Analisis de Fracturas-RESERVORIOS - Algunos Ejemplos

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RESERVORIOS- Algunos ejemplos

Practical approaches to identifying sealed and
open fractures
Stephen E. Laubach
AAPG Bulletin, v. 87, no. 4 (April 2003), pp.

Figure 1. Two ways that opening-mode fractures seal. (ac)

Microfractures sealed concurrently with fracture opening
(synkinematic cement), whereas porosity is preserved in large
fracture. B is the synkinematic cement bridge. (d) Large fractures
lined by synkinematic cement but sealed by postkinematic
cement, which is in both fractures and host rock. Fracture timing
information and cement data combine to make a surrogate for
fracture observation. Cements can be divided into those that
predate, accompany, and postdate fracture opening (Laubach,
1988). The terms pre-, syn-, and postkinematic focus attention
on links between fracture-movement history (kinematics) and
rock and fracture diagenesis, underlining the role that fracture
timing plays in porosity preservation. Rocks may have several
fracture-opening events, as well as complex and repetitive
sequences of precipitation and dissolution. Terms therefore
refer to a specific fracture-opening event, and a postkinematic
phase for one fracture set is pre- or synkinematic for the next.
The classification refers to cements in fractures and the rock
mass. Diagram illustrates fracture patterns described in this
paper and Laubach (1988), but this image is based on modeling
results from Lander et al. (2002).
Figure 12. Map and profiles of
predicted fracture quality
(degradation, Dg), Cretaceous Travis
Peak Formation, east Texas,
demonstrating that mapping fracture
quality (Dg) is possible. More than
470 point counts were used to
generate Dg profiles, which
are all from wells having conventional
core, although such core is not
required for obtaining Dg values. Note
that broad Dg patterns
are evident despite wide well spacing
and averaging of degradation values
by well that obscures Dg
heterogeneity. Map is
superposed on structure, top Travis
Peak Formation. Inset shows a
tendency for the highest maximum
annual production to occur in
wells having predicted open fractures
(low average degradation, Dg < 20,
yellow highlight on map).
Natural Fractures from the Perspective of Diagenesis
Stephen E. Laubach, Jon E. Olson, Peter Eichhubl, Sergey Fomel, and Randall A. Marrett
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
CSEG RECORDER September 2010
Natural fractures in shale: A review and new observations
Julia F. W. Gale, Stephen E. Laubach, Jon E. Olson, Peter Eichhubl, and Andrs Fall
AAPG Bulletin, v. 98, no. 11 (November 2014), pp. 21652216
Figure 5. (A) Histogram of fracture aperture size compiled from
measurements in core for all fractures >30 m (>0.0012 in.) wide.
Color coding by formation. Fracture numbers are not normalized to core
or outcrop length.
(B) Aperture-size distributions of fractures from orthogonal sets J1 and J2
measured in Marcellus Formation outcrop (Figure 3) and Austin Chalk
outcrop data from Gale (2002) plotted with power-law distributions for
sandstones (data from Hooker et al., 2014) and carbonates (data from
Hooker et al., 2012). Aperture-size data for the sandstones and
carbonates span the range of apertures in the plot, with many
measurements from thinsection studies of microfractures. The region of
the plot labeled microfractures? refers to an aperture size range for
presumably sparse and unsampled microfractures obtained using
projected power laws for the Marcellus Formation and Austin Chalk data.
The cumulative frequency for fractures in this region of the plot is 1 to 100
fractures per meter (0.3 to 30.5 fractures per foot)too few to be
abundant (or even normally present) in thin sections. Location and age of
plotted data sets is as follows. Ozona Sst. core, Crockett Co., W. Texas
(TX), Permian; Lance 9709 ft (2959 m), Lance Formation core, Wind River
basin, Wyoming, Upper Cretaceous; Dakota 7529 ft (2295 m) and Dakota
7181 ft (2189 m), Dakota Sandstone core, San Juan basin, New Mexico
(NM), Upper Cretaceous; Nugget Sandstone, outcrop in Wasatch Mtns.
near Salt Lake City, Utah, Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic; Pottsville
4240 ft (1292 m), Pottsville Sandstone core, Black Warrior basin, Alabama,
Pennsylvanian; Cozzette 9034.7 ft (2753.8 m), Cozzette Sandstone
Member, Iles Formation, SHCT core, Piceance basin, Colorado, Upper
Cretaceous; La Boca A1-A and A1-B, La Boca Formation outcrop, near
Galeana, northeast Mexico, Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic; Vizcaya C-1,
limestones in core from Gaviota field, northeast Spain, Upper Cretaceous;
Clear Fork siltstone core from South Wasson field, Yoakum Co., TX,
Permian, and Clear Fork dolostones from Apache Canyon outcrop in the
Sierra Diablo Mountains, West Texas, Permian; Marble Falls Limestone,
Pedernales Falls State Park outcrop, Blanco Co., TX, Pennsylvanian; Knox
dolomite, core from Maben field, Black Warrior basin, Oktibbeha Co.,
Mississippi, Ordovician; Ellenburger 9070.9 ft (2764.8 m) and Ellenburger
9079.6 ft (2767.4 m), Ellenburger Group core from Goldrus Unit 3
Barnhart well, Barnhart field, Reagan Co., TX, Lower Ordovician; MF5 7777
ft (2370 m), core from Indian Basin, Eddy Co., NM, Permian; Cupido Fm.
dolomite, Las Palmas Canyon outcrop, Monterrey salient of the Sierra
Madre Oriental, northeast Mexico, Early Cretaceous; Austin Chalk outcrop,
Waxahachie, Ellis Co., TX, Upper Cretaceous; Marcellus Formation,
outcrop near Union Springs, Cayuga Co., NY, Middle Devonian.
Figure 14. Barren fractures in shale outcrops. (A) Two orthogonal
fracture sets in the New Albany Shale on the north bank of the
Ohio River at New Albany, Indiana, looking west. (B) Orthogonal
fractures in Marcellus Formation at Filmore State Park, New
York, viewed looking east from bridge no. 4 on the Gorge Trail. J1
and J2 per Engelder et al. (2009) are marked. J1 fractures at this
location are up to 20 m (66 ft) long.
Marrett et al. Extent of power-law scaling for natural fractures in rock. Geology; September 1999;
v. 27; no. 9; p. 799802
Fracture-aperture sizedfrequency, spatial distribution, and growth processes in strata-bounded
and non-strata-bounded fractures, Cambrian Mesn Group, NW Argentina
J.N. Hooker, S.E. Laubach , R. Marrett , Journal of Structural Geology 54 (2013) 54-71
Fig. 11. SEM-CL images of Set 1 fractures. (a) Macrofracture
(opening displacement w2 mm) with crack-seal texture near
fracture walls and blocky, euhedral quartz cement near
center. Note pores among euhedral cement blocks. (b)
Interpretation of A. (c) Microfracture with crack-seal cement
overlapping host-rock grain. (d) Map of C. (e) Set 1
microfractures entirely occluded by quartz cement. G, grain.
Fig. 15. (a) SEM-CL image of Set 2 microfracture. Fsp, feldspar. (b)
Interpretation. G, grain; F, fracture; P, porosity. Note that fracture is porous
where it cuts nonquartz substrate (feldspar). Same key as for Fig. 8.
Structural diagenesis
S.E. Laubach, P. Eichhubl , C. Hilgers , R.H. Lander
Journal of Structural Geology 32 (2010) 1866e1872

