SPE/IADC 79836 Lost Circulation Assessment and Planning Program: Evolving Strategy To Control Severe Losses in Deepwater Projects
SPE/IADC 79836 Lost Circulation Assessment and Planning Program: Evolving Strategy To Control Severe Losses in Deepwater Projects
SPE/IADC 79836 Lost Circulation Assessment and Planning Program: Evolving Strategy To Control Severe Losses in Deepwater Projects
balance the pore pressure place even greater stress on the rather than at total depth (TD). Secondly, the PCP has to be
weakened sub-salt formations.3 pressure -squeezed inside the thief zone in order to reach the
Losses in the formations directly below the thick salt zones fracture tip or penetrate the porous formation. These are the
typically are severe, ranging from 16 cubic meters/hr (100 reasons why the PCP slurry has to be displaced in the annulus
bbl/hr) up to total loss of returns and the inability to maintain a across the target formation (i.e., balanced plug), and then
full annulus. In an effort to control losses, a wide variety of squeezed into the loss circulation zone.
lost circulation materials have been applied in sub-salt thief To address the need for longer pumping time, the cross-
zones. Pills containing sized solids, gunk squeezes, linking agent for the induced fractures/porous formations PCP
conventional cement squeezes, and foamed cement have all is packaged separately. Accordingly, the plug can be mixed
been employed.4 and stored on location as a contingency. Once losses are
It was thought that the particulate materials and the high encountered, the plug is activated by adding the cross-linking
compressive strength lost circulation pills (i.e., cement) were agent and mixing for five minutes. Afterwards, the PCP is
at first failing to reach the tip of the induced fracture and spotted and squeezed in the loss zone.
generally acting as a proppant and not allowing the fractures Owing to its increased polymer loading and the smaller
to heal.2 Consequently, the low fracture re-opening pressures size of the fibrous material, the PCP designed for induced
allow for continued losses. fractures/porous formations has a much firmer set than one
designed for natural fractures/vugs. Because of the firmer set,
Polymer-based Cross-linked Pills (PCP) this PCP variety is beneficial for treating drilling fluid losses
Cross-linking is defined simply as the linking of two in pressure-induced fractured thief zones. Furthermore, the
independent polymer chains by a grouping (i.e., cross-linking material can be used in both water and gas shut-off in non-
agent) that spans or links two chains. The PCP proposed for productive zones, and for gravel consolidation. Extended
the sub-salt lost circulation problem in the Gulf of Mexico times in the wellbore will not cause the PCP to degrade.
deepwater application was a blend of cross-linking polymers
and fibrous material. This pill is activated by cross-linking Particulate Lost Circulation Material
agents, time and temperature, or by shearing at the bit.5, 6 The successful control of synthetic-base mud (SBM) losses
When set, it produces a substance described as rubbery, was anticipated to be one of the more difficult challenges
spongy and ductile. The setting time is fully controllable by posed by the drilling of the deepwater Gulf of Mexico well.
using either a retarder or accelerator that is based upon the Although managing the equivalent circulating densities (ECD)
thief formation/bottom hole temperature. was a primary focus in the well plans, it was accepted that
Different types of PCP are engineered for specific thief some downhole losses were inevitable and would be
zones and lost circulation mechanisms (Table 1). For losses in controlled using various particulate LCM before attempting a
large natural fractures or vugular zones, the PCP has been PCP squeeze.7
designed as a blend of high molecular weight cross-linking The industry has a wide array of LCM at its disposal that
polymers, cross-linking agents, and fibrous medium-to-coarse are compatible with SBM and comply with environmental
lost circulation materials. When activated with time and standards. In addition to the difficulty associated with
temperature, it produces a soft-to-medium strength, rubbery, avoiding losses in deepwater drilling projects, controlling
ductile, spongy, set gel. losses that occur with a SBM add to the challenge. Based on
For induced fractures or matrix losses (i.e., micro-fractures the results from a recent joint industry research project (JIP), a
network or permeable formations) the PCP has been re- synthetic graphite material was selected for controlling whole
engineered for maximum penetration and higher strength. In mud losses to fractures. In the JIP study, sized graphite
this case, the blend consists of medium molecular weight material was shown to be one of the most effective products
cross-linking polymers and fine sized fibrous materials. When for healing fractures. Various theories have been proposed to
added with biopolymer and activated with a combination of explain the effectiveness of the synthetic graphite, including
cross-linking agent, time and temperature, it produces a the ability of the material to deform under compression
medium-to-hard strength, rubbery, ductile plug (Fig. 1). The without breaking down. As an added advantage, the synthetic
smaller particle-size distribution of the bridging material graphite is inert and does not react with the mud, thereby not
enhances the ability of the PCP slurry to penetrate a porous or causing unwanted viscosity increases.
