Welcome To The World of Aegeos: What Is Aegeos: Searing Shard?
Welcome To The World of Aegeos: What Is Aegeos: Searing Shard?
Welcome To The World of Aegeos: What Is Aegeos: Searing Shard?
At the heart of this conflict lies the one resource desired above all else: Fireglass. Shards of the burning Pillar of
Pyrisia left after its cataclysmic decent, this resource has become highly valued and sought after by the powers that
be. Many war-bands and hunting groups have formed, search for deposits of Fireglass in order to bring glory to their
homelands, fund their growing ideal, or to line their purses with the gold of the highest bidders.
In order to play, you will need the following:
Enough miniatures for each player to represent their force
4' by 4' play area
Enough terrain for the scenario
Tape measure or ruler that measures in inches
Handful of twelve-sided dice and a few six-sided dice
Note on Dice
Through out the rules, a die will be referred to as a DX, where the 'X' is the number of sides on the die. When a D3 is
required, roll a D6 and use the following results when rolled: 1 or 2 = 1; 3 or 4 = 2; 5 or 6 = 3.
When a die roll is required to be re-rolled, a roll may only be re-rolled once. The second result stands, even if it is
worse than the first roll.
Note on Terminology
Throughout the rules, you will notice that certain words will be capitalized that normally would not be, such as Attack
or Move. When this occurs, a specific term is being referred to by the rules.
Note on Measurements
A player may always choose to measure a distance on the board whenever they like, but must make the measurement
know to their opponents. When measuring for a model, always measure from the model's base, even if measuring for
things on a different elevation. A model is always considered to be within range of itself.
Each model use the following characteristics, representing the combat strengths and abilities that would be shown on
the battlefield. Next to each characteristics entry is the abbreviation used for it.
Pyrisian Swordsman
6 7 7 1 1 8 2
Movement (MOV): Represents how much ground a model can cover during a turn.
Attack Skill (AS): How skilled the model is in combat. Used to determine if the model hits with an attack.
Defense Skill (DS): Determines how well the model can defend itself from an attack.
Armor (ARM): Used to determine if a model takes damage from an attack or not.
Resilience (RES): All models have a limit to how much damage they can take before being removed from the field.
Resilience represents this.
Nerves(NER): How well the model or unit can handle the pressures of the battlefield.
Stress: While not a characteristic listed in the model's profile, all models or units accumulate Stress during the game.
This determines how much more of the battle the model can endure before the flight instincts kick in.
Size: Some models are taller and larger than others. Size determines Line of Sight between models and how much
damage a model can suffer before it is removed.
Unit Type: Depending on the Unit Type, some models are affected by certain rules differently.
Base: What size base and area the model takes up on the field. Size and Base are not always linked; some creatures
can take up a lot more area on the field than they are tall. There are 5 base sizes:
Small = 30mm
Medium = 40mm
Large = 50mm
Huge = 60mm
Colossal = 120mm
Availability: This determines how common a unit is in a force. Used when building a force.
Unit Size: The number of models in the unit when building an army. All models are included in the Points cost, you
do not need to consider each one individually.
Special Rules: Any special abilities or rules that apply only to the model will be listed here.
In addition, weapons used by the model will use the following characteristics, shown in the example given:
RNG: 8 POW: 0
Range (RNG): Used to determine if a model can be affected by the attack. RNG is represented by a number, which
determines the penalties a model suffers when making a ranged attack. Melee weapons will have a RNG of either
Melee Short (MS) or Melee Long (ML), and follow different rules for making Melee Attack actions.
Power (POW): Shows the strength of the blow. Used when making Attack actions. Sometimes a model may take a hit
from a non-Attack source. POW is still used to determine if it takes damage or not, like normal.
Special: List any other rules that may affect the weapon.
Line of Sight
To determine if a model can see another model, draw a line from any part of the model's base to the base of the target.
