Electronics For You Plus - July 2014 in
Electronics For You Plus - July 2014 in
Electronics For You Plus - July 2014 in
Industry of India
Flexible Electronics ` 100
july 2014
For You
Raspberry pi
The DIY Board Thats
Changing Electronics
Raspberry Pi: A Tinkerers Dream
Innovative Products Powered
by Raspberry Pi
Interfacing Dot Matrix LED
with Raspberry Pi
Top 5 Whats New?
Web-Based Device Controller Buyers Guide:
With Arduino Board
Arduino-Based FM Receiver Budget Friendly
Vol. 3 No. 3
USB LED Light cum Battery Charger
Telephone Tapping Using FM
ISSN 0013-516X Designing Dual-Priority
Pages: 152+8 UK #5; US $10
Encoder Using LabView
Plus, many more make your
own projects inside
electronics for you Plus | July 2014 | Vol. 3 No. 3
Technology Focus Buyers Guide
Mind-Reading Pets and Hijacking Planes: Budget-Friendly
RPi Innovations Go Into Overdrive Oscilloscopes
22 Wearable Electronics
Wear Your Future
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26 Technology Focus
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Raspberry Pi: A Tinkerers Dream Quiz Game Controller Exclusive : IBH Books & Magazine Distributors Ltd, Mumbai
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Part 1 of 2: Flexible Electronics: dIy: Circuit 93-97 Advertisements : Ph: 011-26810601 or 02 or 03
The Next Ubiquitous Platform USB LED Light Cum Battery Charger new delhi E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone Tapping Using FM (Head Office)
50 Internet of Things
Cool Tech for Kool IoT Products
Designing Dual-Priority Encoder Using LabView
C++ Implementation of Digital FIR Filters Using
Blackman Window
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52 Embedded Design
Analogue Components for IoT 77 Innovation
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Applications Drishti: For Airport Visibility Measurement E-mail: [email protected]
58 Test & Measurement 79 Career Data Analytics will be the Next Big Thing
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Tandem Inc., Ph: 81-3-3541-4166
cally surfaces whatever youre most olo has become the first Indian The tablet PC device comes
likely to need at the right moment.
manufacturer to launch a Win- preloaded with Microsoft Office suite
There is a Scribble feature in the Z
launcher, which allows users to draw
dows-powered tablet in the Indian and has 2-megapixel rear camera
the first letter of whatever they are market. Dubbed the Xolo Win, the tab- and 1-megapixel HD front camera.
looking for on their phones apps or let is available on Flipkart along with Besides, the Windows 8.1 operat-
contacts. The launcher will show the an exchange offer where users can get ing system is available in the tablet,
results accordingly. In addition, users a minimum of ` 3000 off on the device. which also has Wi-Fi, micro-HDMI
can add extra letters to further refine The offer allows users to trade in their and micro-USB capabilities. The de-
the results. old smartphone, tablet or laptop for vice does not support 3G connectiv-
Apple iOS 8 Will Let You Find the Xolo Win device. ity though.
Your Parked Car The tablet has a 25.7cm (10.1-inch)
Price: ` 19,999
Apples new iOS 8 operating system display with 1366x768 pixel resolution.
will reportedly let you find your car It has dimensions of 266x167.8x12
using your smartphone. The new mm and weighs 750 grams. In
OS, which was introduced at Apples addition, the device is powered
Worldwide Developer Conference by an AMD Temash A4-1200
recently, will add the feature to iOS- processor along with the Radeon
based devices like the iPhone and
HD 8180 graphics chip. It has
iPad. It is worth noting that Apples
2GB RAM and 32GB internal
competitor Google had added the
feature to its Google Now smart as- memory. It runs on a 3550mAh
sistant a month ago. Li-Ion battery, which gives it
six hours of battery life.
prasid banerjee
hen the Android operating
system was introduced,
it was meant to provide
advanced functionality with cheaper
phones. But no manufacturer, except
Motorola, seems to have paid heed
to this. With the KitKat (Android 4.4)
update, now Google promises a lot,
including the fact that KitKat would
work well in any phone with 512MB
or more RAM. It means you should be
able to buy a cheaper phone with the Samsung Galaxy S5 cost at a hefty sum addition, it has a powerful 2.3GHz
latest OS (cue Moto E). of ` 45,000 or more (with the exception Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 proces-
So, when it comes to buying a Kit- of Nexus 5). But to see their value for sor and the pure un-layered version
Kat phone, it really is a matter of value money, you have to take their features of the KitKat OS. This was the phone
for money. In other words, the best into consideration. that Google had launched with KitKat
KitKat phone for you should depend Almost all the phones in this range and till date it remains one of the best
on the money you are willing to spend. have heavily layered versions of the KitKat devices to buy. It is also avail-
The KitKat OS may work well even in OS. HTC gives you its Sense user in- able at a very affordable price (for this
cheaper phones, but a faster proces- terface (UI), which in our opinion is the range of smartphones) of ` 33,000.
sor and other features could make the best OEM-provided UI in the market. The down side with Nexus 5
phone much better. Samsung offers Touchwiz, and then though is that, with Googles Android
there are others. Silver project, this phone is rumoured
High-end smartphones But if its the pure Android experi- to have gone out of production. Be-
Flagships like the HTC One (M8), Sony ence you want, you should be look- sides, Nexus 5 lacks a high-end cam-
Xperia Z2, LG Google Nexus 5 and the ing at only Nexus 5, which sports a era. While KitKat makes it attractive,
market leader (in terms of units sold) full-HD 12.6cm (4.95-inch) screen. In its 8-megapixel camera would not be
Price: ` 49,900 Price: ` 51,500 Price: ` 49,990 Price: ` 13,999 Price: ` 6999
hh Camera: 4-Ultrapixel hh Camera: 16-megapixel hh Camera: 20.7-megapixel with hh Camera: 5-megapixel hh Camera: 5-megapixel
hh OS: Sense UI on Android 4.4.2 hh OS: Touchwiz on Android 4.4.2 4k video hh OS: Pure Android 4.4.2 hh OS: Pure Android 4.4.2
hh Display: Full HD hh Display: Super AMOLED, 16 hh OS: Android 4.4.2 hh Display: 720-pixel HD display hh Display: qHD display
hh Processor: 2.3GHz Qual- million colours hh Display: Full HD Triluminous display hh Processor: 1.2GHz Qual- hh Processor: 1.2GHz Qual-
comm Snapdragon 801 hh Processor: Exynos 6 hh Processor: 2.5GHz Qualcomm comm Snapdragon 400 comm Snapdragon 200
octa-core Snapdragon 801
Dilin Anand and Sneha Ambastha
turned out to be a blessing in disguise. work with peripherals that were previ-
he Raspberry Pi board, lov- The fact that this board is so simple ously the sole property of a traditional
ingly called the Pi, is not that even kids can work on it has led computer.
just a developer board but to it becoming the numero uno choice USB keyboards, mice, HDMI moni-
also a small easy-to-work for rapidly prototyping ideas that keep tors and projectors, music systems,
with computer at a rock- popping up in innovators heads all memory cardseverything fits in. It even
bottom price. You can use it to connect over the world. supports an RCA connector to be able to
peripheral devices, or even to control P. Chow Reddy adds, At the EFY output video to your older TVs. It means
entire systems. It gives you the power launch of Raspberry Pi during the first you can use your Pi with most IT and
to convert an idea into reality in a snap. Electronics Rocks session by Eben Upton consumer electronics devices without
The thought behind the creation through video conference, a few demos having to seriously re-engineer the board.
of the Pi was to replace expensive on applications were mind boggling. The
computers from schools science labs. most interesting demo over there was Some exciting
What happened, however, was that it controlling of Raspberry Pi with wrist enhancements
evolved into a board now used by hob- watch ez430 from Texas Instruments. From interfacing through inter-integrat-
byists, startups and researchers, and ed circuit and display serial interface
even in industrial applications! Lets you squeeze out buses to slapping on IR receivers, sen-
P. Chow Reddy, managing direc- every bit of CPU power sors and camera boards, the Pi is built
tor, Interleaved Technologies informs The Pi comes with a CPU that per- to handle a lot of additional hardware
that the Raspberry Pi initially faced forms similarly to the Pentium II without breaking a sweat. Some of the
a problem in its entry into industrial which was introduced in 1997. Its GPU things you can do with it are:
applications because of the Made for performance is comparable to a XBOX Move your Pi. Lift things, open
Dilin Anand
board designed to be
used by students, the
Raspberry Pi (RPi) end-
ed up being the love af-
fair for an entire hacker
communitynerds and geeks with a
penchant for tinkering with technol-
ogy. While the previous article in this
section looked at what the Pi itself has
evolved into, this article looks to see
if there is any similar maturity in the
applications that it powers.
Almost every project powered by
the RPi has one thing in common. It
very rarely uses high-tech components, A drone that can hijack drones
yet the applications that come out of
the lab are mind-boggling! Here are Your home can hear. Since your Your drone can hijack drones. What
some examples: dog can already talk to you, getting could be worse than a drone that has
Your dog can talk. Imagine if your your home to understand English the capability to hijack other drones?
dog could talk to you, like we saw in should be easier than before. The Well, one that could do it autono-
the movie UP. Well, now dogs actually numerous voice-recognition home- mously, without a human to control it.
can. Aptly named, No More Woof automation systems currently in the And that is exactly what the SkyJack
is a headset built by the research lab market lack the soul with which Ap- does. Running on a Parrot AR.Drone
Nordic Society for Invention and ples Siri responds. That is where the quadcopter with the RPi on board, it
Discovery. Perhaps one of the best RPi comes in with Siris mind, in the can easily hack other Parrot drones
examples of using existing technology form of SiriProxy. This is a combina- nearby, hijacking their wireless con-
in newer fields, this headset reads the tion of Siris soul in the body of an nections and even taking over their
dogs mind using electroencephalo- RPigetting us that much closer to flight pattern. If your Mumbai pizzeria
gram (EEG) sensors. This product taps Hal 9000. Once your dog learns to drone did not deliver their pizza in 30
the minor fluctuations in brain waves speak, this could be the easiest way to minutes, look to the sky and you might
as your dog thinks of you, love, food, take care of things around the house. possibly see it flying behind a SkyJack.
squirrels and you again. The device Want to take out garbage? Ask your
comes with an EEG reader, a process- dog and he will pick up the bag, pass Raspberry Pi
ing unit and brain-computer interface, the voice-recognition security lock, ask gets professional
all built into the headset, with its aim your RPi to disable the gardens sprin- Apart from all these wonderful hob-
to further strengthen the connection kler system and get rid of that garbage byist creations, did you know that
between man and mans best friend. in the neighbours lawn. the RPi also has its share of cool in-
Part 1 of 2
Flexible Electronics: The Next
Ubiquitous Platform
Just as the IC replaced discrete circuit board electronics, flexible electronics will almost
inevitably, by virtue of the ever-demanding end-user, supersede solid-state ICs. So let us
find out a bit more about flexible electronics, the materials required for their fabrication, the
fabrication processes and the applications
K. MOHAN KUMAR engineering. Living organisms are in- other elements of the circuit to assure
trinsically flexible and malleable. Thus, ease of manufacture and reliability.
lexible electronics is lightweight, flexibility is a necessity for successful The materials and technologies
rugged, bendable, roll-able, port- integration of electronics in biological behind flexible substrates are an
able and potentially foldable. systems. Further, in order to carry out important consideration for flexible
Ever-evolving advances in thin-film daily tasks, flexibility is less likely to electronics. Perhaps two of the main
materials and devices have fuelled hinder over stiffness. flexible substrate candidates are plastic
many of the developments in the field and stainless steel. Although stainless
of flexible electronics. These advances Materials steel is incompatible with standard
have been complemented with the de- The fundamental properties of thin- deposition temperatures, it results in
velopment of new integration process- film materials, as well as the quality of a substantially heavier system due
es, enabling wafer-scale processes to various device interfaces, give rise to to its higher mass densitya critical
be combined with flexible substrates. inherent limitations in device perfor- consideration for portable flexible
Diodes and transistors are two mance. Each element of the flex circuit technologies. Also, stainless steel is
of the most common active thin-film must be able to consistently meet the not particularly deformable, and is
devices used in digital and analogue demands placed upon it for the life of thus unsuitable, in particular, for wear-
circuits. While they have been suc- the product. In addition, the material able electronics. Plastic substrates are
cessfully used in flexible platforms, must work reliably in concert with the lighter and deformable alternatives.
their performance and applicability is Substrates need to be solvent-
limited by requirement of exotic device Single-sided flex
resistant, so that standard optical
architectures and novel materials. In photolithography process can be used.
order to achieve the goal of full-system Back-bared flex Additional substrate requirements
integration in next-generation flexible include low cost (allowing large area,
systems, a paradigm shift in design Double-sided flex mass production) and moisture resist-
and fabrication is necessary. ance. Table I compares some of the
There are many potential applica- Multilayer flex more critical properties of some key
tions of flexible electronics in health- plastic substrates.
