Seismic Analysis of Gravity Dams: A Comparative Study Using A Progressive Methodology

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Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014

Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014

A. Cunha, E. Caetano, P. Ribeiro, G. Mller (eds.)
ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4

Seismic analysis of gravity dams: a comparative study using

a progressive methodology
Bretas, E.M.1, Batista, A.L.1, Lemos, J.V.1, Lger, P.2
Concrete Dams Department, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Av. do Brasil, 101, 1700-066 Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Civil, Geol and Min Eng, cole Polytechnique de Montral, 2900, boul. douard-Montpetit, Canada H3T 1J4
email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACT: In structural analysis, it is widely accepted that simplified methods, that require fewer resources, should produce
more conservative results, while more sophisticated methods, which require greater resources, allow the calculation of more
realistic results. For gravity dams, (i) pseudo-static methods, (ii) pseudo-dynamic methods, (iii) linear time history analysis, and
(iv) non-linear time history analysis are common techniques. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of a
progressive analysis methodology, using the four mentioned methods (i-iv) for seismic analysis, and define the scope of its
applicability. The study of 52 gravity dam models, representing dams with different heights and properties, was performed by
this progressive methodology, regarding the stress distribution along the base of the dam, the sliding safety factor (SSF) and the
permanent sliding of the dam. The results show that the pseudo-static method gives a good approximation of the SSF, but the
stresses are generally lower, when compared with the values obtained by more sophisticated methods. The pseudo-dynamic
method gives a good approximation of the SSF and the stresses on the base of the dam, while the linear time history analysis did
not give additional information for the dams analysed with SSF > 1when compared with the pseudo-dynamic method. The non-
linear time history analysis confirms the dam behavior against a sliding failure scenario, even after the stress redistribution,
giving an actual time-history of the SSF and stress during an earthquake. The results show that the proposed progressive
methodology, is a beneficial procedure to conduct gravity dam safety assessment.

KEY WORDS: Gravity dams; seismic analysis, progressive methodology.

1 INTRODUCTION progressive analysis methodology and define the scope of its

Generally the seismic analysis of dams begins with simplified applicability. The study of 52 gravity dam models,
methods and, if necessary, progresses through more representing dams with different heights and properties, was
sophisticated methods. For gravity dams, (i) pseudo-static performed, using the four mentioned methods (i-iv) for
methods, (ii) pseudo-dynamic methods, (iii) linear time seismic analysis, regarding the stress distribution along the
history analysis, and (iv) non-linear time history analysis are base of the dam, sliding safety factor and the permanent
common techniques [1]. Numerous aspects influence the sliding of the dam. In terms of geometry, the considered
selection and application of the analysis method, most of them gravity profiles ranged between small dams (15 m high) and
related to the dam-reservoir-sediment-foundation interactions. very large dams (100 m high). The properties of the materials
For example, the representation of the hydrodynamic effect of were adopted considering the case of aged or damaged dams,
the reservoir, the application methodologies of the seismic dams in good condition, good quality rock mass foundations
input ground motions, the type and amount of equivalent and weak rock mass foundations.
viscous and radiation damping, the consideration of internal
uplift pressures, and the possibility of cracking. Many
regulations suggest the assessment of the dam against an 2.1 Dams geometry and materials properties
earthquake with moderate intensity, for which the dam must Four different dams size were considered (Figure 1),
present an elastic behavior, and also an earthquake with high representing a small dam, 15 m high, a medium dam, 30 m
intensity for which the dam can suffer some damage, but high, a large dam, 50 m high, and a very large dam, 100 m
keeping the ability to retain the reservoir. The criteria for high. The base of the dams was defined from a downstream
assessing the behavior of the dam are both local, such as the slope of 0.8:1 (H:V), and the upstream face is assumed
stress response of the structure in relation to the strength of vertical for simplicity. The crest width is adjusted according
the material, and also global, such as the possibility of to the dam height. The main dimensions are presented in
permanent sliding of the dam or through sections of the dam. Table 1. The material properties of the dams were selected to
It is widely accepted that simplified methods, that require represent two scenarios. The first scenario represents the case
fewer resources, should produce more conservative results, of a dam in a good condition, characterized by a Youngs
while more sophisticated methods, which require greater modulus of 30 GPa. The second case is intended to represent
resources, allow the calculation of more realistic results. The an aged dam or a damaged dam, characterized by a Youngs
aim of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of this modulus of 15 GPa.