A model may attempt to draw Line of Sight at any time needed, with in reason; players may not use it to purposefully
slow down play. If the target is within the front 180 degrees of the model's base, and you can draw a line that does not
cross over any part of the base of any model or piece of terrain with the same Size or larger than the target, the model
has Line of Sight.
A model can still be seen if the base is fully blocked by intervening terrain or models, so long as you can draw a line
over any that do not have an equal or larger Size. If any line can be drawn from the model's base to the target that
does cross over another model's base (larger, smaller or equal in Size) or a piece of terrain, and is still in Line of Sight,
the target is considered to be in Cover.
If the model or target are at an elevated level, their Size is determined by adding the Size of the elevated terrain to
their own. If a model is trying to target a model on an elevation, and the elevation is a greater Size than the model,
their Line of Sight might be blocked. Models may target a model on elevation greater than their Size is either the
targeted model is within a number of inches equal to its Size from the edge of the elevation, or the targeting model is
outside of a number of inches equal to twice its Size from the elevation. The play surface always counts as Size 0.
In general, due to the varied nature of playing spaces and terrain available to players, the players have final say in
what rules their terrain should have. All players involved must agree on what is decided.
The rules that follow are the general rules for terrain, and some specific examples of common terrain pieces that are
seen on the playing field.
Terrain Type
Terrain falls into two types of terrain: Area and Obstacle.
Area Terrain is any terrain feature that represents portions of the battlefield filled with things like underbrush, mud,
tall grass, or water. Area Terrain must have a distinguishable border for where the terrain piece begins or ends. An
other rules that apply to Area Terrain are in effect at any point inside the piece.
Obstacle Terrain represents any terrain features that have very specific features and would not be considered Area
Terrain, such as fences, rock outcroppings, walls, and such. Any rules that apply to an Obstacle only applies to the
terrain piece. Obstacles require a Climb Move for models to cross them.
Difficult Terrain
Some terrain pieces represents areas of ground that would normally be difficult to cross. When a model moves across
any piece of terrain that has the Difficult Terrain rule, any distance moved across the terrain is counted as being twice
as far as measured for determining how far the model has traveled. For example, if a model moves a distance of 1”
across a piece of terrain that has the Difficult Terrain rule, it counts as 2” instead.
Dangerous Terrain
Thick underbrush and deep waters hold many dangers for unwary travelers. Whenever a model moves across a piece
of terrain that has the Dangerous Terrain rule, roll a D12. If a 2+ is rolled, nothing happens. However, if a '1' is rolled,
the model suffers an immediate POW 0 hit.
Models may not cross over terrain with the Impassable rule, unless otherwise stated.
Charging Across Difficult Terrain
When a model makes a Charge Move action that requires it to move across a piece of terrain that has the Difficult
Terrain rule, instead of following the rules for crossing Difficult Terrain, instead the terrain is treated as Dangerous
Terrain. If the terrain piece already has the Dangerous Terrain rule, a model doesn't suffer any damage on a roll of 4+
instead of on a 2+.
Examples of Terrain
The following are guidelines to what rules most terrain pieces will follow. Remember, it is up to the players to agree
on the exact rules their own pieces of terrain will follow.
The average war gaming forest terrain piece should be considered Size 4 Area Terrain and Difficult Terrain.
Ruins should be considered Size 1 to 3 Area Terrain. If the piece has several levels to it, count any floors about the
first one as also Dangerous Terrain.
The walls of each floor of a building is a Size 3 Obstacle. Windows are treated as Size 1 that gives Cover for any models
within 2” of them. Only models Size 2 or less may enter a building.
Turn Structure
Each turn is broken down into the following phases.
Command Phase
Activation Phase
Maintenance Phase
A phase is completed when all possible actions and activations have been resolved. Once all players have completed
each phase in order, the turn ends and a new one begins with the Initiative Phase again.
