Unit 17 Computer Aided Manufacture Cam

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2016 Suite


Unit 17
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Guided learning hours: 60
VERSION 4 -June 2017 black line indicates updated content




Guided learning hours: 60

Essential resources required for this unit: CNC programming software, CNC
controlled machine, rapid prototyping programming and manufacturing equipment (additive

This unit is internally assessed and externally moderated by OCR.

Many companies which make products are reliant on computer systems to run the manufacturing
processes involved. This is known as Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM).

The aim of this unit is for learners to understand how CAM systems are used within manufacturing
and be able to program and use Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines to produce

They will also learn to produce components using additive manufacturing techniques.

© OCR 2017 Unit 17: Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

The teaching content in every unit states what has to be taught to ensure that learners are able to
access the highest grades.

Anything which follows an i.e. details what must be taught as part of that area of content. Anything
which follows an e.g. is illustrative, it should be noted that where e.g. is used, learners must know
and be able to apply relevant examples in their work, athough these do not need to be the same
ones specified in the unit content.

For internally assessed units you need to ensure that any assignments you create, or any
modifications you make to an assignment, do not expect the learner to do more than they have
been taught, but must enable them to access the full range of grades as described in the grading

Please note – if learners are completing this unit as part of the Extended Diploma qualification
they will be required to complete the synoptic unit 25: Promoting continuous improvement. Before
your learners complete the assessment of this unit, you must refer to the specification and model
assignment requirements for unit 25, so if applicable you can ensure learners gather the
appropriate feedback on their own performance and performance of the system, process or
artefact that they may have produced in this unit.

Learning outcomes Teaching content

The Learner will: Learners must be taught:

1. Understand how 1.1 use of computers in additive and subtractive manufacturing

computers are processes
used in 1.2 CNC setting, operating, programming, i.e.
manufacturing • machine structures e.g.
systems o 3, 4, 5 axis
o milling
o turning
o machining centres
o welding fabrication machines
1.3 automation in manufacturing i.e.
• robotics
• systems and control e.g.
o electrical
o hydraulic
o pneumatic
o PLC programming
1.4 computer aided planning, i.e.
• resource management
• production planning
• data and database management e.g.
o automated ordering systems
o production and supplier management
1.5 advantages of using computers in manufacturing (e.g. repeatability,
quality, reliability, reduced time, unit cost, responsiveness)

© OCR 2017 Unit 17: Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

Learning outcomes Teaching content

The Learner will: Learners must be taught:

2. Be able to produce 2.1 manual CNC programming, i.e.

CNC programs for • part programming, i.e.
the manufacture of o CNC coding, i.e.
components o G codes
o co-ordinates i.e.
- X, Y, Z coordinates
- absolute
- incremental
o tooling – positions, directions, types and selection
o speed and feed rates
o tool changing/qualified tooling
o how to transfer and load files
o how to perform on-screen simulation
o adjustment of machine settings through the manipulation of
manual programming techniques and program code
o dry runs, setting and first off checks
o mathematical calculation e.g.
- use of cutter speed and feed rate equations
- trigonometry and trigonometric ratios
2.2 use of CAM software, i.e.
• how to use 3D CAD geometry in a CAD system (e.g. solidworks,
inventor, solidedge)
• how to export and import data in appropriate formats (e.g. IGES,
• analysis using CAM software (e.g. positioning, machining
operations, tooling selection and tool changing, simulate cutting
paths, review and improve)
2.3 production and manufacture of parts, i.e.
• production planning
• download files to machine
• set tooling
• load program
• start cycle and run program

3. Be able to set-up 3.1 machine set-up i.e.

and operate a • datums
CNC machine to • jigs, fixtures, clamps
produce • setting tooling e.g.
o drills
o tooling inserts
o reamers
3.2 machine operations i.e.
• roughing and finishing operations
• tool changing
• operations list e.g.
o irregular geometry
o pockets

© OCR 2017 Unit 17: Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

Learning outcomes Teaching content

The Learner will: Learners must be taught:

3.3 machining of components i.e.

