LET EXAM Bio Sci Major
LET EXAM Bio Sci Major
LET EXAM Bio Sci Major
12. There are more species of bacteria that are useful than
Aquatic School of Technology (SPAMAST) – Digos Campus harmful. Which among the following bacteria is found in
the nodules of roots that help plants covert nitrogen into
Licensure Examination for Teachers
more useful compound.
Mockboard Exam
a. Rhizobium c. Mycobacterium
Specialization: Biological Science b. Mycorhizza d. Staphylococcus
13. Malaria is a disease caused by parasistic sporozoans. What
1. Not all plants bear flowers. Which of the following plants genus of sporozoans causes the disease?
bear flowers? a. Amoeba c. Plasmodium
a. Grasses b. Ginkgo c. Cycads d. Pines b. Giardia d. Trypanosoma
2. Which of the following is NOT descriptive of domain 14. What do you call an extremophilic bacteria that live in an
Archaea? environment with high sulfur content like in the
a. It has characteristics similar to domain eubacteria Yellowstone National Park in the USA?
b. They are composed of extremophiles a. Sulfulobus bacteria c. Acidophilic bacteria
c. It includes eukaryotic organisms b. Methanobacteria d. Halophilic bacteria
d. It is believed to be a universal ancestor of all life 15. All animals are heterotrophic, they could be classified as
3. Which of the following groups of organisms is a very good herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. Which of the following
source of antibiotics? animals is an omnivore?
a. Aspergillus niger c. Rhizophus sp. a. Frogs b. Horses c. Lions d. Sheep
b. Penicillium notatum d. Saccharomyces crevisiea 16. Dry fruits are generally classified into indehiscent and
4. Monocots differ from dicots based on the following dehiscent. Those that split open when ripe are dehiscent,
characteristics except: while those that do not split open are indehiscent. Which
a. Arrangement of vascular bundles of the following fruits is indehiscent?
b. Number of petals a. Banaba b. Camachile c. Coconut d . Ipil-ipil
c. Presence of vascular bundles 17. Fruits that become soft and fleshy upon maturity are
d. Type of leaf venation fleshy fruits. They easily spoil when matured. Which of the
5. Which of the following categories refers to the basic unit following fruits is not fleshy?
of classification? a. Chicharo b. Chico c. Melon d. Tomatoes
a. Family b. Genus c. Order d. Species 18. Marine fishes are hypotonic to their surroundings and are
6. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of fungus? having a problem with osmoregulation. To overcome this,
a. Ability to produce their own food they do the following except:
b. Cell walls made out of chitin a. Drink a lot of sea water
c. Filamentous nature b. Excretes salts through the help of chloride cells
d. Mitosis similar to plants and animals c. Having a kidney with low filtration rate
7. Red tide is a natural phenomenon that takes place in a d. Minimize drinking sea water
marine environment. This is caused by a group of protists. 19. Most organisms have only one reproductive organ like in
Which protist is responsible for this phenomenon? man. However, some organisms have both the male and
a. Ciliates c. Sarcodines female gonads. What do you call organisms which have
b. Dinoflagellates d. Sporozoans both male and female reproductive organs/gonads?
8. Malaria is a disease caused by parasitic Sporozoans. What a. Dioecious b. Monoeciuos c. Pistilate d. Protandric
genus of sporozoans causes the disease? 20. What do you call saddle-like structure on the body of the
a. Amoeba c. Plasmodium earthworm along the 32-37th segments where eggs are
b. Giardia d. Trypanosoma fertilized and later on hatch into larvae?
