NIAMM Competency Framework

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for immovable assets

Table of Contents

competency framework for immovable assets

Part A: Defintions and Scope 1 5.2 Developing competency 24
5.3 Educational pathways towards getting
Glossary 2 certified competent 25
5.4 Writing job descriptions 27
Acronyms 3 5.5 Planning recruitment and selection 27
5.6 Identifying learning and development needs 27
1. Introduction 4 5.7 Developing role profiles 28
1.1 Purpose 4 5.8 Planning training activities 28
1.2 National Immovable Asset Maintenance 5.9 Career planning 28
Management Standard 4 5.10 Planning Continuing Professional
1.3 The scope of the Maintenance Management Development (CPD) 28
Competency Framework 4 5.11 Developing an Occupational Qualification 29

2. Functional areas in Maintenance Management 6 PART D: COMPETENCY DICTIONARY 30

3. Competencies required to perform the functions 6. Technical Competency Dictionary 31

of maintenance management 8 6.1 Testing Components and applying tech-
3.1 What is a competency? 8 nology on maintenance diagnostic systems 31
3.2 What is a competency framework? 8 6.2 Applying technology on maintenance
3.3 What is a competency dictionary? 9 management systems 31
6.3 Asset Operations 31
Part B: The framework 10 6.4 Condition assessment 32
6.5 Cost estimating 32
4. Competency framework for maintenance 6.6 Fault and Incident Management 32
management 11 6.7 Identify components 33
4.1 Maintenance planning 11 6.8 Interpretation of codes of practice 33
4.1.1 Definition and purpose 11 6.9 Lifecycle analysis 34
4.1.2 Competencies required 12 6.10 Reliability engineering 34
4.2 Maintenance operations management 14
4.2.1 Definition and purpose 14 7. Business Competency Dictionary 34
4.2.2 Outcomes and competencies 15 7.1 Administration 34
4.3 Maintenance monitoring 17 7.2 Basic accounting 35
4.3.1 Definition and purpose 18 7.3 Budgeting and Financial Management 35
4.3.2 Outcomes and competencies 18 7.4 Business Analysis (Procedure development) 35
4.4 Records and knowledge management 19 7.5 Mentoring and professional development 36
4.4.1 Definition and purpose 19 7.6 Performance Improvement 36
4.4.2 Outcomes and competencies 20 7.7 Planning and organising 36
4.5 Performance management and reporting 20 7.8 Procurement and Supply Chain Management 37
4.5.1 Definition and purpose 21 7.9 Project Management 38
4.5.2 Outcomes and competencies 21 7.10 Risk assessment and monitoring 38
4.6 Application of maintenance functions and 7.11 Integration of organisational plans 39
competencies 22

Part C: Applying the framework 23
8. Example: Implementation of the Competency
5. Implementing the competency framework 24 Dictionary through roles 40
5.1 Applying the framework 24

competency framework for immovable assets


1 competency framework for immovable assets

Competency A mix of skills, related knowledge and attributes to produce a job/task to a set standard.
Competency Generally accepted standard or specification of performance which sets out the skills, knowledge and
standard attitudes required to operate effectively.
Component A component (Note 1) is a specific part of a complex item (Note 2) that has independent physical or
functional identity and specific attributes such as different life expectancy, maintenance and renewal
requirements and regimes, risk or criticality.
Note 1: A component is separately recognised and measured (valued) in the organisation’s asset
register as a unique asset record, in accordance with the requirements of GRAP 17 to componentise
Note 2: A complex item is one that can be disaggregated into significant components. Infrastructure
and buildings are considered complex items.
Facility A complex comprising many assets (e.g. a hospital, water treatment plant or recreation complex)
which represents a single management unit for financial, operational, maintenance or other
Failure A component has suffered a failure when it is no longer capable of fulfilling one or more of its
intended functions. A component does not need to be completely unable to function to have
suffered a failure.
For example: a pump that is still operating, but is not capable of pumping the required flow rate,
has failed.
Level of service Levels of service statements describe the outputs an entity intends to deliver to customers.
Life (of an asset) A measure of the anticipated life of an asset or component, such as time, number of cycles, distance
intervals, etc.
Lifecycle The time interval that commences with the identification of the need for an asset and terminates with
the decommissioning of the asset or any liabilities thereafter.
Maintenance All actions intended to ensure that an asset performs a required function to a specific performance
standard(s) over its expected useful life by keeping it in as near as practicable to its original condition,
including regular recurring activities to keep the asset operating, but specifically excluding renewal.
Note: Maintenance also specifically excludes restoring the condition or performance of an asset
following a recognised impairment event, which would be classified as either renewal or upgrading,
depending on the circumstances.
Maintenance Describes the maintenance approach and actions for an asset, facility or portfolio of assets, with
Management Plan intended delivery methods and schedules, budget requirements and responsible parties.
Public building A public building either belongs to or is used by any of the three spheres of government. Public
buildings are used by organs of state to deliver services. Buildings are defined as any structure with
a roof and commonly enclosed by walls, designed for storage, human occupancy, or shelter for
animals, distinguished from other structures not designed for occupancy (such as fences or bridges).
Fixed equipment, that is permanently attached to and a part of the operation of the building.

competency framework for immovable assets

Acronyms relevant to this guideline include:

APP Annual Performance Plan

CIDB Construction Industry Development Board
CPD Continuous Professional Development
DPSA Department of Public Service Administration
GFMAM Global Forum for Maintenance and Asset Management
GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice
HR Human Resources
MMP Maintenance Management Plan
NIMS National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy
NQF National Qualifications Framework
RPL Recognition of Prior Learning
SHE Safety, Health and Environment
PFMA Public Finance Management Act
SANS South African National Standard

3 competency framework for immovable assets

1.1 Purpose

This document articulates a competency framework for the implementation of the National Immovable Asset Maintenance
Management Standard (hereafter referred to the “the Standard”) for immovable assets under the custodianship of the public
sector. This document should be read together with the following supporting documents:

• National Immovable Asset Maintenance Management Accounting Framework;

• National Immovable Asset Maintenance Management Monitoring and Evaluation Protocol; and
• Immovable Asset Maintenance Management Maintenance Planning Guidelines.

The purpose of this framework is to set out the competencies required to implement the National Immovable Asset Maintenance
Management Standard and to provide guidance on how to formulate a strategy to ensure that these competencies are put in
place within an organisation.

1.2 National Immovable Asset Maintenance Management Standard

The National Immovable Asset Maintenance Management Standard, specifies asset care requirements for immovable assets
through the lifecycle and establishes standards for organisational arrangements, competences and requirements for professionals
involved with asset lifecycle activities.

Section 13 “Competent staff” states that the function of an asset care professional is to derive value from state assets and mitigate
and minimise cost and risk associated with immovable assets. It also states that each entity shall:

• “Appoint persons in asset care positions that are competent, as measured against the National Immovable Asset Maintenance
Management Competency Framework.
• Retrain and/or educate, and take reasonable actions to enable staff appointed, prior to commencement of the National
Immovable Asset Management Maintenance Competency Framework, to be competent asset care professionals.
• When requesting tenders and quotations involving asset care services or activities, require proof of competence against the
National Immovable Asset Management Maintenance Competency Framework.”

1.3 The scope of the National Immovable Asset Maintenance Management Competency Framework

In order to effectively and efficiently manage maintenance, the maintenance management function requires specific competences
that are developed through suitable knowledge and experience. Accordingly, this Framework consists of the following components
(see Figure 1 on the following page):

• A description of the maintenance management functions required to perform maintenance management in a public sector
• The competencies required to perform the functions of maintenance management, including the technical and business
• The maintenance management competency dictionary for identified core and functional competencies.
• The required behaviours (knowledge and experience) in each competency to be recognised as competent.

competency framework for immovable assets

Figure 1: The Maintenance Management Competency Framework

Management Functions

Required Competence
and Outcomes


Skills Knowledge

Experience Qualifications

The framework provides the critical link between the maintenance management functions and the competence (combination of
skills and knowledge).

5 competency framework for immovable assets

In order for an entity to manage an immovable asset portfolio the following are five key maintenance management functions
should be provided. The size and complexity of the portfolio will determine the scale of the maintenance management structure,
accountability and responsibilities associated with these functions.

• Maintenance planning refers to:

Maintenance planning refers to the activities to develop Maintenance Management Plans that specify the detailed maintenance
activities, resources, responsibilities, timescales and risks for the achievement of the asset management objectives1.

