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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2020): 7.803

Importance of FACTS Devices in Power System

Sarbjeet Kaur1, Dr. Surbhi Gupta2
1, 2
Department of Electrical Engineering, Chandigarh University
sarbjeet.ee[at]cumail.in1, surbhi.cgc[at]gmail.com2

Abstract: Modern power system networks are not able to cope with the increasing demand of power because the generation and
transmission capacities are not increasing proportionally with the demand which leads to many problems such as instability, degrading
power quality, threat to security and unreliable operation. Earlier mostly the control of power system is done with mechanical switches
but now due to the advancement of technology, these conventional control methods are replaced with the new devices called as flexible
AC transmission system which increase power system capability and enhance controllability of power system. In this paper a review is
presented about FACTS devices that described how these devices prove a boon for power system, while dealing with problems of reactive
power control, improving voltage profile, harmonic reduction and congestion management by allowing the static and dynamic control
of power system.

Keywords: SSSC, SVC, UPFC, ATC

1. Introduction [9]. Definitions of FACTS and presented terms are given by

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. [10]C. Gama,
The flexible AC transmission Technology has created new discussed about damping of oscillations the final
opportunities for power system planning engineers to control commissioning tests involved verification of using TCSC
power and increase the present power system capacity and which is placed at each end of the interconnection. Along
helpful in expansion of future transmission line by with this, some algorithms has also illustrated to improve the
controlling one or more parameters of transmission system. dynamic behavior of power system. [12]. S. N Singh
The concept of FACTS devices came into picture in late illustrated a sensitivity-based approach for enhancing the
1980. The fundamental concept of FACTS devices emphasis security of system \which can be used to find the optimal
the use of high-voltage power electronics devices to control location of FACTS devices. [13]The modelling and
complex power flow and voltage in the transmission system simulation of numerous FACTS devices has been described
[1-2]. Over the last few years, the transmission network is in detail. [15] Bindeshwar Singh, discuss a review on
stressed due to continuous rise in demands. The reason techniques used in multi machine power system for
behind the continuous rise in demands is due to the coordinated control and optimal allocation of FACTS
increasing number of nonutility generators and higher devices [20]. Lashkar Ara A, find solution for optimal
competition between utilities. Apart from this, less secure Steady-state performance of power systems with the help of
power system is the results of the problems like continuous optimal unified power flow controller model. [21] Lee, S.
rise in demand, lack of planning, and the necessity to deliver Hu, and Y. Chan, elaborate in detail the mitigation of
open access to generating companies and customers which positive and negative sequence voltage using the control
further leads to reduction in power quality also. The FACTS techniques with D-STATCOM. [28] Karthikeyan, presented
technology is necessary to mitigate some of these problems the market power impact in steady state conditions using
by allowing utilities to obtain the maximum service from TCSC and TCPAR using IEEE-14 bus system with
transmission facilities and thus there is enhancement in conventional method and FACTS devices and their
reliability of Grid. comparison is also presented. [28] Puja Dash, elaborate the
automatic generation control of multi-area system using
2. Literature Review Facts devices [29] C. Rehtanz and J. Zhang has presents the
latest development in FACTS devices with introduction of
Extensive literature is available since the FACTS device some new FACTS controller. [31]Zhang XP, Rathan C,
introduced. FACTS controllers such as Thyristor Controlled Bikash also discuss the modelling and simulation of
Series Compensators (TCSC), Unified Power Flow numerous FACTS devices. Jai Govind, discuss the role of
Controllers (UPFC) and Static VAR Compensator (SVC) congestion management in power system and how it is
was first introduced by Hingorani [1, 2,] to increase achieved with various FACTS devices. [32]Castillo, A,
transmission capacity by managing the reactive power. Laird, describe how unit commitment becomes easy with the
Ramey D, Nelson R, illustrate how to reduce the operating FACTS devices. [35] A bilevel model is solved using the
cost of a plant by using Genetic Algorithm and Differential customized reformulation and decomposition algorithm.
Evolution technique with FACTS devices, such as Thyristor Added to this, for facilating wind power integration, the role
Controlled Series Compensator Static VAR Compensator of series FACTS using the numerical computation on 118
(SVC) and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). [5] bus system is demonstrated. [39]
Song YH, Johns AT discuss the power flow control and
improvement of static voltage instability using numerous
FACTS device. Moreover how load shedding can be done
using FACTS is also discussed. [6] F. D. Galina, elaborate
the impacts on static security regions using FACTS devices

Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR211207155622 DOI: 10.21275/SR211207155622 529
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2020): 7.803
3. Types of Facts Controller The Shunt controllers can be classified as Static Voltage
Compensator, Static Compensator

Figure 5: Types of Shunt Controller

3.2.1. SVC: A static VAR compensator is used to obtain

fast-acting reactive power on high-voltage electricity
transmission networks by regulating and controlling the
Figure 1: Types of Controller voltage. It is constructed by the combination of shunt
capacitors and shunt reactors. Shunt reactor and TCRs are
3.1. Series Controllers: Series FACTS controller may be used to prevent voltage rise under low load and no-load
consisting of a variable impedance which can be a reactor or condition. Static capacitor and Thyristor switch capacitor are
capacitor or a variable source of frequency. The voltage is used to prevent voltage sag for maximum load. There are
injected in series with the line in these types of controllers. two combination uses in practice first one is TCR parallel
As long as voltage and line current have phase difference of with fixed capacitor (FC) and another one is TSC in parallel
90 degrees, these Controllers only supplies or consumes with TCR. In comparison with TCR, it is as TCR only
variable reactive power. generate reactive power but SVC not only generates but also
absorb reactive power.

