REF2 - Character Record Sheets PDF

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The document outlines a 10 step process for generating player characters in a roleplaying game.

The 10 steps involve rolling ability scores, choosing a race and adjusting abilities, selecting a class, choosing an alignment, recording saving throws, determining attack bonuses, rolling hit points, recording movement, selecting proficiencies, and equipping the character.

Races determine ability score adjustments and provide special abilities. Dwarves gain Constitution and lose Charisma. Elves gain Dexterity and lose Constitution.

Player Character Generation Worksheet & Flowchart

i. Record special racial abilities:

Step 1: Roll Ability Scores Dwarf p. 20
a. Indicate dice-rolling method (p. 13): Elf p. 21
I. Roll 3d6 six times, in order. Gnome p. 22
11. Roll 3d6 twice per ability, select either. Half-elf p. 22
111. Roll 3d6 six times and assign to abilities Halfling p. 23
as desired. Human none
IV. Roll 3d6 twelve times and assign any six
as desired. j. Consult Table 10 (p. 24) for height and weight,
V. Roll 4d6 (ignore lowest die) six times, consult Table 11(p. 24) to determine starting age, and
assign as desired. consult Table 12 (p. 24) to determine effects of aging.
VI. Roll 7d6, assign dice to base scores of 8 in
each ability.
VII. Other. Step 3: Select a Class
b. Generate and record scores for: a. Check racial restrictions:
Strength Intelligence Dwarf F, C, T, F/T, F/C
Dexterity Wisdom Elf F, R, M, C, T, F/M, F/T, M/T, F/M/T
Constitution Charisma Gnome F, I, C, T, F/C, F/I, F/T, C/I, C/T, I/T
Half-elf F, R, M, C, D, T, B, F/C, F/T, F/D,
F/M, C/R, C/M, T/M, F/M/C, F/M/T
Halfling F, C, T, F/T
Step 2: Choose a Race Human F, P, R, M, I, C, D, T, B
a. Before selection, consult Table 7 (p. 20) for
requirements. b. Consult Table 13 (p. 25) for ability score restrictions.

b. Adjust ability scores: c. Record class special abilities and restrictions:

Dwarf Con +1, Cha -1 Fighter p. 26
Elf Dex +1, Con -1 Paladin p. 27
Gnome Int +1, Wis -1 Ranger p. 28
Half-elf no adjustments Mage p. 31
Halfling Dex +1, Str -1 Specialist Wizard p. 31
Human no adjustments Cleric p. 33
Mythos Priest p. 34
c. Consult Table 1(p. 14) and record hit probability, dam- Thief p. 38
age adjustment, weight allowance, maximum press, Bard p. 41
open doors chance, and bend bardlift weights chance.
d. Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: If your characters Strength is
d. Consult Table 2 (p. 14) and record reaction adjustment, 18 and the character is not a halfling, roll dIOO to deter-
missile attack adjustment, and defensive adjustment. mine exceptional Strength. Consult Table 1(p. 14) and
readjust hit probability, damage adjustment, weight al-
e. Consult Table 3 (p. 15)and record hit point adjustment, lowance, maximum press, open doors, and bend bars/
system shock, resurrection survival, poison save, and lift gates.
e. Mage: If your character is a mage, consult Table 4 (p.
f. Consult Table 4 (p. 16)and record number of languages 16) and record spell level, chance to learn spell, and
and spell immunity. maximum number of spells per level (optional). Then
ask your DM what your first spells are and record them
g. Consult Table 5 (p. 17) and record magical defense ad- in your spell book.
justment, spell immunity.
f . Specialist Wizard: If your character is a specialist wiz-
h. Consult Table 6 (p. 18)and record maximum number of ard, choose a school of magic by consulting Table 22
henchmen, loyalty base, and reaction adjustment.

1989 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

(p. 31). Then consult Table 4 (p. 16) and record spell Step 7: Roll Hit Points
level, chance to learn spell, and maximum number of
spells per level (optional). Then ask your DM what a. Roll the appropriate hit dice.
your first spells are and record them in your spell book. Warriors: ld10
Priests: ld8
g. Cleric: If your character is a cleric, consult Table 5 (p. Rogues: ld6
17) and record bonus spells and chance of spell failure. Mages: ld4
Note the spheres to which the character has major ac-
cess (all, astral, charm, combat, creation, divination, b. If multi-classed, roll hit dice and average the results
guardian, healing, necromantic, protection, summon- (p. 44).
ing, sun) and minor access (elemental).