induced fractured zone. For induced fractures and porous One of the more significant properties of the synthetic
formations, the PCP slurry should be maintaied as a viscous graphite is the ability of the material to heal fractures that are
liquid, which is squeezed into the target zone. This should be formed when the material is already in the mud system.
addressed during the design phase. However, due to the size of the particles, the solids control
For a natural fracture or vugular thief zone at the bit, the equipment screens out most of the material on the first
PCP placement is a straightforward spotting technique across circulation. For this reason, precautionary sweeps of synthetic
the thief zone, requiring rapid setting after the slurry leaves the graphite were pumped while drilling, as well as prior to
bit. Thus, the PCP designed for natural fractures or vugs running casing. The sweep volume was 20 to 25 bbl at a
incorporates the cross-linker in the pre-blend of products and frequency of one every third stand, and at times as often as
for maximum agitation is mixed at the same time as the cross- one every stand.
linking polymers. Induced fractures or permeable formations Although not a cure-all, the synthetic graphite has provided
required a different approach. First, an induced fractured zone an extra measure of control for SBM losses, which has
often is located at the casing shoe or in the open hole section allowed the drilling operation to progress without resorting
SPE/IADC 79836 3
constantly to more drastic and time consuming solutions (such • Pre-treating the whole mud system with CaCO3 (8
as lost circulation squeezes, PCP, cement plugs). lb/bbl) and synthetic graphite (8 lb/bbl);
• Mixing fiber based particulate LCM in the system as
Lost Circulation Assessment and Planning passing through the seepage loss zone;
The Lost Circulation Assessment and Planning process • Pumping 15 to 20 lb/bbl synthetic graphite sweeps
involves exploring and assessing the customer- specific lost (20 to 25 bbl volume) at a frequency of one every
circulation problems and afterwards linking them to existing third stand, and if needed as often as one every stand;
lost circulation products, systems and services. The process • Spotting a blended LCM pill with 35 lb/bbl 65 lb/bbl
focuses on products offering (i.e. conventional LCM, and 95 lb/bbl respectively total lost circulation
specialized PCP, software tools) and uses existing resources materials concentration, followed by a soft set pill
(offset well analysis, logs, mineralogy/geology analysis) to (i.e., PCP) and reverse gunk squeezes.
create client-oriented and project-specific plans and solutions. Once through the highly disturbed rubble zone, the next
For maximum success, emphasis is placed on assessment and interval should be more conventional formations, although
planning rather than individual products. This methodology still weak with low fracture gradient. The induced fractures
prevents and minimizes existing lost circulation problems shales had the higher potential for lost circulation, followed by
rather than an after-the-fact cure. porous sandstone, induced fractures sandstone and natural
Three intervals were analyzed: 12 ¼-in x 14 ½-in, 10 5/8-in fractures sandstone. The recommended treatments were very
x 12 ¼-in and 8 ½-in x 9 7/8-in. Miocene type lithology (shale much the same, followed by PCP and reverse gunk.
and sandstone) typlified the first two intervals; the bottom Provided the shale and limestone were present, the last
section was a transition Miocene – Oligocene with the interval could have been one of the most challenging as the
possibility of limestone stringers. ECD was dangerously close to the fracturing limit (16.04
The thief zone immediately below the salt formation (the lb/gal vs 16.2 lb/gal), hence creating ideal conditions for
first interval) had been expected to be a typical zone of highly induced fracturing. In this environment, the resilient products
fractured rock, usually shale, also known as rubble zone. The such as synthetic graphite or soft set polymers (PCP) were
fracture gradient was less relevant, but could present important preferred for controlling losses.
variations (much lower values) from the estimated range (14.8 A series of lost circulation decision trees had been
– 15.2 lb/gal mud weight equivalent). The highest potential developed to address lost circulation problems for this
loss zone to be encountered was determined to be induced deepwater prospect (Fig. 2).
fractures shale, followed very closely by porous sandstone,
induced fractures sandstone and natural fractures sandstone. Operational Summary
All these loss zones are related to the important tectonic When drilling at approximate 20,636 ft total loss of returns
events during the salt diapiric upraise. was experienced. After pumping a blended LCM pill on
Although there should be no difference between water- and bottom, the decision was made to pump PCP as per the Lost
oil-/synthetic-base drilling fluids in the pressure needed to Circulation Assessment and Planning Program. Two PCP pills
initiate a hydraulic fracturing of the formation, there is a were pumped at 20,635 ft by applying two different methods
significant difference once the fractures are formed. Water- (pump-then-pull & squeeze and bullheading).
