Hans Hahn - Logic, Mathematics and Knowledge of Nature

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in the case of physics, because it is the most advanced, neatest,

Logic, Mathematics and most scientific of all the sciences. And in physics, indeed, the
interaction of observation and theory is especially pronounced,
Knowledge of Nature even officially recognized by the institution of special
professorships for experimental physics and for theoretical
EVEN A CURSORY glance at the statements of physics shows Now, presumably the usual conception is roughly speaking the
that they are obviously of a very diverse character. There are following: we have two sources of knowledge, by means of
statements like "if a stretched string is plucked, a tone is heard" which we comprehend "the world," "the reality" in which we
or "if a ray of sunlight is passed through a glass prism, then a are "placed": experience, or observation on the one hand, and
colored band, interspersed with dark lines, is visible on a thinking on the other. For example, one is engaged in
screen placed behind the prism," which can be tested at any experimental physics or in theoretical physics according to
time by observation. We also find statements like "the sun one's using the one or the other of these sources of knowledge
contains hydrogen," "the satellite of Sirius has a density of in physics.
about 60,000," "a hydrogen atom consists of a positively Now, in philosophy we find a time-honored controversy about
charged nucleus around which a negatively charged electron these two sources of knowledge: which parts of our knowledge
revolves," which cannot by any means be tested by immediate derive from observation, are "a posteriori," and which derive
observation but which are made only on the basis of theoretical from thinking, are "a priori"? Is one of these sources of
considerations and likewise are testable only with the help of knowledge superior to the others, and if so, which?
theoretical considerations. And thus we are confronted by the From the very beginning philosophy has raised doubts about
urgent question: what is the relationship between observation the reliability of observation (indeed, these doubts are perhaps
and theory in physics—and not just in physics, but in science the source of all philosophy). It is quite understandable that
generally. For there is but one science, and wherever there is such doubts arose: they spring from the belief that sense-
scientific investigation it proceeds ultimately according to the perception is frequently deceptive. At sunrise or at sunset the
same methods; only we see everything with the greatest clarity snow on distant mountains appears red, but "in reality" it is
surely white! A stick which is immersed in water appears
This contribution comprises the first four sections of the pamphlet "Logik, crooked, but "in reality" it is surely straight! If a man recedes
Mathematik und Naturerkennen," published in Vienna in 1933 as the second from me, he appears smaller and smaller to me, but surely he
volume of the series entitled "Einheitswissenschaft." The last two sections does not change size "in reality"!
of Hahn's pamphlet which are omitted do not deal with the nature of logical Now, although all the phenomena to which we have been refer-
or mathematical propositions.
ring have long since been accounted for by physical theories,
so that nobody any longer regards them as deceptions caused from the climax of Greek philosophy until modern times. I
by sense-perception, the consequences which flow from this cannot even intimate what peculiar fruits matured on the tree of
primitive, long discarded conception still exert a powerful such knowledge. At any rate, they proved to have
influence. One says: if observation is sometimes deceptive, extraordinarily little nourishing value; and thus the "empiricist"
perhaps it is always so! Perhaps everything disclosed by the reaction, originating in England, slowly gained the upper hand,
senses is mere illusion! Everybody knows the phenomenon of supported by the tremendous success of modern natural
dreams, and everybody knows how difficult it is at times to science—the philosophy which teaches that observation is
decide whether a given experience was "real life" or "a mere superior to thought, indeed is the only source of knowledge:
dream." Perhaps, then, whatever we observe is merely a dream nihil est in intellectu, quod non prius juerit in sensu; in English:
object! Everybody knows that hallucinations occur, and that "nothing is in the intellect which was not previously in the
they can be so vivid that the subject cannot be dissuaded from senses."