• Maintenance operations management refers to:

Maintenance operations management is the organisation of maintenance activities necessary for building components to
perform their intended function2. It involves the identification of root causes, ensuring health and safety in maintenance,
coordinating maintenance schedules and materials and equipment requirement planning (MRP).3

• Maintenance monitoring refers to:

Maintenance monitoring refers to the implementation of processes and measures to assess the performance and health of
building components using performance indicators.4

• Maintenance records and knowledge management refers to:

Records management is a process of ensuring the proper creation, maintenance, use and disposal of records throughout their
lifecycle to achieve efficient, transparent and accountable governance.5 It includes the developing, sharing, documenting and
encoding and effectively using organisational knowledge to support the maintenance function. It also supports the selection
and implementation of information and diagnostic systems.6

• Performance management and reporting refers to:

Performance management and reporting are the processes that provide essential information to determine whether
performance is in accordance with the entity’s management policies, standards, strategic plans, procedures, objectives and
performance targets7.

Figure 2 provides an overview of the five maintenance management functions and their core business processes. Functional
competency requirements may overlap and can be achieved through a wide range of staffing and organisational arrangements.

1. Global Forum on Asset Management and Maintenance (GFMAM). The Asset Management Landscape. 2nd edition. March
2. Sapp, D. 2014. Facilities Operation and Maintenance, Whole Building Design Guide.
3. Coordination of predictive and preventative maintenance SAQA USID335898.
4. Global Forum on Asset Management and Maintenance (GFMAM). The Asset Management Landscape. 2nd edition. March
5. Records Management Policy Manual, National Archives and Records Service of South Africa, April 2004.
6. DPSA Competency Framework.
7. Global Forum on Asset Management and Maintenance (GFMAM). The Asset Management Landscape. 2nd edition. March

competency framework for immovable assets

Figure 2: Maintenance management functions

Maintenance Maintenance Records
Maintenance Maintenance Performance
Operations and Knowledge
Planning Monitoring Management and
Management Management

Collate Plan outage/

Recording calls Manage records Assess performance
documentation downtime
Analyse Manage faults and Maintain SHE
Assessing condition Monitor actions
components incidents system
Maintenance Performance
Assess condition Schedule work Monitoring condition
management system reviews
Determine criticality Prepare job cards Testing components Develop targets
Research and
Determine priority Conduct activity Prepare reports
Analyse historic
Determine approach Store management Corrective actions

Schedule actions Recommissioning

Cost actions

Prepare actions

7 competency framework for immovable assets

3.1 What is a competency?

A competency can be described as a mix of skills, related knowledge and attributes to produce a job/task to a set standard. A
competency standard can be described as a generally accepted standard or specification of performance which sets out the skills,
knowledge and attitudes required to operate effectively.

While the concept of ‘competencies’ is nothing new, there is an increase in its application to realise results that are relevant to an
organisation’s business strategies and vision. Employees learn, develop and refine many of their competencies over the course of
their careers. By communicating the competencies to employees, the organisation will empower employees to take charge of their
careers; direct their own personal development, and continually self-evaluate and improve.

It is important to understand that there is a difference between a competency as defined above and job competence. Possession
of a certain competency does not necessarily equate to being competent at a particular job. Job competence relates to the “what”
is done while competencies relate to the “how” part. This can be explained as follows:

• Competence – relates to the outcomes which would define effective performance, i.e. aspects of the job at which a
person is competent e.g. conducting a skills audit. People demonstrate competence by applying their competencies within
the work setting.

• Competencies – relates to behaviours used to achieve the desired outcomes and/or behaviours underpinning
successful performance i.e. aspects of the person that enables him/her to be competent e.g. communication. Competencies
deal with behaviours people need to display in order to do a job effectively.

3.2 What is a competency framework?

A competency framework describes a set of competency standards for employees and makes the expected knowledge, skills
and attributes of employees explicit for those within and outside the organisation. When implemented correctly a competency
framework can:

• create a common language for human resource interventions, as all interventions are approached according to the same
competency framework and requirements;
• translate the organisation’s vision and goals into expected employee behaviour, as the desired behaviour is known to all
employees and training interventions are designed accordingly;
• Implement more effective and legally defensible recruitment, selection and assessment methods, as the requirements are
appropriately defined and can therefore be measured accordingly by utilising different selection methods. The competencies
define the requirements for success in a particular role and it can become the selection criteria;
• provide a benchmark against which individuals can be evaluated for recruitment and selection, performance management
and succession planning. Since the required competency standard can be defined clearly upfront, it can also assist with
reducing subjectivity in performance appraisals;
• identify areas for employee development that are directly linked to desired outcomes and organisational objectives. The
same competencies become the basis for making decisions about employees’ development needs;
• target training costs in areas that will realise the most return on investment; and
• identify gaps between present skill sets and future requirements to assist with the management of succession. It can assist
with identifying development needs for various levels in a department and identifying pools of appropriate people that could
fill those positions in the future.

competency framework for immovable assets

This competency framework must be read in conjunction with the Department of Public Service Administration (DPSA) Public
Service Middle Management Competency Framework and Public Service Senior Management Handbook for feeder and generic

3.3 What is a competency dictionary?

A competency dictionary is an essential part of a competency framework and describes the competencies that are core or common
to all jobs within an entity. It is developed through an extensive literature search and a review of best practices and should be
subject to on-going refinement.

This Maintenance Management Competency Framework makes use of the Department of Public Service and Administration
(DPSA) model, which establishes competencies according to the following format:

• Competency title: The short term used for the competency, such as, valuing diversity, conflict management, etc.
• Competency definition: Conveys the exact meaning of the competency as indicated by the definition.
• Behaviour at a competent level: What the person shows when displaying the competency. It is a behaviour that an
observer can see or expect to see. The behavioural indicators integrate the knowledge, skills and attributes components of
competencies so that they make the competency come “alive” in the context of how the job is performed.

9 competency framework for immovable assets


competency framework for immovable assets

The identified maintenance management functions (see section 2) provide the structure for identifying maintenance management
competencies and are discussed below.

4.1 Maintenance planning

Maintenance Maintenance Records
Maintenance Maintenance Performance
Operations and Knowledge
Planning Monitoring Management and
Management Management

Collate Plan outage/

Recording calls Manage records Assess performance
documentation downtime
Analyse Manage faults and Maintain SHE
Assessing condition Monitor actions
components incidents system
Maintenance Performance
Assess condition Schedule work Monitoring condition
management system reviews
Determine criticality Prepare job cards Testing components
Develop targets

Research and
Determine priority Conduct activity
Prepare reports

Analyse historic
Determine approach Store management
Corrective actions

Schedule actions Recommissioning

Cost actions

Prepare actions

4.1.1 Definition and purpose

Maintenance planning refers to the activities to develop Maintenance Management Plans that specify the detailed maintenance
activities, resources, responsibilities, timescales and risks for the achievement of the asset management objectives8.

The function is responsible for short, medium and long term planning of maintenance, which includes collating and analysing
maintenance information, selecting a maintenance approach, costing and scheduling of maintenance tasks and budgeting for the
management and implementation of the required maintenance.

Note: The maintenance planning function is described in more detail in the “Immovable Asset Maintenance Planning Guideline
for Public Buildings”.

8. Global Forum on Asset Management and Maintenance (GFMAM). The Asset Management Landscape. 2nd edition. March

11 competency framework for immovable assets

To conduct maintenance planning, the following outcomes should be achieved:

• align maintenance plans with organisational plans;

• collate documentation and determine facility components;
• analyse components to determine the impact and the likelihood of failure;
• assess the condition and determine the reliability of components;
• determine the criticality of a component;
• determine the priority of a component;
• determine a maintenance approach;
• schedule maintenance actions;
• cost maintenance actions; and
• prepare a maintenance budget.

4.1.2 Competencies required

The competencies required to achieve the specified outcomes are set out in the table below.

Table 1: Maintenance planning: Competencies required

Maintenance Planning
Outcomes Summary of Competencies
Align maintenance plans with Integration of organisational plans: Planning maintenance and setting maintenance
organisational plans objectives and goals while ensuring that maintenance, lifecycle, human resources,
procurement and logistic plans align with organisational and asset management
Collate documentation and Identify components: The process of identifying an asset into its major elements
determine facility components of construction. Building components with useful life are: building structure,
construction exterior and walls exterior, construction interior, building acquisition,
roof covering, floor covering, heating and ventilating and cooling system, electrical
and lighting system, fire protection, plumbing system, elevator system, fixed
equipment assets and IT infrastructure.

