NIAMM Maintenance Management Standard
NIAMM Maintenance Management Standard
NIAMM Maintenance Management Standard
Management Standard
for immovable assets
Table of Contents
6.1 Design, implementation and operation
of a maintenance management system 18
6.2 Management of facility or system
shutdown events 19
Terms employed in this Standard have the meaning defined below (source documents indicated in brackets):
Asset A resource owned or controlled by an entity as a result of past events and from
which future economic benefits or service potential are expected to flow to the
Asset hierarchy (IIMM) A framework for segmenting an asset base into appropriate classifications. The
asset hierarchy can be based on asset function, asset type, or a combination of
the two.
Asset life (ISO 55000) Period from asset creation to asset end-of-life.
Asset management (LGIAMG) The process of decision-making, planning and control over the acquisition, use,
safeguarding and disposal of assets to maximise their service delivery potential
and benefits, and to minimise their related risks and costs over their entire life.
Asset management A combination of processes, data and software applied to provide outputs
information system (LGIAMG) required for effective asset management.
Asset management plan A documented plan developed for the management of one or a portfolio of assets
that combines multi-disciplinary management techniques (including technical
and financial) over the lifecycle of the asset in the most cost-effective manner to
provide a specified level of service. The plan specifies approaches, programmes,
projects, activities, resources, responsibilities and timeframes across the lifecycle
of the asset(s) planned for, or over a timeframe appropriate for robust lifecycle
Asset management objectives Specific outcomes required from the implementation of the asset management
(IIMM) system.
Asset management practices The asset management processes and techniques that an entity undertakes,
(IIMM) such as demand forecasting, developing and monitoring levels of service and risk
Asset management strategy The high level long-term approach to asset management including asset
(IIMM) management action plans and objectives for managing the assets.
AM Asset Management
CIDB Construction Industry Development Board
CRC Current Replacement Cost
DRC Depreciated Replacement Cost
FMECA Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis
GFMAM Global Forum for Maintenance and Asset Management
GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice
IAS International Accounting Standards
IDMS Infrastructure Delivery Management System
IIMM International Infrastructure Management Manual
IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards
IPWEA Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia
ISBN International Standard Book Number
ISO International Standards Organisation
LGIAMG Local Government Infrastructure Asset Management Guidelines
NAMS New Zealand Asset Management Support
NPV Net Present Value
PAS Publicly Available Standard
PPE Property, Plant and Equipment
RCM Reliability-Centered Maintenance
RUL Remaining Useful Life
SANS South African National Standards
The acquisition of immovable assets, inclusive of supply chain management, project management and construction management
activities are regulated through various Treasury-specific supply chain management regulations. This National Immovable Asset
Maintenance Management Standard complements the Infrastructure Delivery Management Standard by specifying asset
care requirements for immovable assets through the lifecycle, and by establishing standards for organisational arrangements,
competences and requirements for professionals involved with asset lifecycle activities. Lifecycle activities addressed in this
Standard include the planning for and execution of maintenance, renewal or replacement, decommissioning and disposal. The
following are specifically excluded from the scope of this Standard:
a. Establishing primary principles for the accounting of immovable assets – these principles are articulated in the Generally
Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) framework and specific standards of GRAP, and accordingly this Standard limits its
scope to interpreting GRAP for practical application of accounting principles to the management of immovable assets.
b. Non-asset specific operating activities, such as water quality testing, do not form part of the scope of this Standard and are
instead regulated through various South African National Standards (SANS), sectoral legislation or sectoral standards and
codes of practice.
c. Asset-specific maintenance requirements that are regulated either through SANS standards or sectoral standards by various
South African regulatory bodies.
d. Health and safety matters relating to asset care activities – these are dealt with in the Occupational Health and Safety Act
1993 (No. 85 of 1993).
There is wide recognition in both local and international literature that asset care activities, these being maintenance and renewal,
form part of the lifecycle management of assets, and that the lifecycle of assets should be managed holistically.
AM strategy and
objectives • Asset
• Planning to achieve AM management
objectives system
• Outsourcing (scope) • Actions to
Plans for developing AM
AM plans address
systems and support
risks and
• Operational planning and opportunities
control Implementation of AM AM system and support for the system
• Outsourcing (control) plans elements
• Management of change • Resources
• Competence
Asset portfolio(s) Asset register • Awareness
• Communications
• Information
• Documented
Scope of AM system ISO 55 000 ISO 55 001 Author of NIMS standard’s inclusion in
the scope of AM systems
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this Standard:
Environmental sustainability
• DEA. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), November 1998. Department of Environmental Affairs.