care, automotive, humanmachine One of the main challenges facing
Rigid flex
interfaces, mobile communications and plastic as a next-generation substrate
computing platforms, and embedded is the substantially reduced processing
systems in both living and hostile en- Sculptured flex temperature window. The maximum
vironments. Besides, there are market- Polymer film Copper
fabrication temperature is related to
specific applications, such as human- Adhesive Laminate the glass-transition temperature above
machine interactivity, energy storage Fig. 1: Examples of basic and selected flexible
which inelastic deformation takes place
and generation, mobile communications circuit construction and the substrate no longer retains its
and networking, touching the applica-
tion of flexible electronics on ubiquitous COVERLAY POLYIMIDE
computing platforms throughout. COPPER
Flexibility in electronic materials POLYIMIDE
is very attractive for medical and bio- Fig. 2: Single-sided flex circuit
Polyimide Coverlay
as much under the same load. Adhesive
There are a number of materials Adhesive
Polyimide Base
used as base films, including polyester Copper
(PET), polyimide (PI), polyethylene
Polyimide Coverlay
naphthalene (PEN) and polyetherim- FR-4 Rigid
ide (PEI). These, along with various Copper
Solder mask
fluropolymers (FEPs) and copolymers
polyimide films, are most prevalent Fig. 6: Standard stack-up of a 4-layer rigid-flex circuit
owing to their advantageous electri-
cal, mechanical, chemical and thermal material. Because of the earlier diffi- There are actually many different
properties. culties associated with polyimide ad- types of copper foil. In certain non-
hesives, many polyimide flex circuits standard cases, the circuit manufacturer
Bonding adhesive presently employ adhesive systems of may be called upon to create a specialty
Adhesives are used as the bonding different polymer families. However, laminate by using a specified alternative
medium for creating a laminate. When some newer thermoplastic polyimide metal foil, such as a special copper alloy
it comes to temperature resistance, adhesives are making important in- or other metal foil in the construction.
the adhesive is also typically a perfor- roads.
mance-limiting element of a laminate, As with the base films, adhesives Types of flexible circuits
especially when polyimide is the base come in different thicknesses. Thick- There are a few basic constructions of
New Frontiers of
UAV Civilian Applications
Applications for unmanned aerial vehicles continue to grow by leaps and bounds, especially
when they involve difficult tasks or dangerous situations
B.S. SASTRY AND B. RAMANA fan for propulsion, vertical lift/landing above UAV are under evaluation in the
and control. High aspect ratio (narrow) laboratory.
s part of the push to increase wings allow for 10 hours endurance
uses of civilian drones, nearly like sail-plane flight efficiency. Propulsion systems
50 companies are developing The propulsion systems for UAVs de-
some 150 different systems, ranging Flying Elephant UAV pend on their payload, endurance and
from miniature models to those with The Flying Elephant will take off mission. Also, UAVs require reliable
wingspans comparable to airliners. from any place carrying up to a ton propulsion systems in order to achieve
Some of the manufacturers are offer- of cargo, fly silently and deposit the extended flight times with minimal
ing do-it-yourself unmanned aerial cargo wherever required. It will then quantities of fuel. Some of the propul-
vehicles (UAVs) like kit planes. independently take-off and fly to the sion systems are briefly described below.
next satisfied unit. The Jumbo UAVs Diesel and petrol engines. Both
Present applications can be used for military and civilian diesel and petrol engines are avail-
Civilian uses ranging from disaster res- applications. able of different cubic centimetres for
cue missions, wildlife monitoring and Miniature wireless sensors of the compact systems. These are equipped
firefighting are some of the many ap- with electronic controller, the
plications. The idea of drones quickly sensors for the crankshaft po-
transporting life-saving parcels such as sition and inlet and cylinder
blood samples and medicines even in head temperature, an ignition
the areas where roads and infrastruc- module, injector, fuel pressure
ture are poor should be especially at- accumulator and a fuel pump.
tractive to Indian conditions. (Courtesy: Boeing) Electronic fuel injection sys-
Forest surveys conducted by a tem, delivers an optimum fuel
camera-equipped drone provide re- mix at all stages of flight, even
searchers with extensive landscape for miniature aircraft.
information in the form of 3D interac- Wankel engines. Because
tive maps. Ultimately, such maps will of the small size, weight, very
be publicly accessible via open-source low vibration and high pow-
computer vision software. For nuclear er-to-weight ratio, Wankel
decommissioning or radio contamina- engines are increasingly be-
tion cleanup, UAVs with radiation ing used in UAV aircraft. The
detection and mapping software are engine is approximately one
being used. third of the size and weight of
a piston engine of equivalent
Configuration of different
types of UAVs
The first picture on column two shows
vertical take-off and landing UAV that
combines the ability to hover with
high-speed horizontal flight. Test-
ing will result in fully autonomous
operations. Originally designed for
commercial mapping operations, the
slim vehicle uses a shrouded ducted
Edge router
oftware defined networking ganisation, consolidation
(SDN) is an innovative ap- and mergers require IT
Switches Switches L2 Switches
proach to network design and for the business changes
implementing functionality in the overnight. Providing
network. It is based on the ability to Switches self-service provisioning,
dynamically modify the behaviour whether in a private or
of network components. SDN uses public cloud, requires
software components that can be cus- elastic scaling of comput-
tomised and configured in a deploy- Fig. 1: Physical topology ing, storage and network
ment, independent of the hardware, to resources.
enable networked systems to expand Big data means
data flow control. more bandwidth. Han-
SDN is targeted towards creat- dling todays big data
ing an abstraction to the low-level Tenant or mega datasets requires
Network FW LB Internet
network and presenting a unified- A massive parallel pro-
service-facing view of the network. cessing on thousands
It makes networks more flexible, of servers, all of which
dynamic and cost-efficient, yet simpli- need direct connections
fies operational complexity. SDN is Fig. 2: Service chaining to each other. The rise
next-generation networking that pro- of mega datasets is fuel-
vides benefits like network and ser- they demand the creation of high- ling constant demand for additional
vice customisability, configurability, performing, scalable and adaptable network capacity in the data centres.
improved operations, with increased data centres: Operators of hyper-scale data-centre
performance. There are several differ- Changing traffic patterns. Todays networks face the daunting task of
ent approaches to SDN and its practi- applications access different databases scaling the network to unimaginable
cal implementation. and servers, creating a flood of ma- size, maintaining any-to-any connec-
chine-to-machine traffic before the data tivity and still keeping the cost of the
Whats driving SDN is returned back to end user. Users are implementation low.
A fast change in the way the Internet moving towards accessing content Movement of distributed data
is used, and the way large industry from different kinds of devices and the centres to clouds has been the major
players want to use the network and expectation is that the network would driver towards the software-defined
data, has led to the larger and power- adapt to the device specifications and networks. The cloud service providers
ful data centres. The network capacity capabilities. want their networks to be flexible and
of traditional networking equipment Rise of cloud services. The large extensible. The application of SDN lies
has grown many folds, and there enterprises have adopted the cloud in a data-centre environment, where
is a strong push towards keeping services, both private and public, the network services are fluid and are
everything in the cloud and process- resulting in an exponential growth of able to move from one hardware to
ing as much as possible within the the service. Businesses are looking for another in the network. There is a need
cloud. This is driving the demand for the agility to access applications, in- to create an instance of service dynami-
modern-day high-performance data frastructure and other IT resources on cally and then destroy the instance
centres. demand, and as and what they need. when not in use.
Here are some of the changes The services rendered by cloud de- SDN also solves the use case for
in the usage of networks and how mand enhanced security, compliance multi-tenancy environment. That
Analogue Components
for IoT Applications
Numerous analogue components and chips are introduced to the market every year,
but what is influencing their evolution? Read on to find out the latest technologies in this
field, the influence of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm on analogue world and some
interesting applications powered by analogue components
Anagha P.
hirty years ago, almost all the
technology surrounding us was
analogue. However, in the past
decade we have witnessed a massive
shift from analogue to digital electron-
ics. The digital platform offers amaz-
ing opportunities for innovation, and
is thus promptly taking over several
aspects of modern life.
Will the digital world be able to
completely take over analogue tech-
nologies and devices? Dont think so.
What we found is that analogue is still
well-established, and innovative tech-
nologies and products are continuing STC3115 battery monitoring IC by STMicroelectronics
to emerge in this sector. What is driv-
ing this old technology? battery charger), signal acquisition This has led to the development of
modules, amplifiers, signal processors, low and ultra-low power devices that
Influence of IoT microcontrollers and integrated chips; can operate for days and months on
The IoT is perhaps one of the most dis- this is where analogue comes into play. a single battery, or without the need
cussed technology topics these days. It for recharging. For example, OPA2652
provides a huge opportunity for us to New component design operational amplifiers (op-amps) by
leverage the Internet infrastructure to elements Texas Instruments (TI) work at an input
put technology to better use. Its big- Form factor and power are major con- current as low as 300nA. On a coin cell
gest enabler is the ability to connect the siderations for smart products, and it operates for several months together.
real world with the digital world, thus the industry is getting geared up for Consider a patient-monitoring sys-
enabling people and machines to know making analogue devices suitable for tem. If the instrument is easily drained
the status of hundreds of thousands of IoT segment. However, there are some of all power and has to be charged
objects simultaneously. cases where the size and/or power every few hours, proper monitoring
Analogue components are the key are not of high relevance, like for the cannot be attained. Moreover, the
to deliver this connection between the smart-grid applications. Some of the whole charging process is troubling for
real and digital worlds. trends driving the analogue industry the user too.
While back-end of the IoT is com- are discussed in detail below. Benefits of digital in analogue
munication and connectivity forming Wearable medical devices and world. The major trick to reduce power
the digital side, the front-end generally low-power components. Many devices, is to use low voltage. We want a tech-
consists of sensors (temperature, pres- particularly portable and wearable nology that can be used in analogue
sure, motion, tilt, acceleration, shock, electronics, cannot afford battery-hun- devices, operates in low voltages, and
proximity, gas, sound, pH, infrared, gry processors and componentseven also integrates to high voltages. This
etc), actuators, power management those previously considered as low- is where digital was merged with
modules (linear regulator, converter, power. analogue.
Exciting innovations in the last one year
s an engineer, if you want to
improve your design overall, Osciums iMSO-204 and iMSO-204L are mixed-signal
oscilloscopes designed specifically for the iPhone, iPad and
effective testing is an integral iPod.
part. However, it means possessing Highlights: 2 analogue + 4 digital channels, 50MSPS sample
rate, 5MHz bandwidth, 200ns/div-10s/div
tools you can rely on and that can
Price: $399.97
provide consistent results as per re-
quirements. Gabotronics Xminilab Portable is a small mixed-signal oscilloscope
Today, oscilloscopes come in nu- with an arbitrary waveform generator and protocol sniffer.
merous shapes and sizesfrom as Highlights: 2 analogue inputs, maximum sampling rate of
small as a wristwatch to pocket-sized 2MSPS, 200kHz analogue bandwidth, 8-bit resolution, 1M
15pF input impedance, 256 buffer size per channel and input
and bench-top ones. They even have
diverse bandwidthsfrom the entry-
voltage range of -14V to +20V
Price: $118
level 50MHz to the massive 100GHz!
Let us explore the new technologies, LabNations SmartScope is a 100MS/s open source
oscilloscope for iPad, Android and PC. A must-have for every
innovations and breakthroughs in the Arduino and Raspberry Pi developer.
oscilloscopes domain that help our Highlights: 2x100MS/s 45MHz oscilloscope, 50MS/s arbitrary
engineers design better. waveform generator, digital logic analyser at 100MS/s, digital
waveform generator at 100MS/s, 200 waveforms/second data
From analogue to digital updates
Price: $179
From simple signal capture to complex
Gabotronics Oscilloscope Watch
time-domain signal analysis, oscil-
loscopes come with salient and con-
Highlights: 2 analogue inputs, 4MSPS maximum sampling
rate, 200kHz analogue bandwidth, 8-bit resolution
trasting functionalities. Oscilloscope Price: $150
manufacturers have augmented the
automated capabilities and portability digital signal processing, and respective an important role of providing real-
factor so that designers can accomplish analysis and documentation. time signals and waveform display.
swiftly and get more authentic meas- Sumit Sharma, marketing man-
urements for increased productivity. ager-India, Good Will Instrument Mixed-signal and
The invention of cathode ray tubes Co. Ltd. too believes, that with the mixed-domain
(CRTs) in the late 19th century was an rapid advancement of technology, As oscilloscopes have evolved from
important milestone for the birth of ana- the oscilloscope market has also been analogue to digital and from mixed-
logue oscilloscopes, and has changed shifting from conventional analogue signal oscilloscopes to mixed-domain
the way of waveform representation, oscilloscopes towards digital storage oscilloscopes, they have become even
believes Srinivasa Appalla, manager- oscilloscopes (DSOs). He says, In more valuable tools for analysing
product support & application, Rohde contrast to analogue oscilloscopes, the system performance or troubleshoot-
& Schwarz. However, he says, The major function of a DSO is to not only ing problems, says Pamela Aparo,
technological advancements in electron- convert signals from analogue to digi- marketing manager-electronic test &
ic designs have put new requirements tal but also store testing data, allow re- measurement, Analog Devices Inc.
on signal analysis which are not met by mote control and transmission of data Embedded system designers require
analogue scopes. Digital oscilloscopes, through various interfaces. But, he advanced testing capabilities to resolve
introduced in the 80s, are dominating also believes, Despite the strengths of their design issues, so mixed-signal
the market now because of the ability of DSOs, analogue oscilloscopes still play oscilloscopes (MSOs) emerged in the
Budget-Friendly Oscilloscopes
Digital oscilloscopes, being expensive, have always been out of reach for many. But this
doesnt make them less desirable. Fortunately, test and measurement companies have
sensed this situation and started developing low-priced oscilloscopes with reasonable
quality and features. So we now have several wonderful low-budget options. Let us take
a look at some of them
good oscilloscope is an indis- reasonable acquisition quality and as they learn a lot while building their
pensable tool for you if you performance. Generally, these look like own oscilloscope and then use it with
are seriously into electronics. a standard oscilloscope with integrated better confidence. Fig. 4 shows such a
The oscilloscope helps you check the display for viewing the acquired signal system.
functioning of electronic circuits bet- as shown in Fig. 1. There are so many options avail-
ter. With advancements in technology, Another low-cost solution comes
electronics designing, testing and even from companies such as Digilent,
repairing has become much more Virtins Technology, Link Instruments,
challenging than before. Engineers Parallax Inc. and Velleman Inc., which
thus require advanced tools to solve uses processing power of a computer
measurement challenges quickly and
accurately, and a digital storage oscil-
loscope helps them do just that. But,
due to its high price, this equipment
has always been out of reach for most
The strong desire of the engineers
to possess a good oscilloscope has led Fig. 2: An oscilloscope that shows signal on a
companies such as Tektronix, Agilent Fig. 1: An oscilloscope with integrated display computers screen
Part 4 of 4
Defence Lasers and Optronic Systems:
Gas Laser Electronics
Carbon dioxide and helium-neon lasers are the two commonly used gas lasers used in
tactical military applications. High-power lasers, such as carbon dioxide gas dynamic lasers,
hydrogen fluoride/deuterium fluoride lasers and chemical oxy-iodine lasers, which can
generate mega-watts of CW power for directed-energy weapon applications, are also broadly
classified as gas lasers. These lasers are pumped by gas dynamics or by chemical reactions.
