Terminologia Sinonimia Lexico Acronimos RM
Terminologia Sinonimia Lexico Acronimos RM
Terminologia Sinonimia Lexico Acronimos RM
Spin Echo Spin Echo, SE Spin Echo Spin Echo, SE Spin Echo, SE Spin Echo, SE
Gradient Echo Gradient Echo, GRE GRE, GRASS GE Fast Field Echo, FFE Field Echo, FAST
Spoiled Gradient Echo FLASH SPGR T1FFE T1fast, NOSE
Steady State Free Process TrueFISP FIESTA SARGE Balanced-FFE CE Fast
Ultra Fast Gradient Echo Turbo Flash Fast GRE, Fast SPGR Turbo Field Echo, TFE RF Fast
3D Ultra Fast MP Rage 3DFGRE, 3D Fast SPGR 3D TFE RF Fast
Inversion Recovery IR, TurboIR, TIR IR, MPIR IR IR-TFE (or TSE) IR
RARE Sequence Turbo Spin Echo, TSE Fast Spin Echo Fast Spin Echo, FSE Turbo Spin Echo, TSE FSE
Rapid Acquisition Relaxation
Gradient and Spin echo Turbo GSE, TGSE GRASE Grase GSE
Parallel Imaging IPAT ASSET SENSE
Flow Velocity Encoding Phase Contrast Phase Contrast VENC PC Velocity, Phase VENC
contrast, Quantitative
Half Fourier Single Shot Turbo HASTE SSFSE Single shot TSE EXPRESS
(Fast) Spin Echo
Cine Study (cardiac) CINE FLASH Cine, FASTCARD Cine Cine Cine
Spin echo black blood (cardiac) dark-blood prepared Double IR FSE, FSE-XL Black Blood pre pulse
TSE, HASTE, FLASH with Blood suppression
Spin echo black blood null fat TRIM Triple IR FSE, FSE-XL IR Black Blood pre pulse
(cardiac) with blood suppression plus SPIR
Viability imaging (cardiac) Segmented 2D Myocardial Delayed Delayed Hyper-
TurboFLASH enhancment (MDE) IR enhancement IR TFE
Prep Gated FGRE
Myocardial perfusion (cardiac) 2D TurboFLASH, FGR-ET multiphase Multislice perfusion ,
SS TrueFisp sat or Ir, Saturation TFE/EPI,
gre-epi B-FFE, TFE
Scan Parameters
Echo Time, Repitition Time TE, TR in msec TE, TR in msec TE, TR in msec TE, TR in msec TE, TR in msec
Inversion Time TI in msec TI in msec TI in msec TI in msec TI msec
# of echos per TR Echo Train Length, ETL ETL TSE Factor,Turbo Spin ETL
ETL, Turbo Factor Factor
Time between echos Echo Spacing Echo Spacing Echo Train Internal, ETI Echo Spacing IES
Repeated Measurements Acquisitions, Number NEX NSA NSA NSA
of Averages
RF Pulse in Gradient Echo Flip Angle Flip Angle Flip Angle, FA Flip Angle, FA RF
Scan Measurement Time Acquisition Time, TA Aquistition Time Scan Time Acquistition Time Aquistition Time
Spacing between Slices Distance Factor, In% Spacing Slice Interval Slice gap Gap
Shifting Slices Off Center Off Center Shift Off center FOV Off center FOV Offcenter (AP, LR, FH)
Segmented K-space Lines, Segments Views per segment Views, Segments PEG
Time Delay/Block K-space Time Delay, TD Intersegment Delay TD
Patient Orientation Scan Localizer, Scout Localizer Scanogram Plan Scan SCOUT
Half Fourier Imaging Half Fourier 1/2 Nex, Fractional NEX Half Scan Half Scan, HS PCS
Partial Echo Assymetric Echo Fractional Echo Half Echo Partial Echo RCS
Gradient moment nulling GMR Flow Comp GR Flow Comp, FC, Flag Mast
Prep Pulse - Spatially Presat SAT Pre Sat REST PSAT
Moving Sat Pulse Travel Sat Walking Sat Travel REST Walking PSAT
Image Sync. With ECG ECG Triggered Cardiac Gated, Triggering ECG, FPG Gated ECG Triggered, VCG ECG
Delay after R Wave Trigger Delay, TD Trigger Delay, TD Delay Time Trigger Delay, TD Trigger Window
Respiratory Gating Respiratory Gated Respiratory Comp, RC, MAR trigger, PEAR REC GATE
Respiratory Triggered
Dr. Sandro Fenelon é radiologista e editor médico do site
Gradient and Spin Echo Turbo GSE, TGSE GRASE Grase GSE
