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Patent Application Publication Feb. 17, 2011 Sheet 5 0f 6 US 2011/0036098 A1
US 2011/0036098 A1 Feb. 17, 2011
SELF-REGULATING COOLING WATER turbine compressor system. The inter-section ?uid cooling
SYSTEM FOR INTERCOOLED GAS TURBINE system also includes a pump con?gured to pump the cooling
ENGINES ?uid mixture into the intercooler.
of the intercooling system. In addition, the disclosed embodi sections. In particular, the gas turbine system 10 illustrated in
ments may substantially reduce cavitation in valves of the FIG. 2 includes tWo compressor sections 36, 38 and three
intercooling system. Furthermore, the disclosed embodi turbine sections 40, 42, 44. In certain embodiments, the ?rst
ments may enable the intercooling system to self-compensate compressor section 36 may be a low-pressure compressor,
for ef?ciency reductions, Which may occur over time due to such as a booster, Whereas the second compressor section 38
fouling in an intercooler of the intercooling system. may be an intermediate-pressure or high-pressure compres
[0017] FIG. 1 is a schematic ?oW diagram of an embodi sor. In addition, in certain embodiments, the ?rst turbine
ment of a gas turbine system 10 having an intercooling system section 40 may be a high-pressure turbine, the second turbine
12. As described in greater detail beloW, the intercooling section 42 may be an intermediate-pressure turbine, and the
system 12 may be con?gured to cool compressed air betWeen third turbine section 44 may be a poWer turbine. HoWever, in
multiple compression sections of the gas turbine system 10. other embodiments, the plurality of compressor sections 36,
In particular, the intercooling system 12 may provide tWo 38 and turbine sections 40, 42, 44 may include other combi
methods, used in combination, for controlling the tempera nations of compressors and turbines.
ture of the cooled compressed air returning to the gas turbine [0020] In certain embodiments, hoWever, air from the air
system 10 from the intercooling system 12. The ?rst method intake 28 may be compressed Within the ?rst compressor
is the utiliZation of a thermostatic control valve that mixes section 36 to generate heated compressed air 46.As described
cooling Water returning from an intercooler of the intercool in greater detail beloW, the heated compressed air 46 may be
ing system 12 With cooling Water returning from a cooling cooled Within the intercooling system 12 to generated cooled
toWer of the intercooling system 12. The thermostatic control compressed air 48 Which may be directed into the second
valve may maintain a substantially constant temperature of compressor section 38, Where the cooled compressed air 48
cooling Water provided to the intercooler. This control may be may be further compressed to generate the compressed air 49,
someWhat coarse and is intended to give the intercooling Which may be mixed With the fuel 14 Within the combustor 18
system 12 a stable reference temperature at Which to operate. of the gas turbine system 10. Therefore, the intercooling
The second method is the utiliZation of variable-speed pumps system 12 may be con?gured to reduce the temperature of
to provide cooling Water at the stabiliZed temperature to the heated compressed air 46 from the ?rst compressor section 36
intercooler. As the air side heat load to the intercooler so that the cooled compressed air 48, Which is further com
increases, the pump speed may increase to provide more pressed Within the second compressor section 38, remains
cooling Water. Conversely, as the air side heat load decreases, under a given temperature threshold. In doing so, the tem
the pump speed may decrease to provide less cooling Water. perature ratings of the second compressor section 38 may be
The pump speed may be controlled by a closed loop circuit reduced, thereby reducing the cost of the gas turbine system
using the temperature of the cooled compressed air exiting the 10. For example, the design limits of the materials used for the
intercooler as a reference set point to be maintained. The use second compressor section 38 may be reduced, leading to
of variable-speed pumps and the associated ?oW control cir reductions in the cost of materials used in the second com
cuit may provide ?ner tuning of the temperature of the cooled pressor section 38. In addition, the use of the cooled com
compressed air exiting the intercooler. pressed air 48 Within the second compressor section 38 may
[0018] The gas turbine system 10 may use liquid or gas fuel increase overall ef?ciency and poWer output of the gas turbine
14, such as natural gas and/ or a hydrogen rich synthetic gas. system 10.