Focus in this concluding part of the article is on gas laser electronics with emphasis on the
role of electronics in gas lasers having potential for tactical military applications
+ Supply
arbon dioxide laser-based HR Brewster Brewster Output
mirror window Gas mixture window coupler
range finders and laser radar
and helium-neon laser-cavity-
based ring-laser gyroscope inertial Output
navigation sensors are among the com-
mon military applications exploiting Fig. 1: Longitudinally-excited gas laser
use of gas lasers. In addition, such gas
lasers as gas dynamic carbon dioxide
lasers, chemical oxy-iodine lasers, all Power
gas-phase iodine lasers, hydrogen HR Brewster
Brewster Output
mirror window + Electrode window coupler
fluoride and deuterium fluoride lasers,
though not electrically or optically
pumped, these are largely exploited Gas flow Laser
to build high-power directed-energy
weapons. We shall, however, confine
our discussion in this article to electri- Fig. 2: Transversely-excited gas laser
cally-excited gas lasers having military
applications. broadened gas lasers, such as helium- breakdown point. At the breakdown
In both carbon dioxide and helium- neon and carbon dioxide, is another point, large number of molecules in the
neon lasers, the power supply used area that relates to gas laser electronics. gas mixture are ionised and conduc-
to initiate and subsequently sustain tivity increases significantly. Increase
electrical discharge through the gas Negative resistance in discharge current causes further
mixture contained in a sealed envelope characteristics reduction in discharge resistance with
constitutes the primary and essential Gas-discharge characteristics, when the result that the voltage required
component of electronics. The active excited electrically, are the key to de- to sustain the discharge actually de-
medium is usually excited either by sign of power supplies for gas lasers. creases with increase in current. This
passing an electric discharge current Typical gas-discharge characteristics, gives rise to what is called negative
along the length of the tube known as as applicable to carbon dioxide and resistance region in the gas-discharge
longitudinal excitation in both types helium-neon lasers, exhibit negative current-voltage characteristics.
of gas lasers (Fig. 1), or by an electric resistance in their current-voltage re-
discharge perpendicular to the length lationship. The current is zero initially, Helium-neon
of the laser tube known as transverse which may rise to a few nano amperes power supplies
excitation which is common in carbon after the applied voltage exceeds a The generalised form of a gas-laser
dioxide lasers only (Fig. 2). Frequency- certain threshold causing some ionisa- power supply essentially comprises
stabilisation electronics used in the tion of the gas mixture. This current a high-voltage generation circuit that
case of actively-stabilised Doppler increases slowly till it reaches the provides the starting voltage, either
multiplier chain
There are two common voltage mul-
tiplier configurations, one for the odd
multiplication factors (Fig. 4) and the
other for even multiplication factors
(Fig. 5). The output voltage in case of
multiplier configuration shown in Fig.
4 is given by:
1+[n(n 1)/12CRL]
Fig. 5: High-voltage multiplier chain with even multiplication factor
In the case of multiplier chain with
even multiplication factor, the output
voltage is given by:
1+[n(n /2+1)/6CRL]
to the synchronous detector. The ramp may be applied instead. Also ics in military lasers and optoelectron-
other input to the synchronous de- superimposed on this is a relatively ics is completed. While introduction
tector is the reference signal used to high-frequency sinusoidal or square to role of electronics, solid state laser
modulate the laser cavity length with waveform. The frequency is 5kHz, electronics and semiconductor diode
the help of PZT. The error signal pro- typically. The beam at the output of laser electronics were discussed in
duced at the output of synchronous the stark cell is thus modulated in the earlier parts, important building
detector is used to stabilise the laser both amplitude and frequency by the blocks of electronics used in com-
frequency. applied high-frequency signal around mon gas lasers are discussed in this
Stark cell stabilisation technique the line of interest. concluding part. Different circuit
allows dither-free frequency stabi- The laser beam is phase-sensitively topologies in use for design of power
lisation. It also allows stabilising detected with high-frequency signal supplies for carbon dioxide and he-
frequency anywhere on the Doppler applied to the stark cell as reference. lium neon lasers have been discussed
broadened gain versus frequency The output of phase-sensitive detector at length, highlighting important
curve of the lasers. Fig. 18 shows the is the frequency-discriminant error design-related issues with reference
block diagram of stark cell stabilisa- signal. The error signal is amplified to gas lasers for military applications.
tion. and then fed back to the PZT through Different techniques of frequency
A part of the output laser beam is a suitable interface. One of the end stabilisation of gas lasers, which is of
made to pass through the stark cell. elements of the cavity is mounted on paramount importance in applications
An appropriate value of DC voltage the PZT. The error signal adjusts the such as laser radar, have also been
is applied to one of the stark plates length of the cavity in the feedback covered.
to make the stark-shifted molecular mode to lock the laser frequency to the Concluded
transition of the gas contained in the centre of the Doppler profile of the line
Dr Anil Kumar Maini is a senior scientist, currently
cell precisely coincide with the carbon of interest.
director of Laser Science and Technology Centre,
dioxide laser output line of inter- With this article, the four-part se- DRDO, Ministry of Defence, while Nakul Maini is
est. A slowly varying linear voltage ries focussing on the role of electron- technical editor with Wiley India Pvt Ltd
Pankaj V.
idoCADJ is a Java-based multi-
platform editor for more than just
electronics. It offers a very clean
and intuitive environment to help us-
ers design their electronics with ease.
FidoCADJ is not a simulator, but it of-
fers an agile and effective environment
for hobbyists. While there is no netlist
concept, it comes with a library that in-
cludes electrical symbols and footprints
(traditional and SMD) to assist you in
your drawings.
FidoCADJ generates electronic
circuit outputs with a very compact tex-
tual description in various file formats. FIdoCADJ
This makes it very easy to include these
drawings in text messages and exchange UTF-8 encoding on all formats.
your sketches in forums and newsgroup Unlike other CAD tools and its pre- Advisory note
discussions. decessor FidoCAD, FidoCadJ includes There are no separate modes of operation
for PCB and schematic in FidoCADJ. These
Some regard FidoCADJ as a Ja- an interpreter that can recognise and cor-
appear only at the moment of printing the
va-based modification of FidoCAD rectly interpret any file with or without drawing. Hence it is advised to set the
software, which can only be run on standard header. Moreover, it can also program to resize a schematic according to
Windows. However, it is actually a com- correctly interpret commands containing the size of the page, otherwise the print may
have the size of a postage stamp.
pletely re-written program that offers text, as long as the number of incorrect
full compatibility with FidoCAD files, lines does not exceed a value set inter- editing a drawing. Some of the features
and allows for showing and modifying a nally in the program (approx. 100). This and functionalities in FidoCADJ, which
file using FidoCAD format. It is not just ensures a fast and efficient functionality, account for ease of use of this intuitive
an adaptation or extension for FidoCAD. wasting no time, for example, in trying tool, are discussed below.
If you are familiar with FidoCAD, to open a very large binary file. The vacuum-tube radios and switch-
getting used to FidoCadJ will not be A simple coordinates system in es of old times inspire the elements of
a problem. In fact, many commands FidoCADJ identifies a very large area ease of use in this tool. When you press
and procedures are quite similar to the only by whole and positive coordinates. a button, it remains in that position until
original application including some ex- The fixed unit length of in x and y axes another function from the toolbar is se-
tensions as well. at 127m allows to obtain a good resolu- lected. So you dont need to press again
tion (about 200 dots per inch) for even and again for the same element in your
Compact and efficient the smallest SMD packages, without circuit. Also, you can easily edit or mod-
A major advantage of working with being too fine for everyday use. ify the parameters like coordinates or
FidoCADJ is its simple text format. rotation of any drawing element just by
With no header description required, a Intuitive environment double-clicking on it in selection mode.
simple coordinate system for drawing FidoCADJ offers graphical flexibility Intuitive ruler. Drawing a PCB re-
and various drawing elements, it offers and several intuitive drawing features. quires measuring distances in the work-
a compact and efficient storage format In the toolbar situated on the top of the ing area. This tool offers an intuitive
for the drawings. From the latest version window, you will find the most used ruler feature that allows you to easily
included in this DVD, it uses only the and common features for creating and check any track width, the clearance
n open source electronics presenting simulation results in
circuit simulator software various types of diagrams. Apart
released under GPL, Quite from representation in DC, AC,
Universal Circuit Simulator (Qucs) S-parameter, noise and transient
provides the user with capabilities analysis, mathematical equations
to set up a circuit with a graphical and use of a sub-circuit hierarchy
user interface. It can simulate circuit (with parameterised sub-circuits)
behaviour, and supports pure digital are also available. Qucs can also
simulations using VHDL and/or Ver- import existing Spice models for
ilog languages. use in your simulations.
Qucs is much simpler to use and Fig. 1: Combined schematic and data visualisation Qucsator, the simulation
handle than other circuit simulators back-end, is a command-line
like gEDA or PSpice. It also supports circuit simulator. It takes a net-
a growing list of analogue and digital work list in a certain format as
components as well as Spice sub-circuits, input and outputs a Qucs data-
which makes it easier to work with. set. It has been programmed
for usage in the Qucs project
What is Qucs all about but may also be used by other
Qucs is an integrated circuit simulator applications.
that enables you to set up a circuit with Qucs comes with a huge
its intuitive graphical user interface array of components and mod-
(GUI) and simulate the small-signal, els including HICUM, BSIM2,
large-signal and noise behaviour of the BSIM3 and BSIM6 to list a few.
circuit. Post simulation, you can view It also provides semiconductor-
the simulation results on a presenta- based components and models
tion page or window. Fig. 2: Data display with 3D diagram such as PMOSFETs, MOSFETs,
op-amps, diodes and many
Qucsator and GUI more.
The GUI is based on Qt by Digia. The While some examples have
software aims to support most kinds been included in this story to
of circuit simulation like DC, AC, S- demonstrate some of the abili-
parameter, harmonic balance analysis ties of Qucs, many more are
and noise analysis to name a few. The available within the program
in the DVD.
Top three functions of Qucs Features and their
1. Schematic capture functions
2. Analogue and digital simulations
Qucs consists of several stand-
3. Data visualisation Fig. 3: Data display with different kinds of data
representations (diagrams) and data markers alone programs interacting
Anagha P.
TSpice, formerly known as
SwitcherCAD, is the fourth-
generation free Spice simulation,
schematic-capture and waveform-
viewer software solution with en-
hancements and models offered by the
semiconductor manufacturer Linear
Technology Corporation (LTC).
This software features built-in
component models to help obtain ac-
curate results for non-linear designs.