• DME. Energy Efficiency Strategy of the Republic of South Africa. March 2005. Department of Minerals and Energy.
• DEA. National Climate Change Response White Paper. October 2011. Department of Environmental Affairs.
• DPW. Green Building Policy (Draft). July 2014. Department of Public Works.
Social and economic sustainability through labour intensive asset care practices
• DPW et al (2004). Guidelines for the Implementation of Labour-Intensive Infrastructure Projects under the Expanded Public
Works Programme, 2nd Edition, July 2005.
• DTI (2009). Construction Codes of Good Practice: 2000-2800 for Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment, Issues in
terms of Section 9 (1) of the BBBEE Act 53, 2003, Notice 862 of 2009, Government Gazette No. 32305, Department of
Trade and Industry.
• CIDB (2013). CIDB Standard for Indirect Targeting for Enterprise Development. Board Notice 21 of 2013, Government
Gazette 36190, 25 February 2013. Construction Industry Development Board.
• CIDB (2013). CIDB Standard for Developing Skills on Infrastructure Contracts. Board Notice 180 of 2013, Government
Gazette 36760, 23 August 2013, Construction Industry Development Board.
• CIDB (2013). CIDB Practice Note 31; Balancing Delivery, Development and Empowerment (Draft). Construction Industry
Development Board.
a. All terms employed in this Standard are consistent with accounting terminology and principles established in IPSAS, IAS
and GRAP.
b. All terms relating to the definition and key elements of an asset management system are consistent with the ISO 55 000:
Asset Management series.
c. ISO 55 000 however was prepared to apply not only to public infrastructure and other immovable assets, but to the very
diverse asset portfolios found in both the public and private sectors, including immovable asset portfolios as well movable
asset portfolios such as rolling rail stocks, fleets of ships and aircraft, and more.
d. To ensure relevance to public infrastructure in South Africa in terms of alignment of accounting and engineering perspectives,
lifecycle activities and techniques, terminology was selected that is consistent with the International Infrastructure
Management Manual. This Manual was developed for the management of complex public immovable assets, is considered
by the World Bank to be representative of best international practice, and South Africa is a signatory to this manual.
e. Local specific and relevant terminology were employed to the extent that these are published. The Asset Management
Framework published by the National Treasury and Guidelines for Infrastructure Asset Management in Local Government
published by the Department of Cooperative Governance served as references.
The following are key characteristics of public sector immovable assets that provide the basis for the normative framework and
asset care requirements described in this document:
3.4.1 The citizenry of South Africa has over successive generations invested in the creation of both large and diverse public sector
immovable assets, comprising buildings, infrastructure and associated assets. These assets contribute to the fixed capital
wealth of the country, underpin economic activity and enable the delivery of social goods.
3.4.2 Immovable assets, when managed properly, display the quality of longevity. Many of South Africa’s public sector immovable
assets have been in existence for generations. Considered in the aggregate, the demand for public infrastructure tends to
increase over time.
3.4.3 Immovable assets held in the public sector at any given point in time represent high value capital investment of an order of
magnitude unaffordable by any one given generation of the citizenry. Past generations in part created immovable assets
financed through loans paid by successive generations. Successive generations enjoy the benefits of immovable assets created
by previous generations and in turn create more immovable assets that are again partly financed by generations to come.
3.4.4 Each generation entrusts the Government of the Republic of South Africa with custodianship of the accumulated wealth
vested in public immovable assets.
3.4.5 Government in turn has a moral obligation to maintain the value and productive capacity of public immovable assets.
Government is also responsible for fiscal management.
3.4.6 Fiscal sustainability requires Government to manage financial benefits, costs and risks to avoid financial shocks in future
periods without having to raise expenditure, taxes and administrative prices to such an extent that those adjustments become
economically or socially destabilising.
3.4.7 To maintain fiscal sustainability in relation to immovable assets it is necessary to adopt full depreciation accounting that keeps
track with real cost increases, and to properly plan, budget and spend over the lifecycle in such a manner that no deficit in
renewals accrues, or that renewals expenditure becomes too lumpy at times that in turn requires excessive capital at particular
points in time and that exceeds the entity’s administrative capacity to implement renewal programmes and projects.