As depicted, a plurality of fuel noZZles 16 intakes the fuel [0021] FIG. 3 is a schematic ?oW diagram of an exemplary
supply 14, mixes the fuel With air, and distributes the air-fuel embodiment of the intercooling system 12 of the gas turbine
mixture into a combustor 18. For example, the fuel noZZles 16 system 10. As illustrated, in certain embodiments, the inter
may inject the air-fuel mixture into the combustor 18 in a cooling system 12 may include an intercooler 50, a cooling
suitable ratio for optimal combustion, emissions, fuel con toWer 52 (e.g., a coolant source), and a coolant skid 54 (e.g.,
sumption, and poWer output. The air-fuel mixture combusts in a cooling Water skid) con?gured to transfer a coolant (e.g.,
a chamber Within the combustor 18, thereby creating hot cooling Water) to and from the intercooler 50 and the cooling
pressurized exhaust gases. The combustor 18 directs the toWer 52. As described above, the intercooler 50 may be
exhaust gases through a turbine 20 toWard an exhaust outlet con?gured to receive heated compressed air 46 from the ?rst
22.As the exhaust gases pass through the turbine 20, the gases compressor section 36, to cool the heated compressed air 46
force one or more turbine blades to rotate a shaft 24 along an to generate cooled compressed air 48, and to direct the cooled
axis of the gas turbine system 10. As illustrated, the shaft 24 compressed air 48 to the second compressor section 38. The
may be connected to various components of the gas turbine intercooler 50 may use cooling Water received from an inter
system 10, including a compressor 26. The compressor 26 cooling Water input line 56 to cool the heated compressed air
also includes blades that may be coupled to the shaft 24. As 46. In certain embodiments, the intercooler 50 may include
the shaft 24 rotates, the blades Within the compressor 26 also tube and shell type heat exchangers. HoWever, other types of
rotate, thereby compressing air from an air intake 28 through heat exchangers may also be used Within the intercooler 50.
the compressor 26 and into the fuel noZZles 16 and/or com Heat may be transferred from the heated compressed air 46 to
bustor 18. The shaft 24 may also be connected either the cooling Water during cooling of the heated compressed air
mechanically or aerodynamically to a load 30, Which may be 46. As such, heated cooling Water may be generated and may
a vehicle or a stationary load, such as an electrical generator subsequently be transferred from the intercooler 50 via an
in a poWer plant or a propeller on an aircraft, for example. The intercooling Water output line 58.
load 30 may include any suitable device capable of being [0022] In certain embodiments, the How of heated cooling
poWered by the rotational output of the gas turbine system 10. Water may be split into tWo ?oW streams at a cooling Water
[0019] FIG. 2 is a schematic ?oW diagram of an exemplary junction point 60. In particular, a ?rst ?oW stream of heated
embodiment of the gas turbine system 10 having an intercool cooling Water may be split into a cooling toWer Water return
ing system 12 and a plurality of compressor 26 and turbine 20 line 62 and a second How of heated cooling Water may be split
US 2011/0036098 A1 Feb. 17, 2011
into an intercooler Water return line 64. The ?rst ?oW stream Water from the cooling toWer 52 in the cooling toWer Water
of heated cooling Water in the cooling toWer Water return line output line 66 and the heated cooling Water in the intercooler
62 is directed into the cooling toWer 52, While the second ?oW Water return line 64 at the cooling Water mixture point 68 may
stream of heated cooling Water in the intercooler Water return be controlled. More speci?cally, a cooling toWer valve con
line 64 is directed back to the intercooler 50. As such, the ?rst trol section 86 and an intercooler valve control section 88 may
?oW stream of heated cooling Water in the cooling toWer be used to control the distribution betWeen the ?rst ?oW
