English GrE

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English Grammar

Chapter 1 ( Common and proper noun)

Look at the scene at a beach. Then complete the following sentences using naming words from the
strip below.

Water scooter Children Birds Boy

Trees Dog Shells Bail

This is a beach. There are tall coconut ____________________ on it. ____________________ are

flying in the sky. Three ____________________ are playing on the beach with a ______________.

Their ______________ is also playing with them. There are some ________________ on the sand.

A __________________ is riding a ___________________________.

C. The nouns in each row given below belong to a particular family. Write the name of the family.
Choose from the given family names.
animal clothes fruit vegetable furniture

1. apple orange mango watermelon _____________________

2. tomato onion beans carrot _____________________

3. rabbit tiger elephant cat _____________________

4. table chair bed sofa _____________________

5. t-shirt shorts trousers skirt _____________________

A. Underline the common nouns in these sentences. Write them at the correct places in the picture.

1. The park is full of flowers.

2. Two rabbits are playing on the grass.

3. A monkey is sitting on a tree.

4. There is a beehive on the tree.

5. The bees are flying around the beehive.

6. A boy is eating an ice cream.

D. Underline the proper nouns in these sentences.

1. My mother’s name is Anju Chopra.

2. I live in Mumbai.

3. Mrs Madhu Jha is my class teacher.

4. I study in Starex International Schhol.

5. I have a pet dog called Tipsy.

B. Look at the picture. Then fill in the blanks with common nouns.

1. Sahiba is reading a ____________________.

2. Karan is playing the ___________________.

3. The juggler is juggling the __________________.

4. The squirrel is eating ____________________.

5. ________________________ is an interesting game.

E. Now write about yourself.

1. My name is __________________________________________.

2. My mother’s name is ___________________________________________________________.

3. My father’s name is _____________________________________________________________.

4. I live in _______________________________________________________________________.

5. The name of my school is _________________________________________________________


6. The name of my class teacher is ___________________________________________________ .

F. Underline the proper nouns and circle the common nouns in the given sentences.

1. Berlin is a beautiful city.

2. India won the cricket match against Australia.

3. Shelley’s mother picked her up from school.

4. Sumaiya loves to eat oranges.

5. Rohit and Mohit are going to the park.

6. Monday is the first day of the week.

7. Ravi loves chocolate.

8. Mr Shetty is a doctor.

G. The grid given below contains the names of eight thing we find in a classroom. Find and circle


H. Colour the boxes have proper nouns.

ball Santa Claus kitchen Africa Diwali

Clock park Ganga teacher Neera

Patna desk grass England mother

foot Jai Rashmi palace Batman

Chapter 2 ( Nouns: One and Many)

A. Given below are some singular nouns. Add -s to make them pleural.

1. bee _______________ 5. ball _______________

2. frog _______________ 6. apple _______________

3. duck _______________ 7. desk _______________

4. chick _______________ 8. bed _______________

B. Change the following singular nouns into pleural nouns.

1. brush _______________ 4. bus _______________

2. church _______________ 5. tomato _______________

3. glass _______________ 6. dish _______________

C. Write the pleural forms of these nouns.

1. thief _______________ 4. wolf _______________

2. calf _______________ 5. wife _______________

3. loaf _______________ 6. elf _______________

D. Write the pleural forms of these nouns.

1. lady _______________ 4. cherry _______________

2. baby _______________ 5. city _______________

3. story _______________ 6. army _______________

F. Fill in the blanks using correct form of the nouns given in the brackets.

1. There are two _________________ in our town. (factory / factories)

2. Meera lost a _________________ yesterday. (notebook / notebooks)

3. Kunal got many _________________ on his birthday. (present / presents)

4. There were some _________________ swimming in the pond. (geese / goose)

5. The children liked only one _________________ . (story / stories)

A. Write nouns of opposite gender in the blanks.

1. He _________________ Grandmother

2. Niece _________________ Husband

3. Gentleman _________________ Lady

4. Grandfather _________________ Nephew

5. Queen _________________ Landlord

6. Daughter _________________ Brother

7. Landlady _________________ Prince

8. Sister _________________ Shelley’s

9. Princess _________________ King

10. Wife _________________ Son

11. Woman _________________ Man

E. Match the singular nouns in column A with their plurals in column B by drawing lines.
Column A Column B

1. Mouse a. Children

2. woman b. Oxen

3. Tooth c. Postmen

4. Ox d. Teeth

5. Goose e. Women

6. Postman f. Mice

7. Child g. Geese
Chapter 3 (Nouns: Male and Female)
B. Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined nouns with nouns of opposite gender.
1. His brother loves cycling.