base fluids typically have a higher “spurt” fluid loss causing After pumping and squeezing the first PCP pill no
the almost instantaneous formation of a filter cake, which aids improvements in the loss rate were observed. This can be
in sealing permeable formations. Oil and synthetic-base fluids explained as the PCP is a temperature activated cross-linking
do not display the same characteristics. Once the fracture is pill and needs exposure to the BHT (e.g. 125° F) and time for
initiated, the pressure necessary to propagate the fracture is the rubbery structure to develop. . At the time it was placed,
much smaller by comparison. This allows changes in wellbore the pill was designed as a viscous slurry (to be able to be
pressures to be transmitted to the formation more readily, pumped through BHA and bit) and required static conditions
which further propagates the fracture. With oil-/synthetic-base in the target thief zone/fracture to react and generate the cross-
fluid, almost no cuttings dispersion takes place and the filter linked structure. During displacement of the PCP pill no
cake is built primarily by the emulsion droplets in the mud. returns were observed at the surface, which would lead to the
This delivers a very thin and impermeable filter cake. Thus, to conclusion that the pill had not had any chance to remain static
effectively heal the fractures, specifically sized particles must within the target fracture. Most likely the pill was washed
be added to act as the bridging agent within the fracture. These away before having a chance to crosslink.
particles provide the spurt loss necessary to build an effective Static conditions were obtained before pumping the second
filter cake, which in turn can prevent the fracture from PCP pill. The pill was designed for a lower BHT (115° F) for
propagating. In water-base drilling fluids the surface of the faster crosslinking and the high-viscosity pill were
particles preferably should be hydrophilic, where as in an reformulated by adding 44 lb/bbl combined LCM. The
oil/synthetic-base mud the particle surface should be pumping procedure was changed to allow bullheading the PCP
lipophilic. Some types of material, such as synthetic graphite, slurry into the natural fracture at TD provided that returns
have a neutral surface and can work in both types of fluid. were observed at the surface. As no returns were recorded
Accordingly, a typical formulation for curing seepage losses during the “bullhead” procedure (reduced to a conventional
will contain a blend of granular calcium carbonate and balanced plug pumping procedure) the BOPs remained open at
synthetic graphite. The recommended treatment, which ranged all times. During waiting-on-setting the well was monitored
from conventional to specialized, follows:
4 SPE/IADC 79836
and was static. After six hours the string was pulled out and the drillstring is not recommended due to the danger
the bottom hole assembly (BHA) changed. The well remained of plugging the bit/BHA with cross-linked
static (no loss – no gain) during the trip. PCP chunks.
The drilling process was resumed with no observable Another squeeze option for the same scenario (fracture on
losses after reducing the mud weight at 11.6 lb/gal (12.1 lb/gal bottom, total loss of returns) is the “ready to bullhead”
ECD @ 700 gpm). The array propagation resistivity tool technique. This means placing the bit above the target zone,
indicated a flat profile at 20,635 ft after spotting the PCP pill circulating the spacers and PCP pill down at the bit and, if full
as an indication that the fracture was sealed and there is no returns are observed at the surface, closing the BOPs and
detectable invasion. bullheading the designed volume of PCP into the formation. If
no returns are recorded, the operation should be continued
Conclusions and Lessons Learned with the BOPs opened as a balance plug spotting procedure.
One potential situation is fracture on bottom and total loss of For the above-described procedure, LCM should be added in
returns (Fig 3). This is typical for sub-salt fractured both lead and tail spacers. This will help to prevent the PCP
formations, where the losses are less pump rate dependent and pill from moving once spotted.
ballooning is very seldom observed.
1. When having total loss of returns and before spotting Acknowledgments
the PCP pill, stabilize fluid movement in the We thank the management of both ConocoPhillips and M-I
wellbore by reducing the hydrostatic pressure on the L.L.C. for support and permission to publish this paper. A
backside with either lighter mud, synthetic base oil special thanks goes to Jim Redden from M-I L.L.C. for
(preferred) or water. This will prevent the pill from professionally revising this paper.
