Spe 85304 FL C 2000 and Microfracture
Spe 85304 FL C 2000 and Microfracture
Spe 85304 FL C 2000 and Microfracture
The remainder of this paper discusses the current cuttings coming to surface) during wiper trips in wells in the
understanding of instability in microfractured formations, and Cusiana Field in Colombia.
presents recommendations for drilling fluid design and drilling In unreactive microfractured formations such as tight
practices that reduce the severity of the problem. The focus limestones or coal beds, only the mechanical destabilization of
will be on low permeability formations such as shales and the wellbore as described above need be considered. In a
some limestones, although comparisons will be made with shale, mudstone or siltstone, however, the possibility of
more permeable rocks where appropriate. Finally, a recent chemical reactivity must also be bourn in mind. If the shale is
case history will be presented in support of the arguments and capable of generating significant swelling stresses and / or
recommendations softening and dispersing, the choice of drilling fluid must take
these reactions into account; either by resorting to an oil-, or
Instability in Low Permeability Microfractured synthetic-based mud or building sufficient inhibition into a
Formations water-based mud. However, it appears that many
Until quite recently, low permeability microfractured microfractured shales are not highly chemically active. This is
formations were thought to be relatively rare. They were a reasonable general supposition because microfractured
known to exist in some areas of high tectonic stresses (e.g. shales are typically compacted and brittle, and are rich in non-
close to the Rocky Mountains), but it was severe problems swelling clay minerals such as illite, chlorite and kaolinite.
experienced in wells drilled near the Andes in Colombia in the Smectite-rich shales tend to be softer, plastic and less prone to
1990s that focused attention on these formations. fracturing. For instance, in the Carbonera formations in the
Microfractured formations are now known to be common and Cusiana Field in Colombia, the chemical reactivity of the
widespread3-7. shale is low and the mechanism attributed to mechanical
The problem can be simply described: destabilization caused by the invasion of fluid into
As a wellbore encounters a microfractured formation, the microfractures10.
drilling fluid (at a higher pressure than the formation pore While acknowledging the possibility of chemical
pressure) invades the fractures almost instantaneously. The reactivity, this paper only discusses the mechanical failure of
pressure in the fractures is now equal to that of the circulating microfractured formations due to mud invasion. We consider
mud system and so there is no wellbore support provided by the matrix, and any fracture fill, to be chemically inert and
the drilling fluid in overbalance, as there would be in a non- thus we do not differentiate between shales and limestones.
fractured formation. The fact that the matrix permeability is In summary, the primary mechanism of failure in
very low adds 2 factors not present if the fractures were in a microfractured formations is as follows:
more permeable formation:
Because there is no significant leakoff of fluid into the 1. Microfractures are exposed to a mud in overbalance as
matrix, the volume of fluid flowing into the new wellbore is created;
microfractures is too low to allow a filter cake to form 2. Mud invades the microfractures, raising the pressure in
with conventional mud additives: hence the fractures the fractures to that in the main wellbore. No support
are not protected by a filter cake. from the mud weight is obtained and the formation
The elevated pressure in the microfractures does not integrity is weakened by a reduction in friction angle of
bleed off into the matrix, as it would if a filter cake at the fracture;
the wellbore surface protected a microfracture in 3. The wellbore may spontaneously cave or, commonly,
permeable rock. will remain stable until disturbed by subsequent
activity such as stopping circulation, tripping,
The effect is illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2. By forcing the backreaming or drill string impacts.