taking his hallucination for reality. Perhaps then, whatever we But at once this empiricism faces an apparently insuperable
observe is only a hallucination! If we look through difficulty: how is it to account for the real validity of logical
appropriately polished lenses, everything appears distorted; and mathematical statements? Observation discloses to me
who knows whether perhaps we do not always, unknowingly, only the transient, it does not reach beyond the observed; there
look at the world as it were through distorting glasses, and is no bond that would lead from one observed fact to another,
therefore see everything distorted, different from what it really that would compel future observations to have the same result
is! This is one of the basic themes of the philosophy of Kant. as those already made. The laws of logic and mathematics,
however, claim absolutely universal validity: that the door of
But let us return to antiquity. As we said, the ancients believed my room is now closed, I know by observation; next time I
that they were frequently deceived by observation. But nothing observe it it may be open. That heated bodies expand, I know
of this kind ever happened in the case of thought: there were by observation; yet the very next observation may show that
plenty of delusions of sense, but no delusions of thought! And some heated body does not expand; but that two and two make
thus, as confidence in observation got shaken, the belief may four, holds not only for the case in which I verify it by counting
have arisen that thinking is a method of knowledge which is I know with certainty that it holds always and everywhere.
absolutely superior to observation, indeed the only reliable Whatever I know by observation could be otherwise: the door
method of knowledge: observation discloses mere appearance, of my room might have been open now, I can easily imagine it;
thought alone grasps true being. and I can easily imagine that a body does not expand on being
This, "rationalistic," doctrine that thinking is a source of heated; but two and two could not occasionally make five, I
knowledge which surpasses observation, that it is indeed the cannot imagine in any way what it would be like for twice two
only reliable source of knowledge, has remained dominant to equal five.
The conclusion seems inevitable: since the propositions of the system of our knowledge. Thought grasps the most general
logic and mathematics have absolutely universal validity, are laws of all being, as formulated perhaps in logic and
apodeictically certain, since it must be as they say and cannot mathematics; observation provides the detailed filling of this
be otherwise, these propositions cannot be derived from framework. As regards the limits set to the two sources of
experience. In view of the tremendous importance of logic and knowledge, opinions diverge.
mathematics in the system of our knowledge, empiricism, Thus it is, for instance, disputed whether geometry is a priori or
therefore, seems to be irrevocably refuted. To be sure, in spite a posteriori, whether it is based on pure thinking or on
of all this the older empiricists have attempted to found logic experience. And the same dispute is encountered in connection
and mathematics upon experience. According to them we now with the most fundamental physical laws, e.g. the law of
believe that something must be this way and cannot be inertia, the laws of the conservation of mass and energy, the
otherwise simply because the relevant experience is so old and law of attraction of masses: all of them have already been
the relevant observations have been repeated innumerable acclaimed as a priori, as necessities of thought, by various
times. On this view, therefore, it is entirely conceivable that, philosophers—but always after they had been established and
just as an observation might show that a heated body does not well confirmed as empirical laws in physics. This was bound to
expand, two and two might sometimes make five. This is lead to a skeptical attitude, and as a matter of fact there is
alleged to have escaped our notice so far because it happens probably a prevalent tendency among physicists to regard the
with such extraordinary rarity, like finding a piece of four- framework which can be grasped by pure thinking as being as
leafed clover which for superstitious people is a sign of good wide and general as possible, and to acknowledge experience
luck, an occurrence which is not so very rare—how much more as the source of our knowledge of everything that is somehow
promise of fortune would there be in the discovery of a case concrete.
where two and two make five! One can safely say that on The usual conception, then, may be described roughly as
closer sight these attempts to derive logic and mathematics follows: from experience we learn certain facts, which we
from experience are fundamentally unsatisfactory, and it is formulate as "laws of nature"; but since we grasp by means of
doubtful whether anybody seriously holds this view today. thought the most general lawful connections (of a logical and
Rationalism and empiricism having thus, as it were, suffered mathematical character) that pervade reality, we can control
ship-wreck—rationalism, because its fruits lacked nourishing nature on the basis of facts disclosed by observation to a much
value, empiricism, because it could not do justice to logic and larger extent than it has actually been observed. For we know
mathematics —dualistic conceptions gained the upper hand, in addition that anything which can be deduced from observed
with the view that thinking and observation are equally facts by application of logic and mathematics must be found to
legitimate sources of knowledge which are both indispensable exist. According to this view, the experimental physicist
to our comprehension of the world and play a distinctive role in provides knowledge of laws of nature by direct observation.
