Ijert Ijert: Improving Power System Transient Stability by Using Facts Devices

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July - 2014

Improving Power System Transient Stability by

using Facts Devices

Mr. Ketan G. Damor Dr. Dipesh M. Patel

Assistant Professor,EE Department Head and Professor, EE Department
Bits Edu Campus,varnama,vadodara. Bits Edu Campus,varnama,vadodara.

Mr. Vinesh Agrawal Mr. Hirenkumar G. Patel

Head and Professor, EE Department Assistant Professor,EE Department
I.T.M. Bhilwara, Rajasthan Bits Edu Campus,varnama,vadodara

Abstract-The modern power system has led to an increasing Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is a first generation
complexity in the study of power systems, and also presents new FACTS device that can control voltage at the required bus
challenges to power system stability, and in particular, to the thereby improving the voltage profile of the system. The
aspects of transient stability and small -signal stability. primary task of an SVC is to maintain the voltage at a
Transient stability control plays a significant role in ensuring
particular bus by means of reactive power compensation [9].
the stable operation of power systems in the event of large
disturbances and faults. This paper investigates the SVCs have been used for high performance steady state and
improvement of transient stability of a two-area power system, transient voltage control compared with classical shunt
using a SVC, STATCOM, UPFC, and TCSC. The performance compensation. SVCs are also used to dampen power swings,
of UPFC is compared with other FACTS devices such as improve transient stability, and reduce system losses by
Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), (STATCOM) optimized reactive power control [10]-[11]. Thyristor
and Static Var Compensator (SVC) respectively. The simulation Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) is one of the important
results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the

members of FACTS family that is increasingly applied with

proposed UPFC on transient stability improvement of the long transmission lines by the utilities in modern power
system. systems. It can have various roles in the operation and control
of power systems, such as scheduling power flow; decreasing
Keywords- FACTS, Matlab/Simulink, SVC, STATCOM, unsymmetrical components; reducing net loss; providing
UPSC, TCSC, Transient stability, Two-area power system, UPFC
voltage support; limiting short-circuit currents; mitigating
subsynchronous resonance (SSR); damping the power
oscillation; and enhancing transient stability [12]-[14].Among
The power system is a complex network comprising of the available FACTS devices, the Unified Power Flow
numerous generators, transmission lines, variety of loads and Controller (UPFC) is the most versatile one that can be used
transformers. As a consequence of increasing power demand, to improve steady state stability, dynamic stability and
some transmission lines are more loaded than was planned transient stability [16]. The UPFC can independently control
when they were built. With the increased loading of long many parameters since it is the combination of Static
transmission lines, the problem of transient stability after a Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM). These devices offer
major fault can become a transmission limiting factor [1]. an alternative mean to mitigate power system oscillations. It
Transient stability refers to the capability of a system to has been reported in many papers that UPFC can improve
maintain synchronous operation in the event of large stability of single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system and
disturbances such as multi-phase short-circuit faults or multimachine system [17]-[18]. The inter-area power system
switching of lines [2]. The resulting system response involves has special characteristic of stability behaviour [19]. This
large excursions of generator rotor angles and is influenced paper investigates the improvement of transient stability of a
by the nonlinear power angle relationship. Stability depends two-area power system with a UPFC. A Matlab/Simulink
upon both the initial operating conditions of the system and model is developed for a two-area power system with a
the severity of the disturbance. Recent development of power UPFC. The performance of UPFC is compared with other
electronics introduces the use of flexible ac transmission FACTS devices such as SVC, TCSC, and STATCOM
system (FACTS) controllers in power systems. FACTS respectively. From the simulation results, it is inferred that
controllers are capable of controlling the network condition in UPFC is an effective FACTS device for transient stability
a very fast manner and this feature of FACTS can be improvement.
exploited to improve the voltage stability, and steady state
and transient stabilities of a complex power system [3]-[8].

IJERTV3IS070020 www.ijert.org 1
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July - 2014

II. FACTS CONTROLLERS C. Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)

FACTS controllers are used for the dynamic control of TCSC is one of the most important and best known
voltage, impedance and phase angle of high voltage AC FACTS devices, which has been in use for many years to
transmission lines. The basic principles of the following increase the power transfer as well as to enhance system
FACTS controllers, which are used in the two-area power stability. The main circuit of a TCSC is shown in Fig. 3. The
system under study, are discussed briefly. TCSC consists of three main components: capacitor bank C,
bypass inductor L and bidirectional thyristors SCR1 and
A. Static Var Compensator (Svc) SCR2. The firing angles of the thyristors are controlled to
The SVC uses conventional thyristors to achieve fast adjust the TCSC reactance in accordance with a system
control of shunt-connected capacitors and reactors. The control algorithm, normally in response to some system
conguration of the SVC is shown in Fig.1.Which basically parameter variations. According to the variation of the
consists of a xed capacitor (C) and a thyristor controlled thyristor firing angle or conduction angle, this process can be
reactor (L). The ring angle control of the thyristor banks modeled as a fast switch between corresponding reactances
determines the equivalent shunt admittance presented to the offered to the power system.
power system.