drilling fluid into the microfractures, not only is the stabilizing
effect of the mud overbalance lost but also the fractures are Planes of Weakness
forced apart and lubricated by the mud. These events reduce In the previous section we assumed that a formation is
the friction angle of the fractures and further weaken the naturally microfractured before it is drilled. This is believed to
structural integrity of the wellbore8, 9. Unpublished evidence be the case in many situations, including the Carbonera
suggests that the effect may sometimes be worse with oil- or Formation in Colombia. However, we should be aware that
synthetic-based muds where the base fluid is inherently more unfractured, but mechanically weak, formations could behave
lubricating than most water-based muds; however, to the in a similar way. For example, Edwards et al9 identify planes
authors knowledge no definitive data have been published to of weakness (such as bedding planes) that readily part when
substantiate this. exposed to a drilling fluid in overbalance, allowing imbibition
While the wellbore may fail and become weakened by the of drilling fluid and then formation failure. These authors
invasion of drilling fluid into the fractures, significant volumes indicate that failure along bedding planes is much more of a
of cavings may not produced until a further stimulus is applied problem when the wellbore runs sub-parallel to the bedding
to the wellbore. This could, for example, be a drop in wellbore dip. In a separate paper, Okland and Cook11, suggest that
pressure when mud circulation is stopped, swab pressures bedding plane splitting occurs where the angle of attack
associated with a trip or impacts of the drill string while (relationship between the wellbore angle and bedding planes)
rotating. These effects are summarized by Last et al6 who is less than 10 or 20 degrees. Hence it is important, where
observed massive cavings events (referring to truck loads of possible, to plan well angles and azimuths so that weak,
bedded shales are penetrated at a reasonably high angle to The main thrust in controlling microfractured formations
bedding. has been to attempt to block the entrance to microfractures,
Although failure of these planes of weakness is induced by preventing invasion of the drilling fluid. The various materials
drilling, the considerations are the same as for natural that have been used or suggested include micas, fibres, sized
fractures; the requirement is to prevent invasion of fluid into solids and deformable materials such as gilsonite and asphalts.
nascent fractures. Each material suffers some drawbacks:
Micas work by bridging at the fracture opening and
Control of Instability in Microfractured Formations need to be used at a sufficiently high concentration to
Three approaches must be used to minimize instability in low work quickly. This high concentration can have an
permeability microfractured formations: adverse impact on the mud rheology, increasing the
1. Design the well profile and casing plan to minimize equivalent circulating density (and therefore possibly
exposure of the microfractured formations. increasing invasion). Also, an imperfect seal is formed
2. Design the drilling fluid to keep the amount of fluid and so continued filtrate invasion is not prevented.
entering the microfractures as low as possible. Fibres will form bridges over some microfractures but
3. Adopt drilling practices that minimize disturbance of will not produce a low permeability barrier. Hence they
the fragile formations will not prevent fluid invasion and wellbore instability.
Sized solids, such as calcium carbonate, have seen
Point 1. Well Design considerable success in forming protective filter cakes
We do not address Point 1 in this paper other than to observe on permeable formations where there is sufficient spurt
that proper well design is critical and must be done with a loss to allow a cake to form. Since there is much less
detailed knowledge of the local geology and stress spurt loss into a microfracture, it is unlikely that a
environment. If planes of weakness are identified (e.g. protective cake will be produced. To be fully effective,
bedding planes) wells should, where possible, be designed to the carbonate should be sized for the specific fracture
maximize the angle of attack: intersecting the weak planes size: this is a particular problem in these formations
close to perpendicular is most stable, while drilling close to where the fracture widths are generally not known.
parallel to these planes is most likely to cause instability. Sized solids often need to be used in high
Problem formations should be cased off as soon as is practical concentrations (30ppb or higher); this can adversely
so as to limit the time they are exposed to the drilling impact mud rheology and rates of penetration.
operation. Deformable particles such as gilsonite and asphalts
have probably been the most successful additives in
Point 2: Drilling Fluid Design controlling instability in microfractured formations to
The key is to avoid invasion of microfractures by drilling date. These materials have some ability to deform into,
fluids12. We first assume that no microfractured formation is and plaster over, the fracture openings of variable size
stable enough to allow it to be drilled in underbalance; and hence can confer some wellbore stability.