It also comes with various advanced
and full-fledged capabilities that let PLL
you precisely test circuit functionali-
ties. Exceptionally good simulation of Meant for whom?
switched mode power supply (SMPS) LTSpice IV can be used to design
controllers and regulators is said simple and complex switching
to be one of the key features of this regulators and run simulations for
product. these circuits. The ease to learn,
Its speed of simulation has greatly simplicity of usage and extensive
improved as compared to the previous help files make it a good choice for
Spice programs, without compromis- students. The advanced simulation
ing on the accuracy of simulation, due and analysis capabilities make it a
to the introduction of mixed-mode great tool for creating professional-
simulation capability and many other grade circuits by electronics engi-
enhancements. In a few minutes it can neers.
perform detailed cycle-by-cycle SMPS Many students, novice engineers
simulations and analyse them. and experienced professionals in Simulation
It is to be noted that LTSpice is not such fields as radio-frequency elec-
SMPS-specific Spice. It has all the fea- tronics, power electronics, digital Stable and feature-rich
tures of any other typical analogue and electronics and other disciplines use The software is highly stable, and the
mixed-signal simulation program, with LTSpice IV. Those users who want to number of nodes you can create using
an added benefit that it is fast enough create their own schemes of integrated LTSpice is unlimited. The application
to simulate a SMPS interactively. This circuits and test them can also use this comes with a library that has a varied
improved performance is an advan- Spice circuit simulator. While it cannot collection of predefined components
tage for simulating general analogue generate printed circuit board (PCB) like resistors, capacitors, inductors,
circuits and would aid all electronics layouts, netlists can still be imported diodes, wires, BUS taps, text boxes,
engineers. into layout programs. labels etc that can be added to the cir-
isibility on the runway is The device is rugged, has high Indian Meteorological Department
extremely important for safe mean time between failures and is (IMD), meets the specifications for
landing and take-off of an air- nearly maintenance-free. In fact, the visibility measurement instruments
craft. Hence visual-range accessors are Drishti system installed in New Delhi set forth by ICAO and WMO. It has
mandatory for all airport runways. airport in 2011 has never had a failure a field-programmable gate array
Till now the transmissometers or maintenance issue to date! (FPGA)-embedded hardware and web-
used in Indian airports were imported. Virtual instrumentation concept enabled data acquisition software built
The requirement of a highly-accurate, with a combination of modular hard- in LabView environment.
cost-effective, low-maintenance, in- ware and software design has made It basically comprises of a transmit-
digenous, state-of-the-art system on serviceability easier, while weather- ter (a lamp with spectral characteristics
par with more-expensive imported proof enclosures (IP65) for the elec- similar to runway lights) that sends
systems prompted development of the tronics hardware make the system collimated beam of light and a receiver
Drishti transmissometer at CSIR-NAL.
What is a transmissometer?
Indigenous, economical Visual range depends on several environmental factors like fog, snow, rain and storm. It
and rugged is commonly measured as meteorological optical range (MOR) or runway visibility range
Drishti is the only indigenously- (RVR). A transmissometer, also referred to as transmittance meter, is an instrument used
developed transmissometer of its kind to measure the transmission coefficient of the light passing through the atmosphere and
thereby determine the MOR and/or RVR.
available today. It costs just one-third
Abhishek A. Mutha that DA will be one of the coolest and that graduates from other streams
the fastest growing career paths in do not have. In short, he says, If
oday, most of the jobs available the coming decade, and we have seen an engineering graduate is looking
in data analytics (DA) are for studies that highlight a shortfall of for a career in data analytics, he/
computer science graduates, qualified candidates to meet the job she should focus on improving his/
but there are some companies that requirements in this space. her numerical computation skills,
particularly look for electronics engi- learn some numerical programming
neers. An engineering degree with a Why engineers language and explore the area of
knack for programming, statistics and Basically, engineers have a good blend statistics.
mathematics is the latest choice for of learning in technology, mathemat- Engineering graduates with a good
employers hiring in the DA domain. ics and data science. Sudeshna Datta, knowledge of programming and busi-
Anand Sankaran, senior principal EVP and co-founder, Absolutdata says, ness can have a well-defined career
architect, Verizon Data Services, India Engineers have been critical to the path in this sector. Harvard Business
informs that many universities in the growth of the analytics market in India School predicts that there is a serious
US, Europe and India have started spe- and are very apt to make a career in dearth of data scientists in the US
cialised courses both at graduate and DA. To add, now there are institutions alone. With open data movements
undergraduate levels to cater to the in- who help engineers learn the basics of gathering steam across the world,
creasing demand for DA professionals. machine learning and big data in the scope for engineering graduates to
The exponential growth in DA is curriculum.
catalysed by an unprecedented avail- However, Ashish Soni, chief Four Major Categories
ability of data, thanks to a steep fall analytics officer, Costarch believes
Hiring Data Analysts
of storage cost and the ubiquitous that engineering graduates fit into
need to extract valuable insights from the area of DA only if they have an 1. IT companies
2. KPOs (knowledge process outsourcing)
a volume of data to solve business inclination towards number crunch-
3. Captive analytics units
problems. He says, A recent article in ing. Their quantitative and computer 4. Niche analytics firms
the Harvard Business Review predicts skills give them the competitive edge
IT-software Bengaluru
Manufacturing and engineering Up to ` 500,000 (entry level) Mumbai
BFSI ` 500,000 to ` 1,000,000 (junior level) Delhi NCR
CRM/BPO/ITeS ` 1,000,000 to ` 1,500,000 (mid level) Chennai
Consulting services Over ` 1,500,000 (senior level) Hyderabad
Others Others
Fig. 1: Top five industries for data analytics (Data Fig. 2: Salary breakup of data analysts Fig. 3: Top five locations for data analytics
courtesy: TimesJobs.com) (Data courtesy: TimesJobs.com) (Data courtesy: TimesJobs.com)
his PIC16F877A microcon- ipating teams can press
troller-based quiz controller, the button and give the
designed for up to six players answer within the al-
or teams, is suitable for school and col- lotted time. A buzzer
lege quiz competitions. It is similar to sounds and a big 12.7cm
a fastest-finger-first system in which (5-inch) 7-segment dis-
the player who presses the button first play shows the number
gets the first chance to answer the quiz. of the team that presses
Here, each team is assigned a their pushbutton switch
unique number and provided with a first. Authors prototype
pushbutton switch. As soon as a ques- Fig. 1: Authors prototype is shown in Fig. 1.
230V 1 IC3 3 1 IC4 3
AC, 50Hz BR1 7805
7812 LED7
C1 C2 C3
470u 0.1u R4
N X1 35V 680E
10K LED6 R3
C4 1K
10u , 16V TP3 PZ1
11 32
2 RB7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
RB6 39
3 RA1 RB5 38 LED3
RNW1 37
4 RA2 RB4
1 36
5 RA3 RB3
10K RB2 35
6 RA4 RNW2 T1 BC547
RB1 34 LED2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 RA5 100E
RB0 33 LED1
8 RE0 IC1 15
9 RE1 PIC16F877A RC1 16
10 RC2 17
RC3 18
19 RD0 1 COMMON 9
RC4 23 IN1
S2 20 RD1 24 R5
RC5 2 16
21 IN2 OUT1
RD2 RC6 25
22 RD3 RC7 26 3 15 R6 8
27 RD7 30 7
RD4 IC2 a CA
28 RD6 29 4 IN4 14 R7 6
RD5 OUT3 b
Vss Vss OSC1 OSC2 ULN2003 5 c
S4 5 13 2
14 IN5 OUT4 d
31 12 13 1
R8 e
XTAL1 6 OUT5 12 10
S5 IN6 f
20MHz R9 9 g
7 IN7 11 4 dp
C5 C6 R10 CM
S6 8 10
33p 33p GND OUT7 3
R5R11 = 1K
Fig. 2: Circuit diagram of the quiz controller
The program for microcontroller is writ-
ten in Basic and compiled using Proton
Fig. 4: Actual-size PCB layout for the quiz controller IDE v2.0. After compilation of the code
efy Note
The source code of this project is
included in this months EFY DVD
Fig. 5: Component layout for the PCB and is also available for free down-
load at source.efymag.com
(quiz_mm.bas), if everythings fine, its component layout in Fig. 5. All the
you will see Compilation Success components are easily available in elec- on DIS1 and the buzzer should ring.
for Target Device 16F877A (20MHz) tronics components shops. After as- Simultaneously, the corresponding
message at the bottom of the screen, as sembling of the components properly LED near the switch should glow. The
shown in Fig. 3. The hex code gener- on the PCB, power supply connections LED and display switch off after six
ated by Proton IDE is used to burn into should be checked. seconds while the buzzer stops ringing
the PIC16F877A using PICSTART Plus Install the 7-segment display DIS1 after two seconds.
programmer. suitably so that it is visible to the quiz When a question is asked by the
master and the audience. It requires at quiz master, any team can respond by
Construction and testing least eight wires to connect to the PCB. pressing their switch. The switch first
An actual-size, single-side PCB layout Connection detail for each segment pressed is recognised by the micro-
for the circuit is shown in Fig. 4 and (a through g) is provided in Fig. 5 controller. Any other switches pressed
at DISP1. Next, install all six switches thereafter do not get registered. So the
(S1 through S6) at different locations team who pressed the button first can
where the six contesting teams can be allowed to give the answer.
reach them. House each switch and its For any problem in the display you
corresponding LED in a transparent can press reset switch S7 momentarily
enclosure, so that when you press the and check again. For further trouble-
switch and LED glows, it is visible to shooting, you can also verify the volt-
the quiz master. ages at various points given in the test
Switch on the power supply to points table.
start the quiz. On pressing any switch Dr D.K. Kaushik is principal and Ashok Sharma
(S1 through S6), the corresponding is technical assistant at Manohar Memorial (P.G.)
number (1 through 6) should appear College, Fatehabad (Haryana)
Madhuram Mishra
his project is of an FM radio based on Philips
TEA5767 digital radio-receiver module.
The radio receiver uses I2C interface with
Arduino UNO development board. The TEA5767
module offers such features as stereo or mono
outputs, radio station scanning and signal strength
indication. The authors prototype on a breadboard
is shown in Fig. 1.
16X2 LCD
Circuit and working
The circuit of the Arduino-based FM receiver,
shown in Fig. 2, is built around Arduino UNO board
(board1), TEA5767 radio receiver module (FM1),
LM386 low-power amplifier (IC1), 162 LCD (LCD1)
and 8-ohm speaker (LS1). A/VEE
TX 1
RX 0
creating interactive objects or environments. ARDUINO DIGITAL
Arduino UNO is a board based on ATmega328
ming the on-board microcontroller, power jack, an
10 ANT
LM386 2
100u, 25V
efy Note
The source code of this project is
included in this months EFY DVD
and is also available for free down-
load on source.efymag.com
Priyanka Kumari 90 degrees. If the pulse is longer than hardware and software. It is intended
1.5ms, the shaft turns closer to180 de- for artists, designers, hobbyists and
rduino board can also be used grees as shown in Fig. 3. anyone interested in creating interac-
to control electrical devices Arduino UNO board. Arduino is tive objects or environments.
and appliances over the Inter- an open source electronics prototyping Arduino UNO is a board based
net. Just by clicking a few buttons on a platform based on flexible, easy-to-use on ATmega328 microcontroller. It
webpage, the devices can be operated consists of 14
from a remote location. For this the digital input/
board needs to be Ethernet-enabled output pins,
using Ethernet shield. This project six analogue
illustrates the point by using Wiznet inputs, a USB
W5100 Ethernet shield to control a TP1 connection for
servo motor and an LED. M1 = 5V, SERVO
the on-board
Circuit and working microcontroller,
Fig. 1 shows circuit of the web-based power jack, an
device controller. The circuit is built ICSP header
around Arduino UNO board (board1), TP2
and a reset but-
Arduino Ethernet shield (shield1) and M1 ton. It is op-
servo motor (M1). TP0
erated with a
Servo motor. A servo motor mainly 16MHz crystal
consists of a DC motor, gear system, LED1 oscillator and
position sensor (generally a potentiom- R1 contains every-
eter) and control electronics as shown SHIELD1
680E thing needed
in Fig. 2. The DC motor is connected GND
to support the
to a gear mechanism, which provides Fig. 1: Circuit diagram of the web-based controller microcontroller.
feedback to a position sensor. The po- It is very easy
tentiometer allows the control circuit to to use as the user simply needs to
monitor the current angle of the servo Control Electronics
connect it to a computer with a USB
motor. If the shaft is at correct angle, Gear system cable or power it with an AC-to-DC
the motor shuts off. If the circuit finds adaptor or battery to get started.
that the angle is incorrect, it will keep DC Motor The microcontroller on the board is
the motor on until the angle is correct. programmed using Arduino pro-
A normal servo is used to control the gramming language and Arduino
angular motion up to 180 degrees. development environment.
Angle of rotation. The angle of Arduino Ethernet shield. The
servo motor rotation is determined by Servo Horn/Arm Arduino Ethernet shield allows an
the duration of a pulse that is applied Fig. 2: Servo motor components Arduino board to connect to the
to the control wire. The servo expects Internet. It is based on the Wiznet
a pulse every 20 milliseconds (0.02 W5100 Ethernet chip, which provides
seconds). The length of the pulse will 0
1ms 1ms
a network (IP) stack capable of both
determine how far the motor rotates. 90 TCP and UDP. It supports up to four
A 1.5-millisecond pulse, for example, simultaneous socket connections. Use
makes the motor turn to the 90-degree 1.5ms 1.5ms
the Ethernet library to write sketches
position (often called the neutral posi- 180 which connect to the Internet using
2ms 2ms
tion). If the pulse is shorter than 1.5ms, the shield.
the motor turns the shaft lesser than Fig. 3: Servo positions The Ethernet shield connects to
Test Points
Test point Details
TP0 0V
TP1 5V
TP2 PWM signals for servo motor (M1)
Parts List
Semiconductors: Fig. 5: An actual-size Fig. 6: Component
Board1 - Arduino Uno board PCB for the controller layout for the PCB
Shield1 - Arduino Ethernet shield Fig. 4: Ethernet shield on top of Arduino
LED1 - 5mm LED
Resistor (1/4-watt, 5% carbon):
burn the program (sketch) through
R1 - 680-ohm SD card. standard USB port in the computer.