Command Phase
The Command Phase is when the player with Priority is determined, and any models with Command abilities may use
them. Each phase begins by determining which player has Priority. To determine Priority, each player chooses the
model with the highest Commander special rule that is still in play, and roll a D12 for each level of Commander they
have. Players choose one of the dice rolled. If a player has no models with the Commander rule in play, they instead
roll 2D12 and choose the lowest roll. Whoever rolled the highest has Priority for the turn.
If a player's force currently has twice as many models as an opponent's, they may roll an extra die.
If the model with the Commander rule that the player is using is suffering Suppression or Fleeing, then they
must roll one less die than normal, to a minimum of one die.
In case of ties, the player that did not have Priority wins. Otherwise, players roll off with a single D12 until a winner is
Order of Resolution
During the game, the player with Priority decides in which order effects are resolved, if the order has not been
specified elsewhere. However, all the actions and effects are considered to all happen at the same time.
After Priority is decided, each player alternates choosing a model with a Command ability and resolving it, until all
models that are able to have done so. Unless otherwise stated, a model can only use a single Command ability per
Model with this special rule count as being a Commander of a level equal to X. A model may choose a mix of
Command Skills up to their level. In addition, friendly units and models may use their NER value as long as they are
within 3” per level of the model with this rule.
Activation Phase
During the Activation Phase, each player alternates choosing a unit to activate and completes its actions, starting with
the player that has Priority. Each player has one Pass they may use per turn to force the next player to activate a unit
instead of them. The player with Priority may choose to Pass with their first activation of the Phase without it
counting as their one Pass per turn. A player that has already activated all of their units for the Phase may Pass
without it counting as their Pass of the turn.
Each model in a unit when activating may make either a single Move and Action, in any order, or make 2 Moves. If a
Move or Action requires a model to sacrifice an additional Move or Action to use, it must be made before any other
Moves or Actions. A model can't sacrifice something that they already used.
A majority of models in Aegeos: Searing Shards will be grouped up into units. All models in a unit must remain in
Formation. A model is in Formation if it is within 8” of all other models in the unit. If for whatever reason a model
begins its activation outside of 8” of all other models, then that model must spend its activation making Walks until it
is back into 8”. In addition, no models in the Unit can make a Charge Move for this activation.
When a unit activates, all models in the unit complete one Move or their Action before any models complete the rest
of their activation. If for some reason any models in the unit make more than one Action in the activation, it may take
it after all models in the unit have finished their activation.
A lone model on the field is also considered a unit, but they do not have to remain within 8” of another model (since
there are no other models in their unit) or complete Moves and Actions in order.
Some models will have the special rule Attached. In the model's profile, this rule will tell what units this model may
be attached to. A model with the Attached special rule must be deployed with a viable unit at the beginning of the
game, and is considered to be a part of that unit in all ways, and may not leave the unit during the battle. A unit may
have multiple models attached to it, but only 1 of each type of model may join it.
All models have access to the following Moves during their activation.
When a model makes a Walk Move, the model may be moved up to its MOV in inches in any direction. During a Walk,
at no time can the model's base cross over the base of another model, friendly or not, or over Impassable terrain.
During a Walk, a model may choose to change direction that it is moving in, so long as it doesn't cover a distance more
than its MOV value; a model that moves forward 2” and then moves back 2” counts as having moved 4”. Once a Walk
is completed, the model may choose which direction that it will face.
During a walk, a model may attempt to jump over any gaps they come across, as long as they have enough distance in
their Walk left to clear the gap completely. When a model makes the jump, they must first make a Morale Test before
moving over the gap. If the test is passed, the model crosses the gap without any problems. But if the test is failed,
the model stops their Walk at the edge of the gap without jumping it.
Climbing is a Move that a model can make in order to get over terrain or up a change in elevation. Choose a terrain or
change in elevation within 2” of the model, and place the model within 1” of the point chosen. This may be on top of
terrain so long as it does not have the Impassable rule. Climbing follows all the restrictions that a Walk has for
moving over other models.
Charging is a Move that a model can make if it begins its activation Unengaged. The model must sacrifice its Action
for the activation. A model that Charges makes a Walk at their MOV stat, plus an additional 3”. After making a
Charge, a model MUST make a Melee Attack Action afterwards. If they can not, the model's activation ends.