Water return line 62 is cooled by the cooling toWer 52, stream of heated cooling Water in the cooling toWer Water
Whereas the second ?oW stream of heated cooling Water in the return line 62 and the second ?oW stream of heated cooling
intercooler Water return line 64 is not cooled before re-enter Water in the intercooler Water return line 64. The cooling
ing the intercooler 50. The cooling toWer 52 may be con?g toWer valve control section 86 and the intercooler valve con
ured to receive the ?rst ?oW stream of heated cooling Water trol section 88 may be located in-line With the cooling toWer
and to generate cooled cooling Water, Which may be trans Water return line 62 and the intercooler Water return line 64,
ferred from the cooling toWer 52 via a cooling toWer Water respectively. Both valve control sections 86, 88 may include
output line 66. substantially similar equipment. For example, in certain
[0023] The cooled cooling Water from the cooling toWer 52 embodiments, both valve control sections 86, 88 may include
in the cooling toWer Water output line 66 may be mixed With a primary ?oW path 90 and a bypass ?oW path 92. In certain
the heated cooling Water in the intercooler Water return line 64 embodiments, the primary ?oW paths 90 of the valve control
at a cooling Water mixture point 68. After being mixed sections 86, 88 may include an upstream isolation valve 94
together at the cooling Water mixture point 68, the cooling and a doWnstream isolation valve 95 for isolating the respec
Water may be pumped from the pump inlet point 70 to a pump tive primary ?oW paths 90 from the respective bypass ?oW
outlet point 72 through either a ?rst pump line 74 or a second paths 92. In addition, in certain embodiments, the bypass ?oW
pump line 76. The ?rst and second pump lines 74, 76 may paths 92 may include a bypass valve 96.
contain substantially similar equipment and may be used [0026] The distribution betWeen the ?rst ?oW stream of
primarily for redundancy purposes. In other Words, only one heated cooling Water in the cooling toWer Water return line 62
of the ?rst or second pump lines 74, 76 may be used at a time. and the second ?oW stream of heated cooling Water in the
For example, in certain embodiments, both the ?rst and sec intercooler Water return line 64 may generally be accom
ond pump lines 74, 76 may include an upstream isolation plished by a throttling valve 98 in the primary ?oW paths 90 of
valve 78 and a doWnstream isolation valve 80 for isolating one each of the valve control sections 86, 88. For example, the
or the other pump line 74, 76, enabling the other pump line 74, throttling valve 98 in the primary ?oW path 90 of the cooling
76 to pump the cooling Water from the pump inlet point 70 to toWer valve control section 86 may generally control the ?rst
the pump outlet point 72. In addition, both the ?rst and second ?oW stream of heated cooling Water in the cooling toWer
pump lines 74, 76 include a pump 82 for pumping the cooling Water return line 62, While the throttling valve 98 in the
Water from the pump inlet point 70 to the pump outlet point primary ?oW path 90 of the intercooler valve control section
72. In certain embodiments, the pumps 82 may be ?xed-speed 88 may generally control the second ?oW stream of heated
pumps for providing a substantially constant How of cooling cooling Water in the intercooler Water return line 64. In certain
Water into the intercooler 50 through the intercooling Water embodiments, the throttling valves 98 may be controlled
input line 56, doWnstream of the pump outlet point 72. In based on the temperature of the cooled cooling Water from the
addition, in certain embodiments, both the ?rst and second cooling toWer 52 in the cooling toWer Water output line 66 and
pump lines 74, 76 may include check valves 84 for controlling the temperature of the heated cooling Water in the intercooler