The theoretical physicist thereafter enlarges this knowledge of our thinking and the course of nature, an idea which is
tremendously by thinking, in such a way that we are in a highly mystical and ultimately theological.
position also to assert propositions about processes that occur There is no way out of this situation except a return to a purely
far from us in space and time and about processes which, on empiricist standpoint, to the view that observation is the only
account of their magnitude or minuteness, are not directly source of knowledge of facts: there is no a priori knowledge
observable but which are connected with what is directly about matters of fact, there is no "material" a priori. However,
observed by the most general laws of being, grasped by we shall have to avoid the error committed by earlier
thought, the laws of logic and mathematics. This view seems to empiricists, that of interpreting the propositions of logic and
be strongly supported by numerous discoveries that have been mathematics as mere facts of experience. We must look out for
made with the help of theory, like—to mention just some of the a different interpretation of logic and mathematics.
best known—the calculation of the position of the planet
Neptune by Leverrier, the calculation of electric waves by II
Maxwell, the calculation of the bending of light rays in the Let us begin with logic. The old conception of logic is
gravitational field of the sun by Einstein and the calculation of approximately as follows: logic is the account of the most
the red-shift in the solar spectrum, also by Einstein. universal properties of things, the account of those properties
Nevertheless we are of the opinion that this view is entirely which are common to all things; just as ornithology is the
untenable. For on closer analysis it appears that the function of science of birds, zoology the science of all animals, biology the
thought is immeasurably more modest than the one ascribed to science of all living beings, so logic is the science of all things,
it by this theory. The idea that thinking is an instrument for the science of being as such. If this were the case, it would
learning more about the world than has been observed, for remain wholly unintelligible whence logic derives its certainty.
acquiring knowledge of something that has absolute validity For we surely do not know all things. We have not observed
always and everywhere in the world, an instrument for everything and hence we cannot know how everything
grasping general laws of all being, seems to us wholly behaves.
mystical. Just how should it come to pass that we could predict Our thesis, on the contrary, asserts: logic does not by any
the necessary outcome of an observation before having made means treat of the totality of things, it does not treat of objects
it? Whence should our thinking derive an executive power, by at all but only of our way of speaking about objects; logic is
which it could compel an observation to have this rather than first generated by language. The certainty and universal
that result? Why should that which compels our thoughts also validity, or better, the irrefutability of a proposition of logic
compel the course of nature? One would have to believe in derives just from the fact that it says nothing about objects of
some miraculous pre-established harmony between the course any kind.
Let us clarify the point by an example. I talk about a well- objects and the designation "not red" to all other objects, we
known plant: I describe it, as is done in botanical reference can likewise pronounce with absolute certainty the proposition:
books, in terms of the number, color and form of its blossom everything is either designated as "red" or as "not red," which it
leaves, its calyx leaves, its stamina, the shape of its leaves, its is customary to formulate briefly by saying that everything is
stem, its root, etc., and I make the stipulation: let us call any either red or not red. This is the law of the excluded middle.
plant of this kind "snow rose," but let us also call it "helleborus These two propositions, the law of contradiction and the law of
niger." Thereupon I can pronounce with absolute certainty the the excluded middle, say nothing at all about objects of any
universally valid proposition: "every snow rose is a helleborus kind. They do not tell me of any of them whether they are red
niger." It is certainly valid, always and everywhere; it is not or not red, which color they have, or anything else. They
refutable by any sort of observation; but it says nothing at all merely stipulate a method for applying the designations "red"
about facts. I learn nothing from it about the plant in question, and "not red" to objects, i.e. they prescribe a method of
when it is in bloom, where it may be found, whether it is speaking about things. And their universal validity and
common or rare. It tells me nothing about the plant; it cannot certainty, their irrefutability, just derives from the fact that they
be disconfirmed by any observation. This is the basis of its say nothing at all about objects.