Miscellaneous: On the Mega, the hardware SS pin
M1 - 5V servo motor
(pin 53) is not used to select either Construction and testing
W5100 or SD card, but it must be kept An actual-size, single-side PCB for
efy Note as an output, otherwise SPI interface the web-based device controller using
The source code of this project is wont work. Arduino is shown in Fig. 5 and its com-
included in this months EFY DVD Note that, because the W5100 and ponent layout in Fig. 6. Assemble the
and is also available for free down- SD card share the SPI bus, only one components on the recommended PCB
load at source.efymag.com can be made active at a time. If you to minimize assembly errors. Carefully
are using both peripherals in your assemble the components and double-
an Arduino board using long-lead program, this should be taken care of check for any overlooked error.
stackable headers (refer Fig. 4). This by the corresponding libraries. If you To check working of the project, fol-
keeps the pin layout intact and allows are not using one of the peripherals in low the steps below:
another shield to be stacked on top, if your program, however, you will need 1. Connect the servo as shown in the
needed. to explicitly deselect it. To do this with circuit diagram (Fig. 1)
The Ethernet shield has a standard the SD card, set pin 4 as an output and 2. Power up the Arduino board
RJ-45 connection, with an integrated write a high to it. For the W5100, set through power adaptor
line transformer and Power over Eth- digital pin 10 as a high output. 3. Connect Ethernet shield on top of
ernet (PoE) enabled. The reset button on the shield re- the Arduino board
There is an onboard microSD card sets both the W5100 and the Arduino 4. Connect the Ethernet shield with
slot, which can be used to store files for board. LAN cable through your router
serving over the network. It is compat- Digital pins 4 and 7 of the shield 5. Ping the IP address,
ible with the Arduino UNO and Ardui- (Shield1) are connected to LED1 and or change the IP address as per your
no Mega (using the Ethernet library). control pin of servo motor (M1), re- router setting.
The onboard microSD card reader is spectively. You need to change the IP address
accessible through the SD Library. in the source code, recompile and burn
When working with this library, digital Software into the microcontroller
pin 4 of the Arduino cannot be used. The software for this project is written Now you can access the servo (M1)
The shield also includes a reset in Arduino programming language. and LED1 using this IP address on your
controller, to ensure that the W5100 The Arduino UNO is programmed us- browser. If the connection is successful,
Ethernet module is properly reset on ing Arduino IDE software. ATmega328 you can see following user-interface
power-up. Previous revisions of the on Arduino UNO comes with a boot controls on your browser:
shield are not compatible with the loader that allows you to upload new 1. Turn on LED, Turn off LED
Mega board and need to be manually code to it without the use of external 2. Rotate Left, Rotate Right
reset after power-up. hardware programmer. It communi- You can switch on/off LED1 and
Arduino communicates with both cates using the STK500 protocol. You also control the servo motor M1 by
the W5100 and SD card using the SPI can also bypass the boot loader and clicking the appropriate button.
bus (through the ICSP header). They program the microcontroller through To test the circuit for proper func-
are connected to digital pins 10, 11, 12 ICSP (in-circuit serial programming) tioning, verify correct 5V supply for the
and 13 on the UNO and pins 50, 51 and header, but using boot loader pro- circuit at TP1 with respect to TP0.
52 on the Mega. On both the boards, gramming is quick and easy.
pin 10 (slave select or SS pin) is used Select the correct board from Tools The author is a final-year B.Tech (ECE) student of
to select the W5100 and pin 4 for the -> Board menu in Arduino IDE and Ansal Institute of Technology, Gurgaon
Parts List
owadays, many devices with the authors prototype.
rechargeable batteries use
USB power to recharge them Circuit and working IC1
- MCP73831 Li-ion charger
while they are connected. The USB in- Fig. 2 shows the circuit diagram of USB LED1, LED2 - 5mm LED
LED3 - 1W white LED
terface has the ability to power devices, LED flashlight cum charger whose
Resistors (all 1/4-watt, 5% carbon):
which can be used to charge a battery. front end (charger) is wired around the R1, R2 - 1-kilo-ohm
Here is an interesting yet simple advanced Li-ion linear charge-manage- R3 - 2.2-kilo-ohm
R4 - 10-kilo-ohm
circuit of a compact USB LED flash- ment chip MCP73831 (IC1). The 8-pin VR1 - 10-kilo-ohm linear potmeter
light with built-in lithium-ion (Li-ion) IC has features like high-accuracy cur- Capacitors:
battery and a dedicated battery-char- rent and voltage regulation, battery C1, C2 - 10F, 16V electrolytic
ger circuit. It charges the battery in a conditioning, charge termination and
S1 - On/off switch
clever manner whenever the device is charge status indication. IC1 is fol- BATT.1 - 3.7V/3.9Wh Li-ion battery
lowed by a commonly- USB1 - USB B type connector
- 2-pin terminal connector
available 3.7V/3.9Wh
mobile phone Li-ion
battery and the 1W
Test Points
white LED (LED3) with
a simple MOSFET-based Test point Details
driver (T1). TP0 0V
The charging power TP1 5V
supply is derived from TP2 Battery voltage
the USB and the battery
charging is fully con- charging and glowing of LED2 indi-
trolled by MCP73831. cates that the battery is fully charged.
Glowing of LED1 indi- Switch S1 is used to turn flashlight
Fig. 1: Authors prototype cates that the battery is LED3 on or off. Here, a potentiometer
(VR1) is added deliberately to adjust
the intensity of the light output from
S1 near 0% to 100% in a smooth manner.
LIGHT 1W LED Note that, in this circuit configuration/
application, a current-limiting resistor
C1 LED1 IC1 BATT.1 is not very crucial for the white LED3.
10u CHARGING MCP73831 3.7V
VR1 G Construction and testing
10u 10K POT
An actual-size, single-side PCB for the
MOSFET circuit is shown in Fig. 3 and its com-
1K 2.2K
10K ponent layout in Fig. 4. After assem-
TP0 bling the circuit on a PCB, enclose it in
a suitable plastic box. Use heat sink for
Fig. 2: Circuit diagram of USB LED flashlight cum battery charger LED3 or buy the IC with an embedded
heat sink and connect
it to the PCB using
external wires. Before
using the circuit, verify
the test point voltages
given in the table.
The author is a freelance
technical writer and circuits
Fig. 3: PCB layout for the circuit Fig. 4: Component layout for the PCB designer
his is an interesting circuit turns, L2 of 6 turns and L3 of 10 turns Parts List
which you can connect to a with a tapping at fourth turn. Vari- Semiconductors:
D1-D4 - 1N4148 diode
telephone line to listen to the able capacitor VC1 is used for tuning T1, T2 - BC547 npn transistor
conversations through any FM radio the transmitted frequency. Diodes D1 Resistors (all 1/4-watt, 5% carbon):
R1 - 220-ohm
receiver. Power for the circuit is drawn through D4 rectify the telephone line R2 - 33-kilo-ohm
from the telephone line itself, so it does voltage which drives the circuit. R3 - 10-kilo-ohm
R4 - 47-kilo-ohm
not require a power supply of its own. Working of the circuit is simple. R5 - 390-ohm
The telephone wires act as the antenna Connect the circuit in parallel to the Capacitors:
for the audio signal. telephone line to listen to the conver- C1, C3 - 22pF ceramic disk
C2 - 100nF ceramic disk
sation between the calling and the C4 - 1nF ceramic disk
Circuit and working called parties. Keep switch S1 on and C5 - 10pF ceramic disk
C6, C7 - 47pF ceramic disk
Fig. 1 shows the circuit diagram of tel- tune your FM radio until you hear the C8 - 100F, 25V electrolytic
ephone tapping circuit using FM. The conversation. VC1 - 50pF variable capacitor
circuit is built around transistors T1 Miscellaneous:
R1 - 4.7-ohm
his design idea outlines e d i up voltage) is greater than that R2 - 27-kilo-ohm
s.c. dwiv Capacitors:
a method to use an ana- required to keep it on (dropout C1 - 100F,16V electrolytic
logue switch and discrete voltage). The relay normally C2 - 0.15F ceramic disk
components to reduce the power has a 3.5V pick-up voltage and Miscellaneous:
S1 - On/off switch
dissipated in relay actuation. We intro- a 1.5V dropout voltage, yet the circuit RL1 - 5V, 1 c/o relay
duced a power-saving relay-driver circuit allows it to operate from an interme- CON1 - 2-pin terminal connector
for a 12V relay in May issue. Presented diate supply voltage of 2.5V. Table I CON2 - 3-pin connector
ometimes, we need to chabhaiy Thus, for every action of press-
a The outputs of IC1 are decoded by
vivek pan
know whether someone ing and releasing switch S1, CD4511 (IC2), which has internal 4-bit
is still inside a building there is an increment in display latch, decoder and output drivers. The
before it is locked. And if so, DIS1 till 9. Pressing switch S3 internal latch is always enabled be-
how many persons are still inside? momentarily resets the counter to 0. cause pin 5 (LE) is connected to ground
There can be many other similar situ- Switch S2 is also an SPDT switch permanently. The outputs of IC2 drive
ations for which the circuit presented that works exactly like switch S1, but common-cathode 7-segment display
here can come handy. But it needs it is used for decrementing the count LTS543 (DIS1). Since pin configura-
separate in and out gates to work and in DIS1. Switch S2, together with gates tions may be different for the other
can count up to nine persons (inside) N3 and N4 of IC4 generates a pulse for displays, always check their datasheets
only. Though, it can be extended to decrementing the counter in IC1. Parts List
count more. The counter can be expanded to Semiconductors:
display more digits through the output IC1 - CD40192 up/down decade
Circuit and working pins 12 and 13 of IC1, if needed. High- counter
IC2 - CD4511 BCD to 7-segment
Fig. 1 shows circuit of the difference level signal on pin 14 (reset) clears all driver
counter, built around four ICs, for use internal triggers. That is, when switch IC3 - 7805, 5V voltage regulator
IC4 - CD4011 quad NAND gate
between entrance and exit doors. Switch S3 is pressed momentarily, IC1 is reset.
D1 - 1N4001 rectifier diode
S1, which is an SPDT switch, together LED1 - 5mm LED
with gates N1 and N2 of CD4011 (IC4) Test Points Resistors (all 1/4-watt, 5% carbon):
R1-R4 - 10-kilo-ohm
generates a pulse for incrementing R5-R11 - 330-ohm
Test point Details
counter CD40192 (IC1). CD40192 is a R12 - 22-kilo-ohm
BCD pre-settable up/down (bidirec- TP0 0V R13 - 1-kilo-ohm
TP1 5V Capacitors:
tional) counter. The counter moves up C1-C3, C5, C7 - 0.33F ceramic disc
or down with the positive clock edges TP2 Low to high signal when S2 is C4 - 47F, 16V electrolytic
applied to its corresponding pin 5 (clock pressed and released C6 - 470F, 25V electrolytic
TP3 Low to high signal when S1 is Miscellaneous:
up) or pin 4 (clock down). S1-S2 - SPDT foot switch
pressed and released
When you press S1, its pole comes S3 - Tactile switch
TP4-TP7 Binary values (0 or 1) equivalent to the CON1 - 2-pin terminal connector
in contact with its terminal 3, which is
respective displays shown on DIS1 DIS1 - LTS543 7-segment display
connected to pin 5 of IC4. When you
1 J2 11 1 B 13
TP6 R5
10 J3 3 2 C 12 8 3
Q1 b
9 J4 IC1 2 6 D IC2 11
CD4011 Q2 c
CD40192 CD4511 R7 5 dp a 7
5 CLK UP 6 5 LE 10
Q3 d
4 BL 9
4 CLK DOWN Q4 7 e 10 g b 6
3 LT 15
TP3 ENTRANCE f e d c
8 GND 12 8 GND 14 R10
1 3 CARRY g 9 1 2 4 DIS1
R1 S1 R12 LTS543
R2 R11
10K 2 22K
TP0 R5 R11 = 330E
Somnath Bera to manipulate the I2C bus using follow- Once the software is installed, re-
ing commands (also refer Fig. 4): boot your Raspberry Pi so that these
ou will find in this article pro- $ sudo apt-get update effects take place permanently. Also
jects for interfacing an 88 and $ sudo apt-get install python-smbus install Python and python-dev on
a 57 dot-matrix display with i2c-tools Raspberry Pi using following com-
Raspberry Pi. mands (also refer Fig. 5):
Since Raspberry Pi does not have $ sudo apt-get install
enough GPIOs, we have used its I2C python python-dev
bus to connect to MCP23017 IO ex- For interacting with
pander to have 16 additional GPIOs for the GPIO through Py-
connecting to LED dot-matrix display thon, you have to install
such as 88 or 57. Pin 3 (SDA) and the GPIO Python librar-
pin 5 (SCL) are I2C pins on Raspberry Fig. 1: Adding the lines in /etc/modules ies. The latest library
Pi board. Some libraries in the form available is RPi.GPIO-
of a GPL Python script, taken from 0.5.5.tar.gz. Download
Adfruit.com, are used in this project to the same from the link
manage the extended GPIOs. below:
First, you will see how a single 8x8 Fig. 2: Editing the raspi-blacklist.conf file http://raspberry-
LED matrix is interfaced with GPIOs gpio-python.googlecode.
through MCP23017. Then you can com/files/
expand the project to interface more Unzip or extract the
dot-matrix displays. tar file by using com-
mand (also refer Fig. 6):
System set up tar zxvf RPi.GPIO-
To use I C on Raspberry Pi, you need
2 Fig. 3: Commenting the code 0.5.5.tar.gz
to enable a few things inRaspbian Now change directo-
Wheezy operating system as these are ry to the RPi.GPIO-0.5.5
not enabled by default. This is a fairly and write the following
easy process. First you edit the mod- command (also refer Fig.
ules file using the command: Fig. 4: Install the Python-smbus and I2C tools 7):
$ sudo nano /etc/modules $ sudo python setup.py
and add the following two lines install
(also refer Fig. 1): The command will
i2c-bcm2708 install Raspberry Pi
i2c-dev GPIO library into Py-
Save the file and exit nano. Next, Fig. 5: Installing Python packages thon. Now reboot the
open the raspi-blacklist.conf file by Raspberry Pi using com-
writing the command (also refer Fig. 2): mand:
$ sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/ $ sudo reboot
Comment out the code by putting Fig. 6: Extracting the tar file Project 1:
# symbol at the beginning of the two
Multiplexing of
lines as given below (also refer Fig. 3)
8x8 dot-matrix
and then save and exit.