Interpretation of codes of practice: Understanding and knowledge regarding the

technical standards and legislation that include processes for the identification,
acceptable updating and compliance assurance of standards and legislation in the
asset management context. The development of specifications and measurement
of delivery against specifications
Analyse components to determine Lifecycle analysis: Analysing, interpreting and balancing the costs and benefits of
the impact and the likelihood of different maintenance activities of various assets.
Assess the condition and determine Condition/reliability assessment: Execution of processes and activities used by an
the reliability of components organisation to assess the performance and health of its assets.

Reliability engineering: Ensuring that an item shall operate to a defined standard

for a defined period of time in a defined environment based on reliability analysis

competency framework for immovable assets

Maintenance Planning
Outcomes Summary of Competencies
Determine the criticality of a Identify components: The process of identifying an asset into its major elements
component of construction. Building components with useful life are: building structure,
construction exterior and walls exterior, construction interior, building acquisition,
roof covering, floor covering, heating and ventilating and cooling system, electrical
and lighting system, fire protection, plumbing system, elevator system, fixed
equipment assets and IT infrastructure.

Interpretation of codes of practice: Understanding and knowledge regarding the

technical standards and legislation that include processes for the identification,
acceptable updating and compliance assurance of standards and legislation in the
asset management context. The development of specifications and measurement
of delivery against specifications.
Determine the priority of a Identify components: The process of identifying an asset into its major elements
component of construction. Building components with useful life are: building structure,
construction exterior and walls exterior, construction interior, building acquisition,
roof covering, floor covering, heating and ventilating and cooling system, electrical
and lighting system, fire protection, plumbing system, elevator system, fixed
equipment assets and IT infrastructure.

Interpretation of codes of practice: Understanding and knowledge regarding the

technical standards and legislation that include processes for the identification,
acceptable updating and compliance assurance of standards and legislation in the
asset management context. The development of specifications and measurement
of delivery against specifications.
Determine a maintenance Lifecycle analysis: Analysing, interpreting and balancing the costs and benefits of
approach different maintenance activities of various assets

Reliability engineering: Ensuring that an item shall operate to a defined standard

for a defined period of time in a defined environment based on reliability analysis
Schedule maintenance actions Project Management: Planning and managing projects by creating work
breakdown schedules (WBS), activity schedules, time scales and timelines with
associated budgets in order to deliver projects on time, within cost and at the
required quality level.
Cost maintenance actions Cost estimating: Interpreting information and estimating the cost for short,
medium and longer terms on all assets and services related to the maintenance of
Prepare a maintenance budget Budgeting and Financial Management: Planning of the work unit’s budget and
managing income and expenditure through responsible implementation of policies,
practices and decisions in order to achieve unit objectives effectively and efficiently.
Basic Accounting: Knowledge of the theory and practice of recording, classifying,
examining and analysing data and records of financial transactions. The theories,
principles, practices and terminology of accountancy are used in day-to-day
maintenance activities.

13 competency framework for immovable assets

4.2 Maintenance operations management

Maintenance Maintenance Records
Maintenance Maintenance Performance
Operations and Knowledge
Planning Monitoring Management and
Management Management

Collate Plan outage/

Recording calls Manage records Assess performance
documentation downtime
Analyse Manage faults and Maintain SHE
Assessing condition Monitor actions
components incidents system
Maintenance Performance
Assess condition Schedule work Monitoring condition
management system reviews
Determine criticality Prepare job cards Testing components
Develop targets

Research and
Determine priority Conduct activity Development
Prepare reports

Analyse historic
Determine approach Store management information
Corrective actions

Schedule actions Recommissioning

Cost actions

Prepare actions

4.2.1 Definition and purpose

Maintenance operations management is the organisation of maintenance activities necessary for building components to perform
their intended function9. It involves the identification of root causes, ensuring health and safety in maintenance, coordinating
maintenance schedules and materials and equipment requirement planning (MRP).10

The maintenance operations management function may be in-house with own resources or outsourced where the work is executed
by contractors.

The maintenance operation management function seeks to achieve the following outcomes:

• Short term scheduling of work and resource planning.

• Planning of shutdown or outage.
• Preparing maintenance job cards.
• For outsourced, maintenance operations management entails:
- developing specifications for work;
- procuring service providers;
- managing contracts;
- managing access to site;
- verifying and signing off of work; and
- completing job cards and paying service providers.

9. Sapp, D. 2014. Facilities Operation and Maintenance, Whole Building Design Guide.
10. Coordination of predictive and preventative maintenance SAQA USID335898.

competency framework for immovable assets

• For in-house, maintenance operations management entails:
- briefing teams and issuing work orders;
- management of tools and maintenance equipment;
- materials management;
- executing of maintenance function; and
- completing job cards.
• Store management, which includes:
- purchasing spares and tools;
- managing and controlling stock levels; and
- issuing of spares and tools.
• Re-commissioning components and facilities after shutdown and outage.
• Managing safety, health and the environment.
• Managing faults and incidents.

4.2.2 Outcomes and competencies

The competencies required to achieve the specified outcomes are set out in the table below.

Table 2: Operations management: Competencies required

Maintenance Operations Management

Outcome Competencies required
Scheduling work and resource Cost estimating: Interpreting information and estimating the cost for short, medium and
planning longer terms on all assets and services related to the maintenance of assets.

Planning and organising: Planning and organising the work of the work unit and groups,
using goal setting, objectives, targets, creating work schedules and work plans with
associated budgets and resources, according to the organisation’s procedures, in order
to achieve the tasks, functions and results/outputs required of the work unit.
Planning shutdown or outage Identify components: The process of identifying an asset into its major elements of
(including demand management construction. Building components with useful life are: building structure, construction
and decanting) and Prepare job exterior and walls exterior, construction interior, building acquisition, roof covering,
cards floor covering, heating and ventilating and cooling system, electrical and lighting
system, fire protection, plumbing system, elevator system, fixed equipment assets and IT

Interpretation of codes of practice: Understanding and knowledge regarding the

technical standards and legislation that include processes for the identification,
acceptable updating and compliance assurance of standards and legislation in the asset
management context. The development of specifications and measurement of delivery
against specifications.

Planning and organising: Planning and organising the work of the work unit and groups,
using goal setting, objectives, targets, creating work schedules and work plans with
associated budgets and resources, according to the organisation’s procedures, in order
to achieve the tasks, functions and results/outputs required of the work unit.

15 competency framework for immovable assets

Maintenance Operations Management
Outcome Competencies required
Manage outsourcing of work: Procurement and Supply Chain Management: Ensuring that all outsourced maintenance
• developing specifications management activities are aligned with the maintenance management plan of the
for work; organisation and monitor the outcomes of these activities against these objectives.
• procuring service providers; Ensure that raw materials, equipment, parts and substitute components are available
• managing contracts; when and where required Ensure that raw materials, equipment, parts and substitute
• managing access to site; components are available when and where required
• verifying and signing off of
work; and Project Management: Planning and managing projects by creating work breakdown
• completing job cards and schedules (WBS), activity schedules, time scales and timelines with associated budgets in
paying service providers. order to deliver projects on time, within cost and at the required quality level.
Testing components and applying technology on maintenance diagnostic systems:
Using technology in maintenance management systems to support the decision-making
processes in accordance with the maintenance management plan.
Basic Accounting: Knowledge of the theory and practice of recording, classifying,
examining and analysing data and records of financial transactions. The theories,
principles, practices and terminology of accountancy are used in day-to-day maintenance
Manage in-house work: Planning and organising: Planning and organising the work of the work unit and groups,
• briefing teams and issuing using goal setting, objectives, targets, creating work schedules and work plans with
work orders; associated budgets and resources, according to the organisation’s procedures, in order
• management of tools and to achieve the tasks, functions and results/outputs required of the work unit.
maintenance equipment;
• materials management; Testing components and applying technology on maintenance diagnostic systems:
• monitoring maintenance Using technology in maintenance management systems to support the decision-making
work; and processes in accordance with the maintenance management plan.
• completing job cards.
Manage stores: Planning and organising: Planning and organising the work of the work unit and groups,
• purchasing spares and using goal setting, objectives, targets, creating work schedules and work plans with
tools; associated budgets and resources, according to the organisation’s procedures, in order
• managing and controlling to achieve the tasks, functions and results/outputs required of the work unit.
stock levels; and Basic accounting: Knowledge of the theory and practice of recording, classifying,
• issuing of spares and tools. examining and analysing data and records of financial transactions. The theories,
principles, practices and terminology of accountancy are used in day-to-day maintenance