A model that makes an Aim Move may only change its facing. If the model makes a Ranged Attack Action after making
an Aim Move, the model gains +2 to the RNG of the weapon it chooses to make the Attack.
All models have access to the following Actions during their activation.
Ranged Attack
A model armed with a ranged weapon can make a Ranged Attack Action. The model chooses one ranged weapon that
it is carrying, picks a model in Line of Sight, and measures the distance between it and the target. The attacker then
makes an Attack Roll and the targeted model makes a Defense Roll.
An Attack Roll is made by rolling 3D12. The attacker compares each die rolled to its AS. For each die that rolls equal
to or higher than the model's AS, the Attack Roll scores a Success. If the Attack Roll scores at least one Success, the
attacker adds a number of Successes to its roll equal to the POW of the weapon chosen.
A Defense Roll is made by rolling 3D12, plus an additional D12 for each point of ARM the targeted model has. Compare
each die rolled to the model's DS. For each die that rolls equal to or higher than the model's DS, cancel a Success in
the Attack Roll, including any generated by the weapon's POW.
After both the Attack and Defense Rolls have been made, and all Successes have been generated and canceled, if any
Successes remain, the targeted model loses a point of RES. If a model is reduced to 0 RES or less, they are killed and
are removed from the battlefield.
Critical Successes
If any dice rolled in an Attack or Defense Roll is an unmodified '12', the Roll scores a Critical Success. For any die that
scores a Critical Success, you may roll another die and add it to the initial Roll. These additional dice may also
generate more dice by scoring Critical Successes.
In addition to generating additional dice, when an Attack Roll scores one or more Critical Successes, if the weapon has
a Critical(X) rule, apply X to the targeted model.
Roll Modifiers
Certain circumstances will change the result on the dice rolled for an Attack or Defense Roll. These are the most
common ones that will apply to Rolls. Each modifier is applied to each die individually.
Range: When you measure the distance between the attacking model and the targeted model, for each full amount of
the chosen weapon's RNG, the Attack Roll suffers -1 to each die.
Cover: If the targeted model counts as having Cover, the model gains +1 to each die for its Defense Roll.
Unaware: If a model makes an Attack Action against a model that could not draw Line of Sight to the attacking model
at any point in the turn, the Attack Roll gains +1 to each die rolled.
Defenseless: A model that is Defenseless has -1 to each die rolled for its Attack and Defense Rolls.
Engaged: If a model is Engaged when it makes a Ranged Attack Action, it suffers -2 to each die for its Attack Roll.
When targeting a model that is Engaged with a Ranged Attack Action, the model suffers -2 to each die for its Attack
Melee Attack
A model armed with a melee weapon can make a Melee Attack Action. The model chooses one melee weapon that it is
carrying, picks a model in Line of Sight, and measures the distance between it and the target. A weapon with a RNG of
MS can target a model within 1” of the attacking model, while a weapon with a RNG of ML can target a model within 2”
of the attacker. The attacker then makes an Attack Roll and the targeted model makes a Defense Roll.
An Attack Roll is made by rolling 3D12. The attacker compares each die rolled to its AS. For each die that rolls equal
to or higher than the model's AS, the Attack Roll scores a Success. If the Attack Roll scores at least one Success, the
attacker adds a number of Successes to its roll equal to the POW of the weapon chosen.
A Defense Roll is made by rolling 3D12, plus an additional D12 for each point of ARM the targeted model has. Compare
each die rolled to the model's DS. For each die that rolls equal to or higher than the model's DS, cancel a Success in
the Attack Roll, including any generated by the weapon's POW.
After both the Attack and Defense Rolls have been made, and all Successes have been generated and canceled, if any
Successes remain, the targeted model loses a point of RES. If a model is reduced to 0 RES or less, they are killed and
are removed from the battlefield.
