SKT - DM Quests v2.0
SKT - DM Quests v2.0
SKT - DM Quests v2.0
Dungeon Master Quests are a series of out-of-game quests that DMs can undertake during the
course of a specific season's adventures. These quests provide rewards for not only their
characters, but characters belonging to other players as well!
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Dungeon Master Quests are a series of out-of-game
quests that DMs can undertake during the course of a
specific season's adventures. These quests provide
rewards for not only their characters, but characters
belonging to other players as well!
Some quests are season specific and others will
carry on and renew each season (League Quests vs
Storyline). When a DM runs their first adventure for
the current season, they should download the DM
Quests packet from the DMsGuild, which consists of a
DM Quests card, DM Details and Rewards and other
special rewards for the season. The DM Quests card is
a fun checklist that DMs can use to track their ongoing
quest progress or record those they may have already
completed. The DM Quests Details and Rewards is a
detailed document of all the quest and includes quest
name, quest activity, frequency, the DM and player
rewards associated, and other details of the DM Quest
rewards program.
To join the DM Quests program a DM need simply
download the DM Quests packet from the DMsGuild
and print out the card (preferably in color and on
Whenever a DM finishes a quest they check it off on
their DM Quest card and apply the rewards as a
separate entry on their logsheet as detailed in the DM
Quest Details and Rewards. Some rewards include
special player rewards for games that the DM hosts.
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Dungeon Master Quests: Season 5 – Storm King’s Thunder 2
Frequently Asked Questions Do Rewards Stack?
Yes, if you participate in an event that could start,
continue, or complete more than one quest, they all
Where Do I Join the Dungeon
Master’s League? Multipliers. If multiple quests are completed with
DM Reward multipliers, add them together. So two
You can join the DMs League on Facebook or Google+:
doubles equals a triple and a triple and double equals
times four.
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Dungeon Master Quests: Season 5 – Storm King’s Thunder 3
What is the Quest of the Week?
Each week the D&D Adventurers League announces
one D&D module to be the Quest of the Week. The
week of and week before the quest, in the DMs
League groups, we’ll talk about the adventures with
each other, comment and give advice about running
the adventure. Similarly those who’ve played
Quests of the Week can talk about their adventures
on any of our social media pages, sharing the
triumphs and tribulations of their heroes.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Dungeon Master Quests: Season 5 – Storm King’s Thunder 4