9. Plants are generally classified into vascular and non- a. Clitellum b. Parapodia c. Prostomium d. Setae
vascular. Which of the following plants is a vascular? 21. What is the type of locomotion exhibited by the
a. Bracken fern c. Liveworts cephalopods like the squids and octopuses?
b. Hornworts d. Mosses a. Gliding c. Jet propulsion
10. Which of the following is NOT a taxon? b. Hopping d. Somersaulting
a. Butterflies b. Kingdo c. Snakes d. Sponges 22. What part of the flower will later on become the pericarp
11. All monocots possess the following characteristics except: of the fruit?
a. Fibrous root system a. Ovary wall b. Ovules c. Pedicel d. Style
b. Floral parts in multiples of 4s or 5s
c. Parallel venation
d. Scattered arrangement of vascular bundles
23. In freshwater environment, the organisms (cells) are 36. Classify the following reaction:
hypertonic with reference to the environment. This means 2Kl + Pb(CH₃COO)₂ ----------2K(CH₃COO) + Pbl₂
that more solutes are found inside the cells than in the a. Single replacement reaction c. Combination reaction
surrounding water. What do you call solutions having a b. Double replacement reaction d. Synthesis
greater amount of solute concentrations than the cell? 37. Which of the following are good conductors of heat and
a. Hypertonic solution c. Isotonic solution electricity?
b. Hypotonic solution d. None of the above a. Non-metals b. Noble gases c. Metalloids d. Metals
24. After a leaf has fallen, you will notice the presence of dot- 38. Which element has the greatest ionization energy?
like structures on the leaf scar. What do you call these a. Si b. Na c. Mg d. Al
structures? 39. Which type of bond holds the atoms in water molecules?
a. Bundle scar b. Internode c. Leaf scar d. Node a. Hydrogen bond c. Non-polar covalent bond
25. Digestion could be classified as external or internal. It is b. Ionic bond d. Polar covalent bond
internal when the individual cells take in food and 40. How many lone pairs are there in NH₃?
chemically digest the food through the help of enzymes. a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
External digestion involves a digestive tube where the food 41. Which of the following is the function of the Lysosomes?
is digested externally through physical and chemical a. Protein synthesis c
means and distributed to individual cells. Which among b. Intracellular digestion
the following organisms practices external digestion? c. Processing and packaging
a. Earthworm b. Hydra c. Paramecium d. Sponges d. Production of hydrogen peroxide
26. Some plants produce roots in unusual places in their body. 42. What is the destination of the vesicles formed at the
What do you call these types of roots? smooth ER?
a. Adventitious root c. Specialized root a. Rough ER
b. Fibrous root d. Taproot b. Plant cell vacuole
27. Specialized roots are roots that are modified to perform c. Lysosome
functions other than absorption and anchorage. Which of d. Golgi body
the following is an example of a specialized root? 43. Proteins associated with the plasma membrane have
a. Carrots b. Corm c. Rhizomes d. Tubers hydrophobic ends and hydrophilic ends. What is the
28. Sinks are parts of the body of the plant that function for orientation of the hydrophilic ends of proteins in the
storage of photosynthetic by-products. Which of the plasma membrane?
following is NOT a sink in the body of the plant? a. Sandwiched by the bilipid layer c. Bilipid layer
a. Fruits b. Mature leaves c. Tubers d. Leaf buds b. Membrane surface d. None of the above
29. In the conduction of water and minerals in plants, there 44. Which of the following is NOT a step in Calvin cycle?
are vessels or tissues where water and minerals pass a. Photorespiration
through, what do you call these tissues? b. Carbon dioxide interacts with RUB
a. Casparian strip c. Phloem c. Ribulose biphosphate regeneration
b. Endodermis d. Xylem d. 6-carbon containing compound splits to PGAL
30. Mollusks are soft-bodies animals. Aside from this character 45. Inside a cell, glycerol is broken down into
trait, what is the most important characteristic similar to a. Acetyl CoA b. Amino acids c. Fatty acid d. PGAL
all mollusks? 46. Maricar eats a lot of carbohydrate-containing food. To
a. Presence of a mantle cavity c. Presence of pen avoid high glucose level in blood, what would the liver do
b. Presence of ink sac d. Presence of tentacles with excess glucose?
