Significance of The Study

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Significance of the Study

This study is vital to the following sectors in the fulfillment of this research

Students. The students are the ones who are directly involved in the Senior High
School program. This is why their opinions are relevant for they are the ones who
experienced it first-handedly. Their outlook on the Senior High School program could be
an approach for the enhancement of the said program.

School Administration. As the school administration regulates the Senior High School
program and is the pioneer of the government for the implementation of it, the study
plays a role for them to be able to implement it in a better way possible.

Teachers. The teachers are the ones who cater the students. Which is why the study is
significant for them in a way that they would be able to know what are the perceptions of
the students so that they would be able to teach them in a more effective way. Also, so
that they would able to find a more suitable way to motivate the students. In addition, it
could help them to know if the Senior High School program is indeed effective.

Future Researchers. This study could be an instrument for the future researcher in
which it could help them add some information on what is lacking on this study and on

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