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014

For the material properties of the rock mass, a similar is assumed that the uplift load keeps unchanged during the
approach was adopted, considering the case of a rock mass earthquake. Table 3 summarized the total hydrostatic pressure
with good quality, moderately fractured, characterized by a and uplift loads, dead weight and the ratio between uplift and
Youngs modulus of 20 GPa and a rock mass highly fractured, self-height. For all cases, the uplift is about 12.5% of the dead
characterized by a Youngs modulus of 10 GPa. For all weight.
scenarios, the material density is 2400 kg/m3 for the concrete
and 2500 kg/m3 for the rock mass. All properties are listed in Table 3. Hydrostatic pressure ( ), uplift ( ), dead weight
Table 2. ( ) and the ratio between uplift and self-height ( ).

H=100m Height [kN] [kN] [kN]

15 m 1125 270 2160 0.125
30 m 4500 1080 8640 0.125
50 m 12500 3000 24000 0.125
100 m 50000 12000 96000 0.125
H=50m 1 For the hydrodynamic effect of the reservoir, the
Westergaards solution [1] was adopted (Figure 2), using the
following equation:
H=30m (1)

where is the added mass in the horizontal direction for

point ; is the water density; is the reservoir elevation;
is the vertical height measured from the reservoir elevation
at point ; and is the influence area of point .
Figure 1. Geometry of the dams.
Table 1. Main dimensions of the models. - Dead weight
- Uplift
Base Crest , - Hydrostatic pressure
Description Height
width width , - Hydrodynamic pressure

Small dam 15 m 12 m 3m
, ,
Medium dam 30 m 24 m 5m
Large dam 50 m 40 m 7m
Very large dam 100 m 80 m 10 m

Table 2. Materials properties. 0.30

Density Poissons
Description modulus
[kg/m3 ] ratio Figure 2. Static and dynamic loads.
Dam Good The mass of the dam and the added mass for each case are
30 2400 0.2 listed in Table 4 that also shows the ratio between the added
Dam Old or mass and the mass of the dam. For all cases, the added mass
15 2400 0.2
damaged represents approximately 61% of the dam mass.
Rock mass
20 2500 0.2 Table 4. Dam mass ( ), added mass ( ), and the ratio
Moderately fractured
between the added mass and the dam mass ( ).
Rock mass Highly
10 2500 0.2
fractured Dam mass Added mass
( ) [103 kg] ( ) [103 kg]
2.2 Static and dynamic loads
15 m 216 132 0.61
In addition to the dead weight, the hydrostatic pressure was
applied using the elevation of the crest, in each case, as the 30 m 864 562 0.61
reservoir level (Figure 2). For the uplift, a triangular diagram 50 m 2400 1462 0.61
was adopted, with null pressure at the downstream toe and
30% of the hydrostatic pressure at the upstream heel (Figure 100 m 9600 5848 0.61
2). This reduction of 70% was assumed to take in account the
effect of the grout curtain and the drainage system, reducing From the geometry of the model, the material properties,
the flow rate and the uplift on the dam-foundation interface. It and the added mass, the fundamental period of vibration was

