Ilka Agricola, Thomas Friedrich Global Analysis Differential Forms in Analysis, Geometry, and Physics Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 52 PDF
Ilka Agricola, Thomas Friedrich Global Analysis Differential Forms in Analysis, Geometry, and Physics Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 52 PDF
Ilka Agricola, Thomas Friedrich Global Analysis Differential Forms in Analysis, Geometry, and Physics Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 52 PDF
Ilka Agricola
Thomas Friedrich
Graduate Studies
in Mathematics
Volume 52
Ilka Agricola
Thomas Friedrich
Translated by
Andreas Nestke
Graduate Studies
in Mathematics
Volume 52
This book was originally published in German by Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsge-
sellschaft mbH, D-65189 Wiesbaden, Germany, as "Ilka Agricola and Thomas Friedrich:
Globale Analysis. 1. Auflage (1st edition)", ©F}iedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft
mbH, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 2001
Translated from the German by Andreas Nestke
QA381.A4713 2002
514'.74- dc2l 2002027681
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This book is intended to introduce the reader into the world of differential
forms and, at the same time, to cover those topics from analysis, differ-
ential geometry, and mathematical physics to which forms are particularly
relevant. It is based on several graduate courses on analysis and differen-
tial geometry given by the second author at Humboldt University in Berlin
since the beginning of the eighties. From 1998 to 2000 the authors taught
both courses jointly for students of mathematics and physics, and seized the
opportunity to work out a self-contained exposition of the foundations of
differential forms and their applications. In the classes accompanying the
course, special emphasis was put on the exercices, a selection of which the
reader will find at the end of each chapter. Approximately the first half of
the book covers material which would be compulsary for any mathematics
student finishing the first part of his/her university education in Germany.
The book can either accompany a course or be used in the preparation of
vi Preface
role of pressure and free energy. A series of examples, like the ideal gas,
solid bodies, and cycles, conclude Chapter 8.
We are grateful to Ms. Heike Pahlisch for her extensive work on the prepara-
tion of the manuscript and the illustrations of the German edition. We also
thank the students in our courses from 1998 to 2000 for numerous comments
leading to additions and improvements in the manuscript. In particular,
Dipl.-Math. Uli Kriihmer pointed out corrections in many chapters. Not
least our thanks are due to M. A. Claudia Frank for her thourough reading
and correcting of the German manuscript with regard to language.
The English version at hand does not differ by much from the original Ger-
man edition. Besides small corrections and additions, we included a detailed
discussion of the Lorentz force and related topics in Chapter 9. Finally, we
thank Dr. Andreas Nestke for his careful translation.
Ilka Agricola
Thomas Friedrich
Preface v
Exercises 8
xii Contents
Symbols 337
Index 339
Chapter 1
Elements of
Multilinear Algebra
2 1. Elements of 1llultilinear Algebra
Theorem 1. If k > n, Ak(V*) consists only of the zero map. For k < n
the dimension of the vector space Ak(V*) is equal to
dim (nk(V`)) _ (k)
Exterior forms can by multiplied, and the product is again an exterior form.
Definition 1. Let wk E Ak(V*) and 7/ E A1(V') be two exterior forms of
degrees k and 1. respectively. Then the exterior product wk n 171 is defined as
a (k + 1)-form by the formula
wknll!(t'1....L'k+l) = Esgn(v)wk(v,(1),...Vo(k))11l(z'o(k+l)
k!l! oESk+j
(3) (awk)A1)l=wkA(ar/)=a(wkAr/)foranyaEIfs:
(4) (wkAgl)A m=wkA(r11A ');
(5) wk A 111 = (-1)k'711 n wk.
Proof. Only the last two formulas require a proof, in which we shall omit
some of the upper indices for better readability. First
(k+l)!m! (wk A11l) Aµ/'"(v1, ...,vk+l+m)
1: sgn(a)(wk A 711)(v,(1), ... , v,(k+1))1f (vn(k+1+1).... , vs(k+l+m))
f7E Sk+l+m
Decompose the permutation group Sk+l+m into residue classes with respect
to the subgroup Sk+l C Sk+1+m formed by all permutations acting as the
identity on the last m indices {k + 1 + 1, ..., k + l + m}. Each residue
class R thus consists of all permutations a E Sk+l+m with fixed values
Q(k + I + 1), ..., v(k + I + m). Fixing any permutation ao E R. all the
remaining elements a E R are parametrized by the elements in Sk+l:
or = a0 0 7r, 7r E Sk+l
1. Elements of Multilinear Algebra 3
E sgn(o)(wk A rll)(Va(l), --- , Vo(k+l))11m(Va(k+1+l), - - - , Va(k+l+m))
rsgn(oo)sgn(ir)(w A r/)(Vaoo,r(1), --Vooo,,(k+())1L(Vao(k+t+1), ..Vao(k+t+m))
= sgn(ao)(k + l)!(w A 17)(vao(1), ... , Voo(k+1))1J(VCo(k+1+1), ... , Vao(k+1+m))-
Using now the definition of the exterior product wk A 711, this leads to the
k! 1!
(k + l)! a ERsgn(a)(w A i))(va(1), vo(k+l+m))
A(V*) = k=0
endowed with the exterior multiplication A of forms as multiplication.
Next we will construct an explicit basis of the vector spaces Ak(V*). To
do so, start from any basis el, ... e of V and denote by a, ... , o the
dual basis of the dual space V' _ A' (V*). For an ordered k-tuple of indices
(k-index for short) I = (i1 < ... < ik) let of denote the k-form defined by
the formula
of := ail A ... A o;k .
Obviously, for a fixed k-index J = (j1 < ... < jk),
ol(ejl, --.,eik)
J0 if 196 J,
t 1 if I = J.
In particular, the k-forms of are linearly independent in Ak(V'). For di-
mensional reasons, this immediately implies
4 1. Elements of Multilinear Algebra
Theorem 3. Let e1, ... , en be a basis of the vector space V, and denote by
ol.... , o its dual basis in the dual space V. Then the forms o,,1 = (i1 <
... < ik), are a basis for the vector space Ak(V*).
Exterior forms can be pulled back under a linear map. In fact, if L : W -+
V is a linear map from the vector space W to the vector space V, and
Wk E A(V') is an exterior k-form in V, then the formula
(L*wk)(wl, ...,Wk) := wk(L(wl),... , L(wk))
defines an exterior k-form (L'wk) E Ak(W`) in the vector space W. Passing
from the form wk to the induced form L*(wk) is compatible with all algebraic
operations. In particular, the following formula holds:
M(g) is diagonal, i. e.
M(g) =
L -1 J
The number p of (+1)-entries as well as the number q of (-1)-entries in
this diagonal matrix are independent of the particular basis. The pair (p, q)
is called the signature of the scalar product g, and the number q is called its
First we extend the scalar product g to the spaces Ak(V*) of k-forms, keep-
ing the same symbol for its extension. This continuation is done, relative to
an orthonormal basis, by means of the formula
k k = ilil
...g ikik wi(ei,,
g(wl,w2) - g
it <...<ik
It is not difficult to see that this defines a non-degenerate scalar product in all
the spaces Ak(V') which does not depend on the choice of the orthonormal
basis. The signature, however, changes. For example, if g is a scalar product
with signature (n - 1, 1) in V, then the induced scalar product in the space
Ak(V*) of exterior k-forms has signature ((°A 1), (k-i)) If the original basis
el, ... , en in V is orthonormal, the basis al = ail A ... A aik (i1 < ... < ik)
is an orthonormal basis in Ak(V'). Here a1, ...,an denotes the dual basis
in V*. Moreover, the length of the k-form al is computed by the formula
g(a/, al) = gu 11 .... g`k`k
In particular, the scalar product in the one-dimensional space An(V') is
positive or negative definite, depending on the parity of the index q of the
scalar product.
el el
Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 1 illustrates R2 with the orientation determined by the basis (el, e2),
whereas Figure 2 depicts the plane R2 equipped with the orientation (e2, el).
The transition matrix between both bases is the matrix
A __ [00 1
with negative determinant, det(A) = -1. Hence the bases (er, e2) and
(e2, el) represent the two possible orientations of R2.
Example 1. Let (Vg) be a real vector space with fixed orientation. We
choose a basis el, ..., e,, in V in such a way that the matrix M(g) has the
diagonal format of Theorem 4, and (el, ... , e,) is positively oriented. Then
the formula
g(vl,el), ...,g(vn,el)
dV(vl, ...,vn) := det
g(vi, en), ... , g(vn, en)
defines an n-form dV E An(V') independent of the choice of the particular
basis e1, ... , e with the stated properties. This form dV is called the volume
form of the oriented vector space with the non-degenerate scalar product g.
By means of the dual basis al, ..., an, the volume form is represented as
dV = (-1)Q al A...Aa,,.
Here q denotes the index of the scalar product g. The length of the volume
form is, by definition,
g(dV, dV) = (-1)9
1. Elements of Multilinear Algebra
The volume form of the coordinate space R" with the euclidean scalar pro-
duct coincides with the determinant:
dR"(vl, ...,vn) = det(vi, ...,vn), v, E R".
In particular, the determinant turns out to be an n-form on the space R".
Now we introduce the *-operator (Hodge operator) assigning a k-form to
every (n - k)-form. Consider the given real vector space V together with a
scalar product g and a fixed orientation. For each k-form Sc E AV'), the
An-k(V*) E) gn-k _ Wk A r)n-k E An(V')
determines alinear mapping from An-k(V*) to the 1-dimensional space
An(V*). The volume form dV is a basis vector in An(V*), and the vector
space An-k(V*) is equipped with a non-degenerate scalar product. Hence,
there exists exactly one (n - k)-form-to be denoted by *wk-such that
Wk A,fin-k = g(*Wke n-k)dV
the so-called Hodge operator.
Example 2. As above, let e1, ... , en be an orthonormal basis (g;i = fb;i)
of the vector space V representing the fixed orientation, and let al, ... , an
be the dual basis. For an ordered k-index I = (i1 < ... < ik), denote by
J = (j1 < ... < in-k) the "complementary" index, i. e. the ordered (n - k)-
index containing the numbers 11, ... , n}\{il, ... , ik}. The equations
l . n 1 . n
g(*aj,oj)dV = alAa = sgn IJo'1A...Aan = (-1)°sgn
= (-1)Qsgn
(i...n)9.,... gi..-kin-k * oJ
2y l...n l...n\
_ (-1) 5
1 J 9,0, ...9il-kie-ksgn (I J I g";, ...y;k,koi
_ (-1)9(-1)kin-kioi.
The other formulas are consequences of this first one and the definition of
the *-operator. We have
(*wk, *rik)dV = wk A *I?k = (-1)k(n-k) * flk Awk
= * r)k,wk)dV = (-1)99(r/k,wk)dV ,
and this implies the remaining identities. 0
Example 3. Let n = 2k be an even number. Then the Hodge operator
maps the vector space Ak (V *) to itself,
**talk = (-1)k+gWk,
and hence, in case k + q = 0 mod 2, the Hodge operator has the eigenvalues
± 1.
3. Prove that k linear forms ol, ... , ok on V' are linearly independent if
and only if
olA...nok # 0-
5. Let e1, .... e,a be a basis of the vector space V and o1, ... , o the cor-
responding dual basis. Then the following formula holds for every k-form
o,A(eiJ Wk) =
If the index of the scalar product is even, q = 0, 2, then the Hodge operator
decomposes the real vector space A2(V') into the eigenspaces
A2 (V') = {w2 E A2(V') : * W2 = f w2
In the case of an odd index, q = 1, 3, the complexification A2(V') $ C
analogously decomposes into the ±i-eigenspaces. Compute the dimension
of the eigenspaces in both cases, and determine a basis of eigenforms.
Chapter ,2
Differential Forms
in '
2.1. Vector Fields and Differential Forms
Vectors in euclidean space R" can be understood as "free vectors" or as
"place-bound vectors" at a point in R". In the first case, we simply consider
R" as a euclidean vector space. The second point of view is based on the
concept of R" as a set or a metric space whose elements are called the points
of space. The "place-bound vectors" then form vector spaces of their own,
each one consisting of all those attached to a particular point. For example,
vectors at different points cannot be added. This second concept of a vector
in R" leads to the notion of the tangent space at a point in R".
Definition 1. Let p E R". The tangent space to R" at the point p is defined
to be the set
TpR" :_ {(p, v) : v E R" } .
An addition and a multiplication by scalars \ E R are introduced in this
set by (p, v) + (p, w) := (p, v + w) and A (p, v) :_ (p, \ v), respectively.
These operations endow each TpR" with the structure of a real n-dimensional
vector space.
The ordinary differential of a smooth map f from the space R" to the space
R'" at the point p, D fp, can now be interpreted as a linear map f.,p between
corresponding tangent spaces.
Definition 2. Let U C R" be open and f : U R' be a differentiable
map. For each point p in the set U, the linear map f.,p : TpR" -. Tf(p) Rm
12 2. Differential Forms in 1R"
If e1.... , e is the standard basis in euclidean space lR". the vector field
determined by p (p,ei) is usually denoted by 8/8x', i.e. (8/8x')(p) :=
(p, e,). (Compare Exercise 5 for an explanation of this notation.) Obviously,
every other vector field defined on U can be represented in the form
V(x, y) =
Each of the tangent spaces Tp R" is a real vector space. Hence we can
consider the dual space, 71R' := (TpR, "")'. as well as its exterior powers,
/"(R") := "k(T;R")
2.1. Vector Fields and Differential Forms 13
wk -= wjl....,tkdx
A ...ndx ik
;1 <...<ik
with certain functions w;,,
In fact, at the point p E U the following equality holds for the vector (p. v):
n of
df(p)(p,v) = Dff(v) _ axi (P)v'
Replacing the vector components v' by dx'(p)(p, v) and omitting the argu-
ment (p, v), we arrive at the stated formula
n 9f
df (p) _ (P) . dx' (p)
Ui C R" and U2 C R' with component functions f'. Then
The three rules immediately follow from the definitions and will therefore
not be proved here. To derive the last equation, we use the second rule and
the identity just proved:
A...ndxn) = (guf)f*(dxl)n...A fs(dx")
afdxJI] fn n
= (g ° f) A ... A
it=1 in=1
n afl (9f n
_ (g ° f) E aTi1 " ' 5; dxit n ... A dxin
it, ....i.,=1
Since the exterior square of a 1-form always vanishes, in this sum only
those terms remain whose n-index (j1.... ,j) is a permutation of (1, ..., n).
Using the antisymmetry of the multiplication in the exterior algebra, we
obtain the formula
it <...<ik a=1
Proof. The first identity is trivial. For the second, we use the multi-index
notation ! = (i1 < ... < ik) and set dx1 = dxi' n ... A dxik as well as
wA = > wl dxl , rlt = > qj dxJ .
wk A rli = wlr,J dx' n dxJ ,
and, applying the exterior derivative, we obtain the formula
d(wk n q1) E a=
(8x° qJ + wI a7o
I dx° n dx1 n dxJ .
The first summand equals dwk A7/, and in the case of the second precisely
k transpositions lead to
Now we will show that dd = 0. Applying the derivative twice yields the
3 n dx° n dxi
ddwk = EE 013x°
I 3=1 o=1
( a2`a,'\ dx3 A dx° A dxl.
I a<3 8x3x° ax°x3
By assumption, the second partial derivatives of the functions w/ are con-
tinuous. Hence, Schwarz' lemma implies that the expression in brackets
vanishes f o r each multi-index I. Finally, w e show that pulling back differen-
tial forms commutes with the exterior derivative. T o this end, let y1, ... , yi1
be the coordinates on V, let the form wk = Ei wi dy' be expressed in these.
and let f 1, .... f' be the components of the map f : U1 - U2. From
dwk =
[ ` wI dy° A dy'
we obtain, for the pullback of the form,
f'( k) = 1: y° (f(x))df°ndf'1
! ww
/ o=1
On the other hand,
f*wk = w,(f(x))df'1 A...Adf`k,
and its derivative is computed as follows:
d(f'wk) = axa(f(x))dx3ndj'1 n... ndf
Wi = -y x2+y2dx +x2+y2dy
2.2. Closed and Exact Differential Forms 19
- y2+x2-2y2+x2+y2-2x2dx
(x2 + y2)2 Ady = 0.
Hence, wl is closed; later we will see that wl is not exact (Example 10). The
integral of the winding form along a closed curve surrounding zero measures
how often it "turns around" the origin (Exercises 1 and 2).
In algebraic topology, it is common to describe the difference between closed
and exact forms by the so-called de Rham cohomology. The vector spaces
of "cycles" Zk(U) and "boundaries" Bk(U) are defined by
Zk(U) {wk E !1k (U) wk is closed},
Bk(U) {WA E S1;(U) WA is exact} .
wk = P(dwk) + dP(wk) .
For closed forms the first term vanishes, which proves the assertion. The
form P(wk) is defined as follows:
k rj'tk_1wI..ik(tx)dt] _
P(wk) _ (-1)°-1
x° dxi' A... Adxio A... A
1j< ... <ik
Here the notation dxi° is intended to indicate that the corresponding factor
is omitted. Hence, P(wk) is of degree one less than wk, as claimed. Let
us compute the exterior derivative of P(wk). To do so, apply the product
rule to the coefficient functions: The integral has to be differentiated with
respect to x implicitly, whereas the derivative of xi° each time yields the
dxi° Adxi' A...Adxi° A...Adxik.
The sign (-1)°-1 is chosen in order to render this expression equal to dx1' A
... A dxik. Altogether, we thus obtain
[ f't tk
axi (tx)dt] xj dxi' A ... A dxik
i1 <.<ik j,a=1
Poincare's lemma is but an existence result for the desired form 77k-1, and
does not claim its uniqueness. For example, if 77k-1 is a solution of the
equation d77k-1 = wk, the sum 77k-1 +dCk-2 also solves the equation for any
(k - 2)-form k-2. Conversely, for any two forms ii-i and ,jr' satisfying
= d772-1 = wk, we have
- 772 1) = 0.
Then, by Poincare's lemma, there exists a (k-2)-form do-2 such that ii
772-1 = duo-2. In other words,
- 772-1 +
and we conclude that the general solution can always be expressed as the
sum of a particular solution and the derivative of an arbitrary (k - 2)-form.
Example 7. Consider on 1R3 the closed 2-form
w2 = xydxAdy+2xdyAdz+2ydxAdz.
We will determine, in two different ways, a 1-form whose derivative coincides
with w2. Let us first explain the Ansatz method to be used. The 1-form 771
will be taken as
771 = f (x, y, z) dx + g(x, y, z) dy + h(x, y, z) dz,
22 2. Differential Forms in IR"
2x = 2x + / Oy dx - J a N dx,
we see that it is satisfied for function f; in particular, we may choose
f = 0. Then g = 2x2y, h = 2xy, and hence, using
= x2ydy+2xydz,
we obtain a solution, as is easily checked. The integration method computes
the "primitive form" by means of the map P(w2) introduced in the proof of
Poincare's lemma. In the example, this turns out to be the sum of 6 terms,
f 1
P(w2) = + C
o t(tx)(ty)dt/J xdy - (J1 t(tx)(ty)dt) ydx ro
1 l
+2 (1 t(tx)dt J ydz - 2 (J 1 t(tx)dt I zdy
+2 Uo t(ty)dt I x dz - 2 t(ty)dt I z dx.
k sgn l... n wt dxj.
Here, J = (jl < ... < jn_k) is the complementary multi-index to I = (i1 <
< ik). The volume form dRn itself is simply
dRn = dx1 A ... A dxn .
In addition, we have the possibility to pass from a vector field V to a 1-form
wv, and vice versa. This is accomplished by
Definition 9. For a vector field V the dual 1 -form wv is defined by the
*wv := VJ dRn .
(2) For a function f and a vector field V of class C' the following
identity holds:
div(f - V) = f div(V) + df (V)
Proof. We only prove the second formula. By definition
div(f V) dRn = d(f (V J dRn)) = df A (V J dRn) + f d(V J dRn)
= df A *Wv + f div(V) dRn = [41(V) + f div(V)J dRn.
The last step makes use of the following equation, valid for every vector field
V and any 1-form n1:
171 A *4 = n1(V) (W.
Definition 12. Let f be a C2-function defined on an open subset U C Rn.
The divergence of the gradient of f is called the Laplacian o(f) of the
function f :
0(f) = div(grad(f)) -
Proof. The first equations immediately follow from the fact that the square
of the exterior derivative vanishes, dd = 0. In fact, we obtain
div(curl(V)) dIR3 = ddwv = 0
wcurl(grad(f)) _ *dwgrad(f) _ *ddf = 0
Claims (3) and (4) are special cases of Poincare's lemma. For curl(V) = 0 the
associated form wv is closed. By Poincare's lemma there exists a function f
such that wv = df. Hence V is the gradient of the function f. Property (4)
is proved similarly.
26 2. Differential Forms in It"
Picture of the 2-cube [0, 1]2 B (x, y)' -* cos(x + 1)2 + sin(y - 3)2
Note that not only does a singular cube consist of the image set of ck, but
the notion also involves an explicit parametrization. For example, in case
k = 0 a singular 0-cube is a point in the set U. For k = 1, in general, it is
a parametrized curve, but it may also degenerate to a point, which explains
why these cubes are called "singular". In some situations, it can be helpful
to view a singular k-cube as a cube of some dimension larger than k. Notice
also that the boundary of the image set will, in general, have "comers".
2.4. Singular Cubes and Chains 27
k-chains are added in the obvious way, and with addition as composition
they form the abelian group of singular chains in U, which will be denoted
by Ck(U). For example, the inverse of the k-chain sk is its negative -sk.
Definition 16. The standard cube in 1Rk is defined to be the identity map
of the k-dimensional unit cube
Ik : [0, 1]k -+ Rk, Ik(x) = X.
Now we define a boundary for every k-chain. For each index i between
1 and k, we parametrize a part of the boundary of [0, 1]k by maps I(i,o)'
Ik.l) : [0, 1]k-1 -+ [0, 1]k which insert the value 0 or 1, respectively, at
position is
k-1 k
flR, riio)(x,...,x
k k-1)-(x,...,x
1 - i-1 ,o,x,...,x
1 i k-1
I(i.l) : [0 1]k-1 Rk I(t 1)(x1 k-1) = (XI, i-1 i k-1
-1 +1
Proof. The property 8(si + 82) = 8s1 + 8s2 immediately follows from the
definition of the boundary operator. Because of linearity, this obviously
suffices to prove the second statement for an arbitrary k-cube ck : [0, 1]k
U C R". By definition the boundary is determined by
ack = (-1)j
(ck o IV.o) ck o Ik 1i 1
2.4. Singular Cubes and Chains 29
In a similar way as the de Rham cohomology, we can define the k-th cubic
homology group of a set U C Rn:
Hk°''(U) := ker (8 : Ck(U) --' Ck-1(U)) / im (0: Ck+,(U) ~ Ck(U))
c'w'(t) = pl(c(t)).
df = jdt)dt =
In particular, the line integral of an exact 1-form depends only on the end
points of the curve and not on its shape. It vanishes for a closed curve.
2.5. Integration of Differential Forms and Stokes' Theorem 31
Example 10. We will use the last remark to show that the winding form,
Two parametrizations and 4 : [0, 1]A U of one and the same point
set in U differ by a diffeomorphisin cp : [0,11k [0, 1]k of the unit cube.
4 = ci o gyp. The determinant of the differential Dp(x) has constant sign,
which will be denoted by e(,p).
Theorem 7. In the above situation we have
Jk = f wk
Proof. Since the integral is additive, it suffices to prove the formula for
singular (k+1)-cubes. First we consider the standard cubelk+l : [0, 1]k+l
R k+1 and represent the k-form wk on Rk+l as
k+l _
wl~ = fi d21 / ... / dxi A ... A dxk+1
The derivative is then
k = [(_1)1_1L]i dxl A ... A dxk+1
Hence, by the definition of the integral,
f k+1
dwk xi dx
J a
jk+1 i-1 [0,11k
(Ii I/ `U)_ f ` J
[0.1[k 10111k
Jk w= rf
L L.
J-1 Q-o'1Ik+1
j= l
f dfx)'dx =
and hence we have verified Stokes' formula for the standard cube. For an
arbitrary singular (k + 1)-cube ck+1 : [0, 1]k+1 U C 1R" we now use the
2.5. Integration of Differential Forms and Stokes' Theorem 33
fact that the exterior derivative commutes with the pullback of forms. We
dWk = f (ck+ll*( k) d((Ck+l)'Wk)
Ck+1 Jk+1 l J jkJ+1
l` J J
__ k+1 wk _ f k+1 ` Wk
j=1 Q=0.1 wk
wk =
j=1 a=0,1Ck+lolk+1 ask+l
Proof. Choose any homotopy F : [0,1]2 -> U between co and c1. This map
F is, at the same time, a singular 2-cube, and hence the 2-form dw1 can be
34 2. Differential Forms in IR
On the other hand, by Stokes' theorem, we have for the right-hand side
dw1 fJ w1 + J
F (t,O) (1,s)
_ J (t,I) _ I O,s)(
These four integrals are computed using the homotopy property of F. First,
F(t, a) = ca(t) immediately implies, for a = 0,1,
FlZt,a)w1 = cowl.
Moreover, F(a, s) is independent of s, and hence
Fl*(a,,)wl = 0.
Lastly, these relations combine to yield the equation
1 1
0= cowl - J0 cwl ,
and by the definition of the integral this concludes the proof. 0
We will now generalize these observations concerning line integrals to the
higher-dimensional case. Let sk lj ch- be a singular k-chain with
image set A C IR", and suppose that Oak = 0. The set A can, e.g., be a k--
dimensional sphere Sk in R". Consider a smooth map f : A A defined on
a neighborhood of A which is homotopic to the identity IdA. This is again
supposed to mean that there is a smooth map defined on a neighborhood U
of A x (0.11 in R"+1
F : A x (0,11 -+ A such that F(a, 0) = f (a) and F(a,1) = a.
Fo(skxIdlo,11) :=E
is a singular (k + 1)-chain in R", and, because Oak = 0, the boundary is
OF o (sk x Id10,11) = sk - f o sk.
For a k-form wk defined on an open neighborhood of the set A C W', the
following holds.
Theorem 10. If Osk = 0 anldf is homotopic to the identity, then
k=J jock
2.6. The Classical Formulas of Green and Stokes 35
dw I = I - - J
dx A dy.
Suppose now that P(x, y) and Q(x, y) are of class C2, and consider the
Theorem 12. Let P(x, y) and Q(x, y) be functions of class C2. Then
(V1dx1+V2dx2+V3dx3) = / &,;y =
8V2 8V11 8V11 IOV3 8V21
dx Adx 2+IIr8V3
dx ndx3+ axe - 'ax-3 dx2nda3.
axl - axe I axl - 5x3 I
Remark. Using the volume form dF of a regular surface piece yet to be
discussed, the classical Stokes formula can be written more concisely as
Lcun1'1) dF.
Here N denotes the normal vector to the surface in R3. We will return to
this in Chapter 3.
Theorem 17. Every Cl-map f : D" -+ D" from the n-dimensional ball to
itself has at least one fired point.
Proof. Suppose that f : D" - D" does not have any fixed points. Then
define the map F : D" Sn-' from the ball to its boundary by assigning
to every point x E D" the point of intersection of the ray from f (x) through
x with the sphere Sn-'. The formula for F,
F(x) = x
X - f(x)
2 (X' x - f(x)
_ IIxI12 + (X, x - f(x)
IIx - f(x)II 1- IIx - f(x)II> IIx - f(x)II
shows that F is smooth. Moreover. F acts on the boundary of the ball as
the identity, F(x) = x for all x E S. Let Fl.... , F" be the components
of F. Differentiating the following relation, which is valid for all x E Dn.
E(F'(x))2 = 1,
2 (Fiaa*5) Idxi = 0,
i=1 ij=1
and hence for each index j
= 0.
8P (x) = 0
has a non-trivial solution (al, ... , an) = (Fl (x), ..., F"(x)) j4 (0.... , 0).