31. An aluminum ion, Al³⁺, has a. Liver cells convert glycogen to carbon dioxide
a. 13 protons, 23 electrons c. 13 protons and 13 electrons b. Liver cells convert glucose to carbon dioxide
b. 13 protons, 16 electrons d. 13 protons, 10 electrons c. Liver cells convert glucose to glycogen
32. Which of the following compounds is an ionic compound? d. Liver cells convert glucose to protein
a. CHCl₃₁₄ b. BaCl₂ c. HCl d. N₂ 47. What is formed when amino acids are linked by a peptide
33. Which pair of elements is most likely to form a covalent bond?
compound? a. Polysacchride c. Polyketide
a. Mg and Br b. K and Cl c. O and N d. O and Cu b. Polypeptides d. None of the above
34. Which is the correct formula of copper(ll) phosphate? 48. Pairing of nitrogenous bases in DNA is specific. Which base
a. Cu₂PO₄ b. Cu₃(PO₄)₂ c. Cu₂PO₃ d. Cu(PO₄)₂ or bases can form hydrogen bonds with adenine?
35. The stock name for As₂S₅ is a. Thymine b. Uracil c. Guanine d. Adenine
a. Diarsenic pentasulfide c. Arsenic (III) sulfide
b. Arsenic (V) sulfide d. Arsenic (V) sulfate
49. Which of the following pairs of substances forms a A. A genetic change occurs in members of a population
triglyceride? of deer that causes to mate only with specific
a. A glycerol and 1 fatty acid genotypes in a population
b. A glycerol and 2 fatty acids B. A river forms the rechanneling of a mountain runoff,
c. A glycerol and 3 fatty acids transecting the range of a population of larks that
d. d. A glycerol and 3 amino acids reside in the valley
50. Which of the following is the major difference between C. A tectonic shift raises a new mountain range that
mitosis and meiosis? splits a population of possums into two isolated
a. Homologous chromosomes pair only in meiosis groups
b. DNA replication occurs only in meiosis D. A genetic change occurs in members of a penguin
c. Daughter chromatids separate only in meiosis population that causes them to assume a different
d. Chromosomes line up on the cell equator only in courtship ritual than that of the parent population
meiosis 59. A point mutation that occurs during the process of
51. Fermentation is an anaerobic respiration that would cause translation causes the incorrect amino acid to be inserted
the breakdown of pyruvic acid in yeast cells. The process into the growing polypeptide. This is an example of what
releases the following substances except: type of mutation.
a. ATP b. Carbon dioxide c. Ethyl alcohol d. Lactic acid A. a translocation C. a frameshift mutation
52. The signal molecule is platelet derived growth factor, what B. a missense mutation D. a nonsense mutation
is the response of the target cell?
a. The cell becomes a cancer cell For numbers 45-47. In pea plants, one pair of alleles determines
b. The cell becomes a monster flower color (purple or white). Another pair of alleles determines
c. The cell stops dividing seed shape (smooth or wrinkled). Thus, each gamete will contain
d. The cell divides one of the flower color alleles C or c, and one of the seed shaped
53. What makes up the secondary structure of protein? alleles S or s. In repeated crosses of a specific purple, smooth seeded
a. Both alpha helices and beta pleated sheets together plant with a white, wrinkled seeded plant, all of the offspring were
in the same molecule purple and smooth seeded as shown below. However; in subsequent
b. Chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds crosses of another purple, smooth seeded plant with a purple,
c. Either B-pleated sheets or alpha-helix structure wrinkled seeded plant, the ratios are shown in cross II below
d. More than one protein molecule together
Cross Parents Offspring
54. Nucleotide is the building block of nucleic acid and is
I Purple All purple, smooth
composed of sugar, phosphate and nitrogenous base.