certainty and universal validity. The statement merely The same is to be said of all the other principles of logic. We
expresses a convention concerning the way we wish to talk shall presently return to this point. But first let us insert another
about the plant in question. consideration. We have previously maintained that there can be
no material a priori, i.e. no a priori knowledge about matters of
Similar considerations apply to the principles of logic. Let us fact. For we cannot know the outcome of an observation before
make the point with reference to the two most famous laws of the latter takes place. We have made clear to ourselves that no
logic: the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded material a priori is contained in the laws of contradiction and of
middle. Take, for example, colored objects. We learn, by excluded middle, since they say nothing about facts. There are
training as I am tempted to say, to apply the designation "red" those, how-ever, who would perhaps admit that the nature of
to some of these objects, and we stipulate that the designation the laws of logic is as described, yet would insist that there is a
"not red" be applied to all other objects. On the basis of this material a priori elsewhere, e.g. in the statement "nothing is
stipulation we now can assert with absolute certainty the both red and blue" (of course what is meant is: at the same time
proposition that there is no object to which both the designation and place) which is alleged to express real a priori knowledge
"red" and the designation "not red" is applied. It is customary about the nature of things. Even before having made any
to formulate this briefly by saying that nothing is both red and observation, they say, one can predict with absolute certainty
not red. This is the law of contradiction. And since we have that it will not disclose a thing which is both blue and red; and
stipulated that the designation "red" is to be applied to some it is maintained that such a priori knowledge is obtained by
"eidetic insight" or an intuitive grasp of the essence of colors. stipulate rules for speaking about objects. If I ask "what is the
If one desires to adhere to our thesis that there is no kind of color of Miss Erna's new dress?" and get the answer "Miss
material a priori, one must somehow face statements like Erna's new dress is not both red and blue (all over)," then no
"nothing is both blue and red." I want to attempt this in a few information about this dress has been given to me at all. I have
suggestive words, though they cannot by any means do full been made no wiser by it. But if I get the answer "Miss Erna's
justice to this problem which is not easy. It surely is correct new dress is red," then I have received some genuine
that we can say with complete certainty before having made information about the dress.
any observations: the latter will not show that a thing is both Let us clarify this distinction in terms of one more example. A
blue and red—just as we can say with complete certainty that statement which really says something about the objects which
no observation will yield the result that a thing is both red and it mentions, is the following: "If you heat this piece of iron up
not red, or that a snow rose is not a helleborus niger. The first to 800°, it will turn red, if you heat it up to 1300°, it will turn
statement, however, is not a case of a material a priori any white." What makes the difference between this statement and
more than the second and third. Like the statements "every the statements cited above, which say nothing about facts? The
snow rose is a helleborus niger": and "nothing is both red and application of temperature designations to objects is
not red," the statement "nothing is both blue and red" says independent of the application of color designations, whereas
nothing at all about the nature of things; it likewise refers only the color designations "red" and "not red," or "red" and "blue"
to our proposed manner of speaking about objects, of applying are applied to objects in mutual dependence. The statements
designations to them. Earlier we said: there are some objects "Miss Erna's new dress is either red or not red" and "Miss
that we call "red," every other object we call "not red," and Erna's new dress is not both red and blue" merely express this
from this we derive the laws of contradiction and excluded dependence, hence make no assertion about that dress, and are
middle. Now we say: some objects we call "red," some other for that reason absolutely certain and irrefutable.
objects we call "blue," and other objects again we call "green," The above statement about the piece of iron, on the other hand,
etc. But if it is in this way that we ascribe color designations to relates independently given designations, and therefore really
objects, then we can say with certainty in advance: in this says something about that piece of iron and is for just that
procedure no object is designated both as "red" and as "blue," reason not certain nor irrefutable by observation.