h. Mythos Priest: If your character is a mythos priest, con- Step 8: Record Base Movement
sult Table 5 (p. 17) and record bonus spells and chance of
spell failure. Note the weapons and armor allowed. Note a. Find the characters base movement rate on Table 64 (p.
the spheres to which he has major and minor access. 119) and record it. If the optional encumbrance rules
Note his granted powers and mythos-related special are in effect, also record the encumbrance categories
abilities. Note his religious tenets. from Table 47 (p. 76) and modified movement rates and
combat abilities (p. 79).
i. Thief: If your character is a thief, record his basic thiev-
ing skill scores from Table 26 (p. 39). Modify these
scores according to Tables 27 and 28 (p. 39). Then ap- Step 9: Select Proficiencies (optional)
portion 60 points between those abilities (no more than
30 points to any one score). a. Consult Table 34 (p. 51) to determine the characters
weapon and nonweapon proficiency slots. Add the
j. Bard: If your character is a bard, note his thief abilities characters number of languages known (from Table 4)
from Table 33 (p. 42). Modify these percentages accord- to his initial number of nonweapon proficiencies.
ing to Tables 27 and 28 (p. 39). Then apportion 20
points between these abilities. b. Select weapon proficiencies. If the character is a fighter,
you may select a weapon specialization.

Step 4: Choose Your Alignment c. Select nonweapon proficiencies. Record their relevant
abilities and check modifiers.
a. In selecting your alignment, abide by class restrictions:
Fighter any
Paladin LG Step 10: Equip Your Character
Ranger LG, NG, CG
Mage any a. Consult Table 43 (p. 66) to determine your characters
Specialist any starting funds.
Cleric any
Mythos Priest any acceptable b. Using Table 44 (p. 66), select and pay for your charac-
Thief any ters starting equipment.
Bard any N combination
c. Consult Table 46 (p. 75) to determine your characters
armor class rating. Modify this base AC by your defen-
Step 5: Record Saving Throws sive adjustment.

a. Consult Table 60 (p. 101) to determine the base saving d. Record the weight, size, and damage information for
throws for your character. each melee weapon carried. Include type and speed fac-
tors if those optional rules are in play.

Step 6: Record THACO e. Record the weight, size, damage, rate of fire, and range
information for each missile weapon carried. Include
a. Consult Table 53 (p. 91) to determine your characters type and speed factors if those optional rules are in
THACO. Play.

1989 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Level: Range: Components: Duration:
Casting Time: Area of Effect: - Throw:
Saving Reversible?:

I,- Level:
Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw:
Components: Duration:
Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving Throw: Reversible?:

- I
1 SchooYSphere:
Components: Duration:
Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving Throw: Reversible?:
- Pages:
cP-- Components: Duration:
Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving
- Throw: Reversible?:

I SchooYSphere:
0-- Components: Duration:
Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving Throw: Reversible?:

Levt-. Components: Duration:
Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving Throw: Reversible?:

... Components: Duration:
Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving Throw: Reversible?:
Components: Duration:
I _.a...

Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving Throw: Reversible?:

Components: Duration:
Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving Throw: Reversible?:

II LC v C1.

Casting Time:
Area of Effect:
Saving Throw:


1989 TSR, Inc All Rights Reserved

Player Character Generation Worksheet & Flowchart
Step I: Roll Ability Scores i. Record special racial abilities:
Dwarf p. 20
a. Indicate dice-rolling method (p. 13): Elf p. 21
I. Roll 3d6 six times, in order. Gnome p. 22
11. Roll 3d6 twice per ability, select either. Half-elf p. 22
111. Roll 3d6 six times and assign to abilities Halfling p. 23
as desired. Human none
IV. Roll 3d6 twelve times and assign any six
as desired. j. Consult Table 10 (p. 24) for height and weight,
V. Roll 4d6 (ignore lowest die) six times, consult Table 11(p. 24) to determine starting age, and
assign as desired. consult Table 12 (p. 24) to determine effects of aging.
VI. Roll 7d6, assign dice to base scores of 8 in
each ability.
VII. Other. Step 3: Select a Class
b. Generate and record scores for: a. Check racial restrictions:
Strength Intelligence Dwarf F, C, T, F/T, F/C
Dexterity Wisdom Elf F, R, M, C, T, F/M, F/T, M/T, F/M/T
Constitution Charisma Gnome F, I, C, T, F/C, F/I, F/T, C/I, C/T, I/T
Half -elf F, R, M, C, D, T, B, F/C, FIT, F/D,
F/M, C/R, C/M, T/M, F/M/C, F/M/T
Step 2: Choose a Race Halfling F, C, T, F/T
Human F, P, R, M, 1, C, D, T, B
a. Before selection, consult Table 7 (p. 20) for
requirements. b. Consult Table 13 (p. 25) for ability score restrictions.

b. Adjust ability scores: c. Record class special abilities and restrictions:

