Power-System-Operation-And-Control-Using-Facts-Devices - R2 PDF
Power-System-Operation-And-Control-Using-Facts-Devices - R2 PDF
Power-System-Operation-And-Control-Using-Facts-Devices - R2 PDF
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2020): 7.803
Abstract: Modern power system networks are not able to cope with the increasing demand of power because the generation and
transmission capacities are not increasing proportionally with the demand which leads to many problems such as instability, degrading
power quality, threat to security and unreliable operation. Earlier mostly the control of power system is done with mechanical switches
but now due to the advancement of technology, these conventional control methods are replaced with the new devices called as flexible
AC transmission system which increase power system capability and enhance controllability of power system. In this paper a review is
presented about FACTS devices that described how these devices prove a boon for power system, while dealing with problems of reactive
power control, improving voltage profile, harmonic reduction and congestion management by allowing the static and dynamic control
of power system.
STATCOM is a static synchronous generator operated as a
Figure 3: Types of Series Controller shunt active FACT controller connected to the mid-point of
a transmission line and is used to improve the stability of
3.2 Shunt Controllers power system, voltage regulation. Moreover output current
is also controlled over the rated maximum capacitive or
These controllers represent injection of current in the line as inductive range. Added to this STATCOM is effective in
the variable impedance which is connected in shunt with the power flow control also as compared to other FACTS
line voltage cause variable current to flow through it. devices.