or more briefly: no object is both red and blue. The reason why The following example may make the difference between these
we can say this with certainty is that we have regulated the two kinds of statements particularly clear. If someone were to
ascription of color designations to objects in just this way. tell me: "I raised the temperature of this piece of iron to 800°
We see, then, that there are two totally different kinds of but it did not turn red," then I would test his assertion; the
statements: those which really say something about objects, result of the test may be that he was lying, or that he was the
and those which do not say anything about objects but only victim of an illusion, but perhaps it would turn out that—
contrary to my previous beliefs—there are cases where a piece more in order to clarify the matter by an example. As we said,
of iron heated to 800° does not become red-hot, and in that the designation "red" is applied to certain objects and the
case I would just change my opinion about the reaction of iron convention is adopted of applying the designation "not red" to
to heating. But if someone tells me "I raised the temperature of any other object. It is this convention about the use of negation
this piece of iron to 800°, and this made it turn both red and not which is expressed by the laws of contradiction and of the
red" or "it became both red and white," then I will certainly excluded middle. Now we add the convention—still taking our
make no test whatever. Nor will I say "he has told me a lie," or examples from the domain of colors—that any object which is
"he has become the victim of an illusion" and it is quite certain called "red" is also to be called "red or blue," "blue or red,"
that I would not change my beliefs about the reaction of iron to "red or yellow," "yellow or red," etc., that every object which is
heating. The point is—it is best to express it in language which called "blue," is also called "blue or red," "red or blue," "blue
any card player is familiar with—that the man has revoked: he or yellow," "yellow or blue," etc., and so on. On the basis of
has violated the rules in accordance with which we want to this convention, we can again assert with complete certainty
speak, and I shall refuse to speak with him any longer. It is as the proposition: "every red object is either red or blue." This is
though one attempted in a game of chess to move the bishop again a tautology. We do not speak about the objects, but only
orthogonally. In this case too, I would not make any tests, I about our manner of talking about them.
would not change my beliefs about the behavior of things, but I If once more we remind ourselves of the way in which the
would re-fuse to play chess with him any longer. designations "red," "not red," "blue," "red or blue," etc. are
To sum up: we must distinguish two kinds of statements: those applied to objects, we can moreover assert with complete
which say something about facts and those which merely certainty and irrefutability: everything to which both
express the way in which the rules which govern the designations "red or blue" and "not red" are applied, is also
application of words to facts depend upon each other. Let us designated as "blue"—which is usually put more briefly: if a
call statements of the latter kind tautologies: they say nothing thing is red or blue and not red, then it is blue. Which is again a
about objects and are for this very reason certain, universally tautology. No information about the nature of things is
valid, irrefutable by observation; whereas the statements of the contained in it, it only expresses the sense in which the logical
former kind are not certain and are refutable by observation. words "not" and "or" are used.
The logical laws of contradiction and of the excluded middle Thus we have arrived at something fundamental: our
are tautologies, likewise, e.g., the statement "nothing is both conventions regarding the use of the words "not" and "or" is
red and blue." such that in asserting the two propositions "object A is either
red or blue" and "object A is not red," I have implicitly already
And now we maintain that in the same way all the other laws asserted "object A is blue." This is the essence of so-called
of logic are tautologies. Let us, therefore, return to logic once logical deduction. It is not, then, in any way based on real
connections between states of affairs, which we apprehend in omniscient, I should know its color. There would be no need to
thought. On the contrary, it has nothing at all to do with the say "it was not yellow": I could say "it was red." Or again: my
nature of things, but derives from our manner of speaking daughter has written to me that she received a cocker-spaniel as
about things. A person who refused to recognize logical a present. As I have not seen it yet, I do not know its color; I
deduction would not thereby manifest a different belief from cannot say "it is black" nor "it is brown"; but I am able to say
mine about the behavior of things, but he would refuse to speak "it is black or brown." Were I omniscient, I could do without
about things according to the same rules as I do. I could not this "or" and could say immediately "it is brown."
convince him, but I would have to refuse to speak with him any Thus logical propositions, though being purely tautologous,
longer, just as I should refuse to play chess with a partner who and logical deductions, though being nothing but tautological
insisted on moving the bishop orthogonally. transformations, have significance for us because we are not
What logical deduction accomplishes, then, is this: it makes us omniscient. Our language is so constituted that in asserting
aware of all that we have implicitly asserted—on the basis of such and such propositions we implicitly assert such and such
conventions regarding the use of language—in asserting a other propositions—but we do not see immediately all that we
system of propositions, just as, in the above example, "object A have implicitly asserted in this manner. It is only logical
is blue" is implicitly asserted by the assertion of the two deduction that makes us conscious of it. I assert, e.g., the
propositions "object A is red or blue" and "object A is not red." propositions "the flower which Mr. Smith wears in his
In saying this we have already suggested the answer to the buttonhole, is either a rose or a carnation," "if Mr. Smith wears
question, which naturally must have forced itself on the mind a carnation in his buttonhole, then it is white," "the flower
of every reader who has followed our argument: if it is really which Mr. Smith wears in his buttonhole is not white." Perhaps
the case that the propositions of logic are tautologies, that they I am not consciously aware that I have implicitly asserted also
say nothing about objects, what purpose does logic serve? "the flower which Mr. Smith wears in his buttonhole is a rose";
The logical propositions which were used as illustrations but logical deduction brings it to my consciousness. To be sure,
derived from conventions about the use of the words "not" and this does not mean that I know whether the flower which Mr.
