibration Institute Code of Ethics that includes the
Code of Ethics as stated in Annex A of ISO 18436-1:2012.
__________ The information provided in this application is true, accurate, and complete to the
best of my knowledge. Additionally, I am willing to provide in a timely manner, any additional
evidence requested by the Vibration Institute that supports the information provided in this form.
I understand that falsifying information could result in the loss of my Certification.
By _________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________