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014

calculated, using a simplified method described in reference stiffness of 7 GPa/m. The NL models are similar to the L
[1]. Figure 3, representing a dam 100 m high, with a models, except the constitutive model of the joint on the
foundation 280 m wide and 150 m high, shows the foundation plane, between the dam and the rock mass,
fundamental mode of vibration. Four models for each dam assuming a non-linear behavior, with a friction angle of 45,
height were considered: model 15/10, Ec=15 GPa and Er=10 null cohesion and no tensile strength.
GPa, model 15/20, Ec=15 GPa and Er=20 GPa, model 30/10,
Ec=30 GPa and Er=10 GPa, and model 30/20, Ec=30 GPa and 1.6 m/s2 Accelerogram n. 1
Er=20 GPa, where Ec is the Youngs modulus of the concrete

and Er is the Youngs modulus of the rock mass. The results

t=42.0 s
are summarized in Table 5.

-1.6 m/s2
1.6 m/s2 Accelerogram n. 2


t=42.0 s
-1.6 m/s2

Figure 4. Accelerograms with a PGA of 1.6 m/s2.

Figure 3. Fundamental mode of vibration, representing a dam 5.0
100 m high.
Long distance earthquake
4.0 scenario
Table 5. Fundamental period of vibration.
Acceleration [m/s2]

1000 yars return period

3.0 PGA: 1.6 m/s
15/10 15/20 30/10 30/20 2.0
15 m 0.075 s 0.068 s 0.064 s 0.056 s
30 m 0.150 s 0.136 s 0.129 s 0.112 s 1.0

50 m 0.410 s 0.227 s 0.214 s 0.186 s

100 m 0.500 s 0.454 s 0.429 s 0.372 s 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Period [s]

The seismic load was defined considering the case of a dam Figure 5. Shape of the elastic response spectrum.
located in vora, Portugal, and laid out on a rock mass
foundation. For a long distance earthquake scenario and for a 2.3 Static loading
1000 years return period, according to the Portuguese In the first stage only the static loads, dead weight, hydrostatic
National Annex of Eurocode 8 (EC8) [2], the peak ground pressure and uplift, were considered. For all model cases, the
acceleration (PGA) is approximately 1.6 m/s2. Two artificial sliding safety factors (SSF) are 1.80 for the dam 15 m high,
accelerograms were generated (Figure 4), 42 seconds long, to 1.76 for the dam 30 m high, 1.74 for the dam 50 m high and
match the elastic response spectrum proposed in EC8 (Figure 1.71 for the dam 100 m high. The stresses are plotted in
5). A 5% viscous damping ratio, proportional to the mass and Figure 6.
centered on the fundamental frequency of vibration, was a b c d e f gh
As mentioned before, the seismic analysis was carried out
Only static
using four different methods: a pseudo-static method (PS), a loads
pseudo-dynamic method (PD), a linear time history analysis
a: L-, NL-30/10-d
Dam height [m]

(L) and a non-linear time history analysis (NL). The first two b: L-, NL-15/10-d
methods, pseudo-static and pseudo-dynamic, were solved L-, NL-30/20-d
using the numerical tool CADAM [3]. For the last two c: PS-d, PD-d
50 L-, NL-15/20-d
methods, linear time history analysis and the non-linear time d: L-, NL-30/10-u
history analysis, the studies were developed using a numerical e: L-, NL-15/10-u
L-, NL-30/20-u
application developed by means of the discrete element 30 f: PS-u, PD-u
method (DEM), to carry out structural and hydraulic analysis g: L-, NL-15/20-u
of gravity dams [4]. CADAM uses the gravity method and the h: L-15/20-u
stresses are calculated using the beam theory. The L analysis -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0
Vertical stress [MPa]
is a finite element analysis, whose model is composed by two
continuous meshes representing the dam and the foundation. Figure 6. Vertical stress considering only the static loads (u -
Between the dam and the foundation, an elastic interface was upstream; d downstream).
assumed, with a normal stiffness of 20 GPa/m and a shear