Critical Success
If any dice rolled in an Attack or Defense Roll is an unmodified '12', the Roll scores a Critical Success. For any die that
scores a Critical Success, you may roll another die and add it to the initial Roll. These additional dice may also
generate more dice by scoring Critical Successes.
In addition to generating additional dice, when an Attack Roll scores one or more Critical Success, if the weapon has a
Critical(X) rule, apply X to the targeted model.
Unlike Ranged Attack Actions, the targeted model may choose to make an Attack Roll instead of a Defense Roll. The
target model must have a melee weapon that has the attacker in its RNG. If it does, instead of making a Defense Roll,
the model makes an Attack Roll, and the models compare the amount of Successes generated. Which ever Roll
generated the most Successes wins, and the losing Roll instead cancels Successes in the winning Roll. Damage is dealt
as normal for the winning Roll.
A model is considered Engaged if it has an enemy model within RNG of at least one of its melee weapons, or is in RNG
of a melee weapon of an enemy model. If a model is Engaged and tries to move out of RNG of a weapon on an enemy
model, the enemy model may take a Free Strike against it. If Engaged with multiple models, only one model may
attempt a Free Strike.
Free Strike
A model that is making a Free Strike makes a free Melee Attack Action against the model attempting to move out of
Engaging. The targeted model may not Counter-attack against this Action, and is considered Unaware. If the targeted
model would suffer damage from this Action, instead of reducing its RES, it ends its Move.
Roll Modifiers
Like with a Ranged Attack Action, Melee Attack Actions also have modifiers to the dice rolled.
Unaware: If a model makes an Attack Action against a model that could not draw Line of Sight to the attacking model
at any point in the turn, the Attack Roll gains +1 to each die rolled.
Defenseless: A model that is Defenseless has -1 to each die rolled for its Attack and Defense Rolls.
Backstabbing: If the attacking model is out of Line of Sight of the targeted model, it gains +1 to each die rolled in the
Attack Roll. This may be stacked with Unaware. Melee Attack Actions made while making a Charge can not benefit
from this modifier.
When making Melee Attack Actions, if the attacker is a larger Size than the targeted model, you may add an additional
die to the Attack Roll.
Melee Attacks and Elevation
If a model makes a Melee Attack Action against a model at a different elevation, treat the targeted model as being on
the same elevation for measuring RNG if the Size of the elevation is either equal to or less than the Size of the
attacking model above the attacker, or equal to the number of inches of the RNG of the weapon used below, IE. a model
with a MS weapon can reach one Size down, and one with a ML can reach 2 Sizes down. Either way, the model on the
higher elevation gains +1 ARM against Melee Attacks.
Combined Attack
Combined Attack Actions are a version of Ranged and Melee Attack Actions that models in a unit may take. A model
that makes a Combined Attack Action makes a normal Ranged or Melee Attack Action. However, any model in the
same unit at the attacker may choose to sacrifice their Action for the activation in order to help the Combined Attack
Action. At least one other model must contribute to the Combined Attack for it to count as a Combined Attack Action.
Any model that is helping must also be able to draw Line of Sight and range to the targeted model. For each model
that sacrifices their Action to help in the Combined Attack Action, the attacker gains an additional die on the Attack
Shake It Off
Shake It Off is an Action a model can take to remove any Suppression or Knocked Down that it is suffering.
A model may choose to Pass, and not take an Action during its activation.
Common Effects
The following are common effects that many models and weapons will share. A model that is inflicted with an effect is
said to gain it.
When a weapon lists a common effect under its special rules, then attacks that hit with the weapon apply the effect to
the targeted model.
During the Maintenance Phase, a model with Fire suffers a Melee Attack Action with an AS of 7 and a POW of 0,
ignoring Line of Sight, Range, Unaware, and Backstabbing. A model may not Counter-attack against this Action. Then
Fire is removed.
When a model is hit by Freeze, it gains the Chilled effect. While a model has the Chilled effect, the next time it makes a
Move, the model's SPD is halved, rounding up. Then the Chilled effect is removed.
