Pipe Conveyor System

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Pipe Conveyor System

The pipe conveyor is a belt conveyor wrapped into a tube shape and
this allows the pipe conveyor to negotiate vertical and horizontal
curves without the need for transfer towers, the conveyor also protects
the material and the environment from spillage since the dirty side of
the belt is always facing inside.

Pipe conveyors are also useful in moving dusty and free flowing
materials where dust control is a concern.

The pipe conveyor can negotiate steep inclines up to 30 degrees and

the pipe conveyor can also carry different materials both directions
simultaneously. This is particularly applicable to a power plant that
needs to move one material into the plant and another material from
the plant such as limestone and gypsum.

The maximum length of a pipe conveyor is gradually increasing. FL

Smidth, DMW's partner, is currently building a 5 mile long pipe
conveyor that will carry material in both directions simultaneously. The
Bulk Group is currently involved in a number of pipe conveyors in the 2
to 3 mile long length within the United States. Some of the U.S. pipe
conveyor systems handle coal, pet coke, limestone, gypsum, cement,
and additive materials.

Capacities range from 50 tph to 4,000 tph depending on material


In India – Pipe Conveyor System proposed for Ennore Thermal

Power Station

This system is meant for transportation of coal from North Chennai
Thermal Power Station coal yard directly to ETPS for both the existing
450 MW station and the proposed 1x600 MW, replacing the present
system of transportation by Rail wagons. The approximate length of
the proposed pipe conveyor is 4.5 Kms. This system is the first of its
kind in TNEB.


The pipe conveyor as the name indicates, will be of either rubber cord /
steel cord belt conveyor in the flat form while taking up the material
and as it gradually moves in between the rollers arranged in a
hexagonal position, wounds itself into a form of closed pipe and then at
the discharge end it again gradually opens out to take a flat form and
after discharging the material again it folds into the pipe form and
returns back to the receiving end for continuous carrying of material.


1. The pipe conveyor is a cost effective and eco – friendly

method of transportation of coal to ETPS.
2. If the coal is transported by a Pipe conveyor, pollution and
pilferage is avoided during transportation which is not the case
when transportation is done by rail wagons.
3. Pollution inside the ETPS is also reduced since the crushed
coal is transported to the station through the pipe conveyor
thereby avoiding coal unloading and crushing at ETPS.
4. A pipe conveyor can take an inclination of up to 35 degrees
and can bend both vertically and laterally to take a profile that
will match with the surface on which it is to be installed.
5. A pipe conveyor can be used for dual purpose also i.e. it can
carry coal in the forward direction and in the return direction it
can take the fly ash.
The capacity of the proposed pipe conveyor is 2000TPH with 2 streams
i.e. 2 x1000TPH with pipe diameter of 400 mm. It is proposed to
implement this system for Udangudi Power corporation Ltd also.

Limestone pipe conveyor carrying limestone from storage silo to

crusher tower - contains 3D curve
Large diameter pipe conveyor carrying limestone and pet coke from
barge unloading
dock to power plant
250 mm diameter pipe conveyor under construction that will move
limestone from
barge unloader to power plant
Long pipe conveyor with 1500 TPH capacity terminating at crusher

Pipe Conveyor – Dry Ash Transportation

Pipe conveyor can successfully be used for Dry Ash Transportation for
power plants from ash silo to dump pond. Unfortunately most of ash
handling plant suppliers are not dealing with belt conveyors .in my
opinion pipe conveyor can replace dense phase system as power
consumption will be much less and dry transportation will be feasible.

In case of pipe conveyor cost will be much less than other conventional
pumping or dense phase system and there will be no restriction of
length of transportation
More over wet slurry dumping causes underground water pollution
same is not applicable for dry ash dumping. This needs lot of
discussions as this will be a new area for pipe conveyors

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