2. The manager wants to meet your husband.

3. The king loved his daughter .

4. Her father is a teacher.

5. That boy is my nephew.

6. The prince has a horse.

C. Match the nouns in column A with correct nouns of opposite gender in column B.
Column A Column B

1. Dog a. Goose

2. Gander b. Peahen

3. Bull c. Bitch

4. Peacock d. Bitch

5. Billy Goat e. Cow

6. Deer f. Tigress

7. Tiger g. Duck

8. Drake h. Nanny Goat

Chapter 4: Pronouns

A. Match the nouns in column A with correct pronouns in column B.

Column A Column B
1. Rahul a. It

2. Avinash and Nikhil b. She

3. my sister, mother and I c. They

4. Priya d. We

5. a dog e. He


B. Underline the pronouns in the following sentences.

1. He gave me the books.

2. I gave him a pair of shoes.

3. She put on a new frock.

4. Please give them money for the entry ticket.

5. We went to meet Rajat’s grandmother.

C. Look at the words in bold in each sentence in column A. Choose the best pronoun to take their
place in column B.

Column A Column B
1. Our dog Tipsy was sleeping. a. ________ was sleeping.

2. My mother sent us outside. b. ________ sent us outside.

3. My brother was playing with a ball. c. ________ was playing with a ball.

4. The ball was big. d. ________ was big.

5. My brother threw the ball. e. ________ threw the ball.

6. My sister caught the ball. f. ________ caught ________.

D. Choose the correct pronouns from the brackets to fill in the blanks.

1. The teacher called me. _______ went to her immediately. (I/You/She)

2. Selina wants to play football. _______ loves the game. (He/She/I)

3. Radha will not go to school. _______ is not well. (He/She/They)

4. The dog was happy when we played with _______. (It/she/he)

5. Mrs Naidu said to Mohan, ‘Mohan, _______ are a good boy!’. (we/you/they)
E. Write the correct pronouns in the blanks to replace the underlined nouns.

1. Rahul and Ankur like to play volleyball.

_______ like to play volleyball.

2. Monica stood first in her class.

_______ stood first in her class.

3. The dog wags its tell when the dog is happy.

The dog wags its tail when _______ is happy.

4. Nitin came but Supriya could not.

_______ came but _______ could not.

5. Diksha and I study in the same school.

_______ study in the same school

F. Circle the incorrect pronouns in the following sentences and write the correct pronouns in the
space given.

1. Leela is not well. He will not go to school. _______

2. Rohit went to the market. She went with his mother. _______

3. Tommy is my pet dog. They are black. _______

4. My sister goes to college. It is a good student. _______

5. Rahul and Nitin called me. He will not come to the party. _______
Chapter 5: Adjectives

The words that describe nouns are called describing words or adjectives.

A. Fill in the blanks using suitable adjectives.

Fresh Hungry Pretty Hot Strong

1. The _________________________ cat drank all the milk.

2. _________________________ fruits are good for us.