Hence the determinant of the matrix
det 0
Proof. The proof will be reduced to the case of a C1-map by applying the
Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem (see, e.g., [Rudin, 19981, Theorem
7.32). The ball D" is compact. Consider the ring C°(D") of all real-valued
continuous functions on it, as well as the subring R of those functions which
are the restriction to D" of a C1-function with strictly larger, open domain
of definition. Obviously, the subring R contains the constant functions and
separates points. By the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, it is dense in C°(U).
Applying this to the components f 1, ... , f" of f, we conclude that for each
e > 0 there exists a C1-map
p : D' - R" such that IIf (x) - p(x)II < e for all x E D'.
Consider the renormalized map P(x) := p(x)/(1 + s). Since
IIP(x)II - IIf (x)II 5 IIP(x) - f (x)II < e and IIf (x)II < 1,
we have IIP(x)II 5 1 + e; hence IIP(x)II 5 1. Therefore, P is a map from the
ball to itself. Moreover, P can be estimated against f :
> 0.
Then the system of equations
f (x) := -R g(x)
whose image lies in the sphere Sn-1(R). By the fixed point theorem, f has
a fixed point in S"-'(R). Hence there exists a point xo E Sn-1(R) such
xo = -R 9(xo)
This implies R2 II9(xo)II = -R (g(xo), xo), contradicting the assumption of
the theorem.
In particular, the assumption of the theorem is satisfied for gi(x) = xi +
hi(x) if the functions hi : R' -+ R grow more slowly than linear forms,
Ihi(x)I < Ci 11x11"
Under this condition the sum
n n
E 9i(x)xi = R2 + c` hi(x)x'
i=1 i=1
42 2. Differential Forms in R"
behaves like R2 on the sphere S"-'(R) and becomes positive for sufficiently
large radii.
Corollary 1. The system of equations
hl(x) = x', ..., h"(x) = x"
has at least one solution f o r arbitrary continuous functions bounded by I I I'
at infinity.
Example 11. The system of equations x = ' 1 + x2 + y'2. y = cos(x + y)
has in l 2 at least one solution, e.g.,
x = 1.2758079, y = 0.14722564.
Example 12. Consider in 1R2 the following system of equations:
= 0, 92(x, y) = y + e-(I-U)2 = 0.
91(x, y) = x +
The picture below diaplays the graph of the function g, (x, y) x + 92(x. y) y
over the set [-2.2] x [-2,2]. It shows that this function is positive on the
circle S' (2) of radius 2. Hence the above system of equations has at least
one solution in the disc D2(2). A numerical computation of the solution
leads to the values
x = -0.303122, y = -0.789407.
Exercises 43
1. Let f : 1R2 - {0} R2 - {0}, f (r, 0) = (r cos 0, r sin 0), be the polar
coordinate map on the "punctured" plane. Prove:
a) The winding form satisfies f dx) = d9;
4. Consider 1R2n with coordinates x1, ... , x2n and the following differential
form of degree 2:
w2 = dx' n dxn+l + dx2 A dxn+2 + ... + dxn n dx2n .
a) The form w2 is closed;
b) the n-th exterior power of w2 is related to the volume form via the
w2 n ... n w2 = (-1)n(n-1)/2n! dxl A ... A dx2n .
R", by a/8x'. Writing these vector fields for the moment as E;, every vector
field can be written in the form
For each function f : U R on an open set U of R" we define a new
function. the derivative of f in the direction of the vector field V, by
(V(f))(x) := (Df=)(V(x))
Prove the formula
V(f) _i=108xi (fl
which by omitting the argument f provides the explanation asked for.
(x- 2xy)dx + (y2 - 2xy)dy
along the curve C = {(x, y) E R2 : x E [-1.1), y = x2}.
11. Consider the singular 2-cube, f : [0, 2ir] x [0, 27r] -r S2 C R3 - {0},
f (u, v) _ (cos u sin v, sin u sin v, cos v),
as well as the 2-form w2 = (xdyAdz+ydz Adx+zdxndy)/r3 on 1R3 - {0},
where r = (x2 + y2 + z2)1/2 denotes the distance from the origin.
a) Prove that w2 is closed;
b) compute the integral of w2 over f ;
c) conclude from the properties just proved that w2 is not exact on 1R3-{0},
and that there is no singular 3-chain c3 in 1R3 - {0} whose boundary
equals f, 0c3 = f.
13. Let w1 = f (x) dx be a 1-form on the interval [0, 1] with f (0) = f (1).
Prove that there exist a real number p and a function g with g(0) = g(1) by
means of which wl can be written as
W = pdx+dg.
15. Consider on 1R3 the following exact differential form known from 7:
W2 = xydxAdy+2xdyAdz+2ydxAdz,
and the upper half-ball A C S2:
A = {(x,y,z)EIR3: x2+y2+z2=1, z>0}.
Prove that the integral of w2 over A vanishes.
46 2. Differential Forms in R°
17. Let E be the ellipse with the equation x2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1 (a > 0, b > 0)
in its standard parametrization. Compute by means of Cauchy's integral
formula the integral
rJE dz
20. The set A = { (x, y) E [-1,1]2: xy = 0 } has the fixed point property.
Chapter 3
Vector Analysis on
3.1. Submanifolds of Rn
In Chapter 2 we introduced an integration method for differential forms over
sets which can be represented as images of singular chains. These sets, how-
ever, may be quite irregular, and it is rather difficult to develop a differential
calculus for functions defined on them. Further notions like tangent space,
vector field, etc., are not available either in their context. Hence we will now
restrict the possible subsets of Rn to a class for which a differential as well
as an integral calculus can be established in a satisfactory manner. These
sets are called manifolds, and they are-intuitively speaking-characterized
by the fact that their points can be defined locally in a continuous (differen-
tiable) way by finitely many real parameters, that is, locally these sets look
just like euclidean space. It was the fundamental idea of B. Riemann in his
Habilitationsvortrag (1854) to introduce the notion of a manifold as the new
basic concept of space into geometry. In physics, manifolds occur as config-
uration and phase spaces of particle systems as well as in field theory. The
precise description of what a submanifold of euclidean space is supposed to
be is the content of the following definition.
The set U* := UnM together with the map h' := hlu.: U* -- V' := VnRk
is called a chart around the point x of the manifold. The sets U* and V'
are open subsets of M and Rk, respectively (see next page).
v n (Rk x {o})
For any two charts (h', U') and (hi, Ur) of the manifold for which the in-
tersection u* n u; is not empty, one can ask how they are related. The
is called the chart transition from one chart to the other. The sets h1(U` n
Ul) and h' (U' n Ul) are open subsets of the coordinate space Rk, and the
transition function h' o (hi)-1 is obviously a diffeomorphism.
differentiability, which will always be made here, this is easy to prove: the
differential of a diffeomorphism at an arbitrary point is a linear isomorphism
between the tangent spaces T1IRk and TyR', and this immediately implies
k = 1. The corresponding fact for homeomorphisms is a deep topological
result going back to Brouwer (1910). In any case, the number k occurring
in the definition of a manifold is uniquely determined and will be called
the dimension of the manifold. Sometimes we will write the dimension of a
manifold as an upper index, i.e., denote the manifold also by Mk.
In the first theorem we will prove that, under certain conditions, subsets of
1R' defined by equations are submanifolds. This will give rise to plenty of
Theorem 1. Let U C lRn be an open subset, and let f : U - Rn-k be a
smooth map. Consider the set
M = {x E U : f (x) = 0} .
If the differential D f (x) has maximal rank (n - k) at each point x E M of
the set M, then M is a smooth, k-dimensional submanifold of 1R' without
Ox -
2x(1 - x-+y2 ), of - 2y(1 2), = 2z,
y VI'X21 +y Oz
and it is obvious that the vector D f does not vanish at any point of the
torus of revolution. Hence Theorem 1 applies and shows that the above
equation defines a manifold.
Example 5. Not every set defined by an equation is a manifold. For ex-
ample, consider the set in R2 described by the equation x4 = y2:
Near the point (0, 0) E ]R2 this set is not a manifold. In fact, after having
deleted this point, any neighborhood of the set splits into four components
and hence cannot be homeomorphic to an interval. Indeed, the assumption
of Theorem 1 concerning the differential of f (x, y) = x4 - y2 is not satisfied
at the point (0, 0) E R.
3.1. Submanifolds of R" 51
Example 6. On the other hand, there exist manifolds in R" which cannot be
described by systems of equations satisfying the assumptions of Theorem 1.
Later we will see that every manifold defined as in Theorem 1 has a particular
property-it is orientable. An example of a non-orientable manifold is the
so-called Mobius strip. One of its parametrizations is
x = cos(u)+vcos(u/2)cos(u), y = sin(u)+vcos(u/2)sin(u), z = vsin(u/2)
with parameters 0 < u < 2ir, -7r < v < 7r.
Now we will extend the notion of manifold, taking into account also bound-
ary points. We confine ourselves to the case that the boundary itself is a
smooth manifold without boundary (no corners or edges). We define the
k-dimensional half space Hlik to be the set
Hk = {xERk:xk>O}.
Definition 2. A subset M of R" is called a k-dimensional submanifold
(with boundary) if for each point x E M one of the following conditions is
(1) There exist open sets U and V, with x E U C R", V C R", and a
diffeomorphism h : U -+ V such that
h(U n M) = V n (Rk x {0}) .
(2) There exist open sets U and V, with x E U C R", V C R", and a
diffeomorphism h : U -+ V such that
h(UnM) = Vn(Hk X {O})
and the k-th component hk of h vanishes at the point x, hk(x) = 0.
Conditions (1) and (2) cannot be satisfied at the same time for one and
the same point x E M, for otherwise there would exist diffeomorphisms
h1 :U1 -iV1, h2 : U2 --+ V2 such that
h1(UInM) = VlnRk and h2(U2nM) = V2nlEllk, h2(x)=0.
3.1. Subinanifolds of R" 53
The set hl (U1 n U2) then would be an open subset in IRk mapped diffeo-
morphically onto h2(Ul n U2) by the chart transition map h2 o h, 1. Since
h2(x) = 0, the set h2(U, nU2) would thus contain a point from the boundary
8Hk = Rk-4 of the half-space. Consequently, it could not be open in Rk.
Altogether this contradicts the inverse function theorem. This observation
justifies the following
Definition 3. Let M C 1[t" be a manifold. A boundary point of M is a
point x E M for which condition (2) of Definition 2 is satisfied. The set of
all boundary points is denoted by 8M and called the boundary of M.
Theorem 3. Let AEI be a k-dimensional manifold. Then its boundary OM
is either empty or a smooth (k-1)-dimensional manifold without boundary,
Proof. Fix a boundary point x E OM and choose open sets U C R n. X E U,
and V C Ht" with
h(U n m) = V n (Hk x (01).
For every other boundary point x' E U n OM the k-th component of h has
to vanish at x` by the preceding observation, hk(x*) = 0. Hence we have
h(U n 8M) = V n (IItk-' x {0}),
and thus (h IunaAf, U n OM) is a chart for the boundary 8M.
Example 7. The boundary of the Mobius strip is a closed space curve.
Example 8. The (n - 1)-dimensional sphere Sn-' is the boundary of the
n-dimensional ball D".
54 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
Theorem 5. Let fl, ... , fn_k : 1R" , 1R be smooth functions and suppose
df1 A ... A 00.
Then the tangent space TTMk of the manifold
Mk = {xER": f1(x)=...=f,,-k(:r.)=0}
The set of all tangent spaces to the manifold is called the tangent bundle of
Alk and denoted by TMk. It is a manifold of dimension 2k. In fact, at least
in the case that A1k is determined by equations, f1 = . . . = f"_k = 0, the
set TAlk is in turn defined as a subspace of 1R" x 1R" by the equations
fl (:r) = ... _ .fn-k(x) = 0 and df1(x. v) = ... = df"-k(x, v) = 0.
These are 2(n - k) conditions in R2". The corresponding functional determi-
nant (Jacobian) does not vanish, since the differentials df1 are linearly inde-
pendent. The formula (x, v) := x defines a projection 7r : TMk . Alk on
the tangent bundle of the manifold assigning to every vector its base point.
56 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
space to the sphere at any point consists of all vectors perpendicular to this
Example 10. The formula V(x) = (x, (x2,-x1,0)) defines a vector field
on the 2-dimensional sphere (see the figure on the next page).
3.2. Differential Calculus on Manifolds 57
For a chart map h : V Mk C R', which this time and and sometimes
also later will be denoted by h instead of h-1, h.(a/ayi) are vector fields
tangent to Mk defined on the subset h(V) C Mk, and they provide a basis
in each tangent space. For simplicity and as long as it is clear to which chart
we refer, these vector fields on the manifold will also be denoted by a/ayi.
On the subset h(V) C Mk. every other vector field V can be represented as
their linear combination
V(y) _ Vi(y)5
Here V2(y) are functions defined on the set h(V); using the chart map. now
and then they will also be considered as functions on the parameter set V.
These functions are called the components of the vector field V with respect
to the fixed chart.
Example 11. In euclidean coordinates on 1R2, consider the vector field
h(r,p) = (r cos V, r sin so), 0 < r < oo, 0 < <p < 2ir,
a_ 1, +
(1) ar ar r 7X1
ap a
-rsincp+ a
rcoscp ax2 _
-x2a ,a
axl +x 57X2
58 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
V(f)(x) := tf o y(t)It=o
The result is a C30-function V(f) defined on the manifold Mk. In the next
theorem we stunmarize the properties of this differentiation:
Theorem 7.
(1) (V+W)(f) =V(f)+W(f);
(2) V(f1 + f2) = V(f1) + V(f2);
Proof. We will prove (4); all the other claims follow immediately. If the
point x E Mk corresponds to the point y E V under the chain map h : V
Mk, then -y(t) = h(y + t(V 1(y), ... , Vk(y))) is a curve in Mk satisfying the
initial conditions -t(O) = x and ry' (0) = V(x). The formula for V(f)(x) to be
proved then follows from the chain rule:
V(f)(x) = d
dt f o9 (y+t(V1(y),...,Vk(y))) _ i=1' V'(y)a(f
3.2. Differential Calculus on Manifolds 59
9r. _ (ar
a s _
_ d a_= 0,
, gw;v
/aa , a r
Or g,-" Or 8y7
In particular, in polar coordinates on the plane we have g(r, p) = r2.
Example 14. On the sphere S2 - {N. S} C R3 without north and south
pole, we consider spherical coordinates defined by
h(y^, y) = (cos f cos ri', sin, cos t,, sine) , 0 < V < 27r, -ir/2 < z, < r/2.
Computing the tangent vector fields yields
a a
(3) + cos cos y a-2 ,
a a a a
siny - sin yo sing + cosy
az- - Cos
axi 2 3.
60 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
For the coefficients of the Riemannian metric on the sphere we thus obtain
3.2. Differential Calculus on Manifolds 61
For a function f in the variables r, gyp, the formula of the preceding theorem
Hence the vector field grad(f) on the sphere S2 vanishes at precisely two
points, at the north and the south pole.
Vector fields and the Riemannian metric can be represented in various co-
ordinates. Now we derive the transformation formulas for its components
with respect to different charts. To this end, fix two charts h : V -> Mk and
h : V -+ Mk and denote the points from V by y = (y1, ... , yk) and those
from V by z = (z1, . . . , zk). The chart transition maps will be denoted by
0 = (01, ... , 0k) := h-1 o h and t' = (VG1, ... , aiik) := h-1 o h, respectively.
62 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
Theorem 9.
(1) Let V be a vector field and denote by V 1, ... Vk its components
in the chart h and by 0, ..., Vk the components in the chart h.
Then, for each index I between 1 and k.
V, (Y) k ,
(4(y)) az; (b(y))
(2) Denote by g;j the coefficients of the Riemannian metric with respect
to the chart h and by g,; those referring to the chart h. Then they
are related by the formula
k 01 corn
gi;(y) _ ay;
91m (0(y))
l,m= I
In particular, for the determinant of the Riemannian metric the
following holds:
9(y) = det 9 (4(y))
Nr 1
This leads to the following formula, describing the vector field in the chart
k ,a k
k a
a2 1=1 \ i-1 ax / a
The second formula follows directly from the first:
a a\ a a atll aij,m
ax'' axj 2k
811,1 awm
az' azi C ayl ' aym > = E
az' azi
if, in addition, the (formally completely equivalent) roles of h and h are
div(V)(h(y)) 1
Vg i=1
a (v/g V M)
Theorem 10. The defining formulas for the divergence of a vector field for
two arbitrary charts h : V Mk and h : V -- Mk of the manifold Mk
coincide at corresponding points:
1 = 1 - k a(vg= f7 '(z))
i=1 8yi azi
Proof. Differentiating the determinant and applying the Leibnitz rule yields
e h12 ... hlk h11 ... hl.k-1 a=te
det +...+det
8hk1 hk2 ... hkk hkl ... hk,k-I a8x'
= i=1
L yi j=1
+ V'(y)ay; In 9(O(y)) +In Idet gyr
64 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
Now we compute the partial derivative of the first sum and simplify the
resulting expression, making use of the following formulas:
at' = alJ .
s i azj
This immediately leads to the expression
k- k-
1 a_ 9(1/) V`(}/)) = 1 O( 9(z) O(z))
9 5) ;=1 Vr9(z) azi
k 2 i 1 m 1
+ In Idet ayr I 0
'(4(y)) a )az, i + azi
Last, we have to show the following equation for each index 1 < j < k:
k ai l m
8 z1 Oyi + az,j In Idet 00
= 0.
Using the lemma, the second summand in this equation can be written as
a -1 k a
det amm I o V, = (det I o 10 (det 00m) OI`
V,) -1 k a4,i
= (det syr J o syiaya 0° aZ;
L J i,a.0=1
i,° =1
azjaz° ayi + ayiay'3 azi az° = 0
But this identity immediately follows from the fact that p and are mutually
inverse maps: Differentiate the equation
k n i
ww) a;
3.2. Differential Calculus on Manifolds 65
with respect to the variables z1, set a = 1, and finally take the sum. 0
Example 18. In cartesian coordinates on R", the formula for the divergence
(8) div(V) _
Example 19. In polar coordinates on 1R2 - {0}, since g = r, for each vector
field V = V' 010r + V2a/0' the following formula holds:
1 a(rV') a(rV2) OV1 1 8V2
(9) div(V) = + = + -V1 +
r a l Or r aV
Example 20. In spherical coordinates on S2, the determinant fo the metric
is g = cost ly and thus for every vector field V = V1a/a<p + V2,9/a' the
corresponding formula becomes
1 a(cosip V1) a(cosii - V2) aV1 av2 2
div(V) =
cos y ( 0p + a ) - acp + a - tan tp V .
Theorem 11. Let V be a vector field and f a smooth function on Mk. Then
div(f V) = f div(V) + V(f).
Proof. It suffices to prove the formula in an arbitrary chart. This is done
by a straightforward computation:
div(f V)
1 8(,g- f Vi) _ 1 of a(Vfg- y')
agi 09 V+ f ay
" i=1 "" i=1 '
= f div(V)+EViaf = f div(V)+V(f). O
the formula
AM _ I- k
s i
Again, we write out the explicit form of the Laplacian in the examples we
have discussed so far.
Example 21. In cartesian coordinates on R",
(11) (OXi)2
Example 22. In polar coordinates on Ilt2,
(12) o(f) =
8 (Of a(r Of
a2f 1 of 102f
r ar lrar) + app \ r2 app)) are + r ar + r2
Example 23. In spherical coordinates on S2,
All properties of the exterior derivative known from euclidean space remain
valid in the situation of a manifold. The next theorem summarizes them.
Theorem 13. For arbitrary forms wk, Wk' 17
on a manifold M.. the follow-
ing properties hold:
( 1 ) d (wk + wk) = dwk + dwi ;
(2) ddwk = 0;
(3) d(,,;k A tl') _ (&,k) A,/ + (-1)Awk A (d77');
(4) if f : N" -+ Mm is a smooth map, then f' commutes with the
exterior derivative, d(f*wk) = f'(dwk)
The purely algebraic operation of forming the inner product between a vector
field V and a k-form wk is also transferred into the situation that both objects
are defined over a manifold.
Definition 13. We define the inner product of a vector field V and a k-form
wk by
(V _J wk)(W1, ...,Wk-1) := wk(V,W1.....Wk-1).
3.4. Orientable Manifolds 69
First we state a necessary and at the same time also sufficient condition for
the orientability of a manifold in terms of the chart transition maps.
Theorem 14. Let 0 be an orientation on Mm. Then there exists a family
{(hi, V )liEI of charts with the following properties:
(1) The image sets hi (Vi) cover the manifold,
film = U hi(V) ;
Therefore, these bases are compatibly oriented, the transition matrix be-
tween them is the differential D(h, o h;), and we obtain
dill'"(v1....,vm) = det
(v,, el),
This definition uniquely determines the form dAl". Every other basis
el, in the same orientation can be represented as a linear combi-
nation e; = F_ A,2ej with an orthogonal matrix A of positive determinant.
But then det(A) = 1.
Definition 16. The m-form dMm on the oriented manifold Mm C R" is
called the volume form.
3.4. Orientable Manifolds 71
Remark. The volume form dAlm is not the exterior derivative of an (m-1)-
form. Nevertheless, this form is traditionally denoted by dMm. The volume
form does not vanish at any point of the manifold. Evaluating dMm on any
orthogonal basis e1, ... , em in the orientation yields
dMm(e1, ..,em) = 1.
On the other hand, the orientation can be reconstructed from the volume
form. In fact, a basis v1, ... , vm is positively oriented if
dt11m(vl, ...,vm) > 0.
Changing the orientation of the manifold results in a change of sign for the
volume form.
Theorem 16. An m-dimensional manifold Mm is orientable if it carries a
nowhere vanishing differential form of degree in.
Proof. For an orientable manifold Alm the volume form dAlm has the nec-
essary property. Conversely, suppose that there is an m-form Wm on AI"' not
vanishing at any point. Then we call a basis v1, ... , vm positively oriented
Wm(vl, ...,v",) > 0.
This determines an orientation on Al m. 0
In a chart h the induced volume form h*(dM'") is proportional to dy' A
... A dy"', h' (dMm) = f (y)dy1 A ... A dym. We compute the function f (y)
as follows:
f2(y) = (h`(dMm)(a/ayl, ... , a/aym))2 = det2 [(h.(a/ay'), e,)]
= det [(h.(a/ay'),ej)J det [(ej,h.(a/ay'))]
= det [(h.(a/ay'), h.(.9/ay'))] = det[g;l]
Hence f2 (y) is equal to the determinant det[g;j (y)] of the Riemannian metric,
and we obtain the formula
h*(dM-) = 9(y)dy' A...Adym.
Example 24. For a surface piece A12 C R" with a parametrization h
][1;2 , AI2 C R", the following classical notation is frequently used:
/ ah ah \
E = 911(x,y) = ate, Y-
ah ah
G = 922(X, Y)
( -.9Y 09-Y
ah ah
F = 912(X, y) = a-, 5
72 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
i=1 y
This implies
V-i dMm = ,Fg (-1)'-1V'dy' n...AdyiA...dy'",
and the formula
d(V.j dMm) = m
a(/ V t) dy' A ... A dym = div(V) dMm
immediately follows from the definition of the divergence of a vector field.
Remark. As in the euclidean space R. for every (oriented) manifold M'"
the 1-form w , dual to a vector field V can be described using the volume
form and the Hodge operator:
*wv := V i dM' .
The divergence formula can then be written as d(*wl,) = div(V) dM'".
3.4. Orientable Manifolds 73
Proof. Assume that MI is orientable. The sets V and V are open subsets of
]R'", and hence orientable. Thus, without loss of generality, we may assume
that the chart transition maps h and h preserve the orientations. Consider
the volume form dMt, and represent it in both coordinate systems:
h* (dM-) = J dy' A ... A dyt , h' (dM-) = f dz' A ... A dz' .
Note that in both these cases the sign is "+", since the chart transition
maps h, h preserve the orientation. Because
(h-1 o h)'(dz' A ... Adz') = det(D(h-' o h)) dz' A ... A dzm,
we have
f det(D(h-'oh)) = f.
But this is a contradiction, since f and Vg' are always positive. 0
The orientation of a manifold induces a unique orientation on its boundary.
To define it, we make use of the exterior normal vector field. Its definition
relies on the following observation.
Lemma 2. Let U C ]H' be an open subset of the half-space. let x E U n 8HHm
be a point in the boundary OHHt, and let f : U - V be a die`eomorphism from
U to an open subset V C H. F o r a vector v = (x, (v', ... , v' )) E T=H"'
74 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
at the point x with non-positive m-th component, v"' _< 0, the image vector
MV) = (f (x), (w1, ..., w"')) also has non-positive m-th component w"' < 0.
f. (v)
Proof. Choose a straight line -y(t) = x + t v and note that, because of
v"' < 0. the point y(t) belongs to U fl HH"' for sufficiently small negative
values of the parameter t. Then we have y(0) = x, y(0) = v. and the in-th
component of f.(v) becomes negative:
= lim f"'(x+tv)-0 < 0. 0
t-o- t
1r(la +...+x nal
= R(x ax-1 ax's
The volume form of Sn-I(R) can also be computed by means of dSn-1(R) _
N.J dR', yielding the formula
Hence the volume form of the sphere S"-'(R) can be represented via the
embedding i : Sr-1(R) -+ IR" as the form induced from the following (n-1)-
form defined on Rn:
,,n-1 = -1x'dxl A ... Adx' A ... Adxn'
i.e., the following equation holds:
dS"-1(R) = i.(wn-l)
76 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
Ws(x) 1.
0 if y V hx(VV) ,
;Px(y) = if y E hx(VV),
1Gx(hx 1(y))
these functions can be transferred to form a family of non-negative smooth
functions bx : M' --+ R on M. By construction we have c3x(x) = 1 and
supp(,px) C hx(VV). Taking advantage of the compactness of Mm, we finally
obtain finitely many functions 31, ... , yet and charts (hl, V1). ... , (h1, VI)
Ar = I {xEMm:yi(x)j4 01
and supp(cpi) C hi(Vi). The sum i(, < is positive at each point, and
the functions cpi we are looking for result from normalizing these functions
'A' Vi = cpi/v.
Now we will define the integral of an m-form w' over an oriented and
compact manifold M. To this end, we choose charts hl, .. . , ht and a
partition of unity, Cpl, subordinate to them satisfying the properties
formulated in the preceding theorem. Furthermore, we suppose that the
chart maps hi : Vi -+ M'" preserve orientation. Then
is an rn-form on V with compact support, and we eventually define the
t t
wm jhWm) _ Jf(y).dy1...dym.
J t=1 t=1 i
fi(0pWm) = jhQ.Jm).
This follows immediately from Theorem 7 in Chapter 2, since the deter-
minant of the differential D(h= 1 o ha) is positive. Summing now over the
index i, 1 < i < 1, as well as the index a, 1 < a < r, we obtain from
E Bpi =_ E cpa = 1 the relation
i a
= Za
and we recover the length of the curve. More generally, if It : V - If'
is a parametrization of Mm, then, using the coefficients of the Riemannian
metric, the volume of M' can be written as
vol(M'n) = det[g,.1 (y)] dy.
Example 29. The last formula in §3.4 shows that the (n - 1)-dimensional
volume of the sphere Sn-'(R) and the n-dimensional volume of the ball
D"(R), both of radius R, are related by
vol(S"-1(R)) = Rvol(D"(R)).
Example 30. The coefficients of the Riemannian metric on the torus of
revolution discussed in Example 4 are
(ri + r2 cos V)2, 9vv = 0, g = r2 .
f8Mk wk-1 = f
= 0.
Proof. In Theorem 20, it was shown that we can choose finitely many charts
(V1, h1), ... , (Vr, hr) covering the manifold 11Ik, together with a subordinate
partition of unity O 1, ... , cpr : Mk R. We label these charts in such a
way that, on the one hand, for each index i less than a certain index ro the
set V intersects the boundary, V n 8Mk 34 0, and, on the other hand, for
all indices i > ro the set V is disjoint from the boundary, V n OMk = 0.
From >i vi = 1 we obtain >i dcpi = 0 and use this to rewrite the exterior
derivative of
= k-1 - Pidw k-1 + dipi n wk-1
1v;d (hi J
hi (ca1wk-1) .