Shock (X)
When making an Attack action with a weapon with the Shock (X) special rule, make a Ranged Attack Action against
the X nearest models other than the attacking model within 3” of the targeted model. These Attack actions are made
with the AS of the attacker, and at POW 0, ignoring Line of Sight, Cover, Range, and Unaware, and are made with a -1
modifier to each die rolled.
Blast (X)
When making an Attack action with a weapon with the Blast (X) special rule, make a Ranged Attack Action against all
models within X” of the targeted model. These Attack actions are made with the AS of the attacker, and at POW 0,
ignoring Cover, Range, and Unaware, and are made with a -1 modifier to each die rolled. Determine Line of Sight from
the targeted model of the initial Attack.
A model that is hit by an attack with the Stun ability are Suppressed until the Maintenance Phase.
A model that is Suppressed may not make a Move other than Fleeing or an Attack Action until the Suppressed effect is
removed. A model can not make Free Strikes or counter-attack while it is Suppressed.
Knocked Down
A model that is Knocked Down may not make a Move or any Actions other than Shake It Off until the Knocked Down
effect is removed. In addition, the model is Defenseless. A model can not make Free Strikes or counter-attack while it
is Knocked Down. If a model is Suppressed when it is Knocked Down, it removes the Suppressed effect.
Immune to [Effect]
A model with the ability Immune to [Effect] is not affected by the effect listed in the brackets. For example, a model
with the ability Immune to [Freeze] would not be affected by the Freeze ability, and therefore could not be Chilled.
As the battle carries on, the stress of fighting and losing casualties takes its toll one units.
Each unit starts the battle with 0 Stress on it. A unit gains a point of Stress when any of the following happens:
When a model in the unit takes any damage.
When a model in the unit is killed and removed from the field.
When a friendly model within 6” of a model in the unit is killed and removed from the field.
The unit activates within 4” of an enemy model with the Terrifying special rule.
When a model is Charged by a model with the Terrifying special rule, the targeted model suffers -1 to each die in its
Defense Roll for the Melee Attack Action.
A unit in which all models have the Fearless special rule automatically pass any Morale Tests they are required to
make. If a model has Fearless is part of a unit with models that do not, they are affected by Morale Tests as normal,
being swept away by the rest of the unit panicking. In addition, a model with the Fearless rule does not suffer the -1
for being Charged by a Terrifying model, even if in a unit with models without Fearless.
Aegeos is a world filled with the ebb and flow of arcane winds. Some models have the ability to manipulate these
energies for their own use.
Arcana Mastery(X)
A model with the Arcana Mastery(X) special rule may choose X Spells when constructing your army. The Points cost
for the Spells are added to the cost of the model that chooses them.
A model with at least one Spell may make a Cast Action during its activation. Choose one Spell the model has and
make a Cast Roll by rolling 3D12, and add to each die the Arcana Mastery the model has. Compare each die to the
Difficulty of the Spell. For each die that rolls equal to or over the Difficulty, you generate a Success. A Cast Roll may
generate Critical Successes. Once all Successes are generated, compare how many were generated to the Cost of the
Spell. If the amount of Successes is equal to or greater than the Cost of the Spell, the Spell is successfully cast and you
may immediately resolve the Effect of the Spell.
Arcana Backlash
Arcana is powerful, but unpredictable and may sometimes backfire against the caster. If when making a Cast Roll, if 2
or more dice roll an unmodified '1', then the Spell causes Backlash. Immediately after the Spell is resolved, the
Casting model takes a Melee Attack Action with an AS of 7 and a POW of 0, ignoring Line of Sight, Range, Unaware, and
Backstabbing. A model may not Counter-attack against this Action. If 3 or more unmodified '1's were rolled, this
Melee Attack Action gains the Blast(2) special rule.
Unit Types
The standard and most basic Unit Type. Troopers follow all the normal rules as written.