3.4.9 Asset care, comprising optimised maintenance and renewal planning, implementation and management, is a key objective
of asset management. In recent years there has been growing recognition that asset management is a profession in its
own right, requiring competent, multi-skilled management practitioners to function within a defined asset management
3.4.10 Asset management requires the balancing of risks and costs within acceptable parameters. Risk is ever-present and
multi-faceted. A particular feature of public immovable assets is the often severe to catastrophic impacts when risk events
materialise. Hence asset management follows a risk-based approach to the management of immovable assets.
3.4.11 The remainder of the lifecycle costs of an immovable asset following initial acquisition ranges from substantial in relation
to the initial acquisition cost, to exceeding the initial costs by a significant margin. This requires that planning for a new
immovable asset should take into consideration all lifecycle requirements, risks, actions and costs, inclusive of impacts on
asset care. Furthermore new immovable assets should be planned, designed and constructed or otherwise acquired with
the aim of optimised asset lifecycles that balance service requirements, risks and costs.
3.4.12 Public sector immovable assets collectively have the potential to consume vast quantities of water and energy, and to
generate quantities of waste that place pressure on the available renewable supply of scarce ecological resources and the
ability of the environment to accept wastes generated. New viable technologies and practices however enable the design,
construction and operation of public sector immovable assets, buildings in particular, to achieve significantly improved
efficiencies in water and energy consumption, and waste generation, in support of the objective of sustainable development.
Asset care through renewals, especially in the case of buildings, provides significant scope for green retrofitting and the
associated benefits of improved water and energy efficiencies, and reduction in waste generated.
3.4.13 Asset care commences in the planning and design phases prior to asset acquisition or construction. Design considerations
include, as appropriate to the planned asset, ways in which in an asset can fail, design to limit failures where cost effective
and necessary to mitigate unreasonable risk exposure, and comply with legislative requirements, and design that facilitates
efficient maintenance e.g. providing sufficient physical access to technicians to maintain assets. Maintenance and renewal
activities are undertaken following asset commissioning. Hence asset care activities are considered and planned for from a
whole asset lifecycle perspective.
4.1.1 Each entity shall interpret its strategic plan and develop specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound asset
management objectives focussing on the care of its immovable assets.
a. the importance of assets to their intended outcomes, objectives or service requirements, and shall also review risks,
inclusive of the potential impacts from the failure of either assets, asset management activities or both;
b. the nature, scope, complexity and scale or extent of asset portfolios under its control; and
c. any statutory requirements related to the operation and maintenance of assets or of services rendered through the use
of its immovable assets.
4.1.3 The entity shall, in support of its asset management objectives, develop supportive and responsive maintenance and
renewal objectives and regimes, within the context of whole lifecycle management, as follows:
a. expected asset useful lives shall be recorded in the asset management strategy, clearly stating the required
lifecycle strategies necessary to achieve life expectations;
b. determine the minimum acceptable asset failure mode status (performance, utilisation, condition and cost-of-
operations) for its assets, with due consideration to the criticality rating attached to each asset and its function
within the broader network or portfolio of assets, and document such in the asset management strategy;
c. where the demand for assets or networks/portfolios are indefinite, or where assets have lives measured in
decades or generations, a renewals plan shall be developed for such assets facilities, networks or portfolios
and included in the lifecycle plan section of the asset management plan(s), taking into account minimum
acceptable condition, performance and cost of operations, as well as the need to maintain business continuity
and a favourable asset sustainability ratio; and
d. a maintenance plan shall be developed and included in the lifecycle plan section of the asset management
plan(s), indicating:
i. the maintenance type and approach within the larger lifecycle strategy to be adopted for each asset
type and asset portfolio, and for critical assets specifically (e.g. preventative or corrective, interval-
based etc.);
ii. the appropriate level of reliability chosen given performance expectations and the costs involved to
achieve and/or maintain that level of reliability;
iii. the maintenance actions (e.g. monitoring, testing, serving, repairs) to be adopted per asset type,
asset group and for business-critical assets; and
iv. appropriate resourcing methods.
