ECA Responsible Person GDP

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The Responsible Person for

Good Distribution Practices

Comply with the new
EU GDP Guidelines


Dr Martin Egger
Pharmaserv Logistics

Dr Afshin Hosseiny
Chair of the European GDP

3-4 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr Daniel Mller
GMP/GDP Inspector The EU GDP Guidelines
Roles and Responsibilities of the Responsible Person
What to learn from GMP/GDP Inspections and Audits
Storage and Transport:
- Warehouse Management
Dr Laura Ribeiro
- Controlled Temperature Distribution
ID Logistics
- Track & Trace
Working with 3PL Service Providers

GDP Compliance Toolkit:

All participants will receive a Roadmap to Good Distribution
Practice containing:
An Overview of the designated Responsibilities
A Checklist for the Implementation of GDP Principles

in cooperation with

This course is recognised for the ECA GMP Certification Programme Certified GDP Compliance Manager. Please find details at
The Responsible Person for Good Distribution Practices (GDP)
3-4 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

Objectives The EU GDP Guidelines require that wholesale distributors have to appoint a
Responsible Person (RP) for GDP. There has been a lot of discussion about the
duties of the RP. Therefore, the ECA Foundations GDP Working Group has
developed this training course. In this course, the role and responsibilities of
the Responsible Person for GDP will be highlighted and discussed.

Background In 2013, the revised Guidelines on Good Distribution Practice of Medicinal

Products for Human Use were published. The Guidelines were revised to take
into account advancements of practices for an appropriate storage and distribu-
tion of medicinal products in the European Union.

Moreover, it should take into account the amendments to the Community

Code which have been introduced with Directive 2011/62/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council. It is amending Directive 2001/83/EC on the
Community code relating to medicinal products for human use with regard to
preventing falsified medicinal products to enter the legal supply chain.

In Chapter 2 Personnel, tasks and responsibilities of the RP are defined.

RPs should fulfil their responsibilities personally and should be continuously
contactable. The RP may delegate duties but not responsibilities. General
requirements like organisational chart, job descriptions and training require-
ments are new or outlined in much more detail.

Target Audience The Training Course is of particular interest to Responsible Persons but also
management and quality personnel from pharmaceutical companies, wholesal-
ers, distributors and service providers involved in distribution of medicinal
products for human use.

Moderator Wolfgang Schmitt

GDP Compliance Toolkit All participants will receive a Roadmap to Good

Distribution Practice containing:
An Overview of the designated Responsibilities
A Checklist for the Implementation of GDP

The EU GDP Guidelines The counterfeit directive and the introduction of the EU GDP Guidelines
GDP requirements for the pharmaceutical supply chain
Regulatory expectations for implementation
Inspections of the competent authorities

Roles and Responsibilities of Qualifications requirements for RPs

the Responsible Person Duties and delegation
How to discharge your duties

The Role of the RP in Approval What does batch release mean?

Deliveries/Products for Responsible Person (RP) vs. Qualified Person (QP)
Distribution What the Responsible Person (RP) needs to know about batch release

The Roles and Responsibilities Services offered

of Wholesalers and 3PL How to manage different clients and their requirements
Service Providers Pick and pack best practices
How to stay in compliance

Experiences from GMDP Frequent Findings

Inspections Expectations with regard to the Responsible Person
Controlled Temperature How to manage cold chain products
Distribution How to manage 15 25C requirements
Air freight, sea freight, road transport and the last mile

GDP Audits How to plan the audit

Approach to GDP audits
Reporting deficiencies
Examples of recent audit findings

What you need to know about Co-operation

3PL Service Providers How 3PL service providers are organised
Contracts and qualification

Case Study: Management of a Outsourcing in Pharma Logistics current trends & benefits
GMP warehouse and distribu- Determining the scope of Outsourcing
tion of medicinal products Processes, roles & responsibilities
with a 3PL-Approach Monitoring of critical data
Reporting of the performance & controlling of the 3PL