Now hi (,p1wk-1) does not necessarily vanish any more on Ock n (Rk- l x {0} ),
but only at the points of 8c; belonging to the interior of Hk:
d (h; (Vjwk-1))
The pairs (V n Rk-1, h1IRk) with i = 1, ..., ro form a covering of the bound-
whose restriction to the sphere Sn is its volume form dSn (Example 28,
equation (17)). If A is homotopic to the identity Ids.., then the previous
theorem implies
A*(wn) = / n w" = vol(Sn) .
Jis. S
The induced form A* (,n) = (-1)n+lwn is proportional to the form n.
Thus we obtain the condition
(_1)n+lvol(Sn) = vol(S"),
i. e., (n + 1) has to be an odd number.
Theorem 25 (Hedgehog Theorem). A sphere S2k of even dimension has
no nowhere vanishing, continuous tangent vector field.
Proof. Suppose that there exists such a vector field on the n-dimensional
sphere S". We first approximate this vector field by a smooth vector field
V (Stone-Weierstrass theorem), and then normalize it so that the vector
V(x) has length one at each point. Next we consider the resulting smooth
tangent vector field as a vector-valued function V : Sn - Rn+I satisfying
the following two conditions:
(x, V(x)) = 0, IIV(x)II = 1.
Define the homotopy F : Sn x [0, 1] - Sn from the sphere to itself by the
F(x, t) = cos(irt) x + sin(irt) . V(x).
The length of F(x, t) is equal to one everywhere, since x and V(x) are per-
pendicular. Moreover, F(x, 0) = x and F(x, 1) = -x, i. e., F is a homotopy
between the identity and the antipodal map of the sphere Sn. But then the
dimension n has to be an odd number.
In the German mathematical literature, this result is known as the "Hedge-
hog Theorem" (,,Satz vom Igel"), since its contents can be expressed figu-
ratively by saying that a hedgehog cannot be combed in a continuous way.
Because it is so vivid, we prefer this to the name "Hairy Sphere Theorem",
which seems to be more common in the Anglo-Saxon world.
for arbitrary compact and oriented manifolds (in R'). This will be the final
formulation of the classical integral formulas as they are needed in many
branches of mathematics as well as theoretical electrodynamics and hydro-
dynamics. We start with the Ostrogradski formula relating the divergence
of a vector field to its flow across the surface.
Theorem 26 (Ostrogradski Formula). Let Mk be an oriented, compact
manifold, and let N be the exterior unit normal vector field to its boundary.
Then, for every vector field V : Mk Tlllk on Mk,
div(V)dMk = (V, N) d(OMk).
lL nik
Proof. We know from Theorem 17 that the divergence and its inner product
with the volume form are related by the formula
div(V) dMk = d(V J dMk) .
A straightforward application of Stokes' theorem implies
J div(V)dMk = d(V i dMk) = f V
lk J k nl k
div(V)dMk =
f Mk
(V, N) Ni dll'ik .
By Theorem 19, the inner product N(x) . dMk coincides with the volume
form of the boundary, d(8Jik). 0
As a direct application of the Ostrogradski formula we obtain Gauss' theo-
Theorem 27 (Gauss' Theorem). Let V be a vector field, let f be a function
on the oriented, compact manifold Mk, and let N be the exterior unit normal
vector field of the boundary. Then
f f'O(g) dMk +
g'ad(g)) dMk = ff
(grad(.9)N) d(8Mk).
J %rk
f O(g) dMk = f
'k f div(g'ad(g)) dAik .
iaN aN
often denoted by the symbol Of ION, since it is the derivative of the function
f in the direction of the exterior normal vector. This leads to a different
formulation of Green's second formula:
Proof. Integrating the assumption s(f)(x) > 0 over Mk and applying the
symmetry of the Laplacian just proved, we first obtain
J grad(f)I2-dMk
= -Jntkf 0,
d`4 =
av2 aV1
ax, - avl
aV3 aV3 aV2
, ,
I dx ndx2 + ] dx ndx3 + [ J dx2 ndx 3.
axl - axe ax3 ax2 - ax3
86 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
Recall that the curl of V corresponds to the 1-form *dwv. If, on the other
hand. It : W -+ M2 is a parametrization of the surface with components
h', h2, h3 and coordinates yl, y2 from W, then for the exterior normal vector
N to the surface we have the relation
09 h x 09h
yl y2 / II A
09y1 y2
x ah ll
x f.
ayl aye II
For the first component of the normal vector N written in the coordinates
y1, y2 this reads, e.g., as
On the other hand, it is easy to compute the pullback by h of the forms dx2
and dx3:
h*(dx2) = + A2dy2, h`(dx3) = ldy' + Oh3dy2.
= axe - 09x3
dwv. L L
If, however, T is the unit tangent vector field to the curve 9M2, then
d(8M2)(T) = 1, and hence
T'd(aM2) = dxl, T2d(8M2) = dx2, T3d(8M2) = dx3.
Now we can rewrite the line integral above as
converges for t - b to the point 0 E Rk. Hence the integral curve y(t) can
be extended beyond the parameter b. This contradicts the maximality of b
resulting from the assumption b < oc. 0
Now we turn to the Lie derivative of a differential form with respect to a
vector field. If w' is an i-form, then. pulling it back by the flow of the vector
field, we obtain a 1-parameter family of forms, 4 (w'). The derivative of that
with respect to the parameter at t = 0 is the so-called Lie derivative. This
concept involves the flow of the vector field only in a small neighborhood of
zero and is thus well-defined for arbitrary vector fields.
Definition 20. The Lie derivative CV (w') of an i-form w' is the form
li o
90 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
Dividing both sides by the volume of the set U(x, e) and taking the limit for
E - 0. we see that the mean value theorem of integral calculus immediately
implies the formula
d (hA(t 61t =
I fd(A) dAfk)
=dt =
f t (4)
Gv(dMk) = 41
div(V) dAlk.
From this we see that the flow 4bt preserves the volume if and only if the
divergence of the vector field V vanishes identically. 0
The Lie derivative of a vector field W with respect to another vector field V
is defined just like the Lie derivative for forms; nevertheless, it is called the
commutator of both vector fields.
Definition 21. Let V and W be two vector fields, and denote by the
flow of the vector field V. The commutator [V, WI is defined as the vector
[V, W1 = lim
t-0 t
We prove an important formula relating the commutator of two vector fields
to the exterior derivative of 1-forms.
Theorem 33. Let wl be a 1-form, and let V, W be two vector fields. Then
dwl(V,W) = V(wl(W)) - W(w'(V)) -w'([V, WI)
Here V(wl(W)) is the derivative of the function w1(W) in the direction of
the vector field V.
92 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
_ -(Cvw')(W)(x) + V(w'(W))(x)
_ -W(w'(V))(x) - dw'(V,W)(x)+V(w'(W))(x). 0
If, in particular, wl is a closed form, then we obtain
w'([V, W]) = V(w'(W)) - W(w'(V))
In local coordinates the vector fields are represented by their components,
V=via k
dy'([V,W]) _
V;aWl - k W1.
i=1 i==11
This leads to the following local expression for the commutator of two vector
[V , W] _ - Wi avt) l a
J \- 1 1 ay' I ay'
Example 34. The commutator of the vector fields V = y a/ax, W = 0/4
defined on 1R2 is the vector field [V, W] = -8/0x.
The algebraic properties of the commutator of vector fields are summarized
in the following theorem.
Theorem 34. Let U, V, W be vector fields, and let f be a smooth function
on the manifold Mk. Then the following identities hold:
(1) [U + V, W] _ [U, W] + [V, W];
(2) [V, W] _ -[W, V];
(3) [U, [V, W]] + [V, [W.U]] + [W, [U, VJ] = 0 (Jacobi identity);
(4) [f V,W] =f
3.9. The Lie Derivative and the Interpretation of the Divergence 93
Proof. These formulas immediately result from the local expression for the
commutator. We present the calculation for the last of the formulas:
[f v, w] _ E
taw,aw f-VI)l a
ayt - ayt J'
vi awl
wi av a
ayi ) ay,
_ (F ay,
of_) ((vi)
E a
Proof. Note first that for every 1-form w' the functions 4'(w')(W) and
w' ('. (W)) are related by the formula
i.e., the vector fields [WI, W2] and [VI, V2] are, in fact, 4)-related.
The commutator of two vector fields measures the extent to which their
flows do or do not commute. This explains the name for the vector field
[V, W].
Theorem 36. Let V and W be two complete vector fields on the manifold
Mk and denote by 4't and X8, respectively, their flows. Then the commutator
[V, W] vanishes if and only if 4it o 4' = %P, o tt for all -oo < s, t < oo.
Proof. Because
= tim (4'-h-h).W - (4'-t1) / = (4'-t1).([V, W]),
the commutator [V, W] vanishes if and only if the vector field W is invariant
under the flow 4it, (4)1).W = W. This condition is in turn equivalent to the
commutativity 4't o T, = T. o 4it of the diffeomorphism 4't with the flow ID,
of W.
If the boundary of the manifold Mk is not empty, there exist two particu-
larly important boundary value problems for harmonic functions.
3.10. Harmonic Functions 05
p d(aMk) = 0 .
Proof. If fl, f2 both are solutions of the Dirichlet problem, then the differ-
ence u := f, - f2 satisfies the equations
0(u) = 0 and u IBMk = 0.
From the first Green formula we obtain
0 = J fk -Lk 85Jk
U. a"
and hence the gradient of u vanishes. Since we have u IBMk= 0, the func-
tion u has to vanish identically. In the case of the Neumann problem the
argument runs along the same lines. i.e., starting from the equations
0(u) = 0 and = 0 on aMk
and the Green formula, we again conclude that grad(u) = 0. Thus the
difference u = fl - f2 is constant. If the Neumann problem has at least one
96 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
solution for any given function cp :8Mk R, then, applying the classical
integral formulas, we obtain
The Dirichlet and the Neumann problems have, for a given boundary condi-
tion cp : 8Mk R (satisfying f cp = 0 in the case of the Neumann problem)
a solution. We will not prove this existence result here for general mani-
folds, but confine ourselves to the case of the ball D"(R) C R' of radius
R > 0. For these spaces, there is an explicit classical solution formula which
will be derived here. For the sake of simplicity we only discuss the case of
dimensions n > 3 and leave it to the reader to complete the discussion in
dimension n = 2, which differs only slightly from the one below. We start
with a few preparations. By
r= (x1)2 + ... + (xn)2
we denote the distance from the point (x', ... , x") E Rn to the point 0 E Rn.
Lemma 3. Let u(x) be a harmonic function defined on the set Rn - {0},
and assume that u depends only on the radius r. Then there exist constants
C1 and C2 such that
u(x) = C1 + -n-2
Proof. By assumption there exists a smooth function h : (0, oo) -' R satis-
fying u(x) = h(r(x)). Differentiating this, we obtain the formulas
Ou x' OZU n( )(' i( )r2 - (xi)2
h(r)r, ax = h r \r/ r +h
and the latter implies the following differential equation for the function
n _
0 O(u)
= lh(r).
For n > 3 the function h(r) = C1 + C2 r2-n is the solution of this ordinary
differential equation.
I n 1 IIx
IIXII" dSn-1(y) = vol(Sn-').
depends only on the radius r = r(x). In fact, for a linear orthogonal map T :
1R" -+ R" we obtain, from I det(DT)I = I det(T) I = 1 and the corresponding
transformation formula for the volume form of the sphere,
T*(dSn-1) = T*(NJ d1Rn) = NJ (T'(d1Rn)) = NJ dRn = dSn-1,
h(Tx) = J dSn-1(y)
= J n-s lixl dSn-1(y)
_ I 1- IIXII2
. dSn-1(z) = h(x).
Jsn-' IIx - zlln
If, in addition, h(x) is a harmonic function, then
A. (1_ilx2
z (h)(x)
= - f
IS, 1
= 0.
The first lemma implies that there are constants C1, C2 with h(x) = C1 +
C2 r2-". At the point x = 0 the function h(x) is a regular function and
satisfies h(O) = vol(Sn-1). Thus the constant C2 vanishes, and C1 is equal
to vol(Sn-').
The solution of the Dirichlet problem for the unit ball D' C ]R" together
with an explicit formula are the subjects of the next theorem.
AX) = vol(Sn-1)
_ 12
Theorem 39. For every continuous function cp : S"-1 - 1R, the formula
variable z, and hence the function f (x) is harmonic, too. We prove that
f(z) coincides with ;p(z) on the boundary Sn-1 in the way stated above.
Denote by in := y E Sn-1} the maximum of the modulus of p
and fix a positive number e > 0. The continuous function p is uniformly
continuous on the compact set Sn-'. Hence there exists a number b > 0
such that for any two points y, z E Sn-1 in the sphere, i i - z < 6 implies
the estimate I :p(y) - cp(z) I < e. We decompose the sphere Sn-1 = D1 u D2
into the parts
D1 = {y E S" : IIy - ziI < b}, D2 = {y E Sn-1 - zII > a} . :
For y E D2 and 0 < t < 1 we estimate the distance from y to the line
segment between 0 and z E S"-':
fly - tz1I2 = 1 - 2t(y,z) + t2 = (t - (y,z))2 + 1 - (y,z)2 > 1 - (y.
1 1 b2
> 1 - (y, z) = 2-(2- 2(y, z)) = -Ily - zII2 > .
We then split the difference
_ 2
E+2mb - t2).
Hence the upper limit is bounded by E,
lim suplf(t' z) - V(z)I < E
The last inequality holds for all positive numbers E > 0, and this in turn
lim f (t z) = p(z) .
3.10. Harmonic Functions 99
Next we will discuss several consequences of the solution formula for the
Dirichlet problem. For a harmonic function f : D"(R) IR defined on the
closed ball of radius R > 0, the function j (z) := f (R z) is also harmonic
on the unit ball. Applying the previous theorem and returning to the vari-
able r = R z E D"(R) finally leads to the Poisson formula for harmonic
2 2 2
f(x) = vo1Sn-1) J "-' IIR- RI yl l1"f(R y) dS"-1(y)
Evaluating the Poisson formula at the point x = 0 leads to Gauss' mea
value theorem for harmonic functions.
Theorem 40. The value of a harmonic function f at the center of the ball
coincides with the mean value of the harmonic function on the boundary of
the ball:
We will use Gauss' mean value theorem in the proof of the maximum prin-
ciple for harmonic functions.
Theorem 41. Every harmonic function f on the connected manifold Mn C
R" attaining its maximal value in the interior of Mn is constant.
This implies that f is constant and equal to m on the sphere with center
x0 and radius Ra. This observation can also be applied to each radius
RR < Ro below R0. Together this implies that f - m is constant on the ball
D"(x0i R0), i. e., D" (x0, Ra) is contained in Q. Thus Il is an open subset. 0
Eventually we will prove one more application of the Poisson formula, Li-
ouville's theorem for harmonic functions.
Theorem 42. Every harmonic function f : 1[P" R bounded from below
(above) is constant.
100 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
f (xo) = . f (R
y) dS"-' (y)
vol(Sn-1) Jsn IIo-R yll In
Rn-2 R2 - I IxOI I2
< vol(Sn-1) Jn-i IIIxoII - IIR ylll
n .f (R y) dSn- ' (y)
_ 2( 2 - II oIIRIn
f(R y) dSi-1(y)
vo Sn-RIIlxoll Isn
-2(R2 _
- iRI" f(0)
Taking the limit for R -* oo yields for all points xoi E R" the estimate
f(xo) <- f(0),
and the maximum principle for harmonic functions implies that f is con-
In this situation the tangent space is a real oriented vector space. and we
denote by k the index of the scalar product. According to Chapter 1, at each
point there exist a volume form dMm(x) E A ,'(M') and a Hodge operator
* : A (Mm) - Ax'-'(Mm) '
Together we obtain an m-form dMm on the manifold, as well as a *-operator
associating with every i-form a smooth (m - i)-form. The algebraic rules
3.11. The Laplacian on Differential Forms 101
from Chapter 1 can still be applied. We will use these and Stokes' formula
to determine the operator b : S i+1(Mm) -+ 1'l (Mm) adjoint to the exterior
derivative d : S1'(MTh) - S1'11 (M') acting on i-forms. As is well-known,
the adjoint operator is characterized by the requirement
(w',17'+1) . dMm = ! (wi bi7i+1) . dMm .
J m f)fm
Here wi and rli+1 are forms with compact support disjoint from the boundary
of M', and (dwi, gi+1) denotes the scalar product induced on forms. By
Theorem 5 in Chapter 1 we have
(dwi dMm = (-1)k&' A (*1]i+1)
= (-1)kd(wi A (*,ni+1)) + (_1)k+i+lwi A (d * 17i+1)
Integrating this equation and once again applying the algebraic rules, we
(dwi,,gi+') , dIim = (_I)k+i+1(-1)i(m-i)+k
wi A * * (d * 37i+l)
fm - J Mm
= (_1)$(m-i)+i+1+k (wi *d * qi+1) , dMm.
°f = i 2f f
nature (n, 1) in Rn+1, we obtain for the Hodge-Laplace operator the expres-
f(x) _ I fl(x)+C
ifxE V.
fu (x) if x E U.
is a uniquely defined function on AP" satisfying wl = df. For n > 2 the
sphere S' allows a decomposition of the required shape, and hence S" has
no harmonic 1-form with respect to any Riemannian metric.
Example 37. Consider the 2-dimensional torus in 1R'1.
T2 = {(xi, s2, x3. xi) E 1R4 : (x1)2 + (x2)2 = 1, (x3)2 + (x4)2 = 1 }
and denote by i : T2 R4 its embedding into 1R4. The 1-forms induced on
wl:= i'(-x2dx1 + xldx2) and n1 := i*(-x4dx3 + x3dxa)
are harmonic. To prove this, we use the parametrization h : [0,27r] x
[0.2a[ -+ T2 defined by the formula
h(,jp, z') = (cos p. sin yp. cos i;'', sin r') .
In this chart,
h`(wl) = dp and h'(gl) = dv',
and hence wl and 171 are closed forms on T2. Computing the coefficients of
the Riemannian metric leads to the matrix
9iv 0 1 '
From this, it is easy to see that wi and ill correspond to each other via the
Hodge operator of the torus T2:
1. a) The equation
+...+ (xann2 = 1, where al, ...,a, > 0 are constants,
defines an (n - 1)-dimensional submanifold of R', the ellipsoid.
b) The equation x2 + y2 = r2 (r > 0 fixed) defines a two-dimensional
submanifold of R3, the cylinder.
c) Consider for every c E R the subset of R3 defined by
M, = {(x,y,z)ER3: x2+y2-z2=c}.
For which values of the parameter c is Al, a two-dimensional submanifold
of 1R3?
7. The set of all unit tangent vectors T1S2 to the sphere S2,
T,S2 = {(x, v) E IR3 X 1R3 : I
= IIvII =1, (x, v) = 0 } .
a) If M' C iR' is a closed m-dimensional submanifold of Rm, then OM' _
b) If MI C 1R" (m < n) is a submanifold with or without boundary of
strictly smaller dimension, then always Fr(Mm) = Mm.
11. Find three vector fields of length one on the sphere S3 which are mu-
tually othogonal at each point.
12. Construct a vector field of length one on each sphere of odd dimension.
13. Compute the representation of the following vector field in polar coor-
V (X, y)
= x2 + y2 (8/ax + 49/ay) .
15. Compute the local coefficients (gij) of the Riemannian metric as well as
the volume form of the following submanifolds in the respective charts:
a) for the sphere S" in the chart determined by the stereographic projection
h : 1R" -> S":
2 yi 2 y" 1y12 - 1
h(y', ..., y") ( Jyi2 + 1' ... +
JyJ2 + 1' 1y12 + 1) ,
b) for the pseudosphere, i.e., the surface of revolution defined by the trac-
trix in the parametrization
h(u',u2) = (asinu' cosu2, asinu'sinu2, a(cosu' +lntan(u'/2)))
16. Compute the formulas for the gradient of a function, for the divergence
of a vector field, and for the Laplacian on the sphere S2 in the coordinates
defined by stereographic projection.
108 3. Vector Analysis on manifolds
18. Let 111' and N' be k-dimensional manifolds. The map f : 111' , N'
is called angle-preserving or conformal if, for two arbitrary vectors w1, w2 E
TZM' and their image vectors vi = (W;) E TjiyiNA, the respective angles
(y1, V2) _ (wl, w2)
]Iv1 11 -1111211 11w111. IIw211
If, in particular, (h, U) is a chart of the manifold Alk, the chart h is angle-
preserving if and only if the representation of the Riemannian metric in the
corresponding coordinates is a multiple of the k-dimensional unit matrix E:
(gtj (y)) = A(y) . E, ,\(y) > 0.
19. Prove the orientability of the sphere S", using stereographic projection
and Theorem 14.
20. Let AI' be a manifold, h : U _ M' a chart, and -y [a, b] --. h(U) C 111'
a) f2(R) (xdyAdz+ydzAdx+zdxAdy);
b) [(y - z)dy A dz + (z - x)dz A dx + (x - y)dx A dy], where M2 is the
boundary of the subset of R3 described by the inequalities x2 + y2 <
24. Let the 1-form w1 on the Riemannian manifold Mk be given in the chart
h : V - Mk by wl = Ej f, dy'. Prove the following formula for the adjoint
1 a
b(w) =
t ay, (119-9*3fi)
25. Let Mk be a compact, oriented manifold without boundary. A function
f : Mk -+ R is called an eigenfunction of the Laplacian with respect to the
eigenvalue A E R, if 0 f= A f. Prove:
a) If fl and f2 are eigenfunctions with respect to different eigenvalues,
1\1 A2, then
110 3. Vector Analysis on Manifolds
Pfaffian Systems
112 4. Pfafhan Systems
(4) for all indices 1 < i < m-k, the following exterior products vanish:
dwi A (Wl A ...
A Wm-k) = 0 -
Remark. The fourth condition occurring in Frobenius's theorem is called
the integrability condition for the geometric distribution or the correspond-
ing Pfaffian system.
Remark. A one-dimensional distribution is determined by m - 1 1-forms
W1, .... and then dWi n (Wl A ... A Wm-1) is an (m + 1)-form on the
m-dimensional manifold. This has to be zero for trivial reasons, and the
integrability condition of Frobenius' theorem is automatically satisfied; see
Proposition 1.
We first prove some of the simpler equivalences in Frobenius' theorem and
proceed as follows: (2) (3) . (4) and the implication (1) (4).
The next section will be concerned with the proof of the central assertion of
Frobenius' Theorem, i. e. the implication (3) (1).
Proof of the equivalence (3) (4). Suppose that there exist local 1-
forms Oij such that dwi = E 9ij A wj. Then
dWi A (WI A ... AWr_k) _ E Oij AWj A (WI A ... A Wm_k) = 0,
since the exterior square of any 1-form vanishes. Conversely, assume that
condition (4) is satisfied. In a neighborhood U C MI of the point xo we
extend the family of linearly independent 1-forms Wl, ... , Wm-k by adding
1-forms r1 j, ..., r1k so that the combined family, {wl, , Wm-k, 111, . . . , nk ),
forms a basis f o r A (Mm) at each point x of U. The 2-form dwi (1 < i <
m - k) can thus be represented as
m-k m-k k k
dwi = E CQ0 WQ A Wp + E E Da j - Wa A nj + E Eji - rlj ^ nl
Q,3=1 0=1 j=1 j,1=1
with functions CQo, DQj and Ejl. The condition dwi A (W1 A ... A Wm_k) = 0
E Ejl-njA171A(W1A...AWm_k) = 0,
and hence the coefficients vanish, Ejl = 0. If we introduce the 1-forms
m-k k
3=1 j=1
4.1. Geometric Distributions 115
Proof of the implication (3) (2). For any two vector fields V and W
with values in the distribution £k, we have wi(V) = wi(W) = 0. From
dwi(V. W) = V(wi(W)) - W(wi(V)) - wi([V. W]) we obtain
dwi(V,W) = -wi([V,W]).
If now condition (3) holds for the distribution £k, then
dwi(V,W) _ > Oji A wj(V, W) = 0.
and hence all 1-forms w1, ... , w,,,_k vanish on the commutator [V, WJ. There-
fore, this vector field takes values in £k, i.e.. the distribution £k is involu-
Proof of the implication (1) : (4). The proof of this implication pro-
ceeds like the one before. Let £k be an integrable distribution, xo E All
a fixed point, and h : W -+ All a parametrization of an integral manifold
through this point. Then we have h*(wi) = 0 (1 < i < m - k), and this
implies h`(dwi) = 0. Thus the 2-form dwi vanishes on the k-dimensional
subspace £k(xo),
dwi IEk(zo)XEk(zo) = 0.
Inserting again (m - k + 2) vectors into the form dwi A (wi A ... Awm_k), we
conclude that at least two of these vectors-call them V and W-lie in the
subspace Ek(xo). Hence wj (V) = wj (W) = 0 and &&,i (V, W) = 0. As above,
we conclude that the form dwi A (wl A ... A Wm_k) = 0 vanishes.
116 4. Pfaffian Systems
for certain 1 forms Oij. Then there exist at each point x E Mm a neighbor-
hood U C Mm of x and functions hj and fj defined on the set U satisfying
w= =
for certain functions. By assumption, the 1-forms w1, . . . , w,,,_k are linearly
independent. Thus the differentials dfli ... , df,,,_k are linearly independent
as well, and the set
Nk = (X E U : f1(x) = fi(xo), ..., fm-k(X) = fm-k(XO) }
is a submanifold containing the point xo E M. At an arbitrary point
x E Nk, we determine the tangent space:
TxNk = {v E TM' : df1(v) dfm_k(v) = 0 }
C {v E TM' : w1(v) _ ... = w,,,-k(v) = 0) = Ek(x).
For dimensional reasons, the vector spaces coincide, i.e., Nk is an integral
manifold of the distribution £k through the point xo E Mm, and thus the
integrability of the distribution £k is proved. 0
Proof of Theorem 2. We proceed in two steps. First we reduce the proof
to the case of a system of 1-forms w1, ... , wm_k in a special normal form.
To this end, we represent the euclidean space R n as a product RI = Rk X
am-k and denote its points accordingly by y = (y', ... , yk) E Rk and z =
4.2. The Proof of Frobenius' Theorem 117
and the system of forms wi, ... , wm-k also satisfies the condition
dw; _ B a A UJ
for certain 1-forms O . If Theorem 2 now holds for this system of forms, we
We introduce a coordinate transformation near zero in R- = ]Rk x ]R--k by
means of the equations
u .= y, F(1,u,v) := z.
The Jacobian of this transformation is
zIo 0 E0lJ
since, by the differential equation and the initial condition,
az' I = OF' (1, O, v) I = 8v'
0v j
8 .7 &0 0 = .
o 0
This observation shows that both these equations determine a local diffeo-
morphism from the space RI to itself near zero. We represent the 1-forms
WI, ... , wm-k in the {u, v}-coordinates:
m-k k
w; _ Bi j (u, v) dut + j:Pij (u, v) - duj .
j=1 j=1
Obviously it suffices to prove that the functions P;j - 0 vanish identically.
First we derive the identity
4.2. The Proof of Frobenius' Theorem 119
To this end, consider the map 4i : R' x Rk(t, y) -p Rk x R' -k(u, v) from the
space R1 x Rk with coordinates (t, y) to the space Rk x R' -k with coordinates
(u, v) defined for a fixed point v E R'"-k by the formula 40(t. y) := (ty, v).
V (wi) = E Pig (t y, v)(t dyi + y dt) .
