The Message Is Only Sent After Encoding So The Sender Is Also Called Encoder and The Encoded Message Is Decoded Under Receipt by The Receiver

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The message is only sent after encoding so the Encoder is the person who converts the

sender is also called Encoder and the encoded message to be sent into codes.
message is decoded under receipt by the
Decoder is the person who gets the encoded
receiver, making him the Decoder.
message which has been sent by the encoder
and converts it into the language
understandable by the person.
This model was adapted from the theories of
another theorist Osgood, so is also known as Interpreter is the person who tries to
Osgood and Schramm Model of Communication understand and analyze the message. Message
or Encode-Decode Model of Communication. is received after interpretation. Interpreter and
receiver is the same person.

Receiver is the person who gets the message.

Osgood replaced the linear model of
He/she decodes and interprets the actual
communication with the circular process of
communication and Schramm added the
concept of field of experience to it. This model Message is the data sent by the sender and
is described in Schramm's book "The Process information that the receiver gets.
and Effects of Communication".
Feedback is the process of responding to the
received message by the receiver.

Different Components of Schramm's Model Medium or media is the channel used to send
the message.
Diagram showing Schramm's Model of
communication Noise is the interference and interruptions
caused during the process. It is also created
when the intended meaning of the message
sent by the sender and the meaning interpreted
by the receiver is different which is known as
Semantic Noise.

How Schramm's Model Works?

This model shows how meaning is transferred

from one person or group to another.
Schramm's model of communication is used in
both Intrapersonal and Interpersonal

Feedback is also a very important component as

components for communications where
it lets the sender know if the receiver has
interpreted the message as required or not. The
message becomes useless if the receiver does
Sender (transmitter) is the person who sends
not understand it making feedback different
the message.
than the expected outcome.
Concepts of Schramm's Communication Model act differently when they meet casually or for
official purposes.
Schramm believed that the background of the
individual who is involved plays an important Use of Metaphors
role in communication. People with various
Metaphors are used from experiences and it
knowledge, experience and cultural practices
makes communication easier. When a person
interpret message in a different way than other.
relates one thing to another, explaining and
interpreting it becomes easier.

A sender passes on the information to the Mental Models

receiver. The receiver interprets it according to
Field of experience overlap due to mental
his/her knowledge, experiences and gives
conditioning and social conditioning of a
feedback to the sender. The main concepts
behind his model were
Advantages of Schramm's Model of

Circular communication gives opportunity to

both parties to give their opinion.

As it is dynamic and ever changing model, it is

helpful in general practice.
Field of experience
Sender and receiver interchanges and both are
Field of Experience are the things that
equally active.
influences the understanding and interpretation
of message like culture, social background, Semantic noise included as a concept helps in
beliefs, experiences, values and rules. understanding problems that can occur during
interpretation of message.
Same message can be interpreted differently by
different people. If the words and signs they Feedback makes it easier to know if the
both (sender and receiver) use are common message is interpreted by the receiver as
they communicate more efficiently. intended or not.

Context of the relationship Concept of interpretation makes the

communication effective.
The people involved must have things in
common to talk about. The message must be Field of experience (psychological effect) helps
something important to both. Communication to understand the communication process in
will be easier if the relationship between the many other ways than the traditional ones..
sender and receiver is close.
Concept of context makes the environmental
Context of social environment influencing the factor be included in interpretation of message
field of reference and brings change in the message value.

People communicate according to the situation Disadvantages of Schramm's Model of

they are in. People act and communicate Communication
according to the place, time, reason and
settings they are facing. The same people will
This model can not deal with multiple levels of
communication and complex communication

There can only be two sources communicating,

many sources complicates the process and the
model can not be implemented.

Message sent and received might be

interpreted differently than intended.

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