Roles and Responsibilities of Responsible Person vs. Qualified Person

an RP and a QP (Interactive GDP vs. GMP
Session) Product finishing activities
Product diversions
Handling of returned and damaged goods
Complaint Handling

Security in the Supply Chain Track and Trace

what is expected and how Recent developments
Industry is approaching it How can track and trace support anti-counterfeiting requirements
Current technologies



Martin Egger joined Pharmaserv in 2002 as the Head of Quality Management. Since 2015, he is Vice
President of Pharmaserv Logistics. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the European GDP


Afshin Hosseiny is Chair of European GDP Association. He is also Member of the Executive Board
of the ECA Foundation and Managing Director of Tabriz Consulting Ltd. Before working as a consultant,
he was Director of Quality Assurance for the Global Supply Network of GlaxoSmithKline.


Currently Daniel Mller is head of the GMP Inspectorate at the local competent authority in Tuebingen,
Germany. Since 2001 he has been working as GMDP inspector, conducting national inspections as well
as EMA and overseas inspections. He is member of German expert groups biotechnology & tissue and
quality assurance. Before joining the authority he was working in pharmaceutical industry, last serving as
qualified person for sterile drug products.


Laura Ribeiro is Responsible Person at ID Logistics (formerly Logiters). Before that she was R&D and regula-
tory affaires manager in the pharmaceutical industry, invited Professor at Escola Superior de Tecnologias da
Sade de Coimbra and later deputy Technical Director at Logiters, being responsible for quality and GDP
related activities. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the European GDP Association.

The European GDP Association

A GDP Working Group was founded in March 2013 by the ECA Foundation Board. The objective of the group is
to support all stakeholders involved in Good Distribution Practice (GDP) by providing them information about the
implementation of GDP. In August 2016, the European GDP Group was reorganised to become the European GDP
Association. More information can be found here:
Easy Registration
Reservation Form:
+ 49 6221 84 44 34 @ e-mail:
[email protected]

P.O. Box 10 17 64
69007 Heidelberg

Date The conference fee is payable in advance For questions regarding content:
Thursday, 03 May 2018, 09:00 h 17:45h after receipt of invoice and includes con- Mr Wolfgang Schmitt
(Registration and coffee 08:30 h 09:00 h) ference documentation, dinner on the first (Operations Director) at
Friday, 04 May 2018, 08:30 h 15:30 h day, lunch on both days and all refresh- +49-62 21/84 44 39, or per e-mail at
ments. VAT is reclaimable. [email protected].
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel Registration For questions regarding reservation,
Hammerichsgade 1 Via attached reservation form, by e-mail or hotel, organisation etc.:
1611 Copenhagen V, Denmark by fax message. Or you register online at Ms Nicole Bach
Phone +45 33 42 60 00 (Organisation Manager) at
Fax +45 33 42 61 00 +49-62 21/84 44 22, or per e-mail at
[email protected] Conference language [email protected].
The official conference language will be
Accommodation English. Social Event
CONCEPT HEIDELBERG has reserved a lim- On the evening of the first conference
ited number of rooms in the conference Organisation and Contact
day of the training course you are cor-
hotel. You will receive a room reservation ECA has entrusted Concept Heidelberg
with the organisation of this event. dially invited to a social event. This is
form/POG when you have registered for
the course. Reservation should be made an excellent opportunity to share your
directly with the hotel. Early reservation is CONCEPT HEIDELBERG experiences with colleagues from oth-
recommended. P.O. Box 10 17 64 er companies in a relaxed atmosphere.
69007 Heidelberg, Germany
Conference fees (per delegate plus VAT) Phone +49 (0) 62 21/84 44-0
ECA Members 1,590 Fax +49 (0) 62 21/84 44 34
European GDP Association [email protected]
Members 1,590
QP Association Members 1,590
APIC Members 1,690
Non-Members 1,790
EU GMP Inspectorates 895

+49 6221 84 44 34
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The Responsible Person for Good Distribution Practices (GDP)
3-4 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

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