Heavy weapons, usually placed in a fortification. A model that has the Artillery Unit Type does not have a MOV
characteristic, and such can never any Moves other than Pivot. If forced to Flee, the troops manning the artillery
piece have confidence that the fortifications of their gun will protect them. As such, a Fleeing Artillery model does not
move, instead it makes a Pass action until it makes a successful Rally.
Models that are mounted on some form of personal transport, mechanical or organic, in order to increase their
prowess and speed on the battlefield.
Trampling Charge
When a Cavalry model makes a Charge, the Melee Attack Action gains an additional die to the Attack Roll.
Hero is an additional Unit Type combined with other Types, such as Cavalry Hero or Trooper Hero. A model with the
Hero Unit Type may make an additional Action during its activation.
The most powerful and deadly creatures seen on Aegeos. A model with the Monster Unit Type may share another Unit
Type, such as a Monstrous Cavalry, may make an additional Action during its activation, and has access to the Sweep
Attack Action.
When a model makes a Sweep Attack Action, it must use both its Actions for the activation. The model makes a Melee
Attack Action against all models within Range and Line of Sight. These Attack Actions roll one less die on the Attack
Roll than normal, and targeted models may not Counter-attack.
After the field is set up, players determine Priority as if it was the Command Phase. The player that wins Priority
chooses a player to start deploying. The player deploying first chooses a table edge and draws out an area 10” from
the chosen board edge and outside of 8” of any other board edges. The next player chooses the opposite board edge
and marks out an area that matches. Starting with the first player, each player takes turns placing a unit in their
deployment area. Once all units are placed, the game begins.
For now, the objective of the game is to eliminate as many enemy units as you can by the end of 6 turns.
Pyrisian Empire Sample Army List
The following is a sample Pyrisian Empire army list to use during play-testing. The force composes of:
• 1 Caliph
• 1 Elementalist w/ the Fireball and Tremor Spells
• 1 Unit of Swordsmen
• 1 Unit of Archers
• 1 Unit of Militia
• 1 Unit of Ogre Guard
Unit Size: 1 Points: - Availability: -
6 6 6 1 3 6 2
Fireglass Sword
Critical: Fire
Special Rules:
Commanding Presence: Increase the range that models may use this model's NER by +3”.
Unit Size: 1 Points: - Availability: -
6 8 7 0 2 7 2
Fireglass Staff
Critical: Fire
Special Rules:
Arcana Mastery(2)
Attached: This model may be attached to any friendly Trooper unit.
Unit Size: 6 Points: - Availability: -
6 7 7 1 1 8 2
Special Rules:
Shield: This model gains +1 to each die in its Defense Rolls against Attacks that originate from within its Line of Sight.
Unit Size: 6 Points: - Availability: -
6 7 7 0 1 8 2
RNG: 8 POW: 0
Special Rules:
Unit Size: 6 Points: - Availability: -
6 8 7 0 1 8 2
Special Rules:
Teamwork: This model gains +1 to each die in its Attack Rolls when making a Combined Attack Action.
Ogre Guard
Unit Size: 3 Points: - Availability: -
6 7 7 1 3 8 3
Large Crossbow
RNG: 10 POW: 1
Slow to Fire: A model may only make an Attack Action with this weapon after making an Aim Move.
Special Rules:
Trained Fire: This model gains +1 to each die in its Attack Rolls when making a Combined Ranged Attack Action.
Dryadalis Imperium Sample Army List
The following is a sample Dryadalis Imperium army list to use during play-testing. The force composes of:
• 1 Blood Mage w/ the Heal and Blood Rage Spells
• 1 Goblin Shaman w/ the Fireball Spell
• 1 Unit of Elven Legionnaires
• 1 Unit of Goblin Slaves
• 1 Unit of Goblin Archers
• 1 Rhino Decurion
Blood Mage
Unit Size: 1 Points: - Availability: -
6 6 6 0 4 6 2
Ritual Knife
Blood Gift: This model may make a special Move. This model makes a melee Attack Action against either itself or a
friendly model with the Magically Infused rule. Whether successful or not, this model gains +1 to each die in its Cast
Actions until the Maintenance Phase.