• cycle time, canned cycle, macros
• coolant flow
• inspection, i.e.
o measurement
o check against specification
o adjust program based on observations

4. Be able to produce 4.1 rapid prototyping

components using 4.2 3D printing using additive manufacturing techniques, i.e.
additive • Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
manufacturing • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
techniques • Stereolithography (SLA)
• Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication (EBF)
4.3 parts for one-off prototyping functions (e.g. fit, form, function,
aesthetic, validation)
4.4 how additive manufacturing techniques are used, i.e.
• for the production of final components (e.g. aerospace,
automotive or motorsport applications)
• in advanced applications (e.g. injection mould tool inserts,
soluble cores for composite manufacture, advanced geometry
4.5 production of 3D components using additive manufacturing
4.6 production of 3D CAD data and conversion to STL file format

© OCR 2017 Unit 17: Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

LO Pass Merit Distinction
The assessment criteria are the Pass To achieve a Merit the evidence must To achieve a Distinction the evidence
requirements for this unit. show that, in addition to the Pass must show that, in addition to the pass
criteria, the candidate is able to: and merit criteria, the candidate is able
P1: M1:
1. Understand how
Explain how computers are used in Analyse the advantages of using
computers are used in
manufacturing systems. computers in manufacturing.
manufacturing systems

P2: M2: D1:

2. Be able to produce CNC
Plan the production of a CNC Produce a CNC part program using Analyse the advantages of the use of
programs for the
machined component. CAD/CAM software. CAD/CAM software rather than manual
manufacture of
programming techniques for a CNC
P3: machined component.
Produce a CNC part program utilising
manual programming techniques.

Use mathematical calculations to
produce accurate part programs for
use within a CNC machine.

*Synoptic assessment Unit 1

Mathematics for engineering

© OCR 2017 Unit 17: Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

LO Pass Merit Distinction
P5: M3: D2:
3. Be able to set-up and
Set-up and operate a CNC machine to Prove the accuracy of a machining Evaluate the effectiveness of the
operate a CNC machine to
produce components. process by checking a final result Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
produce components
against specification. process used and make
recommendations for possible

P6: D3
4. Be able to produce
Explain different additive Assess how additive manufacturing
components using additive
manufacturing techniques used in 3D techniques are used for the production
manufacturing techniques
printing. of final components and in advanced
P7: M4:
Produce a 3D component using Produce 3D CAD data for the
additive manufacturing techniques. component in STL file format.

© OCR 2017 Unit 17: Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

When learners are taking an assessment task, or series of tasks, for this unit they will have opportunities to draw on relevant, appropriate knowledge,
understanding and skills that they will have developed through other units. We’ve identified those opportunities in the grading criteria. Learners should be
encouraged to consider for themselves which skills/knowledge/understanding are most relevant to apply where we have placed an asterisk.

LO1: Understand how computers are used in manufacturing systems
Learners should be able to explain and analyse the use of computers in manufacturing systems.

LO2: Be able to produce CNC programs for the manufacture of components

Learners should be able to produce CNC programs for the manufacture of components. They will require access to suitable software, which might include
CNC programming and simulation tools. P4 provides an opportunity to for the synoptic application of mathematical knowledge learnt in Unit 1. Teachers
might present learners with details of a range of suitable components for which CNC programs can be developed.

LO3: Be able to set-up and operate a CNC machine to produce components

Learners should set-up and operate a CNC machine in order to produce components. Manufactured components might be those for which programs were
created in LO2. Access to suitable CNC machinery will be required, although preliminary test production might be undertaken through simulation prior to
physical manufacture. Teachers might provide learners with details of suitable components to produce using CNC programs, and through CNC
manufacture. Teachers might alternatively be able to access suitable CNC manufacturing equipment external to the centre (e.g. with an employer, local
college or university).