Figure 2: Series Controller

Figure 6: Structure of SVC.

STATCOM is a static synchronous generator operated as a
Figure 3: Types of Series Controller shunt active FACT controller connected to the mid-point of
a transmission line and is used to improve the stability of
3.2 Shunt Controllers power system, voltage regulation. Moreover output current
is also controlled over the rated maximum capacitive or
These controllers represent injection of current in the line as inductive range. Added to this STATCOM is effective in
the variable impedance which is connected in shunt with the power flow control also as compared to other FACTS
line voltage cause variable current to flow through it. devices.

Figure 7: Structure of STATCOM

Figure 4: Shunt Controller

Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR211207155622 DOI: 10.21275/SR211207155622 530
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2020): 7.803
3.3. Combined series-series Controllers 4. UPFC
In a multiline transmission system, a combination of The simultaneous control of transmission voltage, line
separate series controllers controlled in a coordinated impedance and phase angle is possible with unified power
manner is an example of this type of FACTS devices. IPFC flow FACTS controller as it is most versatile FACTS device.
(Interline Power Flow Controller) is a typical example of It consists of two voltage source converters which are
this. connected together using a dc link storage capacitor. It is
third generation FACT device which can control power flow
by controlling the active and reactive power and provide fast
reactive compensation. It is combination of series and shunt
FACTS. The main purpose of the shunt converter is to
regulate voltage at DC link and provide the active power
flow balance that is exchanged between series converter and
the transmission line.

Figure 8: Structure of series – series Controller

3.4 Combined series-shunt Controllers

A combination of separate series and shunt Controllers, in a

coordinated manner is called combined series and shunt
controllers. The shunt controller injects current into the
Figure 10: UPFC
system and voltage is injected in series in the line with the
series Controller. Unified Power flow controller (UPFC),
Thyristor Controlled Phase Shifting Transformer (TCPST) 5. Advantages of FACTS technology
are the typical examples of these types of FACTS
controllers. The basic structure is shown below in fig FACTS technologies are helpful in making cost effective
solutions while planning a new transmission line
construction. The major advantages of FACTS devices are
now widely recognized by the power systems planning
1) Dynamic control of power flow in transmission lines
2) Suppression of sub synchronous oscillations
3) Decreases DC offset voltages
4) Reduce the frequent variation in output
5) Reduction in short Circuit current
Figure 9: Series shunt Controllers 6) Smoothly adjustable output
7) Power swings Damping of Local and inter-area

Table 1: Various FACTS devices with their feature

FACTS devices Features Applications
1) Injected voltage can be managed 1) Reduce harmonic distortion
independently 2) Load balancing in interconnected distribution networks.
2) high effective X/R is maintained 3) Power flow control
SSSC 3) Inherently neutral to sub-synchronous 4) Power Factor correction
resonance. 5) Improves the available transfer capability in
4) Compensation over a wider range is deregulated market
1) High degree of series capacitive 1) Reactive power compensation
Series compensation. 2) Improvement of stability
controller 2) Reduce the overall transmission
impedance in electrically shorter line
1) Increased real transfer power, power 1) Reduction in effect of contingency
oscillations damping, sub-synchronous 2) Damping of low frequency oscillation
2) resonances damping, and power flow line 3) Dynamic load flow control
TCSC controls able to continuously control and 4) ATC improvement
maintain the compensating voltage can 5) Reduce in congestion
provide compensation over a wider range, 6) Improvement of power system stability involving both
transient and steady state stability.

Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR211207155622 DOI: 10.21275/SR211207155622 531
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2020): 7.803
1) Reactive power is either supplied or 1) Damping of low frequency oscillation
absorbed to support a specified voltage 2) Improvement of system stability
SVC magnitude 3) Maintain the line voltage variation within limits
2) improve the thermal limit 4) Improve power factor
5) To prevent voltage collapse
1) The higher reactive output at low system 1) Damping of low frequency oscillation
voltages. 2) Reactive power and voltage control
2) It behaves like current source independent 3) Sub synchronous Resonance Elimination
from the system voltage. 4) Dynamic Voltage Control
3) It behaves like a fast synchronous
Series – 1) Effectively manages the power flow of 1) Damping of low frequency oscillations
series IPFC multi-transmission line 2) Congestion Management
Controller 3) Reduction in operating cost of plants
1) Improves voltage profile 1) Resolve power quality issues such as harmonics,
2) Control Voltage, impedance and phase voltage flickering, voltage sag
angle 2) Real and reactive power flow control in transmission
UPFC 3) Generates and absorbs real and reactive line
power 3) ATC improvement
Series –
4) Reduction in Congestion
5) Power factor correction
Thyristor 1) It influence the power flow in the transient 1) Active power control
Controlled Phase states. 2) Damping Oscillations
Shifting 2) Control power flow by regulating the 3) ATC improvement
Transformer phase angle 4) Congestion reduction
(TCPST) 5) Improvement of transient stability

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Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021
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Paper ID: SR211207155622 DOI: 10.21275/SR211207155622 533

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