Topic: Haram or Halal? The Islamists Use of Suicide As Jihad
Topic: Haram or Halal? The Islamists Use of Suicide As Jihad
Topic: Haram or Halal? The Islamists Use of Suicide As Jihad
Good morning. I'd first like to thank AS MEA for this enlightening forum
and the opportunity to present some of my research on the increasing
reliance of lslamists -also identified in my paper as AI Qaeda and Other
lslamist Movements-on the use of suicide (Arabic: intihar/ Farsi: Khud
Kushee) attacks as a legitimate tool of "jihad." Secondly, thank you for
attending our panel so early on a Saturday morning.
You shall spend in the cause of GOD; do not throw yourselves with
your own hands into destruction... (Quran Sura AI-Baqara-2:195)
Shaykh Yusuf ibn Salih AI-Uyayri in his book on the subject (The
Islamic Ruling on the Permissibility of Self Sacrificial Operations: Suicide or
Martyrdom?) acknowledges that a person committing suicide due to
personal reasons is bound for hell-fire. He, however, goes to great lengths
to argue that suicide as "self sacrifice" due to iman (faith) , and sincerity in
the cause of Allah, are not haram and, thus, must be encouraged . In his
work, Uyayri makes the "ends justify the means" case, arguing that the
"majority" of scholars permit such "self sacrifice" if these missions attain the
following: a) intention (pure); b) inflict losses on enemy; c) successfully
terrorizes them and 4) raises Muslim morale.
To bolster his weak case --in that he apparently could not find/cite
historical. examples of "self sacrifice" i.e. suicide attacks, Uyayri appears to
confuse acts of suicidal bravery (that did not involve self inflicted death) as
somehow being congruent with contemporary lslamist suicide tactics (that
often involve large scale casualties of mostly Muslim and non-Muslim
civilians). Furthermore, Uyayri grasping at straws, cites from the Quran's
Sura Tawbah (repentance) as proof that Allah has extolled those who
sacrifice themselves:
Verily, Allah has purchased from the believers, their lives and their
wealth in return for Paradise being theirs. (Sura Tawbah: 9:111)
The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheik Abdul Aziz ai-Sheikh , has
sharply disagreed with advocates of suicide attacks to include Uyayri's
thesis. He declared it is "strictly forbidden in Islam" and that "the one who
blows himself up in the midst of the enemies is also performing an act
contrary to Islamic teachings." According to him, "suicide bombers should
be buried without Islamic ritual, and away from other Muslims."
The opposite view is taken by the now Oatar based Sheik Youssef ai-
Qaradawi, an Egyptian clergyman who is considered a respected figure by
many Sunni Muslims as fellow AS MEA presenter, Dr Joseph Spoerl also
highlighted yesterday when he informed us about the favorable perceptions
of his Pakistani-American students on Qaradawi's religious views a11d
fatwas. While condemning the attacks in the United States, he said rulings
against suicide bombings were issued by "people who are alien to Shariah
(Islamic laws) and religion."
Supporting Qaradawi on the use of suicide attacks, Sheikh lkrema
Sabri, Jerusalem's former top Muslim cleric and an appointee of Palestinian
leader Vasser Arafat, said: "Suicide bombings in Israel yes, elsewhere no:
"The issue is decided,'" Sabri has said in an interview. "Muslims believe in
the Day of Judgment and that dying as a martyr has its reward - going to
heaven - and that a martyr is alive in the eyes of God." Sabri skirts the
ethical dimensions/questions of conducting suicide attacks on anyone, acts
that were considered morally repugnant in both the Quran and Hadith. ln
fact, Sabri supported Qaradawi's selective application of morality/ethics vis-
a-vis the question of leveraging suicide as a weapon, which they defined as
an act of "martyrdom .. .if it targeted Israelis." Thus, for respected Sunni
Muslim figures like Qaradawi and Sabri, suicide as a tactic of jihad is
situationally dependent (emphasis added) .
When the Grand Mufti Sabri was removed from office for constantly
meddling in political affairs by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud
Abbas in July of 2006,. his replacement Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad
Hussein, seen as a political moderate by PA, did not waste time in
declaring in a media interview in October of 2006 that suicide bombings are
a legitimate (halal) weapon. "Asked to express his view with regard to
suicide bombing , the new Grand Mufti answered: "It is legitimate, of course,
as long as it plays a role in the resistance." In short, the views of Sabri on
the use of suicide against Israeli targets are now shared by the current
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
Given both the nature and the frequency of these terrorist attacks, that
heavily depend on suicide bombings and primarily target civilian sites, it is
noteworthy that the vocal condemnation has not been louder in the Muslim
world ; worse, there are Muslim religious scholars who have even justified,
through the process of ijtihad (independent reasoning), that such terrorist
acts against civilians (Muslim and non-Muslim alike) are not prohibited in
Furthermore, there are hadith with strong isnad chains that discuss
treatment of women and children in war:
It is narrated on the authority of Abdullah that a woman found killed in
one of the battles fought by the Messenger of Allah (may peace be
upon him). He disapproved of the killing of women and children.
(Sahih Muslim# 4319) .
It is narrated by Ibn Umar that a woman was found killed in one of
these battles; so the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)
forbade the killing of women and children. (Sahih Muslim #4320).
Thank you.