Procurement and Supply Chain Management: Ensuring that all outsourced maintenance
management activities are aligned with the maintenance management plan of the
organisation and monitor the outcomes of these activities against these objectives.
Ensure that raw materials, equipment, parts and substitute components are available
when and where required
Manage Safety, Health and Interpretation of codes of practice: Understanding and knowledge regarding the
Environment technical standards and legislation that include processes for the identification,
acceptable updating and compliance assurance of standards and legislation in the asset
management context. The development of specifications and measurement of delivery
against specifications.

competency framework for immovable assets

Maintenance Operations Management
Outcome Competencies required
Re-commission components after Planning and organising: Planning and organising the work of the work unit and groups,
shutdown or outage using goal setting, objectives, targets, creating work schedules and work plans with
associated budgets and resources, according to the organisation’s procedures, in order
to achieve the tasks, functions and results/outputs required of the work unit.
Asset operations: Asset operations is concerned with processes that provide instructions
to operators about how to operate the asset with the appropriate design, maintenance,
and operational parameters. This includes the development of an asset operations
strategy and plans that outline the approach, activities and resources involved in
managing and implementing operations.
Manage faults and incidents Fault and Incidents Management: The management of faults and incidents in a
systematic manner. This includes determining the likelihood of failure, fault analysis, use
of standard responses, temporary and permanent repairs as well as the taking over and
handing back of sites.

4.3 Maintenance monitoring

Maintenance Maintenance Records
Maintenance Maintenance Performance
Operations and Knowledge
Planning Monitoring Management and
Management Management

Collate Plan outage/

documentation downtime
Recording calls Manage records Assess performance

Analyse Manage faults and Maintain SHE

components incidents
Assessing condition system
Monitor actions

Maintenance Performance
Assess condition Schedule work Monitoring condition management system reviews
Determine criticality Prepare job cards Testing components procedures
Develop targets

Research and
Determine priority Conduct activity Prepare reports
Analyse historic
Determine approach Store management Corrective actions

Schedule actions Recommissioning

Cost actions

Prepare actions

17 competency framework for immovable assets

4.3.1 Definition and purpose

Maintenance monitoring refers to the implementation of processes and measures to assess the performance and health of building
components using performance indicators.11

The maintenance monitoring function entails monitoring of the performance of components and equipment. The function seeks
to achieve the following outcomes:

• Recording maintenance calls and determining maintenance actions based on the criticality and priority of the component that
is causing the failure.
• Assessing the condition of a facility or component by inspecting, assessing, measuring and interpreting the resultant data, to
indicate the condition of a specific component so as to determine the need for some preventative or remedial action.
• Monitoring condition by installing measuring devices and measuring the performance of critical components on an on-going
• Testing components on a regular basis to determine the extent to which the component meets the performance requirements.

4.3.2 Outcomes and competencies

The competencies required to achieve the specified outcomes are set out in the table below.

Table 3: Maintenance monitoring function: Competencies required

Maintenance monitoring function

Outcome Competencies required
Record maintenance calls and Administration: Execution of administrative activities and procedures for the operation
determine maintenance actions of an office or facility through organising and scheduling events, record keeping and
effective communication with stakeholders.

Risk assessment and monitoring: Identifying, quantifying and mitigating risk and
exploiting opportunities.
Assessing the condition of a Condition assessment: Execution of processes and activities used by an organisation to
facility or component assess the performance and health of its assets
Interpretation of codes of practice: Understanding and knowledge regarding the
technical standards and legislation that include processes for the identification,
acceptable updating and compliance assurance of standards and legislation in the asset
management context. The development of specifications and measurement of delivery
against specifications.
Monitoring condition and Testing Testing components and applying technology on maintenance diagnostic systems:
Components Using technology in maintenance management systems to support the decision-making
processes in accordance with the maintenance management plan.
Analysing historic maintenance Reliability engineering: Ensuring that an item shall operate to a defined standard for a
information defined period of time in a defined environment based on reliability analysis techniques.

11. Global Forum on Asset Management and Maintenance (GFMAM). The Asset Management Landscape. 2nd edition. March

competency framework for immovable assets

4.4 Records and knowledge management

Maintenance Maintenance Records
Maintenance Maintenance Performance
Operations and Knowledge
Planning Monitoring Management and
Management Management

Collate Plan outage/

documentation downtime
Recording calls Manage records Assess performance

Analyse Manage faults and Maintain SHE

Assessing condition Monitor actions
components incidents system
Maintenance Performance
Assess condition Schedule work Monitoring condition
management system reviews
Determine criticality Prepare job cards Testing components Develop targets
Research and
Determine priority Conduct activity Prepare reports
Analyse historic
Determine approach Store management Corrective actions

Schedule actions Recommissioning

Cost actions

Prepare actions

4.4.1 Definition and purpose

Records management is a process of ensuring the proper creation, maintenance, use and disposal of records throughout their
lifecycle to achieve efficient, transparent and accountable governance.12 It includes the developing, sharing, documenting and
encoding and effectively using organisational knowledge to support the maintenance function. It also supports the selection and
implementation of information and diagnostic systems.13

The function entails the management of knowledge and records on maintenance and managing a maintenance management
system and seeks to achieve the following outcomes:

• Maintenance records management including the management of all maintenance records and resource material such as
manuals, documents, guarantees, warranties, job cards, call centre records.
• Knowledge management through developing operating procedures and maintaining safety, health and environment systems.
This should be undertaken in a manner that is responsive to on-going developments such as sustainability, green buildings
and energy efficiency.
• Implementing and maintaining the maintenance management system In a manner that provides information so as to analyse
historic information and records to determine the reliability and failure intervals for a component.

12. Records Management Policy Manual, National Archives and Records Service of South Africa, April 2004.
13. DPSA Competency Framework.

19 competency framework for immovable assets

4.4.2 Outcomes and competencies

The competencies required to achieve the specified outcomes are set out in the table below.

Table 4: Records and knowledge management function: Competencies required

Records and knowledge management function

Outcome Competencies required
Maintenance records Administration: Execution of administrative activities and procedures for the operation of
management an office or facility through organising and scheduling events, record keeping and effective
communication with stakeholders.
Knowledge management Business Analysis (Procedure development): Measuring and improving or upgrading of work
methods, procedures and systems and decreasing costs in order to improve the quality and
cost efficiency of services and products delivered to clients.
Maintenance Management Applying technology on maintenance management systems: Evaluating, identifying and
System using appropriate technologies in the workplace in order to enhance productivity, efficiency,
responsiveness and the quality of service provided in order to aid the achievement of the
organisation’s goals and objectives. Monitoring and overseeing the performance of systems
and staff.

4.5 Performance management and reporting
4.5.1 Definition and purpose

Maintenance Maintenance Records
Maintenance Maintenance Performance
Operations and Knowledge
Planning Monitoring Management and
Management Management

Collate Plan outage/

documentation downtime
Recording calls Manage records Assess performance

Analyse Manage faults and Maintain SHE

components incidents
Assessing condition
Monitor actions

Maintenance Performance
Assess condition Schedule work Monitoring condition
management system reviews
Determine criticality Prepare job cards Testing components
Develop targets

Research and
Determine priority Conduct activity
Prepare reports

Analyse historic
Determine approach Store management
Corrective actions

Schedule actions Recommissioning

Cost actions

Prepare actions

competency framework for immovable assets

Performance management and reporting are the processes that provide essential information to determine whether performance is
in accordance with the entity’s management policies, standards, strategic plans, procedures, objectives and performance targets14.
This function entails managing the performance of the maintenance management function to the desired level and ensuring that
targets are met. The performance management and reporting function seeks to achieve the following outcomes:

• Assessing the current state of maintenance management performance.

• Developing performance improvement targets.
• Monitoring maintenance actions implemented against the maintenance plan.
• Preparing monthly reports against the maintenance plan.
• Compiling quarterly performance reviews.
• Analysing and planning corrective actions.

4.5.2 Outcomes and competencies

The competencies required to achieve the specified outcomes are set out in the table below.

Table 5: Performance management and reporting function: Competencies required

Performance management and reporting function

Outcome Competencies required
Assessing the current state of Performance Improvement: Evaluating, identifying and using appropriate
maintenance management performance technologies in the workplace in order to enhance productivity, efficiency,
responsiveness and the quality of service provided in order to aid the achievement
of the organisation’s goals and objectives. Monitoring and overseeing the
performance of systems and staff.