In developing performance measures for assets and the asset management system, the entity shall:
4.2.1 Establish documented performance measures and reporting arrangements at all levels of the entity, and assign responsibilities
to specific persons or positions to ensure that performance data is collected and reported as per the documented reporting
arrangements, taking into account the following:
a. in deciding on reporting arrangements, the entity shall determine to whom performance should be reported
to, and the level of detail of reporting to various recipients of this information; and
b. since the accounting officer has overall legal responsibility for the safeguarding, use and control over assets, an
asset and asset management system performance report should be presented to the accounting officer at a
level of detail and frequencies as considered appropriate for executive attention and decision-making.
4.2.2 Performance measures shall include relevant proactive, reactive, leading and lagging measures of both qualitative and
quantitative nature.
4.3 Requirements for asset design and subsequent asset care activities
In response to the determined functional requirements for assets, entities shall consider, plan and appropriately design asset
creation and renewal programmes and projects for (1) resource efficiency (e.g. energy and water resource efficiency), (2) labour
intensive practices creating employment opportunities, and (3) asset maintainability as appropriate given current technologies,
costs and relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice. With respect to asset maintainability, the entity shall:
4.3.1 Require of its professional design staff or of the professional providers contracted by it (e.g. engineers or architects) to
accommodate maintainability into the design of assets as appropriate.
4.3.2 In developing specifications for asset creation or acquisition, recommendations and maintenance functional requirements
will be solicited from maintenance personnel, and incorporated into asset design specifications as appropriate.
4.3.3 Require of suppliers and contractors to provide maintenance manuals and training, where deemed necessary, on the
maintenance of new immovable assets.
Each entity shall establish, maintain and update asset registers supportive of asset care planning, in the following manner:
4.4.1 Segment and classify its immovable asset portfolio(s) to at least the level of maintenance-significant item in accordance with
a predetermined asset hierarchy, and shall furthermore, for purposes of maintenance and renewals planning, determine
and record the following information against each asset in its asset register:
5.1.1 Each entity should make sufficient budget provision for the maintenance of its immovable assets as per its approved asset
management plans throughout the life of assets, and shall furthermore undertake all reasonable effort to ensure full
implementation of maintenance activities on an annual basis.
5.1.2 Further to 5.1.1 above, budgeting for asset maintenance shall be done on the basis of the demonstrated estimated current
costs involved in achieving stated maintenance objectives. Budgeting shall not be based on historic budget provisions or
some normative allocated percentage of the total operating budget.
5.1.3 In the event that insufficient budget is available for maintenance, or that such budget is not fully spent in a financial period,
the entity shall record the amount of deferred maintenance in its annual financial statements, and shall furthermore:
a. indicate the impact of insufficient spending on maintenance on the useful life expectations of assets; and
b. indicate whether the lack of spending on asset maintenance has affected business operations,
commitments to customers and/or legislative requirements regarding the availability of asset-based services,
and operating income projections.
5.2.1 Each entity should ensure that its investment in capital renewal over the cycle of its strategic plan as a minimum equals
depreciation measured against current replacement cost over the same period, thus maintaining the value, service potential
and/or economic benefit vested in its asset portfolio(s). To this end, the entity shall:
a. establish asset consumption ratio and asset sustainability ratio targets for its immovable asset groups with due
consideration to the relative age and renewal profile(s) of its immovable asset portfolio(s) as well as the
financial capacity of the entity within the asset management strategy of the entity;
b. develop replacement/renewal profiles and plans for its immovable asset portfolio(s), include such in the asset
management plan, strategic plan and long term financial plan of the entity;
c. make adequate provision for renewals in the medium term revenue and expenditure framework in line with the
approved asset management plan(s); and
d. report performance against targets for asset sustainability and asset consumption in its annual financial
a. document the extent, current replacement costs, depreciated replacement cost, accumulated depreciation,
current condition and minimum acceptable condition of assets by asset type and of the asset portfolio in its
b. present a renewals profile for assets based on current age or condition, as appropriate, and remaining useful
life estimates;
c. project the future condition of assets based on current actual and planned levels of investment in asset renewal;
develop a renewals plan by asset type, for similar components, or a combination of these approaches taking
into account:
i. committed renewal projects;
ii. the balancing of entity’s financial and implementation capacity, fiscal stability and asset requirements
through period-smoothed renewals programmes; and
iii. opportunities for joint planning of renewal or upgrading of assets in other sectors (e.g. upgrading
of water and sewer pipes during planned road renewal projects, thus avoiding unnecessary repeated
breaking of road pavements); and
e. define and cost renewal programmes and projects over the planning period.