therefore, by using a fluid in overbalance, fracture invasion is However, they have by no means solved the problem.
always likely. We can consider 2 approaches to eliminate or One issue is that some of these materials need to be
reduce the effects of this invasion: used at temperatures above their softening points, and
these temperatures are not reached in many
1. Use drilling fluids that chemically react to cement microfractured shale formations. Also, these materials
microfractures and restore structural strength to the can exhibit fluorescence which can interfere with
formation geological interpretation, and there are some concerns
2. Use additives that stop fluid invasion over the formation damaging characteristics of these
materials should the mud also be planned for use in
Several water-based fluids have been proposed that have payzones.
the potential to cement and strengthen a microfractured
formation. In general these are what can be termed reactive Alternative Materials
anion fluids that contain silicates, phosphates or aluminium Given our improved understanding of the characteristics and
complexes. failure mechanisms in microfractured formations, the industry
To our knowledge, these have not been used successfully is in a good position to define the properties of mud additives
in microfractured shales, although they have been used to that give improved wellbore stability.
varying degrees of success in chemically active shales13, 14. First, these additives must be present in the mud system at
Perhaps the reason they have not seen widespread use in all times so that microfractures are contacted immediately the
microfractured shales is that, because of the low spurt volumes drill bit exposes them. They will not be effective if used as a
into the microfractures, insufficient material can be placed to pill treatment to stabilize a formation that has already begun to
form an effective cement. It may also be that the chemical fail.
reaction to cement the microfractures is significantly slower The additives must also work rapidly and at an effective
than the invasion and lubrication that destabilizes the concentration that is both economical and does not adversely
formation; hence the formation fails before the cement can affect other mud properties.
take effect.
If a material could be found that forms a robust low they are better sealing agents and work over a much wider
permeable barrier, it would isolate the fluid in the range of pore sizes and permeabilities.
microfractures from the wellbore pressure. This would protect Because of the range of oil and water solubilities in the
the formation and allow the mud overbalance to be raised blend, the additive works equally well in oil- and synthetic-
without causing instability or lost circulation in the fragile based muds as in water-based; in hydrocarbon fluids, the oil
formation. Hence, if a barrier could be formed, mud weight soluble components dissolve instead of forming micelles while
could be used as it is in unfractured formations to manage the water-soluble entities form the micelles a reversal of the
wellbore instability. roles in a water mud.
After reviewing the performance of additives frequently By functioning as a very low permeability barrier, the
used in microfractured formations, the following checklist of additive also has the ability to protect weak formations against
preferred properties was generated. The product should: pressure transmission and fracturing. This effective increase in
fracture gradient widens the safe drilling window and has
Contain deformable particles of a sufficiently broad great potential for improving drilling performance, not only in
size distribution to seal a range of microfracture microfractured formations but also in depleted zones,
openings unconsolidated sands, etc.
Form a very low permeability seal as quickly as Cleanup of the protective barrier in reservoir applications
possible to prevent damaging amounts of fluid (and is simple, because the micelles only exist above a critical
hence pressure) entering the microfractures concentration of polymers in the fluid. Therefore when
Be effective at economical concentrations contacted by a wash fluid or completion brine free of the
Be compatible with a wide range of mud systems, polymers, or when contacted by reservoir fluid as the well is
preferably water- oil- and synthetic- based. brought on production, the layer simply disperses and is
Be easy to mix and maintain in a mud system removed in the wellbore fluid. However, a cautionary note is
Function in the presence of chemical shale inhibitors that, if an effective seal is formed over microfractures and the
should a combined sealing and chemical approach be concentration of the polymers is allowed to deplete below a
required critical value before the well is drilled and cased, the seal may
Have low formation damaging characteristics break up and the stabilizing properties lost.