Fig.3 TCSC connected to a transmission line

D. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)

Among the available FACTS devices, the Unified Power
Flow Controller (UPFC) is the most versatile one that can be
used to enhance steady state stability, dynamic stability and

Fig.1 SVC connected to a transmission line. transient stability. The basic configuration of a UPFC is
shown in Fig. 4. The UPFC is capable of both supplying and
B. Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)
absorbing real and reactive power and it consists of two ac/dc
The STATCOM is based on a solid state synchronous converters. One of the two converters is connected in series
voltage source which generates a balanced set of three with the transmission line through a series transformer and
sinusoidal voltages at the fundamental frequency with rapidly the other in parallel with the line through a shunt transformer.
controllable amplitude and phase angle. The conguration of The dc side of the two converters is connected through a
a STATCOM is shown in Fig.2. Basically it consists of a common capacitor, which provides dc voltage for the
voltage source converter (VSC), a coupling transformer and a converter operation. The power balance between the series
dc capacitor. Control of reactive current and hence the and shunt converters is a prerequisite to maintain a constant
susceptance presented to power system is possible by voltage across the dc capacitor. As the series branch of the
variation of the magnitude of output voltage (Vvsc) with UPFC injects a voltage of variable magnitude and phase
respect to bus voltage (Vb) and thus operating the angle, it can exchange real power with the transmission line
STATCOM in inductive region or capacitive region. and thus improves the power flow capability of the line as
well as its transient stability limit. The shunt converter
exchanges a current of controllable magnitude and power
factor angle with the power system. It is normally controlled
to balance the real power absorbed from or injected into the
power system by the series converter plus the losses by
regulating the dc bus voltage at a desired value.

Fig.2 STATCOM connected to a transmission line.

IJERTV3IS070020 www.ijert.org 2
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July - 2014


Fig.4 UPFC connected to a transmission line


Consider a two-area power system (Area-1 & Area-2)

with series and shunt FACTS devices, connected by a single
circuit long transmission line as shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
Here, the FACTS devices such as UPFC (combination of
STATCOM and SSSC), SSSC, and TCSC are equipped
between bus-2 and bus-3 and the shunt FACTS device such
as SVC is equipped at bus-2. The direction of real power flow
is from Area-1 to Area-2.
In the two-area power system model, the Area-1 consists Fig.6 Two-area power system with STATCOM
of Generator 1 (G1) and Generator 2 (G2) and the Area-2
consists of Generator 3 (G3) and Generator 4 (G4). The
system data are given in [21].

Fig.7 Variation of generator rotor angle of the two-area power

system with STATCOM
Fig.5 Two-area power system with FACTS device

Fig.8 Variation of generator rotor angle of the two-area power system

with SVC

IJERTV3IS070020 www.ijert.org 3
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July - 2014

Fig.11 Variation of generator rotor angle of the two-area power system

Fig.9 Variation of generator rotor angle of the two-area power system
with TCSC


Fig.10 Variation of generator rotor angle of the two-area power system

with UPFC Fig.12 Variation of Terminal Voltage of the two-area power system with

The power system stability enhancement of a two area
power system by various FACTS devices is presented and
discussed. The dynamics of the system is compared with
From the simulation results shown in Figs. a and without the presence of UPFC in the system in the
comparison is made between the above FACTS devices for event of a major disturbance. Then the performance of the
stability enhancement of two-area power system under UPFC for power system stability improvement is compared
study as shown in Table 1 with the other FACTS devices such as SVC, TCSC, and
STATCOM respectively. It is clear from the simulation
Table 1: Comparison between FACTS Devices for Power System results that there is a considerable improvement in the
Stability Enhancement
system performance with the presence of UPFC for which
the settling time in post fault period is found to be around
Two-area Power Settling time in
Power System Stability post fault period 0.3 second.
System with Enhancement (in seconds)

From the Table 1, it is investigated that the UPFC is
the effective FACTS device for stability enhancement of
inter-area power system.

IJERTV3IS070020 www.ijert.org 4
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 7, July - 2014

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