the How of cooling Water though the respective pump lines 74, Water return line 64. In particular, in certain embodiments, a
7 6. cooled cooling Water temperature sensor 100 may measure
[0024] As described above, the embodiment illustrated in the temperature of the cooled cooling Water from the cooling
FIG. 3 is con?gured to provide a substantially constant How toWer 52 in the cooling toWer Water output line 66 and a
of cooling Water into the intercooler 50. In addition, in certain heated cooling Water temperature sensor 102 may measure
embodiments, the temperature of the cooling Water into the the temperature of the heated cooling Water in the intercooler
intercooler 50 may be controlled While maintaining a sub Water return line 64. These temperature measurements may
stantially constant How of cooling Water into the intercooler be used by the throttling valves 98 to determine hoW to dis
50. This may generally ensure that the temperature of the tribute the ?oW of heated cooling Water betWeen the ?rst ?oW
cooled compressed air 48 exiting the intercooler 50 may stream in the cooling toWer Water return line 62 and the
remain at a substantially constant temperature. In particular, second ?oW stream in the intercooler Water return line 64 to
the difference betWeen the temperature of the cooling Water ensure that the cooling Water into the intercooler 50 remains
into the intercooler 50 and the temperature of the cooled at a substantially constant ?oW rate and a substantially con
compressed air exiting the intercooler 50 may be referred to stant temperature. For example, in certain embodiments, a
as the approach temperature. For a given application Within controller 104 may be used to adjust the throttling valves 98
a particular range of How rates and temperature limits, the based on the temperatures measured by the cooled cooling
approach temperature may remain substantially constant as Water temperature sensor 100 and the heated cooling Water
long as the How of cooling Water into the intercooler 50 temperature sensor 102.
remains substantially constant, regardless of the heat load [0027] HoWever, the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 3
(e.g., the amount of heat to be removed from the heated includes a fairly complex system of valves in the valve control
compressed air 46) being input on the air side (e.g., from the sections 86, 88 to ensure that the cooling Water into the
heated compressed air 46) of the intercooler 50. intercooler 50 remains at a substantially constant ?oW rate
[0025] To ensure that the cooling Water into the intercooler and a substantially constant temperature. In addition, the
50 remains at a substantially constant ?oW rate and a substan control system accomplished by the valve control sections 86,
tially constant temperature, the mixing of the cooled cooling 88 and the controller 104 may only indirectly control the
US 2011/0036098 A1 Feb. 17, 2011
temperature and ?oW rate of the cooling Water into the inter 112 being used for redundancy purposes. HoWever, since the
cooler 50 by throttling the substantially constant ?oW of variable-speed pumps 112 are capable of operating at a Wider
heated cooling Water betWeen the ?rst ?oW stream in the range of speeds, both variable-speed pumps 112 may be oper
cooling toWer Water return line 62 and the second ?oW stream ated at the same time under certain circumstances. Therefore,
in the intercooler Water return line 64. This may be due, at among other bene?ts discussed beloW, using variable-speed
least in part, to the fact that the ?xed-speed pumps 82, in pumps 112 may lead to more ?exibility in the operation of the
certain circumstances, may provide too much head, Which the intercooling system 12, as Well as enabling more accurate
throttling valves 98 and the check valves 84 may limit to a control of the delivery of cooling Water into the intercooler
certain degree. Although the throttling valves 98 and the 50.