#blacklist spi-bcm2708 In this project, you will
#blacklist i2c-bcm2708 use two separate files
Now install the necessary software Fig. 7: Installing the setup.py one to create a template
RESET INTB 19 on the I2C bus (pin 3 and pin 5) but
PIN6 10
Vss NC 11
all devices should have unique ad-
PIN5 12 A2 17 DIS1
PIN3 13
16 dresses. So, setting A0, A1 and A2
NC A0 15 pins will define different addresses
for different devices. You can also
control the device by issuing ap-
Fig. 9: Circuit of 8x8 dot-matrix display propriate command. You may try
this as explained below to gain more
the changes in letter.py code confidence.
and the same will be drawn on There is another way of testing the
the LED matrix. I2C connection on Raspberry Pi. Con-
Make the connections as nect an LED on A0 pin and issue the
per the circuit shown in Fig. 9. following commands:
MCP23017 (28-pin DIP) is used $ sudo i2cset 0x20 0x00 0x00 # this
here as it has 16 GPIOs8 for will switch on the LED on A0
rows and 8 for columns of 8x8 $ sudo i2cset 0x20 0x00 0x01 # this
Fig. 10: Testing I2C connection LED matrix. Remember to use will switch off the LED on A0
current-limiting resistors, whose The command line program is easy,
values can be between 470 ohms provided you understand the binary
and 1-kilo-ohm, in series with and hex conversion. Adafruit.com has
the LEDs. an excellent library using which we
Fig. 11: Running the Python code Four wires are connected to can manipulate these GPIOs in a far
the Raspberry Pitwo for I2C more lucid way. The files include Ada-
of figures on the 8x8 dot- matrix (us- and two for 5V supply and ground fruit_I2C.py, Adafruit_MCP230xx.py,
ing 1s) and the other to control the connections. letter.py and mcplight9.py
GPIOs for drawing figures on the Before testing, make sure that 5V Now open the terminal and write
LED matrix. So whatever letter or supply is going to the correct pin in the command given below (also refer
character you want to display, make Raspberry Pi board, else it will heat Fig. 11):
efy Note
The source codes of this project are
included in this months EFY DVD
and are also available for free down-
load at source.efymag.com
R1 R5 = 470E R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
$ sudo python mcplight9.py 1
GPB0 GPA7 28 13 3 11 10 6
Now you will see different charac- 2
GPB1 GPA6 27
3 26
ters visible on your dot-matrix display 4
as shown in Fig. 8. Each character will 5
GPB4 IC1 GPA3 24 8
ervo motors are widely used coming out of the motor and one com- 8. To break the motion-hindering
in precise control applications, ing out of the potentiometer. Cut the points, the rim of the rivet needs to be
but most of them can rotate up wires coming out of the potentiometer removed. For doing so choose a drill
to 180 degrees only. Presented here and do not damage the wires coming bit which is a little bigger than the in-
is a process for modifying servo mo- out of the motor, as shown in Fig. 3. ner hole of the tiny rivet, as shown in
tors so that these can rotate up to 360 4. Open the top cover of motor to Fig. 8.
degrees in either direction (clockwise take out the potentiometer, as shown 9. While drilling, do not press hard
and anticlockwise). This would permit in Fig. 4. and try not to get any grease on con-
the motors use for wider applications 5. Pay attention to the gear con- tact. Stop drilling as soon as doughnut-
without using additional controllers. figuration (better take a photograph shaped rim of the rivet drills out, as
The modification of a servo motor of it) as this will be needed during re- shown in Fig. 9.
can be done using the following com- assembly, as shown in Fig. 5.
ponents and tools: 6. The knob shown in Fig. 6 helps
1. Two 2.2k , 1%, 0805 resistors limit the servos movement.
2. Soldering iron 7. Slowly pull the gear arrangement
3. Multimeter and potentiometer out of the casing.
4. Wire cutter Try to minimise the movement be-
5. Precision screwdriver tween the gear arrangements. Cut the
wires hanging from potentiometer, as
De-assembling shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 5: Assembly of top part of the motor
the servo motor
1. Remove any tags or stickers from
the body of motor and open its front
cover by removing the screws holding
the motor together, as shown in Fig. 1.
2. Slowly open the front cover.
There is circuit board, potentiometer
and motor inside the casing, as shown
Fig. 6: Knob of the motor
Fig. 1: Removing the front cover Fig. 3: Cutting the wires of potentiometer
Fig. 2: Circuit inside the casing Fig. 4: Opening top cover of the motor Fig. 7: Removing the gear arrangement of motor
Fig. 11: Removing the limiter Fig. 15: Soldering the rivet back
Fig. 13: Removing the knob Fig. 16: De-soldering the wires from driver board
15. For modification, solder the rivet
back in its position, as shown in Fig.
15. Spin the shaft to ensure it rotates
easily. Fig. 18: Re-assembling the gears
Paluru Sunitha and Naga Sunil Round LED (this is where we see the
Manohar Bole output) and drop it on to Front Panel
and label it as output A2. Similarly, se- Step 6. Select Modern -> Decora-
n priority encoder, if two or more lect other three such outputs and label tions -> Recessed Frame and adjust its
inputs are equal to 1 at the same them as A1, A0 and AVALID. These size such that the outputs (A2, A1, A0
time, the input having the highest will be used for the first-highest-prior- and AVALID) are positioned inside the
priority will take precedence. In case of ity encoder output. Following the same frame for neat appearance. Similarly,
dual-priority encoder, the circuit iden- steps as above, label them as B2, B1, B0 arrange the remaining outputs (B2, B1,
tifies both the highest-priority and the and BVALID for the second-highest- B0 and BVALID) in another recessed
second-highest-priority asserted signal priority encoder output. Arrange them frame.
among a set of input signals. Presented in sequential order as shown in Fig. 1. Step 7. Use A[2:0] and AVALID to
here is an eight-input dual-priority identify the high-
encoder designed using LabView est-priority request,
versions 12. In LabView, Front Panel where AVALID is
serves as the user interface and Block asserted only if at
Diagram contains the graphical source least one request in-
code that defines the functionality of put is asserted. Use
the virtual instrument (VI). Following B[2:0] and BVALID
are the steps required to design dual- to identify the sec-
priority encoder using NIs LabView: ond-highest-prior-
Step 1. Open LabView and press ity request, where
Ctrl+N followed by Ctrl+T keys to BVALID is asserted
open the tiling Front Panel and Block only if at least two
Diagram. request inputs are
Step 2. Go to Front Panel and from asserted.
the menu bar select View->Controls Right click on
->Modern->Push Button (this is where the Front Panel,
we give input), drag and drop it on select Modern-
to Front Panel and label it as input I0. Fig. 1: Front Panel >Decoration->Thin
Similarly, select seven such inputs and Line with Arrow
label them as I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6 and I7. option and drag
Arrange them in sequential order as and drop on the
shown in Fig. 1. Here, input I7 has the Front Panel and
highest priority. place the arrow to
Step 3. Select View->Controls-> each input line as
Modern->Boolean-> Vertical Toggle shown in Fig. 1.
switch and label it as En, place it Step 8. Go to
above the inputs. This is an active low Block Diagram
enable input. workspace (refer
Step 4. Select Modern-> Decora- Fig. 2) and select
tions-> Flat Frame and adjust its size View-> Functions
such that all the inputs are positioned -> Programming->
on its left side for neat appearance. Structures-> Case
Double left click on the Front Panel Structure and drop
and type dual priority encoder and it on to Block Dia-
drag it inside the frame. gram. (Note. Three
Step 5. Select Modern-> Boolean-> Fig. 2: Block Diagram Case Structures are
his utility program can be a window function. There are various sani the
The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. This
computer can be used in electronics projects, and for many of the things that your desktop PC does,
like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. The website is the home for this little wonder and
is updated with all the information that you would need to get started. The forum on the site is very
active and has approximately 95,000 members discussing nearly 75,000 topics.
The purpose of this website is to preserve and present information about the development and use
of Linux in embedded systems as well as open source projects and tools for general embedded
development. The website has pages related to different embedded hardware. Each page has lots
of information on the boards that you want to try out. The site can prove to be a good resource for
learning Rasberry Pi.
Adafruit was founded in 2005 by MIT engineer Limor Ladyada Fried. Her goal was to create the best
place online for learning electronics and making the best designed products for makers of all ages and
skill levels. The site has 503 tutorials on different topics and is growing daily. Apart from shopping,
blogs and forum the site has a dedicated section for understanding different electronics hardware. The
tutorial on Raspberry Pi in the learning section of the website is divided into different parts and caters
to all your learning requirements on the subject.
The Raspberry Pi has a 26-pin general-purpose input/output (GPIO) connector which carries a set
of signals and buses. There are eight general-purpose digital I/O pins that can be programmed
as either digital outputs or inputs. The website is a good resource for developers designing with
Rsapberry Pi. WiringPi is a GPIO interface library for the Raspberry Pi and includes a command-line
utility gpio which can be used to program and set up the GPIO pins.
If you are a beginner and do not have any knowledge about this little computer, this is the right
place to start. The site has good tutorial on Rapberry Pi and Android programming. The site teaches
you how to use, program and understand the Raspberry Pi in simple-to-understand language. The
complete tutorial is divided into different courses. These courses use practical examples, visual
images, videos and audio clips to explain many of the concepts used for learning the Raspberry Pi.
112 July 2014 | Electronics For You www.efymag.com
industry FOCUS
Anagha P. and Dilin Anand of approximately 35% year over year, very good in this sector. In spite of the
says Viral Bhulani, president, Indian dramatic devaluation of rupee in the
ndia has become a strong and Printed Circuit Association (IPCA). He previous year, the suppliers of PCBs in
attractive global destination for adds, Furthermore, with the Internet India were generally able to maintain
PCB manufacturers over the past of Things coming into play in the elec- the prices.
few years. The global PCB manufac- tronics arena, manufacturing units are The customers have also
turing market is expected to increase now getting orders for become more value-con-
from $62.3bn in 2013 to $74.31bn in PCBs that scious; more than ever they
2018, growing at a compound annual now demand reliable and
growth rate (CAGR) high-grade PCBs. These
of 3.6%, accord- two factors coming to-
ing to a Research gether help drive local
and Markets re- PCB manufacturing.
port published Besides, with the
this year. Internet of Things
By regional cominginto play in
growth rates, Asia the electronics arena,
Pacific (APAC) is manufacturing units
likely to be the leader are nowgetting or-
of the industry over dersfor PCBs that
the next five years. are highly custom-
Industry growth is an- ised and specially
ticipated to be driven processed for spe-
by expanding demand cific purposes, for which
for high-end products om Indian PCB industry has strengths in.
from consumers in India esy: s are highly The ability of Indian PCB firms to
and China. customised and specially closely work with the customers, and
processed. the excellent technical services they
Whats driving the For small batches of PCBs, domes- provide, have led many designers to
Indian market? tic products turn out to be cheaper, choose domestically-manufactured
According to an Indian Electronics while still providing better quality PCBs over imported ones. Availability
and Semiconductor Association (IESA) than imports. This has enabled domes- of flexible payment schemes, ability to
report, supported by the Department tic manufacturers to grow by taking handle sudden demand for increase
of Electronics and Information Tech- over business from foreign competi- in production, or demand for slowing
nology (DeitY), PCBs feature among tors. down a little, makes Indian PCBs a
the top four components contributing The local PCB industry not only better option for domestic electronics
to the bill of material (BoM) across serves the domestic market but also manufacturers.
major electronic products consumed, serves the export market; around 24 Krishna Rao, chairman, Sulakshana
particularly in products such as power per cent of the total PCBs manufac- Circuits Ltd, is confident that, in the
supplies, set-top boxes, car radios and tured annually is exported. Indian PCB next 10 years, plants that manufacture
many other digital instruments. manufacturers have also enhanced raw materials for PCBs will come up
Regardless of the issues dis- their capabilities from single- and in India, and that this would enhance
cussed, we foresee many opportunities 2-layered PCBs to 16- or even 24-lay- the industry.
in the Indian industry. The demand for ered PCBs. The PCBs export has grown The presence of supporting organi-
PCBs in this market has only increased by nearly 26%. sations is also somewhat of a boon to
over recent years, and there is a CAGR The stability of prices is usually industry growth, though not all deci-
sion makers believe that they have been Which industry shows the highest PCB demand?
instrumental enough. DeitY has set
electronic hardware production target Most of the PCB demand in India comes from mobile phones, consumer electronics,
automotive, power electronics and industrial automation segments. Energy meters
of US$ 400 billion by year 2020 which, if
and telecommunication industry come next. It is expected that in the next five years,
it materialises, will create huge demand
demand for PCBs would considerably increase from LED lighting and solar sec-
for PCBs. The department is positive, tors. Currently two million mobile phones are being imported into India. Indian PCB
responsive and very keen in promoting manufacturers are gearing up to this demand while some claim to already have the
electronic manufacturing in India, says capability to meet the demand.