Mentoring and professional development: Developing and coaching others and

constructively reviewing the work of others in order to improve and advance the
skills, knowledge and performance levels of those who report to them.
Developing performance improvement Performance Improvement: Evaluating, identifying and using appropriate
targets technologies in the workplace in order to enhance productivity, efficiency,
responsiveness and the quality of service provided in order to aid the achievement
of the organisation’s goals and objectives. Monitoring and overseeing the
performance of systems and staff.
Monitoring maintenance actions Performance Improvement: Evaluating, identifying and using appropriate
implemented against the maintenance technologies in the workplace in order to enhance productivity, efficiency,
plan: responsiveness and the quality of service provided in order to aid the achievement
• Monthly reporting against the of the organisation’s goals and objectives. Monitoring and overseeing the
maintenance plan; performance of systems and staff.
• Quarterly performance reviews; Project Management: Planning and managing projects by creating work
and breakdown schedules (WBS), activity schedules, time scales and timelines with
• Analysing and planning corrective associated budgets in order to deliver projects on time, within cost and at the
actions. required quality level.

14. Global Forum on Asset Management and Maintenance (GFMAM). The Asset Management Landscape. 2nd edition. March

21 competency framework for immovable assets

4.6 Application of maintenance functions and competencies

For each maintenance management function, a combination of technical and business competencies are required. The table below
shows a generic application of these maintenance management functions against competencies.

Table 6: Business and technical competencies per maintenance management function

Performance management
Maintenance monitoring
Maintenance operations

Knowledge and records

Maintenance planning

and reporting


Identify components          
Asset operations
Condition assessment          
Interpretation of codes of practice          
Cost estimating          
Fault and incident management          
Testing components and applying technology on maintenance
diagnostic systems          

Applying technology on maintenance management systems

Lifecycle analysis          
Reliability engineering          
Basic accounting          
Budgeting and financial management          
Business Analysis (Procedure development)          
Mentoring and professional development          
Business Performance Improvement          
Planning and organising
Procurement and supply chain management          
Project management          
Risk Assessment and monitoring
Integration of organisational plans          

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23 competency framework for immovable assets


5.1 Applying the framework

The Competency Framework (see above) sets out the maintenance planning functions and identifies the competencies required
for core (generic and feeder), business and technical. An entity undertaking public sector maintenance functions should assess
the competencies of its human resources against the framework so as to determine gaps and allocate responsibility. A process to
do this is outlined below:

• Scope the maintenance management function within the entity and determine the scale and complexity of the portfolio
under management.
• Determine the required competency per maintenance management function for the entity as specified in the Competency
• Assess the current competence in the maintenance management function.
• Review the scope, the required competency and the current competency to determine what is required to match the current
and desired (i.e. the gaps).
• Develop a competency strategy to remedy the current situation. These strategies should be in alignment with the human
resource practices within the entity and could include for example recruitment of new staff, training, restructuring of existing
jobs etc.
• Implementation of the strategies;
- development of a human resources plan with the human resources practitioners to address needs; and
- feedback, monitoring and evaluation of the human resources plan against requirements for maintenance management

5.2 Developing competency

Once the gaps have been identified, the maintenance planning function should compile a strategy to address the gap through
training, recruitment, and other human resource development processes. Once it has been customised to meet the requirements of
an organisation, the Maintenance Management Competency Framework can underpin a systematic approach to gaining assurance
that people working in maintenance management are competent to fulfill their roles and responsibilities.

The Figure below shows how the Maintenance Management Competency Framework can be used to ensure that people working
in maintenance management are developed in accordance with an organisation’s maintenance management plan and objectives.
The key aspect is the link between the framework where the functions are defined and the organisations structure and where the
maintenance management functions are undertaken.

competency framework for immovable assets

Figure 3: Implementing the framework

NIAMM Competence Framework

HR identifies organisational structure


Competency Links functions to structure


Develop and assess job description

Recruitment and
Assess existing staff

Training and development

Each organisation needs to use the Competence Framework to set the Competence Standard required for the maintenance
competence. This is based on the complexity and scale of the portfolio as well as the maintenance functions, and may be unique
to the organisation.

The things to consider when moving from the Competence Framework to developing the Competence Standard:

• link maintenance management function to Specific outcomes identified in the Competency Framework;
• where not available, develop the occupancy profile in align with the Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO)
• develop the occupational profiles linked to the Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO);
• define the learning (knowledge and skills) required to be competent to practice an occupation or an occupational specialisation
• identify the assessment specifications for the knowledge requirements identified in the Competency Framework;
• identify the NQF levels for each occupational profile;
• determine the occupational standards and qualifications/ accredited outcome;
• are there existing accredited/registered qualifications or programmes that meet these requirements;
• identify the gaps between the existing accredited/registered qualifications or programmes and that required to meet the
• the registered/accredited qualifications/programmes must be relevant and accessible;
• list the registered/accredited qualification/programmes;
• if there are no current qualification or programmes that address the required learning a qualification then needs to be
• the competency is then defined by the minimum accredited outcomes at a specific NQF level with a prescribed duration of
relevant experience required to perform at the identified occupational level; and
• recognition of prior learning means the comparison of the previous learning and experience of a learner howsoever obtained
against the learning outcomes required for a specified qualification.

5.3 Educational pathways towards getting certified competent

The required qualifications for key competencies are provided in the tables below. Qualifications must be obtained at the relevant
National Qualification Framework (NQF) level if so indicated. Other qualifications may be obtained through short courses or the
system of Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

25 competency framework for immovable assets

Table 7: Example qualifications for technical competencies

Competencies Entry qualification Short courses Experience

Qualification in Facilities Short course in Lifecycle

Lifecycle Analysis
Management, Building Analysis
Science, Architecture, Short course in Reliability
Reliability engineering Quantity Surveying, Cost Engineering
Engineering or relevant
Identify components
engineering (based on type
Condition assessment of asset) from an university
Interpretation of codes of practice at relevant NQF Level
Cost estimating NQF level > 6 – 3 years

Short course in Maintenance

NQF Level > 5 – 4 years
Fault and incident management Management or Incidence
NQF Level > 4 – 8 years
Applying technology on Qualification in Information
maintenance management Technology at the relevant
systems NQF level
Testing components and applying Qualification in electronic
technology on maintenance engineering and technology
diagnostic systems at the relevant NQF level

Table 8: Example qualifications for business competencies

Competencies Entry qualification Short courses Experience

Administration Qualification in Business Short courses in any of the

Basic accounting Management at relevant competencies.
NQF level
Budgeting and financial
Qualification in Public
Business Analysis (Procedure Service Administration at
development) relevant NQF level
Mentoring and professional
development and NQF level > 6 – 3 years
Performance Improvement
National Diploma Public NQF Level > 5 – 4 years
Planning and organising
Finance Management and
Procurement and supply chain
Administration NQF Level > 4 – 8 years
SAQA Unit Standard ID:
Project management 49554 or similar
Risk Assessment and monitoring
Integration of organisational plans

competency framework for immovable assets

5.4 Writing job descriptions

Job descriptions are important for ensuring the link between the Competency Framework and the functions performed by staff.
Job descriptions can be improved or updated by linking them to either the generic or a customised version of the framework.

In the case of an existing job description, one approach is to indicate which units or elements of competence are applicable by
adding a list of the relevant titles.

In the case of a new job description, the units of competence can serve as a useful prompt in deciding the nature and scope of

The sphere of influence and complexity of an organisation will impact the requirements for maintenance management. The
entity’s job grading system (e.g. Hay or Equate) and the assessment of job descriptions evaluate both sphere of influence and
complexity and associate that with the identification of qualification and experience required.

Linking unit titles to job descriptions can:

• help ensure job descriptions for maintenance management staff are complementary and line up with maintenance
management plan and objectives;
• facilitate the process of developing new job descriptions and revising existing job descriptions; and
• enable the management and development needs of the job holder to be defined and planned with some precision.

5.5 Planning recruitment and selection

The starting point for effective recruitment and selection is ensuring that the requirements of the job to be filled are explicit and
up to date. As described above, the framework provides a useful tool to support the development and review of job descriptions.
In particular, when job descriptions are linked to the relevant units, these units will contain a description of the skills, behaviours,
knowledge and understanding required for competent performance.

This provides a useful indication of the attributes of the ideal candidate for the job (that is, the basis of a person specification).
In this way, the framework can be used to support the development of accurate and up-to-date job descriptions and person
specifications, which are the foundation of effective recruitment and selection.

5.6 Identifying learning and development needs

When job descriptions have been linked to the framework, job holders or their employers can review the units relevant to their job,
to assess where they are currently competent and where they may require further learning and development.