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014

3 EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS ACCORDING TO by the simplified response spectra method as described by
THE SEISMIC ANALYSIS METHODS Chopra [5]. The dynamic amplification is considered only in
the horizontal direction. The dynamic flexibility of the dam-
3.1 General considerations
foundation is modeled with the Youngs modulus of the
For the seismic analysis, the main results include the vertical concrete and the rock mass. The oscillatory nature of the
stresses and the safety factor as described for the static inertia forces is not considered, the horizontal and vertical
loading. For the linear time history analysis and the non-linear loads are continuously applied. For this reason, the stress
time history analysis, the stresses and the sliding safety factor analysis is performed using the peak spectral acceleration
were registered as time-histories. For this reason, the stresses while the stability analysis is performed using the sustained
are characterized by the minimum and maximum values spectral acceleration. Those values are, respectively, 4.1 m/s2
recorded during the earthquake. In the case of the sliding and 2.7 m/s2, keeping the same horizontal and vertical ratio
safety factor, only the minimum value is relevant to assess the for the peak and sustained ground acceleration described
stability of the dam. before for the pseudo-static seismic analysis. Table 7 shows
3.2 Seismic analysis using a pseudo-static method the SSF. The reduction from the SSF obtained in the static
loading is around 33%. The stresses are plotted in Figure 8. In
In the pseudo-static analysis, the inertia forces result from the the upstream heel, the stresses are tensions. In the downstream
product of the mass times the acceleration. The dynamic toe the compressive stresses are magnified by a factor around
amplification of the inertia loads along the height of the dam 2.1. The materials properties have a slight impact on the
and the oscillatory nature are neglected. For the horizontal results.
direction, an acceleration of 1.6 m/s2, the PGA, was applied in
the stress analysis, while an acceleration of 1.1 m/s2, sustained Table 7. Sliding safety factors obtained from the pseudo-
acceleration taken as 2/3 of the peak acceleration value, was dynamic linear seismic analyses.
used in the stability analysis. For the vertical direction, the
acceleration was reduced by a factor of 2/3, being, in the Model 15 m 30 m 50 m 100 m
stress analysis and in the stability analysis, respectively, 0.5 PD-15/10 1.25 1.17 1.14 1.11
and 0.4 m/s2. The values obtained for the SSF are presented in
Table 6, and the vertical stresses at the upstream heel and at PD-15/20 1.26 1.17 1.14 1.11
the downstream toe are plotted in Figure 7. Comparing to the PD-30/10 1.28 1.18 1.15 1.12
results from the static loading, the SSF is reduced
PD-30/20 1.29 1.18 1.15 1.12
approximately 35%, the vertical stresses at the upstream heel
are tensile stresses, while the compressive stresses at the
downstream toe were magnified around 65%. a b c d

Table 6. Sliding safety factors obtained from the pseudo-static

seismic linear analyses.
Model 15 m 30 m 50 m 100 m
Dam height [m]

a: 15/10-d
PS 1.19 1.17 1.15 1.13 15/20-d
a b c d 50 30/20-d
100 b: d-s
c: u-s
d: 15/10-u
30 15/20-u
Dam height [m]

-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0

Vertical stress [MPa]

50 Pseudo- Figure 8. Vertical stress of the pseudo-dynamic seismic

analysis (u - upstream; d - downstream; s - static loading).
a: d
30 b: d-s 3.4 Seismic analysis using a linear time history method
c: u-s
d: u A finite element model was employed in the linear time
15 history analysis. The two accelerograms presented in the
-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0
Vertical stress [MPa] section 2.2 were used. The accelerogram n. 1 was applied to
the horizontal direction, while the accelerogram n. 2 was
Figure 7. Vertical stresses of the pseudo-static seismic applied to the vertical direction, with a reduction of 2/3. The
analysis (u - upstream; d - downstream; s - static loading). seismic analysis was developed by applying an equivalent
time-history of shear and vertical stress at the lower
3.3 Seismic analysis using a pseudo-dynamic method
foundation elements. Through the integration of the time-
The pseudo-dynamic seismic analysis is similar to the pseudo- history of the horizontal unbalanced forces, the permanent
static seismic analysis except that it recognizes the dynamic displacement can be estimated, when the safety factor is
amplification of the inertia forces along the height of the dam, below the unity.