Satish Athavale, managing director,
Shogini Technoarts Pvt Ltd.
Indian Printed Circuit Association Reasons for low manufacturing base in India and lack
(IPCA) is a non-profit, voluntary, pro- of competitiveness
fessional organisation formed in 1985 hh Large capital investments required for setting up PCB manufacturing units is inhibiting
with a mission to promote the PCB manufacturers to set up new units, especially for multilayered PCBs, whose demand is
industry in India and represent their expected to grow at a significant rate.
interests. The members of this organi- hh High investment required in pollution control equipment due to stringent pollution stan-
sation include PCB manufacturers, de- dards and polluting nature of industry.
signers, electronic manufacturing ser- hh Inverted duty structure, as inputs for manufacture of PCBs are subject to 5% to 10%
vices (EMS) companies and suppliers customs duty while PCBs attract nil duty under the ITA-1.
of PCB machines and raw materials. hh Lack of availability of skilled labour.
hh Lack of availability of raw materials like pure-grade silicon and copper laminates re-
Whats holding India PCB quired for fabrication of the printed circuit boards.
Inc. back? hh Lack of availability of raw materials at competitive prices.
hh Lack of access to new technology and state-of-the-art capital equipment.
One of the biggest drawbacks is that
Rajoo Goel, secretary general, ELCINA Electronic Industries Association of India
the Indian industries inherently lack
ELCINA-EFY Awards Awards for excellence in EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd The Directorate General of Anti-Dump-
September 12, 2014 electronics hardware Phone: 26810601/2/3, +91-8800094213
India Habitat Centre, New Delhi manufacturing and services E-mail: [email protected] ing (DGAD) has recommended to the
Electronica India 2014 and Covers the whole spectrum MMI India Pvt Ltd Finance Ministry that India should im-
Productronica India 2014 of the electronics industry Phone: +91-9819418496; Fax: +91-22-42554719
September 23-25, 2014 from electronics production E-mail: [email protected]
pose anti-dumping duty on international
BIEC, Bengaluru to electronic components Web: www.electronica-productronica-india.com solar panels imported from the US,
3rd Electronics Rocks 2014 A platform for design EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd China, Malaysia and Taiwan, and awaits
October 10-11, 2014 engineers, R&D engineers, Phone: 26810601/2/3, +91-8800094213
Nimhans Convention & Exhibition entrepreneurs, academicians, E-mail: [email protected] an approval for the same. Meanwhile,
Centre, Bengaluru hackers and hobbyists Web: www.electronicsrocks.com/
including talks, workshops,
Tata Power Solar insists that the Finance
discussions, product launches Ministry should step up and approve
and design challenges
the same as soon as possible since Indias
OSI Days 2014 Open Source conference in EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd
November 7-8, 2014 Asia that aims to nurture Phone: +91-088000 94211 domestic solar manufacturing sector
NIMHANS Convention Center
and promote the open source E-mail: [email protected]
ecosystem in the sub-continent
could collapse by the end of the year
without anti-dumping duties.
Electronica/Productronica 2014 Electronic components, MMI India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai
November 11-14, 2014 production equipment, Phone: (022) 42554700, 42554723 The reality is that in the last three
Munich, Germany systems and applications E-mail: [email protected]
years there has been so much overca-
Intersolar India Exhibition and conference for MMI India Pvt Ltd
November 18-20, 2014 the solar industry featuring Phone: (022) 42554700 pacity and so much dumping that if we
Bombay Exhibition Centre, photovoltaics, PV production E-mail: [email protected] do not take dramatic action now, then
Mumbai technologies, energy storage
and solar thermal technologies within six months the Indian manu-
2nd EFY Expo- Western India For manufacturers, EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd facturing industry will be dead. They
Edition 2014 engineers and traders to Phone: 26810601/2/3, +91-8800094213
November 26-28, 2014 source electronics components, E-mail: [email protected] are already in fairly bad shape. People
Bombay Convention & Exhibition products and services and to Web: www.west.efyexpo.com have invested hundreds of millions
Centre, Mumbai find latest offerings and dealers
and distributors for products of dollars in equipment and facilities
LED Expo 2014 Exhibition and summit on MEX Exhibitions Pvt Ltd and that are now just sitting idle. Its
December 5-7, 2014 LED lighting products and Phone: +91-9312285142
Pragati Maidan, New Delhi technology E-mail: [email protected]
a shame. Ajay K. Goel, CEO of Tata
2015 International CES A mega consumer electronics Consumer Electronics Association
Power Solar was quoted as saying.
January 6-7, 2015 event where new innovations Phone: +1 703-907-7605 Domestic manufacturers claim they
Las Vegas Convention Center and technologies are Web: www.cesweb.org
Las Vegas, USA showcased are bearing the brunt, losing out on
Electronics For You Expo 2015 Covering complete electronics EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd business to the tune of ` 10,000 million
February 26-28, 2015 ecosystem, including Phone: 26810601/2/3, E-mail: [email protected] as more and more project developers
Hall 7 (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) innovation, manufacturing, Web: www.efyexpo.com
Pragati Maidan, New Delhi design and sales prefer buying international panels at
EFY Awards To give recognition to the EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd lower costs rather than going for in-
March 13, 2015 leading enterprises and Phone: 26810601/2/3, +91-8800094213
Bengaluru individuals in the Indian E-mail: [email protected]
house products. (Anti-)dumping is a
electronics field Web: www.efyawards.com short-term solution. The government
Look up under Events section in www.electronicsforu.com for a comprehensive list has to provide a level playing field
Since this information is subject to change, all those interested are advised and allow the Indian manufacturers to
to ascertain the details from the organisers before making any commitment. grow. Anti-dumping (measures are) a
than seven effective bits almost com- ings up to 5A per contact. Engineered
TEST & MEASUREMENT pletely eliminates signal distortion. for wire-to-wire and wire-to-board
With a sampling rate of 5 GS/s and applications,
All-in-One Instrument a maximum memory depth of 50M its crimp and
National Instruments (NI) has samples per channel, the oscilloscopes snap-in recep-
launched VirtualBench, which has can accurately record the long signal tacles are used
five essential instruments needed by sequences required when analysing the to terminate
any designer/engineermixed signal data content of serial protocols such as AWG 20 to 30
oscilloscope, digital input/output, I2C and CAN. wires. Header assemblies for wire-to-
programmable power supply, digital Rohde & Schwarz, New Delhi board interconnections include vertical
multimeter and function genera- Phone: 011-42535400 and right-angle variants.
torincorporated into a single bench- E-mail: [email protected] Minitek Pwr 4.2 is manufactured for
top instrument Website: www.rohde-schwarz.co high-current and high-density applica-
with software tions, and supports up to 9A per con-
interface. Insulation testers tact. Both the products are designed for
Virtual- The new MI 3200 TeraOhm 10 kV is dual-row and 2 to 24 circuits, but feature
Bench reduces a digital diagnostic insulation tester greater versatility due to their diverse
the number of manufactured by Metrel and marketed wire-to-wire, wire-to-board and wire-to-
instruments, by Rishabh Instruments. panel mount capabilities. Its crimp and
space require- MI 3200 enables high insulation snap-in receptacle is used to terminate
ment and cost for the users. The features resistance measurements up to 10 T, AWG 16 to 28 wires.
that make it revolutionary are the mixed step voltage test, PI, DD and DAR cal- FCI Electronics, Bengaluru
signal oscilloscope, high integration with culation, capacitance measurement and Phone: 080-25597149, 25550852
todays technologies, and very low price withstanding voltage test. The large E-mail: [email protected]
compared to the equivalent devices of LCD screen enables real-time graph to Website: www.fci.com
other leading brands. The instrument be displayed. Results can be stored and
can be connected to PC using the stand- downloaded to a computer via USB LDO line-up
ard USB port, or connected to PC and or RS232 connection with the help of ROHMs new 16-model line-up of
tablet using Wi-Fi. The user interface is optional software. LDOs is optimised for microcontroller
very simple with all functionalities and Major applications include test- power supplies in
controls integrated into a single window, ing insulation resistance of rotating automotive body
and much similar to the UI of existing machinery, cables, transformers, HV and power train
modular instruments. generators, surge arresters and effec- systems. The new
National Instruments, Bengaluru tive measurements in high noise envi- power supplies in
Phone: 080-4119 0000 ronments, such as charged substations the BD4xxMx se-
Website: http://ni.com and switchyards. ries, together with
Rishabh Instruments Pvt Ltd, Nashik the BDxxC0A series, have been designed
Digital oscilloscopes Phone: 0253-2202202/028 for application in car infotainment
Rohde & Schwarz has introduced RTE E-mail: [email protected] systems, bringing the total number of
digital oscilloscopes that offer fast and Website: www.rishabh.co.in automotive-grade LDO offers to 43.
reliable solutions for everyday test and The BD4xxMx series utilises state-
measurement tasks such as embedded COMPONENTS of-the-art power system 0.35m BiC-
design development, power electron- DMOS processes and takes advantage
ics analysis and general debugging. Wire-to-board and wire-to- of ROHMs renowned analogue design
These are available with bandwidths of wire connectors technology to achieve less than half
200 MHz to 1 GHz. FCI has launched Minitek Pwr 3.0 and the no-load current consumption of
The scopes highly accurate digital Minitek Pwr 4.2 wire-to-board and standard products, contributing to
trigger system with virtually no trig- wire-to-wire connectors. significant energy savings. In addition,
ger jitter delivers precise results. The Minitek Pwr 3.0 is designed for a novel circuit design enables support
single-core A/D converter with more power applications with current rat- for ceramic capacitors, eliminating
am trying to build a project
Matlab that uses colour
below. The output is shown in
Fig. 2.
detection at its core. I have worked img = rgb2gray(data)
on various algorithms available on 4. Extract the red/green/ Fig. 3: RED component extracted from RGB image
the Internet but they do not seem to blue colour components from
work for me. Can you help me with the original RGB snapshot.
detailed steps for colour detection us- Function data(:,:,1) extracts
ing Matlab? all the red colour components
Pooja from the RGB image. Similarly,
Through e-mail for green use data(:,:,2) and for
What is transforming the audio electronics industry?
What we see now is a single chip, a piece of silicon that
has audio codec, memory, processor and power management
long hallway. At the far end of the hallway, beyond normal
Bluetooth Smart range, were these lights that needed to be
controlled. But because it was meshed, the control was not
all rolled into one. This is like a complete voice and music a problem. We could address individual lights, a group of
platform. For instance, if you open a pair of headphones, lights, or all of them at once.
there is usually just one chip inside. This single chip takes
care of the entire sound quality and music experience that you
have when you listen to it. It is a very strong audio platform Q
What would it take to do something similar with Zigbee?
What I feel is that you can go Zigbee and get the mesh ca-
that also streams Bluetooth from your iPod or your phone. It pability, but now you need a Wi-Fi access point, and it becomes
goes into headsets, sound bars, speaker docks and then the cumbersome starting there. For instance, in Philips products that
next big opportunity is to have the same system streamed into are currently available in the market using Zigbee, there are only
the entire house using a combination of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. three lamps and you need a separate access point for it. So, if you
have 21 lights you then have seven different queues on your
Why should people get into designing devices with Blue- phone, and you can see how it goes on from there.
tooth Smart?
With Bluetooth Smart, we talk about wearables such as What is interesting about designing for automotive industry?
the Nike+ FuelBand, and an enormous amount of verticals, Automotive market as a whole has a little bit more visibil-
that are still small. but a lot of people are very excited about ity, and the reason is that it is the very nature of that industry.
it because it can grow exponentially. Voice, music and auto- Design cycles are very long and it can take you up to two
motive might be the sectors which pay the bills today for us. years to start the design process, ending it and actually get-
However, Bluetooth Smart is very exciting but it is still more ting the chip into the car. Now, once your component is in the
investment than revenue, although we have shown very good car, it is not easy to get it designed out. So although it takes
growth. People talk about a 100 billion connected devices in a while to get in, the benefit is that once you are in, you stay
10 years time, a large chunk of these are going to be con- in. Cycles are longer when compared to consumer electronics
nected through Bluetooth Smart. where it is mostly six months, and therefore the visibility is
a little bit better. It is very competitive, just as competitive as
What is the most exciting product that you have seen in
the smartphone which is ultra competitive.
The excitement is all about streaming audio. Two products
were launched at CES this year, which are pieces of silicon and
software that allow you to access any musical source that you
How does the design process usually work in the automo-
tive industry?