Effective concentrations are between 3 and 8ppb. The
Meet current and anticipated health, safety and
optimum within this range depends on the base fluid
environmental requirements
properties and the permeability of the formations being drilled
(e.g. higher concentrations would typically be required to
The search for a material that satisfies the above criteria
protect very permeable formations and to give good invasion
identified one promising product. This is a blend of polymers
control in low solids fluids and in high salinity brines).
modified to provide components with a range of water and oil
Laboratory testing to confirm a fluids ability to seal
solubilities (i.e. the blend contains polymers with a wide range
microfractures in a low permeability material is difficult. It is
of HLB values). When added to a water-based fluid, some of
possible to construct slots of 100 microns or below in steel
the polymers in the blend dissolve to provide fluid loss control
cylinders, but while it is easy to carry out tests with free flow
similar to many conventional additives. However, other
through the slot, this is not what happens in a microfracture
species only partially solvate because of their oil-loving
where the flow volume is small, and presumably almost stops
characteristics; these polymers organize into deformable
once the pressure in the microfracture increases to that of the
aggregates or micelles (micelles are assemblages of molecules
wellbore. It is difficult to mimic the rapid increase in pressure
that group together in solution to form microscopic spheres,
accompanied only by a small spurt loss and, at the same time,
rods and plates). It is claimed that these micelles have the
determine the crack blocking potential of fluids. To do this
ability to form rapidly a low permeability seal over pore
effectively, a much larger scale experimental set-up with small
throats and microfractures, thereby greatly limiting fluid
but controlled fluid leakoff into a long slot would be required.
invasion. The mechanism is depicted in Fig. 3.
While we are aware that the small-scale slot tests have
Particle size analysis (Fig. 4) suggests that the micelles
been used to evaluate sized solids, we do not believe micellar
range from a few microns to close to 1000 microns in diameter
systems have been evaluated and, from the arguments above,
(the d50 is around 60 microns, the d10 is 9 microns and the d90
would question the validity of any such measurements.
340 microns). The material provides excellent invasion
The micellar systems have, however, been tested on
control by quickly forming a very low permeability layer rich
permeable sand beds where their ability to form a low
in micelles. This greatly reduces any further ingress of solids
permeability barrier and prevent deep invasion has been
or fluid. The micelles in the layer are deformable so, if the
demonstrated. Figs. 5a and 5b show sand bed invasion tests
pressure is raised, they compress and reduce the barrier
on a hematite-weighted field water-based mud from Colombia
permeability even further.
and the same mud containing 5ppb of the micelle-forming
In some respects, the micelles act like the water droplets in
polymer blend. The massive reduction in invasion in a 20 / 40
invert emulsion oil muds; these water droplets are known to
frac sand is clear. The ability for a single additive to bridge
concentrate in the filter cake where they make a major
pore throats in different grades of sands of widely differing
contribution to the invasion control seen with oil muds. The
permeabilities is impressive and can, we contend, be
major difference, and benefit, of the micelles is that they are
extrapolated to microfractures. This flexibility should be
more deformable and cover a much wider size range; hence
contrasted with a sized calcium carbonate fluid where a
different size distribution would be needed to bridge pores ensure the hole is clean; this may be several multiples of the
effectively in different sand grades. The pore sizes also need mud bottoms-up time.
to be known before the optimum sized solids fluid could be Good drilling practices, combined with good well planning
designed and, as previously discussed, the sizes of and an effective drilling mud will help solve wellbore
microfractures are rarely, if ever, known. instability in microfractured formations. The result will not
Hence, based on the above considerations, flexible always be a problem-free wellbore and, as concluded by Last
micelles or polymer aggregates were determined to be et al6, often the problem must be managed because it cannot
excellent drilling fluid additives for managing instability in be cured completely. However, most wells can then be drilled
microfractured formations. in a cost-effective way and without major incident.