On the other hand, with respect to the (y, z)-coordinates on R, the map
4i : R' x Rk(t, y) - Rk x R"'-k(y, z) is determined by
4'(t, y) = (t y, F(1, ty, v)) = (t y, F(t, y, v))
From the normal form,
wi = dz' - Aid 91,
we obtain for the induced form V(wi) the new expression
k OF'
V (w;) =
dt+E-y k
j=1 j=1
Comparing in 4' (wi) the coefficient at dt and taking the differential equation
into account leads to the identity
k k
.i=1 i=1
In the final step of the proof of Frobenius' theorem, we now show that the
functions Pij = 0 vanish. To do so, we again resort to the map 4'(t, y, v) :_
(t y, v), but consider it this time as a map from R x Rk x RI-k 9 (t, y, v)
to Rk x R°'-k 3 (u, v) (v is no longer assumed to be constant). The identity
already proved implies the formula
m-k k
4)*(wi) =
j=1 j=1
We can choose F(t) = 2/t and G(x) = -5/x and obtain the integrating
factor f = t2x-5. The solutions of this differential equation computed using
this integrating factor are the curves described by the equation
t3x-4 - 2 t4x-4 - t3x-3 = coast
(compare the figure on the next page).
122 4. Pfaffian Systems
-a .4 -0.2 0 0.4
Assume now that on the manifold M'" we are given a Riemannian metric
(, ) as well as an (m -1)-dimensional integrable distribution E'-1 described
by the 1-form w. Denote the vector field associated with the 1-form via the
Riemannian metric by W. This is uniquely determined by either of the two
equivalent equations
*w = W j dM' or w(V) = (V, W) .
and we arrive at
Theorem 4. The flow 4it of the vector field W maps an integral manifold
of the distribution E"`-1 to another integral manifold if and only if
V(IIW112)+dw(W,V) = -(W, [W,V]) = 0
for every vector field V on M with values in £'"-1
Corollary 3. If the distribution E'"-1 is defined by a 1 form w of constant
length. and if, moreover, the flow of the dual vector field W transforms
integral manifolds into integral manifolds. then dw = 0. In this case 6'-1
locally consists of level surfaces of a function whose gradient has constant
It=o =
f (div(W) - 2 - W(ln IIWII2)) - dNm-'
Remark. In all these formulas the Laplacian, the divergence, and the gra-
dient are taken with respect to the manifold.
Example 7. Consider a function f : Mm - R and assume that there is
another function µ : Mm -+ IR such that
d(Ilgrad(f)112) = 2p . df
By Theorems 4 and 5, the flow of the gradient vector field grad(f) maps
level surfaces of f to level surfaces, and the volume change is described by
the formula
(0(f) - µ)dNm-1
(vol (41(Nm-1))) It=o =
J vm
For example, the spheres S'-'(R) C R" are the level surfaces of the func-
tion f (x) = IIxII2, and we obtain Ilgrad(f )II2 = 411x112 as well as 0(f) = 2m.
Hence 0(f) - µ =_ 2(m - 1) is constant, and for the flow 4 (x) = e2t . x
we obtain the following differential equation describing the evolution of the
if and only if
d12 = 12 n Q.
In this case, the function matrix A is uniquely determined. If, in addition,
11 is an anti-symmetric matrix (12+12' = 0), and AO is an orthogonal matrix
(Ao Aa = E), then the solution A(x) is also orthogonal at each point of the
set V.
TiO,AaiMm n = {0} .
This follows directly from the shape of the form A, since the tangent space to
Mm is determined by the equation A = 0. Then the integral manifold Mm
126 4. Pfaffian Systems
det NU =0
Exercises 127
130 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
7 8 9
5 4
1 2 3
0 1/9 9/9
so that f2([(i - 1)/9, i/9]) lies in the i-th square of the first step of the
decomposition. By construction, f1(i/9) = f2(i/9). This way we obtain a
sequence of continuous maps satisfying
(1) II f.+1(t)II < V 2-13n for all t E [0, 11;
(2) f,,(i/3n+1) = fit+1(i/3n+1) = fn+2(Z/3n+1) for all n and i < 3n+1.
61 6 63 64 65 78 80 81
60 /5 58 6 68 s 78 7 76
55 57 7 71 73 7 75
< 3 ( 38
3 36
4 31
35 34
3 33
48 4 46 4 44 4 30 29 28
7 8 9 11 25 26 27
6 5 4 14 24 23 22
1 2 3 17 19 2 21
[0, 1] x [0,1], and hence f ([0, 1]) = [0,1] x [0. 1], i.e. , f is continuous and
This example had an essential impact on general topology. In fact. it shows
that the "dimension" of a topological space can increase under a continuous
map, and that this notion has to be made more precise (topological dimen-
sion theory). We will not deal with this problem here, and instead confine
ourselves to the case of smooth curves in R3. We could try to consider these
as smooth, one-dimensional submanifolds of 1183, but that would exclude self-
intersections of curves again. For this reason, we formulate the notion of
curve slightly more generally.
Definition 1. A (parametrized) curve is a differentiable map y' : [a, b] 1<83
tc(p) = lim 4
q-p pq
where o is the angle between the tangent vectors at the points p and q. and
pq denotes the length of the curve segment between these points.
Theorem 2. In the natural parametrization of the curve, :(s) = IIy"(s)II.
Proof. Setting p = y(s) and q = y(s + h), we obtain Tiq = h in the natural
parametrization of the curve, and the angled is computed using the formula
for the angle in an isosceles triangle,
sin(0/2) = IIt(s+h) - t(s)II/2.
0 0/2 2 sin(¢/2) = lim Il t(s + h) - t(s)II
lim = lim = I Iti (s)II
q--p pq h-.0 sin(0/2) h-0 h h-0 h
Thus, at each point of the curve with non-vanishing curvature, there exist
three mutually orthogonal vectors F(s), hh(s), and bb(s) all of length one, the
so-called Frenet frame of the curve. Finally, we introduce a last geometric
characteristic of a space curve, the torsion.
5.1. Curves in Euclidean 3-Space 133
The structural equations of a curve in euclidean space are the Prenet formu-
las expressing the derivatives of the P enet frame through this same frame.
IrQ)I = v m
where v denotes the angle between the osculating planes to the curve at the
points p and q (compare the proof of Theorem 2). Thus the absolute value
of the torsion measures how much the curve "winds out" of the osculating
Next we discuss some curves with special properties, and explain how the
Frenet formulas can be applied to study them.
Definition 6. A curve whose tangents form a constant angle with a fixed
direction in R3 is called a slope line'.
Straight lines and helices are slope lines. These can be characterized by the
fact that the quotient r(s)/tc(s) is constant.
Theorem 4 (Lancret, 1802). A curve of class C3 with nowhere vanishing
curvature is a slope line if and only if r(s)ln(s) is constant.
Proof. If there exists a vector a E R3 such that (t(s), a) is constant, then,
differentiating this equation, we obtain that the scalar product (h(s). a)
1 In German. such a curve is called Boschungslinie.
5.1. Curves in Euclidean 3-Space 135
vanishes, since K(s) # 0. Differentiating once again leads, using the Frenet
formulas, to
T(s) (6(s), a = c(s) .
The vector d lies in the if, 9}-plane, and (t, a) is constant. Hence (9, d) is
also constant, and thus the quotient T/rc is constant. Conversely, if r/K is
constant, then consider the vector
T t(s) + 6(s).
The Frenet formulas imply
T h - T h = 0,
ds I£ ds + ds =
and hence a is a constant vector. The scalar product (t(s), d) = T/rc is also
constant, and the curve is thus a slope line. O
a(s) =
We differentiate the equation c(s) (h(s), y(s)) + 1 - 0 and obtain the
following relation by a simple transformation:
I£ (S)T(S)
If, conversely, this relation between curvature and torsion holds for a C4-
curve, then we first differentiate it and obtain the equation
r(s) d KG(s) _
/G(S) ds !GZ(s)r(s)
Now consider the vector
a(s) := 7(s) + h(s) (s).
The absolute value jk(s)j of the plane curvature coincides with the curvature
K(s) of the curve viewed as a space curve.
A closed curve i' : [0, L] - C = R2 is one that starts and ends at the same
point and whose tangent vectors at this point coincide as well, i'(0) = -Y(L)
and t(0) = F(L).
Theorem 7. Let [0, L] C be a closed curve. Then the integral
2 J7 k(s)ds = 2
is an integer, called the winding number of the closed curve.
Proof. Consider the map t' : [0, L] C defined by
for a certain constant C. Since t(0) = t(L), the number J k(s)ds is an
integral multiple of 27r. 0
We conclude the section on curves with the discussion of the Fenchel in-
equality, which claims that the total curvature of a closed space curve is
138 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
bounded from below by 2;r. We start by considering plane curves, and then
generalize the result to space curves. First we need an auxiliary observation.
Lemma 1. Let cp : [a, b] lR be a real function of class C', and suppose that
the function f (t) := ew<<l" joins the numbers ±1, i. e., f (a) = 1, f (b) = -1.
(1) f If(u)Idµ
b 2: ir;
(2) in this estimate, equality holds if and only if the derivative cp does
not change sign, and, moreover, IV(b) - p(a)I = r.
f If (j)I dµ ? I f
b b
(p)dui = Iw(b) - w(a)I.
Since f (a) = 1 and f (b) = -1, there exist integers k, I such that W(a) = 2kir
and yp(b) = 21;r + tr. This implies
Equality in this estimate occurs if and only if the closed curve -y bounds a
convex region.
Proof. To every point of the curve we assign the tangent vector to the curve.
This determines a map from the interval to the unit circle S' satisfying
F(0) = F(L). The image set F([0, L]) C S' is a compact and connected subset
of S', hence an arc. This arc contains at least one pair ±zo of opposite
points. Otherwise, there would exist a number zo E S' such that neither
+za nor -zo would belong to the arc. But then o F(s) would have an
imaginary part which would have constant sign, and from
J:Im Ga F(s)1 -
ds = Im
\ Za
f L F(s)ds) = Im
\ Z;
(y(L) - y(0))) = 0
we would obtain a contradiction. Without loss of generality, we may assume
zo = I and r(O) = F(L) = 1. Moreover, there exists a parameter value
5.1. Curves in Euclidean 3-Space 139
Si E [0, L] such that r(s1) _ -1. Applying the lemma above, we obtain
f 0sl 81
ik(s)Ids = f IZ'(µ)Idi
>- 7r, f
Ik(s)Ids = f L
and, altogether, Ik(s)Ids >_ 2a. The inequality for plane curves is thus
proved. In the case of equality, the lemma implies that the plane curvature
k(s) of the curve does not change sign on the interval [0, s1], and
Now we exclude the case that k(s) has different signs on the intervals [0, s1]
and [s1, L]. If this were the case, then
k(0) = k(si) = k(L) = 0,
and k(s) would be positive on the interval [0, s1] and negative on [s1, L].
But then the inequality
would hold for all parameters s E [0, L], and the tangent vector t(s) _
exp k(p)dµ] would stay in the upper half-plane (z E C : Im
hence we derive a contradiction to
t(s)ds = -t(L) - ^t(O) = 0.
The plane curvature k(s) of the curve thus has constant sign, k(s) > 0. In
this case, the whole curve completely lies on one side of the tangent to the
curve at an arbitrary point. In fact, without loss of generality, we can choose
the point as that corresponding to the parameter value s = 0. Consider the
function /3(s) measuring the height of the curve point -y(s) over the tangent
through -t(0),
Since k(u) du = 21r, this value s is determined by the equation
k(u) du = 7r,
and, for s E [0, smin], the derivative of the function 0(s) would be negative.
Therefore, $(s) would not be decreasing in [0, smi,,], contradicting /3(smio) <
0. Summarizing, we obtain that the height function is non-negative, and
thus the curve lies completely on one side of each of its tangents. Consider
now the half-planes determined by all the tangents. Their intersection is a
convex domain whose boundary coincides with the curve ry(s). 0
We generalize the inequality of the preceding theorem to space curves. To
do so, we need a preparation.
Lemma 2. If D C S2 is a closed curve in the sphere of radius one whose
length does not exceed 2a, then V is contained in a hemisphere.
Proof. Choose two points P and Q on D which divide the curve into two
segments of equal length, V = D1 UD2. Let the north pole N = (0, 0, 1) lie
on the shorter segment of the great circle through P and Q on the sphere.
Denote by Di the curve segment obtained from Dl by rotation around the
z-axis through the angle a. The union Dl U Di is a closed curve on the
sphere whose length coincides with that of the original curve D. If the curve
segment Dl intersects the equator S' = {(x, y, 0) : x2+y2 = 1} of S2, then
the curve Dl U DI contains opposite points on the sphere. Hence its length
has to be at least 27r. By assumption this length cannot exceed 27r. Thus 7)i
does not intersect the equator S' at all, if the length of the curve D is smaller
than 27r. Otherwise, D, or V2 is a semi-circle on the equator, respectively.
In both cases, the curve D is contained in the upper hemisphere. 0
5.2. The Structural Equations of a Surface 141
The scalar products (ei, ej) of the vector-valued functions ei are constant
functions on M2. By differentiation, we obtain
(dei, ej) + (ei, dej) = 0
and denote the 1-forms by wij := (dei, ej). Now combine the differential
forms into an antisymmetric (3 x 3) matrix Cl:
0 w12 W13
= w21 0 W23
W31 W32 0
Using the forms just introduced, the differentials of the vector-valued func-
tions ei can be represented as
de. = E wij ej
(3) dC = n A Cl .
This yields the equations stated in (1) and (2). The identity for Cl follows
using 0 = ddei = Ek (dwik - Ej wij A wjk) ek. The form w12 can be
computed from al and 02 as follows. Represent the differentials
d01 = A 01 A o2i d02 = B 01 A o2
as multiples of the 2-form of A 02. The first structural equation implies
w12 = Aa1+Bo2.
5.2. The Structural Equations of a Surface 143
Now we prove a first formulation of the fundamental theorem of surface
theory. This allows to determine a surface locally in 3-space from the system
of associated 1-forms satisfying the structural equations relating them.
Theorem 11 (Fundamental Theorem of Surface Theory-First Formula-
tion). On a simply connected, open subset U of R2 let four differential forms
01, a2, 013, 023 of degree one be given. Suppose that the forms 01 and 02 are
linearly independent at each point. Define the 1 -form 012 by the equations
d'1 = 012/02, d02 = -012A01.
Extending them antisymmetrically, wji := -wij, assume that the given sys-
tem satisfies the structural equations
U1 A 01$ + a2 A 023 = 0, dfl = NA N.
Then there exist a parametrized surface F : U -' R3 and an orthonormal
frame of tangent vector fields such that the induced forms a, and wij coincide
with the original forms aFi and wij, respectively. The surface together with
its orthonormal frame is uniquely determined up to a euclidean motion of
r' dcp e2 + ; ds e3
= (r' cos cp dcp, -r'sin cp dcp, 0) + z, (z'sin cp dcp, z' cos cp ds, -r' ds)
= (r" sin cpds + r' cos cp dcp, r" cos cp ds - r'sin cp dcp, -r" r'/z' ds) .
But, since differenting the relation (*) implies rr' + z'z" = 0, this is equal
to del. Similarly, one proves that
de2 = -r'4 el - z' dcp e3, de3 = ds el + z' dcp e2,
and, therefore, we computed the matrix f of 1-forms w, completely:
0 W12 w13 0 r dcp Z' ds
-w12 0 w23 = -r dcp 0 -z'dp
-w13 -w23 0 : ds z' dcp 0
In addition, we show in this example how to compute the form w12 directly
from al and a2. Starting from dal = 0 and dal = r'-dsAdcp = r/r-al Aa2,
we obtain the formula
hxhy VT T h2 + h2
of = 1+h2dx+ Q2 dy.
1+h2 dy' = l+h2
The corresponding volume element is
of Aa2 = 1+hz+hndxndy.
The computation of the whole matrix fl is more extensive. Because of its
geometric relevance, we give the form w12 for later use:
hu dl
W12 = (del, e2) =
(1+h2 1+h2+h2
In the discussion of curvature properties of surfaces, we will see that partic-
ularly interesting graphs arise from holomorphic functions. Therefore, these
are discussed next.
Example 5. Let f : U C be a holomorphic function. The modular
surface of f is the graph of the modulus function h = if I = (fl) 112 of f.
The relations between the derivatives with respect to the complex parameter
z and the (real) partial derivatives are expressed in the following formulas:
8 1 a 2.) , 8 1 8 8
8z - 8x - z by 8z - 2 ex + i FY)
Hence it is possible to express hx and by by the z-derivatives of f and f.
The latter are denoted by '. It is easy to see that
8h _ f'f 8h _ ff'
8z ]F h-' 8z 2h
Thus the derivatives we wanted to compute are
The half-plane N2 endowed with this metric is called the hyperbolic plane.
The form w12 depending only on al and a2 is equal to al.
5.3. The First and Second Fundamental Forms of a Surface 149
If V and W are two tangent vector fields to the surface M2, then, viewing
W as a vector-valued function and differentiating it as such with respect to
the vector field V, we denote the resulting vector-valued function by V(W).
In general, V(W) is not tangent to the surface. However,
Theorem 12. Let V and W be two tangent vector fields on a surface. Then
the difference V(W) - W(V) is also tangent to the surface, and it coincides
with the commutator of the vector fields,
V(W) - W(V) = [V, W] .
Proof. In the proof we make use of the structural equations of the surface.
V and W are tangent vector fields, and hence the scalar products (V, e3) _
(W, e3) = 0 vanish identically. This implies
(V(W) - W(V), e3)
_ - (W, de3(V)) + (V, de3(W))
- (W, w31(V)el +w32(V)e2) + (V, w31(W)el +w32(V)e2)
al A w31 (V, W) + a2 A W32 (V, W)
Because of the structural equation a1 A w31 + a2 A w32 = 0, the difference
V(W) - W(V) is a tangent vector field on the surface. Moreover, from §3.9
and the structural equation, we conclude for i = 1, 2 that
a;(V(W) - ),V(V)) = (V(W) - W(V), e;)
= V((W,e1)) - (W,de1(V)) - W((V,e1)) + (V,de;(W))
Proof. We prove the symmetry of the second fundamental form; the re-
maining property immediately follows from the definition. With V and W,
the commutator [V, W] = V(W) - W(V) is a tangent vector field as well.
(V, de3(W)) (W(V), e3) = - (V(W), e3) + (V(W) - W(V), e3)
_ -(V(W), e3) = (W, de3(V)),
i.e. , II(V, W) is symmetric.
Because of the structural equation de3 = W31 el + W32 e2, the second
fundamental form can be written as a symmetric product of the following
II = W31 O Q1 + W32 O v2.
Hence, in the orthonormal frame el, e2, the second fundamental form is
represented as the symmetric matrix
II(e1, el) II(el, e2)1
II = I II(e1,e2) II(e2,e2)
w31(el) (31(e2)
w32(el) w32(e2)]
The following relations for the curvature tensor are a formal consequence
of the properties of the covariant derivative VvW for vector fields stated in
Theorem 13. We leave their verification to the reader.
Theorem 15. Let U, V, W be tangent vector fields, and let f be a junction.
and this last expression coincides with the right-hand side of the equation
to be proved.
The first fundamental form is positive definite. Hence the symmetric second
fundamental form can be represented by a symmetric endomorphism S
T A,12 - TAP defined by
II(V, W) = I(V, S(W)) ,
the so-called Weingarten map of the surface (see §5.4). The equation II(V, W)
(V. de3(W)) implies that S can be rewritten as
S = de3 = W31 ' el + w32 e2 .
5.3. The First and Second Fundamental Forms of a Surface 153
(1) V S = 0,
Using this equation and the Gauss equation, we compute the form dw12:
dw12lu,V) = U(i(vvel,e2)) - V((VUel,e2)) - I(V[u,v]el,e2)
= I(R(U, V)el, e2) = II(V, el) II(U, E2) - II(U, E1) . II(V, e2)
= w13Aw32(U,V)
From this equation we get the structural equation to be satisfied, d012 =
w13 A 032. The relation for d013 is derived in a similar way using the
Codazzi-Mainardi equation:
d0134 V) = U(I(S(V),el)) -V((S(U),el)) -1(3([U,V]),El)
= I(V S(u, V), el) + I(S(V), duel) - I(S(U), vvel )
= I(S(V), F2) I(e2, 7ue1) - I(S(U), e2) I(e2, vvel)
= 012A023(U,V)
Thus d013 = 012 A 023, and an analogous computation yields d O23 =
w21 A W13. Together, the system of forms {Q1, a2, w12, 013, w23} satisfies
the integrability conditions of Theorem 11, §5.2, and hence the existence of
a parametrized surface F : U 1R3 such that F'(I) = I and F'(II) = II
is proved. The uniqueness statement is a consequence of the corresponding
uniqueness result of that theorem. 0
5.4. Gaussian and Mean Curvature
Consider a surface M2 C R3 and its first fundamental form, the induced
Riemannian metric. Choosing a local orthonormal frame {el, e2} with dual
frame al, a2, we know that the 1-form w12 = (del, e2) = (Vel, e2) is com-
pletely determined by the forms al, 02. Since its exterior differential dw12 is
a 2-form, there exists a function G on the surface such that
d012 =
The function G is independent of the choice of the local frame of vector
fields. Every other frame {ei, e2} can be represented as
ei = e2,
e2 = -µ sinap el +coscp e2,
where µ = ±1 is constant, and V is a function on that part of M2 where
both orthonormal frames are defined. The dual frames are thus related by
d = µ cos 92 of + sin cp o,2,
a2 = -µ sin p a2 + cos a2,
and we obtain ai A o2 = µ of A a2. On the other hand, the form w12 is equal
to w12 = (dei, e2) = µ w12 + dip, leading to the formula &.012 = µ &012-
This observation shows that the function G is uniquely defined.
156 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
where the divergence is taken with respect to the euclidean metric on R3.
The Gaussian and the mean curvature can then be computed using the
and H = 2tr (b g-1) .
G : V' - V between the vector space V and its dual space V. Thus B
can be viewed as a G-symmetric endomorphism, S := B o G-t : V -. V
in the vector space V, and all coefficients of its characteristic polynomial
are invariants of B with respect to G. These, in turn, can be computed by
means of an arbitrary basis, and the result does not depend on the particular
basis. Two of these invariants of the characteristic polynomial are the trace
and the determinant.
Example 10. For the hyperbolic plane 7{2 from Example 9, a straight-
forward computation shows that d&12 = a1 A a2. Therefore, the Gaussian
curvature is -1. A complete realization of H2 in 3-space does not exist
(Hilbert, 1901). Certain open subsets of the hyperbolic plane, however, can
be realized as surfaces. The related mean curvature is not uniquely deter-
mined; it depends on the particular realization as a surface in R3. One of
them will be presented at the end of the discussion concerning surfaces of
revolution to follow.
8s 8s
S O'p JJ = z e2 =
r 8V
Thus, in the basis 8/8s, 8/Ow, the Weingarten map is described by the
S= r"/z' 0
0 z'/r
From this, the Gaussian and the mean curvature are immediately computed:
G=-r" H= 1
(z' r"
r' 2 r z')
Examples for surfaces of revolution with constant Gaussian curvature are the
cylinder (C = 0, r = 1, z = a), the sphere (G = 1, r = sins, z = cos s), or
the pseudo-sphere (G = -1): The latter is an example of a (necessarily non-
compact) surface of constant negative curvature, and hence a 2-dimensional
model of hyperbolic geometry. It is defined as the surface obtained as the
surface of revolution generated by the tractrix with the parametrization
Example 12. The Gaussian curvature of the graph of the function h(x, y)
(Example 4) is preferably computed using the differential of the form w12
The resulting expression is
h== hyy - hiy
(1 +h2
To compute the mean curvature, it is convenient to describe the graph
the zero set of the function g : U -+ R, g(x, y, z) := h(x, y) - z. From
Theorem 5, §3.2, we then know that the normalized gradient vector field,
grad(g) 1
(ham, hy, -1)1
IIgrad(g)f J+ h.2 + h2 Y
h_ 8h 8h
and _= Z (8h - 8h)
ez + e 8z 8z J
we first conclude formally that
_ a2h 82h 82h
8z2 8z8z + 0z2 '
_ .92h
82h _ 82h
102h - 82h
huy 8z2 8- 822' =
8z2 8z2
160 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
- a2h 0h
_ (92h
h.= hba
- h :y 4 (idzoz) 022
- a52 .
In the example discussed before, f (z) = 1/ sin z, the Gaussian curvature has
the form
12 [Re
Cost z + cost z
2 1
- 1J
sill z 1+ cu52 z J
G =
+ cos z
sine z
5.4. Gaussian and Mean Curvature 161
Of particular interest is the curve on the surface separating the points of pos-
itive Gaussian curvature from those of negative Gaussian curvature. Here,
it is implicitly described by the equation
Re z =1
1 + cost z '
and is indicated as a dashed line in the figure on the previous page showing
the modular surface shaded according to the Gaussian curvature.
Example 14. We now continue the discussion of the surfaces defined by the
real and the imaginary part of a holomorphic function, f = it + iv : U C
(Example 6). There we already derived from the Cauchy-Riemann equations
the relation
l+uZ+uy = l+vi+vb = l+If'I2.
A straightforward calculation yields the second derivative of f :
f" = uz2 - iu"V = v=y + iv==.
The formula for the Gaussian curvature of a graph thus leads to the remark-
able fact that the surfaces defined by the real and the imaginary parts have
162 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
The picture on the previous page illustrates this fact for the function f (z) _
z2, again shaded according to the values of the Gaussian curvature. The
surface becoming pointed at the comers belongs to Im z2, and the saddle-
like surface corresponds to Re z2. The Gaussian curvature is
(1 +4IzI2)2
Now we want to interpret the formula for the Gaussian curvature express-
ing it as the determinant of the second fundamental form in a differential-
geometric way. To this end, consider the normal vector e3 as a map on the
surface M2 with values in the unit sphere S2 C R3. The volume form dS2
of the sphere evaluated on two vectors V, W E T=S2 at the point x E S2 is
the vector product
dS2(V.W) = (VxW,x).
This formula is a special case of the general one for the volume form of the
sphere S"'l C R" stated in §3.4, Example 28. From this, the 2-form e3(dS2)
induced on M2 is easily computed:
e3(dS2)(V, W) = (de3(V) x de3(W), e3)
= ((w3l(V)el +w32(V)e2) x (w31(W)el +w32(W)e2),e3)
= - w13 A w32(V, W) = -dwi2(V, W) = G dM2(V, W).
We summarize the result in
Theorem 22. Let e3 : M2 S2 be the unit normal map of the surface,
and let G be its Gaussian curvature. Then the induced 2 -form e3(dS2) is
equal to the volume form multiplied by the Gaussian curvature:
e3(dS2) = G - dM2.
Fix a point x E M2 on the surface and denote by D(x, E) the set of all points
on the surface whose distance from x is less than E. Then the two-dimen-
sional surface area of the set D*(x, e) := e3(D(x, E)) C S2 can be computed
using the transformation formula for the integral as follows:
Dividing both sides by the surface area, volM2(D(x,e)), and applying the
mean value theorem of integral calculus for continuous functions, we obtain
the formula
IG(x)I = £1ovolA,2(D(x,e))
This was the original geometric definition of the curvature for a surface in 3-
space. It is-similarly to the curvature of a curve-the infinitesimal volume
distortion of the normal map of the surface. For this approach to curvature,
it is at first not obvious at all that the Gaussian curvature depends only on
the first fundamental form of the surface. This fact forms the contents of
the Theorema Egregium (Gauss, 1827). Proceeding, however, like we did
here, this becomes immediate.
we obtain the limit we wanted to compute, and hence we have proved the
Gauss-Bonnet theorem.
Theorem 24 (Gauss-Bonnet Formula). Let M2 be a compact. oriented sur-
face without boundary, and let f : M2 - R be a smooth function all of whose
critical points are non-degenerate. Then
G dM2 = 21r (rno(f) - ml(f) + rn2(f)) .
where 1110(f), MI M, m2(f) denote the number of minima. saddle points, and
maxima of f. respectively.
5.4. Gaussian and Mean Curvature 165
As before, we may assume, without loss of generality, that the metric is flat
in this neighborhood of the point, since we do not want to compute the
integral itself, but only its limit. Then (Vl)2+(V2)2 = 1, and hence cosy =
V 1, sin T = V2. From this we obtain - sin r dr = dV 1, cos r dr = dV2,
and thus the form Xv = dr is given by
Xv = dr =
E-O J Xv = J (V1 dV2 - V2 dVl) := 2a Ind(V, xi).
