Dyke 1995
Dyke 1995
Dyke 1995
Fig. 2-Determining the type of loss zone from the shape of the mud-loggers' pit-level trace.
.s: Back analysis of production, log, and core data from naturally
(,) 200
... fractured reservoirs, together with laboratory investigations into the
a blockage of fractures by mud solids, has allowed estimates of in-situ
a 10 20 30 40
fracture apertures to be gained from the interpretation of mud losses
% Change in Overbalance Pressure
(Table 2). Fig. 4 summarizes results offracture blockage by a water-
Fig. 3-Changes in downhole mud-loss rate with change in over- based mud for various fracture apertures with and without filtrate
balance pressure. leaking into a permeable matrix.
Similar laboratory studies reported in the literature confirm these
to remain static for several seconds, a pressure surge is created on
findings. Kasperskii and Panov 8 showed that fracture apertures of
regaining circulation as the gel strength of the fluid is broken down.
up to 150 to 300 ,urn, depending on mud type, could be blocked by
This happens when mud pumps are turned off and on, and if a loss
muds with little or no penetration of the fluid along the fracture. In
into an induced fracture is occurring at this time, its rate will be ac-
the case of larger apertures, mud could flow freely into the fracture,
celerated because of the pressure (Fig. 2c).
with the depth of penetration depending on the overbalance pres-
Fig. 3 is a compilation of variations in loss rate with variation in
sure. Experiments conducted by Morita et at. 9 revealed that fracture
overbalance pressure gathered from BP wells. Losses into hydraulic
widths of between 250 to 380,um could be sealed by mud solids
fractures are highly sensitive to small changes in pressure, whereas
bridging across the fracture. With the aid of mud filtrate leaking into
losses into natural fractures are much less so. For natural fractures
a permeable matrix, fracture widths between 250 to 630,um could
!t might be expected that the ratio of change in loss rate to change
be sealed by dehydrated plugs of mud.
m overbalance should be approximately unity. However, this ratio
Massive losses of mud, at rates of up to several hundred barrels
is greater because (I) the fluid is non-Newtonian and particulate in
an hour, are caused by fracture apertures wider than 500,um. These
nature, (2) temporary fracture blockages are broken down by the
higher fluid pressure, and (3) new areas of the fracture walls are ex- fractures generally require blocking by lost circulation materials
posed to leakoff, causing changes in rate of filtrate loss and mud vis- (LCM). By knowing the bridging behavior of a particular LCM,
cosity. These factors all work in unison to cause any changes in loss how quickly a particular loss was cured and the subsequent behavior
rate to be greater than the change in overbalance pressure, especially of these large fracture apertures can be determined. One commonly
for low-rate losses occurring at low overbalances. used product, coarse cellulose flakes of up to 1,300-,um diameter,
Of the operational factors influencing mud-loss detection, heave can seal fractures open by up to 3,000,um (Fig. 5).
of semi submersible rigs caused by wave action is the most trouble- In comparing mud-loss derived apertures with those obtained
some. In rough seas, mud levels often fluctuate by 3 bbl. With care- from other sources, one must remember that fracture apertures de-
ful analysis though, losses as small as 1 to 2 bbl can still be observed termined in this way are an estimate of the fracture opening at the
under these conditions because the heave period is far shorter than narrowest constriction along the flow path. This is the most likely
the duration of the mud loss. location for any blockage.
Losses into natural fractures are not obscured by other factors, These apertures are generally larger than those commonly per-
such as thermal expansion of the mud. For example, a temperature ceived to exist, at depth, under high in-situ stress conditions. Howev-
increase averaging 20°F throughout an active mud volume of 800 er, such values are substantiated by results from recent advances in
bbl would cause an expansion of 3.5 bbl. This is a change of similar downhole logging, such as the Formation Micro-Scanner (FMS) and
magnitude to a mud loss but it would occur over several tens of min- Stone ley wave tool. lO.11 Mechanisms allowing natural fractures to
utes, a different time scale from a similarly sized loss into natural possess these large apertures at great depth and under high-effective
fractures. stresses include partial cementation and dissolution. 12- 14 These allow
fractures to remain "locked open" by partial cement in-fill.
Detection of Losses. With standard mud-logging systems on land
?gs, whole mud losses as small is 0.5 bbl can be detected flowing Examples
mto natural fracture permeability. Offshore, on semisubmersible The following examples, in which the mud-loss technique was run
rigs, the detection limit is 2 bbl because of rig heave and wave ac- in conjunction with core and fracture-detection logs, show the value
tion, unless modifications are made to the mud-circulating system. of detecting minor mud losses for the detection and characterization
By use of high resolution flow-in and flow-out meters such as a "}" of natural fracture permeability. In particular, the losses highlight
meterS or an electromagnetic flowmeter,6,7 detection limits can be which zones to complete and stimulate and distinguish the conduc-
further reduced. On a recent slimhole well with electromagnetic tive natural fractures from the nonconductive ones.