moving once spotted and will allow the development
of the crosslinked structure within the target fracture. References
2. When closure pressure is reached (no losses), record 1. Bugbee, J. M.: “Lost Circulation – A Major Problem in
the amount of base oil pumped and calculate the Exploration and Development”, paper presented at the spring
length in the annulus. At that point the annular meeting of the Southwestern District, Division of Production,
hydrostatic pressure should be equal with the Forth Worth, Texas (March 1953)
2. Ivan, C. D., et al: “Making a Case for Rethinking Lost
closure pressure. Circulation Treatments in Induced Fractures”, paper presented at
3. Pump the surfactant/solvent spacers (optional), lead SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in San
weighted high viscosity spacer, PCP pill and the tail Antonio, Texas (29 September–2 October 2002)
high viscosity spacer (formulated at the same density 3. Sweatman, R. Faul, R., Ballew, C., “New Solutions for Subsalt-
with the SBM). Well Lost Circulation and Optimized Primary Cementing”, SPE
4. Displace the lead high viscosity spacer to the bit (Fig. 56499, 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
3) with SBM, followed by base oil. Calculate the Houston, Texas (October 3-6, 1999)
volume of base oil in order to reach the same length 4. Ferras, M. et al, “Lost Circulation Solutions for Severe Sub-Salt
in the drillstring as in the annulus. This will create a Thief Zones”, AADE-02-DFWM-HO-30, AADE 2002
Technology Conference “Drilling & Completion Fluids and
drill string hydrostatic pressure equal with the Waste Management”, Houston, Texas (April 2 - 3, 2002)
annular hydrostatic pressure and equal with the 5. Quinn, D., Sunde, E., Baret, J.F., “Mechanism of a novel shear
closure pressure. sensitive plugging fluid to cure lost circulation”, SPE 50722,
5. Close the annular preventers at this stage (Fig. 4). SPE international symposium on oilfield chemistry, Houston,
The recommended pumping procedure for natural Texas, 16-19 February, 1999.
fractures on bottom is the “bullhead” technique. This 6. Caughron, D., Ivan, C., Bruton, J. R., Bratton, T., “Unique
means placing the bit above the target zone, Cross-linking Pill in Tandem with Fracture Prediction Model
circulating the spacers and the PCP pill down at the Cures Circulation Losses in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico”,
bit, closing the BOPs and bullheading the designed SPE/IADC 74518, 2002 SPE/IADC North America Conference,
Dallas, USA.
volume of PCP into the formation 7. Brady, S. et al, “Evolving Solutions for Improving the Drilling
6. Bullhead all the volume of lead hi-vis spacer, PCP Efficiency of Deepwater Extended Reach Wells: A Model for
and half of the tail hi-vis spacer into the thief zone. Implementation of New Technology”, AADE-02-DFWM-HO-
7. Leave half of the lead hi-vis spacer in the drillstring 30, AADE 2002 Technology Conference “Drilling &
in order to prevent any contamination between the Completion Fluids and Waste Management”, Houston, Texas
SBM and the PCP while bullheading into (April 2 - 3, 2002)
the fracture.
8. Even though SBM can be used for the bullheading
phase to displace the PCP from the drillstring and
squeeze it into the fracture, the preferred method is to
use base oil. This will create a positive pressure in
the drillstring as the PCP is squeezed into the fracture
and much better control of the squeeze rate.
9. After waiting on setting, open the BOPs and circulate
out the base oil from the annulus. Reversing
circulation in the attempt to recover the base oil from
SPE/IADC 79836 5
Table 1: Description of the thief zone specific polymer-based cross-linked pills (PCP)
Product Name Description
PCP for large natural PCP for large natural fractures or vugular zones is a one-sack blend of polymers, cross-linking agents, and
fractures and vugular medium-to-coarse fibrous lost circulation materials. When activated with time and temperature, PCP
lost circulation zones produces a soft-to-medium strength, rubbery, ductile, spongy, set gel that effectively prevents loss of fluid
to the formation. The lost circulation material in PCP package is a fibrous cellulose type containing a wide
variation of particle sizes.
PCP for induced For induced fractures or matrix losses (i.e., micro-fractures network or permeable formations) the PCP has
fractures and been reengineered for maximum penetration and higher strength. In this case the blend consists of medium
porous/permeable molecular weight cross-linking polymers and fine sized fibrous materials. When added with biopolymer
formations and activated with a combination of crosslinker, time and temperature, PCP produces a medium-to-hard
strength, rubbery, ductile plug. The lost circulation material in this variety of PCP comprises specially
sized and concentrated fibrous cellulose containing a mixture of fine particle sizes to plug deep fractures,
faults and matrix. The cross-linking agent is packaged separately. Thus, the plug can be mixed ahead of
time and will not cross-link. The cross-linker has to be added only prior to pumping.
6 SPE/IADC 79836
Losses on surface
Seepage losses < 10 bbl/hr Partial losses 10-100 bbl/hr Total loss of returns
No success No success
Fig. 3 – Spotting and squeezing procedures: PCP displacement to Fig. 4 – Spotting and squeezing procedures: PCP squeeze into the
bottom target formation