(x i,e) 1
This number is called the index of the vector field V at the singular point
x; E M2. Notice that integrating V1 dV1 + V2 dV2 along S1 yields the same
result. The geometric meaning of the index is illustrated in the figure above.
The picture on the left shows some vector field (the circle is only drawn for
greater clarity and has no direct relation to the vector field itself). Starting
at A, move around the circle once, and assign to each point on the circle the
normalized vector in S' pointing into the direction of the vector field at that
point. In the case shown in this figure, one full turn in the positive direction
on the left corresponds to one full turn on the right, but in the opposite
direction. Hence the index of this vector field at the indicated point is -1.
From the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, we obtain
Theorem 25 (Hopf-Poincard). Let M2 be a compact, oriented surface urith-
out boundary, and let V be a vector field of length one defined outside
{x1, ... , xk}. Then the sum
Ind(V, X,) = X(M2)
is independent of the choice of the vector field.
5.4. Gaussian and Mean Curvature 167
A further integral formula deals with the integral of the mean curvature. It
goes back to Steiner (1840) and Minkowski (1900), and plays an important
role in the theory of ovaloids.
Theorem 26 (Minkowski-Steiner). Let M2 C 1R3 be a compact, oriented
surface without boundary, and let e3 be a unit normal field. Then
Proof. Consider the three functions p2(x) = (M(x), e;(x)) on the surface
M2 and compute their differentials using the structural equations:
dpi = al +w12 P2+w13P3,
dP2 = a2 + w21 P1 + w23 P3,
dP3 = W31 P1 + W32 P2
Note also that the 1-form
w := P1 W23 +P2 w31
does not depend on the choice of the tangent frame el, e2. Thus w is a
globally defined form on M2. We compute the differential of w, making use
of the structural equations as well as the formula for the differentials dpi.
This yields
The eigenvalues K1, K2 of the second fundamental form are called the princi-
pal curvatures of the surface at the point. Their arithmetic mean is the mean
curvature of the surface, whereas their product coincides with the Gaussian
H= 2(i+K2), G=
The points of a surface are divided into several types, depending on the signs
of their principal curvatures. A point of the surface is called
(1) elliptic if Kl K2 > 0 ;
(2) hyperbolic if K1 K2 < 0 ;
(3) parabolic if Kl K2 = 0 and '4 + K2 > 0 ;
(4) flat if K1 = K2 = 0 .
Umbilic points are the points of the surface for which the principal curvatures
coincide, Kl = K2. An umbilic point is either elliptic or flat.
168 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
Example 17. The line of points with vanishing Gaussian curvature indi-
cated in the modular surface of the function f (z) = 1/ sin z (see p. 160)
consists of parabolic points. For this reason, it is called the parabolic curve.
By definition, it separates the hyperbolic from the elliptic points.
Theorem 27. If the surface M2 C R3 consists exclusively of umbilic points,
it is part of a plane or a sphere.
The preceding theorem states that there does not exist any minimal surface
with constant, non-vanishing Gaussian curvature. Consider, more generally,
the normal map e3 : lbi2 - S2 of a minimal surface. From i1 = -rc2 =
v G, we obtain the formulas
W13 = Gal, w23 = -V-v02.
The relation de3 = w31 el+w32 e2 evaluated on tangent vectors V, W E TM2
immediately implies
(de3(V), de3(W)) G (V, W).
If and IM2 denote the fundamental forms of the sphere S2 and the surface
M2, respectively, then the induced fundamental form (Riemannian metric)
e3(IS2) is proportional to IM2:
e3(IS2) _ - G IM2 .
Proof. The Laplacian can be expressed by the exterior derivative and the
Hodge operator (see §3.11). Using the structural equations, we compute as
2z2 ,
2iz2 ' az)
satisfying the condition 'I' +'y2 +'I'3 = 0, and their complex primitives,
'y with respect to the surface M2. Unlike the Frenet frame, the Darboux
frame of a curve in a surface is defined at every point of the curve, even at
those points where its curvature vanishes. Now we decompose the curvature
vector k(s) := K(s) h(s) of the curve y in R3 into the part kg(s) which is
tangential and the part kn(s) which is perpendicular to the surface.
Definition 15. The vector field kg(s) is called the geodesic curvature vector,
the vector field kn(s) the normal curvature vector of the curve with respect
to the surface,
k(s) = kg(s) +
L((s)) = fbIIs)+ed(s).e2(s)+E.h(s).(s)+0(e2)II,
174 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclideai 3-Space
de (L(7£(s))) Lo = f a
h(s) sg(s)ds.
Theorem 35. Let 7 : [a, b] - M2 be a curve in the surface, realizing the
shortest distance between the points y(a) and 7(b) within the surface. Then
the geodesic curvature of the curve vanishes,
r..9(s) = 0.
Definition 16. A curve in the surface is called a geodesic line if its geodesic
curvature vanishes. This condition is equivalent to VF= 0.
If the geodesic curvature Kg = 0 vanishes, the curvature vector
ac(s) h(s) = k(s) = k' (s)
is proportional to the normal vector e3 to the surface. Hence a curve with
non-vanishing curvature, K(s) # 0, is a geodesic line in the surface.bfz if and
only if the principal normal vector h(s) coincides with the normal vector e3
to the surface,
h(s) = ±e3(7(s))
Geodesic lines realize the shortest distance between two points of the surface
only if the points lie sufficiently close to one another. A longer geodesic line
does not necessarily have to be the shortest path between its end points
within the surface. Examples-on S2 or on the cylinder-are easily con-
structed (see Example 21). We represent the curve in local coordinates
y1,y2 on the surface as y(s) = (y'(s),yz(s)). If g3(y',yz) are the coeffi-
cients of the Riemannian metric and s is the natural parameter of the curve,
2 ;
1: gti(y'(s),yz(s)) dy dp' 1.
ds ds =
i j=1
The Christoffel symbols r occur in the representation of the covariant
derivatives of the basis vector fields 8/8y` as linear combinations of them-
ey y7 Erayk
5.5. Curves on Surfaces and Geodesic Lines 175
8 dyi k 8
ds - ayk ,
the following formula holds for the tangent vector t :
°t{ 2 k i
- k=1
ds2 + 1.3=1
ds ds ayk
+ E rjasa =o.
i j=1
ds = - R2 r(s)
and, on the other hand, the Frenet formulas for the curve imply
d2t(s) d 1
t(s) + R r b(s) .
ds2 R dss) R2
Consequently, the torsion r of the curve vanishes identically. The curve -y(s)
is thus a plane curve in S2 with constant curvature 1/R, i.e., a principal
circle in S2.
176 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
The length of y' itself is always one non-trivial first integral, which is inter-
preted as energy. It expresses nothing but the fact that geodesic lines are
parametrized by arc length. Further first integrals are obtained by Noether's
theorem starting from isometries of the surface.
Theorem 37 (Noether's Theorem). Let V be a tangent vector field on the
surface M2 whose flow 4bt : M2 -+ M2 consists only of isometries. Then the
fv : TM -i R, fv(W) = l(W, V),
is a first integral of the geodesic flow.
(Y'(s), V(7 (s)) _ (7'(s), V(Y'(s)) + y'(s), dV(y'(s)))
The vector -y" is nothing but the curvature vector of the curve in R3, and
for a geodesic line this is always perpendicular to the surface. Hence the
first summand vanishes. On the other hand, the flow Ot was supposed to
consist of isometries,
Since the rotation through the angle V around the z-axis is an isometry of
the surface, the vector field 8/8W satisfies the assumptions of the Noether
theorem and gives rise to a further first integral,
M := (y', 8/8V) = r2c .
The existence of this second invariant is known as Clairaut's theorem (1731)
and has the following geometric interpretation. Consider a geodesic line
through a point of the surface, and also the meridian 77(t) = (so, W(t))
through this same point. The angle a formed by the geodesic and the
meridian is computed as
_ ('y', W) r2Vt2 rI
11Y11 ' 11741 E r2Vp' E
Therefore, M is constant if and only if r(s) cos(a) is constant. For the
qualitative discussion of the geodesic lines, we take E = 1. Inserting yY _
M/r2 into E = 1, we obtain
s 2r2 = r2 - M2, thus 0 < M2 < r2 .
If M vanishes identically, then gyp' = 0, and p has to be constant. This
corresponds precisely to the generating curve of the surface of revolution;
each profile curve of F is thus a geodesic. In the other extremal case,
M2 = r2, we have s' = 0, i. e., a has to be constant. This curve is a
meridian on F; note, however, that in this case differentiating M2 = r2
immediately leads to r r' = 0, which, in turn, implies r' = 0. A meridian
of F is a geodesic if and only if the radius function r has an extremal point
there. All that remains is the generic case, 0 < M2 < r2. The condition
E = 1 is equivalent to
a' = flr r2-M2.
In order to eliminate the curve parameter t, we view s as a function of gyp;
hence ds/dcp = s'/V,
= f M r2 - M2,
and thus
rSOP) 1 r,v
r(s) r(s) - M2
ds=J do =fop.
,o 0
Example 23. Let 7.(2 be the hyperbolic plane (see Example 9). We again
parametrize the geodesic ry as 'y(s) = (x(s), y(s)). Then the condition that
-1 is parametrized by arc length takes the form
xi2 i2
y2 + y2 = 1 .
Since the metric does not depend on x, translations in the x-direction are
isometries; the associated vector field is 8/8x. Hence
M :_ (y', 3/ex) = lye
is a first integral. If M vanishes, x has to be constant, and the geodesic
lines are precisely the open straight half-lines parallel to the y-axis. In the
general case, rewrite the first condition, inserting M. A short calculation
leads to
y = ±y l - M2y2.
Again, we view y as a function of x and set r:= 1/jMI,
= y 1 r2 _ y2
dx x' y
Directly integrating this equation and denoting the integration constant by
a yields
- r2 - y2 = (x - a) hence (x - a)2 + y2 = r2.
The trace of the geodesic line is thus a semi-circle whose center lies on the
L(t) = f0 I("Y(Ft),'Y(p))dp ,
For this reason, cartography was forced to look for other suitable maps. Es-
pecially important are conformal (angle-preserving) and volume-preserving
maps. Let us first turn to the former ones. A map f : M2 AI2 is called
conformal (or angle-preserving) if the angle between two intersecting curves
11,12 in M2 is the same as that of the image curves f o 11, f o y2 in R12.
These maps can be characterized using the first fundamental form.
Proof. This is an easily proved fact from linear algebra. Let ( , ) 1 and 2
be two positive definite scalar products on a two-dimensional vector space
satisfying the equation
(V, W)1 (V, W)2
for all vectors V. W. Then there exists a positive number h such that
(V, W)2 = h (V, W)1 .
Of Of _ 4 _ Of Of 8f Of
and 0.
\ 8x' 8x (1 + x2 + y2)2 8y' ay 8x' 8y _
These formulas show that the stereographic projection is conformal.
Example 25 (Mercator projection). Let (gyp, tai) be spherical coordinates
on the sphere S2\{N, S} outside the north and the south pole (see §3.2,
Example 14). Define a map from the sphere S2 to R2 by the formula
Another interesting class of maps between surfaces are those preserving the
two-dimensional volume (surface area) of measurable subsets of the surface.
Such a map f : M2 --+ M2 is characterized by the property that the volume
form is preserved,
f*(dM2) = dM2.
We will call such an f an area-preserving map. Isometries are the maps
which are both conformal and area preserving.
Theorem 41. A map f : M2 M2 is an isometry if and only if f is
conformal and area-preserving.
The sphere S2 (or pieces of it) thus cannot be mapped to the plane in
an angle- and area-preserving way. There exist, however, angle-preserving
maps, as the stereographic projection shows. We now want to describe an
example for an area-preserving map from S2 to 1R2.
5.7. Higher-Dimensional Riemannian Manifolds 183
Example 26. Delete the north and the south pole from the sphere S2, join
them by a straight line, and consider the cylinder whose axis this line is:
Z = {(x,y,z) E R3: x2+y2 = 1}.
To each point different from the north and the south pole, P 0 N, S, there
corresponds one straight line containing the point P which is perpendicular
to the fixed axis. This line intersects the cylinder in two points, and we
denote the one closer to P by f (P). This defines the so-called Lambert
f : S2\{N,S} -> Z.
Composing this with an isometry from the cylinder to the plane, we obtain
an area-preserving map from S2 to R2.
To see this, let el, e2 and ei, e2 be the orthonormal frames on S2 and Z.
respectively, indicated in the above picture. Then an elementary geometric
argument immediately leads to the relation
df(ei) = rei, df(e2) = Tee
Here r is the radius of the meridian of S2 tangent to e2. These formulas
prove that f is an area-preserving map.
OV,Vj 17
- Vk,
we introduce the Christoffel symbols of the Levi-Civita connection. The
symmetry properties of the functions r strongly depend on the chosen
frame. If the vector fields Vi mutually commute, [Vi, Vj] = 0, and if gij =
g(Vi, Vj) are the coefficients of the Riemannian metric, then formula (5)
from Theorem 42 simplifies, and we obtain the expression
rj = 9>9'(Vi(9j0)+Vj(9ta)-Va(9ij)).
In this case, the Christoffel symbols are symmetric in the lower indices,
r =r (for commuting frames).
If the frame V1 := el, ..., Vm := em consists of mutually orthogonal vector
fields of constant length ±1, then the equality
0 = Vi(g(Vj,Vk)) = 9(VV,Vj,Vk)+9(Vj,VV.Vk)
implies the following symmetry property of the Christoffel symbols:
r = -rk (for orthonormal frames).
Example 27. The first fundamental form of a surface of revolution can be
written (see Example 3) as
I = ds2 + r(s)2 dcp2 .
With respect to the commuting frame V1 = 8/8s, V2 = 8/8cp we obtain, for
the "classical" Christoffel symbol rte,
r,g aQ
p9 + a-g ,0 -
8 -r
2 I as9"''J 2 [ as )2 J r'
and similarly rig = r21 = r'/r. The other Christoffel symbols vanish.
From Example 3 we take the formula W12 = (r'/r) 02 with respect to the
orthonormal frame el = 8/8s, e2 = (1/r) 8/8cp and its dual frame ?1,02
considered there. Together with the definition of the "Cartan" Christoffel
W12 = r11 ai + r21 o2 = 0.01 + -a2,
this yields r2 1l = 0 and r2, = r'/r. Similarly we have
W21 = r11
12 o1+r1
22 a2
2 =
186 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
ej - e -an(Vvej) = -wnj(V)
and, similarly, ej en aa(Vwej) _ (W). Altogether, this completes
the proof,
dwij(V,W) _ winAwaj(V.W)+oj(R.(V.W)ei)
_ wiaA waj(V,W)+RVWi 0
Corollary 5. If the curvature tensor of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold X11"'
vanishes, then in a neighborhood of each point there exists a chart in which
the coefficients of the Riemannian metric are constant,
g = diag(±1, ....±1).
Proof. First choose a local orthonormal frame e1, ... e.. and consider the
matrix n = (wij) of connection forms. Then
dfl = SZ A Q,
since the curvature tensor vanishes. By Theorem 6 in §4.3. there exists a
(pseudo-)orthogonal matrix A of functions such that
ft = dA A-1 and A(O) = diag(± 1.... , ±1).
188 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
The preceding corollary thus states that every flat pseudo-Rieinannian space
is locally isometric to the standard space Rm.k with the following metric of
index k:
dxl &I +... + dxm-k
- ,
dXin-k dxm-k+l dXm-k+l - ... - dx"' ) dx'n.
dWA(7(t)) + ['
ii(t) . W'(7(t)) . q(7m) 8
(07(r)W)(y(t)) = > dt 8yk
Along the curve y(t), this vector field is independent of the particular (lo-cal)
extension of the vector field W(t). originally defined only on y(t), to
a vector field W. The formula thus uniquely defines a vector field VW/dt,l
the covariant derivative of W(t).
Definition 21. A vector field W(t) is called parallel along y(t) if
dt 0.
5.7. Higher-Dimensional Riemannian Manifolds 189
JN2 r
TXM' are given, and let y(t) be the integral curve of the vector field V pass-
ing at time t = 0 through the point x E Mm. Then we define
(VyT)(WI, ...,)4)(x) := at(Ty(t)(Py(WI),
Here Py denotes parallel displacement along the curve y from the point
x = y(0) to the curve point -f(t). If, for example, T is a (1, 0)-tensor and W
a vector field, we obtain the formula
(VyT)(W)(x) = V(T(W))(x) - T(VyW)(x).
Theorem 45. The covariant derivative VyT of a (k, 0)-tensor is given by
(VvT)(Wi, ..., Wk) = V(T(Wi, ... , Wk)) - T(VvW1, W2, ... , Wk)
- ... - T(W1i ... , Wk-1, VVWk) .
Remark. The metric g, viewed as a (2, 0)-tensor, is parallel:
(Vy9)(Wl, W2) = V(9(Wi, W2)) - 9(VvW1, W2) - g(WI, VvW22) = 0.
A completely elementary but somewhat lengthy computation, using the
properties of the Levi-Civita connection and the definition of the curvature
tensor, leads to an identity for the covariant derivative VTZ of the curvature
tensor, the so-called second Bianchi identity. We omit the simple proof and
formulate only the result.
Theorem 46 (Second Bianchi Identity). Let U, V, W, W1, W2 be five vector
fields on the pseudo-Riemannian manifold (M', g). Then
(VuR)(V, W, W1, W2)+(Vy7)(W,U, W1, W2)+(VWR)(U, V, W1, W2) = 0.
Define the length of a curve y : [a, b] -+ Mm in a pseudo-Riemannian space
by the integral
is a vector field defined along the curve y(t) vanishing at the end points. Its
covariant derivative VW/dt along the curve y(t) coincides with the covariant
derivative Vyy(t)/de of the vector field ye(t) defined along the curve i7(c)
-Y" (t),
V t)
dt (t) - de L-0
192 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
d(L(,E))IE_o =
g(y t)
lb g (W(t), 7- (t))dt.
= jbg(dw(t),ry(t))dt =
The geodesic line y (t) thereby determined is not necessarily defined for
all values of the parameter t E R. The subset Ex C TxA1t of all vectors
V E TxMt for which exists for t = 1 is an open neighborhood of the
zero vector in TTM". The exponential map at the point x of the pseudo-
Riemannian manifold maps Ez to the base space,
Expx : Ex -p Mm, Expx(V) = yv(1)
The exponential map is smooth, and its differential d(Expx) : To(T1M'") _
T,Al"' -. TZMm is the identity,
dExpx(W) = dt(Exp(tW))It=o = dt(y'.w(1))It=" = W.
Hence the exponential map Expx is a diffeomorphism from an open neigh-
borhood 0 E Ux C TZMm of the zero vector in the tangent space onto an
open neighborhood x E Vx C M^' of the point in the base space.
5.7. Higher-Dimensional Riemannian Manifolds 193
The algebraic identities of the curvature tensor imply that Ric is a symmetric
Ric(U, V) = Ric(V,U).
Taking the trace of the Ricci tensor with respect to the pseudo-Riemannian
metric g (§5.4) leads to the scalar curvature r of the space.
Definition 24. The scalar curvature of a Riemannian manifold is the func-
T ._ ij9k1R(ei, ek, el, e3)
i j.k.l=1
Contrary to the surface case (m = 2), the curvature tensor is no longer de-
termined by the scalar curvature for manifolds of dimension at least three.
Thus the Ricci tensor and the scalar curvature do not contain all the cur-
vature information about a manifold. The last of the curvature quantities
is the sectional curvature. Apart from the point of the manifold it depends,
in addition, on a non-degenerate 2-plane in the tangent space. This is a
two-dimensional subspace E2 C ,,Mm whose orthogonal complement.
(E2)1 = {W E T Al- : g(V,W) = 0 for all V E E2},
is complementary to E2, E2 e (E2)1 = TXM. Intersecting E2 with an
open set 0 E U= C T=Ai"` on which the exponential map is defined and a
diffeomorphism, we obtain a surface in M"',
M2(E2) := Expr(E2 n U:) .
Its tangent plane at the point x is E2, and, by restriction, the pseudo-
Riemannian metric g of M'" induces a metric on M2(E2). The Gaussian
curvature G(x) of the latter at the point x E h12(E2) is called the sectional
curvature K(x. E2) of the pseudo-Riemannian manifold at the point x in
the direction of the 2-plane E2. It can be computed using the curvature
tensor of Af '.
194 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
Theorem 48. Let V1, V2 be a basis of the non-degenerate plane E2. Then
is the symmetric Hessian form of the function f with respect to the metric
h. Choosing, for example, the metric
2A1 r 2Af 11
h= Ll + dr2 + c dr C dt - c2 I 1 - dt2
r J r 111
r J
and the function f (r, t) = log(r) gives rise to the Schwarzschild-Eddington
metric on (R3 - 0) x R, which, in Einstein's general theory of relativity,
models the gravitational field generated by a mass concentrated at the point
x = 0. Further solutions of this system of differential equations describe the
gravitational field of a rotating mass (Kerr metric).
Definition 26. A pseudo-Riemannian manifold (Mm,g) is called a space
of constant sectional curvature (or space form) if there exists a function
K' : 111"' -+ R such that for every 2-plane E2 C TXMm
K(x, E2) = K'(x).
Theorem 50. The sectional curvature K = K' of every space Mm
of dimension m > 3 is constant, and the curvature tensor is algebraically
determined by the metric,
R.(U,V)W = K'(g(V,W) -U -g(U,W) -V).
Proof. Consider the tensor
S(U, V, W1, W2)
= R(U, V, W1, W2) - K* (9(V, Wi)9(U, W2) - 9(U, W1)9(V, W2)),
and note that S has the same symmetry properties as the curvature tensor:
(1) S(U,V,W1,W2) = -S(V,U,W1,W2).
(2) S(U, V, W1, W2) = -S(V,U, W2, W1) .
(3) S(U,V,W1,W2)+S(V,W1,U,W2)+S(W1,U,V,W2) = 0.
(4) S(U, V, W1i W2) = S(W1, W2,U, V) .
An additional property of the tensor S results from the formula for the
sectional curvature:
(5) S(U, V, V, W) = 0 .
A calculation only making use of equations (1) - (5) shows that this tensor
has to vanish, S - 0. In fact, from
0 = S(U. V + W2, V + W2iU)
= S(U. V. V, U) + S(U, V, W2, U) + S(U, W2, V, U) + S(U. W2, W2, U)
= 2 - S(U, V, W2, U)
5.7. Higher-Dimensional Riemannian Manifolds 197
1. Let y(s) be a curve in its natural parametrization, and let p(t) be this
same curve in an arbitrary parametrization, which hence is related to 7 via
Ea(t) = (s(t))-
a) Prove the following formula for the second derivative of p:
d2µ(t) _ d27 ds 2 dy d2s =
(t) (s)2 h + s t
µ(t) = dt2 182 (dt+ ds dt2
b) Deduce from this the formula for the curvature in a general parametri-
mo(t) = IIi(t) X µ(011
IIi (t)113
c) Prove that the torsion can be written in the Frenet frame as
det (7', 7", -y"')
r(t) (Fx h', h) = det (t, h, h') = K(t)2
d) Derive in an analogous way to a) a formula for -ii (t), and conclude that
the torsion is given in an arbitrary parametrization by
det (µ(t), µ(t), i (t))
r(t) =
IIi (t) x A(t)112
2. Let C C R3 be a curve all of whose tangents pass through one and the
same point. Prove that C is part of a straight line.
3. Let C C 1123 be a curve all of whose tangents are parallel to one and the
same straight line. Prove that C is part of a straight line.
4. Show that the tractrix (Example 11) is the curve passing through the
point (1.0) on the horizontal axis with the property that the length of the
segment of the tangent line from any point on the curve to the vertical axis
is constant. The following intuitive interpretation gave it its German name
"Schleppkurve"(tow curve): It is the path that a dog pulling on a leash to
the west is constrained to take when his master walks along a north-south
6. Prove that y(t) = (at, b t2, t3) with a, b > 0 is a slope line if and only if
2b2 = 3a.
7. Prove that a C3-curve C is a helix if and only if its curvature r, > 0 and
its torsion r are constant.
ds = d x t, ds = j -X hh,
= d *X 6.
11. A slope line with slope angle a lies on a sphere of radius R if and only
if its curvature K(s) and its arc length s satisfy the relation
_ R2
tan2 a + K2 (S)
12. Let y(s) : [0, L] -> R2 = C be a closed plane curve, and let p be a point
in the plane not belonging to the curve. Prove that the integral
21ri -Y(s) - P
is an integer. This is called the index or winding number of the curve y(s)
around the point p.
200 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
14. Classify all surfaces of revolution with constant Gaussian curvature us-
ing the results from Examples 3 and 11. Altogether there are 9 geometric
types. Which of these can be compact manifolds without boundary?
15. Let F : U -* 1R3 be a parametrized surface such that the tangent vectors
r9/au and a/av are orthogonal at each point (u,v) E U. Set
E_ \ 49u, au. > , C= \
' Ov
and choose the orthonormal frame
_ 1 8 a
au' e2 _ 1
e av
K = - EG ava a (8,/-G/8u)j
c) As an application, determine the Gaussian curvature of a surface of
revolution whose generating curve is not necessarily parametrized by
arc length.
17. Discuss the geometric properties of the helicoid and the catenoid, and
study the map transforming the one into the other.
19. The minimal surface studied by Bour (1862) arises from the Weierstrass
representation by inserting f (z) = czm, g(z) = z. Prove that it can be
mapped to a surface of revolution in a length-preserving way.
22. Let A12 be a compact surface without boundary. Prove that there exists
a point ro E A!2 with the following properties:
a) The normal vector e3 is parallel to the position vector rO at the point
b) The Gaussian curvature is positive at xo, G(xo) > 0.
Hint: The function f : M2 -+ R, f (x) = (x, x), has to have a critical point
on Ate.
23. Let the group G = SL(2,R) act on the hyperbolic plane ?{2 by
_ a b .z _ az+b
cd cz+d'
Verify that the image point g z actually does belong to ?{2, and that super-
position of two of these transformations corresponds to matrix multiplication
in G. Show. moreover, that each g E G leaves the metric invariant; hence G
is an 3-dimensional group of isometries from N2 onto itself.
24. Let AI'; = 1R3 and denote by DyX the directional derivative of the
vector-valued function X : R3 R3 in the direction of the vector X. Prove
VXY := DXY+2X xY
defines a covariant derivative having all the properties (1)-(4) from Theorem
42. but violating property (5).
25. Consider on the set {(x,y) E R2 : -7r/2 < y < 7r/2} the pseudo-
Riemannian metric
1 _ dx2-dye
27. Let M' be a non-flat Einstein space (for example, S"'). Show that
MI x M"' with the product metric is an Einstein space, but not a space of
constant curvature.
R _ R++ R-+
R+- R--
with respect to this decomposition of A2(M4) has the following properties:
a) 7Z is symmetric, i.e., R++ = R++, R__ = R__ and R+_ = R_+.
b) The traces of R++ and R__ coincide, tr(R++) = tr(R_-) = -r/12.
c) M4 is an Einstein space if and only if R+_ vanishes.
204 5. Curves and Surfaces in Euclidean 3-Space
The Einstein equation in the general theory of relativity combines the geo-
metric curvature quantities of a four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian man-
ifold of signature (1, 3) with its physical properties encoded in the energy-
momentum tensor T,
Ric- rcT.
Here Ric. g. r are the Ricci tensor, the metric, and the scalar curvature;
K is a constant depending on the chosen system of units. Already for the
vacuum, T = 0, there are non-trivial, physically very interesting solutions of
this equation, among others the Schwarzschild metric to be discussed now.
Obviously, a vacuum solution of the Einstein equation has to be an Einstein
space with vanishing Ricci tensor in the sense of the definition given before.
31 (Schwarzschild metric). On a spherically symmetric and static space-time
manifold M4 (this is a pseudo-Riemannian manifold of signature (1, 3) with
isometry group SO(3, R) and a distinguished time direction), it is always
possible to introduce coordinates from R x R+ x S2 with respect to which
the metric can be written as
g = e2a(r) dt2 - [e 2b(r) dr2 + r2 (d92 + sin2 O dV2) J .