Drilling Hardware: It is important to ensure that the fractured Microfractured shale and limestone, Colombia, S. America
formations are not subjected to excessive drill string impacts. In the first quarter of 2003 a major operator drilled an
This can be achieved through proper bottom hole assembly exploration well in a field north of Bogota. The target was a
design, correct bit selection and controlled weight on bit. fractured limestone reservoir at approximately 8500 feet TVD.
These factors will combine to give a good rate of penetration The original well plan was to set 9 5/8 casing at 5400 feet
(itself of great utility15) in drilling microfractured formations, (MD) and then drill 8 at approximately 35 degrees to 7550
thus limiting the open hole time and so problems with time- feet (MD) before completing the well in 6 hole at 9200 feet.
dependent wellbore stability. As drilling progressed, it became clear that the formations
were deeper than predicted. 9 5/8 casing was finally set at
Hole Cleaning: Good hole cleaning is another important 7320 feet and the plan was to drill to the reservoir in 8 and
factor. Keeping the hole free of cuttings accumulations will then 6 hole. These last 2 hole sections would penetrate
minimize ECDs and so minimize the pressure shock claystones, shales, and limestones before hitting the limestone
transmitted to a fractured formation when circulation is target. Since all these formations, including the reservoir, were
stopped and started. naturally fractured or prone to induced fracturing there
A build up of cuttings beds also increases the risk of stuck were major concerns about lost circulation, wellbore
pipe; the freeing operations associated with stuck pipe will instability and stuck pipe, as well as formation damage in the
greatly increase the risk of destabilizing the wellbore, leading payzone.
to further cavings, poor hole cleaning and additional stuck The operator planned to use a dispersed water-based mud
pipe problems. This is potentially a vicious circle that can end for the upper hole sections and then convert this to a low-
in loss of a hole section and the need to sidetrack. invasion fluid for the 8 and 6 sections by adding the
Some hole enlargement must be expected when drilling micelle-forming additive to the mud system.
most microfractured formations and this increases the need for
good hole cleaning; not only must the mud be able to suspend
cavings but it must be able to transport these cavings through Fluid Design and Maintenance
overgauge sections where hole cleaning efficiency is low. After discussions with oil company personnel to identify the
Mud rheologies, flow rates, circulation times and the possible major risks associated with the well, it was decided to convert
need to control the rate of penetration must all be carefully the mud from the 12 section to a low-invasion fluid by
considered. The problem of hole cleaning is, of course, made maintaining an active concentration of 5-6ppb of the micelle-
easier if the hole can be kept near to gauge by use of an forming additive in the active system. The non-invasive
effective mud system from the outset. property of the fluid was checked by measuring fluid invasion
into a bed of 20/40 sand at 100 psi. Invasion depth in the sand
Tripping: Tripping practices have a major influence on bed test was maintained at below 5cm by adding more of the
instability in microfractured formations. The study by Last et micelle-forming additive as required.
al6 in Colombia concluded that the appearance of major
volumes of cuttings at surface coincided with wiper trips: the
swab effects while pulling out of hole were enough to cause Field Results
collapse of the failed wellbore. The 14 ppg mud was converted to the low-invasion fluid once
This points to the importance of carefully controlling trips. the 9 5/8 casing shoe was drilled out. Drilling proceeded
Excessive trip speeds should be avoided and backreaming smoothly through the fractured shales and claystones and mud
should be done only when absolutely necessary. Before properties proved stable and easy to manage. Typical fluid
starting a trip, sufficient circulation time must be allowed to properties were:
Fig. 1 A schematic representation of a microfractured formation.
A drilling fluid in overbalance will invade the microfractures
where they intersect the wellbore. If a permeable formation is
adjacent to a microfractured zone, fluid will also invade via this
formation unless fluid loss into the permeable zone is carefully
Figs. 5a and 5b The left hand figure (a) shows deep invasion of
a hematite-weighted 16.5ppg field water-based mud from
Colombia on a 20/40 grade sand bed. The right hand figure (b)
shows the same mud with 5ppb of the micelle-forming additive