3. Rajat likes _________________________ milk.

4. Only a strong _________________________ person can lift heavy things.

5. Leena is wearing a _________________________ dress.


B. Rewrite the following sentences using the adjectives given in the brackets at suitable places.

1. I have a ball. (Red)

2. Mother has a knife. (sharp)

3. These are apples. (sweet)

4. The boy drank all the water. (thirsty)

C. Fill in the blanks by choosing suitable adjectives from those given in brackets.

1. The packet is very ______________________ . (heavy/young)

2. Delhi is a ______________________ city. (round/big)

3. Respecting elders is a ______________________ habit. (good/bad)

4. The giraffe has a ______________________ neck. Long/short)

5. When it rains, the roads get ______________________. (dry/muddy)

6. In winter, we like to have ______________________ drinks. (hot/cold)


D. Rewrite the sentences using opposites of the underlined adjectives.

1. The table is dirty.

2. Rohan wore new cloths.


3. The man wearing a blue shirt is rich.


4. Shilpa has long black hair.


5. The red box is empty.


D. Write one word for the following phrases. Choose the answer from the strip below.

Courageous Greedy Sandy

Expensive Well mannered Creamy

1. Something that costs a lot ___________________________

2. Someone who shows a lot of courage ___________________________

3. A cake full of cream ___________________________

4. A person full of greed ___________________________

5. A beach full of sand ___________________________

6. Someone who has good manners ___________________________

F. Complete the adjectives. All of the words end in -y.

1. Opposite of light h __ __ __ y

2. not clean d __ __ __ y

3. not difficult e __ __ y

4. a large number m __ __ y

5. very small t __ __ y

6. not wet d __ y

7. not beautiful u __ __ y

8. nice to look at p __ __ __ __ y

G. Write the opposites of the following words. Choose the answers from the words given in the
Sad thin short small
bottom young gentle

1. fierce ________________________

2. old ________________________

3. thick ________________________

4. top ________________________

5. happy ________________________

6. long ________________________

7. big ________________________


H. Given below are some adjectives which make pairs with other adjectives to name colours. Select
words from the box and write in the blanks to make these pairs.
Green white yellow
grey red brown

1. leafy ________________________

2. lemon ________________________

3. milky ________________________

4. chocolate ________________________

5. ash ________________________

I. Some animals are described below. Read the clues and write the names of the animals in the
blank spaces. Also circle the adjectives in the sentences.

1. It is a pet animal. It is very faithful and wags its tail when it is happy. It is a ________________ .

2. It is a fierce animal. It is strong and is called the king of the jungle. It has thick golden hairs on its

head. It Is a ________________________ .

3. It is a big beautiful bird. It has a crown on its head. It comes out in the rain. It is a ___________ .

4. It is a naughty animal. It jumps on the trees. It copies human beings. It is a _________________ .

5. It ia huge animal. Iy has a long nose and big ears. It loves bananas and sugar cane. It is an

Chapter 6 : Comparison

A. Complete the sentences with suitable adjectives.

Smaller Shorter Longer Older

1. The man is ________________________ than the boy.

2. A chair is ________________________ smaller then a bed.

3. Yamini is ________________________ than her brother.

4. A rabbit has ________________________ ears than a cat.


B. Choose suitable adjectives from the ones given and complete the following sentences.

Deepest Longest Coldest Cleverest Shortest Fastest

1. Yesterday was the ________________________ day of this winter.

2. Don’t swim in the ________________________ part of the pool.

3. The ________________________ boy will win the quiz.

4. The ________________________ girl won the race.

5. Pick up the ________________________ pencil from the bunch.

6. I took the ________________________ jump.


C. Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with correct adjectives from those given in the brackets.

1. The ____________________ pencil has

stripes on it. (longer/longest)

2. A table is _____________________ than a

wardrobe. (smaller/smallest)
3. A horse is _________________ than a
donkey. (faster/fastest)

4. The trophies on the ____________________

shelf are mine. (lowest/low)

5. A car is ________________ than a bus.


D. Complete the table.

Adjectives -er -est

1. Near _____________________ ______________________

2. __________________________ Finer ______________________

3. __________________________ ______________________ Brightest

4. Close ______________________ ______________________

5. ___________________________ Neater ______________________

6. ___________________________ ______________________ slowest

Chapter 7: A new Friend

A. Write whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Sanjana and Rohit were sleeping when the doorbell rang. _____________________