flowmeters, losses as small as 0.1 bbl were detected flowing into
permeable natural fractures. Alternatively, a similar resolution can Well A: Fractured Carbonate. To test the reliability of using mud
be obtained by modifying the volume and geometry of the mud losses for detecting natural fracture permeability, we performed an
tanks. initial trial on a fractured carbonate well. Natural fractures had been
characterized by core, FMS, and Stoneley wave logs, leading to the
In-Situ Natural Fracture Apertures completion of eight intervals. The mud-loss analysis was carried out
The technique of detecting open fractures from small losses of drill- independently of log data and immediately after well testing before
ing fluid allows the individual fractures responsible for fluid flow any results were released. The well had been drilled by a semi sub-
Mud Loss Mud Loss
.. LCM Required To Cure Loss
WBM,No ~ Laakoff • ,
.2 ,, ,,
Leakoff ,
250 .
, ,
, :a
,, ,,
~S :is.
200 , o· 10
':; 8, 150 ,, oJ!:!
" 0
"L!':k~it ,/ WBL~at~~;/.o 5
oJ 50
"." a,Jl " o_-----a'
0~0--~~~20~0~~----40~0--~L--6~0-0----~-8~0-0------~1000 0
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20
Fracture Aperature(u m) Maximum Bridgeable Fracture Aperture (in.)
00% 00%
7.874 0 16%
[=:JO% [=:J 0%
c:=J 0%
-2bbls 0 0% 0 92 %
Characteristics: Small mud loss volumes (4bbls)
Total Flow Total Flow Plugging of near wellbere fractures only
<400 bbls/day <6000 bbls/day High positive skins, even when not damaged by mud
High far field permeability
Very high potential procuction
:t= :5
t= ; Oil Stained Fracture
Vugular Fracture
15 bbl
......, 6bbl
tervals produced, into each of which drilling fluid was lost (Fig. 10).
~ .. Out of the 15 mud losses recorded within completed intervals, 13
indicated productive zones. Whether the other two losses delineated
plugged fracture permeability or were incorrectly diagnosed is un-
The response of the Stoneley wave and FMI logs (Fig. 11), show-
ing indications of conductive fractures over a considerable propor-
tion of the interval, is typical of many fractured wells. This demon-
strates that an integrated approach to characterization that uses data
DEPTH from several fracture indicators is necessary to eliminate spurious
(ft) Perfs miliiiiiimJ
log responses and successfully complete naturally fractured wells.
With regard to fracture density, the majority of production surpris-
Fig. 8-Detection of natural fracture permeability, Well B. ingly originates from intervals with fairly low fracture densities.
This implies that a subset of wider fractures is more important in
controlling fluid flow than the remainder of the fractures.
than 250 bbl. A high fracture gradient and relative insensitivity of
loss rate to change in overbalance pressure confirmed that the major
losses flowed into natural fractures. From the behavior of lost cir- Discussion and Conclusions
culation material in curing the losses, fracture apertures of up to 1. Downhole mud losses as small as 0.5 bbl can be reliably de-
2,000 f.1m were estimated. tected with conventional mud-tank monitoring systems. Changing
Substantial parts of this hole had enlarged from 8.5 in. diameter the geometry of the mud tanks or using high-resolution flowmeters
to more than 20 in. Downhole losses may have been confused with allows even smaller downhole losses to be detected. By applying the
cavings coming over the shakers. To confirm that this was not the outlined methodology, losses into natural fracture permeability can
case and that minor losses did indeed flow into natural fracture be distinguished from losses into other types of in-situ permeability,
permeability, data from the short cored interval were compared with as well as from other "apparent losses" caused by changing drilling
the mud-loss data (Fig. 9). Eight of the 10 losses in this interval cor- operations. Analysis of small changes in downhole pressure, frac-
related with open fractures within the core. The two smallest losses ture gradients, and production data confirms that these losses are oc-
do not correlate with any observed open fractures and may have curring at pressures far below that required to overcome the mini-
been misidentified. However, core recovery in this interval was less mum in-situ stress and induce fractures.
than 100%. 2. Both minor losses as well as massive losses into natural frac-
tures provide information crucial for optimum completion design.
Well D: Fractured Limestone. A full suite of natural fracture Minor losses indicate good zones for completion, whereas massive
detection logs, including Formaton Micro Imager (FMI) and Stone- losses delineate zones that may either produce substantial oil or may
ley wave, were run within a 1,000-ft fractured limestone interval. quickly turn to water or gas. Which scenario applies to any particu-
Matrix permeability was less than 1 md. A small acid stimulation lar situation depends on the standoff from the fluid contacts, matrix!
was carried out to bypass near-wellbore formation damage. Four in- fracture recharge, and the continuity of the fracture system.
8,530 - r.::7t
8,694 - U
8,858 - I':":":"'l
m -
w --
9,022 - 9,547
9,186 - Fig. 11-Natural fracture characterization from mud losses and
logs, Well D.