Maintenance delivery involves the organisation and mobilisation of people, processes and other resources (e.g. vehicles, tools,
spare parts and consumables) to ensure that maintenance regimes and plans are implemented in such a manner that assets remain
safe for use and meet performance requirements in the most cost effective and efficient manner. To this end:
6.1.1 Each entity shall design, implement and operate a maintenance management system suitable to the scale, complexity and
criticality of the asset portfolio(s) under its control, which system shall comply with the requirements of the Standard for
an Infrastructure Delivery Management System.
6.2.1 Where maintenance involves facility or system shutdown events, either scheduled or unplanned, the entity shall develop
documented procedures to manage such events in accordance with regulatory dictates, contractual obligations, customer
accords and sector or industry best practices, taking into account the need to minimise service delivery impacts, impacts on
assets as well as potential revenue losses.
6.2.2 The entity shall identify both internal and external parties affected by shutdown events, and shall develop suitable
documented communication protocols aimed at demonstrating competence and instilling confidence in the sound
management of such events, limiting adverse impacts on affected parties, managing the reputation of the entity and
maintaining robust relationships with those parties affected.
Responding to incidents requires the entity to both predict and appropriately respond to asset failures and non-asset incidents
in an appropriate and systematic manner. “Appropriate and systematic” in this context includes incident prediction, detection
and identification, development of appropriate documented standard responses inclusive of temporary and permanent repair
procedures, insurance arrangements, access to and competence of response teams, communicating with affected parties,
alternative supply arrangements whilst dealing with asset failures, site access and handback, reporting and updating of the asset
management information system, post-response evaluation of such events and the handling thereof, and improvements to existing
standard responses or development of new standard responses based on the findings of the post-response evaluation. To this end
the entity shall:
7.1.1 Design its incident responses to ensure service recovery and mitigation of adverse impacts within the time allowed in terms
of legislation, or as per the entity’s customer service charter or contractual obligations, whichever is the shortest period
7.1.2 The entity’s approach to incident management shall be documented in its asset management strategy and responses to
different types of incidents should be articulated in the asset management plan(s).
7.1.3 The approach to incident response shall be sensitive towards the criticality of different assets, facilities and systems, and
the potential impact of different incidents on services and the strategic objectives of the entity.
7.1.4 Documented incident responses shall be communicated with all stakeholders, internal and external, involved in responding
to incidents.
7.1.5 The entity shall take appropriate steps to ensure that specific incident management roles and responsibilities are allocated,
that those responsible to respond to incidents have the necessary authority (such as to authorise emergency purchases or
overtime pay) and access to resources, and are properly trained and qualified to deal with incidents.
7.2.1 The entity shall, following every major incident, conduct an evaluation of the causes of the event, the effectiveness of
the documented approach in dealing with the event, whether the documented approach has been followed, and of the
effectiveness of the incident response itself. A “major” incident is any incident in breach of legal requirements, or one that
exceeds the entity’s materiality limit, or that exceeds the risk appetite of the entity to deal with through standard operating
7.2.2 Where deemed appropriate, the entity shall improve and update its response and standard procedures in dealing with
responses of the nature investigated.
8.1 Develop a framework for the management of risks related to immovable assets that is tailored to the extent, complexity,
expected performance and criticality of assets, the range of non-asset risks involved in the care of immovable assets, the
entity’s materiality limit and risk appetite, and its corporate risk management framework.
8.2 Articulate the approach to risk management in the entity’s asset management strategy.
8.3 Develop and implement standardised decision-making tools and processes for the identification, assessment and treatment
of risks.
8.4 Assess asset criticality using a standardised impact rating scale and record criticality ratings against assets in the entity’s
asset register.
8.5 Monitor the status of failure modes in line with a documented updating plan, and record in the entity’s asset register.
8.6 Develop appropriate risk treatment options in the entity’s asset management plan(s), and update and maintain the risk
register with details on risks, affected assets, risk controls, risk owner, costs involved, and reporting and review dates.