"or" (and it can be shown that the same holds for all the Smith wears in his buttonhole really is a rose; if I notice that it
propositions of so-called prepositional logic). Let us, then, first is not a rose, then I must not maintain my previous assertions—
ask for what purpose the words "not" and "or" are introduced otherwise I sin against the rules of speaking, I revoke.
into language. Presumably the reason is that we are not
omniscient. If I am asked about the color of the dress worn by
Miss Erna yesterday, I may not be able to remember its color. I III
cannot say whether it was red or blue or green; but perhaps I
will be able to say at least "it was not yellow." Were I
If I have succeeded in clarifying somewhat the role of logic, I we meant before it, until finally we become consciously aware
may now be quite brief about the role of mathematics. The of meaning the same by "744" as by "24 x 31."
propositions of mathematics are of exactly the same kind as the To be sure, the proof of the tautological character of
propositions of logic: they are tautologous, they say nothing at mathematics is not yet complete in all details. This is a difficult
all about the objects we want to talk about, but concern only and arduous task; yet we have no doubt that the belief in the
the manner in which we want to speak of them. The reason tautological character of mathematics is essentially correct.
why we can assert apodeictically with universal validity the There has been prolonged opposition to the interpretation of
proposition: 2 + 3 = 5, why we can say even before any mathematical statements as tautologies; Kant contested the
observations have been made, and can say it with complete tautological character of mathematics emphatically, and the
certainty, that it will not turn out that 2 + 3 = 7, is that by "2 + great mathematician Henri Poincare, to whom we are greatly
3" we mean the same as by "5"—just as we mean the same by indebted also for philosophical criticism, went so far as to
"helleborus niger" as by "snow rose." For this reason no argue that since mathematics cannot possibly be a huge
botanical investigation, however subtle, could disclose that an tautology, it must somewhere contain an a priori principle.
instance of the species "snow rose" is not a helleborus niger. Indeed, at first glance it is difficult to believe that the whole of
We become aware of meaning the same by "2 + 3" and by "5," mathematics, with its theorems that it cost such labor to
by going back to the meanings of "2," "3," "5," "+," and establish, with its results that so often surprise us, should admit
making tautological transformations until we just see that "2 + of being resolved into tautologies. But there is just one little
3" means the same as "5." It is such successive tautological point which this argument overlooks: it overlooks the fact that
transformation that is meant by "calculating"; the operations of we are not omniscient. An omniscient being, indeed, would at
addition and multiplication which are learnt in school are once know everything that is implicitly contained in the
directives for such tautological transformation; every assertion of a few propositions. It would know immediately
mathematical proof is a succession of such tautological that on the basis of the conventions concerning the use of the
transformations. Their utility, again, is due to the fact that, for numerals and the multiplication sign, "24 x 31" is synonymous
example, we do not by any means see immediately that we with "744." An omniscient being has no need for logic and
mean by "24 x 31" the same as by "744"; but if we calculate mathematics. We ourselves, how-ever, first have to make
the product "24 x 31," then we transform it step by step, in ourselves conscious of this by successive tautological
such a way that in each individual transformation we recognize transformations, and hence it may prove quite surprising to us
that on the basis of the conventions regarding the use of the that in asserting a few propositions we have implicitly also
signs involved (in this case numerals and the signs "+" and "x") asserted a proposition which seemingly is entirely different
what we mean after the transformation is still the same as what from them, or that we do mean the same by two complexes of
symbols which are externally altogether different.
