I105 - Typical Steps in Preparing For The Accreditation Process-5672-5

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Preparing Authority: Publication Date:

Beth Carbonella 04/14/20

I105 - Typical Steps in Preparing for the Accreditation Process


This document details the various accreditation processes at A2LA for all programs and fields except the A2LA
Clinical Laboratory Accreditation Programs (i.e. ISO 15189 and CLIA) and Proficiency Testing Providers
Accreditation Program (ISO/IEC 17043).

Accreditation at A2LA requires a yearly activity beginning with an initial assessment (or in some cases a pre-
assessment). When an organization becomes accredited, they are referred to as a Conformity Assessment Body
(CAB). After the initial assessment a two (2) year anniversary (expiration) date is established.

At the mid-point of the initial accreditation cycle the CAB is required to undergo a surveillance visit (typically
one day) by an A2LA assessor. This surveillance assessment is performed to confirm that the CABs
management system has been fully implemented, corrective actions taken since the last on-site assessment were
effective and technical capabilities remain in compliance with the accreditation requirements.

The renewal process is similar to the initial assessment process except that the surveillance visit is typically not
mandated at the mid-point of the next accreditation cycle, unless significant problems were noted during the
last on-site assessment that warrant follow-up or if significant issues have arisen since the last on-site
assessment that could call into question the organization’s compliance with the accreditation requirements.

At the mid-point of subsequent assessment cycles, the CAB is required to submit updated information on its
organization, facilities, key personnel, etc. along with specific quality system records that will be requested
through the A2LA customer portal. The organization’s assigned Accreditation Officer (AcO) will perform a
desk audit of this information.

Initial Year (First On-Site Assessment)

Year 1: Surveillance Assessment (typically one day)

Overall Accreditation Cycle:

Note: Accreditation is a yearly activity.

Year 2: Renewal On-Site Assessment
Renewal assessments are to be completed
every 2 years with Annual reviews to be
completed on the off years.
Year 3: Annual Review (Desk audit)

Year 4: Renewal On-Site Assessment

Year 5: Annual Review (Desk Audit)

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If at any point, while preparing for accreditation, you have questions or need further assistance please
contact A2LA using the contact us form found at https://www.A2LA.org/form/contact-us or email
[email protected] directly.

1. Obtain an official copy of the conformity assessment standard(s) to which you are seeking accreditation
to (e.g. ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17020, etc.).

2. Review the applicable requirements documents for the areas in which you are seeking accreditation from
the applicable pages on the A2LA website at www.A2LA.org/accreditation This will help to ensure a basic
understanding of the accreditation process and the general criteria for accreditation. Please note that your
organization will be evaluated against these requirements during your assessment.

3. For additional information on the estimated cost of accreditation (i.e. applicable accreditation fees and on-
site assessment costs), complete the “Get a Quote” form that is linked from the A2LA home page
(https://www.A2LA.org/form/estimate-request). In order for us to generate an accurate estimate, please provide
a completed selection list or a draft scope of accreditation. Selection lists for various disciplines are located on
our website at https://portal.A2LA.org/documents/. Search for ‘Selection Lists’ and choose the form that is
applicable to your program.

4. Create and implement a Management System with policies and procedures that meet the applicable
conformity assessment standard and A2LA requirements in the program for which you are seeking
accreditation (e.g. ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17020, etc.). Ensure that these documents fulfill the applicable
requirements and that the personnel concerned are aware and accept the content.

5. Perform an internal audit to verify compliance with all A2LA requirements, applicable conformity
assessment standard requirements (e.g. ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17020, etc.), the CAB’s own management
system requirements and all applicable technical requirements and document the results of this audit. Discuss
all relevant accreditation criteria thoroughly with those directly involved, identify the organization’s weak
points and implement corrective actions where necessary. It is important to seek feedback from all applicable
individuals to get the most comprehensive evaluation of the organization.

6. Perform a management review and document the results.

Where applicable, ensure that all supporting documents are translated into English prior to applying for
accreditation. In most cases, all documentation must be provided in English and the assessment conducted in
English. An appropriate English translation of pertinent documentation must be provided as well as a
translator, if needed, to facilitate the assessment. Please note any requested exceptions for assessments
conducted in English on the submitted estimate https://www.A2LA.org/form/estimate-request or application
https://www.A2LA.org/form/estimate-request, however, please note, that some documents (e.g. corrective
action responses, etc.) must still be provided in English. A2LA staff will provide further details as appropriate,
upon request.

7. Identify an individual as the “A2LA authorized representative” to assume responsibility for upholding
the accreditation requirements and for making them available to relevant staff and applicable resources. This
individual shall have binding authority from your organization to enter into the accreditation agreement with

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8. The application can be accessed from A2LA website, by clicking on the ‘Apply’ link at the top of the page
or using this link: https://www.A2LA.org/form/estimate-request

9. A2LA will process your application within 2 business days and you will be notified via email of your
assigned Accreditation Officer (AcO) with the necessary login information to access the Customer Portal. In the
portal, you will need to upload supporting documentation that will be required to complete this portion of the
application. All applicable documentation (including full text checklist(s)) specific to your area(s) of
accreditation, DRAFT scope(s) of accreditation, open invoices and the ability to make credit card or eCheck
payments, as well as, a means to track open assessments and annual reviews are accessible from your Customer
Portal. Please note that an application will not be deemed complete until all supporting information is received.