This process of identifying learning and development needs may take place in a variety of contexts, from informal (e.g. self-
assessment) through to more formal processes (e.g. supervision and appraisal).

A job holder and his/her line manager may agree to review the required skills, knowledge and understanding from selected units.
This provides an objective standard against which to judge the job holder’s existing skills, knowledge and understanding and to
identify and prioritise training and development needs.

In this way, the framework can be used to identify and prioritise learning and development needs and recognise existing
competences, knowledge and understanding.

27 competency framework for immovable assets

5.7 Developing role profiles

Role profiles differ from job descriptions in that they describe what the organisation should expect from everyone with a particular
level of responsibility or experience: for example, Asset Head or Maintenance Management Planner. Job descriptions focus on
what is expected of individuals with different levels of responsibility within a role.

Role profiles are a useful tool for ensuring that the structure or roles and responsibilities within an organisation are consistent with
what the organisation is trying to achieve.

In developing role profiles for maintenance management, the first task is to define the structure of roles and responsibilities
necessary to deliver the maintenance management plan and objectives. The second task is to define the levels of competence and
responsibility needed to fulfil these roles and ensure there are healthy development paths between them.

5.8 Planning training activities

Whether in their generic form or customised, the knowledge and understanding requirements can be used in designing and
planning education programmes, training courses and other development activities.

In planning or designing a learning programme, it is useful to subdivide the relevant knowledge and understanding into the
following categories:

• general knowledge and understanding;

• industry or sector-specific knowledge and understanding; and
• organisation and context-specific knowledge and understanding.

The framework provides a basis for discussing and agreeing personal learning objectives and the evidence that is needed to
demonstrate achievement of these.

The framework also provides an objective benchmark against which to evaluate the impact of organisational learning and
development activities.

5.9 Career planning

For those seeking to develop a career in maintenance management, the framework provides a basis for planning and demonstrating
achievement. This is particularly relevant to people who want to move into new work areas which require new competences,
knowledge and understanding. For organisations, the framework enables career paths to be defined in ways that support the
maintenance management approach.

5.10 Planning Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Most professional bodies require their members to demonstrate a commitment to maintaining and updating their professional
competence. CPD is known to be most effective when individuals take responsibility for their own learning and development. This
requires them to assess their current skills, knowledge and understanding and to set objectives for their personal development,
both to keep up to date and to meet future needs.

The CPD process can be supported by self-assessment against the relevant units and planning and prioritising learning and
development according to the contents of those units.

competency framework for immovable assets

5.11 Developing an Occupational Qualification

The Skills Development Act defines an occupational qualification as “a qualification associated with a trade, occupation or
profession, resulting from work-based learning and consisting of knowledge unit standards, practical unit standards and work
experience unit standards”. All occupational qualifications are assessed externally through a nationally standardised integrated
summative assessment.

The purpose of an occupational qualification is to qualify a learner to practice an occupation or a specialisation related to an
occupation - not to qualify a learner in a field of learning.

An occupational qualification define the learning required to be competent to practice an occupation or an occupational
specialisation in a range of working contexts in both the formal and informal economy as well as in the public and private sectors.
All occupational qualifications are linked to the Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) and must:

a) be ‘fit-for-purpose’;
b) reflect workplace requirements, i.e. be demand or opportunity led and not supply driven;
c) reflect three forms of learning, each requiring a different approach to provision and assessment, i.e.:
i. knowledge and theory (minimum 20% of total credits of the qualification);
ii. practical skills (minimum 20% of total credits of the qualification);
iii. work experience (minimum 20% of total credits of the qualification);
iv. the balance of the credits (40%) can be allocated in a proportion appropriate to the needs of the particular occupation
or specialisation; and
d) must have an external assessment component.

Occupational qualifications are distinguished from one another on the basis of the occupation and specialisation title (if applicable)
to which they relate, the NQF level on which they are registered and by their total credit value.

29 competency framework for immovable assets

Competency Dictionary

competency framework for immovable assets

6. Technical Competency Dictionary

6.1 Testing Components and applying technology on maintenance diagnostic systems

Definition Must be able to effectively evaluate, identify and use appropriate technologies in the workplace in order
to enhance productivity, efficiency, responsiveness and the quality of service provided, in order to aid the
achievement of the organisation’s goals and objectives. Ability to monitor and oversee the performance
of systems and components.
Key words Evaluate technology; Apply technology; Best practice.
Behaviour • Identifies technological changes, scientific research, methodologies and automation options
considered that would support/enhance success in the achievement of objectives of the work unit and the
competent organisation.
• Encourage staff to stay abreast and informed about technological changes, scientific research and
• Applies evolving technologies and methodologies to the organisation or work unit’s needs.
• Ensure that all staff is trained and competent to apply new technology.
• Advise on the appropriate systems to use in the organisation.
• Test new technologies, work processes and practices to make transactions and the collection of
data and information more effective.
• Evaluate recent technological innovations as they relate to workplace systems.
• Integrate technology and information technology systems with workplace activities in order to
resolve operational problems.
• Ensure technology is adequate to help achieve business objectives.
• Ensure staff has access to the appropriate technology.
6.2 Applying technology on maintenance management systems
Definition Must be able, through using technology on maintenance management systems, to support the decision
making processes in accordance with the maintenance management plan.
Key words Building management system, Information system, Maintenance system, Management system
Behaviour • Ensure technology is adequate to help achieve business activities
considered • Ensure that all staff is trained and competent to apply new technology.
competent • Advise on the appropriate systems to use in the organisation.
• Organise maintenance activities on maintenance management system
• Schedule maintenance activities on maintenance management system
• Manage maintenance activities through the maintenance management system
6.3 Asset Operations
Definition Asset operations: Asset operations is concerned with processes that provide instructions to operators
about how to operate the asset with the appropriate design, maintenance, and operational parameters.
This includes the development of an asset operations strategy and plans that outline the approach,
activities and resources involved in managing and implementing operations.
Key Words Equipment operation, Component operation
Behaviour • Develop and keep up to date an asset operation strategy and plans that outline the approach,
considered activities and resources involved in managing and implementing operations.
competent • Interpret design and operational parameters and develop operating procedures for equipment
• Understand operations manual and drawing for components and equipment
• Interpret instructions from operations manual and changing this into operating procedures
• Instruct and train operators in the operations of equipment
• Reading and interpreting diagnostic dashboards and analogue and digital display and devices

31 competency framework for immovable assets

6.4 Condition assessment
Definition Must be able to execute processes and activities used by an organisation to assess the performance and
health of its assets.
Key words Facility assessment, Building assessment, State of asset
Behaviour • Apply building codes and standards to buildings
considered • Apply building inspection services
competent • Apply building surveying practices and procedures
• Evaluate service layout and connection methods
• Assess structural requirements for buildings
• Assess common hazards to public and personal safety associated with particular types of
maintenance work in buildings
• Limitations of work role, responsibility and professional abilities
• Interpret SHE requirements
6.5 Cost estimating
Definition Must be able to interpret information and estimating the cost for short, medium and longer terms on
all assets and services related to maintenance of assets. Must be able to determine and implement cost
accounting methods and procedures.
Key words Costing, Cost calculation, cost predications, financial estimates
Behaviour • Knowledge of practices associated with the determination, estimation, and analysis of costs.
considered • Skills required include data collection, cost estimating documentation, and evaluation of cost realism
competent in proposals.
• Prepare and evaluate construction cost estimates.
• Gather detail and compile data to estimate all costs according to specifications.
• Consider raw materials, labour, equipment, tools, labour and transportation for estimations.
• Determine necessary resources for projects, based on cost estimates and budgetary constraints.
6.6 Fault and Incident Management
Definition The management of faults and incidents in a systematic manner. This includes determining the likelihood
of failure, fault analysis, use of standard responses, temporary and permanent repairs as well as the taking
over and handing back of sites.
Key words Fault analysis; Repairs; Incidents; Failure; Determining the likelihood of failure; Condition monitoring;
Failure event.
Behaviour • Respond in time to incidents and failures.
considered • Monitors and detects faults.
competent • Conduct fault analysis and proceed with best way forward.
• Can effectively make decisions in stressful situations.
• Manage the fault and incident events in a systematic manner.
• Manage and update the risk register.
• Analyse, review and update safety plan.
• Update and enforce standby roster.
• Assign responsibilities based on standard responses.
• Create and manage a communication plan.
• Analyse, review and update response plans.
• Apply advanced techniques when responding to faults or incidents.
• Manage skilled staff when responding to faults or incidents.
• Manage inventory in the emergency store.
• Have comprehensive knowledge of the operating procedures of the organisations and business units.
• Have in depth knowledge of equipment and components based.
• Take care of all in-coming requests as well as carry out periodic or ad hoc activities.
• Decide whether it is an incident that is to be handled by the team, when to handle it, creating
workarounds, resolving the incident and communicating clearly about the progress made.