What is the linkage between sugar and pyrimidine base in White
a nucleotide? Wrinkled
a. C1 – N9 glycosidic bond c. C1 – N1 glycosidic bond II Purple 3 purple, smooth
b. 1 → 4𝛽 glycosidic bond d. Phosphodiester bond Smooth*
55. Which of the following substances is important to various Purple
synthetic pathways? Wrinkled
3 purple, wrinkled
a. CTP b. Erythrose-4-phosphate c. NADPH d. UTP
1 white, smooth
56. X-linked recessive inheritance is associated with all of the
1 white,
following statements except wrinkled
A. male-to-male transcription 60. Which of the following alleles are dominant?
B. affected males are related through carrier females A. Purple color, smooth seeds
C. offspring of affected males are usually clinically B. Purple color, wrinkled seeds
normal C. White color, smooth seeds
D. offspring of heterozygous females are at risk to either D. D. White color, wrinkled seeds
affected males or carrier females 61. Which of the following is probably the genotype of the
57. Which is the best evidence to support the theory purple smooth-seeded parent in the first cross?
concerning the order of evolutionary development of A. CcSS B. CCss C. CCSS D.CcSs
vertebrates? 62. Which of the following correctly describes the relationship
A. All vertebrates have four chambered hearts of the white flower color alleleto the purple flower color?
B. The earliest fish fossils are over a million years old A. It is dominant C. It is codominant
C. All vertebrates have capillaries connecting the veins B. It is recessive D. It is sex linked
and arteries
D. There is a sequence of vertebrate fossils in
undistributed sedimentary rock
58. Which of the following is most likely to eventually lead to
allopatric speciation?
63. Which of the following goes against the biological species independent. The risk of developing stomach cancer for a
concept? man who already has skin cancer is
A. A species consists of a population of individuals A. 1 in 25 B. 1 in 50 C. 3 in 50 D. 1 in 1250
B. A species may consists of more than one population 72. If one wishes to test the claim that the mean of the
of individuals population is 100. The appropriate null hypothesis is
C. The individuals of a species are capable of A. X=100 B.µ≥100 C.µ< 100 D.µ=100
successfully interbreeding 73. When two dice are rolled, sample space consists of how
D. Members of one species cannot successfully many events?
interbreed with members of another species A. 6 B.12 C.36 D. 54
64. The chromosome mutation that occurs when a piece of 74. An investigator collects diastolic blood pressure levels on a
one chromosome breaks off and joints to a non- group of patients. He divides his scale of measurement
homologous chromosome is known as which of the into intervals of 5mm Hg (i.e.,70-74mm Hg, 80-84mm Hg,
following etc). The investigator counts the number patients diastolic
A. Deletion C. Translocation blood pressures in each interval. If the investigator were to
B. Duplication D. Nondisjunction plot the frequency of blood pressure levels in each
65. When this molecule of DNA replicates, the endonuclease interval, he would probably choose the following graph
enzyme will cleaves between parts represented by (base A. Histogram C. Regression line
your answer on the diagram below which represents parts B. Scatter diagram D. Bar graph
of the double-stranded DNA molecule. 75. A variable that interferes with other variables in the study
is called
1 6 A. a discrete variable C. a confounding variable
B. a dependent variable D. an independent variable
76. What are the three (3) basic unit elements that are
2 5 discovered during ancient Egypt?
3 4 A. Copper,
5 silver, gold C. Gold, iron, silver
3 4 B. Aluminum, silver, copper D. Mercury, gold, copper
77. Which of the following events shows the nature of science
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 3 and 4 D. 1 and 3 as “ a blend of logic Imagination?”
66. Consider the following sets of cholesterol levels in A. Alloy pewter was starting to be used in the
milligramsper deciliter (mg/d) production of objects such as plates, dishes and jugs
Set 1: 200, 210, 190, 220, 195 B. Wheeled-plough and iron-bladed plough were
Set 2: 210, 170, 180, 235, 240 improved due to an increase in demand on dried
The standard deviation of set 1 is corns
A. Less than that of Set 2 C. Maps were made because Romans were frequently
B. Greater than that of Set 2 travelers
C. The same as that of Set 2 D. Romans developed the abacus
D. Equal to the mean of Set 2 78. The 21st century science is more popularly known as
67. The decrees of freedom for the goodness of fit test are A. Computer Age C. Age of Information Technology
A. 0 B. Nuclear Age D. Age of Scientific Revolution
B. 1 Sample size -1 79. The future of Science and technology is best described
C. sample size -1 with the onset of
D. number of categories A. particle dynamics C. biotechnology
68. When a distribution is positively skewed, the relationship B. nanotechnology D. System Dynamics
of the mean, median, mode from left to right will be 80. The Christian world view of science dominated which age