Dwarf Con +1, Cha -1 Fighter p. 26
Elf Dex +1, Con -1 Paladin p. 27
Gnome Int +1, Wis -1 Ranger p. 28
Half-elf no adjustments Mage p. 31
Halfling Dex +1, Str -1 Specialist Wizard p. 31
Human no adjustments Cleric p. 33
Mythos Priest p. 34
c. Consult Table 1(p. 14) and record hit probability, dam- Thief p. 38
age adjustment, weight allowance, maximum press, Bard p. 41
open doors chance, and bend bardlift weights chance.
d. Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: If your character's Strength is
d. Consult Table 2 (p. 14) and record reaction adjustment, 18 and the character is not a halfling, roll dl00 to deter-
missile attack adjustment, and defensive adjustment. mine exceptional Strength. Consult Table 1 (p. 14) and
readjust hit probability, damage adjustment, weight al-
e. Consult Table 3 (p. 15)and record hit point adjustment, lowance, maximum press, open doors, and bend bars/
system shock, resurrection survival, poison save, and lift gates.
e. Mage: If your character is a mage, consult Table 4 (p.
f. Consult Table 4 (p. 16) and record number of languages 16) and record spell level, chance to learn spell, and
and spell immunity. maximum number of spells per level (optional). Then
ask your DM what your first spells are and record them
g. Consult Table 5 (p. 17) and record magical defense ad- in your spell book.
justment, spell immunity.
f. Specialist Wizard: If your character is a specialist wiz-
h. Consult Table 6 (p. 18)and record maximum number of ard, choose a school of magic by consulting Table 22
henchmen, loyalty base, and reaction adjustment.

1989 TSR, Inc. All Rights Resewed.

(p. 31). Then consult Table 4 (p. 16) and record spell Step 7: Roll Hit Points
level, chance to learn spell, and maximum number of
spells per level (optional). Then ask your DM what a. Roll the appropriate hit dice.
your first spells are and record them in your spell book. Warriors: Id10
Priests: ld8
g. Cleric: If your character is a cleric, consult Table 5 (p. Rogues: ld6
17) and record bonus spells and chance of spell failure. Mages: ld4
Note the spheres to which the character has major ac-
cess (all, astral, charm, combat, creation, divination, b. If multi-classed, roll hit dice and average the results
guardian, healing, necromantic, protection, summon- (p. 44).
ing, sun) and minor access (elemental).

h. Mythos Priest: If your character is a mythos priest, con- Step 8: Record Base Movement
sult Table 5 (p. 17) and record bonus spells and chance of
spell failure. Note the weapons and armor allowed. Note a. Find the characters base movement rate on Table 64 (p.
the spheres to which he has major and minor access. 119) and record it. If the optional encumbrance rules
Note his granted powers and mythos-related special are in effect, also record the encumbrance categories
abilities. Note his religious tenets. from Table 47 (p. 76) and modified movement rates and
combat abilities (p. 79).
i. Thief: If your character is a thief, record his basic thiev-
ing skill scores from Table 26 (p. 39). Modify these
scores according to Tables 27 and 28 (p. 39). Then ap- Step 9:Select Proficiencies (optional)
portion 60 points between those abilities (no more than
30 points to any one score). a. Consult Table 34 (p. 51) to determine the characters
weapon and nonweapon proficiency slots. Add the
j. Bard: If your character is a bard, note his thief abilities characters number of languages known (from Table 4)
from Table 33 (p. 42). Modify these percentages accord- to his initial number of nonweapon proficiencies.
ing to Tables 27 and 28 (p. 39). Then apportion 20
points between these abilities. b. Select weapon proficiencies. If the character is a fighter,
you may select a weapon specialization.
Step 4: Choose Your Alignment c. Select nonweapon proficiencies. Record their relevant
abilities and check modifiers.
a. In selecting your alignment, abide by class restrictions:
Fighter any
Pa1adin LG Step 10: Equip Your Character
Ranger LG, NG, CG
Mage any a. Consult Table 43 (p. 66) to determine your characters
Specialist any starting funds.
Cleric any
Mythos Priest any acceptable b. Using Table 44 (p. 66), select and pay for your charac-
Thief any ters starting equipment.
Bard any N combination
c. Consult Table 46 (p. 75) to determine your characters
armor class rating. Modify this base AC by your defen-
Step 5: Record Saving Throws sive adjustment.

a. Consult Table 60 (p. 101) to determine the base saving d. Record the weight, size, and damage information for
throws for your character. each melee weapon carried. Include type and speed fac-
tors if those optional rules are in play.
Step 6: Record THACO e. Record the weight, size, damage, rate of fire, and range
information for each missile weapon carried. Include
a. Consult Table 53 (p. 91) to determine your characters type and speed factors if those optional rules are in
THACO. Play*

1969 TSR. Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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