Parallel Imaging IPAT ASSET SENSE
Flow Velocity Encoding Phase Contrast Phase Contrast VENC Phase Contrast VENC
Half Fourier Single Shot HASTE SSFSE Single Shot TSE EXPRESS
Turbo (Fast) Spin Echo
Cine Study Cine Cine, FASTCARD Cine Cine Cine
Automatic Bolus Detection Care Bolus Smart Prep Bolus Trak
Echo Time, Repetition Time TE, TR in msec TE, TR in msec TE, TR in msec TE, TR in msec TE, TR in msec
Inversion Time T1 in msec T1 in msec T1 in msec T1 in msec T1 msec
# of Echos per TR Echo Train Length, ETL, ETL ETL TSE Factor, Turbo Spin ETL
Turbo Factor Echo Factor
Time Between Echos Echo Spacing Echo Spacing Echo Train Internal, ETI Echo Spacing IES
Repeated Measurements Acquisitions, NEX NSA NSA NSA
Number of Averages
RF Pulse in Gradient Echo Flip Angle Flip Angle Flip Angle, FA Flip Angle, FA RF
Scan Measurement Time Acquisition Time, TA Acquisition Time Scan Time Acquisition Time Acquisition Time
Slice Thickness Thickness Slice Thickness Slice Thickness Thickness in mm Slice Thickness
Spacing Between Slices Distance Factor, In% Spacing Slice Interval Slice Gap Gap
Shifting Slices Off Center Off Center Shift Off Center FOV Off Center FOV Shift, Offset FOV Offset
Non-square Field of View Rec FOV PFOV Rectangular FOV RFOV Rec FOV
Bandwidth Receive Bandwidth Bandwidth Fat/Water Shift BW (KHz)
Variable Bandwidth Optimized Bandwidth VB Variable Bandwidth Optimized Bandwidth Variable BW
Oversampling in Frequency Oversampling Always On Freq. Oversampling Always On Anti-alias
Oversampling in Phase Phase Oversampling No Phase Wrap Anti-wrap Fold Over Suppression Anti-alias
Segmented K-space Lines, Segments Views per Segment Views, Segments PEG
Time Delay/Block K-space Time Delay, TD Intersegment Delay TD TD
Patient Orientation Scan Localizer, Scout Localizer Scanogram Plan Scan SCOUT
Half Fourier Imaging Half Fourier 1/2 Nex, Fractional NEX Half Scan Half Scan, HS PCS
Partial Echo Asymmetric Echo Fractional Echo Half Echo Echo Fraction RCS
Gradient Moment Nulling GMR Flow Comp GR Flow Comp, FC, Flag Mast
Prep Pulse – Spatially Pre SAT Spatial SAT Pre SAT REST PSAT
Magnetization Transfer MT MT MTC MTC MTC
Moving SAT Pulse Travel SAT Walking SAT, Travel REST Walking PSAT
Image Sync. with ECG ECG Triggered Cardiac Gated, Triggering ECG, FPG Gated ECG Triggered ECG
Delay after R Wave Trigger Delay, TD Trigger Delay, TD Delay Time Trigger Delay, TD Trigger Window
Respiratory Gating Respiratory Gated Respiratory Comp, RC, MAR Respiratory Gated, REC GATE
Respiratory Triggered PEAR
2D Multi-slice Imaging Multi-slice Multi-slice 2D Multiple Slice, MS 2D
3D Volume Imaging 3D Volume 3D 3D 3D 3D
©2003 International Center for Postgraduate Medical Education, Ithaca, New York • E-mail: [email protected] • Reprint by permission only.
Dr. Sandro Fenelon é radiologista e editor médico do site
Partial Partial
Averaging Averaging
Simultaneous Simultaneous
!" #
Excitation $ Excitation
Partial Echo Partial Echo
( &
% &
Field of View !% !% ) * !% ) * !% !% ) * !% !% ) * !% Field of View
Rectangular , !% . Rectangular
' !% ' !% ' !% ' !% ' !%
Field of View !%+' !% - ' !% Field of View
Spacing # Spacing
between Slices , / - , / 0 - 0- 0 - between Slices
Magnetization Magnetization
Transfer "2 "2 "2 "2 ."2 !' 3 2 Transfer
Contrast Contrast
Presaturation - 2 ' 2 ' 3 2 Presaturation
' 3 2
0' +
%3 !'2+
Ultrafast Gradient 0' Ultrafast Gradient
2 83 '0 2 ' " 2 2 8 5
Echo Sequence ,'.