2. The children ran to the bedroom. _____________________

3. A family friend had come to see them. _____________________

4. Their mother didn’t allow the visitor to come in. _____________________

5. The visitor gave books to both the children. _____________________

6. The visitor had a friendly smile. _____________________

B. Tick (✓) the correct option.

1. Rohit climbed onto a (chair / table) to peep through the magic eye.

2. The children hid behind their (father / mother).

3. The mother (greeted / scolded) the man and called him inside.

4. The visitor was (Mr Abraham / Mr Aggarwal).

5. In the end, the children became (friendly / unfriendly) with the man.

C. Underline the common nouns in these sentences.

1. The carrots are in the refrigerator.

2. I want to visit many countries.

3. The park is neat and clean.

4. I want to go to a restaurant.

5. There are many cockroaches in the room.

6. My mother is a doctor.

7. Aarohi does not like chips.

8. My sister likes ice cream.

9. My favourite flower is rose.

10. Our teacher gives us a lot of homework.

D. Circle the proper nouns in these sentences.

1. Minny goes for her swimming classes every day.

2. Nitin packed his clothes in a bag.

3. Kartika named her pet dog Tommy.

4. Divya is a painter.

5. Anjali going to the party.

6. Shruti will attend a meeting in Nepal.

7. Shreya will meet her grandparents on Friday.

8. My birthday is in January.

9. Sheetal has many bags.

10. Mu cousins live in Mumbai.

E. Pleural forms of the nouns given below.

1. Girl ----------------------------------------- 2. Candle -----------------------------------------

3. Mouse ----------------------------------------- 4. Frog -----------------------------------------

5. Flower ----------------------------------------- 6. Fish -----------------------------------------

7. Fox ----------------------------------------- 8. Glass -----------------------------------------

9. Bee ----------------------------------------- 10. Bag -----------------------------------------

F. Fill in the blanks with the pleural forms of the nouns given in brackets.

1. There are many ----------------------------------------- (tree) in the park.

2. She has so many ----------------------------------------- (friend).

3. My father has two ----------------------------------------- (car).

4. Mona is playing with her ----------------------------------------- (toy).

5. The ----------------------------------------- (teacher) are in the staffroom.

6. I saw many ----------------------------------------- (elephant) at the zoo.

7. The ----------------------------------------- (baby) are playing.

8. The ----------------------------------------- (baby) are playing.

9. There are a lot of ----------------------------------------- (toffee) in the jar.

10. Some ----------------------------------------- (bird) were pecking at the corn.

G. The jumbled words given below are the pleural forms of some nouns. Write the words correctly
and also write their singular forms.

Jumbled Words Pleural Singular

1. esmoni -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

2. atsm -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

3. epostota -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

4. gaems -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

5. theet -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

6. lows -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

7. nem -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

8. osbat -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

H. Match the nouns in column A with nouns of opposite gender in column B.

Column A Column B
a. Nun
1. Lion
b. Bridegroom
2. Emperor
c. Niece
3. Bull
d. Lady
4. Headmaster
E. Daughter
5. Waiter
f. Lioness
6. Monk
g. Empress
7. Son
h. Headmistress
8. Gentleman
i. Cow
9. Bride
j. Waitress
10. Nephew

I. Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined nouns with the nouns of opposite gender.

1. My aunt is a teacher.

2. The prince is sitting under a tree.


3. My husband helped and old woman.


4. That boy is my brother.


J. Circle the pronouns in the following sentences.

1. They play with a toy train.

2. Will you lend me a pencil?

3. Can we go to the market?

4. You have to finish the homework.

5. He cleans the house.

6. Will you give it to her?

7. It is lying under the bed.

8. Minty knows them well.

9. They went to the mall yesterday.

10. I am reading a book.

K. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

1. Mohan is a good boy. _________________ washes his hands before eating.

2. Akhil plays football. _________________ also plays cricket.

3. This is very nice book. _________________ has sixteen stories.

4. Ram has toothache. _________________ cannot eat chocolates.

5. Miss Meena is my favourite teacher. _________________ teaches well.

6. This is Geeta’s bag. Give _________________ it to _________________ .

7. Anupa and I go to school together. _________________ are studying in same class.

8. Alia and Varun are my friends. _________________ are coming to mu birthday party.
L. Match the adjectives given in column A with their opposite adjectives in column B.

Column A Column B
a. night
1. Dry
b. low
2. old
c. wrong
3. day
d. bad
4. ugly
e. beautiful
5. big
f. new
6. right
g. small
7. hot
h. cold
8. good
i. wet
9. high

M. Fill in the blanks by choosing suitable adjectives from those given in brackets.

1. This is very _________________ building. (hot / tall)

2. Mangoes are _________________ . (tasty / cruel)

3. The music is very _________________ . (small / loud)

4. Jack saw _________________ flowers in the park. (colourful / high)

5. I have a _________________ ball. (red / fat)

6. Sara has _________________ hair. (long / young)

7. Rosy likes to drink _________________ tea. (hot / huge)

8. He writes _________________ stories. (nice / smelly)

9. Lalit saw _________________ ants in the garden. (tiny / slim)

10. My neighbour has a _________________ pet dog. (cute / juicy)

N. Match the names of the food items in column A to the words that describe their tastes in
column B.

Column A Column B
a. sour
1. honey
b. sweet
2. lemon
c. bitter
3. potato chips
d. salty
4. bitter-gourd
e. hot.
5. green chilli