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014

The SSF are presented in Table 8. The vertical stresses are 100
a b c d
presented in four different figures, according the materials
properties, from Figure 9 to Figure 12. The compressive stress
at the upstream heel and at downstream toe are similar, with a
maximum of -3.5 MPa, in the case of the model 30/10 (Ec=30

Dam height [m]

GPa and Er=10 GPa), representing a dam 100 m high. The
maximum tensile stress at the upstream heel is +1.6 MPa, for
the model 15/10 (Ec=15 GPa and Er=10 GPa), representing a
dam 100 m high. a: u-min
Table 8. Sliding safety factors obtained from the seismic b: d-s
linear time history analyses. 30 c: u-s Linear
d-max Ec=30 GPa
Model 15 m 30 m 50 m 100 m d: u-max Er=10 GPa
-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0
L-15/10 1.07 1.12 1.11 1.15 Vertical stress [MPa]

L-15/20 1.04 1.23 1.12 1.20 Figure 11. Vertical stress of the linear time history analysis for
L-30/10 1.05 1.17 1.12 1.16 the case Ec=30 GPa and Er=10 GPa (u - upstream; d -
downstream; s - static loading).
L-30/20 1.06 1.19 1.16 1.22
a b c d e f
a b c d e 100
Dam height [m]
Dam height [m]

50 a: d-min
a: d-min b: u-min
u-min c: d-s
b: d-s 30 d: d-max Linear
30 c: d-max Linear e: u-s Ec=30 GPa
d: u-s Ec=15 GPa f: u-max Er=20 GPa
e: u-max Er=10 GPa 15
15 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0
-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0 Vertical stress [MPa]
Vertical stress [MPa]
Figure 12. Vertical stress of the linear time history analysis for
Figure 9. Vertical stress of the linear time history analysis for the case Ec=30 GPa and Er=20 GPa (u - upstream; d -
the case Ec=15 GPa and Er=10 GPa (u - upstream; d - downstream; s - static loading).
downstream; s - static loading).
3.5 Seismic analysis using a non-linear time history
a b c d e
The model used for the non-linear time history analysis is
very similar to the one considered to the linear time history
analysis. The main difference is concerned with the properties
of the joint between the dam and the foundation. A non-linear
model was assumed, with a friction angle of 45, null cohesion
Dam height [m]

and no tensile strength. The SSF are presented in Table 9. The

vertical stresses are plotted according to the materials
50 properties, from Figure 13 to Figure 16.
a: u-min
d-min Table 9. Sliding safety factors obtained from the seismic non-
b: d-s
30 c: d-max Linear linear time history analyses.
d: u-s Ec=15 GPa

e: u-max Er=20 GPa Model 15 m 30 m 50 m 100 m
-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0
Vertical stress [MPa] L-15/10 1.08 1.13 1.16 1.10

Figure 10. Vertical stress of the linear time history analysis for L-15/20 1.11 1.23 1.12 1.22
the case Ec=15 GPa and Er=20 GPa (u - upstream; d - L-30/10 1.05 1.17 1.11 1.16
downstream; s - static loading).
L-30/20 1.06 1.19 1.17 1.24

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014

a b c d e f a b c d e
100 100
Dam height [m]

Dam height [m]

50 50
a: u-min a: d-min
b: d-min u-min
c: d-s b: d-s
30 d: d-max Non-linear 30 c: d-max Non-linear
e: u-s Ec=15 GPa d: u-s Ec=30 GPa
f: u-max Er=10 GPa e: u-max Er=20 GPa
15 15
-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0
Vertical stress [MPa] Vertical stress [MPa]