We talk to the OEMs to be able to understand what it is that
have. You can take it from the cloud and stream to Spotify, or they want, so that we can put it on our roadmap. The actual sale
you can take it from the DLNA server, iPod and Android. The is usually to so-called tier 1 companies. These are companies
stream gets into your hub, and then your hub can distribute it that are selling a complete sub-system, like a head unit or a
to your entire home with even different streams to each room. powertrain or what have you, to the car manufacturer. For in-
This is really exciting and there exists a phenomenal growth stance, if you get a win with Toyota, you are going to deal with
opportunity in the voice and music arena for the coming years. a company called Denzel. Or there is another company called
Continental, or you have Visteon, or Robert Bosch. These are the
When can we see mesh networking in Bluetooth Smart?
In CES, we demonstrated which I thought was a world
tier 1 customers that we physically ship to, where they integrate
it into a larger subsystem and that subsystem gets installed into
first, a design that functioned through Bluetooth Smart the car. In automotive infotainment we are moving from a world
meshed. In our booth, we had 25 different lamps that you in which we sell individual components into a completed info-
could actually address individually through what was a tainment bundle, using SoCs for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc.
For the uninitiated, could you describe the primary build-
ing blocks of an IoT system?
The Internet of Things primarily needs three building
protocols for communicating with their devices. As a result
of that, devices connected to the Internet often cant speak
to each other, even if they want to. Protocol therefore is a
blocks to make it functional. These are, a thing itself, which prime need to be addressed at this stage. Such protocols
could be a door-lock or water-tank, etc; a connecting mecha- and mechanisms or semantics could take shape of IP in
nism, such as RF transmitter/receiver, NFC, Bluetooth, etc; coming days. Processors, on the other hand, are delivery
and a stable and secure communication method or protocol. mechanisms for the IPs. For instance, a processor can have
In order to make an IoT product, converting it into a useful ubiquitous protocol built in its hardware to enable IoT-based
and meaningful application is going to be the key. devices and applications deliver more value at lesser cost.
Built-in communication stacks could be a great advantage in
What are the fundamental elements that any IoT designer
should first understand?
designing and building IoT-based devices or systems since
major time is usually spent in integration of protocol stacks
Technically, it is easier to make a product and have RF with external things.
or Bluetooth connectivity built into it. However, that does
not necessarily make it an IoT-enabled product. Because the
application that product serves doesnt dictate so. From a
designers perspective, security, identity management, se-
Could you share some insight into security, or the lack of
it, in IoT?
As I foresee, most of the security issues would be related
mantics, compatibility with multiple communication stand- to intercommunication between things (or devices) connected
ards, lower power, lower costs and nil or least interference on network, where alteration of data and information might
would be the major criterion for IoT-based products. In some occur. This alteration or interference could further result into
very specific cases, safety will also be a significant factor to misrepresentation of things, disruption in interconnected
be considered. Interestingly, designers also need to answer systems or even some unprecedented stoppage of certain
many trivial but critical questions, such as: What would work. And the best way to address most of the issues would
smartphones, TVs, refrigerators, cars, locks and smart clothes, be to take pre-emptive actions in design phase of these appli-
and whatever else, would talk about with each other? cations, protocols, methods, etc. Through multilayer device
design approach, threats could be contained on the outer
Should the designers wait for more suitable chip tech-
levels, which could add to safety of the device.
What would be the top two things on an IoT product de-
signers wish-list of IP?
becoming smaller and then disappear. The industrial internet
means that machines will no longer be constrained by the
Developers have embraced a plethora of incompatible quality of their on-board intelligence.
Automation & Robotics Shrey Plastic Moulders ..................................... 142 Materials (Including Chemicals & Safety & Security Products
Dynalog (India) Ltd (D) ....................................... 29 SPM Electronics ............................................... 143 Consumables) Matrix Comsec Pvt Ltd ......................................... 9
Indus Robotics & Automation Research CeramTec India - Innovative Ceramic
Pvt Ltd.............................................................. 69 Components (Including Active & Passive) Engineering Pvt. Ltd ...................................... 133 Sensors & Transducers
Chandsons Industries ....................................... 143 HK Wentworth (India) Pvt Ltd.............................. 59 Audac Transducers ........................................... 141
Arham Electronics & Electricals Electronic Assembly ........................................... 49 Optics & Optoelectronics Services
(Nimra Products) ........................................... 141 Element14 India Pvt Ltd. ...................................... 1 Alfa Electronic Components ............................... 98 3B Semiconductors Pvt. Ltd. ............................ 139
Brisk Electronics ............................................... 139 Fujistsu Semiconductor Pacific Asia Limited Binay Opto Electronics Pvt Ltd (D) ................ 18-19
Digital Promoters (I) Pvt Ltd (M) ....................... 141 Singapore ........................................................ 51 Buljin Elemec Pvt Ltd ........................................ 142 Solar Products
Elektro Power Systems .................................... 141 MediaTek India Technology Pvt. Ltd.................. 131 International Corporate ..................................... 143 Elektro Power Systems .................................... 141
Elnova Ltd (m) .................................................. 143 Microchip Technology Inc. .................................. 65 MAPP Solar Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd. ............. 143
Exide Industries Ltd (C) ...................................... 57 Millenium semiconductors ...................................11 PCBs, Assemblies & Sub Assemblies Shreyansh Electronics (D) ................................ 142
G-Tek Scientific Ltd ........................................... 137 Mouser Electronics (Hong Kong) Ltd .................. 13 Anamika Enterprises ........................................ 143 Systellar Innovations ........................................ 137
Guna Power Systems (B) ................................. 141 Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. ........................... 81 Mitsutek Electronics (D) .................................... 142
Integrated Batteries India P Ltd (D) .................. 141 Renesas Electronics Singapore Pulraj Electronics Pvt Ltd .................................... 25 Telecom Products
J.K. Power ........................................................ 142 Pte Ltd ........................................................... 125 SMD Electronics Pvt Ltd.................................... 143 u-blox Singapore Pte. Ltd. India Liaison Office..... 4
Mornsun Guangzhou Science & Technology Sancon India Pvt. Ltd. ...................................... 129 Plugs, Sockets & Connectors Test & Measurement Equipment (Including
Co. Ltd ............................................................111 Shavison Electronics Pvt. Ltd. ............................ 14 Miracle Electronic & Devices Pvt Ltd .................. 75 Indicators & Monitors)
Nippon India (D) ............................................... 137 ST Microelectronics Marketing Pvt. Ltd .............. 45 Agilent Technologies India Pvt Ltd........False Cover
S.M Semiconductors (D) .................................. 142 Toshiba India Pvt. Ltd........................................ 125 Reseller and Distributors Agilent Technologies India Pvt Ltd.............Gate fold
Sakthi Accumulators Private Ltd ....................... 143 Digi-Key Corporation ............................................ 5 FLIR Systems ..................................................... 47
SM Electronic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ................. 21 Consumer Electronics & Appliances Element14 India Pvt Ltd. ...................................... 1 Max Technology & Co. ........................................ 37
Srishti Electronics ............................................. 143 Canon India Pvt. Ltd. ........................................ 149 Embedded Systems Solutions Pvt Ltd. ............ 139 Methode Electronics India Pvt Ltd....................... 53
Stab-Brain Systems .......................................... 142 Techno Power ................................................... 141 LWI Electronics Inc. ............................................ 23 NI Systems (India) Pvt Ltd .................................... 7
Cabinets, Enclosures & Accessories IT Products Pvt Ltd ............................................................. 41 Rohde & Schwarz ............................................... 63
S K Metal Works ............................................... 142 Embedded Systems Solutions Pvt Ltd. ............ 139 Progressive Engineers (R) ............................... 140 Tektronix India Pvt Ltd. (D) ......................... 15, 152
January Electronics of Things Industrial Automation Electronics Rework Stations Automated Test Equipment (AOI, etc)
March Smart & Electric Vehicles Automotive Electronics How to Make Your Lab Static Proof Function & Signal Generators
April Smart Homes Inverters & UPSSOHO & Industrial Digital Multimeters Multimeters
May FPGA (Programmable Chips) Connectors & Terminals FPGA Training Kits Data Acquisition Systems
August Security 2.0: Latest products Aerospace & Defence Electronics Wi-fi & RF Modules Incircuit Test Systems
September Smart Robos Solar Electronics EDA Tools for Circuit Design Virtual Instruments
December Smart Lighting LED Lighting Programmable Power Source Power Analysers/Power Meters/Supplies
advertisers index
Client name Page No. Client name Page No. Client name Page No.
3B Semiconductors Pvt. Ltd...................................................................139 Fujistsu Semiconductor Pacific Asia Limited Singapore..........................51 Nippon India (www.nipponindia.com).....................................................137
Agilent Technologies India Pvt. Ltd........................... Gatefold / False cover Full Page Subscription Form....................................................................83 Precision Mastech Enterprises (Hong Kong) Ltd...................................135
Alfa Electronic Components.....................................................................98 Good Will Instrument Co. Ltd.................................................................148 Progressive Engineers ...........................................................................140
Anamika Enterprises...............................................................................143 G-Tek Scientific Ltd.................................................................................137 Pulraj Electronics Pvt Ltd (www.pulraj.com).............................................25
Arham Electronics & Electricals (Nimra Products).................................141 Guna Power Systems.............................................................................141 Renesas Electronics Singapore Pte.Ltd.................................................127
Audac Transducers.................................................................................141 HK Wentworth (India) Pvt Ltd ..................................................................59 Rohde & Schwarz (www.rohde-schwarz.co.in)........................................63
Binay Opto Electronics Pvt Ltd............................................................18-19 Indus Robotics & Automation Research Pvt Ltd......................................69 ROHM Semiconductor..............................................................................33
Brisk Electronics.....................................................................................139 Integrated Batteries India P Ltd (www.integratedbatteries.com)............141 S K Metal Works (www.skmetals.com)...................................................142
Buljin Elemec Pvt Ltd..............................................................................142 International Corporate...........................................................................143 S.M Semiconductors...............................................................................142
Canon India Pvt. Ltd...............................................................................149 International Rectifier Hong Kong Ltd.......................................................... Sakthi Accumulators Private Ltd.............................................................143
CeramTec India - Innovative Ceramic Engineering Pvt. Ltd..................133 IPCA-EFY Expo........................................................................................43 Sancon India Pvt. Ltd..............................................................................129
Chandsons Industries.............................................................................143 J.K. Power ..............................................................................................142 Shavison Electronics Pvt. Ltd. (www.shavison.com)...............................14
Digi-Key Corporation (www.digikey.com)...................................................5 Kandhari Photo Electronics P Ltd...........................................................142 Shrey Plastic Moulders (www.shreyplasticmoulders.com)....................142
Digital Promoters (I) Pvt Ltd....................................................................141 KitsNSpares...........................................................................................105 Shreyansh Electronics............................................................................142
Dynalog (India) Ltd (www.dynalogindia.com)...........................................29 LWI Electronics Inc. (www.livewireinfo.com)............................................23 SM Electronic Technologies Pvt. Ltd........................................................21
EFY Group: Android App........................................................................ 117 Madhu Subtronic Components Pvt Ltd....................................................41 SMD Electronics Pvt.Ltd.........................................................................143
EFY Group: E Rocks 14...........................................................................31 MAPP Solar Energy Systems Pvt Ltd (www.mappsolar.com)...............143 SPM Electronics (spmelectronics.com)..................................................143
EFY Group: EFY Expo India.....................................................................87 Matrix Comsec Pvt Ltd (www.cognitoindia.com)........................................9 Srishti Electronics (www.acedigital.co.in)...............................................143
EFY Group: EFY Expo West....................................................................67 Max Technology & Co. (www.maxtechnoloindia.com).............................37 ST Microelectronics Marketing Pvt. Ltd....................................................45
EFY Tech Center.......................................................................................17 MediaTek India Technology Pvt Ltd........................................................131 Stab-Brain Systems................................................................................142
Elcina Electronic Industries Association of India......................................35 Methode Electronics India Pvt Ltd............................................................53 Systellar Innovations (www.systellar.in)..................................................137
eleb2b.com..............................................................................................138 Microchip Technology Inc. (www.microchip.com).....................................65 Techno Power (www.technopowersystems.com)...................................141
Electronic Assembly (www.lcd-module.de)..............................................49 Millenium semiconductors (www.millenniumsemi.com)........................... 11 Tektronix India Pvt Ltd. (www.tektronix.com/2170)..........................15, 152
Elektro Power Systems...........................................................................141 Miracle Electronic & Devices Pvt Ltd (www.toroidal.com)........................75 Toshiba India Pvt. Ltd..............................................................................125
Element14 India Pvt Ltd..............................................................................1 Mitsutek Electronics................................................................................142 Towa Engineering Works........................................................................141
Elnova Ltd (m) (www.elnova.com)..........................................................143 Mornsun Guangzhou Science & Technology Co. Ltd............................ 111 u-blox Singapore Pte. Ltd. India Liaison Office (www.u-blox.com)............4
Embedded Systems Solutions Pvt Ltd. .................................................139 Mouser Electronics (Hong Kong) Ltd ......................................................13
FLIR Systems (www.flir.com)....................................................................47 NI Systems (India) Pvt Ltd (www.ni.com)...................................................7 Page numbers subject to final dummy corrections