Unit 5 Blended Learning Lesson Plan

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Flower Power

Students will be able to…Students will be able to label the parts of a flower.
Students will be able to describe the life cycle of a plant.
State Standards:
1.L.5A.2 Construct explanations of the stages of development of a flowering plant as it
from a seed using observations and measurements.
1.L.5B.1 Conduct structured investigations to answer questions about what plants need to
live and
grow (including air, water, sunlight, minerals, and space).

Context: I am teaching this lesson so students will have a better understanding of plants,their
life cycle, and the parts of a flower. Students learned in a prior lesson about the elements such as
water, wind, sunlight. Students are bringing their previous knowledge of the elements that make
plants grow, their personal experiences with plants/flowers, their understanding how plants
assist us. Students will learn next how the plants we grow impact the environment. For example,
it is necessary to have trees in the atmosphere because they give off oxygen. Students will also
learn in upper level grades about the more scientific names for the parts of a flower. Students
will learn this in upper grades to prepare them to learn about plant cells. I am teaching them the
parts of a flower and the lifecycle of a plant to prepare them to learn about the life cycle of other
living things, such as animals. I am preparing them through the video I asked them to watch on
the life cycle of a plant. I will assess their knowledge on this topic through a google classroom
Data: Students will be grouped in groups of three with a laptop in each group. I will group these
students on their level knowledge of prior science curriculum. I will use previous data from their
science grades. I will pair two students who have a lesser knowledge of the content with a
student who has prior experience with science and knowledge of flowers. I will use the data
collected from the google classroom assessment to group my students in upcoming activities.
Materials: Laptops, wifi, desks, chairs, round table, flowers of various kinds, tweezers,
magnifying glasses, flower worksheets, crayons, pencils
Detailed paragraphs from here on down.
Introduction (10 minutes):
I will introduce the topic by giving different colored flower stickers to each student on their
name slate. For example, the three students with a yellow sunflower sticker will be grouped
together. I will then give further instructions on how to best handle the laptops. Students should
hold laptops with both hands and walk carefully to their desks while holding them. I will also
give them directions of what to do once they are paired in their groups. I will then assign each
group to a station. For example, the pink rose sticker group will be directed to the small group
table. I will describe the objectives of this lesson to the students. I will also read them a kid
friendly description of the standards covered through this activity. I will tell the students where
to go based on their sticker.
Teacher Directed (23 minutes):
I will have students come over to the small group table and help me dissect a flower.
Approximately, three students at a time will come over to the small group table, where I will be
sitting. I will have a variety of flowers for them to look at and will let them pick which flower
to dissect. I will have roses, sun flowers, and calalillies. I will use one flower for each group of
three students that come to my table. I will use tweezers to take the flower apart. I will take the
leaves off and examine the stem. Then I will verbally explain each part of the flower. I will
describe the stem, petals, roots, and leaves. I will show them each part of the flower. Students
will then ask any questions they may have.
Collaborative (23 minutes):

Students will log onto to their laptop and watch a video about the life cycle of a plant using the
link below. I will have this link posted on the smart board for students, students will type in the
link in youtube. Students will listen to the song quietly on the laptop about all the things a plant
needs to live. If students become too loud they will listen to the video individually and take turns
using earbuds. After students finish watching the video, students will discuss what was learned in
the video. They will then grab the crayons and a flower worksheet placed on their desks.
Students will then draw a detailed picture of all the things a plant needs to live. Students will
draw sunlight and raindrops/water around the flower picture. Students will color in the flower,
write their name on the paper. Then they will turn the paper into the appropriate basket. The
first student to finish the activity will log back onto the laptop to complete the independent
digital assignment. https://youtu.be/cRhGOdqWIIo
Independent Digital (23minutes):

The first student in a group to complete their flower worksheet will begin this assignment first.
Students will quickly and efficiently complete the assignment completely online. Students will
take turns and log onto their laptops and log onto to their google classroom account using the
classroom code. Students will then access the “Flower Power Quiz” located under our classroom
tab. Students will then complete the questions about the flower parts and life cycle. Students are
allowed to ask me any questions they have regarding the wording of the questions.

Closure (10minutes):
I will ask that students to place their assessment sheets into the appropriate baskets and clean up
their space. Students will place their assessment sheets in the appropriate basket and put their
laptops in the laptop case (the COW). Students will also clean up any materials used during the
lesson. Students will return to their seats then I will ask them what they learned from the “Flower
Power” activities. I will ask students questions such as what do petals on a rose look like? Where
is the stem located on a flower? What things do a plant need to live?

(Multimedia 1=Google Classroom.): I used Google Classroom because I was able to

easily assess my student’s knowledge of content area. It supports my standards and helps
accomplish my objectives because it helps me discover what my students are able to do,
what they learned, if they met the standards. I will know if this is high quality based on
the results I gain from this assessment. I believe that it will be proven to be of high
quality because students will be taking the assessment immediately after learning the
material. This multimedia is used to help all learners by using feedback and adaptation.
Students are able to give feedback in their questions they ask me during our small group
time and at the end of the lesson. This lesson can also be adapted for different types of
learners because students are allowed to work cohesively together or apart.
(Multimedia 2=https://youtu.be/cRhGOdqWIIo (YouTube song)): This piece of
multimedia promotes student learning and ensures that students will remember the
lifecycle of plants because students often remember songs. This multimedia outlet
promotes student learning because it encourages them to think about the life cycle of a
plant. This video meets my standards and helps accomplish my objectives because it
describes the elements required to make a plant grow. I know it is high quality because I
have witnessed its effectiveness in the classroom. This lesson plan allows adaptation for
students who need assistive technologies because students often use laptops in class and
assistive technologies have been used with this technology previously. Interaction
usability is also used because students interact together and work collaboratively.
Therefore, they are able to help each other.

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