LO4: Be able to produce components using additive manufacturing techniques

Learners should produce components using additive manufacturing techniques (rapid prototyping). Access to suitable additive manufacturing equipment
will be required, and also to suitable programming software. Teachers might also be able to access suitable additive manufacturing equipment external to
the centre (e.g. with an employer, local college or university).

Feedback to learners: you can discuss work-in-progress towards summative assessment with learners to make sure it’s being done in a planned and timely
manner. It also provides an opportunity for you to check the authenticity of the work. You must intervene if you feel there’s a health and safety risk.

Learners should use their own words when producing evidence of their knowledge and understanding. When learners use their own words it reduces the
possibility of learners’ work being identified as plagiarised. If a learner does use someone else’s words and ideas in their work, they must acknowledge it,
and this is done through referencing. Just quoting and referencing someone else’s work will not show that the learner knows or understands it. It has to be
clear in the work how the learner is using the material they have referenced to inform their thoughts, ideas or conclusions.

For more information about internal assessment, including feedback, authentication and plagiarism, see the centre handbook. Information about how to
reference is in the OCR Guide to Referencing available on our website: http://www.ocr.org.uk/i-want-to/skills-guides/.

© OCR 2017 Unit 17: Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

MEANINGFUL EMPLOYER INVOLVEMENT - a requirement for the Foundation Diploma, Diploma and Extended
Diploma (tech level) qualifications
The ‘Diploma’ qualifications have been designed to be recognised as Tech Levels in performance tables in England. It is a requirement of these
qualifications for centres to secure for every learner employer involvement through delivery and/or assessment of these qualifications.

The minimum amount of employer involvement must relate to at least one or more of the elements of the mandatory content (this unit is a mandatory unit in
the Manufacturing pathway).

Eligible activities and suggestions/ideas that may help you in securing meaningful employer involvement for this unit are given in the table below.

Please refer to the Qualification Handbook for further information including a list of activities that are not considered to meet this requirement.

Meaningful employer engagement Suggestion/ideas for centres when delivering this unit
1. Learners undertake structured work-experience or work- • Learners undertake work placements in engineering or
placements that develop skills and knowledge relevant to manufacturing businesses where Computer Aided
the qualification. Manufacturing (CAM) tools, machines and techniques are
used. Learners should get the opportunity to gain
practical exposure to how CAM systems are utilised in
line with industrial practice.
• Employers host in-centre or industrially placed master
classes showcasing use of tools, techniques and
practices, supported with examples of components or
products produced using Computer Aided Manufacturing
(CAM) techniques.

2. Learners undertake project(s), exercises(s) and/or • Employers give centres engineering drawings of
assessments/examination(s) set with input from industry components that learners have to produce using
practitioner(s). Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) techniques.
• Employers provide programs for learners to use that allow
learners to focus on the setup and operation of the
machinery and produce industrial specification, employer
supplied components.
• Industrial practitioners launch learning activities that are
current live projects.

© OCR 2017 Unit 17: Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

Meaningful employer engagement Suggestion/ideas for centres when delivering this unit
3. Learners take one or more units delivered or co-delivered by • Ensure employer input through master classes where
an industry practitioner(s). This could take the form of employers showcase best practice methodologies in the
master classes or guest lectures. use of CAM tools, software and machinery.
• Employers deliver lectures, talks or seminars that explain
how they utilise CAM within their business.
• Employers deliver sessions that showcase the link across
skills and units. This may include the link between
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) units and
Computer Aided Design (CAD) or the application of
mathematical tools such as trigonometry to produce
programs or set up manufacturing operations.

4. Industry practitioners operating as ‘expert witnesses’ that • Employers set industrial level tasks that learners have to
contribute to the assessment of a learner’s work or practice, develop. This may be an engineering drawing of a
operating within a specified assessment framework. This component that the learners have to machine using CAM
may be a specific project(s), exercise(s) or examination(s), tools or a 3D model of a file that forms the basis of a
or all assessments for a qualification. CAD/CAM component production exercise.

© OCR 2017 Unit 17: Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

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