logical and mathematical reasoning must be found to exist. We
see now that this view is untenable; for thinking does not grasp
IV any sort of laws of being. Never and nowhere, then, can
thought supply us with knowledge about facts that goes beyond
And now let us be clear what a world-wide difference there is the observed. But what, then, should we say about the
between our conception and the traditional—perhaps one may discoveries made by means of theory on which, as we pointed
say: platonizing—conception, according to which the world is out, the usual view so strongly relies for its support? Let us ask
made in accordance with the laws of logic and mathematics ourselves, e.g., what was involved in the computation of the
("God is perennially doing mathematics"), and our thinking, a position of the planet Neptune by Leverrier! Newton noticed
feeble reflection of God's omniscience, is an instrument given that the familiar motions, celestial as well as terrestrial, can be
to us for comprehending the eternal laws of the world. No! Our well described in a unified way by the assumption that between
thinking cannot give insight into any sort of reality. It cannot any two mass points a force of attraction is exerted which is
bring us information of any fact in the world. It only refers to proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the
the manner in which we speak about the world. All it can do is square of their distance. And it is because this assumption
to transform tautologically what has been said. There is no enables us to give a satisfactory description of the familiar
possibility of piercing through the sensible world disclosed by motions, that he made it, i.e. he asserted tentatively, as an
observation to a "world of true being": any metaphysics is hypothesis, the law of gravitation: between any two mass
impossible! Impossible, not because the task is too difficult for points there is a force of attraction which is proportional to
our human thinking, but because it is meaningless, because their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their
every attempt to do metaphysics is an attempt to speak in a way distance. He could not pronounce this law as a certainty, but
that contravenes the agreement as to how we wish to speak, only as an hypothesis. For nobody can know that such is really
comparable to the attempt to capture the queen (in a game of the behavior of every pair of mass points— nobody can
chess) by means of an orthogonal move of the bishop. observe all mass points. But having asserted the law of
gravitation, one has implicitly asserted many other
Let us return now to the problem which was our point of propositions, that is, all propositions which are deducible from
departure: what is the relationship between observation and the law of gravitation (together with data immediately
theory in physics? We said that the usual view was roughly derivable from observation) by calculation and logical
this: experience teaches us the validity of certain laws of inference. It is the task of theoretical physicists and
nature, and since our thinking gives us insight into the most astronomers to make us conscious of everything we implicitly
general laws of all being, we know that likewise anything assert along with the law of gravitation. And Leverrier's
which is deducible from these laws of nature by means of calculations made people aware that the assertion of the law of
gravitation implies that at a definite time and definite place in of the implicitly asserted propositions. So long, now, as these
the heavens a hitherto unknown planet must be visible. People implicitly asserted propositions, to the extent that they are
looked and actually saw that new planet—the hypothesis of the about the directly observable, are confirmed by observation,
law of gravitation was confirmed. But it was not Leverrier's these laws of nature are confirmed and we adhere to them; but
calculation that proved that this planet existed, but the looking, if these implicitly asserted propositions are not confirmed by
the observation. This observation could just as well have had a observation, then the laws of nature have not been confirmed
different result. It could just as well have happened that and are replaced by others.
nothing was visible at the computed place in the heavens—in
which case the law of gravitation would not have been
confirmed and one would have begun to doubt whether it is
really a suitable hypothesis for the description of the
observable motions. Indeed, this is what actually happened
later: in asserting the law of gravitation, one implicitly asserts
that at a certain time the planet Mercury must be visible at a
certain place in the heavens. Whether it would actually be
visible at that time at that place, only observation could
disclose; but observations showed that it was not visible at
exactly the required position in the heavens. And what
happened? They said: since in asserting the law of gravitation
we implicitly assert propositions which are not true, we can-not
maintain the hypothesis of the law of gravitation. Newton's
theory of gravitation was replaced by Einstein's.
It is not the case, then, that we know through experience that
certain laws of nature are valid, and—since by our thinking we
grasp the most general laws of all being—therefore also know
that whatever is deducible from these laws by reasoning must
exist. On the contrary, the situation is this: there is not a single
law of nature which we know to be valid; the laws of nature are
hypotheses which we assert tentatively. But in asserting such
laws of nature we implicitly assert also many other
propositions, and it is the task of thinking to make us conscious

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