competency framework for immovable assets

6.7 Identify components

Definition The process of identifying an asset into its major element of construction. Building components with
useful life in parentheses are: building structure, construction exterior and walls exterior, construction
interior, building acquisition, roof covering, floor covering, heating and ventilating and cooling system,
electrical and lighting system, fire protection, plumbing system, elevator system, fixed equipment assets
and IT infrastructure.
Key words Componentisation
Behaviour • Identify components according to maintenance management planning guidelines
considered • Using technology to capture components into systems
competent • Identify components to component level for:
- Building structure: Framing, exterior walls, roof, foundation and interior construction, as well
as allocated design and architect fees
- Building services: Electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and elevators
- Fixed equipment: Laboratory benches, casework, fume hoods, environmental chambers, and
emergency showers/eye wash stations
• Understand the assembly/disassembly of components from its constituent parts.
• Be able to draw a technical drawing of the components and its constituent parts.
• The compilation of a product and specification breakdown structure.
• The installation of components and the connection of components in its broader functional context
and in line with the design/installation requirements in the Codes of Practice
• Evaluation and comparison of components based on design requirements and characteristics of
• The criticality of components in its broader context of components.
• The identification of interfaces between components including such interface as electricity, water
and sanitation.
• Identification of components with different lifecycles.
• Prioritisation of components in terms of the lifecycle and failure modes.
• The development of specifications in line with product codes and safety requirements
• The development of generic specifications in line with the product codes and legislation.
6.8 Interpretation of codes of practice
Definition Must understand and have knowledge regarding the technical standards and legislation that includes
processes for the identification, acceptable updating and compliance assurance of standards and
legislations in the maintenance management context.
Key words Compliance, Standards
Behaviour • Interpret and execute codes of practice.
considered • Be able to incorporate planning with codes of practice
competent • Interpret and execute SANS compliance.
• Develop, complete and update the register technical standards and legislation.
• Develop specification and drawings for specific components in support of Terms of Reference or
job card.
• Develop Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) system and ensure compliance.

33 competency framework for immovable assets

6.9 Lifecycle analysis
Definition Must be able to measure and manage a physical asset’s useful life and determine and manage the total
cost of ownership to best support the organisations business and mission.
Key words Growth analysis, Lifecycle analysis
Behaviour • Complete the evaluation process and criteria for their usage; including the level of detail required
considered in relation to decision criticality and decision complexity
competent • Take a multi discipline approach and the qualification of value, direct and indirect intervention cost,
risk, performance, operating and maintenance cost.
• Consider the system context of an asset, since the lifecycle of an individual item may be constrained
by, or may contribute to, a different timescale of required performance or asset management
6.10 Reliability engineering
Definition Must ensure that an asset shall operate to a defined standard for a defined period of time in a defined
environment. Must provide engineering support for manufacturing operations, technology and systems
engineering and analyses new and existing products and establishes reliability programs to address
reliability risks and meet quality requirements.
Key words Facility engineering
Behaviour • Analyse and identify product reliability requirements from within the organisation and from outside
considered regulatory standards.
competent • Participate in designing high-reliability products and applications to meet operational requirements.
• Conduct reliability tests and experiments to check component performance; provide reliability data
and findings for reliability analysis and improvement.
• Perform risk assessments to improve device stability and reliability.
• Calculate mean time between failures and determine lifecycle of product.

7. Business Competency Dictionary

7.1 Administration
Definition Must be able to execute administrative activities and procedures for the operation of an office or
facility through organising and scheduling events, record keeping and effective communication with
Key words Management, Supervising, Organising, Record management
Behaviour • Obtain and file various records associated with maintenance management
considered • Capture records associated with maintenance management
competent • Categorising records associated with maintenance management
• Schedule meetings and organise events
• Manage maintenance call logs
• Capture maintenance call logs

competency framework for immovable assets

7.2 Basic accounting
Definition Application of knowledge of the theory and practice of recording, classifying, examining and analysing
data and records of financial transactions. The theories, principles, practices and terminology of
accountancy are used in day to day activities.
Key words Accounting, Accountancy, Debtors management, Creditors management
Behaviour • Monitor and collect data to assess accuracy and integrity
considered • Compile, monitor, examine, and audit various moderately complex financial statements/reports/
competent accounts or budget codes for accuracy, integrity and conformance to accounting and program
• Develop, evaluate and implement changes to accounting systems and processes.
• Identify substantive issues and thoroughly and accurately research and analyse them.
• Interpret and evaluate results prepare documentation create financial reports and/or presentations
• Demonstrate a proficient level of professional skill and/or knowledge in accounting and keep
current with developments and trends.
• Knowledge and ability to use applicable information technology and systems to meet work needs.
7.3 Budgeting and Financial Management
Definition Must be able to plan the work-unit’s budget and manage income and expenditure, through responsible
implementation of policies, practices and decisions in order to achieve unit objectives effectively and
Key Words Budgeting; Financial Planning; Budget Analysis and Control
Behaviour • Prepares work-unit budget required to achieve unit objectives.
considered • Maintains internal control policies and processes in line with the Public Finance Management Act
competent (PFMA) and National Treasury Guidelines and Best Practice Notes.
• Prepares short-term (1 year) and longer-term (2-5 years) budget plans.
• Ensures conformity with PFMA and auditing requirements.
• Monitors revenue and expenditure for the purpose of sound fiscal responsibility.
• Projects long-term financial requirements needed to achieve work-unit objectives.
• Explains or justifies the work-unit budget to other stakeholders and departmental groups.
7.4 Business Analysis (Procedure development)
Definition Must be able to measure and improve or upgrade work methods, procedures and systems and decrease
costs in order to improve the quality and cost efficiency of services and products delivered to clients.
Key words Work Method Improvement; Cost Efficiency; Productivity, Procedures, Processes
Behaviour • Identifies areas and ways in which work methods can be improved.
considered • Improves the effectiveness of work methods, systems and operational equipment by addressing
competent operational costs, revenue expenditure and donor fund management.
• Implements performance improvement through technological solutions, product development,
services, business-unit planning, business process simplification and value-based management
• Applies specialist knowledge of one area of business processes and understanding of related
processes to produce work products.
• Matches appropriate methods to identified improvement needs.
• Maintains credibility and facilitates buy-in through effective discussions with primary stakeholders
and sustained relationships with peers.

35 competency framework for immovable assets

7.5 Mentoring and professional development
Definition Must be able to develop and coach others and constructively review the work of others in order to
improve and advance the skills, knowledge and performance levels of those who report to them.
Key words Growth and development; Performance improvement; Skills development.
Behaviour • Ensures and budgets for compliance with legislation and regulations that facilitates development.
considered • Identifies competency gaps for subordinates and develops personal development plans for
competent employees.
• Identifies and effectively communicates work and performance expectations to work unit
• Comprehensively assesses the performance of individuals assigned to the work unit.
• Gives detailed work instructions and/or on-the-job demonstrations.
• Takes appropriate disciplinary and corrective action with employees for non-performance.
• Provides planned on-the-job learning and skills development opportunities for subordinates.
7.6 Performance Improvement

Definition Must be able to assess the performance in order to improve the performance of your assets, organisation,
its members, and its external contributions to society. It’s identifies the strengths and weakness in
the overall performance improvement so that timely and appropriate action can be taken to support
continual performance improvement.
Key words Performance development, Performance enhancement
Behaviour • Implement organisational and system-wide strategies for continuous quality improvement
considered • Implement mechanisms to monitor and evaluate programs for their effectiveness and quality
competent • Use evaluation results to improve performance
• Integrate data and information to improve organisational processes and performance
• Use cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit, and cost-utility analyses in programmatic prioritisation and
decision making
• Establish a performance management system
• Ensure the measuring, reporting, and continuous improvement of organisational performance
7.7 Planning and organising