Here, the functions a(r) and b(r) asymptotically tend to zero for r - co
(the metric is "asymptotically flat"). We introduce the following basis of
ao = ea dt, Cl = eb dr, a2 = rdO, 03 = r sin 9 dcp .
a) Check that the metric satisfies g = 0,02 - 0i - 02 - a3 .
b) Compute the forms dai and show, using the first structural equation,
that the connection forms are given by
wo, = -a'e-bcO, WO2 = W03 = 0,
e-b a-b cot 9
W12 = -r 0`2, w13 = r- a3, w23 = r a3-
c) Set r = r(W) and derive the equation describing the motion of light rays.
Result: It is reasonable to set u := 1/r: u" + u = 3Mu2.
d) Solve this differential equation approximately up to second order in V.
uo = sin V + [1 + cos 2W .
1 "Let a manifold and a transformation group in it be given; the objects belonging to the
manifold ought to be studied with respect to those properties which are not changed by the trans-
formations of the group."-quoted from F. Klein, Des Erlanger Programm, Ostwalds Klassiker
der exakten Wissenschaften, Band 253. Verlag H. Deutsch, Frankfurt a. M., 1995, p. 34.
208 6. Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces
The corresponding differentials are the following maps in the tangent bundle
of G:
(dLg)h: ThG - TghG, (dR9)h : ThG Th9G.
To avoid double indices, in this chapter we will use the notation (df)h instead
of f.,h for the differential of a map f.
Definition 2. A vector field X on G is called left-invariant (or right-
invariant, respectively) if it is transformed into itself by dL9 (or dR9, i.e.,
dL9X = X. At a point h E G, this means
(dLg)hX(h) = X(g - h).
Since left translation is obviously a diffeomorphism of G, Theorem 35 in
§3.9 can be applied to yield, for the commutator of two left-invariant vector
fields, the formula
dLg[X,Y] = [dL9X,dLgy] = [X,Y1.
This property, together with the fact that vector fields satisfy the Jacobi
identity (Theorem 34, §3.9), endows the vector space of left-invariant vector
fields with the structure of a Lie algebra, the Lie algebra g of the Lie group
The antisymmetry of the commutator and the Jacobi identity imply that
the constants C have to satisfy the relations
Cij - - Cii ' CijCk,n + Cj' "ki + CrniCkj = 0.
Following E. Cartan, the numbers C are called the structure constants of
the Lie group G, since Cartan's structural equations are simple to formulate
in their terms. To see this, we agree to call a differential form w on G
left-invariant if it satisfies the condition
L*9w = w.
Following the argument in the case of vector fields, it is easy to see that
the r-dimensional vector space g* of left-invariant 1-forms is canonically
isomorphic to Te G. Now let al, ...,o-, be the basis of g* dual to X1. ..., Xr.
Theorem 2 (Maurer-Cartan Equations). Let C be the structure constants
of a Lie group G with respect to the basis X1, ... , Xr of its Lie algebra g.
Then the exterior derivatives of the forms in the dual basis al, ... , or of g*
are given by
do, _ -r k of Aak.
Proof. From Theorem 33, §3.9, we know the general formula for the differ-
ential of a 1-form oi:
do (Xj, Xk) = Xj (0t(Xk)) - Xk(ai(Xj)) - ai([Xj, Xk))
Since the forms ai are dual to the basis vectors Xj, the first two terms on
the right-hand side vanish. Now
dn'i(Xj,Xk) = -ai([Xj,Xk]) = -ai(E,nC7kXm) = -Cjik,
which is precisely the assertion.
dill __ d4bx(ti +s)
ds ds
= X (tx(tt + s)) = X (zlt (s)),
212 6. Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces
we conclude that q and ill both are integral curves of X with equal initial
fi(0) = 'x(ti) = g = 9(0)
Hence'i and r11 have to coincide on (ta, tb) fl (ta - t1, tb - t1). One easily
checks that t2 has to belong to this intersection, i. e..
' x(tl+t2) = 0 o4x(t2)
Now we show that tb = 00; to prove ta = -oo one proceeds analogously.
Suppose that tb is finite. Then,
r)(s) _ (px (2) x (s - )
is a curve defined on [ta + tb/2, 3 tb/2)) with tangent vector
This theorem enables us to define the exponential map for Lie groups.
Definition 3. The exponential map exp : g -. G is the evaluation at t = 1
of the integral curve 4 x of X E g satisfying 4x (0) = e,
exp(X) 4x(l)
Theorem 4. The exponential exp : g -y G is a smooth map with the fol-
lowing properties:
(1) exp(O) = e;
It turns out that all one-parameter subgroups of a Lie group G have the
form exp(tX) for some X E 9.
Theorem 5. Every continuous group homomorphism ' : R G has the
11(t) = exp(tX)
for a certain X E 9. In particular, every continuous group homomorphism
1R G is smooth.
The latter case will be excluded, implying the equality of f and i. Assume
for a contradiction that K is generated by a number a > 0,
K = In-a: nEZ}.
As c already belongs to K, a has to be less than e, and '+(a) belongs to W.
«'e show a/2 E K to obtain the desired contradiction. To do so. start from
the Ansatz
f (a/2)2 = f(a) = 'I'(a) = 'I' (a/2)2 .
Then, applying the inverse of the exponential map,
2exp-' (f (a/2)) = 2exp 1('' (a/2))
and noting that'P(a/2) belongs to IV, we conclude that 2exp-' (1P (a/2)) E
2V. On 2V. the exponential map is a diffeomorphism, and hence
f (a/2) = IP (a/2) .
This means that a/2 E K. 0
Definition 4. Let G1, C2 be two Lie groups, and let 0 : G1 -. C2 be a
group homomorphism. We define the differential of io as a map between the
Lie algebras of left-invariant vector fields on GI and G2 as follows: Consider
for X E g i the one-parameter subgroup exp(tX) E G1. By assumption,
its image curve '(exp(tX)) is a one-parameter subgroup of G2, which by
Theorem 5 has to have the form exp(tY) for some Y E 92. Now we set
u' : 91 - 92, y.(X) := Y.
This definition immediately implies that the following diagram commutes:
Identifying 91 - TeG1 as well as 92 ^_' TeG2, we see that this definition
is compatible with the usual one of the differential at the neutral element,
di'e : TeG1 -+ TE.G2. More precisely, the diagram extended by d,', remains
6.2. Closed Subgroups and Homogeneous Spaces 215
The following example shows that not every continuous subgroup of a Lie
group has to be a Lie group itself.
Example 7. Let T2 = Sl x S' be the two-dimensional torus, parametrized
by (t. s) E [0, 1] x [0, 1]. For every real number q, the formula yq : R -
T2, yq(t) = (t, q t) defines a curve in T2, which is isomorphic to the additive
group R of real numbers. We want to show that this curve is dense in T2 for
irrational q. and hence provides an example of a connected, non-closed one-
parameter subgroup of a Lie group. Let (to, so) E [0,1]2 be an arbitrarily
given point on T2, which we want to approximate by a sequence of points
in yq. For each integer n E Z, we have
,y(to+n) = (to+n,qto+qn),
and, as an angle coordinate in S1, to + n is equivalent to to. Similarly,
qto + qn + m is equivalent to qto+qn for every integer m; hence it corresponds
to the same point on yq and on T2. If we are able to show now that qZ + Z
is dense in R. then we could conclude the existence of a sequence of pairs
(n;, m,) E Z x Z for which
limgni+mi = so-qto.
But then q(to + ni) + mi converges to so for i - oc, and
lim ryq(to + nt) = 'Y(to, so),
as claimed. Thus it remains to prove the following lemma.
Lemma 2. For every irrational number q, the set Z + qZ is dense in R.
6.2. Closed Subgroups and Homogeneous Spaces 217
Proof. Like the set Z+qZ, its closure is a subgroup of R. The group Z+qZ
cannot be cyclic; if it were, it would be generated by an element a > 0, and
there would exist integers k and I such that
I= q = Va.
But this would imply q = Ilk E Q. Hence we arrive at a contradiction. As
the closed subgroups of IR are precisely the cyclic groups and R itself, only
this last possibility remains for Z + qZ.
In Example 4, §3.1. we encountered a parametrization of a torus of revolution
by means of S' x S'. The following pictures show the trace of a curve yy
in this parametrization for two close rational and irrational values of q,
respectively. In Example 8, §7.4, we show that the motion of a spherical
pendulum can be parametrized precisely by such a curve on a torus.
This implies
limn rnXn = hn-oo m m HIX,,II
IlXnll = tX,
and, since the exponential map is continuous,
exp(t X).
Each term in the sequence exp(m,,Xn) = [exp(X,,)]"'" is an element of H.
As H is closed by assumption, the limit of this sequence, exp(t X), has to
lie in H, too. The proof for the case t < 0 proceeds along the same lines.
Lemma 4. For every closed subgroup H C G, the set
b :_ {XEg: exp(tX)EHforalltElR}
is a linear subspace of g.
Proof. For any vector X E h, its scalar multiples a X also belong to h. It
thus suffices to show that h is closed under addition. To this end, let X, Y
be elements of h, and suppose that X + Y 36 0. In any case, the product
exp(tX) exp(tY) belongs to the subgroup H, and for sufficiently small t we
have, by Lemma 1,
exp(tX) exp(tY) = exp(t(X +Y) + 0(t2)).
Then Z(t) := O(t2)/t apparently converges to zero for t - 0, and we can
rewrite the preceding equation as
exp(tX) exp(tY) = exp (t(X +Y + Z(t))) E H.
Choose a sequence of positive numbers that converges to zero, t - 0, and
define Xn := tn(X + Y + Z(tn)). Each term exp(XX) lies in H, and
--:in = lim X+Y+Z(t,) X+Y
11X-11 n-- IIX + Y + Z(t,a)[I = Fix -+Y11
Obviously, we have Xn # 0 and Xn -' 0. Thus, Lemma 3 applies, and we
can conclude that for every t E R
is an element of H. Hence X + Y belongs to Fj.
Suppose that H is, in addition, a closed subgroup of G, and let h be defined
as in the preceding lemma. We then choose any linear complement h' of h
in 9,
9 = h+h'.
Lemma 5. There exists a neighborhood V' C 4' of 0 such that, for every
X' 34 0 in V', the element exp(X') does not belong to H.
6.2. Closed Subgroups and Homogeneous Spaces 219
Proof. If the assertion were false, there would exist a sequence X;, E h'
converging to zero and satisfying exp(X,,) E H. Now consider the compact
K :_ {X' E h': 1 < JJX'II < 2}
and choose natural numbers p,, such that p ,,X,, E K. Since K is compact,
we may assume that the sequence p,X;, converges to some 0 9& X' E K.
Again, [exp(X;,)]P is an element of H and
pnX' _ X'
11p-Xnii 11X'6
Then Lemma 3 implies that X'/IIX'II E h, contradicting 0 0 X' E '. 0
Now we can turn to the main theorem of this section.
Theorem 7. Let G be a Lie group, and let H be a closed subgroup. Then:
(1) H is a submanifold of G and thus itself a Lie group.
(2) There exists precisely one differential structure on G/H such that
(a) the projection 7r : G - G/H is smooth,
(b) for every p E G/H there exist a neighborhood Wp C G/H of p
and a smooth map w : Wp G such that 7r o p = Idw,,,
(c) the action of G on G/H defined by (g. kH) gkH is smooth.
110 1
E= 11' 1= oil' J
LO Lof OJ, K = Lo i 01
and norm N(h) := uu + vv. The group of all quaternions with norm 1 is
isomorphic to the Lie group
SU(2) := JA E GL(n, IC) : AAt = 12 and det(A) = 1).
Example 10. The preceding example can be generalized as follows. The
unitary group is embedded into the space of complex matrices as
U(n) :_ {A E AAt = 1n} .
0 n-
1 0
These matrices satisfy the commutator relations of sl(2, R),
[e(H), e(E)1 = 2,o (E), [e (H), e(F)l = -2e(F), [e(E), e(F)] = e(H),
and hence form an (n + 1)-dimensional representation of sl(2, R). Properties
that cannot be expressed by the Lie bracket do not have to be preserved
under a representation: For example, we have E2 = 0, but e(E)2 0 0.
Nevertheless, the property that g(E) is a nilpotent matrix is preserved.
There is also a a representation of the Lie group SL(2, R) corresponding to
this representation of the Lie algebra; this will be the subject of Exercise 4.
Apart from left and right translation, there is a third remarkable action of
a given Lie group G on itself, the so-called conjugation action,
ag : G - G, a9(h) := ghg-' = L9R9-, h.
6.3. The Adjoint Representation 223
It is smooth and satisfies ag(e) = e, and in contrast to left and right trans-
lation, it is far from being transitive. In the case G = GL(V), it decomposes
the invertible matrices precisely into their similarity classes. In addition,
the relation ag(e) = e implies that its differential at e is a map from g to g,
d(ag)e: TG 5--- g ----+ TG 2--- 9,
which is obviously invertible, since d(Lg)e and d(Rg-i)e are invertible. We
define the adjoint representation of G on g by
Ad : G ---+ GL(g), Ad(g) = d(ag)e E GL(g).
Before we verify that this actually is a representation, recall the definition
of the center of a group. It consists of those elements which commute with
all the others:
ZG = {gEG: gh=hgdhEG}.
Theorem 8. The map Ad : G - GL(g) is a representation of G on the
vector space g. The center ZG of G is contained in its kernel,
ZG C ker Ad,
and equality holds if and only if G is connected.
Lie group G this implies ay = IdG, since G can be represented as the union
of all powers of W (with respect to the group products),
G = UW'.
As a9 = Idc is equivalent to g E ZZ, everything is proved. 0
The differential of the adjoint representation of G (in the sense of Definition
4) is a representation of the Lie algebra g which can now be expressed by
the commutator.
Theorem 9. The differential ad := Ad. : g -. gl(g) of the adjoint
representation is a homomorphism of Lie algebras determined by the formula
ad(X)(Y) = [X, YJ.
Proof. By the definition of the differential, we have
Ad(exptX) = exp(tAd.(X)) = 1 + tAd.(X) + ... ;
Ad(exptX)(Y) - Y
Ad.(X)(Y) =
The flow corresponding to the vector field -X is (bt = R P(_tX), since
d4ie(e) dexp(-tX) I
LO dt t=o
Applied to a left-invariant vector field Y, however, its differential coincides
with Ad(exptX)(Y),
Ad(exptX)(Y) = dL P(tx)dR P(-ex)(Y) = dR p(_tx)(Y) = d4it(Y).
Thus the original identity can be rewritten as
`ht(Y) - Y
Ad.(X)(Y) = li o
The right-hand side is precisely the definition of the commutator [Y, -X] _
[X, Y]. O
This representation will also be called the adjoint representation (this time
of the Lie algebra g). In case of doubt, the context has to decide whether
the representation of the Lie group or that of its Lie algebra is meant.
Remark. The definition of the differential immediately implies the identity
Ad(expX) = exp(adX).
6.3. The Adjoint Representation 225
ad(ei) e2 e3 = rO 0 1 e2 Ll e2
e3 -e2 -1 0 e3 e3
Prove that this representation is not irreducible. Does the invariant subspace
have an invariant complement?
9 = (1_1212)2 I0 i
Show that the Cayley transform. `
c: c(z) =
is an isometry between D with the metric above and the upper half-plane
?{2 with the fourfold of the hyperbolic metric.
b) Let the Lie group
SU(1.1) :_ {
lb b : 1a12 - 1b12 = 1}
act on D via the formula
a b z _ az+b
b a az+b
Prove that this action is transitive, and that the isotropy group of zero,
Go := {g E SU(1,1) : g 0 = 0},
is isomorphic to SO(2,IR). Hence D 5 SU(1,1)/SO(2,1R).
Chapter 7
Symplectic Geometry
and Mechanics
230 7. Symplectic Geometry and Mechanics
Example 1. In 1R2"' with coordinates {q1, ..., q,", pi, ..., p,,,), the formula
E dpi A dqi
defines a symplectic form with highest power
w"' = m! - (-1)-(--1)/2
- dpl A ... A dpm A dq1 A ... A dq,,, .
The volume form in the sense of symplectic geometry is the ordinary volume
form of ]R2i'. This symplectic structure is called the canonical symplectic
Example 2. Define a 1-form 0-the so-called Liouville form--in the cotan-
gent bundle T'X"' of an arbitrary m-dimensional manifold as follows: Let
V E T,, (T' X ') be a tangent vector at q E T' X' and represent it by a curve
V : (-e, e) - T* X' such that
V(0) = q, V(0) = V.
Project this curve first by means of the projection 1f : T'X"' - X"' to the
manifold, and, after that, apply the 1-form q to the tangent vector of the
projected curve:
9(V) := n
d (T ° V (t)) I=o
The 2-form w := dO is a symplectic structure on T'X'. Any system,
{q1, ... , qm }, of coordinates in X' determines-representing a 1-form q
as q = >2 pi dqi-coordinates {qt, ... , 9m, pi, ... , p,n } in TX". By the
definition of the Liouville form 0, we have
0= pi dqi
of the group G in the dual space g' of the vector space g. Through each
functional F E g' passes an orbit
01(F) := {Ad*(g)F : g E G},
on which the group G acts transitively. The isotropy group
GF := {g E G : Ad'(g)F = F)
is a closed subgroup of G, and 0 *(F) is diffeomorphic to the homogeneous
space G/GF. Its Lie algebra can be characterized by a similar condition:
Theorem 1. The Lie algebra OF C g of the isotropy group GF C G is equal
OF = {XEg :F([X,Y])=0 for all YEg}.
Proof. Suppose that F([X,YJ) = 0 holds for all elements Y E g. Then
(Ad*(exp(t X))F)(Y) = F(Ad(exp(- t X))Y) = F(exp(- t ad(X))Y)
= F(Y - t
we immediately obtain Ad*(exp(t X))F = F. The one-parameter group
exp(t X) is a subgroup of GF, and hence its tangent X belongs to the Lie
algebra OF. This proves one inclusion, the converse is proved analogously.
If a Lie group G acts smoothly on a manifold Mm, we can associate with
each element X E g of the Lie algebra the unique vector field k on Mm
whose integral curves coincide with the trajectories of the one-parameter
transformation group exp(t X):
X(x) _ d
This general construction will now be applied to an orbit O' of the coadjoint
representation. First, realize a given vector V E TFG' as the value of a
fundamental vector field, f(F) = V. For a further element Y E g of the
Lie algebra such that k(F) = V, the equality (X-- Y)(F) = 0 immediately
232 7. Symplectic Geometry and Mechanics
Proof. Note first that the 2-form wo is uniquely defined. If the elements
X, X1 E g realize the vector V at F, then the difference X - X1 belongs to
the Lie algebra OF, and Theorem 1 implies
F([X,Y1) = F([X -X1,Y])+F([X1,Y]) = F([X1,Y]).
Moreover, wo is a non-degenerate 2-form. If, in fact, wo (V, W) = 0 for
every tangent vector W E TFO', then we obtain F([X,Y]) = 0 for all
elements Y E g. By Theorem 1, X lies in the Lie algebra OF, and hence
V = f(F) = 0. It remains to show that wo is a closed form. For two
elements X, Y E 9, the function wo (X, k) : O' R is determined by the
Differentiate this relation in the direction of a third fundamental vector field:
2(wo.(X,Y))(F) = d [Ad'(exp(-t.Z)F)[X,Y]]It_o
= dtF(Ad(exp(tZ))([X,Y]))It=o = F([Z, [X,YII)
Then the expression for the exterior derivative dwo of the 2-form vanishes
dwo. (X, Y, Z) = X (wo (Y, Z)) - Y(wo (X, Z)) + Z(wo (X, f))
since it reduces to the Jacobi identity of the Lie algebra g. 0
Corollary 1. Each orbit O' C g' of the coadjoint representation of a Lie
group is a manifold of even dimension.
7.1. Sylnplectic Manifolds 233
:x ,y ER} .
The computation
r[0 0]'[100a -b/a 1 _ 10 ay0bx1
1] [0 0] [0 1] [0
implies that g has one-dimensional orbits. To determine the orbits of the
coadjoint representation, write any element of g' as a pair (a, 0) of real
numbers, whose evaluation on the element (x, y) E g is
((a, /3), (x, y)) = ax + /3y .
(Ad* (g-1)(a, 3), (x, y)) = ((a, R), Ad(g)(x, y)) = ((a, Q), (x, ay - bx))
= ax + /3(ay - bx) = ((a - fib, /3a), (x, y)) .
Summarizing, we have Ad*(g-1)(a,0) = (a - f3b,,Oa), and hence for 3 96 0
the coadjoint orbit through (a,,3) is two-dimensional. This example shows
that the adjoint and the coadjoint representation of a group G are, in general,
not equivalent.
After having discussed examples of symplectic manifolds, we now want to
introduce the symplectic gradient, which is the analogue of the gradient of
a function on a Riemannian manifold. In this situation, we will make use
of the fact that the non-degenerate 2-form w also provides a linear bijection
between the tangent bundle TA12m and the cotangent bundle T* M2",.
Definition 3. Let H : M2, IR be a smooth function on a symplectic
manifold. The symplectic gradient s-grad(H) is the vector field on M2in
defined by
w(V,s-grad(H)) := dH(V).
Example 4. Let {q1, ..., q,,,, p1i ... , pm } be coordinates on M2'" such that
the symplectic form w can be written as w = E dpi A dq;. Then
aH a
s-grad(H) = (aH 0
This formula immediately follows from the equation defining the symplectic
gradient. A curve -y(t) in the symplectic manifold M2rn, represented in the
234 7. Symplectic Geometry and Mechanics
fixed coordinates y(t) = {q1(t), .... q,n(t), pl (t), ... ,p,n(t)}, is thus an inte-
gral curve of the vector field s-grad(H) if and only if the so-called Hamilton
equations hold:
aH aH
and Pi=--
9i = api
Theorem 3 (Liouville's Theorem). Let H be a function on a symplectic
manifold (M2m, w), and suppose that s-grad(H) is a complete vector field
with flow 4Dt : M2m , M2m. Then:
(1) The Lie derivative of w vanishes,
Gs-g,ad(H)(w) = 0.
(2) The flow 't preserves the symplectic volume,
dM2m = dm2m.
Proof. From dw = 0 and Theorem 32 in §3.9, we conclude that
Gggrad(H)(w) = d(s-grad(H) J w) = - dd H = 0.
Hence the diffeomorphisms 4)t : A f2m do not alter the symplectic
structure, i.e., 4 (w) = w, and so both assertions are proved. 0
The existence of this invariant measure has consequences for the dynamics
of symplectic gradient fields.
Theorem 4 (Poincare's Return Theorem). Let (M2,, w) be a symplectic
manifold of finite volume, and let 4bt : M2m _ hf2m be the flow of the
symplectic gradient of a smooth function H. For any set A C M2m of
positive measure, the set
B = {x E A : tn(x) 0 A for all n = 1, 2, ...}
has measure zero.
Proof. Note first that the intersections 4>_n(B) fl B are empty. Any point
xE fl B would be a point x E B such that 4n(x) E B C A,
contradicting the definition of the set B. This immediately also implies that
the intersections ' _n(B) fl 4'_m(B) are empty for n m, and, from the
invariance of the measure, we obtain
x oc
{f, 9} _ m Of a9 _ Of a9
i=1 \ apt 5q1 aq1 Opi
Proof. The two first identities result immediately from the definition of
the Poisson bracket, and the fourth follows from d(g - h) = g - dh + h dg.
We prove (5). We insert the vector fields V := s-grad(f ), W := s-grad(g)
together with an additional vector field Y into the equation defining the
3-form dw,
0 = dw(V,W,Y) = V(w(W, Y)) - W(w(V, Y)) + Y(w(V, W))
- w([V, W], Y) + w([V, YJ, W) - w([W, Y), V) .
Applying the definition of the symplectic gradient as well as that of the
Poisson bracket, we can rewrite this equation as
0 = -V (Y(9)) + W (Y (f )) + Y({ f, 9}) - w([V, W], Y)
+ [V,Y)(9)-[W,Yj(f) = -Y({f,9})+w(Y,[V,WI)
236 7. Symplectic Geometry and Mechanics
w = h* dpi n dqi)
7.2. The Darboux Theorem 237
w(x) = E ai A pi .
[0, 1]. Let t : Ul -+ A12°' be the corresponding map. The formula for the
Lie derivative of a differential form (Theorem 32, §3.9) implies
dt 4 (wt) _ 'pi
(L) + 0i ('Ca , ,a (Wt)) = V P1 - w) + Vi (Gww, ((WO)
= ipi (wi - w + d(Wt J wt) + W1 J dwt) = tipi (wt - w - da) = 0.
Thus Spi (wl) = pp(w) = w, and 4 o cpl is the chart we were looking for,
(DoVI)" Edpindyi w. O
Proof. Fix an element X E g in the Lie algebra and consider the one-
parameter group of diffeomorphisms corresponding to the group elements
exp(-t X). Its generating vector field is the fundamental vector field X.
The relation l9 (0) = 0 implies that the Lie derivative of 0 with respect to X
0 = cX(0) = X-jd0+d(XJ0) = X_jw+d(-t(X)).
Thus, for every vector field V, we have the equation
-w(X,V) = V(4(X)) = w(V,s-grad(4'(X)))
as well as X = s-grad(4(X)). Using this formula, we compute the difference
{4(X),4(Y)} - .0([X, Y]) = w(X,Y) - 4,([X, Y])
= dO(X,Y) - 4,([X, Y])
= X(4(Y)) -Y(,t(X)) -24([X,Y])
= 2({'F(X), 4'(Y)} - -NX,Y])) ,
and this yields
{4(X), F(Y)} = C[X, Y]) .
If, finally, the Hamilton function is G-invariant, we obtain
{H,fi(X)} = -X(H) = 0,
i.e., 4(X) is a first integral. 0
The elements of the Lie algebra g provide first integrals for every G-invariant
Hamilton function. These first integrals can be combined into a single
vector-valued first integral by passing to the dual space g'.
Definition 6. The moment map of a Hamiltonian system with symmetry
group G is the map IF : M2m -+ g' from the symplectic manifold to the dual
of the Lie algebra defined by
IF(m)(X) CX)(m)
Theorem 10.
(1) The map %P is Ad'-equivariant, i. e., the following diagram com-
M2m 19 M2.
240 7. Symplectic Geometry and Mechanics
The 1-form 0 is G-invariant by assumption, and from this we obtain
'P(lgx)X = 8(X(lg.x)) = B(Ad(g-1)X(x)) = '(x)(Ad(g-1)X). 0
In Exercise 11, we discuss the case M'' = T'R3 with symmetry group
SO(3, R) and its usual representation on R3. In particular, it is shown that
the moment map P : T`R3 --+ so(3, R) = R3 coincides with classical angular
momentum, hence justifying its name. Closely related to this situation is
the following example:
Example 6. Consider the 2-dimensional representation of G = SL(2, R) on
M2 = V = R2. Its cotangent bundle is T'M = V x V' ^' V x V, since
the representation V is self-dual. A group element g E SL(2, R) acts on an
element (p, q) E V x V of the cotangent bundle by
g - (p, q) = (gR gq)-
We call two elements (p, q) and (p', q') equivalent if they lie in the same
G-orbit, (p, q) - (p', q'). Let p = (pl, p2) and q = (ql, q2) be the components
of the vectors p and q, respectively. One easily computes that the moment
map is given by
1For details on this SL(2,R)-action, we refer to §1.4. of the book by Hanspeter Kraft,
Ceometnsche Afethoden in der Invariantentheorie. Vieweg, 1985.
7.4. Completely Integrable Hamiltonian Systems 241
Theorem 11.
(1) If det(q,p) _: A 56 0, then
(q, p) -
( (1)1(0))
0 A
with AERR.
