Structure Design Basis: Page - 1

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The requirement includes design loading criteria, rules governing structural form, and
a factor of safety.

The specification covers the requirement for the design of periphery beam at car and
roof top.


The design shall be in accordance with of the Standards and Codes of Practice
including the amendments as described below:
ACI: 318M -99
BS 8810
SBC: 301.

Fc= 40 Mpa
FY=420 Mpa.

5. Load combination used

1.2 DL+1.6 LL.
1.6 WL.

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Considering as beam and column .

Beam design(ACI)
Member definition

Member: simply supported beam (3400x200x400mm).

Overall thickness of beam =h=400 mm

Clear span= L=3400 mm.

Width = B = 200 mm.

Clear cover = Cc= 40 mm.

Effective depth = d= 400-40-10-12=338 mm.


Dead load of glass= 2 KN/m

wind load =2.0 KN/m2. (pressure).

Wind pressure on beam = 1.2*2.0= 2.4 kN/m

Self wt of beam =0.4x0.2x25=2 KN/m.

Total vertical dead load= 2+2=4 KN/m

Total horizontal wind load =2.4 KN/m.

Material properties

Concrete compressive strength = fc= 40 mpa.

Reinf .yield strength = fy= 420mpa.

Flexure strength reduction factor = φ=0.90(tension controlled section).

Concrete compressive strain = ec= 0.003.

Reinf. tensile strain = es=0.005.

Ultimate load combination

Case 1) U.L =1.2DL= 1.2*4= 4.8 KN/m.

Case 2) U.L =1.6WL=1.6*2.4=3.9 KN/m.

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Max moment and shear force

Max ultimate moment =Mux = 4.8*3.4^2/8 = 7 KNm.

Max ultimate moment =Muy =3.9*3.4^2/8 = 5.63 KNm.

Max ultimate shear force =Vux = 4.8*3.4/2 = 8.16 KN.

Max ultimate shear force =Vuy = 3.9*3.4/2 = 6.7 KN.

Rn= Mu/0.9bd2= 7*x10^6/0.9*200*338*240=0.43 Mpa

m=(fy/0.85*fc)=420/0.85*40=12.35 Mpa.
1 1
P =𝑚(1-√1 − 2𝑚𝑅𝑛/𝑓𝑦)=12.35(1-√1 − 2 ∗ 12.35 ∗ 0.43/420)=0.0010

Steel calculation

Area of steel required = As-req =p*b*d=0.0010*200*338=68 mm2/m

Min area of tension steel req = As-min= max (1.4bd/fy, 0.25 √fc*b*d/ fy).

As -min =max (1.4*200*338/420, 0.25√40*200*338/*420)

As -min=254mm2/m

As per clause 10.5.3 ACI 318 the above requirement of As-min need not be applied if at every section. As
provided is at least one - third greater than that required by analysis (As provided ≥ 1.33 As required)

Amin= 68*1.3=89 mm2.

Considering 2-10 horizontal bars as main reinforcement =156mm2.

Check for strain.

Depth of equivalent rect stress block =a= (As-prov*fy/0.85*b*fc)=(156*420/0.85*200*40)=9.7 mm

Depth of tension steel= d=338 mm

Stress block depth factor =β1 =max (0.65, (0.85-0.05(fc-28)/7) =0.76

Depth of neutral axis =c=a/β1= 9.7/0.8=12.12 mm

Net tensile strain in long. steel at nominal strain=et=0.003*[d-c /c]=0.003[338-12.12/12.12]=0.08˃0.005

Section is tension controlled, design ok

Actual nominal flexural strength =Mns-prov =As-prov*fy*(d-a/2) =156*420(338-9.7/2) =22 KNm.

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Pass- actual flexural strength exceeds required nominal flexural strength.

As-min =156 mm2.

Check for shear

Nominal shear strength required = Vn =Vu/0.75=11.0 /0.75=14.6 KN.

Shear strength provided by concrete = Vc= √𝑓𝑐 *d/6= √40 *338/6= 356 KN.

Shear strength provided by reinforcement= Vs= 0 (assumed)

Shear capacity of section = V= Vc+Vs= 356+0= 356 KN.


No shear reinforcement required

Horizontal bars of 12 mm is used as shear reinforcement

Biaxial check

My= 156*420(138-4.8/2) = 9 KNm.

𝑚𝑢𝑥 𝑚𝑢𝑦 7 5.63

𝑚𝑥 𝑚𝑦
≤1 = 22+ 9


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Column post ( bs code 8810)
Member definition

Member: column (2100x400x200 mm).

Overall thickness =H=200 mm



Clear span= L=2100 mm.

Width = B = 400 mm.

Horizontal force from beam =6.7*2=13.4 KN.(wind)

Moment =M= 13.4x2.1=28.14 KNm

Axial load N= 8.16*2=16.32 KN.



Using 36

100 Asc/BH =0.4

Asc=0.4 *400*200/100=320mm2.

Using 6 bars of 12mm vertical bars=678

Horizontal bars of 10mm are use as tie bars.

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