A. Mean, median, mode, C. Median, mode, mean in the development of science and technology?
B. Mode, median, mean D. Mean, mode, median A. Ancient times C. Renaissance period
69. What is the sum of the probabilities of all outcomes in a B. Middle Ages D. 21st century
probability distribution? 81. All the following individuals have made a difference as
A. 0 B.1⁄2 C. 1 D. It cannot be determined architects in the mechanistic world view of Science except:
70. Data that can be classified according to color are A. Francis Bacon C. Isaac Newton
measured on what scale? B. Rene Descartes D. Albert Einstein
A. Ratio B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Dominal 82. What is the importance of a milestone during the Roman
71. Assume the risk of developing stomach cancer during Empire
one’s life is 1 in 50, whereas that of developing skin cancer A. Measure of distance
is 1 in 25. Further assume that these events are B. Supports for temples and other buildings
C. Boundary markers for framing estates
D. both a and c
83. Which of the following technologies were attributed to the d. Flagella for Amoeba and pseudopodia for
early middle ages? Paramecium
A. Casting cannon, treadmill, and iron casting 96. Which is dominated by green pigment?
B. Wools, crucible and spinning wheel a. Rhodophyta c. Phaeophyta
C. Windmills, gunpowder and canals b. Chlorophyta d. Chrysophyta
D. Magnetic compass and mechanical clock 97. Which comes first in viral multiplication?
84. Imagination is more important than knowledge. The more a. Attachment c. Replication
important thing is NOT stop questioning. This line was b. Penetration d. Assembly
quoted by ___________ 98. What is the causative agent of syphilis?
A. Isaac Newton C. Michael Faraday a. Treponema c. Borrelia
B. Albert Einstein D. Galileo Galilei b. Neisseria d. Bacillus
85. Which of the following groups believed that their 99. Which covers the genetic material of virus?
achievements were due to divine intervention? a. Capsid c. Rod
A. Egyptians B. Chinese C. Greeks D. Roman b. Sheath d. Tail
86. Which does NOT belong to the group? 100. Which has the least chance of transmitting AIDS?
a. Capsule c. Cell Wall a. Sexual intercourse c. Organ Transplant
b. Ribosomes d. Cell membrane b. Blood Transfusion d. Kissing
87. Four (4) bacteria undergo binary fission. How many cells 101. The muscle associated with hair follicle are:
are produced in the process? a. Pectoralis major c. Gastrocnemius
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 b. Arrector pili d. Sartorius
88. Which is true for methanogen? 102. A 14-year old female Caucasian has been complaining of
a. Uses methane in metabolism her freckles that are widely distributed throughout her
b. Converts methane to salt or acid body. The pigment responsible for her condition is called:
c. Releases methane as by product a. Carotene c. Melanin
d. Disrupts methane production in bioremediation b. Lycopene d. Keratin
89. What is the relevance of Thermus aquaticus in Polymerase 103. The deepest layer of the epidermis which consist of
Chain Reaction (PCR)? cuboidal or columnar cells and plays a big role for mitotic
a. DNA polymerase of T. aquaticus is used in PCR division every 19 days the :
b. PCR is used by T. aquaticus in its metabolism a. Stratum corneum c. Stratum germinativum
c. T. aquaticus and PCR are the same b. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum basale
d. T. aquaticus is used to study PCR 104. When exposed to sunlight, the skin is capable of producing
90. A bacterium divides in two planes. What will be the result? a molecule that can transform into what type of vitamin?
a. Tetrad c. Diplococci a. Vitamin A c. Vitamin C
b. Sarcinae d. Staphylococci b. Vitamin E d. Vitamin D
91. A scientist observes a microorganism that is infectious and 105. The organ that serves as filtering agent of bacteria, old red
elongated. Which is most likely observed organism? blood cells, bacteria and other foreign particles is the:
a. Spirillum c. Streptobacilli a. Liver c. Kidney
b. Diplococci d. Staphylococcus b. Spleen d. Gall Bladder
92. Which is the goal of bacteria in bioremediation? 106. Helena, a 14-year old female is always conscious about her
a. Release toxins to the environment face because of her pimples and oily skin. The gland
b. Propagate in the polluted environment responsible for causing this condition is:
c. Convert toxic substance to non lethal ones a. Eccrine gland c. Sebaceous gland
d. Create food for the animals infected by pollution b. Merocrine gland d. Apocrine gland
93. Which concept promotes the idea that bacteria are not 107. Raymond, a 10-year old child suffered a fracture on his
always harmful? right forearm due to fall from a tree three weeks ago.