( (0)1(0)),
0 0 ((1)1(0)),
0 0 ((,U)
0 W)
Otherwise, there has to exist a vector 1'2 E r\{m - ryi : man integer}. We
project ry2 orthogonally to the straight line passing through ry1 and denote
by Y2 the resulting vector. It lies in one of the half-closed segments y2 E
[m - 'y , (m + 1) ryi ). Let E be the cylinder with axis [m' . (m + 1) - 7i)
whose radius is equal to the distance from ry2 to the line through 'Y1. In this
cylinder, there are again only finitely many elements of the group r. Let rye
be the vector in r n E whose distance to the axis of the cylinder is minimal
and which is not a multiple of ryi . Then we have
r n {R 7i ED R7;) mi ry, : mi an integer .
as well as its components, 4b-1 = (WI, ..., cp"), lead to the angle coordinates
for the level manifold M, In fact, if yl, ... , y' are the coordinates in
R"'/r(xo) = MM determined by
1 m 1 M. VM,
s-grad(fi) = y;
With respect to the gyom}-coordinates, this yields
m a
s-grad(fi) = aj,
a=1 awa
Hence, first the coefficients aid and then the angle coordinates can be com-
puted directly from the first integrals. We summarize this in the form of an
algorithm comprising five steps.
Step 1. Fix c = (cl, ... , c,,,) E IIt"' and let Al, be compact and connected.
Choose a homology basis y', ... , y", for the first homology group H, (Al,: 7L).
7.4. Completely Integrable Hamiltonian Systems 245
Step 4. Compute the line integrals frk w0(c), and invert the resulting
(m x m) matrix. This yields the matrix A = (aij(c)).
Step 5. Compute the angle coordinates (pi(c) on the level set MM from the
dvi = E ai0(c) wa(c), 1 < i < m.
This procedure computes the angle coordinates Vi(c) on one level manifold
Mc. Note that, according to Step 5, these are only determined up to con-
stants. As we vary the parameters c = (cl, ... , c,,,), the Cpl, ..., cp,,, become
functions on an open neighborhood of a level manifold Mc C M2m. Since
the symplectic gradients are tangent to Mc, the Poisson bracket with the
original functions f1, . . . , fm is computed by
IVi,fjI = dpi(s-gradfj) = aij(fl, . . . , fm).
Moreover, it is a function exclusively depending on fl, . . . , fm. Similarly,
we prove that the functions {Vi, cpj } are also constant on the level sets.
Lemma 1. The Poisson brackets {cpj,Vj} = bij(fl, ...,fm) are functions
depending only on fl, ... , fm. In particular, they are constant on each level
set 't1c.
Now we alter the angle coordinates, which up to now were considered only
on a single level manifold, by a suitable constant on adjacent level manifolds.
The aim of choosing these constants of integration for the angle coordinates
is to obtain functions cpi commuting on M2n'.
Lemma 2. There exist functions Bl (yl, ... , B," (yl, ... , y') such
that the angle coordinates
Bpi := Wi+Bi(fl,...,fm)
commute on the symplectic manifold M2m, {(pi , Vj*) = 0.
Proof. Using the notation {cpi, f;} = aij and {Wi,co } = bij, we apply
the Jacobi identity to the triples (cpi, ip,, fk) and (ipi, Wj, cpk), and take into
account the fact that the Poisson brackets { fi, fl) vanish. Thus we obtain
the relations m
aaik Oa,j
E a;a- aia = 0,
ab;k 1
E Obi;
y u 'aka +
ft la
' afa +8bki
d ajQ J = 0 .
Inserting also the coefficients air of the inverse of the matrix A = (aid), we
consider the 2-form
m m
Il :_ > bijai°a'p dy° A dyO.
i,j=1 a,p=1
The above relations say that fl is a closed 2-form. In fact, the first relation
means that the 1-forms
of E a° dy°
are closed, doi = 0. Hence we can choose coordinates z1, ... , z'" such that
of = dzi, and 1 becomes
fl = > bij dzi Adzj .
_ ay°
Ozk 1 Obi,
Oya 8zk
a= 1
or aka
the second relation then precisely expresses the vanishing of the exterior
derivative dfl = 0. The angle coordinates we set out to find are now taken
to have the form m
Bpi Wi + aiaBa
7.4. Completely Integrable Hamiltonian Systems 247
with functions Bl*, ..., Bm depending only on fl, ... , f,,,. Then
aY ai. B.
a;l_ L syv
+ a (aiaaj3 - ajasid)
Taking into account the first of the relations above, the condition
0 turns out to be equivalent to
bij = 1:
a 33
(aiflaja - ai.aj,3)
We look for the functions J1, ..., J,,, using the Ansatz J, = Ai(fl,
and compute the Poisson bracket
8Aj ai.
J'(c) 1 * dH
nor IIdHII2
7.4. Completely Integrable Hamiltonian Systems 249
The Riemannian metric of the sphere is then described by the matrix (see
Example 14 in §3.2)
_ 1 0
9 O cost'
Denote the coordinates in the cotangent bundle by (cp, o, pw, p v) and con-
sider the Hamilton function
H = 2v+2
H describes the motion of a pendulum of length one suspended in the center
of the sphere. The meaning of the angles tp and t'} can be seen in the picture
to follow. For simplicity, the gravitational constant was taken to be one.
250 7. Symplectic Geometry and Mechanics
The variable (p does not explicitly occur in the Hamilton function; hence
P:= p,, = Ocos2 iii is a first integral, {H, P} = 0. The Hamiltonian system
(T*S2, H) is thus completely integrable. The level manifold
M2(ci,c2) :_ {pw,po) E T* S2 : P = c1, H = C2}
is empty for negative values of the parameter c2, and it consists of the
south pole remaining at rest in the case c2 = 0. Hence we suppose that
the parameter is positive, c2 > 0. The equations describing the manifold
A12(cl,c2) are
The dual forms w1(cl , c2) and w2(cl, c2) are thus
1 C12
wl(Cl,C2) = de*, w2(cl,c2) = dw - p o Cos '+G dip .
We compute the periods with respect to the homology cycle 'rl which is
parametrized in M2(c1i C2) by 't()'. The factor 2 is a consequence of the
fact that the boundaries, y1,'Y2, of the interval correspond to the minimum
and the maximum of the motion, whereas a cycle is meant to be a motion
between two extremal points of the same kind:
b1l = f wl = 2
ti Jc>>
b12 = f7i
w2 = -2c1
r 02 diP
Jv Pb oos2
Let, similarly, 72 denote the homology cycle determined by 0 < gyp` < 2Tr.
b21 = Jwi = 0, b22 = Jw2 = 27r .
The matrix occurring in the algorithm for computing the angle coordinates
is now easily calculated:
-l 1 -j w2
- [a21 f7twl 2vfnwl
[b21 b221 a22]
0 1/27r
The resulting quotient of the basic frequencies is
During the 18th century, this view changed in that Lagrange considered the
action integral as the fundamental quantity for the description of dynam-
ics. Newton as well as Lagrange formulated mechanics within the tangent
bundle of configuration space. In the 19th century, by transition to the
cotangent bundle, Hamilton succeeded in formulating the dynamics of me-
chanical systems within the framework of symplectic geometry. The aim
of this section is to explain these fundamental ideas of mechanics and the
related mathematical structures.
Hamiltonian systems
i 1
Mathematical Contents:
T(v) := 2 g(v,v)
of the Riemannian manifold (Mm, g). In the coordinates {x', ii} of the
tangent bundle, the geodesic spray is given by the formula
S= x'
- E r;k x'xA axi
i=1 i,j,k=1
a straightforward consequence of the system of differential equations de-
scribing geodesic lines-see §5.7.
Many Newtonian systems have a potential energy. This is a smooth function
V : Mm --+ R defined on configuration space. The gradient grad(V) is a
vector field on Mm locally determined by
'" av a
- `i,j=1
g'' (x) axi axj
In the sequel we will need, however, a different vector field, denoted by
grad(V). This will be a vector field on phase space. At the point v E TM'",
it is defined by the following equation:
grad (v + t - grad(V)(ir(v))) e-o
(V) (v) = dt -
Proof. In local coordinates, the energy E and the force vector field are
given by the formulas
E = 9 E 9ij(x)xY +V(x),
Using the expression for the Christoffel symbols riki from §5.7,
Proof. The Christoffel symbols1) r and 't V of the metrics g and g' are, in
local coordinates, related by the formula
k k 1 1 _ 8V 8V 8V ak
= -&k + 9 9ij
rtj r'3 + 2 (Eo - V) ajk C7xi 02-a
We write the motion -y(t) _ (x' (t), ... , x'(t)) in local coordinates. Then
dxk _ dsk dt _ 1 1 dxk
ds dt Ws- 72= (Eo - V) dt
_ dxk m 8V dxa
The claim now immediately follows from the formula for the Christoffel
symbols r 13.. o
Thus the equations of motion of Newtonian mechanics are, in the case of a
potential force, equivalent to the Euler-Lagrange equations. For the latter,
it does not matter that the Lagrange function arises as the difference of a
kinetic and a potential energy. Hence we define:
Definition 12. An autonomous Lagrangian system is a pair (Mm, L) con-
sisting of a manifold Al" and a smooth function L : TMm - R. A La-
grangian motion is a curve -y : (a, b) -- M" which solves the system of
Euler-Lagrange equations
(er ('i (t))) = dL ('Y(t))
7.5. Formulations of Mechanics 259
L(y) :=
Theorem 18 (Principle of Least Action). A curve -y : [a. b] Mm is a
motion of the Lagrangian system (Mm, L) if and only if the variation of the
action integral vanishes for every variation y1, of the curve with fixed initail
and end points, y1,(a) = y(a), -y. (b) = y(b):
dµ LO =
Proof. We compute the derivative of the action integral with respect to
the parameter p in coordinates -t,, (t) = (x1(µ, t), ... , x'"(µ, t)) by partial
The functions 8x'(0, t)/8µ are arbitrary functions vanishing at the end
points of the interval [a, b], and hence the Euler-Lagrange equations are
equivalent to the condition
dµ (L(yµ)) Iµ=o = 0.
i,j i
_ "' OL xi - L(x, x) .
x) - ==Y 8ii
Theorem 19 (Conservation of Energy for Lagrangian Systems). The energy
E(y' (t)) of each motion ti(t) of a Lagrangian system (Mm, L) is constant.
Proof. The energy of a curve is
8L dxi
E(7(t)) _ f72i dt
- L(ti(t))
and by differentiation we obtain
d "' 8L dx' dx- 8L dx' 1 ' &L dx'
dt E(Y(t)) _ ij=1 C 8ii8xj dt dt + C7x'&i dt dtZ J - i=Y
dxi dt
Using the Euler-Lagrange equation
i3L c7L dx' "` OL d2xi
Ox-. = EY O±'Oxi dt + axiaxj dt2
ij= i,7=Y
we immediately obtain the assertion. 0
Thus the energy is a first integral for any motion in a Lagrangian system. As
in §7.3. further first integrals can be derived from symmetries of the Lagrange
function. To this end, consider a one-parameter group of diffeomorphisms
,P6 : Al' M' of the configuration space as well as its generating vector
V(x) := d('ts(x))j8=0
on Al'. The differentials d(4 Q : TM' TM"' are diffeomorphisms of the
phase space TM"' into itself.
Theorem 20 (Noether's Theorem). Let the Lagrange function L be invari-
ant under the action of a one-parameter group of diffeomorphisms,
L(d(4s)(v)) = L(v). Then the function fv : TM' --+ R defined by
fv(w) = lim
µ-.O µ
is a constant of motion for the Lagrangian system (Mm, L).
262 7. Symplectic Geometry and Mechanics
defined on the cotangent bundle is called the Hamilton function (or Hamil-
tonian) of the system.
Example 16. In the case of a Newtonian system (Mm, g, V) with potential
energy, the Legendre transformation is determined by the formulas
qi = xi and pi= axi = E gi.±
Inverting this transformation leads to
x' = qi and i' = E gtnPa ,
and the formulas for the energy E, the Lagrange function L, and the Hamil-
ton function H read as follows:
(1) E = 2 gijx'i +V(xl, ...,x'"),
i j=1
(2) L = 2 E gijz'xi - V(xl, ...,xm),
(3) H = 2 E g''rpipj+V(gl,...,gm).
Through this change of phase space-i. e., replacing the tangent bundle
TM"' by the cotangent bundle T'M'-we enter the realm of symplectic
geometry, since T*M'" always carries the symplectic form w = d9.
Theorem 21 (Hamilton's Theorem). Let (M'", L) be a hyper-regular La-
grangian system. A curve -y : (a, b) -' AM"' is a Lagrangian motion if and
only if the curve G(ry) : (a, b) -. T' M"' is an integral curve of the symplectic
gradient s-grad(H) of the Hamilton function.
Proof. The Legendre transformation C is defined by
i OL
qi = x, Pi = axi .
For its inverse map, we introduce the notation
x' = qi and i = I (ql, ... , qm, Pi, ... , pm).
264 7. Symplectic Geometry and Mechanics
apt 1: (P. -
a E51-aL aV _
a aqt
axt =
_ OL
s-grad(H) = E
Thus we obtain a formula for the symplectic gradient:
A curve
it = V and (5p
Wt (ti(t))) = axt ('Y(t))
The first equation is trivialy satisfied by setting it = fit, and this proves the
assertion. 0
4 (Continuation of Example 3). Prove that the Liouville form on the two-
dimensional coadjoint orbit through the element (a, Q) E g` (3 54 0) is given
by the expression
w= daAdf .
Hint: Show first that the fundamental vector fields corresponding to the Lie
algebra elements (1, 0) and (0, 1) are
b) Describe the geometric shape of the integral curves of this vector field
for the functions f(z) = zk and f(z) = z + 1/z.
8 (Plane Toda Lattice). Consider in JR2 the second order differential equa-
i= -ex-y, y= ex-y
a a
X(x,y,i,y) = a TX + y ay - ex-y a +
The energy E = (i2 + y2)/2 + ex-y is a first integral.
Exercises 267
a) Show that this system has further first integrals, for example P = i + y
or K = (i - 2y)(y - 2i)/9 - e---y. These quantities are related by
E + K = 5P2/18.
b) The set
M2 (E, P) (x, y, i, y) E 11 P4 : (i2 + y2)/2 + eZ-v = E, ±+y=P}
is not empty if and only if 4E - P2 > 0. In this case M2(E, P) is a
smooth two-dimensional submanifold of R4 without boundary . This
leads to a decomposition of ]R4 into a family of submanifolds, and every
integral curve of X lies completely in one of them.
c) Show that each of the submanifolds M2(E, P) lies in an affine subspace
of dimension three and is diffeomorphic to R2.
d) If {(t) = (x(t), y(t), i(t), y(t)) is an integral curve of X in M2(E, P),
x y
i+y = P and f 4E-P -4ez-V = t
Show that (A > 0)
dz _= 1
vA- A -Bee
A -Bez v/-A ( I + A -Bee '
and use this formula to integrate the equations for the integral curves
in M2(E, P) completely.
Elements of Statistical
Mechanics and
272 8. Elements of Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Let -tt M2" -+ M2in be the flow of the symplectic gradient s-grad(H).
The motion of the classical state x E MZ"' is the trajectory 0t(x). For the
probability measure b+,(s) corresponding to the point it(x), we have
60&)(U) = 1 0, xE
1 , x E
t (U) 1 = bx(-tt I(u)),
t 1(U )
µ(U) := je(x).dM2m(x),
then a is called the density function of the state µ.
8.1. Statistical States of a Hamiltonian System 273
dt of = dt
P o D_t = do o dt -t = - o -t = -{H, p} o O_t.
Corollary 1. A statistical state µ with density function P is an equilibrium
state if and only if a is a first integral of the Hamiltonian H, (H, g} = 0.
If x E M2m is a classical state in Hamiltonian mechanics, the value H(x) of
the Hamilton function H is the energy E of the state,
E(x) = H(x) = JM2rn
The definition of the energy of a statistical state generalizes this relation:
Definition 5. The energy of a statistical state p is the integral
E(µ) = H(x) dp(x),
if this integral exists.
Theorem 3 (Conservation of Energy in Statistical Mechanics). If u t is the
motion of a statistical state in a Hamiltonian system, the energy E(pt) is
df AdgAw,,,1 = 1 If,
wn, _ (A1)' Aa' A A A"
Because Ai A Ai = 0, only summands with rri < 1 occur in this sum, and
hence it reduces to a single term:
writ = in!.AlA...AAna = m!.(dpiAdgi)A...A(dpmAdq»,)
We compute WI-1 in a similar way, and obtain
(m-1)! AlA...A,;...A
{f,g} wr
arr.-1 .
At) (m-1)!
(µr(N2-)) (r=o
Proof. We compute the derivative with respect to time at t = 0 and use
Lionville's equation as well as the preceding integral formulas:
d N2",
o- _J dt r=e dM2", {He} dM2"rJ
N2m N2s'
(m - 1)! J
e dH n w"'-i =
f j(Ic) .
S(Q, p) f t
1(w) . dp(w) = - E pi
log(pi) ,
where the set 11 consists of the elements {w1, ...,wn}, and pi := p({wi}) is
the probability for the event wi.
Proof. The proof is based on the fact that the function f (x) := x log(x)
is convex on the half-line (0, oo), since
Using the relation pi = 1, one immediately deduces from it that
(d-tL-log(owL dM2-
dt S(At) JM2m
_ ({HQ}l(Q)+{HQ}) dM2-.
But since {H, log(e)} = {H, a}/e, we have
and this yields
log(e)} dM2m
dt S(µt)It_o =
JM2m{H, e
m J
dA/ d(e log(e)) A w"`-1
( m-1 ) JMs"`
Since M2m has no boundary, Stokes' theorem immediately implies the as-
Remark. In the case of a manifold M2"' with boundary we obtain
d (-1)m(m-1)/2
S({pt)It e log(e) dH n
dt ( IOM2.
TB Z2(B) B [(I
e- dM2m(x)) (ML H2(
_ l2
dS = B dE.
Proof. The third equation is a straightforward consequence of the first two.
The Gibbs state (canonical ensemble) is distinguished by the property that
it realizes the maximum of the information entropy among all stag of fixed
Theorem 9 (Gibbs State, Canonical Ensemble). Let an energy value Eo
between the minimum and the maximum of the energy function E(B) for
the Hamiltonian system (M2m, w, H) be given. Among all statistical states
p = P dM2' with density function of energy E(p) = Eo, there exists
precisely one state, PGibbs = PGibbs dM2m, of maximal information entropy
S(pcibb.). The density function of this state is
PGibbs(x) = Z(Bo)e -H(x)/Bo ,
y2" e - log(eGibbs) -
dM2m - S(PGibbs),
Hence the microcanonical ensemble IAA realizes the maximum of the infor-
mation entropy among all statistical states concentrated in the set A.
df I
dt t_tt
=- f
(e- -log(eA) f
dE =
Proof. By the definition of inner energy, we have
Remark. If we allow the until now independent variable B to be a function
B : N" -> (0, oo) on the parameter space N", we may consider all the
functions Z, E, S and F as functions on N' by means of the map
N' (0, oo) x N", y -' (B(y), y).
The exterior derivative commutes with the pullback of forms and thus im-
plies on the manifold N" the equation
dE = B dS + E dB - B d(log(Z)).
284 8. Elements of Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
dQ = dS
is an exact form, and the resulting function S is called the inner entropy of
the thermodynamic system.
B : N' (0, oo) and H : M2m x N' --10, oo) ,
and consider H as a family of Hamilton functions.on the symplectic manifold.
Using the Gibbs state,
e-H(z.b)lB(b) . dM21n(x)
we define the function T : N' --+ R1 and the 1-forms dA and dQ on N' as
(1) The temperature of the thermodynamic system is the function B
divided by the Boltzmann constant k (= 1.380.10-23W/K):
T(y) := B(y)
(2) The energy of the thermodynamic system is the inner energy of the
Gibbs state uGG ib)
H(x, y)e-H(x,b)/B(b)
E(y) = E(B(y)) = . dM2"'(x) .
Z(B(y)) M2'"
and, since
V(Z) = J V(-H/B)e-H/BdM2m = - JV(H)e/I5dM2m+Y-E.Z,
,%12m M2m
we obtain an explicit formula for the work form,
dA(V) = Jwzm V(H) - e-B dM2m .
The pressure pi, of the thermodynamic system generated by the vector field
V on the parameter space Nr is the function
PV (Y) - I
Z(B(y)) M2"
V(H(x, y)) e H(=.v)/B(y) . dM2-(x) .
Thus the relation dA(V) = - pv holds by definition, and the work form
can be represented with respect to a frame V1, ... , Vr of vector fields of the
manifold Nr in the form
dA = - PV. Qi,
where a,, ... , ar is the dual frame of 1-forms on Nr.
Example 5. The pressure p as used in thermodynamics is obtained if the
parameter manifold N' is one-dimensional and describes only the volume
V, and V = O/8V is chosen as the vector field. It is known that then the
only contribution to the form dA comes from the mechanical work of volume
dA = -p - dV.
Considering in the continuum limit for a large number of particles their num-
ber as a continuous variable, we see that the amounts of matter nl, ..., nr
of a system consisting of r different chemical components can be chosen as
parameters for the manifold Nr. In this case, the chemical work is tradi-
tionally expressed by the so-called chemical potentials µl, ... , µr (which the
reader should not confuse with statistical states):
dA = pi dni.
All the thermodynamic quantities are then computable starting from the
partition function
Z e-H/kTdM2m
or the free energy derived from it,
F = -k T log(Z) .
Theorem 12. Suppose that there exists a vector field V on the parameter
space Nr such that V(T) = 1 and V(H) = 0. Then:
(1) S = -V(F) = -dF(V) = -V i dF.
(2) E = F-T-V(F) =
(3) dQ = - T Lv(dF).
(4) dA =
(5) The pressure generated by an arbitrary vector field W is
pw = - dF(W) + dF(V) dT(W) .
In particular, the vector field V generates no pressure, pv - 0.
Proof. Differentiating the partition function Z with respect to the vector
field V, we obtain
He-H/AT . dM2m =
V(Z) k T2 M2m J k.T2
This implies the following formula for the derivative of the free energy,
;j (27rkTM) .
E = F-T 5T _ - T2 5T 49
(7-F,) =
This formula says that every degree of freedom of an atom carries the mean
inner energy k T, a result known as the Dulong-Petit rule. However, at
temperatures close to absolute zero, this rule no longer holds, since the
model for a solid body as being a combination of harmonic oscillators is not
adequate anymore.
The inner and the free energy are examples of so-called thermodynamic
potentials. Classical thermodynamics usually adopts the point of view that
the choice of a particular potential already determines the quantities by
which the system is to be described. In this sense, the inner energy E is
understood to be a function depending upon entropy and volume, the free
energy F is a function of temperature and volume, etc. Consider a Hamilton
function not depending on temperature. As in the two preceding examples,
the free and the inner energy are related to the vector field V dual to the
temperature via the relation (Theorem 12)
E= O
the mechanical work of the volume change contributes to the work form, the
First Fundamental Theorem reads as follows:
dE =
T = and =
aS p -VV
If the energy is even twice continuously differentiable, the interchangeability
of second partial derivatives is equivalent to a so-called thermodynamic or
Maxwell relation
02E OT Op
avas = aV = OS
Beginning with the free energy,
dF =
we similarly obtain the equations
S , p= -aV,
as well as the thermodynamic relation
aS ap
aV aT
Eventually, we want to discuss the Carnot cycle briefly, which will lead us
to the notion of universal thermal efficiency. Historically this was essential
for the understanding of the First and Second Fundamental Theorems of
(4) The material is taken out of the second heat reservoir and adia-
batically compressed from D to A to reach the temperature T1
It has to be stressed that we are supposing that the idealized processes
discussed throughout this chapter are reversible. In the way explained here,
the Carnot cycle describes a power engine (the temperature difference of
the heat reservoirs is used to do work); reversing the process, it provides
a thermal engine (work is done to further cool down the colder of the two
heat reservoirs). By assumption, work is done exclusively in its mechanical
form; the total work A is computed as
A := jdA = -7 ipdV,
and, since -d(pdV) = dVAdp, this is equal to the area of the region bounded
by the curve y in the (V,p)-diagram by Stokes' theorem. We integrate the
First Fundamental Theorem
dE = dA + dQ
over the closed path -y. The line integral of the exact form dE along 7
vanishes, since the inner energy again reaches the initial value at A:
0= jdE
_ 5dA+ ¢ dQ.
'T y
The thermal efficiency q is defined as the ratio of the work done and the
added heat, q := A/Q1. But the line integral along dQ is precisely Q2 - Qi;
hence we can write the thermal efficiency also as
292 8. Elements of Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
As the Carnot cycle was supposed to be reversible, the entropy does not
change, and the Second Fundamental Theorem implies the identity
Q2 Qi
Jry T T2 T1
The thermal efficiency only depends on the temperatures of both heat reser-
T1 - T2
n =
and not on the particular kind of substance or the particular construction
of the power engine.
AS = S3-S2 = n-k-log
2. Derive from the Maxwell distribution the probability distribution for the
speed lit' I I = (vi + v2 + V32)112 using spherical coordinates.
3. Consider two containers filled with the same ideal gas having equal tem-
perature To and particle number N, but different volumes V1 and V2. The
containers are then connected.
a) Calculate the equilibrium temperature of the connected containers from
the condition that the entropy remains constant during the connection
b) Explain why the work done is equal to the difference of the energies
before and after the connection, and calculate the latter.
Exercises 293
5 (Van der W4aals Equation). The free energy of a real gas is heuristically
defined as the sum of the free energy of the ideal gas F;d and an additional
term depending on two constants a and b to be determined experimentally:
(c ist the velocity of light). Calculate the free energy F, the entropy S, and
the energy E.
and conclude that the number n = [eF 1kT - 11-1 can be interpreted as
the mean occupation number.
294 8. Elements of Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Elements of
curl(B) = c + J, div(E) = 47rg.
- 295
296 9. Elements of Electrodynamics
div(J) + = 0
is an immediate consequence of the second group of the Maxwell equations.
d(wE + c (A)) = 0.
9.1. The Maxwell Equations 297
c at
A -do.
Definition 2. The (locally) defined time-dependent function ¢ is called the
electric potential.
The essence of the electromagnetic field is not the same in classical elec-
trodynamics and in quantum mechanics. In classical field theory, only the
measurable field strengths E and B are physically relevant; the potentials
A and ¢ are auxiliary mathematical functions which turn out to be useful.
In quantum mechanics, however, the electric and the magnetic potential ac-
quire a physical meaning on their own; we illustrate this briefly by discussing
the Aharonov-Bohm effect.
Remark (Aharonov-Bohm Effect). An infinitely extended coil S. through
which a current flows, induces a magnetic field which is almost homogeneous
in its interior and vanishes outside of the coil. Consider a closed curve -y
around the coil and denote by 0 the surface bounded by ry. Imagine that
an electron is prevented from moving inside the coil by an infinitely high
potential well. Then the remaining region ci - S of the plane is, from the
point of view of the electron, no longer simply connected. The vanishing of
the magnetic field B in this region implies that the 1-form A of the magnetic
potential is closed in 11 - S,
0 = *wB = dA.
but nevertheless the line integral is not path-independent, since, for example,
the curve segments ryl and rye of ry cannot be deformed into one another by a
homotopy (see Theorem 9, §2.5). Instead, by Stokes' theorem, the integral
1A= JA = fdA = f
is equal to the magnetic flux through the entire region Q. Quantum me-
chanics describes the states of the electron by solutions of the Schrodinger
equation called wave functions. Let V51 and v/2 be the wave functions of the
electron along -ti and rye, respectively, while the current is switched off (i.e..
B = 0 in S). The covariance principle for the Schrodinger equation with
respect to gauge transformations implies that, if the current is switched on,
the wave functions have to become
01 exp I AI , V2 = 02 exp [ , I AJ
L 7i rr
298 9. Elements of Electrodynamics
We put a screen at Si and form the linear superposition of the two wave
+Gi + 1Pz = 'Pt exp [Z 2 ] + 02) eXp A]
As we vary the enclosed magnetic flux 4'O, the absolute value IV)*, + t21
changes. This corresponds to a shift in the interference picture on the screen,
and provides experimental evidence for the intrinsic meaning of the potential
A theoretically rigorous explanation of this effect (A does not exist globally
on the region fZ!) can only be obtained within the theory of connections on
principal S1-fiber bundles. The integral of A over a closed curve can then
be defined correctly and measures the holonomy of the connection'.