O. Write the names of the colours that are generally used to describe these things.

1. Mango _________________

2. Strawberry _________________

3. Paper _________________

4. Sky _________________

5. Orange _________________

6. Grass _________________

7. Apple _________________
P. Rewrite the following sentences using the adjectives given in brackets at suitable places.

1. I have a ring. (shiny)


2. Shilpy tasted the icecream. (sweet)


3. Shekhar made a pudding. (delicious)


4. The peacock has feathers. (colourful)


5. Sita wears shoes. (black)

6. There were trees in the forest. (tall)


7. Radhika is a girl. (brave)


8. There is a butterfly in the park/ (yellow)


9. Susan made a cake. (fluffy)


10. Mohit washed his face with water. (cold)


11. Lily is a girl. (nice)


12. Minisha wore her frock. (new)


Q. Write the comparative forms of these adjectives.

1. Big ______________________

2. young ______________________

3. deep ______________________

4. hot ______________________

5. tall ______________________

6. weak ______________________

7. large ______________________

8. old ______________________

9. dark ______________________

10. happy ______________________

11. cold ______________________

R. Complete the sentences with Suitable adjectives from those given in brackets.

1. Ram’s bag is ______________________ than Shyam’s. (heavier / heavy)

2. Mumbai is the ______________________ city in India. (large / largest)

3. Minky’s room is the ______________________ in the whole house. (dirty / dirtiest)

4. Shimla is ______________________ than Delhi. (colder / coldest)

5. Arpita’s hair is ______________________ than shams’s. (longest / longer)

6. My grandfather is the ______________________ in our family. (oldest / older)

7. Mohan is the ______________________ boy in the class. (smart / smartest)

8. A cat is ______________________ than an ant. (bigger / biggest)

9. My mother is the ______________________ baker in the city. (best / good)

10. Trains are ______________________ than cars. (faster / fast)

S. Fill in the blanks using the nouns given below.

Red fort Mouse Grapes Park Dog Hostess

1. The ______________________ is in Delhi.

2. The bunch of ______________________ is unripe.

3. Vini is walking with her ______________________ in the ______________________ .

4. The hungry cat ran after the ______________________ .

5. The host and the ______________________ waited for their guests.

T. Choose the correct pronouns from brackets and fill in the blanks.

1. My father and I are going to the market. ____________ (We / They) will buy vegetables.

2. A dog is sleeping in the park. ____________ (It / He) is brown.

3. Rahul is my friend. _____________ (He / She) gave me flowers on my birthday.

4. Alisha and Ankita are sisters. ____________ (Them / She) are never late to school.

5. This is Vishal’s pen. Please give ____________ (we / it) to ___________________ (them / him).
U. Complete the table with adjectives.

Adjectives - er - est

1. ______________________ Shorter Shortest

2. ______________________ Older ______________________

3. small ______________________ ______________________

4. ______________________ ______________________ Deepest

5. ______________________ Faster ____________________

Chapter: 8 Verbs

A. Underline the verbs in the following sentences.

1. A hen lays eggs.

2. Mrs Mehta teaches us English.

3. Ronnie likes mangoes.

4. A farmer works in the field.

5. Sagar runs very fast.

B. Tick (✓) the suitable verbs in the following sentences.

1. A horse (brays / gallops) in the field.

2. A baby (crawls / sleeps) in a cot.

3. A monkey (jumps / walks) from one tree to another.

4. Sahil (plays / sings) cricket in the evening.

5. A student (draws / dances) in her sketchbook.

C. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the verbs given in the strip below.

Hiding Pushing Playing Running Skipping Enjoying Sitting

This is a park in Pushpa Vihar. It is evening time. Some children are _________________________

with a ball. A woman is ____________________________ a pram with her baby in it. Two woman
are ________________________ on the bench. Some men are ________________________ on the

grass. A little girl is ___________________ on the bench. Two boys are _____________________

behind a bush. They are all _________________________ themselves.