Figure 13. Vertical stress of the non-linear time history Figure 16. Vertical stress of the non-linear time history
analysis for the case Ec=15 GPa and Er=10 GPa (u - upstream; analysis for the case Ec=30GPa and Er=20GPa (u - upstream;
d - downstream; s - static loading). d - downstream; s - static loading).
The maximum compressive stress at the upstream heel is
a b c d e f found in the case of the model 15/10, with a value of -3.9
MPa, representing a dam 100 m high. The maximum tensile
stress on the base of the dam is null, because the nonlinear
constitutive model of the joint, between the dam and the
foundation, does not admit tensile stresses.
Dam height [m]


a: u-min 4.1 Results for the dam 15 m high
b: d-min
c: d-s The results obtained for the static and seismic analyses are
30 d: d-max Non-linear presented, respectively, in Table 10 and in Table 11.
e: u-s Ec=15 GPa
f: u-max Er=20 GPa
Considering the seismic analyses, the SSF obtained from NL
-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0
models, are smaller than those from the others methods. The
Vertical stress [MPa] dam-foundation interface opening acts as a base isolation
system reducing the inertia forces transmitted to the dam.
Figure 14. Vertical stress of the non-linear time history Great variations on the stress, both at the upstream heel and at
analysis for the case Ec=15 GPa and Er=20 GPa (u - upstream; the downstream toe, can also be found. The local permanent
d - downstream; s - static loading). displacements, observed after the earthquake, were measured
at the downstream toe. The SSF are above the unity in all
a b c d e instants, probably the sliding did not occur simultaneously in
all points of the dam base.
Table 10. SSF, vertical stress and permanent sliding for the
static loading, for the dam 15 m high.
Dam height [m]

Vert. stress Vert. stress
Model SSF displ.
upstream [MPa] downstr. [MPa]
a: u-min PS -0.11 -0.22 1.80 0.0
d-min PD -0.11 -0.22 1.80 0.0
b: d-s
30 c: d-max Non-linear L-15/10 -0.15 -0.28 1.80 0.0
u-s Ec=30 GPa
d: u-max Er=10 GPa L-15/20 -0.08 -0.23 1.80 0.0
-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 +1.0 +2.0 L-30/10 -0.21 -0.34 1.80 0.0
Vertical stress [MPa]
L-30/20 -0.14 -0.27 1.80 0.0
Figure 15. Vertical stress of the non-linear time history NL-15/10 -0.15 -0.28 1.80 0.0
analysis for the case Ec=30 GPa and Er=10 GPa (u - upstream; NL-15/20 -0.09 -0.23 1.80 0.0
d - downstream; s - static loading).
NL-30/10 -0.21 -0.34 1.80 0.0
NL-30/20 -0.14 -0.27 1.80 0.0