check valves 84 may reduce the ?oW rate of cooling Water, the [0032] As the air side heat load (e.g., from the heated com
pressure drop across the throttling valves 98 and the check pressed air 46) to the intercooler 50 increases, the speed of the
valves 84 may lead to cavitation on a doWnstream side of the variable-speed pumps 112 may be increased by the respective
valves. In addition to the unWanted noise caused by the cavi variable-speed motors 114 to provide more cooling Water to
tation, accelerated Wear of the valves may also be experi the intercooler 50. Conversely, as the air side heat load
enced. decreases, the speed of the variable-speed pumps 112 may be
[0028] As described above, the substantially constant ?oW decreased by the respective variable-speed motors 114 to
of cooling Water into the intercooler 50 is accomplished by provide less cooling Water to the intercooler 50. In certain
the fact that ?xed-speed pumps 82 may be used. HoWever, embodiments, the operating speed of the variable-speed
another alternative may be to use variable-speed pumps and to pumps 112 may be controlled by a closed loop circuit using
adjust the cooling Water ?oW betWeen the ?rst ?oW stream in the temperature of the cooled compressed air 48 exiting the
the cooling toWer Water return line 62 and the second ?oW intercooler 50 as a reference set point to be maintained. As
stream in the intercooler Water return line 64 using a thermo such, in certain embodiments, an intercooler air outlet sensor
static control valve. 116 may provide feedback to the variable-speed motors 114
[0029] For example, FIG. 4 is a schematic ?oW diagram of relating to the temperature of the cooled compressed air 48
another exemplary embodiment of the intercooling system 12 exiting the intercooler 50. In certain embodiments, the logic
of the gas turbine system 10. As illustrated, instead of using for determining hoW to vary the speed of the variable-speed
the valve control sections 86, 88, a thermostatic control valve pumps 112 may be internal to the variable-speed motors 114.
106 may be connected to the intercooling Water output line HoWever, in other embodiments, an external controller 118
58. The thermostatic control valve 106 may be a control valve may control the operation of the variable-speed pumps 112
con?gured to selectively mix a cooler ?uid With a hotter ?uid via the variable-speed motors 114.
to generate a constant-temperature ?uid mixture. In particu [0033] Using the variable-speed pumps 112 to vary the
lar, the thermostatic control valve 106 may be con?gured to amount of cooling Water delivered to the intercooler 50
accept heated cooling Water from the intercooler 50 and through the intercooling Water input line 56 may provide ?ne
cooled cooling Water from the cooling toWer 52 and output a tuning of the temperature of the cooled compressed air 48
cooling Water mixture at a predetermined temperature some exiting the intercooler 50. In addition, using the variable
Where betWeen the temperature of the heated cooling Water speed pumps 112 may enable the intercooling system 12 to
from the intercooler 50 and the temperature of the cooled operate at the minimum ?oW rate and pressure necessary, as
cooling Water from the cooling toWer 52. In particular, the opposed to generating higher ?oW rates and pressures Which
thermostatic control valve 106 may be con?gured to maintain require throttling, to provide a substantially constant tem
a substantially constant temperature of cooling Water into the perature of the cooled compressed air 48 exiting the inter
intercooler 50 through the intercooling Water input line 56. As cooler 50. Furthermore, the possibility of cavitation in the
such, in certain embodiments, an intercooler Water inlet sen valves may be substantially reduced. For example, all of the
sor 108 in the intercooling Water input line 56 may provide valves in the valve control sections 86, 88 discussed above
feedback to the thermostatic control valve 106 relating to the With respect to the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 3 may be
temperature of the cooling Water into the intercooler 50. In replaced by the thermostatic control valve 106. In addition,
certain embodiments, the logic for determining hoW to mix the need to reduce the ?oW of cooling Water through the pump
the heated cooling Water and cooled cooling Water streams lines 74, 76 using the check valves 84 may be substantially
may be internal to the thermostatic control valve 106. HoW reduced since variable-speed pumps 112 are used. For
ever, in other embodiments, an external controller 110 may example, the variable-speed pumps 112 substantially reduce
control the operation of the thermostatic control valve 106. cavitation in the intercooling system 12 by reducing the head
[0030] Using the thermostatic control valve 106 to mix the from the variable-speed pumps 112 to only a level needed to
heated and cooled cooling Water streams may provide a rela circulate cooling Water through the intercooler 50. Numerous
tively coarse level of control Which may be supplemented by valves (e.g., the valve control sections 86, 88) are no longer
the use of variable-speed pumps 112 instead of the ?xed needed to reduce the pressure and ?oW of the cooling Water
speed pumps 82 described above With respect to the embodi and, thus, the occurrence of cavitation may be substantially
ment illustrated in FIG. 3. HoWever, the thermostatic control reduced.