# Echo Sequence
- -
;3# 0' +
Ultrafast Gradient Ultrafast Gradient
;3# " ' 0 ;# 2 " ' 0
Echo 3D Echo 3D
Volume Interpolated Volume Interpolated
" 2 ',% %,(
Gradient and Spin Gradient and Spin
0' 0 20 8 ,
Echo Echo
,'+" ,'+
Inversion Recovery ,' ,' ,' ,'+,'32 ,' ,'+2,' ,' Inversion Recovery
Short T1 Inversion Short T1 Inversion
2,' 2,' 2,' 2,' 2,' 2,' 2,'
Recovery Recovery
Long Tau Inversion 2 8 # 6 Long Tau Inversion
5 ,' 5 ,' 5 ,'
Recovery Recovery
True Inversion True Inversion
2< 5 ,' 2< 5 ,' ' ,' 2 ,'
Recovery Recovery
Echo Planar Imaging , , , , , , , , Echo Planar Imaging
Phase Contrast Phase Contrast
% %
Sequence Sequence
Parallel Imaging Parallel Imaging
# ' 2 2 ' ,#
Technique Technique
PAT: image-based PAT: image-based
algorithm algorithm
PAT: k-space-based PAT: k-space-based
algorithm algorithm
Dr. Sandro Fenelon é radiologista e editor médico do site
24 - Boletim CBR
CBR em Ação
black blood imaging imagem com sangue escuro ou seqüência
black blood Comissão de Qualidade em Ultra-sonografia vem
bright blood imaging imagem com sangue brilhante ou funcionando há 2 anos, seguindo o regulamento, princi-
seqüência bright blood palmente a vistoria que representa a 2ª fase de avaliação.
number of views per A vistoria é o ponto alto do programa, propiciando uma visão
segment VPS/NVP número de linhas por segmento geral dos serviços de Ultra-sonografia do país. No momento
myocardical tagging marcadores miocárdicos temos 50 clínicas aprovadas, 11 em processo de vistoria e
tags linhas marcadoras 8 pendentes.
frames fases Das 50 em questão podemos destacar a presença do
delayed enhancement/ estado de São Paulo com 48% de participação, Minas Gerais com
late enhancement realce tardio
12%, Santa Catarina e Bahia com 10% cada um, Rio Grande do Sul
free breathing respiração livre
com 8%, Paraná e Alagoas com 4% cada, Amazonas e Distrito
breath-hold parada respiratória
navigator-echo técnica de navegadores
Federal com 2% do total. A Comissão de US está notando que
spoiled grandient-echo gradiente eco espoliado ou gradiente eco
serviços e clínicas dos estados do Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco,
incoerente Ceará, Mato Grosso e Piauí tem poucos inscritos no programa de
maximal shortening encurtamento máximo qualidade do CBR. Alguns estão em processo de vistoria e outros
shortening index índice de encurtamento com pendências, mas o número ainda é inexpressivo porque
radial thickening espessamento radial nenhum desses teve ainda a aprovação.
circunferential shortening encurtamento circunferencial Os membros da Comissão de Ultra-sonografia composta
E1 - radial strain tensão radial pelos doutores: Domingos C. da Rocha, Antonio Carlos M. de
E2 - circunferential strain tensao radial Athayde, Sergio Aron Ajzen, Edson R. Iglezias, Renato Ximenes e
SPAMM (spacial modulation of Carlos Roberto Maia; solicitam aos colegas interessados em filiar-
magnetization) técnica de saturação se ao programa para obter o selo de qualidade em US, que
CSPAMM (complementary SPAMM) técnica de saturação procurem o CBR e façam suas inscrições para aumentar ainda
intensity signal peak pico de intensidade de sinal (PIS) mais o número de locais que realize com qualidade reconheci-
minimal intensity signal mínima intensidade de sinal (MIS)
da e atestada exames de ultra-som.
slope of the curve máxima inclinação da rampa da ascensão
time-to-peak tempo ao PIS
Comissão de Qualidade em Ultra-sonografia do CBR
PIS-MIS variação da intensidade de sinal
Boletim CBR - 25
Dr. Sandro Fenelon é radiologista e editor médico do site