Science Lesson Observation

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Student Observation

Classroom: Mrs. Lambert Observer: Alexandra Irvin

Grade: 3rd grade Date: 10/24/17
Curriculum Area: Science Time: 10:00-11:30

What I notice Thoughts, Questions, Connections to

Methods Classes
The teacher took the students outside to the I thought this was a really good way of
playground to create a demonstration and getting students actively involved in the
exploration of the terms push and pull. Each lesson and allowing them to see the two
student was given a worksheet titled Energy, in action.
Force, and Motion on the playground. The The teacher constantly asked students
directions on the worksheet were to Observe the to share what they noticed about the
different forces and energy that you see on the playground equipment and if that
playground. Draw an example of each type listed helped in determining if it was going to
below. Be sure to use arrows and labels to help be push or pull. The teacher also
describe what you see. asked the students to always explain
Once out on the playground, the teacher gave the their reasoning when choosing either
students some time to look around at the equipment push or pull.
and determine what could be defined as either
push, pull or even both. My only question would be whether or
After a couple minutes the teacher asked the not students have fully grasped the
students what they could put into the push or pull concept of push and pull after this
column. activity?
The students started talking about the slide.
With the slide, students talked about being In our methods classes we have talked
at the top and another student pushing them about getting students actively involved
down the slide or even pushing off the slide in the learning process. Also, making
with their hands. With push, students talked sure that students have an explanation
about the witches hat. This involves a or reason to back up their answers.
student standing on the outside and pushing
a circle around to get it moving. Another
example of push was the balance circle.
This involves pushing down to stay
The students noticed the swings and how
they could go into push and pull. Students
determined that they push off to get going
and pull on the handles and bodies to go
backwards and forwards.
For pull, students noticed the rock wall.
With the rock wall they talked about pulling
themselves from one peg to the other and up
the wall. Other examples of pull were the
monkey bars and pull up bars. With these
students have to pull themselves up and
over to the next bar.
I think the teacher I observed did establish and communicate learning goals throughout
the lesson. For this unit/lesson, the teacher had I will be able to understand motion and factors
that affect motion written on the board for Science. During this lesson, however, I do not
personally feel that they tracked the students progress. Once the students went over several
pieces of equipment on the playground to put under push or pull the teacher brought the
students back in and told them to put the worksheet away. There was no checking of whether
students actually followed directions or truly understood what they were completing. I do think
that the teacher celebrated success while outside and observing the playground equipment. If a
student offered up a suggestion for the push or pull column, they were told that they had done a
good job and were quick to notice and spot that force and motion.
I do not think that the teacher was effective at managing the classroom during the science
instruction. As soon as they told the students they were going outside to the playground to look
for examples of push and pull she had lost about half the students. Once on the playground,
students were trying to play on the equipment, some were even running around. The students got
somewhat back together as a group and the teacher was able to get their attention for a little bit
before some other students tuned out.
I do think that the teacher helped effectively interact with the new science concepts and
the demonstrations on the playground. There were some good conversations about equipment
being push or pull and the reasoning behind their thinking.
I think the teacher was able to apply the concepts to the equipment on the playground.
However, I do think that there needed to be deeper conversation and understanding of other
examples/instances of push and pull for students to see.
I personally think that the lesson was a good way of getting the students to interact with
push and pull. The only problem was keeping students engaged when theyre out on the
playground and want to play.
I think that the lesson I observed was an inquiry lesson. It was an inquiry lesson because
students were actively engaged and participating in their learning and understanding. Students
developed questions and reasoning throughout, as well as, investigating to find solutions.
An aspect of the lesson I would change would possibly be finding another way to explore
push and pull that is different from going out on the playground. The playground contributed
to the students not fully engaging and if it could be done differently it could increase their
understanding and focus. I would keep the activity to where it was engaging and students could
explore to find solutions and answers.

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