Assure Model Lesson

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Kristine Kowaleski EDIT 604

Assure Model Lesson 11/4/17

ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

Title: Comparing Solids

Teacher: Kristine Kowaleski
Grade: 2
Content Area: Science
Lesson Length: 60 minutes total

Analyze Learners
19 second grade students
10 female, 9 male
Ages 7-8 years old
14 EL learners (Levels 2.4 3.8)
Pretaught properties of matter
Have used Venn Diagrams
Familiar with Popplet program and Ipads
Learning styles: 10 visual (52%), 3 auditory (16%), 6 kinesthetic (32%)

State Objectives
Audience: Second grade students will work in groups of four to sort the rolling and stacking
properties of 20 solids, and create a Popplet venn diagram using an Ipad.
Behavior: The students will construct an investigation that compares and contrasts the
properties of 20 solids and they will create a venn diagram using Popplet to communicate
their results.
Condition: The students will communicate the results of their investigation using words or
pictures in the Popplet venn diagram.
Degree: Students will have 60 minutes to complete the investigation and record results in
Popplet. Students are required to engage in arguments to support why each (20 objects)
was sorted by roll, stack, or both.

Select Methods, Media, and Materials

Method: The students will work in their learning groups that consist of 4 students. One
group will have 3 students. Each group will share one bag of 20 solids and one Ipad.
Media: Popplet app.
Materials: 20 preselected solids (from science kit), one Ipad for each group
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
Preview Materials: Verify that each Ipad has Popplet installed, make sure all 20 solids are
included in each bag.
Prepare Materials: Have Ipads turned on and have Popplet app open with a pre-created
venn diagram. Have bag of solids already on each group table.
Prepare the environment: Have students already assigned to their groups with an
adequate area for them to roll the solids.

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Kristine Kowaleski EDIT 604
Assure Model Lesson 11/4/17

Prepare the learners: Introduce the activity for students. Model the appropriate way to
check if each object will stack or roll. Show them an example of how to enter their
information into Popplet as words or pictures. Remind students that they need to be able to
use evidence to support their findings.

Require Learner Participation

Students will be actively involved by assigning each member of the group a task to
complete or having them rotate each task. Students have the option to complete the
Popplet as they conduct the investigation, or complete the Popplet at the conclusion of the
investigation. They are required to complete all activities within 60 minutes. Students can
use words or pictures (EL learners) to document their findings.
Evaluate & Revise
Student Performance will be graded on their ability to:
sort the solids based on the appropriate property
label venn diagram correctly
record properties to the venn diagram in the corresponding section
engage in discussions with their group supporting why they grouped their solids
Media Effectiveness will be determined by ease of use and effectiveness in creating the
Instructor Performance will be assessed by the success of student investigations. Since
students were already taught the properties of solids, this investigation is a type of formative
assessment to monitor their understanding of the different properties. If students are
unsuccessful with their initial sorting they will need to be retaught the skills.

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