D. Some are nouns (naming words) and verbs (doing words) are given in two strips below.
Choose the correct ones and fill in the blanks in the sentences that follow. Take the help of the


teeth hair rope horse apple tree


combing brushing riding skipping cutting sitting

1. Rahul is _________________ his _________________ teeth.

2. Sonali is _________________ he _________________ .

3. Reena is __________________________________.

4. Amit is _________________ a _________________.

5. The owl is _________________ on a _________________ .

6. Mrs Mehta is _________________ an _________________ .

Chapter: 9 Is, Am, Are

A. Fill in the blanks with the verbs is, am or are.

1. Mumbai ______________ the business centre of India.

2. We ______________ the students of Happy School.

3. You ______________ drinking orange juice.

4. He ______________ is a naughty boy.

5. I ______________ writing in my notebook.

6. The boys ______________ playing football.

B. Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the underlined verbs with correct ones.

1. There is many animals in the zoo.


2. A dog are under the table.


3. There is many puppies playing in the park.


4. Mr Khan are my English teacher.


5. I is going to play cricket.


C. Use is or are in the following sentences.

1. The cat ______________ under the chair.

2. Some books ______________ on the table.

3. The fruits ______________ in the bowl.

4. The children ______________ making a lot of noise.

5. Some birds ______________ on the branch.

Chapter: 10 Was, Were

A. Fill in the blanks with verbs was or were.

1. Last year, I ______________ studying at the Central School.

2. We ______________ going to the market when the bus broke down.

3. I ______________ not happy with my result.

4. He ______________ not in school last friday.

5. They ______________ the best team of the year.

6. Soha ______________ hurt, so she started crying.

7. Dhruv ______________ studying last night.

8. They ______________ at the beach yesterday.

9. Sanjay ______________ going with his mother in the car when it started raining.

10. Ms Ekta ______________ teaching us when one of the students fell from the chair.

11. The students ______________ thrilled to go out for a picnic.

B. Use am, is, are, was or were to fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

1. Yesterday, Samik ______________ tired and could not go to the fair.

2. Now I ______________ a student of class 2.

3. Last year I ______________ in class I.

4. They ______________ studying when I entered the room.

5. Nobody ______________ absent yesterday.

6. Rita ______________ helpful and kind, so everyone likes her.

7. Dogs ______________ faithful animals.

8. The dog ______________ barking At the stranger when Mr Gupta opened the door.

9. ______________ you planning to attend the meeting tomarrow?

10 Where ______________ you an hour ago?

Chapter: 11 Has, Have, Had

A. Fill in the blanks with the verbs has, have or had.

1. Leela ______________ a new red dress.

2. all the boys ______________ their own cricket bats.

3. Yesterday, Roma was absent as she ______________ fever.

4. Rahul and Rehman ______________ many story books.

5. She ______________ a cold.

B. Use has, have or had in the following paragraph.

Ar present, Neha ________________ three pets. She ________________ one dog and two puppies.

The dog ________________ long ears. The puppies ________________ short ears. Earlier, she

________________ a fish bowl too.

C. Fill in the blanks using the correct verb from the brackets.

1. My mother ________________ (has / have) the car keys.

2. Rajat ________________ (had / has) two balloons yesterday.

3. Today he ________________ (have / has) only one.

4. I ________________ (has / have) five red roses.

5. She ________________ (has / have) a pet cat named Toto.

6. we ________________ (has / have) many charts in our classroom.

Chapter: 12 The Boy Who Ran Away

A. complete the following sentences.

1. Mother Teresa saw the little boy on ________________________________________________.

2. Children’s Home is a place where ________________________________________________


3. The boy had run away to ________________________________________________________

4. He said that his home was ________________________________________________________

5. The little boy and his mother got ___________________________________________________


B. Answer the following questions.

1. Where did the nuns take the little boy?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


2. What did the nuns do to the little boy at the children’s home?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


3. What did the little boy do at night?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


4. Where did the nuns reach when they followed the boy?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


5. Why did the boy run back to his mother every night?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


A. Underline the verbs in the following in the following sentences.

1. Ram swims in the pool.

2. The children play in the garden.

3. Ashria talks to her friends.

4. Minny jumps on the sofa.

5. Radhika eats cookies.

6. Madhu brings her lunch every day.

7. The hen lays eggs.

8. Mohini listens to music.

9. Sujata sleeps early.

10. Birds fly in the sky.

B. Identify the verb in each set and write it in the corresponding blank.

1. Run Giraffe Umbrella ___________________________

2. Song Walk Crocodile ___________________________

3. Joker Cat Sleep ___________________________

4. Hat Bench Fly ___________________________

5. Apple Bus Climb ___________________________

6. Broom Frock Laugh ___________________________

7. Frog Tortoise Wash ___________________________

8. Pizza Think Tomato ___________________________

C. Fill in the blanks with correct form of verbs from those given in brackets.

1. ___________________________ you busy? (Is / Are)