a. Paralysis c. Endotoxins Tissue repair begins a fibrocartilage fills the end of the
b. Probiotics d. Competition damaged bones. The step where this process happened is
94. Which protest functions like Fungi? what is called?
a. Plasmodium c. Physarum a. Bony callus c. Hematoma
b. Gonyaulax d. Caulerpa b. Remodeling d. Fibrocartilaginous callus
95. What are the locomotory organs of Paramecium and 108. Our muscles are capable of contracting regularly. The
Amoeba? neurotransmitter enabling the movement of muscles is
a. Cilia for Paramecium and flagella for Amoeba known as:
b. Cilia for Paramecium and pseudopodia for a. Serotonin c. Acetycholine
Amoeba b. Epinephrine d. Norepinephrine
c. Pseudopodia for Amoeba and flagella for
109. A person who has a diabetes inspidus excretes a large 121. Heat is a product of organism in converting food to other
amount of urine. What hormone is defective in response forms of energy. Why is this considered an advantage to
to this condition? the organism?
a. Antidiuretic hormone c. Erythropoietin a. Maintenance of internal body temperature
b. Renin d. Oxytocin b. Low temperature is good for metabolism
110. A person who is hypertensive loses elasticity of the c. Water uses heat for convection transfer
coronary arteries. This condition is known as: d. Heat is converted to store energy
a. Atherosclerosis c. Arteriosclerosis 122. In maximizing the gliding time, which area should be
b. Embolism d. Phlebitis avoided by gliders?
111. The hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland is: a. Remains of lava flow c. Barren field
a. Prolactin c. Growth hormone b. Cemented roads d. Forest park
b. Antidiuretic hormone d. Calcitonin 123. What is the effect of thin ice formed on top of a lake
112. A milky fluid which comprises the fat globules and lymph is during winter?
known as: a. Increase temperature of lake
a. Lacteals c. Chyle b. Absorb heat from the atmosphere
b. Colostrum d. None of the above c. Served as thermal insulator to the lake
113. What part of the male reproductive system in which d. Conduct heat between water and atmosphere
sperms are stored? 124. Which situation will lose or acquire heat by conduction?
a. Epididymis c. Vas deferens a. Birds getting fish under water
b. Seminiferous tubules d. Urethra b. Exposing to morning sunlight
114. The immune system comprises the T-cells which develop c. Resting on a cold boulder
in the : d. Walking inside a cave
a. Adrenal glands c. Thyroid gland 125. If an animal wants to cool down by touching its belly to the
b. Thymus gland d. Spleen soil, which should done?
115. Which gland is part o the endocrine system? a. Increase time of contact to the soil
a. Seminal vesicles c. Prostate gland b. Find a soil hotter than the animal body
b. Bulbourethral gland d. Testes c. Place a smaller area of the belly to the floor
116. What is the classification of ecosystem? d. Increase distance between the belly and the soil
a. Closed system, because the green house gases trap 126. What is needed to be established to be certain that
heat coevolution has occurred?
b. Closed system, because clouds reflect sunlight back a. Both species originated from the same time.
to space b. Each species affects the population density of the
c. Open system, because it requires constant light other.
energy supply c. The evolution of one species is complementary to the
d. Open system, because it releases heat to the inner evolution of the other species.
layers of the earth d. Two species are adapted to a common set of
117. Water in the leaf transpires (evaporates) when heated. environmental conditions.
What is the result? 127. Which of the following exhibits genuine symbiosis?
a. Hotter environment a. Grass and man c. Seal and penguin
b. Cooler environment b. Lichen d. Whale and shark
c. Fast release of nutrients of roots 128. Which of the following provides an incorrect comparison
d. Slow release of nutrients by roots between tropical rainforest and grassland?