If we put the potentials A and 0 at the beginning of our study, the electric
and magnetic fields are determined by the equations
c a (A) -do, wB = *dA,
and the first group of the Maxwell equations is automatically satisfied. In
these formulas, we view the quantities as time-dependent functions or forms
in 3-space, and the Hodge operator * and the exterior derivative d refer to
that space. We use the adjoint operator 5 of the exterior derivative d and
note that in R3 the following formulas hold:
8 = -*d* for 1-forms and 8 = *d * for 2-forms .
Then we can write the second group of the Maxwell equations as
1 8 2 (A) - 1 8 (do) + a
8dA w.J,
1 8A) O = 1aB
c2 8t2 c cat c c tit (
The Laplacian A on functions will be used in this chapter analogously to
Chapter 2. Hence we have Ao = *d * do = -8d¢.
1As a physics reference we recommend: Y. Aharonov and D. Bohm, Phys. Rev. 115 (1959),
485-491, as well as the more detailed discussion of this effect in the textbook by F Schwabl,
Quantum Mechanics, Springer, 2nd rev. ed. 1995.
9.2. The Static Electromagnetic Field 299
field with the required properties, and it remains to be proved that the
electric field E = -grad(O) with potential
OW = -
lix - yII
is a solution for the problem. To see this, we have to show that O(x) is a
smooth function in R3, that it solves the inhomogeneous Laplace equation
-0O = 41rp, and that the gradient l grad(O)II -' 0 at infinity in R3. We
introduce spherical coordinates around a fixed point x = (x1, x2, x3) E R3
(0 < cp < 27r, -a/2 < ip < 7r/2):
y1 = x 1 + r cos cp cos ? / i , y2 = x2 + r sin c p cost , y3 = x3 + r sin Eli .
The volume form of euclidean space is described in these coordinates by the
following formulas:
dR3 = dy1 A dy2 A dy3 = r2 cos /i dr A dcp A d/i.
For every positive number e > 0, the function
Ay) := yii3_e
IIx -
is integrable in a neighborhood of its singular point. Integration over the
ball D3(x,1) with center x E R3 and radius 1 yields
1 2,r K/2
f (y) dy = ffJ r3
0 0 -7r/2
-E cos i,i dr dcp dzb = 4a/e.
Because of the compactness of the support of the charge density g(y), the
function c(x) and its first and second partial derivatives are smooth,
ao x' y` e
ax' -
(x) -
P(y) dy = - /' P(y) ayi (ox
IIxyII3 J YII) dy
= f ay= (y) 1 dy
II x yII
f o(P)(y)
FIX 1 yII f P(y) ' b IIx 1 y1I
D3(x,M)\D3(x,e) D3(x,M)\D3(x,M)
9.2. The Static Electromagnetic Field 301
- f [(y)(gy1 1 Y11,
f OP(y)
II x-
1 y1I
dy = 2 f y(y)dy+ 2
J (grad e(y), y-r)dy .
D3(x,A1)\D3(x.e) aD3(Xx) aD3(x,e)
The second integral on the right-hand side is bounded by
(1 /E2) - e - max{ Ilgrad oII } vol(8D3(x, E)) = 4;r - e max{ Ilgrad oII } ,
and hence it does not contribute in the limit as I 0. Together, this yields
-O0(x) = limo F J B(y)dy = 4irp(x),
where we used the mean value theorem of integral calculus in the last step.
We estimate the length of the gradient of the electric potential using the
formula for the partial derivatives 8o/0x` and for points lying far out. To
do so we choose a radius R > 0 such that the ball with center 0 E R3
contains the support of the charge density. If now IIxII > R, then
Ilgrad6(x)II2 =
f 0(y)Ily-x113dy
x{ _ yi
dy = -e
IIx - Y11 vol(D3(xo, e) I
IIx - Y11
A(x) l dy.
cJ IIx -Y11
Proof. Let B1 and B2 be two magnetic fields with the stated properties.
Their difference V := BI - B2 is a divergence- and curl-free vector field,
div(V) = 0, curl(V) = 0,
whose length II V(x) 11 tends to zero for IIx11 -+ oo. By Poincare's lemma, such
a vector field can be represented as the gradient of a harmonic function f ,
V = grad(f) and Of = 0.
The partial derivatives Of /8x' (1 < i < 3) are thus bounded harmonic func-
tions on the entire space R3, and by Liouville's theorem they are constant.
This immediately implies V = Bl - B2 = 0, and this observation shows that
there can be at most one magnetic field with the required properties. By
9.2. The Static Electromagnetic Field 303
the same arguments as in the proof of the preceding theorem, the magnetic
A(x) c AY) dy
11X - Y11
and hence
div(A) = Z' (J(y), )dy = I f (J(y), grad, (IIx
IIx - y113 1 yIl)
divy(lix YIIdiv(J)
1 Y11 J(y)) = (J(y),g'ady(llx 1 y1I)) + I1x 1
and the fact that J was supposed to be divergence-free, we obtain
c (fn II X 'YII) J' B(x)
c J " f II(x - 11 dy.
The magnetic field induced by an electric charge distribution with constant
current density vector is perpendicular to the direction of the current flow.
This fact is called the Biot-Savart law.
304 9. Elements of Elect rodvnamics
AB = 1 02B AE _ 1 492E
c2 &2 ' cz 8t2 .
9.3. Electromagnetic Waves 305
Theorem 4 (Poisson Formula for the Wave Equation). For any two smooth
initial conditions uo, ul : 1R3 - R, the Cauchy initial value problem for the
wave equation
1 2
Du = c2 at2 '
u(x, = uo(x), at
(x, 0) = ui (x)
has precisely one solution on the space 1R3 x 1R+. Moreover, this solution can
be computed explicitely:
to+ A (xo, to)
r- (xo, to)
Remark 3. The value u(x, t) of the solution for the wave equation depends
only on the behavior of the initial values on the boundary of the base of the
backward light cone,
r (xo, to) := {(x, t) E 1R3 x 1R+ : Iix - roil < c It - toe, 0 < t < to} ,
which is a two-dimensional sphere. Therefore, every wave in 1R3 generated by
initial conditions with compact support has a forward as well as a backward
wave-front (Huygens' principle).
306 9. Elements of Electrodynamics
J J)
Now let u be a solution of the wave equation with initial conditions u(x, 0) _
0 and au(x, 0)/at = 0, and denote by FT (xo, to) the truncated cone described
by the condition 0 < t < r. By integrating the stated identity, we obtain
a r 3 a au au
E(u) = 2 t axe
J axe
rr r,
Gauss' theorem (Theorem 27, §3.8) allows us to transform the volume inte-
grals into surface integrals:
f E(u) ' (N, atj = 2 at axj \N' axj
arr er, '=1
The boundary 81'7 consists of three parts. On the first part (t = 0), the
energy E(u) and the derivative au/at vanish; this term does not contribute
to either side of the equation. On the second boundary piece (t = r), the
normal vector N is parallel to a/at. Hence the integral on the right-hand
side of the equation vanishes, whereas the integral on the left-hand side is
non-negative. On the third part of the boundary, the lateral surface of the
truncated cone, we calculate the scalar products
a zo_
- ( a _ C
interior of the cone r- (xo, to). There the function u(x, t) is constant, and,
looking at the initial conditions, identically zero.
Proof of the existence of a solution. We calculate the derivatives of the
spherical mean with respect to time:
where S2(x, Ct) is the sphere with center x E R3 and radius ct. Denote by
S2 the unit sphere. Then Green's formula implies
8(lul) r C?u l
(x, ct) = c J z
axjj (x + ct. z)dz
at 4w
2 f N(a), axj ' axJ
a"1(a)da = l 2J
Aul (y)dy
S2(x.ct) D3(x,ct)
This leads to
(t. (Iu1)(x, ct)) =
JAu,(x+ct.a)da = c20(t' (Iul)(x, ct))
Thus w(x, t) := t- (1ul) (x, ct) is a solution for the wave equation with initial
w(x, 0) = 0 = 02 x, 0) and at(x,0) = (Iul)(x,0) = ul(x).
The derivative Ow/8t is also a solution of the wave equation, and it provides
the second summand in the asserted formula.
We have thus solved the wave equation for a scalar function on R3. The
expression for the vector valued functions E and B follows from a tedious
but routine computation. The explicit formula may be found in Exercise 3.
Now we turn to the inhomogeneous wave equation u = f with a smooth
308 9. Elements of Electrodynamics
function f : JR3 x R+ -s R, and will solve this for the initial condition
ud = 0 = ul. Combining the resulting solution with a solution for the
homogeneous wave equation with arbitrary initial condition constructed in
the preceding theorem, we will arrive at the solution for the inhomogeneous
wave equation Du = f with arbitrary initial condition u0, u1. The retarded
potential of a smooth function f : R3 x lR --> JR is defined by the integral
Rf(x,t) := - I f(y,t-r/c) dy
41r r
11x-Y11 <d
Du = f, u(x,0) = 0 = 8 (x,0).
Rf(x,t) _
fJ s2
p(x,t,r) :=
we obtain from p(x, t, t) = 0 the following formulas for the retarded potential
and its derivatives:
tr tr
5jZ(Rf)(x,t) = -c2 J ate(x,t,r)dr-c2L(x,t,t).
9.3. Electromagnetic Waves 309
Applying the wave operator to the retarded potential leads to the formula
310 9. Elements of Electrodynamics
Inserting the resulting expressions into the formulas of the preceding theo-
rem, we obtain a representation of the solution of the inhomogeneous two-
dimensional wave equation with prescribed initial conditions uo(xl,x2) and
u1(x',x2) as an integral over the interior of a disk in R2. From this we
conclude that a wave in R2 generated by initial conditions with compact
support has a forward front, but it does not have a backward front. This
effect is well-known, for example in the case of water waves. Stated differ-
ently, this means that Huygens' principle (see Remark 3) does not hold in
two dimensions (in fact, it can be shown to fail in all even dimensions).
Now we turn to the question of which conditions rotating an electromagnetic
wave lead to another electromagnetic wave. Let an electromagnetic wave
E(x, t), B(x, t) be given. We rotate these vector fields in the 2-plane spanned
by the two vectors through the angle 1/i(x, t):
E` (x, t) = cos 1Ji(x, t) E(x, t) + sin '(x, t) B(x, t) ,
We discuss the conditions to be satisfied so that the pair (E', B') becomes
an electromagnetic wave. Necessarily, ip has to be a solution of the eikonal
9.4. The Relativistic Formulation of the Maxwell Equations 311
8t-) - Ilg'ad('+6)fl2 = 0.
(3) E = grad(O) x B.
Proof. The vector fields E and B are divergence-free, and hence the diver-
gences of E' and B` are easily calculated:
div(E*) = - sin i' (grad(,O), E) + dcos'. (grad('+G), B) ,
which are equivalent to the second and third conditions of the theorem. 0
Summarizing, * d * F = 4a J is equivalent to
d(*WE) = 47rp and * d(wB) =
18 4c
c 8t (wE) +
Remark 4. The 2-form F is a closed form in ]R3.1. Hence by Poincare's
lemma there exists a 1-form A such that
dA = -eF.
The 1-form A comprises the electric as well as the magnetic potential:
c 5i
and thus A = -(e/c)A + e 0 dt.
The isometry group of the Minkowski metric g is 0(3, 1), the Lorentz group.
It consists of all linear transformations L :183,1 -+ R3,1 which leave g invari-
ant. If we represent g by the matrix
0 -C2
then 0(3, 1) can be identified with the (4 x 4) matrices L satisfying
Its Lie algebra o(3, 1) is spanned by the matrices X with
Lt = 0.
Of course, 0(3, 1) contains the 3-dimensional group of rotations of euclidean
space R3 as a subgroup, embedded as the upper left 3 x 3 matrices
0 0
1 M E 0(3,R)
{ I. 1
and generated by the skew-symmetic matrices L1, L2, L3 described in §6.3,
Example 14. The missing part of the Lie algebra o(3, 1) is spanned by the
three elements
1 f 0
B2 :=
0 L B3 :=
0 0
B' 0 ' 0
000 0 00J' 00G 0
[L1, B2] _ -B3, [L1, B3] = B2, [L2, B1] = B3, [L2, B3] _ -B1,
[L3, B1] _ -B2, [L3, B2] = B1, [Li, B,] = 0.
In the same way as L 1, L2, L3 generate ordinary rotations, the elements
B1, B2, B3 induce hyperbolic rotations, for example,
cosh(c8) 0 0 sinh(cO)/c
- 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
c sinh(c 8) 00 cosh(c 8)
The defining condition for L E 0(3, 1) implies that L has determinant 1 or
-1. The hyperbolic rotation e8Bi and the time reflection diag(1,1,1, -1)
realize these values of the determinant. Hence 0(3, 1) has two connectivity
Theorem 8.
(1) The inhomogeneous Maxwell equations dF = 0 and bF = 41rJ are
invariant under isometries of the Minskowski metric, the Lorentz
(2) The homogeneous Maxwell equations dF = 0 and d * F = 0 are
invariant under conformal changes of the metric.
(3) The quantities I IFI I2 and (F, *F) are invariant under Lorentz trans-
The conformal group can be identified with O(4, 2), whis has dimension 15.
The fact that only the homogeneous Maxwell equations are conformally in-
variant was the main reason why Lorentz invariance has been established as
the fundamental invariance property of electrodynamics. However, the full
conformal invariance is useful when dealing with homogeneous situations.
The invariance of the scalar quantities I IF112 and (F, *F) is of practical im-
portance, too; it means. for example, that E and B stay orthogonal if they
were orthogonal in some frame of reference.
As a 2-form, F is an element of 112(R3"). There exists a purely algebraic,
Lorentz invariant map from 112(R3.') into the space of symmetric (2,0)-
tensors. Apart from normalizations and an additional multiple of the metric,
the image of F under this map is known as the Maxwell stress tensor, which
we will now discuss.
So let F be any 2-form on Minkowski space, and e1, ... , e4 an orthonormal
basis, i.e., satisfying g(e;, ej) = ej d;j with 1 = el = s2 = E3 = -64. We
TF :=
el = axl,
e2 = axe' e3 = ax3
and e4 = .
With their help, the models discussed in the physics of elementary particles
can be formulated and studied rigorously.2
mds = V(eJdA),
where the right hand side is meant to denote the vector field associated with
the 1 form e J dA relative to the Minkowski metric.
Proof. We use local coordinates x1, ... , xm on Mm. The Lagrangian can
then be rewritten as
L(xl,...,xm,2....... m)
2 i,j=1 i=1
2See Thomas Friedrich, Dirac Operators in Riemannian Geometry, Grad. Studies in Math.
vol. 25. AMS, Providence, 2000.
318 9. Elements of Electrodynamics
d aL agile dxi dx' d2xi aAk dxi
(aik (9(s)) I = m>2
ds axle ds ds + m>9ik ds2 i
axi ds
Equating them and rearranging some terms, we obtain the equation
[aAk aAi dx
(*) axi - axk ] ds
M ye
_ d2xi a dxi dx' a
ds = m E d82 axi +m ds ds axi
But the Christoffel symbols can by computed from the metric (§5.7, Theorem
42 ff.):
r+ - 1 [: km agim a97m 89ii
9 8xk + Oxi - Oxm
hence one checks that the right-hand side of the equation of motion (*) is
equal to
r ve a l
g 'n ds ' axle
dA = ez dxi A dxx
implies that
8 aAk aAi dxi
dA (e,
axk) i axi axk, d
which is just the left-hand side of (*). We conclude that equation
equivalent to
8 a
g md,8xk) = dA (k, axk 1
The most important situation where this result can be applied is the case
that Mm is the flat Minkowski space R3.1 with its pseudo-Riemannian met-
ric. As 1-form on R3'1, we choose the form A introduced in the previous
section, which is composed of the magnetic 1-form A on the euclidean space
R3 and the electric potential ¢:
A = -eA+ecdt = -e(A1dx1+A2dx2+A3dx3)+eodt,
and it satisfies dA = (-e/c) F. We emphasize that time t is viewed as the
fourth coordinate of space, whereas the curve parameter s of p is interpreted
as the proper time of the particle. The curve p(s) = (x1(8), x2(s), x3(s), t(s))
is said to be parametrized in proper time if its tangent vector is normalized
to length -c2,
2: =
d- 11
d oII = ` ds -c2
ds [ dt ds]
The right-hand side of the generalized Lorentz equation now reads, using
the definition of F,
j F = +-_r [_(v. E)cdt + (cE1 + (v x B)i)dx`
where v E denotes the euclidean scalar product and v x B the vector product
in R3. Its dual vector is
V(doJdA) = ry
ds c2 at
c ax'
320 9. Elements of Electrodynamics
(1) mdt(ryv) = e E+ _v x B,
and its time component leads to mdry/dt = +(e/c2)v E. This equation
describes in fact the change in time of the kinetic energy e = mc2-y of the
b = Fxh = xij,
as well as its derivative,
(h x B) = (h(t' B(h, ryB) h'.
b = -K x 11 = ym vcq x y mVc
e B) -
The torsion is then
h) _ -e(t' B)
rymvc '
and again constant. From Chapter 5, Exercice 7 we know that a curve whose
torsion and curvature are constant is necessarily a helix, the direction of
which is given by B. In the special case that (F, B) = 0, the curve is a circle
in the plane perpendicular to B with radius of curvature r and synchrotron
frequency w:
1 mryvc v _ eliBII
r= K
r rymc
(*) =
We are going to prove that the particle moves along a geodesic of a cone
with vertex the origin. As in the integration of the geodesic flow or the
abstract discussion of Lagrange systems, the proof makes crucial use of a
clever invariant of motion. But the invariant of the Dirac monopole differs
from all invariants encountered so far in the fact that it is not linear in ;
3This discussion has been published by Katharina Habermann (formerly Neitzke) in her
article K. Neitkze, Die Lorentz-Kraft auf pseudo-Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten, Math. Nachr.
149 (1990), 183-214.
322 9. Elements of Electrodynamics
hence its existence does not follow from Noether's theorem, but only from
a direct calculation. First, we observe that
ds 0,
which yields the invariant we were looking for. By the Cauchy-Schwarz
inequality, it has to be non-negative; hence there exists a constant k > 0
such that
Ilnl12 - (n,
)2 = k2 and 11,7112 = k2+(S+ a)2.
A short calculation for the curvature of the particle's curve of motion yields
1117 x ells sin(n,il) 1 -oos (2, _
K = Itrill = = In11s
2TmvJ lot I 2'rmvl 27mvI InI
1-ln,n>2/1117112 __ 111711'-117,17)2 __ k
2 ymvllnl l2 2'rrmll,II3 2-tmvl ln113
If k = 0, the curvature vanishes and the curve is a straight line, i. e., there
exist vectors v", w' E R3 such that n(s) = s v + v7. The equation of motion
(*) then implies v' x u7 = 0, i. e., v' and 0 are linearly dependent, so thet we
finally obtain
n(s) = (s + A)t7, A E It ,
which is the equation of a line through the origin. Let us assume from now
on that k > 0. We shall derive the expression for the torsion of the curve.
By Frenet's formulas, the principal normal vector hh is
h=-=- k7xil. 1
be simplified to
dg _ (n, n) __
ds (-k r) X rl
r= tail)
(b, h) _ -2mvryll71113
__ s+a
In particular, the quotient of torsion and curvature satisfies the simple iden-
tity r/ic = -(s + a)/k. We prove next that the curve lies on a cone, that is,
that there exists a constant vector ii whose angle p with 71 is also constant.
2. Under the assumptions of Helmholtz' theorem, the electric and the mag-
netic field E and B, as well as the current density field J can be written as
the sum of a divergence-free and a curl-free vector field,
E = Ediv + Ecuri, B = Bdiv + Bcuri and J = Jdiv + Jcurl
a) Prove that the Maxwell equations can then be written as follows:
curl(Ed;v) = - 8t
chv(Bcuri) = 0
1 8Ed;v 47r
curl(Bd;Y) =
at +
Jai,,, div(Ecuri) = 47r LO.
The continuity equation then becomes
div(Jcuri) + OLO = 0.
Hint: In the proof of Theorem 2, we proved that, under the assumptions
made here, any vector field which is at the same time divergence- and
curl-free, has to vanish identically.
b) On the other hand, for the electric field E we already know the decom-
E_ c +grad(-O).
326 9. Elements of Electrodynamics
curl(B) = c 5 , curl(E)
c at ,
div(B) = 0, div(E) = 0, E(x,O) = Eo(x), B(x, 0) = Bo(x)
has the unique solution
E(x, ct)
4act f
curl Bo(y)dy +
4ac 8t f Eo(y)dy
B(x, ct)
4act f
curl Eo(y)dy + 41
8t f Bo(y)dy
4. Using Theorems 1 and 2, determine the electric and the magnetic field
in 1R3 which is generated in the following situations:
a) a homogeneously charged ball of radius R with constant charge density
b) a charged spherical shell of radius R with constant surface charge density
c) an infinitely extended straight wire of radius R through which a current
with constant current density j flows.
Compute the general expression for R and discuss the case of planar circular
synchrotron radiation.
Exercises 327
7. Show that the Lie algebra o(3,1) of the Lorentz group is not simple-more
precisely, that it is the sum of two 3-dimensional ideals.
Part 1. General Shape of the Solution. Prove that there exist two C2-
functions f and g satisfying
u(x,t) = f(x+ct)+g(x-ct).
The solution is hence the superposition of a wave traveling to the left and
one traveling to the right. Hint: Introduce the new coordinates xt = x ± ct
and show that the wave equation is equivalent to the differential equation
ax+(9x- -
Part 2. Solution of the Cauchy Problem. With the above Ansatz for the
solution, the following relations have to hold:
By integration of the second equation over the interval [0, x], prove that the
general solution has to be given by
u(x,t) = 2[uo(x + ct) + ua(x - ct)) + 2cu1(s)ds.
In particular, this argument shows the uniqueness of the solution. How can
the result be understood qualitatively by means of the light-cone ?
328 9. Elements of Electrodynamics
Here uo, 4o E C2(R+) and ul E C'(R+) are required. Prove (using a similar
Ansatz as in the preceding exercise) that the solution is
[uo(x + ct) + uo(x - ct)] + -L 2cjx-d ui(s)ds,
u(x,t) = d+x
2 [uo(x + Ct) - up(ct - x)] + p(t - x/C) + ZJ ul (s) ds,
where the upper line is to be taken for points (x, t) in the region I, i. e. below
the line x = ct, and the lower line for points (x, t) in the region II, above
the line x = ct. What can be said concerning the behavior of the light-
cone, in particular in II? Describe, moreover, the regularity properties of
the solution on the line x = ct, and explain carefully under which additional
conditions it is of class C2 there.
The explanation for the Fourier method and the related regularity properties
to be required of uo and u1 will be treated separately in the next exercise.
Start from the Ansatz
u(x, t) = T(t) X(x) .
a) Prove that there exists a constant A, such that
X" _ T" _
X c2T
b) Show that the cases A = 0 and A > 0 necessarily lead to the trivial
solution u = 0; in the case A < 0 there has to exist a natural number k
such that A = -k27r2 and
uk(x, t) = Xk(x)Tk(t) = sin kirx (ak sin klrct + bk cos kirct) .
The general solution is then obtained as the series
u(x, t) _ uk(x, t) _ E sin kirx (ak sin k7rct + bk cos klrct) .
k=1 k=1
c) Find an integral formula for the coefficients ak, bk depending on the
initial conditions uo and u1. Solution:
1 1
ul (x) sin k7rx dx, bk = 2 fo uo(x) sin k7rx dx .
ak lore 0
For a function f E Ck([O,1]) such that f(0), ..., f(k-1) vanish at 0 and 1,
there exists a constant A for which the Fourier coefficients of f satisfy the
following inequality:
j f(x)sinn7rxdx< A
Formulate necessary conditions for uo and u1, under which the solution
u(x, t) constructed in the preceding exercise is twice differentiable with re-
spect to x and t and satisfies the initial conditions.
with a given function f. We consider this equation on the interval [0, 1] with
the initial conditions
u(x,0) = uo(x), i31u(x,0) = ni(x)
as well as, first, trivial boundary conditions,
u(O,t) = 0, u(l,t) = 0.
334 Bibliography
Textbooks on Electrodynamics
L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifschitz, Course of theoretical physics, vol. II: The
classical theory of fields, 4th rev. ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford,
A. Sommerfeld, Lectures on theoretical physics, vol. III: Electrodynamics,
Academic Press, New York, 1952.
A. Sommerfeld, Partial differential equations in physics, Academic Press,
New York, 1949.
W. Thirring, A course in mathematical physics, vol. 2: Classical field theory,
Springer, Berlin, 1986.
J ................ 4, 4,68 GF ................231 0(t2) .............. 215
* .................7, 7,23 g .................. 209 Wk ...................1
[, ] ..................91 GL(n,K)...........208 *wy ................23
{, ) ................235 23,60
grad(f) .........23, wi1 .................142
O ..................148 grad(V)............ 255 wo................. 232
V ..................149 I' .................185 52 .................. 142
0/dt ............... 188 h(s) ...............132 R9 ................. 208
0 ................27, HkR(U) ............ 19 Rf(x,t)............308
0/0xi ..............12 Hk ..................52 curl(V) .............25
0(f) ....... 24, 65, 101 El ..................221 R(U, V)W ......... 151
0(f) ...............306 712 .................148 SL(n, R).. 106, 211, 221
Aff(K') ............208 Ik ...................27 SO(n, K) ......106,
Ad .................223 I(A) ............... 276 SU(1,1)............227
Ad* ................230 IV ................. SU(n) ..............221
ad := Ad........... 224 I ................... 148 s-grad(H) .......... 233
bid .................151 11 .................. 150 supp(ip) ............. 76
b(s) ............... 132 7(p) ............... 275 S(f?, IA) ............ 276
Bk(U) .............. 19 K*(x) ............. 196 ai ..................141
ck ...................26 K(z, M) ............ 37 t( s) ................ 132
d ................ 16,68 c(s) ............... 132 TpRn ................11
5 ...................101 Lg .................208 TXMk ...............54
dA, dQ ............ 284 Ev ..................89 TMk ................55
div(V)........... 24, C(v) ............... 260 T*Mk ............. 230
D"(R) .............. 38 L*(wk) .............. 4 r(s) ................133
dMk ................70 Mk .................47 U(n) ...............221
dM2m ............. 229 (M2m, w) .......... 229 12,56
V(p) ............12,
dV ...................6 (M2m, w, H) ....... 236 vol(Mm) ............ 78
Ek .................112 mi(f ), i = 1, 2, 3 ... 164 X(M2) ............. 165
Exp. ...............192 µt ..................272 Zk(U) .............. 19
f*., .............11,
11,56 N(x) ............... 74 Z(B) .............. 278
f*(wk) ..........14,
14,67 0,0 ...............69 Zc ................ 223
..................88 0*(F) ............. 231
9ij, 9ii .............. 59 O(n, K) ....... 106, 221
340 Index
tangent bundle, 55
From a Review of the German Edition:
Drawing on his great experience in research, writing books, teaching, and working with
students, Friedrich presents once more a clearly written, smoothly readable self
contained textbook The mathematical material and approaches are well motivated,
enriched by valuable considerations and reflections. Proofs are elegant, not too tech-
nical and carefully performed ... Each chapter finishes with exercises designed to
increase comprehension ... For any student who has passed the linear algebra course
and calculus, this book offers on excellent opportunity to learn global analysis and its
applications to mathematical physics.
-Mathematical Reviews
This book introduces the reader to the world of differential forms and their
uses in geometry, analysis. and mathematical physics. It begins with a few basic
topics, partly as review, then moves on to vector analysis on manifolds and the
study of curves and surfaces in 3-space. Lie groups and homogeneous spaces are
discussed, providing the appropriate framework for introducing symmetry in
both mathematical and physical contexts.The final third of the book applies the
mathematical ideas to important areas of physics: Hamiltonian mechanics, statis-
tical mechanics, and electrodynamics.
There are many classroom-tested exercises and examples with excellent figures
throughoutThe book is ideal as a text for a first course in differential geometry,
suitable for advanced undergraduates or graduate students in mathematics or