valve 106 Will generally establish a stable reference tempera [0034] Therefore, the use of the thermostatic control valve
ture for the intercooling system 12. 106 and the variable-speed pumps 112 may enable both a
[0031] As illustrated, both the ?rst and second pump lines course and a ?ne level of control over the temperature and
74, 76 may include a variable-speed pump 112, each driven ?oW rate of the cooling Water into the intercooler 50 to ensure
by a respective variable-speed motor 114.As described above that the temperature of the cooled compressed air 48 exiting
With respect to the ?xed-speed pumps 82 illustrated in FIG. 3, the intercooler 50 remains substantially constant. HoWever,
the variable-speed pumps 112 may, in certain embodiments, although discussed above as Working in tandem, these tWo
be operated one at a time With the other variable-speed pump control techniques may, in fact, be used independently. For
US 2011/0036098 A1 Feb. 17, 2011
example, in certain embodiments, the thermostatic control 88 of FIG. 3. Therefore, the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 4
valve 106 may be used With the ?xed-speed pumps 82 dis may cost substantially less than the embodiment illustrated in
cussed above With respect to the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 3, due at least in part to the reduced number of compo
FIG. 3. In such an embodiment, the How rate of cooling Water nents used on the cooling Water skid 54. In addition, due to the
through the intercooler 50 may remain substantially constant simplicity of the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 4, the inter
While the thermostatic control valve 106 varies the tempera cooling system 12 may be more reliable, With accuracy as
ture of the cooling Water through the intercooler 50 by vary good or better than that provided by the embodiment illus
ing the mixture of heated cooling Water from the intercooler trated in FIG. 3. To illustrate the substantial reduction in
50 and cooled cooling Water from the cooling toWer 52. footprint and number of components used, FIGS. 5 and 6
[0035] Alternatively, in other embodiments, the variable illustrate perspective vieWs of the exemplary embodiments of
speed pumps 112 may be used With the valve control sections the cooling Water skids 54 depicted schematically in FIGS. 3
86, 88 discussed above With respect to the embodiment illus and 4, respectively. As shoWn, FIG. 6 illustrates a cooling
trated in FIG. 3. In such an embodiment, the valve control Water skid 54 With substantially feWer components and taking
sections 86, 88 may vary the How betWeen the ?rst ?oW up a substantially smaller footprint than that of FIG. 5. As
stream in the cooling toWer Water return line 62 of FIG. 3 and described above, removal of the cooling toWer Water return
the second ?oW stream in the intercooler Water return line 64 line 62, the intercooler Water return line 64, and the valve
of FIG. 3 to ensure that the cooling Water into the intercooler control sections 86, 88 is a primary reason for the reduction of
50 remains at a substantially constant temperature. Then, the components.
variable-speed pumps 112 may adjust the How rate of the [0039] In addition to the reduced footprint, reduced number
substantially constant temperature cooling Water into the of components, reduction in overall costs, and increased reli
intercooler 50 to make minor adjustments such that the tem ability and accuracy, the embodiments disclosed herein may
perature of the cooled compressed air 48 exiting the inter also substantially reduce the occurrence of cavitation. In par
cooler 50 remains substantially constant. ticular, the variable-speed pumps 112 illustrated in FIG. 4
[0036] Technical effects of the disclosed embodiments generate only enough head needed to circulate cooling Water
include providing systems and methods for maintaining a through the intercooler 50. As such, the need to reduce ?oW
substantially constant temperature of the cooled compressed rates of the cooling Water using the throttling valve 98, check
air 48 exiting the intercooler 50 of the intercooling system 12 valves 84, and other valves may be substantially reduced and,
and returning to the second compressor section 38 of the gas thus, the occurrence of cavitation in the valves may also be
turbine system 10. In particular, the disclosed embodiments substantially reduced.