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014

Table 11. SSF, vertical stress and permanent sliding for the Table 13. SSF, vertical stress and permanent sliding for the
seismic analyses, for the dam 15 m high. seismic analyses, for the dam 30 m high.
Vert. stress Vert. stress Perm. Vert. stress Vert. stress Perm.
Model upstream [MPa] downstr. [MPa] SSF displ. Model upstream [MPa] downstr. [MPa] SSF displ.
Min. Max. Min. Max. [mm] Min. Max. Min. Max. [mm]
PS 0.10 -0.39 1.19 0.0 PS 0.22 -0.78 1.17 0.0
PD-15/10 0.11 -0.44 1.25 0.0 PD-15/10 0.32 -0.94 1.17 0.0
PD-15/20 0.10 -0.42 1.26 0.0 PD-15/20 0.32 -0.94 1.17 0.0
PD-30/10 0.09 -0.41 1.28 0.0 PD-30/10 0.30 -0.93 1.18 0.0
PD-30/20 0.08 -0.40 1.29 0.0 PD-30/20 0.30 -0.93 1.18 0.0
L-15/10 0.20 -0.49 -0.11 -0.47 1.07 0.0 L-15/10 0.39 -0.99 -0.26 -0.90 1.12 0.0
L-15/20 0.31 -0.44 -0.04 -0.48 1.04 0.0 L-15/20 0.44 -0.79 -0.20 -0.82 1.23 0.0
L-30/10 0.14 -0.57 -0.12 -0.57 1.05 0.0 L-30/10 0.15 -1.04 -0.33 -1.02 1.17 0.0
L-30/20 0.29 -0.55 -0.04 -0.59 1.06 0.0 L-30/20 0.32 -0.91 -0.22 -0.96 1.19 0.0
NL-15/10 0.0 -0.55 -0.16 -0.53 1.08 < 0.1 NL-15/10 0.0 -1.08 -0.30 -0.98 1.13 < 0.1
NL-15/20 0.0 -0.52 -0.08 -0.50 1.11 0.6 NL-15/20 0.0 -0.94 -0.26 -0.90 1.23 < 0.1
NL-30/10 0.0 -0.59 -0.15 -0.63 1.05 0.1 NL-30/10 0.0 -1.08 -0.37 -1.07 1.17 0.1
NL-30/20 0.0 -0.59 -0.05 -0.59 1.06 1.2 NL-30/20 0.0 -1.00 -030 -0.99 1.19 0.2

4.2 Results for the dam 30 m high 4.3 Results for the dam 50 m high
Table 12 shows the results for the static loading and Table 13 The results obtained for the static and seismic analyses are
shows the results for the seismic analyses. For the seismic presented, respectively, in Table 14 and in Table 15. The
analyses, the results seem to be relatively consistent between comments to the results are similar to the ones expressed for
all the models. The SSF are quite similar and the stresses, the dam with 30 m. The SSF are equivalents and stresses are
excepted for the model PS, are equivalents. The permanent similar, excepted for the model PS, which values are lower
displacements are small and not of engineering significance. than those achieved by the others methods. A global
The pseudo-dynamic model is a reasonable approximation of displacement of the dam through the foundation plane is
the actual seismic behavior of the dam 30 m high. unlikely.

Table 12. SSF, vertical stress and permanent sliding for the Table 14. SSF, vertical stress and permanent sliding for the
static loading, for the dam 30 m high. static loading, for the dam 50 m high.
Perm. Perm.
Vert. stress Vert. stress Vert. stress Vert. stress
Model SSF displ. Model SSF displ.
upstream [MPa] downstr. [MPa] upstream [MPa] downstr. [MPa]
[mm] [mm]
PS -0.21 -0.45 1.76 0.0 PS -0.33 -0.76 1.74 0.0
PD -0.21 -0.45 1.76 0.0 PD -0.33 -0.76 1.74 0.0
L-15/10 -0.27 -0.58 1.76 0.0 L-15/10 -0.42 -0.99 1.74 0.0
L-15/20 -0.13 -0.47 1.76 0.0 L-15/20 -0.18 -0.79 1.74 0.0
L-30/10 -0.41 -0.70 1.76 0.0 L-30/10 -0.66 -1.19 1.74 0.0
L-30/20 -0.26 -0.57 1.76 0.0 L-30/20 -0.41 -0.97 1.74 0.0
NL-15/10 -0.27 -0.58 1.76 0.0 NL-15/10 -0.42 -0.99 1.74 0.0
NL-15/20 -0.15 -0.47 1.76 0.0 NL-15/20 -0.22 -0.79 1.74 0.0
NL-30/10 -0.41 -0.70 1.76 0.0 NL-30/10 -0.66 -1.19 1.74 0.0
NL-30/20 -0.26 -0.57 1.76 0.0 NL-30/20 -0.41 -0.97 1.74 0.0

