The Message Is Only Sent After Encoding So The Sender Is Also Called Encoder and The Encoded Message Is Decoded Under Receipt by The Receiver
The Message Is Only Sent After Encoding So The Sender Is Also Called Encoder and The Encoded Message Is Decoded Under Receipt by The Receiver
The Message Is Only Sent After Encoding So The Sender Is Also Called Encoder and The Encoded Message Is Decoded Under Receipt by The Receiver
sender is also called Encoder and the encoded message to be sent into codes.
message is decoded under receipt by the
Decoder is the person who gets the encoded
receiver, making him the Decoder.
message which has been sent by the encoder
and converts it into the language
understandable by the person.
This model was adapted from the theories of
another theorist Osgood, so is also known as Interpreter is the person who tries to
Osgood and Schramm Model of Communication understand and analyze the message. Message
or Encode-Decode Model of Communication. is received after interpretation. Interpreter and
receiver is the same person.
Different Components of Schramm's Model Medium or media is the channel used to send
the message.
Diagram showing Schramm's Model of
communication Noise is the interference and interruptions
caused during the process. It is also created
when the intended meaning of the message
sent by the sender and the meaning interpreted
by the receiver is different which is known as
Semantic Noise.