Weekly Lesson Plan Motion

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Weekly Lesson plans

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4

Essential Why do things fall How do things move? What makes objects What makes things
Questions: down? move? move faster or slower?
ENGAGE Students watch a Play the movement Watch Mobi’s lesson on Tell the students that
(Opening /Hook) gonoodle video on roller song, ‘Happy Dance’. Pushes and Pulls. Review the lesson is going to
coaster.The teacher Brainstorm a list of list from lesson #2. take place in the
reads the book ‘Roller objects we can move Identify opposite actions playground. Put a piece
Coaster by Marla Frazee’ other than our bodies (open/close, push/ pull) of making tape on their
aloud as she asks pants across their sides,
questions . level with their hip
bones to aid in timing.
Line up and go out.

EXPLORE/EXPLAIN Students are provided Students are sent off to Find things in the Gather around the slide
(Work Period) with 6 ft. of foam systematically walk different stations that and explain the
insulation, plastic cups about in the classroom need pushing and pulling procedure and
and marbles and a work and investigate the to make them move. precaution to be taken.
sheet. They design their different ways the Come together and Allow time for ‘I wonder
roller coasters in groups objects are moved. The create a push/pull T- questions and I think
of 3 and check what the teacher observes and chart. statements’.
manage to do on the guides the students by Create a class definition Students are divided
work sheet. The learners asking questions. of push and pull. into two group each
gather and the teacher Students gather and Compare the definitions students takes turns in
leads in discussing what share the different ways with the definitions in sliding 3 ways:
worked, what did not they were able to move the books. No Push, Self Push and
and why to do and why. objects or how the Partner Push.
Students draw their objects move. The teacher in charge of
roller coasters during each group times and
the writing period. records.
Students gather in class
and discuss the fastest
push, strongest push
and the effect of the size
of the partner’s size on
the push.

ELABORATE Teacher reads the book The students go to the Look at the chart and
‘I Fall Down by Vicki playground and practice see who was the fastest,
Cobb’ as students take pushing and pulling on slowest and the same.
turns to demonstrate the monkey bars, kicking Ask why this could
the activities in the book balls. They also find happen.
.They then do the other ways they push
dropping races in groups and pull on the play
of 3 and record their ground.
CLOSING Teacher leads the Review the chart on Students explain how
students in discussing what objects can be they pushed or pulled
their findings. Drops moved and how they something in the
items, two at a time move. classroom or playground
from same height Ask students to be on and what that action
several times for all to the lookout for moving created.
be convinced. objects and objects
being moved
throughout the day.

Assessment (What is the evidence of learning?)

Formative(On-going) Summative(End)
Roller coaster challenge, dropping races challenge exploration C-E-R rubric, Falling objects quiz, Push and pull quiz
observation and questioning, class discussion. Narscar Challenge
Writing-Drawing and labeling ‘My Roller Coaster’
Math- Graphing the number of objects that can be moved by pushing, pulling and by both. Comparing the time taken to slide
with no push, self push and with a partners push.
Technology-Narscar Challenge. Designing a car that could be moved by pushing and pulling and using chatter kid to describe
their project.

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