Special Rules:
Arcana Mastery(2)
Attached: This model may be attached to any friendly Trooper unit without the Slave special rule.
Magically Infused: This model gains +1 to each die in its Defense Rolls against Magical Attack Rolls. This model may
only take Runes marked with 'Blood'.
Goblin Shaman
Unit Size: 1 Points: - Availability: -
6 8 8 0 2 8 2
Fetish Staff
Gruesome Death: If a model is killed by an Attack Action using this weapon, the model using it gains the Terrifying
special rule until the Maintenance Phase.
Special Rules:
Arcana Mastery(1)
Attached: This model may be attached to any friendly Trooper unit with the Slave special rule.
Slave: Only models with the Slave special rule may use this model's NER. This model gains +1 to each die in Morale
Test if within 6” of a model without the Slave special rule.
Elven Legionnaire
Unit Size: 4 Points: - Availability: -
6 5 5 1 1 6 2
Special Rules:
Magically Infused: This model gains +1 to each die in its Defense Rolls against Magical Attack Rolls. This model may
only take Runes marked with 'Blood'.
Goblin Slave
Unit Size: 6 Points: - Availability: -
6 8 7 0 1 8 2
Special Rules:
Slave: Only models with the Slave special rule may use this model's NER. This model gains +1 to each die in Morale
Test if within 6” of a model without the Slave special rule.
Goblin Archer
Unit Size: 6 Points: - Availability: -
6 8 7 0 1 8 2
RNG: 8 POW: 0
Unbalanced: This model gains -1 to Attack Rolls made with this weapon.
Special Rules:
Slave: Only models with the Slave special rule may use this model's NER. This model gains +1 to each die in Morale
Test if within 6” of a model without the Slave special rule.
Rhino Decurion
Unit Size: 1 Points: - Availability: -
6 5 7 2 5 5 4
RNG: 6 POW: 0
Circular: When making an Attack Action with this weapon, extend this model's Line of Sight to 360 degrees.
Impaling Horn
Momentum: This weapon can only be made as part of a Charge. This weapon can not be used to make a Sweep Action.
Special Rules:
Magically Infused: This model gains +1 to each die in its Defense Rolls against Magical Attack Rolls. This model may
only take Runes marked with 'Blood'.
Trample: This is a special Move that requires this model to sacrifice all Moves and Actions it can make this activation.
This model makes a Walk with twice its MOV. This Walk may cross over the base of any model with a Size less than
this model. This model must be able to end this Walk clear of any model bases. After the Walk is made, make a Melee
Attack Action using the Stomp weapon against every model whose base you crossed over. Those model may not make
Counter-attacks. This model is immune to Free Strikes during this Move.
For this play-test, models will use the following Spells. Spells have the following anatomy:
Difficulty: 6
Cost: 1
Immediately make a Magical Ranged Attack Action with the following weapon:
RNG: 8 POW: 1
Difficulty: How difficult it is to power the Spell when making a Cast Action.
Cost: How many Successes need to be generated in order to successful cast the Spell.
Difficulty: 7
Cost: 1
Immediately make a Magical Ranged Attack Action with the following weapon:
RNG: 8 POW: 1
Difficulty: 8
Cost: 2
Immediately make a Magical Ranged Attack Action with the following weapon:
RNG: 5 POW: 0
Quake: Instead of taking Damage from this weapon, and model is Knocked Down.
Difficulty: 9
Cost: 1
Choose a model within 8” of the model casting this Spell. Immediately restore 1 RES the model has lost earlier in the
Blood Rage
Difficulty: 9
Cost: 2
As an additional Cost to Cast this Spell, the casting model takes 1 point of Damage. Choose a unit within 8” of the
model casting this Spell. Until the Maintenance Phase, the unit may re-roll '1's when making a Melee Attack Action.