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014

Table 15. SSF, vertical stress and permanent sliding for the Table 17. SSF, vertical stress and permanent sliding for the
seismic analyses, for the dam 50 m high. seismic analyses, for the dam 100 m high.
Vert. stress Vert. stress Perm. Vert. stress Vert. stress Perm.
Model upstream [MPa] downstr. [MPa] SSF displ. Model upstream [MPa] downstr. [MPa] SSF displ.
Min. Max. Min. Max. [mm] Min. Max. Min. Max. [mm]
PS 0.38 -1.29 1.15 0.0 PS 0.78 -2.58 1.13 0.0
PD-15/10 0.57 -1.60 1.14 0.0 PD-15/10 1.27 -3.28 1.11 0.0
PD-15/20 0.57 -1.60 1.14 0.0 PD-15/20 1.27 -3.28 1.11 0.0
PD-30/10 0.54 -1.57 1.15 0.0 PD-30/10 1.22 -3.23 1.12 0.0
PD-30/20 0.54 -1.57 1.15 0.0 PD-30/20 1.22 -3.23 1.12 0.0
L-15/10 0.80 -1.46 -0.50 -1.58 1.11 0.0 L-15/10 1.56 -2.99 -0.95 -2.95 1.15 0.0
L-15/20 0.88 -1.23 -0.35 -1.25 1.12 0.0 L-15/20 1.46 -2.41 -0.91 -2.34 1.20 0.0
L-30/10 0.42 -1.75 -0.62 -1.81 1.12 0.0 L-30/10 0.74 -3.52 -1.20 -3.40 1.16 0.0
L-30/20 0.52 -1.45 -0.46 -1.60 1.16 0.0 L-30/20 0.88 -2.63 -1.22 -2.87 1.22 0.0
NL-15/10 0.0 -1.73 -0.64 -1.72 1.16 0.2 NL-15/10 0.0 -3.87 -1.13 -3.23 1.10 0.3
NL-15/20 0.0 -1.53 -0.52 -1.44 1.12 0.3 NL-15/20 0.0 -3.26 -1.11 -2.58 1.22 0.2
NL-30/10 0.0 -1.82 -0.69 -1.91 1.11 0.3 NL-30/10 0.0 -3.70 -1.33 -3.56 1.16 0.4
NL-30/20 0.0 -1.62 -0.56 -1.66 1.17 0.2 NL-30/20 0.0 -2.95 -1.35 -2.97 1.24 0.3

4.4 Results for the dam 100 m high 5 CONCLUSIONS

Table 16 shows the results for the static loading and Table 17 A set of 52 seismic analyses of gravity dam models, using
shows the results for the seismic analyses. For the seismic four different methods, were carried out. It was found that (i)
analyses, the pseudo-static and the pseudo-dynamic methods the pseudo-static method model gives a good approximation
seem to be conservative relative to the SSF, because the of the sliding safety factor (SSF), but the stresses are generally
results for the SSF are smaller than the results obtained by the lower, when compared with the values obtained by more
linear time history and by the non-linear time history analyses. sophisticated methods; (ii) the pseudo-dynamic analysis gives
The stresses are similar, excepted for the PS analysis, whose a good approximation of the SSF and stresses on the base of
stresses, both in upstream and downstream faces, are lower. the dam, the materials properties have small influence on
The permanent displacement is also small. those results; (iii) for the dam analysed with SSF > 1 the linear
time history analysis did not give additional relevant
Table 16. SSF, vertical stress and permanent sliding for the information when compared with the pseudo-dynamic
static loading, for the dam 100 m high. method; and (iv) the non-linear time history analysis
confirmed the dam response against a sliding failure scenario,
Perm. even when stress redistribution is taking place, giving an
Vert. stress Vert. stress
Model SSF displ. actual time-history of the stress during an earthquake and
upstream [MPa] downstr. [MPa]
[mm] permanent displacements.
PS -0.60 -1.57 1.71 0.0
PD -0.60 -1.57 1.71 0.0
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