provide tWo primary methods for controlling the temperature [0040] In addition, the embodiments disclosed herein may
and How rate of cooling Water into the intercooler 50. The ?rst self-compensate for the loss of cooling capability of the inter
method is the utiliZation of the thermostatic control valve 106 cooler 50. As fouling occurs in the intercooler 50 over time,
that mixes cooling Water returning from an intercooler 50 of the cooling ef?ciency of the intercooler 50 may reduce sub
the intercooling system 12 With cooler cooling Water retum stantially. In typical intercooling systems, maintaining the
ing from the cooling toWer 52 of the intercooling system 12. temperature of the cooled compressed air 48 exiting the inter
The second method is the utiliZation of the variable-speed cooler 50 may depend on the approach temperature of the
pumps 112 to provide cooling Water to the intercooler 50 at intercooler 50. HoWever, as the intercooler 50 fouls over time,
the stabiliZed temperature. the approach temperature changes. The embodiments dis
[0037] As described above, in certain embodiments, these closed herein self-correct for fouling and provide stable tem
control methods may be performed by the controllers 110, peratures of the cooled compressed air 48 exiting the inter
118 based on temperature measurements sensed by the inter cooler 50, regardless of the amount of fouling in the
cooler Water inlet sensor 108 and the intercooler air outlet intercooler 50. In addition, although illustrated and described
sensor 116, respectively. The controllers 110, 118 may, in herein as an inter-section Water cooling system, in certain
certain embodiments, be physical computing devices speci? embodiments, the intercooling system 12 may be con?gured
cally con?gured to obtain (e. g., receive) the sensed tempera to use other types of coolant, instead of Water.
ture measurements and to control the thermostatic control [0041] This Written description uses examples to disclose
valve 106 and the variable-speed pumps 112, respectively, the invention, including the best mode, and also to enable any
based on the sensed temperature measurements. More spe person skilled in the art to practice the invention, including
ci?cally, the controllers 110, 118 may include input/output making and using any devices or systems and performing any
(I/O) devices for receiving the sensed temperature measure incorporated methods. The patentable scope of the invention
ments and a memory device and a machine-readable medium is de?ned by the claims, and may include other examples that
With instructions encoded thereon for determining hoW to occur to those skilled in the art. Such other examples are
control the thermostatic control valve 106 and the variable intended to be Within the scope of the claims if they have
speed pumps 112, respectively. In addition, in certain structural elements that do not differ from the literal language
embodiments, the controllers 110, 118 may also include stor of the claims, or if they include equivalent structural elements
age media for storing historical data, theoretical performance With insubstantial differences from the literal languages of
curves, and so forth. the claims.
[0038] The embodiments disclosed herein provide several
advantages. For example, the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1. A system, comprising:
4 may substantially reduce the footprint required for the cool a gas turbine intercooling system, comprising:
ing Water skid 54 by, for instance, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, an intercooler con?gured to cool air received from a ?rst
60%, or more. For instance, the thermostatic control valve compressor section of a gas turbine With a coolant
106 replaces the cooling toWer Water return line 62, the inter mixture and to deliver the cooled air to a second
cooler Water return line 64, and the valve control sections 86, compressor section of the gas turbine;
US 2011/0036098 A1 Feb. 17, 2011
a thermostatic control valve con?gured to mix a ?rst speed pump to maintain a substantially constant temperature
stream of coolant from the intercooler With a second of the cooled air delivered from the intercooler to the second
stream of coolant from a coolant source to generate section of the turbine compressor system.