118. Food was consumed by the biotic (living) components. a. Both are terrestrial ecosystems
Food was then used for movements of organs. The b. Both have large areas are converted to commercial
movement of organs released bioluminescence establishments
afterwards. What are the conversions of energy? c. Fires in grasslands occur more often inhibiting the
a. Mechanical-chemical-radiant growth of trees
b. Chemical-mechanical-radiant d. Precipitation are of greatest quantity
c. Chemical-radiant-mechanical 129. Which biome has the shortest growing season?
d. Mechanical-radiant-chemical a. Grassland c. Taiga
119. Tourist travelling to High Mountain experience gradual b. Savannah d. Tropical rainforest
lowering of temperature. What is the reason behind this? 130. In summer, algal blooms are a common scenario. Which
a. Turnover c. First law of thermodynamics factor is limiting to the growth of other organisms in the
b. Adiabatic cooling d. Zeroth law of thermodynamics event of algal blooms?
120. Which is needed to counteract the effect of entrophy? a. Carbohydrates c. Oxygen
a. Output b. Work c. Heat d. Light b. Nitrogen d. Water
131. Which of the following is a natural ecosystem? 142. What muscle is described as involuntary and not striated
a. Fish pond c. Mangrove forest and has a single nucleus?
b. Lawn d. Rice paddy a. Smooth b. Skeletal c. Cardiac d. Connective
132. Which of the following would have the least amount of 143. Which of the following helps in blood coagulation?
energy received based on its trophic position? a. Vitamin C b. Vitamin c. Potassium d. Sodium
a. Eagle b. Louse c. Rice d. Snail 144. Which of these is NOT a reactant in photosynthesis?
133. What may happen if a keystone predator is removed from a. Sunlight b. Cabon dioxide c. Glucose d. Water
an ecosystem? 145. The offspring of amle donkey and a female horse is called
a. The density of all population will increase. a:
b. The diversity of organisms will decrease. a. mule b. liger c. mare d. colt
c. The diversity of organisms will increase. 146. malaria is endemic in places in the Philippines such as
d. The prey will become the keystone predator. Palawan. What is the causative agent of malaria?
134. Why are decomposers not represented in the food chain? a. Anopheles mosquito c. Plasmodium
a. Decomposition occurs at any point in the chain. b. Aedes aegypti mosquito d. Virus
b. Most decomposers are anaerobic. 147. Which of the following is a rodent?
c. The organisms should die first before the process can a. Butterfly b. Whale c. Earthworm d. Rat
begin. 148. In which part of the cell does glycolysis take place?
d. They are not heterotrophs. a. Mitochondria b. Nucleus c. Ribosomes d. Cytoplasm
135. Under which relationship can you classify that of man and 149. Which of the following is true about diabetes mellitus?
natural flora in the human gut? a. There is an increase in cellular glucose.
a. Commensalism c. Parasitism b. There is an increase in blood glucose.
b. Mutualism d. Predation c. There is a decrease in blood glucose.
136. Why does shedding of leaves occur in deciduous trees d. There is an increase in the size of the arteries.
before winter? 150. What will happen when a plant cell is placed in a
a. In preparation for the new leaves that will grow in hypotonic solution?
spring a. It will shrink and lyse.
b. Leaves are old and nonfunctional b. It will swell and burst.
c. To conserve energy that will be used for the c. Nothing will change.
maintenance of parts d. It will swell and become turgid.
d. To prevent the leaves from freezing
137. Natural disturbances may impart positive or negative
effects on ecosystems. Which of the following
disturbances allow sun-loving plants to thrive along the
disturbed area?
a. Fire b. Flood c. Strong wind d. Volcanic eruption
138. The amount of energy obtained by organisms decrease as
the trophic level increases. What could result from this?
a. Organisms of the higher trophic level will be much
b. Organisms of the higher trophic level will consume
c. Organisms of the lower trophic level will dominate
the ecosystem
d. The effect is not worth living.
139. Where can you find the final consumer in the energy
a. Apex c. Middle portion
b. Base d. They are not classified under
140. What information can you get from a food web?
a. Diet of organisms c. Trophic niches of organism
b. Number of food chains present d. All of the above
141. What happens in a myocardial in farction?
a. There is a decrease of oxygen in the brain.
b. There is a decrease of oxygen in the heart muscles.
c. There is an increase in pressure in the blood vessels.
d. There is an infection in the body.