A Sequential Phase Energization Technique For Transformer Inrush Current Reduction-Part I Simulation and Experimental Results-2005
A Sequential Phase Energization Technique For Transformer Inrush Current Reduction-Part I Simulation and Experimental Results-2005
A Sequential Phase Energization Technique For Transformer Inrush Current Reduction-Part I Simulation and Experimental Results-2005
I. INTRODUCTION sistor could provide some damping to the currents. This is the
basis of the proposed idea. The idea is further improved by in-
Fig. 5. Flux pattern for the case of 3rd phase energization (R = 0).
Fig. 6. Comparison of the neutral resistor scheme with the series resistor.
Fig. 3. Magnitude of inrush current as affected by the neutral resistor. 3rd energization curve with the higher one of the 1st and the
2nd energization curves. For the results shown in Fig. 3, the op-
timal value is found to be about 3 . With this resistance value,
the reduction of inrush current is about 89% for the first phase
energization, 91% for the 2nd phase energization and 93% for
the 3rd phase energization respectively, in comparison with the
cases of zero neutral resistance. This is a significant reduction
on the inrush current. Fig. 6 shows the effectiveness of the pro-
posed scheme in comparison with the series resistor insertion
scheme. For the case of a 3- resistor, the proposed scheme is
Fig. 4. Current flow pattern for the case of second phase energization. essentially as effective as the series resistor scheme and is suf-
ficient for intended application. If one increases the size of the
explains why the scheme of simultaneous breaker closing does resistor, the series resistor scheme can reduce the inrush cur-
not work. However, the size of the neutral resistor can change rent further. The inrush current will increase with the proposed
the steady-state voltage that crosses the third breaker before it is scheme. This is because that the neutral resistor is no longer the
closed. When the neutral resistance is zero, the breaker voltage optimal one.
is zero. This can be understood from Fig. 5. In this figure, phases Note that the maximum inrush currents at are slightly
A and B have been energized, so the flux in the phase C core is different between the two schemes in Fig. 6. This is due to the
fact that a simultaneous closing of three breakers was simulated
for the series resistor scheme, while for the proposed scheme, it
The voltage induced on the phase C winding becomes is a sequential closing.
Fig. 7. Decay of peak inrush current with time. Fig. 9. Experimental transformer (30 kVA, 120/208 V).
Fig. 10. Typical current waveforms when the second phase is energized.
Fig. 11. Typical inrush current waveforms when 3rd phase is energized. Fig. 13. Magnitude of inrush current as affected by the neutral resistor (Y-Y
A. Transformer Model
The transformer model is a set of nonlinear differential
Fig. A2. Equivalent magnetic circuit of a three-phase three-limb transformer. equations as shown below. In these equations all secondary-coil
quantities have been referred to the primary side. N is the
number of turns of the primary side windings.
C. Model Verification
To verify the model, a test case shown in [10], which is a Yu Cui received the B.Eng. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
in 1995; the M.Sc. degree from Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese
10 kVA, 232 V, 3-phase 3-limb transformer with grounded Y/Y Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China in 2000; and the M.Sc. degree from Uni-
connection, is used. The inrush current waveforms computed versity of Saskatchewan (Canada) in 2003. He is currently working on his Ph.D.
by this project is shown as Fig. A5. The waveforms have a close degree at University of Alberta.
His research areas include power system stability and power quality.
agreement with the results shown in Fig. 9 of [10].
Due to the various factors described in Section IV, we could
not produce inrush current waveforms that can exactly match
the experimental results. However, there is an acceptable agree- Sami G. Abdulsalam (S’03) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical
ment for the general shape of the waveforms and their decaying engineering from Elmansoura University, Egypt in 1997 and 2001, respectively.
trends. Furthermore, the validity of the model is confirmed by Since 2001 he has been with Enppi Engineering Company, Cairo, Egypt. He is
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at
the close similarity of inrush current versus curves. the University of Alberta.
His current research interests are in modeling and simulation of power system
The authors wish to thank C. Muskens of ATCO Electric and
T. Martinich of BC Hydro for the suggestions and comments
during the course of this project. The help of A. Terheide, a tech- Shiuming Chen (M’02–SM’02) received the B.Sc. degree in 1990 and M.Sc.
nician at the University of Alberta power lab, on experimental degree in 1993 in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University, and the Ph.D.
degree in 1997 from Tsinghua University, Beijing, P R China.
investigations is fully acknowledged. He is currently an Associate Professor of the Tsinghua University and is
working at the University of Alberta as a post-doctoral fellow. His research in-
terests are over-voltage protection in power systems and electromagnetic com-
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