10. A2LA will notify you through the Customer Portal of the name(s) of the selected assessor(s) and provide
a brief biography. If you have justifiable objections (e.g. conflicts of interest) to the proposed assessor(s),
changes in the assignment(s) may be made.

11. The lead assessor will contact you directly to schedule the initial assessment.


1. A2LA does offer the option of having a pre-assessment. A pre-assessment provides an opportunity for
the organization to evaluate its preparedness for the initial assessment. In most cases the same (lead) assessor
assigned to perform the initial assessment will perform the pre-assessment. The assessor will usually spend a
day at the facility evaluating the management system. This is an opportunity to identify areas of possible non-
compliance before a full assessment is performed.

2. During this pre-assessment visit, the management system will be assessed for implementation and
compliance with the applicable conformity assessment standard as well as the applicable A2LA requirements. If
requested, a sampling of technical activities may also be evaluated. Note that the A2LA assessor is not
permitted to provide consulting services during this visit.

3. When the CAB feels that they have addressed the items noted during the pre-assessment they should
contact their AcO to proceed with the initial assessment as described above.


1. Your organization will be required to undergo a surveillance assessment. This is typically a one-day
assessment to confirm implementation of the management system. Reaffirmation of accreditation to the
established anniversary date will be based upon having the surveillance assessment, A2LA’s receipt of the
appropriate final payment of fees, and resolution of all (where applicable) deficiencies cited during the

2. The surveillance assessment will be initiated 6 months prior to the midpoint of your initial accreditation
cycle. When you are alerted that the surveillance assessment has been generated you will log on to your
designated Customer Portal, confirm your CAB information, and agree to abide by the A2LA R102 – Conditions
for Accreditation.

3. Upload an up-to-date organization chart identifying by name, the key personnel involved for each
function. Highlight any changes since the initial A2LA assessment. If your organization is part of a larger
organization, provide the organizational chart of that organization and identify reporting relationships within
that organization.

4. Upload the applicable, requested documentation via your Customer Portal.

5. An assessor (usually the same person who performed your initial assessment, where practicable) will be
proposed to your organization upon receipt of the aforementioned documents. The assessor will schedule and
perform the surveillance assessment.

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1. Annual reviews occur during the midpoint of each 2-year renewal accreditation cycle. This process is
initiated 3 months prior to the midpoint of your renewal accreditation cycle. Once alerted that the annual
review of accreditation has been initiated, log on to your designated Customer Portal, confirm your CAB
information, agree to abide by the A2LA R102 – Conditions for Accreditation, upload the required Annual Review
Supporting Information, and submit payment.

2. Upload an up-to-date organization chart identifying by name, the key personnel involved for each
function. Highlight any changes since the last A2LA assessment. If your organization is part of a larger
organization, provide the organizational chart of that organization and identify reporting relationships within
that organization.

3. Upload the results of your most recent internal audit and management review and any further
documents that are requested via the Customer Portal.

Please Note: The annual review documentation must be submitted by the designated due date (assigned by
A2LA and communicated to each CAB through the Customer Portal) or remedial action could occur. Please do
not hold up submission of the required annual review documentation if certain functions (e.g. the internal
audit, management review, etc.) are scheduled for a timeframe after the required annual review submission
date. Please submit the most recent complete set of records.

4. Once all the appropriate information is provided and payment is received, A2LA will reaffirm the
accreditation of your organization.


1. The renewal of accreditation process is initiated 6 months prior to the expiration date of your current
accreditation. Once the assessment has been generated you will log on to your Customer Portal, confirm your
CAB information, and agree to abide by the A2LA R102 – Conditions for Accreditation.

2. Review the applicable requirements documents that are readily located on your Customer Portal, and
also from the A2LA website at www.A2LA.org. Please note that your organization will be evaluated against
these requirements during your assessment.

3. Upload an up-to-date organization chart identifying by name, the key personnel involved for each
function. Highlight any changes since the last A2LA assessment. If your organization is part of a larger
organization, provide the organizational chart of that organization and identify reporting relationships within
that organization.

4. Complete and upload the applicable conformity assessment checklist(s) (located on your Customer Portal

5. Upload an uncontrolled copy of your current management system documentation that is referenced in
the completed assessor checklist(s) (e.g. operating procedures, work instructions, etc.).

6. Upon receipt of all the necessary documentation A2LA will notify you through the Customer Portal of
the name(s) of the selected assessor(s) and provide a brief biosketch. If you have justifiable objections to the
proposed assessor(s), changes in the assignment(s) may be made.

7. The assessor schedules and performs the renewal assessment.


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 Update the requirements to address the A2LA Customer Portal and
website changes
01/15/19  Integrated into Qualtrax
03/20/19  Typo correction
 Deleted references to initial invoices and payments
 Updated format and font for consistency
 Updated Header/Footer to current version
 Added Qualtrax hyperlinks
 Removed references to the Ownership Confirmation forms in
Section II 4

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