9.1.1 Periodically, but at intervals not exceeding three (3) years, assess its immovable asset portfolio(s) and seek opportunities
for optimisation of its asset portfolio(s). The asset rationalisation scan shall identify, amongst other, the following triggers
as appropriate to various assets and asset groups:
a. changes to either levels of service, standards of service or both, causing assets to be unsuitable for requirements;
b. changes in the demand for asset-based services, in terms of the volume of demand, location of demand or
demand substitution;
c. as regards engineering networks, outcomes of engineering master planning exercises recommending network
reconfiguration to improve efficiencies (e.g. water reticulation network optimisation that results in improved
energy efficiency causing some pump stations to be redundant);
d. as regards buildings, outcomes of urban precinct planning, space planning or building accessibility analysis
indicating the need for relocation, centralisation or decentralisation, space reconfiguration, space rationalisation,
expansion or optimisation, or a combination of these;
e. outcomes of environmental impact assessments indicating that assets do not meet environmental safety
9.1.2 In assessing the scope for asset rationalisation and planning for asset portfolio-level optimisation, the entity shall:
10.1 Include the scope of this Standard and adherence to it in the scope of its internal audit.
10.2 Conduct regular management reviews to assess asset management objectives, actual performance, processes, planning
and control mechanisms and asset management system to identify continued relevance and opportunities for improvement
considering changes to the entity’s strategy, the external environment, legislation, developments in best practice, and
asset technologies. The approach to management reviews shall be documented in the asset management strategy and be
aligned to the National Immovable Asset Maintenance Management Protocol:
a. management reviews shall be properly planned and shall cover the full scope of this Standard;
b. management reviews shall be undertaken by a competent asset management practitioner with appropriate
resources and with full support from the accounting officer;
c. in undertaking management reviews, the management review team shall have unencumbered access to all
pertinent documents (e.g. asset management strategy, asset management plan(s), asset register, risk register,
relevant policies and procedure documents, contract documentation with both clients and suppliers, incident
reports, asset structural and safety reports, audit reports etc.) and may also interview all staff, suppliers and
clients as necessary to enable a comprehensive and balanced management review;
d. the management review shall identify any shortcomings or opportunities for improvement as measured against
both this Standard and the entity’s asset management strategy and policy, and shall where this is not the case
propose an asset management practices improvement plan;
e. the asset management practices improvement plan shall stipulate detailed work plans for individual
improvement projects, inclusive of resources required, estimated costs and suitable timeframes, as well as
expected benefits of implementing the proposed improvements;
f. the management review team leader shall present the asset management practices improvement plan to the
accounting officer for approval; and
g. management reviews shall be conducted at regular intervals of no longer than three (3) years, or more often
instructed by the accounting officer or when one of the triggers identified above manifests itself (e.g. changes
in entity strategy, the external environment or legislation).
11.1 Determine asset data and knowledge needs and develop data conventions
11.1.1 Analyse asset care objectives, legal requirements, and the nature and characteristics of the asset portfolio(s) under
the control of the entity (e.g. the requirement to establish, maintain and update immovable asset registers that are
componentised to a level necessary for the management of assets) and determine asset data and knowledge needs.
11.1.2 Establish suitable documented data conventions to ensure consistent collation, processing, analysis and presentation of
asset data across asset groups and asset types, inclusive of at least:
a. an asset data model that contains an asset hierarchy with associated units of measurement, asset coding
conventions, expected useful life expectations and current replacement cost recorded at the asset component
b. generic entity-level models for asset failure modes, further applied to asset types;
c. asset criticality grading conventions; and
d. structure of the asset register.
11.1.3 Each entity shall design specific long range initiatives aimed at furthering knowledge about long term asset failure mode
behaviour, and document such with the intention of improving understanding of risk and failure, and to improve lifecycle
11.1.4 The entity shall furthermore design processes and mechanisms for ensuring that asset data and knowledge are
institutionalised, disseminated, applied in decision-making, budgeting and improved over time.
11.2.1 Upon implementation of this Standard, and periodically thereafter at intervals not exceeding three (3) years, each entity
shall take stock of its asset data and knowledge and shall:
a. assess such data for relevance, currency, clarity, completeness, accuracy, consistency and integrity; and
b. determine whether asset data and knowledge is sufficient to support robust strategic asset management
decision-making and operating activities.