2. ___________________________ that your bag? (Am / Is)

3. ___________________________ I disturbing you? (Am / Are)

4. ___________________________ you sleepy? (Am / Are)

5. ___________________________ he said? (Is / Am)

D. Fill in the blanks with is, am or are.

1. Avika and her cousins ___________________ studying in the same school.

2. I ________________ late for the music class.

3. Miss Khanna ________________ my neighbour.

4. Mahika and Ishan _______________ football players.

5. The cat _______________ drinking milk.

6. The monkeys ________________ climbing trees.

7. How _________________ you?

8. Where ________________ my bag?

9. She _______________ in the garden.

10. I ________________ eating an apple.

11. My friends ___________________ coming to my home.

12. She ___________________ a very intelligent girl.

13. He ___________________ a doctor.

14. We ___________________ going for a picnic.

E. Fill in the blanks with was or were.

1. The cake ___________________ delicious.

2. I ___________________ playing with my sister.

3. We ___________________ at the market last Saturday.

4. It ___________________ raining yesterday.

5. My mother and sister ___________________ sitting in the car.

6. The girls ___________________ not in their room.

7. I ___________________ talking to my grandmother.

8. You ___________________ making noise in the classroom.

9. Rita ___________________ not well.

10. They ___________________ planting trees.

11. The cat ___________________ drinking milk.

12. It ___________________ cold yesterday.

13. The kids ___________________ playing in the dark.

14. Saloni ___________________ angry.

15. You ___________________ talking to Rahul.

16. Tina and Monica ___________________ at the shopping mall.

17. It ___________________ my mistake.

18. We ___________________ the winners last year.

19. It ___________________ a boring party.

20. Vishal ___________________ playing in the park.

F. Fill in the blanks with has or have.

1. I ___________________ some work to finish.

2. My mother ___________________ a blue saree.

3. Avinash ___________________ your notebook.

4. They ___________________ a lot of luggage to carry.

5. She ___________________ a pet dog.

6. We ___________________ a good plan for the vacation.

7. Do you ___________________ my pen?

8. Rekha ___________________ a colourful umbrella.

9. I ___________________ an interesting story to tell you.

10. They ___________________ a new camera.

11. Shekhar ___________________ a younger brother.

12. Ou r school ___________________ a basketball court.

G. Fill in the blanks with has, have or had.

1. Mona ______________ a care. She drives the car to office every day.

2. Sara ______________ an extra pen with her. So, she gave one to me.

3. Sameera ______________ a colourful bag. Someone stole it yesterday.

4. Earlier, Rashid ______________ a pet bag.

5. Shikha ______________ a pet bag.

H. Fill in the blanks using the correct verb from those given in brackets.

1. Paroma ______________ ( am / has) a pet cat.

2. The students ______________ (had / are) singing songs.

3. The baby ______________ (is / had) drinking milk.

4. I ______________ (am / are) going to see a football match.

5. My parents ______________ (was / were) in Nagpur yesterday.

6. Sujit and Ruth ______________ (have / has) lots of story books.

7. It ______________ (was / had) raining Last night.

8. Ali ______________ (had / have) a holiday yesterday.

I. Fill in the blanks with the -ing forms of the verbs given below.

Sing Fly Sit Run Comb

1. The birds are ______________ in the sky.

2. Rajul is ______________ a song.

3. Mrs Sen is ______________ on a bench in the park.

4. Sheila’s mother is ______________ her hair.

5. The policewoman is ______________ behind the thief.

J. Underline the verbs in the given sentences.

1. The ship sails in the sea.

2. The star twinkle at night.

3. Dolphins live in water.

4. The baby cries loudly.

5. The cow eats grass.

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