Definition Must be able to plan and organise the work of the work unit and groups, using goal setting, objectives, targets,
creating work schedules and work plans with associated budgets and resources, according to the organisation’s
procedures, in order to achieve the tasks, functions and results/outputs required of the work unit.
Key words Schedule work; Organising; Allocate resources; Achieves results; Develop plans.
Behaviour • Develops annual plans for the work unit.
considered • Analyses goals and schedules component tasks accordingly.
competent • Establishes priorities systematically.
• Organises and prioritises tasks so they can be performed within the budget and to achieve the most
efficient use of time.
• Sequences activities and develop schedules.
• Identifies and allocates resources.
• Organises materials and equipment in order to undertake required tasks.
• Translates objectives into specific plans.
• Prepares clear plans and a strategic focus before starting to work on projects or implement initiatives.
• Organises, prioritises and schedules tasks so they can be performed within budget and with the
efficient use of time and resources.
• Measures progress and monitors performance and results.

competency framework for immovable assets

7.8 Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Definition Must be able to ensure that all outsourced maintenance management activities are aligned with the
maintenance management plan of the organisation and to monitor the outcomes of these activities
against these objectives.
Key words Acquisition, Supplier management, Quotations, Buying, Logistics.
Behaviour • Knowledge, capabilities, and practices associated with each phase of the acquisition and contract
considered management life cycle.
competent • Strategic sourcing including long term planning, management of bids, contracts and catalogues.
• Demand planning and forecasting including statistical forecasting, planning with bills of materials,
macro calculation.
• Safety clothing and equipment stock planning.
• Supply network planning that includes capacity levelling, optimisation, multilevel supply and
demand matching, subcontracting, aggregated supply network planning, distribution planning.
• Distribution planning and responsive replenishment.
• Service parts planning including tools, equipment and parts demand, inventory, supply, distribution
and monitoring planning.
• Purchase order processing and receive, verify and release invoices.
• Distribution management
• Move material, usually one organisation’s finished goods or service parts, from the manufacturer
or distributor downstream to the customer.
• Transfer goods and services from the raw materials suppliers and producers to the end users or consumers.
• Choose shipping methods, considering the trade-offs between costs and benefits.
• Warehousing management
• Receive, store, and ship materials to and from production or distribution locations by incorporating
warehousing activities.
• Configure warehouses to have formal storage locations that identify the row, rack section, level,
and shelf location, typically with an alphanumeric location bar code or label.
• Logistics management
• Obtain and distribute materials and products in the proper places and in the proper quantities.
• Apply logistics to the design and development, acquisition, storage, movement, distribution,
maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of material.

37 competency framework for immovable assets

7.9 Project Management
Definition Must be able to plan and manage projects by creating Work Breakdown Schedules (WBS), activity
schedules, time scales and timelines with associated budgets in order to deliver projects on time, within
cost and at the required quality level.
Key words Project planning; Project execution and monitoring; Achieving project outputs.
Behaviour • Define the project’s scope and objectives and develop and write project charters.
considered • Develop and write terms of reference (TORs) for projects.
competent • Plan project or understand project plans produced from statements of work (SOW) or terms of
reference (TORs).
• Ability to assess the technical requirements needed to ensure delivery of and quality of services and
• Ability to use contract instruments as necessary to ensure contract requirements are being met.
• Plan resources (time, money, materials, consultants / service providers) for the execution of TORs
or tasks.
• Appoints service providers and implements, executes and monitors projects.
• Re-plans or manages the re-planning of projects as part of daily project management.
• Issues variation orders for projects that change scope or encounters unplanned for difficulties.
• Produces or manages the production of project deliverables or outputs that are within budget and
at the right quality levels.
• Establishes broad stakeholder involvement and communicates the project status and key milestones.
• Manages a project team of full-time staff with specialist capabilities in a specialised, technical area.
• Develops the contract and in particular the technical approach to the project, the work description
and scope for the project (or sub-project).
• Assigns responsibilities, sets priorities, delegates tasks to others, and contributes needed resources,
co-ordinates work efforts when necessary to produce deliverables.
• Measures progress and monitors performance and results; keeps work on track.
• Manages the financial performance of the project (e.g. monitoring hours and expenditure, variation
orders, contribution versus amount billed, accounts payable, contractual obligations, appropriate
sign-off, and value for money according to Treasury Regulations.
• Manages and effects contractual changes and re-negotiates project terms of reference in a legally
appropriate form.
• Manages the risks identified and incorporates specific activities to overcome or reduce the risks.
7.10 Risk assessment and monitoring
Definition Must be able to identify, quantifying and mitigating risk and exploit opportunities.
Key words Danger, Hazard, Safety
Behaviour • Identify, assess, analyse and treat risk and opportunities.
considered • Generate and keep up to date risk management policies.
competent • Execute risk management plans.
• Analyse asset information and identify possible risks.
• Develop mitigation plans for risk.
• Monitor risk and mitigation plan.
• Develop and update risk register.

competency framework for immovable assets

7.11 Integration of organisational plans
Definition To strategically plan maintenance and set maintenance objectives and goals while ensuring that
maintenance, lifecycle, human resources, procurement and logistic plans aligns with organisational and
asset management plans.
Key words Maintenance, lifecycle, human resources, procurement and logistic plans.
Behaviour • Strategic plans and other information are obtained and maintenance management issues analysed.
considered • Roles and responsibilities  associated with development of maintenance management plan are
competent defined and documented.
• Applicable industry, organisational and legislative requirements are interpreted and complied with.
• Economic trends and market developments are identified and evaluated in terms of potential
factors that may impact on asset management objective.
• Comparative market data is obtained and analysis undertaken using standard financial
analysis techniques.
• Risks and contingencies are identified and quantified according to industry standards, precedents
and techniques.
• Key performance criteria for measuring the achievement of objectives and strategies are developed
and incorporated into asset management plan.
• Financial, physical and human resources to support the maintenance management plan are
determined and organised within budget parameters.
• Quality assurance goals and strategies are determined in consultation with relevant people.
• Draft maintenance management plan and other relevant documentation are processed using
business equipment and technology.

39 competency framework for immovable assets


8. Example: Implementation of the Competency Dictionary

through roles
It stands to reason that a national department with provincial and regional offices will have a National Head of Maintenance, a
Provincial Head of Maintenance and a Regional Head of Maintenance, while a typical provincial department will have a Provincial
Head of Maintenance and Regional Heads of Maintenance. Generally this takes care of the size of portfolio that a role is
responsible for as well.

The sphere of influence and complexity of an organisation will impact the requirements for maintenance management. The
entity’s job grading system (e.g. Hay or Equate) and the assessment of job descriptions evaluate both sphere of influence and
complexity and associate that with the identification of qualification and experience required.

The purpose of these competency profiles however only provide input in what would be considered a competent person and does
not take care of job size and content. That must still be determined by the method approved by the DPSA which is currently the
“Equate” system.

Four example roles have been identified:

• National Head of Maintenance;

• Provincial Head of Maintenance;
• Regional Head of Maintenance; and
• Maintenance Supervisor.

Different minimum National Qualifications Framework (NQF) levels for each competency are illustrated in the example below. Note
that ideally the primary qualification should be technical example degree, building science, engineering etc., while secondary short
courses in business is acceptable. However in terms of the SAQA qualification framework competency can also be recognised in
terms of prior learning (RPL system).

Table A1: Technical and business competencies






Group Competency

Identify components >6 6 6 5

Condition assessment 6 6 5
Interpretation of codes of practice >6 6 6 5
Cost estimating >6 6 6 5
Technical Fault and incident management 6 6 5
Testing Components >6 5 5 5
Applying technology on maintenance management systems >6 5 5 5
Lifecycle analysis >6
Reliability engineering >6

competency framework for immovable assets





Group Competency

Administration >6 6 5 5
Basic accounting >6 6 5 5
Budgeting and financial management >6 6 5 5
Business Analysis (Procedure development) >6
Mentoring and professional development >6
Business Performance Improvement >6
Planning and organising >6 5 5 5
Procurement and supply chain management >6 5 5 5
Project management >6 5 5 5
Risk Assessment and monitoring >6 5
Integration of organisational plans >6 5 5 5

41 competency framework for immovable assets


competency framework for immovable assets


43 competency framework for immovable assets

COMPETENCY framework
for immovable
immovable assets
assets under the custodianship of National and Provincial Departments of Works
COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK for immovable assets under the custodianship of National and Provincial Departments of Works

This publication is brought to you by The Department of Public Works and The Construction
Industry Development Board (cidb). This book is number five in the following series:

1. Maintenance Management Standard

2. Maintenance Accounting Framework
3. Maintenance Monitoring and Evaluation Protocol
4. Maintenance Planning Guidelines
5. Maintenance Competency Framework
6. Contractor Development in the Maintenance Industry
May 2017

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