the coolant mixture; and 11. The system of claim 9, Wherein the inter-section Water
a pump con?gured to pump the coolant mixture from the cooling system comprises a plurality of variable speed pumps
thermostatic control valve into the intercooler. operating in parallel to pump the cooling Water mixture from
2. The system of claim 1, Wherein the thermostatic control the thermostatic control valve into the intercooler.
valve is con?gured to selectively mix the ?rst and second 12. The system of claim 7, Wherein the ?rst section of the
streams of coolant to maintain a substantially constant tem turbine compressor system comprises a loW-pressure com
perature of the coolant mixture into the intercooler. pressor and the second section of the turbine compressor
3. The system of claim 1, Wherein the pump comprises a system comprises a high-pressure compressor.
variable speed pump con?gured to vary the operating speed to 13. The system of claim 7, Wherein the Water cooling toWer
maintain a substantially constant temperature of the cooled is con?gured to receive a portion of the second stream of
air delivered from the intercooler to the second compressor cooling Water from the intercooler.
section of the gas turbine. 14. A system, comprising:
4. The system of claim 1, Wherein the gas turbine inter an inter-section ?uid cooling system, comprising:
cooling system comprises a plurality of pumps operating in an intercooler con?gured to receive heated air from a
parallel to pump the coolant mixture from the thermostatic ?rst section of a turbine compressor system, to cool
control valve into the intercooler. the heated air With a cooling ?uid mixture to generate
5. The system of claim 1, comprising the gas turbine, cooled air, and to deliver the cooled air to a second
Wherein the ?rst compressor section of the gas turbine com section of the turbine compressor system; and
prises a loW-pressure compressor and the second compressor
a pump con?gured to pump the cooling ?uid mixture
section of the gas turbine comprises a high-pressure compres
into the intercooler.
6. The system of claim 1, Wherein the gas turbine inter 15. The system of claim 14, Wherein the pump comprises a
cooling system comprises the coolant source con?gured to variable speed pump con?gured to vary the operating speed to
receive a portion of the ?rst stream of coolant from the inter maintain a substantially constant temperature of the cooled
cooler and to generate the second stream of coolant. air delivered from the intercooler to the second section of the
7. A system, comprising: turbine compressor system.
an inter-section Water cooling system, comprising: 16. The system of claim 14, Wherein the inter-section ?uid
a Water cooling toWer con?gured to generate a ?rst cooling system comprises a plurality of pumps operating in
stream of cooling Water; parallel to pump the cooling ?uid mixture into the intercooler.
an intercooler con?gured to receive heated air from a 17. The system of claim 14, Wherein the inter-section ?uid
?rst section of a turbine compressor system, to cool cooling system comprises a thermostatic control valve con
the heated air With a cooling Water mixture to generate ?gured to selectively mix a ?rst stream of cooling ?uid from
cooled air, and to deliver the cooled air to a second a cooling toWer With a second stream of cooling ?uid from the
section of the turbine compressor system; and intercooler to generate the cooling ?uid mixture.
a thermostatic control valve con?gured to mix the ?rst 18. The system of claim 17, Wherein the thermostatic con
stream of cooling Water from the Water cooling toWer trol valve is con?gured to selectively mix the ?rst and second
With a second stream of cooling Water from the inter streams of cooling ?uid to maintain a substantially constant
cooler to generate the cooling Water mixture. temperature of the cooling ?uid mixture into the intercooler.
8. The system of claim 7, Wherein the thermostatic control 19. The system of claim 17, Wherein the inter-section ?uid
valve is con?gured to selectively mix the ?rst and second cooling system comprises the ?uid cooling toWer con?gured
streams of cooling Water to maintain a substantially constant to receive a portion of the second stream of cooling ?uid from
temperature of the cooling Water mixture into the intercooler. the intercooler.
9. The system of claim 7, Wherein the inter-section Water 20. The system of claim 14, Wherein the ?rst section of the
cooling system comprises a variable speed pump con?gured turbine compressor system comprises a loW-pressure com
to pump the cooling Water mixture from the thermostatic pressor and the second section of the turbine compressor
control valve into the intercooler. system comprises a high-pressure compressor.
10. The system of claim 9, Wherein the variable speed
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pump is con?gured to vary the operating speed of the variable