11.2.2 In the event that the asset rationalisation and management review do not coincide, the assessment of asset data and
knowledge review shall be undertaken following the outcomes after each rationalisation review and management review.
11.2.3 In the event that data is found to be lacking (e.g. incomplete, outdated or unstructured), the entity shall develop a data
improvement plan and assign a responsible person, resources and suitable timeframe for data improvement.
These assets, when properly managed, confer vast benefits upon entities and the ultimate recipients of services enabled by these
assets. Most people in these entities are in some way engaged with those assets, whether to plan for, acquire, operate, maintain,
Asset management, which encompasses not only maintenance and renewal, is therefore not just about whole cost or whole
lifecycle management of assets – it’s a way of thinking and of doing business for asset-reliant entities. And whilst it’s about assets
and the services they perform, the process starts and ends with people, what they need from assets, and how they plan for, utilise
and treat assets. Entities that are effective in asset management realise this, view themselves as asset management entities,
allocate asset management roles and responsibilities from executive/senior management levels to front line staff as well as across
functional disciplines (e.g. engineering, financial and accounting, management and other disciplines) in the entity, and aim to
establish an enabling asset management culture that permeates the whole entity.
Such entities also clearly identify not only roles and responsibilities within the entity, but also specifically determine the functions
that will be performed by the entity itself and those functions that are to be outsourced – and then implement suitable outsourcing
strategies. To this end, the entity shall:
12.1.1 Clearly determine which maintenance and renewal activities should be outsourced, and which activities should be
performed internally, and then establish and maintain sound supply chain management arrangements that support the
asset management objectives of the entity and in compliance with relevant supply chain management legislation. The
following shall be considered in making and implementing outsourcing decisions:
a. the importance of asset management activities in relation to stated asset management objectives, extent of
work involved, the in-house availability of competent staff and/or the ability of the entity to readily develop or
recruit competent staff, management system and maintenance tooling requirements, and management
b. establishing measurable objectives for suppliers;
c. specifying and developing procurement requirements, effective contracts and service level agreements that
correspond with maintenance objectives and targets for specific assets according to the dictates of asset
management strategy and plans, committed service agreements between the entity and its customers,
legislative requirements on the availability of assets, and the criticality of assets – specific attention should also
be given to the structure and bundling or unbundling of contracts in a manner that supports the strategic
objectives of the entity without over-burdening its administrative systems (e.g. geographic bundling to achieve
economies of scale, functional bundling to develop high levels of competence and quality, e.g. bundling of
mechanical works, and other factors, such as creating employment opportunities); and
d. developing relevant performance indicators and in-house monitoring capacity to assess supplier performance
and manage supplier contracts to ensure achievement of maintenance objectives and targets, and to minimise
the transfer of risk from suppliers to the entity.
In the context of this standard, “supplier” refers to any external entity or party that performs an asset management
function on behalf of the entity, whether an organ of state, a private sector concern, a non-governmental entity, or a
natural person that is not an employee of the entity.
12.1.2 Define appropriate organisational arrangements to give asset management practitioners sufficient authority and scope of
control to effectively implement the maintenance management system, and assign and communicate such roles, functions,
accountability and responsibility to specific approved positions and the incumbents of those positions. This includes:
a. the establishment of an entity structure, job descriptions and skills profiles at all levels and functional disciplines
in the entity, and the inclusion of asset management, inclusive of asset care, performance targets in job
descriptions and employee contracts as appropriate;
b. recruitment of competent staff and/or development of competencies of existing staff, and ongoing staff
development; and
12.1.3 Develop a culture of asset management learning and foster a spirit of continuous improvement in asset management
practices, including:
a. establish systems and processes to continuously monitor and assess developments in legislation and best
practices relating to asset management in general and maintenance management in specific, and establish
systems and processes to assess the entity’s structure, competence requirements, business processes and
asset management planning, implementation and control instruments for continued relevance and opportunities
for improvement, and plan for and implement accordingly;
b. establish systems and processes to support and incentivise effective asset management work performance,
behaviour and contributions to the development and enhancement of best practice; and
c. establish asset management career paths.
13.1 Appoint persons in asset care positions that are competent, as measured against the National Immovable Asset Management
Maintenance Competency Standard.
13.2 Retrain and/or educate, and take reasonable actions to enable staff appointed, prior to commencement of the National
Immovable Asset Management Maintenance Competency Standard, to be competent asset care professionals.