Fig. 1. SEM-cathodoluminescence (CL) images of (a) host rock and (b) deformation band Jurassic Aztec Sandstone, Valley of Fire, NV.
Deformation band, b, contains a higher abundance of quartz-cemented microfractures (dark-blue CL color) than surrounding sandstone,
a, reflecting greater propensity of quartz to precipitate on fresh fracture surfaces compared with detrital grain surfaces.
Fig. 2. Models of quartz-cementation in fractured and intact sandstone, illustrating effect of grain composition on quartz-cement (green) and
porosity (black) distribution and abundance. (a) Deformation band composed entirely of quartz grains, after 5 m.y. of heating from 25 C to 100
C. (b) Same deformation band after an additional 10 m.y. heating from 100 C to 150 C. (c, d) As in a and b, except band is composed of 25%
feldspar (orange) and 75% quartz (gray). Note lesser quartz-cement abundance and greater porosity in d than in b. See Lander et al. (2008) for
information on modeling software Prism2D and Touchstone. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article).
Fig. 3. Structure map of quartz-cement deposit, Cretaceous Cotton Valley sandstone, East Texas, depth 2818 m. Opening history is recorded by crack-seal
texture. (a) Transmitted light (TL) and cathodoluminescence (CL) base image reveals fluid-inclusion assemblages trapped by individual crack and seal
sequences by quartz growing from opposite fracture walls; a, b, and c mark progressively younger parts of the quartz bridge identified by mapping
crosscut and overlap relations of crack-seal fractures and quartz. Fw, fracture walls; G, broken grains entrained in bridge; P, residual fracture pore space.
Other pore space present during quartz bridge growth is now filled with zoned calcite that grew during fracture opening. This calcite lagged quartz, lacks
crack-seal texture, and bridged fracture only late in growth history. (b) SEM-CL/TL montage and map of bridge zone c showing opening increment
fracture surfaces, quartz deposits filling opening increment gaps, and overlap (zoned lateral) quartz deposits surrounding, and partly cut by, crack-seal
fractures. Note crosscutting relations and scale.
Fig. 8. a) Cumulative frequency versus kinematic
aperture plots of microfracture sets 1e3 in the three
structural domains. Open symbols are for
macrofractures measured in scanlines 1 and 2. The red
line has a slope of 0.8. Extrapolation of microfracture
data using a constant slope of 0.8 gives a good
prediction of macrofracture abundance. Dashed gray
lines mark the intensity of 0.1 mm aperture fractures.
b) Cumulative frequency versus kinematic aperture
plots of microfractures showing the effect of lithology
on fracture abundance.
Medida y representacin de la deformacin interna
Para estudiar la deformacin se usan los cambios de longitud y de ngulo que sufren las lneas.
Cambios de longitud o deformacin longitudinal
Elongacin o extensin: Cambio de longitud de una lnea relacionado con su estado indeformado e=
Estiramiento: Relacin entre longitudes inicial y final de una lnea
S= lf/l0 S= (1 + e)
Elongacin cuadrtica es el cuadrado del estiramiento: =S2=( lf/l0)2=(1 + e)2
Elongacin cuadrtica recproca: '= 1/
Deformacin natural, tambin denominada deformacin interna verdadera o deformacin logartmica,
= ln (lf/l0) = ln (1 + e)= ()ln l0


Cambios de ngulo o deformacin angular

Angulo de cizalla (): Se define, a partir de dos lneas originalmente perpendiculares, como la variacin
experimentada por ese ngulo recto, en otras palabras cunto se han apartado esas lneas de su
perpendicularidad inicial.
El valor de la cizalla es la tangente del ngulo de cizalla: = tg

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