13.3 When requesting tenders and quotations involving asset care services or activities, require proof of competence of
professionals against the National Immovable Asset Management Maintenance Competency Standard.
Accounting Standards Board. Directive 5: Determining the GRAP Reporting Framework. March 2009.
Accounting Standards Board. Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice: Impairment of Non-Cash Generating Assets
(GRAP 21). March 2009.
Accounting Standards Board. Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice: Impairment of Cash Generating Assets
(GRAP 26). March 2009.
Accounting Standards Board. Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice: Property, Plant and Equipment (GRAP 17).
March 2012.
CIDB. Infrastructure Delivery Management Toolkit Management Companion. Version 11. March 2012. Pretoria, South Africa.
CIDB. Infrastructure Delivery Management Toolkit: Delivery Management Guidelines. Version 9-1. 18 October 2010.
CIDB. Standard for Developing Skills on Infrastructure Contracts. Board Notice 180 of 2013, Government Gazette 36760, 23
August 2013.
CIDB. Practice Note 31; Balancing Delivery, Development and Empowerment (Draft). 2013.
CIDB. Standard for Indirect Targeting for Enterprise Development. Board Notice 21 of 2013, Government Gazette 36190, 25
February 2013.
Department of Environmental Affairs. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), November 1998.
Department of Environmental Affairs. National Climate Change Response White Paper. October 2011.
Department of Minerals and Energy. Energy Efficiency Strategy of the Republic of South Africa. March 2005.
Department of Provincial and Local Government. Local Government Infrastructure Asset Management Guidelines. 2007.
Department of Public Works, the National Treasury, South African Local Government Association, UK Department for International
Development and the Development Bank of Southern Africa. Guidelines for the Implementation of Labour-Intensive Infrastructure
Projects under the Expanded Public Works Programme. 2nd Edition. July 2005.
Department of Trade and Industry. Construction Codes of Good Practice: 2000-2800 for Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment,
Issues in terms of Section 9 (1) of the BBBEE Act 53, 2003, Notice 862 of 2009, Government Gazette No. 32305.
Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management. Asset Management Landscape. English Version. November 2011.
ISBN 978-0-9871799-1-3.IFRS Foundation. IAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment. 01 January 2013. FRS Foundation. IAS 36:
Impairment of Assets. 01 January 2013.
Institute of Asset Management. The IAM Competences Framework (Part 1 & 2). Version 3.2: November 2012.
International Standards Organisation. ISO 55000:2014 Asset management – Overview, principles and terminology. First edition,
2014-01-15. Geneva. Reference number: ISO55000:2014(E).
International Standards Organisation. ISO 55001:2014 Asset management – Management systems – Requirements. First edition,
2014-01-15. Geneva. Reference number: ISO55001:2014(E).
International Standards Organisation. ISO 55002:2014 Asset management – Management systems – Guidelines for the application
of ISO 55001. First edition, 2014-01-15. Geneva. Reference number: ISO55002:2014(E).
NAMS and IPWEA. International Infrastructure Management Manual (2011). Version 4. New Zealand: Association of Local
Government Engineering NZ Inc (Ingenium) National Asset Management Steering (NAMS) Group, ISBN: 0 473-10685-X.
NAMS. Optimised Decision Making Guidelines: A sustainable approach to managing infrastructure (2004) New Zealand. ISBN:
National Treasury. Guide for Accounting Officers: Public Finance Management Act. Republic of South Africa. October 2000.
National Treasury. Municipal Regulation on a Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA). Version 4. September 2013.
Republic of South Africa. Government Immovable Asset Management Act 2007 (Act No. 19 of 2007).
Republic of South Africa. Public Finance Management Act 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999).
Republic of South Africa. Public Service Act 1994 (Act No. GNR103 of 1994) and Public Service Regulations, 2001.
Inspections/ Inspections/
Inspections Testing Monitoring customer customer
complaints complaints
Maintenance actions
Normally referred to as “time-based” preventative maintenance, but could also be based on number of machine hours, number of
outages, machine start-and-stop events etc. indicating that maintenance is required to prevent corrective maintenance and keep
the asset in working condition.
This publication is brought to you by The Department of Public Works and The Construction
Industry Development Board (cidb). This book is number one in the following series:
May 2017